The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, March 02, 1893, Image 4

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    EE ————
Tbe Somerset County Star.
P. L. LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher.
Mgs. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as
mail matter of the Second class.
‘Tre STAR is published every Thursday, at Elk
Lick, Pa., at the following rates:
ne copy one year ..... Eaiwa
One copy six months
One copy three mont
One copy one month
Single copies ............
HOW TO REMIT.—Remit by postoffice
money order, registered letter, or bank draft.
Otherwise remittances will be at sender's risk.
Never send your personal check, if your resi-
dence is far away from here. Make all drafts,
orders, etc., payable to P. I.. Livengood.
ADVERTISING. — Transient Locar No-
TicEs, 10 cents a line for first insertion: 5 cents
a line for each additional insertion. To regular
advertisers, 5 cents a line straight, except when
inserted among local news or editorial matter.
No business locals will be mixed in with local
news or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a
line for each and every insertion.
EprroriaL Perrs, when requested,’ invariably
10 cents per line.
[LEGAL ADVERTISE ENTS at legal rates.
charged for at 5 cents a line, but all such mention
ns the editor sees fit to make concerning such
events, without anyone's request, will be gratis.
CARDS OF THANKS will be published free for
patrons of this paper, but non-patrons will be
charged 10 cents a line.
ResoLUTIONS OF RESPECT will be published for
5 cents a line.
made known on application.
No free advertising will be given to anything
of a money-making character. Nothing will be
advertised gratis in this paper, except free lec-
tnres, free sermons and all such things as are
free to the publie.
All advertisements will be run and charged for
until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less than
25 cents.
JOB PRINTING.—<Tue Star office has
first-class job printing equipments, turns out all
its work in the bes style of the art and at very
reasonable prices. THE Star does all kinds of
commercial work, poster and bill printing. and
on fact nearly everv kind of printing belonging
io the art. All job orders, whether by mail or
ttherwise, receive prompt attention.
B. & 0. R. R. TIME TABLE.
Until further notice passenger trains will be
due at Meyersdale, as follows:
No. 9—Pittsburg Express....... . ....2:50a m.
No. 63—Accommodation.. he Vie lo 9:20 a. m.
No. 11—Accommodation................ 5:07 p. m.
No. 5—Fast Mail...... i Wainiep snake DUNE, IN,
No. G—Fast Mail .... ............ ...11:12a. m,
No. 12—Accommodation. ............ 12:02 p. m.
No. 64—Accommodation..... ..... ....6:01 p. m.
No. 10—-N.Y. Express...... ...%....00 1:06 &. m.
Fancy colored Tissue Paper for sale at
‘Tur STAR office. Just the thing for la-
dies’ fancy work.
Call and Settle.
Having decided to close my hooks and
in the future sell only for cash, I hereby
notify all persons owing me to call and
settle. I need my money, so please pay
promptly and avoid trouble.
R. F. Tuomas. Boynton, Pa.
Get your blotters at THE Star office.
We keep the best.
Buy your Farm Wagons, Grain Drills;
Hay Rakes, Mowers and Binders of J. T.
Shipley. tf.
Mourning Paper and Envelopes for
sule at THE STAR office.
Buy vour Fertilizers of J. T'. Shipley.
Don’t get your Wedding Cards nniil
vou see our samples. Over 100 styles to
select from, at Tne STAR office,
J. T. Shipley just received a carload
of Buggies. tf.
The finest Invitation Cards in the coun-
ty. at THE Stan office.
If yon need a Dictionary, and want to
set the best, remember that the place to
ver it is at Tne Star office. We. sell
Webster's International, the best Dict on-
ary on earth, and at prices as low as the |.
lowest. Don’t be humbngged by pur
chasing an old reprint edition of Web-
ster, bearing such high-rounding names
as Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary,”
~The Original Webster's Unabridged,”
“The Great Webster's Dictionary.” ete.,
ete. All the reprint editions are a fraud
and a humbug, and we can prove it to
Old papers for sale at this office at 25
cents a hundred or 5 cents per dozen.
They make good wrapping paper. also
wood cartridge paper for the miners.
They are also ood to put under carpet,
on pantry shelves, ete.
The Blanks We Keep.
Tur Star keeps constantly on hand all
kinds of blanks, such as Notes, Receipts.
Probate Blanks, Criminal Warrants, Sum
mons Blanks, Natices of Claims Due,
Subpoenas. Commitments, Bonds, Mort-
rages, Deeds, Leases, ete, ete. Allthese
woods are put np in neat and convenient
form and sold dirt cheap. Call and in-
spect our stock when in need of such
Cabinet Photo. Envelopes for sale at
Tue Star office—just the thing you want
to send pictures away in.
Pipe Line and Vicinity.
What became of the guif-stream-miid-
winter prognosticator?
C. J. Burkholder and Nathan Keim are
busily engaged digging coal for R. M.
Frank Folk and Harry Maus are en-
gaged in extinguishing the fire in the
burning coal mine at Dennis Wagner's,
on what is known as the Sullivan farm.
S. 8. Folk. V. 8, is at present engaged
in bunting and trapping. Judging from
the peculiar odor with whieh our atmos-
large sum of money.
from a tree.
full particulars as to the exact location
of the fatal lesion.
R. M. Beachy sold 106 packages of his
horse tonic, one day, this week, at his
La grippe is raging among the equine
family in some parts of this locality.
David Byler and family, who previous-
lv occupied the Samuel Folk farm, will
occupy the tenement house of M. D.
Yoder, of Garrett county, Md., which
was formerly occupied by C. 8, Folk.
Mr. Folk bought Solomon S. Beachy’s
farm, on Keyser's Ridge, and recently
took possession of the same.
Solomon 8. Beachy and family, and L.
J. Swartzentruber and wife, left recently
for their new homes near Midland, in
Farquer county, Va.
So far, the sugar season has not been
a very good one in this locality.
Farmers should be on the alert for the
weevil. [It has ruined thousands of bush-
els of wheat in the United States. It is
a small beetle of a dark brown color.
Their presence in wheat causes it to heat
and spoil in a short time. It takes tuis
beetle but a short time to ruin an entire
John D. Yoder recently bought one of
G. D. Miller's new sugar evaporators.
Feb. 27th, 1893. OBSERVER.
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
Three days is a very short time in
which to cure a bad case of rhenmatism;
but it can be done, if the proper treat-
ment is adopted, as will be seen by the
following from James Lambert, of New
Brunswick, Ill.: “I was badly afflicted
with rheumatism in the hips and legs.
when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. [It cured me in three days.
I am all right today; and would insist on
every one who is afflicted with that terri-
ble disease to use Chamberlain’s Pain
Balin and get well at once.” 50 cent bot-
tles for sale by Copland, the druggist,
Meyersdale, Pa.
Quite a snow at present, and people
are making use of it,
People in this vicinity are making
preparations to boil sugar. They are ex-
pecting a good season,
» Rev. Garland closed his series of meet-
ings, last night, with three accessions to
the church.
The raccoon that had hid himself last
fall made his appearance again and
climbed the pole to the very top. He
scared the rooster so nad that he run till
he got bald-headed.
in this township.
The eandidate that offered a pair of
It was a clean sweep
socks for a vote is now in the bake oven.
Nelson . Bittner, the enterprising dis-
tiller, disappeared some time since with a
It is supposed that
he left for good. The wife and family
are very much troubled about the affair.
Cal Baker and family, fromm Hyndman,
visited relatives and friends in the vicini-
ty of Glencoe, recently.
Feb. 22nd, 1898. Prima Doxxa.
Cholerine in Pennsylvania,
Swickley, Penn.: We had an epidem-
ic of cholerine, as our physician called
it. in this place lately and-I made a great
hit with
(f. and Diarrhoea Remedy.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
I sold four doz-
en bottles of it in one week and have
since sold nearly a gross. This Remedy
did the work and was a big advertisement
: ATR for me.
Several persons who had been
troubled with diarrhoea for two or three
weeks were cured by a few doses of this
medicine. P,P, Kxarp, Ph. G.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Cop-
land, the druggist. Meyersdale, Pa.
Holding the Reins. .
The night was clear, the sleighing good,
The cutter seat not wide,
She snuggled close beneath the robe
T'o her fond lover's side.
The horse was spirited and jumped
With frequent tugs and strains,
Until she innocently said:
“Do let me hold the reins!”
They're married now, perhaps because
She was so helpful then.
She loves him well, and he loves her—
Well, in the way of men;
And yet in all their sweet delight
One sad thought makes him wince,
She held the reins that winter's night,
She held them ever since.
—Somerville Journal.
Mothers’ Recommendation.
We are acquainted with many mothers
in Centerville who would not be without
Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy in the
house for a good many times its cost, and
are recommending it every day. From
personal experience we can say that it
has broken up bad colds for our children.
—Centerville, South Dakota. Citizen.
50 cent bottles for sale by Copiand, the
druggist, Meyersdale, Pa.
Somerset Journalism 70 Years Ago.
Recently The Register was shown sev-
eral copies of The Somerset Whig pub-
and dying” in all its branches.
killed, Iast Saturday, by a falling limb Turkeyfogpt, inform the public that they. |
We have not learned the | will prosecute the business of ““fulling |
The latest foreign news contained in|
this issue is reprinted from London pa- |
pers of August 12.
For 1819 the paper is slightly enlarged
and contains a greater variety of reading
matter and some editorial comment. ‘Ed-
itor Patton appears to have had some
trouble with the Whig’s ‘‘devil,” as we
may infer from this ‘‘notice:” .
“All persons are hereby forbidden to trnst or
harbour Alexander McKnight, my apprentice,
who absconded from me on Tuesday the 24th
day of August last. J. PATTON.
Somerset, Sept. 2, 1819.
The same paper contains a list of the
manufactories and the number of men
employed in them at Pittsburg, showing
about two hundred small concerns em-
ploying 1192 men. Sheriff Geo. Piles
election proclamation appears. notifying
the qualified electors of the time and
place tor electing “two persons for mem-
bers of the House of Representatives, in
conjunction with Cambria county, two
persons for the office of sheriff of Somer-
set county, two persons for the office of
coroner of Somerset county, one person
for commissioner, one person for auditor,
and two persons for trustees of the Som-
erset Academy.” John Hindeman, Philip
Noon, and Jacob Blocher announce them-
selves as candidates for Representatives,
and. William Philson, Adam Bowling,
John McCarty, George Chorpening and
Jacob Ankeny publish cards requesting
tne support of their fellow citizens for
the office of Sheriff. :
That Yhe old-time newspaper man had
a fine sense of humor appears from the
Whig for October 14, 1819. Here isa
choice extract from a leader on the first
page: . ,
What do you quarrel so much about religion
‘“‘As though Christianity had cateh’d,”
What is’t? ‘‘on purpose to be scratch’d?”
There is a Halloo-Ballon about Universalism
and Calvinism, and Trinitarianism, and Uni-
tarianism and every other Ism, that it's enough
to give any man the Rheumatism, and Skepti-
cism. and Cochranism, and every bad Ism that
can be conceived of. Better go to work, soberly,
righteously and piously and work out your salva-
tion with fear aud trembling. This is no laugh-
ing matter.
And here is another:
And how ist with ye about paying your print-
er's bills? Now if a paper is worth taking, it's
worth paying for; and if it is not worth taking.
the best way is to drop it and let the printer go
about other business; Isn't Uncle Sam right
here? He! he! he! Pay up your arrearages and
a little in advance and that will put the writers,
and journeymen, and apprentices all in good
humor, and they’ll make you laugh as much in
one week as will be worth a whole year’s sub-
scription. Hah! hah! hah!—Goodbye to ye.
Hah! he! he!
A Popular Competition.
The Publishers of the Ladies’ Home Magazine
presents its great Winter Competition to the pub-
lic of America. This Competition closes on
April 30th, 1893.
QuEesTIONs.—1. Which is the longest book in
the New Testament? 2. Which is shortest? 3.
The longest verse? 4. The shortest?
How To CoMPETE.—Write the questions down,
and follow with the answers. Mail this to us,
together with $1 to pay for six months subserip-
tion to the Ladies’ Home Magazine—one of the
best Home Magazines of the day, and if your
answers are correct you will receive one of the
following prizes: $1000 in gold: $500 in gold;
$260 in gold; $100 in gold; 2500 Elegant Silver
Tea Sets; Organs; Pianos, &ec. Everything fair
and square. Send postal card for list of former
prize winners. Over $10,000 distributed during
the past two years. Address: THE Lapies HoMe
MAGAZINE, Peterborough, Canada.
It Has Cured Others!
The Dr. G. F. Webb Elec-
tro-Medical Appliances are the
best now made for the cure of
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Paraly-
sis, Loco-Motor, Ataxia, Lost
Seminal Weakness, etc.
Manhood, General
© The only appliance that has been Success-
ful in the cure of DEAFNESS.
The Dr. C. F. Webb Electrical Ap-
pliances cure Sciatica, Prolapsus, Chlorosis,
Leucorrhoea, Painful Menses, Sick Headache,
Seminal Weakness, Incontinence, Effects of
Onanism, Spermatorrhoea, Sterility, Ysiotery;
Paralvsis, Diabetis, Nervous Debility, Insomnia,
Lumbago, Kidney Complaints, Hernia, Spinel
Disease, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Epilepsy, ete.,
lished prior to 1820, brown with age, but |
in excellent preservation. They contain |
and in point of typography compare well
with the average work of modern news-
paper printers.
The Whig's motto was, “Don’t give up |
the ship.” It was a four-eolumn folio in |
form, and confined itself chiefly to the |
general news. some local matter, reports |
of the bank note exchange, and advertise
Among the curiosities in the ad-
vertising columns of the issue of Dec. 11.
1817, is a
3ebhart, |
notice of Herman
phere is scented these cold mornings, we
Folk is a |
successful trapper. |
Henry Winterburg, a prominent citi- |
zen Of Grantsville,
must necessarily infer that Dr.
hatter, of Connellsville, who announces |
that he intends selling headgear of his |
own manufacture ‘at a moderate price, |
for cash, or approved country produce.” |
the imprint of John Patton as printer, |
| scribes treatment.
The only Successful treatment known. Thou-
sands of testimonials. Send 10 cents for “Elec-
tro-Medical Theory and Practice” which de-
mention this paper.
B. B. Bliss, lowa Falls, la.
S. Lowry & Son,
at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all
kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all
kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also
and all funerals entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention
was accidentally ! John McCarty and Wm. Chambers, of 2% WE MAKE EMBALMING A SPECIALTY, '
£2 [iE 2
- -» ws
S* bleomeiis
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T<ulzelsl 2
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tw paEaz -
SS I|n eins 25:3
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e> |fxmiiis
oe gold 255
sU)ceE 25:2
yp alse 3
= pod aise
ec” |p5oss 3
FT m
Duplex Sewing Machine.
Sews either Chain or Lock
stitch. The lightest running,
most durable and most popu-
lar machire in the world.
Send For Catalogue.
Best Goods. Best Terms.
Agents Wanted.
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
John J. Livengood,
All classes of work turned out in a neat and
substantial manner and at reasonable prices, If
you are not aware of this, we can soon convince
you if you give us your work.
WW. F. Garlitz,
Expressmanand Drayman,
does all kinds of hauling at very low prices. All
kinds of freight and express goods delivered to
and from the depot, every day. Satisfaction
R.B. Sheppard,
Barber and Hair Dresser.
All kinds of work in my line done in an ex-
pert manner.
My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the
scalp clean and healthy.
1 respectfully solicit your patronage.
Place Your Orders For
Chimney Pipe,
Read, Ponder, Reflect and Act,
Act Quickly. Come and
whether you can’t buy doods cheaper here than
elsewhere in the county.
in every department. Do you need a pair of fine shoes? |
carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need a pair Bro-
gans? I have the best and cheapest in town. Does your
wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very low..
You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be pleased to sub-
mit my prices. I keep a full line of such goods as belong to
a first-class general merchandise store.
I desire to close out my stack of Men's clothing. . Great
bargains are offered in Suits, Overcoats and Pantaloons.
“The early bird catches the worm.” 3 =
I would announce to my patrons and prospective patrons
that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebrated
Walker Boots and Shoes. I also carry a lire of the Fams
ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, Blouses,
Shirts, etc. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting a
continuance of same, I remain very respectfully
J. L. BARCHUS, Salisbury, Pa.
BUSINESS Established In 1857!
Jer. J. Livengood & Son,
Carriages, Buggies, Pha-
etons, Spring Wagons,
Seighs, Ete.
Any kind of a vehicle built to order, on short notice and at rock bottom prices.
Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done. We also do general blacksmithing. Bring iu
your old buggies, carriages, etc., and have them painted and made to look as well as new. Don't
drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, when you can have them painted at a small cost.
Give us yonr trade. We guarantee to please you in both workmanship and prices. Thanking
you for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are very respectfully
Jer. J. Livengood & Son, Salisbury, Elk Lick P. 0., Pa.
To tio World's Fair!
The only consideration is that yon buy your goods at L. Morrell's Mafamoth Fu rniture rooms,
where you will find a well selected stock of all kinds of Furniture, Carpet Sweepers, Window
Shades, Wall Paper and border of all descriptions, Queensware, Glassware and everything per
taining to a first-class Furniture and House Furnishing Store. All Furniture Home made and
guaranteed No. 1. You will also find one of the grandest, best and most complete stock of
Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines
to be found in the state. The Chicago Cottage Organ 1s FINE, taking the lead wherev
Get no other. The Gabler and Schubert Pianos are just eRaNpD—what everybody wan
a happy home, Ran
The New Home and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines stand at the head of
best in the world. Get no other. All goods sold CHEAP FOR CASH 0
Now, remember, on all the above goods you get rock BOTTOM cash prices, and every dollar's
worth bought and paid for, before Sept. 1st, 1893, entitles you to one red ticket, and 256 red tick.
ets entitle the holder to one first-class round-trip ticket to the World's Fair, free of charge. Tick-
ets are all transferable, and the lucky holder draws the prize. Do not miss the opportu it f
lifetime, but come and go with us. : i hy ote
Get your tickets of
Main Office, Meyersdale, Pa.
er known.
ts to make
the list—the
I On easy payments,
Large branch stores at 63 Balto. St.,
Cumberland, Md., and
Masonic Temple, Altoona. Pa.
This hotel is large and commodious and is in
every way well equipped for the accommodation
of the traveling public. It is situated just a few
steps from the depot, which is a great advantage
to guests, Board by the day, week or month at
reasonable rates. This is a licensed hotel ang
keeps a fine assortment of pure, choice liquors,
k A Cood Livery In Connection.
orses bought, sold or traded. Your patron-
age solicited and courteous treatment assured,
—Manufacturers Of —
Pine, Hemlock and Qa)
Having purchased the Beachy tract of
timber, adjoining the borough of Salis
Insurance Agency Of
Wm. B. COOK,
Meyersdale, " Penna.
Agen for a full line of the best American
and Horeign companies, representing over
Forty-four Million Dollars of asselts.
PROMPT ATTENTION given to set-
tlement of claims. W. B. COOK,
M. F. SMITH, : Agent,
General Solicitor and Collector.
Having again embarked in the Grocery and
Confectionery business, Iwill be pleased to wait
upon all my old customers, and as many new
ones as possible, and I invite the public generally
to call and
I shall keep nothing but first-class goods, and
my prices will be found aslow as the lowest, | PUY. We are especially well prepared to
No pains will be spared to please my customers | furnish first-class Chestnut Fencing Posts
and give them honest value for their money which i a
e : we will sell at very reas
Yours for bargains; BY very reasonable
|D. I. HAY, Hay’s Block,
Salisbury. Pa.
"Pat.jan, 2
$0906 ¢
The often