inal ern iad ol gris a i . - rT a 1 ¥ ¥ 3 } J, 5 Wr gr ragga The Somerset VOLUME IL. SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY s, 1893. NUMBER 4. "P. S. Established 1852. HAY, —DEALER IN— {ENERAL -. MERCHANDISE. [he pioneer and leading Seneral store in Satis for 1 largely increased trade. bury for nearly a half century. I or this Columbian year, 1893, special efforts will be made Unremitting and active in an- ticipating the wants of the people, my stock will be replen- ished from time to time and found complete, and sold at pri- ces is low as possible, consistent with a reasonable business profi t. Salisbury, Pa., Jan. 2d, 1898. Thanking you or past favors, and soliciting your very valued patronage, I remain yours truly, P. S. HAY, \ Hardware! Hardware! Dc you know that BEACHY BROS, keep the fullest line of Cook wd Heating Stoyes on the market-—also Gans and Ammunition, Harness, Puint. and Oils, Lap Robes, Horse Blankets? ROGERN {27°And don’t you forget it BEST SILVERWARE! Call on us for your Christmas and Wedding Presents in this line. We also have Buggies, Wagons, Spring Wagons and Road Wagons, which we will sell at this season at bottom prices. we will have Sleighs on hand as soon as the fleecy flakes appear. Headlight Qit only i5 cents per gallon. : Mrs. S. A . Lichliter, — Dealer In All Kinds Of — . GRAIN, FLOUR And FEED. ground feed for stock, and Royal. GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Neat Oat Meg, and Lima Beans. All Grades of Sugar, ineluding Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes. fe lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to my regular customers. Store in STATLER BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. CORN, OATS, MIDDLINGS, “RED DOG FLOUR,” FLAXSEED MEAL, in short all kinds of “CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock. i * All Grades of F'lour, wmong thém **Pillsbury’s Best,” the best flour in the world, dVienna,” “Irish. Patent,” ‘Sea Foam" 1 also’handle These goods are principally bought in car re you going to make any? If so, you had {sl Hw you ‘Christmas Gifts! better begin to look around. Don’t wait until the last minute, when everybody around you is in a hurry. Come now, while we have time to THESE FINE PRESENTS: 5 Manicure Sets, Plush Work Boxes, Shaving Sets, Mustache Cups, Toilet Sets, Portfolios, Photo- graph Boxes, Whisp Holders, Ladies’ Pocketbooks, Drums, Games. Collar and Cuff Boxes, Plush | 1 oxes of Letter Paper, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Bibles, Testaments, “Cheerful . Hours,” “Robinson Crusoe,” “Uncle Tom's Cabin,” ete. ! Also have a nice line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Ties, jearfs, Kid Gloves, Fine Linen Towels, Fascinators and Hoods, Ladies’ and Chil- Iren’s Muffs, Jewelry and Clocks, Gents’ Embroidered Slippers, Fine Suspenders, Geo. K. Walker. Salisbury, Dec. 14th, 1892. City Meat Market, N. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh {meat always on hand. If you want good steak, go 0 Brandler. ~ If you want a good roast, go Brandler. . Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. 3 Hongst weight and lowest living“prices at Brandler’s, HICHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR HIDES. Santa Claus will find me prepared to fur- nish Toys and Fancy Articles for young and old, at rock bot- tom prices. Have also received a fresh and nicely selected stock of Candies, Cakes, Nuts, Foreign Fruit, Oysters, etc. Call, Examine and Buy. Wm. Petry, Elk Lick, Pa. ETATLER BLOCK) erations. | Duplex Sewing Machine. Sews either Chain or Lock stitch. The lightest running, most durable and most popu- lar machine in the world. Send For Catalogue. Best Goods. Best Terms. Agents Wanted. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Wahl's Meat Market is headquarters for everything usually kept ina first-class meat market. The Best of Everything to be had in the meat line always on hand, in- cluding FRESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA and Fresh Fish, in Season. Come and try my wares. Come and beecon- vinced that I. handle noue but the best of goods. Give me your patronage, and if I don’t treat you square and right, there will be nothing to compel you to continue buying of me. You will find that I will at all times try to please you. COME OIN and be convinced that I ‘can do you zood and that I am not trying to make a fortune in a day. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage, and soliciting a continuance and increase of the same, I am respectfully, Casper Wahl. West Salisbury ROYAL ROLLER MILLS, headquarters for Fancy Flour, Grain, Feed, Ete. Custom exchange and chop- ping done promptly with best satisfaction. Gill's Best Patent Flour a specialty. Il. A. Reta, Elklick, Pa. H. H. Reitz, Elk Lick, Pa., —Shipper Of — Pure Pennsylvania Coun- try Apple-butter. Guaranteed to be absolute- ly pure and free from all adult- ~ Made of apples and pure cider only. Try it and you will use no other. THE WILLIAMS HOTEL, WEST SALISBURY, PA. (Elk Lick P. 0.) This hotel is large and commodious and isin every way well equipped for the accommodation of the traveling public. It is situated just a few steps from the depot, which is a great advantage to guests. Board by the day, week or month at reasonable rates. This is a licensed hotel and Keeps a fine assortment of pure, choice liquors. A Good Livery In Connection. Horses bought, sold or traded. Your patron- age solicited and courteous treatment assured. THOMAS S. WILLIAMS, PROPR. WHEELER And WILSON NEW HIGH ARM J. A. BERKEY, ATTORNEX-AT-T.ATK SOMERSET, Pa. J. C. LOWRY, ATTORNEY -AT-L.AYN, SoMERsET, PA. BRUCE LICHTY, PIT TSICI AI and STURGECLY, ! GRANTSVILLE, MD, offers his professional services to the people of Grantsville and vicinity. 3 Residence at the National house. Dr. D. O. McKINLEY, tenders his professional services to those rong ing dental treatment. Office ou Union St., west of Brethren Church, ir A. F. SPEICHER, Physician And Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Office, corner Grant and Union Sts., Salisbury, Penna. A. M. LICHTY, Physician And Surgeon. Office first door south of the M. Hay corner, SALISBURY, PA. WW. BF. Garlitz, Expressmanand Drayman, does all kinds of hauling at very low prices. All kinds of freight and express goods delivered to and from the depot, every day. Satisfaction guaranteed. John J. Livengood, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, SALISBURY, PA. All classes of work turned out in a neat and substantial manner and at reasonable prices. If you are not aware of this, we can soon convince you if you give us your work. BILLMEYER & BALLIET, —Manufacturers Of— Pine, Hemlock and Oak Lumber. . Having purchased the Beachy tract of timber, adjoining the borough of Salis- bury. we are especially well prepared to furnish first-class Chestnut Fencing Posts, which we- will sell at very reasonable prices. : Bill Lumber a Specialty. NEW .". GROCERY! Having again embarked in the Grocery and Confectionery business, I will be pleased to wait upon all my old customers, and as many new ones as Dossible, and I invite the public generally to call and TRY MY WARES 1 shall keep nothing but first-class goods, and my prices will be found as low as the lowest. No pains will be spared to please my customers and give them honest value for their money. Yours for bargains, D. I. HAY, Hays Block, Salisbury, Pa. Br B Sheppard, Barber and Hair Dresser. All kinds of work in my line done in an ex- pert manner, My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the scalp clean and healthy. I respectfully solicit your patronage. CASPER LOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA., —DEALER IN— BOOTS and SHOES. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Give me your patronage, and I will try to please you." Insurance Agency Of Wm. B. COOK, Meyersdale, Penna. Agent for a full line of the best American and Foreign companies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of assets. PROMPT ATTENTION given fo sel- tlement of claims. W. B. COOK, M F. SMITH, Agent. General Solicitor and Collector. -| divorce lawyers. TOPIES find COMMENT, { THE silver question with the tramp— i How can I get a dime? YS . ~ Tur Freneh are living up to their rep- utation of being the most mercurial peo- ple on earth. IT begins to look as though Uncle 8am might have to choose between making love to Miss Canada and thrashing her. CaampioN Jim CORBETT is demonstrat- ing anew the difficulty a man has in be- in a gentleman and a prize-fighter at one and the same time. THERE is one kind of speculation in which the pauper and the millionaire are on the same footling—guessing at Mr. Cleveland's cabinet. Ar last some use has been found for the cheap watches that never keep time. A jealous lover used one of them to frac- ture his sweetheart’s skull. ONE detective has found out something; he was an Irishman and he kicked a dy- namite bomb. A big funeral was given the portions of him that were furnd, BRIBERY is as much at home in Ger- many as in France, in the United States. Human nature is the same every- where, and it is very full of weak spots. Taosk [daho dinmond fields muy be all right, but what has been made public about them carries earmarks that are sus- piciously like our old friend, the veal es tate boom. or THE articles in the newspapers about the ‘chosen seven” do not refer to Mr. Cleveland’s cabinet, but to an eccentric religious sect which has been started in Michigan. THE man who spends all of his time bemoaning the departure of the ‘‘good old times” and failing to appreciate the good of the present time, cannot be called a wise man. IF more parents would remember that a good cook adds more happiness to a home than a poor musician, there would be a large falling-off in the business of . THE egg-throwing fever broke out among the students of the Washington State Agricultural College, the other day, None of them died, but some of them had a smashing time. A TERRIBLE warning to those who use alcohol externally was given by a New York man, the other day. While yub- bing himself with alcohol he caught fire and was awfully burned. “Waisky is very tight” says the head- ing of an article in an exchange, on the corner in whisky. Well, even a worm will semetimes turn; whisky has long been making men “‘tight.” Carr. F. C. Crucarn, U. 8. A., com- mandant at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., is charged with having driven his soldiers to death. Humph! isn’t that one of the things for which a private soldier enlists? THERE is too much snobbery in this country. Why should detectives watch over the President-elect? This is not Russia, and Russian methods should not be countenanced by people of common sense, Prize FreaTerR MURPHY is not the Murphy whom Senator Hill would like to see as the next Senator from New York, Hill's Murphy is a wealthy genileman who made “his money purveying liquid refreshments of the intoxicating kind. SexaTor Vest says Indian Commis- sioner Morgan is 8a ‘narrow-minded big: ot,” and Commissioner Morgan savs that Vest’s ideas are ‘‘ignorant, superficial, impudent, pretentious, and ajtoge ‘her val- ueless.” Can it be possible that they are both right? THE delapidated condition of Abraham Lincoln’s monument is a disgrace to the state of Illinois and to this great nation. The resting place of the great immortal Lincoln should be honored by a monu- ment in comparison to which the monu- ment of Washington would be utterly insignificant. Kind-bearted, plain and lowly Lincoln was as high above proud and aristocratic: Washington as heaven is above earth. IN Buffalo a woman runs a street clean- ing bureau; in Kansas Citv a woman is in the fire department; at Vassar a woman combs hair at twenty-five cents per head; a Louisville lady makes special shopping trips to Paris, another in New Hampshire is president of a street railway company, while Chicago has a woman embalmer. And still they go on, taking up lines of business which a quarter of a century ago were labeled “hands off” by the sterner sex.—New York Telegram. My advice to the girls and women with respect been identified has always been to keep out of debt, to dress plainly 10 be careful in their behavior toward men, and as careful in their behavior toward wom: en; to be respectful to their employers and to be truthful; [ have not serupled to say to them that in my experience the most refined women have been those whose tastes in matters of dress have been most quiet and plain, and that the working girl should avove all things avoid extravagance in dress. I have found that girls and women are apt to run into debt for clothes, and whenever such cases have come to my knowledge | have proffered my assistance toward re- storing their credit npon the express stip- ulation that they should never again put a chain of that sort about their necks. — George W. Childs in Ladies’ Home Jour- nal. Tae closer the oils vote east in the recent Presidential election is analyzed the smaller the Democratic victory ap- pears. The attempt to make a landslide 14 ont of it was-abandoned as soon as it be- came evident that the Cleveland electors received only 29,000 votes more than were cast for the Cleveland electors of 1888, and that they are in a minority of nearly 1,000,000 on the popular vote. In the Northern States the Republican plu- rality reaches several hundred thousand, and what plurality Cleveland has was gained wholly in the solid South. Itis only necessary to point to Mississippi where there are at least 100,000 Republi- can votes and only 1000 were east, to Florida where there are 20,000 Republi- can votes and note were cast, and to Ala- bama where there are over 100,000 Re- publican votes and only 9000 were cast, to show just how valuable Mr. Cleve- land’s alleged plurality is. The farther the Democrats get away from the olec- tion the less satisfied they will be with it. —Philadelphia Press. GovERNOR FLOWER, of New York, has kept his word and reappointed Isaac H. Maynard to the vacancy on the bench of .| the Court of Appeais. the highest Court in the state of New York. He has taken this step in defiance of public opinion and of the expressed disapproval of the Bar Association of New York City. No more scandalous act was ever performed by a state Executive. Governor Flower knows that this Maynard is a thief, that be com- mitted an acknowledged crime, and yet, hecause this crime was done to aid the Democratic party, the bench of the high- est court in New York is to be bhefouled with the presence of the criminal. Such an act as placing a scoundrel on a judi- cial bench »ught, it wonld seem, to con- demn any Governor and any party in public estimation, bunt as the same facts were below the people last year, and they indorsed the Democracy at the elections, the Democratic leaders evidently believe they can do as they choose. ‘There ap- pears to be nothing to prevent them just now.—Philadelphia Press. PT TE IN these days when reverses in fortune are happenings of so frequent occurrence, the daughters of even very well-to-do parents should be taught the necessity of at least knowing one thing well. The girl who graduates from the fashionable school and regards her education finished knows—what? A smattering of music, a little French, not enough, however, to sustain a verv lengthy conversation with areal Frenchman; she may be able to paint a banch of pansies or a cross-eyed kitten; she may know how to warble forth two or three songs that she has been coached in for vears, or she could perhaps solve a problem in geometry or algebra if it were not teo difficult. Of course all this is quite sufficient if she never is ealled upon to be more than a social butterfly, but suppose the time comes when she must do something to help support the family. Which branch of all the studies she has ‘‘finished” does she know completely enough te now turn to good service? The bitter answer would be, not one, and she would be obliged to accept some position that paid but a pit- tance simply because when she had the opportunity she had not learned thing thoroughly. Girls, let it be your aim to master at least one subject: If you bave a taste for musie, study it so that your proficiency can be turned to profit; if it be cooking, painting. sewing, any language or science, do not dip into it ‘today and out of it to- morrow. Perfect yourself in something, and then when necessity calls upon vou to turn your talent to account vou will have something on which you can rely. —Philadelphia Times. : one Republicans, Attention! There will be a caucus held in the school house, at West Salisbury, on Sat- urday, Jan. 28th, 1893, at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating candi- dates for the several township offices. We earnestly solicit the attendance of all Republicans. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEEMAN, whose educational progresss I have in any Jorn P. VoaEr. & i i » de