The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, December 01, 1892, Image 4

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    or. | society.
Sal ‘is published every Raye s k
Tas ®'is pub! ay, at EI
Lick, 4] atl the ie following rates; >
oon, £0 nena BR
One 4 Ee
By ois wont
dence is far gel £h TN a Ho
ence ARKe Al Ta
orders, ete., EER oP. L. *ivengood.
§ for first insertion: 5 cents
4 line for additional insertion. To regular
vestisers, 3 ¢ ‘cents a line straight, except when
ert ng news or editorial matter.
No business aie will be mixed in with loeal
news or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a
line for Sach and every insertion.
Eptrorian Purrs, when requested, invariably
10 cents or line,
LreAL ADVERTISE EN. at legal rates. 3
A BRIAGE, BirrTH Ata Norioes wiil be
charged for atd oenis a yj Hon but all such mention
as the editor sees fit to make concerning such
ot anyone's request, be gratis.
s will be published free for
4 but non-patrons will be
is OF RESPROT wil! be published for
Raras Por Dispray AnvERTISEENTS will be
made known on application.
No Sree advertising.» will be given to anything
Anakin £ character. Nothing will be
1 this paper, except free lec
hone and all such things as are
All advertisements | will be run and charged for
until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement pi be taken for less than
25 cents.
—THE STAR office bas
aah, ass i ine quipments, 8, thins out all
~ finnoancements.
The Blanks We Keep.
Tae STAR keeps constantly on hand all
kinds of blanks, such as Notes, Receipts,
Probate Blanks, Criminal Warrants. Sum
mons Blanks. Notices of Claims Due,
Subpoenas, Commitments, Boaods, Mart-
rages, . Leases, st¢., ete. All these
goods are put up in, _nest and convenient
form and sold rt eheap. Call and. in-
‘kpeet our stock A in need of ‘such
goods: x
Buy your Fore fd. T sir.
Don't get your per Onrds’ nntil
you see ont gampl Over 100 styles 10
select from, 8 at THE BAR office.
dbp sal
4 Boy y Your Farm Wagons, Grain Drie,
kes, Mowers and 4 Binders of 3. T.
Shivteys pei 3 w% ) tf
The finest Invitation Cards in the coun-
ty, at ThE Stan office, |
IT Shipley. just’ received a onrload
+ of Buggies. if.
Old papers for sale at this ‘office at 25
cents a hundred or 5 cents per dozen.
They make good wrapping paper. also
good cartridge paper for the miners.
They are also good to put under carpet,
on pantry shelves, ele. =
A Handsome Christmas Present.
Christmas will soon be here, and if you
want to make your wife a handsome
present. eall at THE STAR office and buy
that handsome New Improved Wheeler
& Wilson Sewine Machine for her. Itis
the handsomiest and best Sewing Machine
ever shipped to this town, and the price
—well, it will make vou smile all over.
Hom. Daniel Fo Beatty, the great Organ and
Piano er, is building and st
tore Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr.
Beatty left homé a penniless plow-boy, and by
his indomitable will he has worked his way up
<0 as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty's Or-
gang and Pianos since. 1870. Nothing seems to
dishearten him; obstacleslaid in his way, that
wonld have wrecked any ordinary man forever,
he tars to an advertisement and comes out of it
brighter than ever. - His instruments, as is well
known, are very popular and are to be found in
all parts of the world. We are ‘informed that
during the next ten years: he intends to sell
200 000 more of his make. that means a business
of $20,000,000 if we average them at $100 each.
1¢ Js already the largest business of the kind in
existence—Send to Daniel ¥, Beatty, Washing-
ton, New Jersey, for Catalogue.
Cabinet Photo, Enyelopes for sale at
Tre Stan office—just the ¢ ting you want
to wend pictures sway
Fancy colored Tissue Paper for snle ‘at
Tae fiTAr office. Just the thing for la-
dies’ fancy work.
Get your blotters st’ THE BTAR office.
We keep the best. i
3 LH Rockwood. :
“Dosasional® is still in the land of the
A number of oor people may be met at
the Connty Institmte.
| We good Repnblicans haven't yet em-
“marked on Balt river. = We will tarry a
while and quietly observe our Democrat-
“ie friends start the ‘governmental ma-
chine” arunning,
Republicanism is at a low ebb: Demoe:
racy at flood tide.
Where's dat ‘coon? He's all right—96.
A full set of instruments have been or
dered for thie Rockwood CurnetBand.
The members desire to thank the public
for sn liberally ‘contributing and making
it possible to organi a first class band
A protracted’ meeting will be com:
menced on Thursday evening, in the M.
Brooks. their newly Ap-
pointed pastor, will officiate. We urge
‘ried at'the house of the bride's parents,
last Wednesday evening. They are
among the number of Rockwood’s best
We join hands with their many
friends in wishing them a happy. and
prosperous voyage on the sea of matri-
mony. : ; ~
C. L. 8. C., will meet at the residence
of Henry W. Werner, on Friday evening
of this week. Much interest is mani
fested in the work and the meetings are
. | regularly attended. We bespeak for the
continuance of the same and know that
beneficial results will be attained thereby
Rev: MeQhay, of the T1 'B. church,
preached an able sermon, jast Sundav.
‘Thanksgiving was observed: in its old
time glory at this piace. As usual, a
fatal day for “Mr Tarkey.”
Next to the credit of Rockwood will be
a new cornet hand. OCCASIONAL.
Nov. 20th, 1892.
The laws of health are taoght in the
schools; but not in a way to be of mitch
practical benefit and are never illustrated
by living examples, which in many cases
might easily be done, If some scholar
who has just contracted a ¢Hld was brought
before the school so that all conld hear
the dry, loud cough and know its signifi:
cance; see the thin white coating on the
tongue and later, as the cold developéd.
see the profuse watery expectoration and
thin watery discharge from the nose, not
one of them would ever forget what the
first symptoms of a cold were. The
scholar should then be given Chamber-
Iain’s Congh Remedy freeley, that al
might see that even a severe cold could
be eured in one or two davs, or atleast
greafly mitigated. when properly treated
a8 soon as the first symptoms Appear.
rv | This remedy is famous for its cures of
coughs, colds and eroup: Tt is made es-
pecially for these diseases and is the most
prompt and most reliable medicine known
for the purpose. 25 and 50 cent hottles
for sale by Copland, the Druggist, Mey-
ersdale, Pa.
4 Boynton,
Mrs W. W. Grove. is visiting relatives
{at Pair Hope, this week.
The members of the Boynton hunting
club have éhanged their aftention from
‘coons te turkeys, pheasants, ete. If they
will be as successful in the latter asin
the former, they will bring down a num-
ber of feathered beauties,
“Doney is the name of a. new town near’
| here, which owes its éxistence to the oil
| excitement of some time ago. The town
is one-fonrth mile north of Boynton and
promises 10 be the leading town of the
two, jn the near future. A store room is
“Lalreadv-built and will possibly be fur-
nished in the near future, and the site
| for a large hotel is selected. Work on
the latter will be pressed as fast as possi-
ble, and a change of the postoffice from
Boynton to Doney, “after March 4th, is
aniong the possibilities. Mr. Wm. Doney,
the founder of the town, is now living a
retired life.
Chas. May spent last Sunday at Hynd-
man, with parents. 8. H.F.
A son of Mr. M. D. Passer, a merchant
of Gibraltar, N. C., was so hadly afflicted
with rheumatism for a year or more as to
be unable to work or to go to school.
His futher concluded to try Chamberlain's
Pain Balm on the boy. It soon cured
‘him and he has since walked one and a
half miles to school snd back every day.
50 cent boftles for sale by Copland, the
Druggist, Meyersdale, Pa.
: Arthur, 1H.
We are having nice weather all fall
Some people are plowing for corn and
others are husking corn.
We have had no snow yet, and but one
good rain this fall.
Wheat was an average crop, oats a
poor crop, in general, corn about two-
thirds of a erop and hay a good crop.
Prices of grain, etc., are as follows:
Wheat, 55 to 60 cents; oats, 27 cents;
corn. 81 cents; hutter, 20 cents; eggs,
about 19 or 20 cents,
Noy. 22nd, 1892. JouN T. LEE..
For pain in the stomach, colic and
cholera morbus there is nothing better
than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Cop-
lan, the Druggist, Meversdale, Pa.
: Concerning the Defeat of President
EprTor STAR: —There are a great many
different opinions given in regard to the
causes of the defeat of the Republican
party. at the late election. I have no
doubt that the canses are qgunite numer-
ous. Some appear to think that the
‘Homestead strike’ bad something to do
with it, but T can not see that the girike
the election. either way, hut 1 have ne
doubt that things that happened while the
strike was going on had some effect.
For instance. the treatment that Private
‘Tama received at the hands of Col. Streat-
er and the sanctioning of it by the courts
of Allegheny conntv, Pa.. had the effect
to cause a great many voters throughout
the United States to come to the conclu-
and the law-making power.
equal, in ‘a government of the people.
in itself could have had much effect on
sion that it was about time to have a
change in the heads of the government
‘In a government that 18 founded on the
principle that all men are born free and
not want anv Jaws that will give one man, . ;
in the heat of passion. the power to de- ORGANS And PIANOS,
Fshaved. he ot ‘of your uniform, dis-]
"honorably discharged from the State
Guards, be forever disfranchised and be.
drummed out of camp.” The people do
not want laws that will Bive c one man the
power tocarry out such & “sentenge. with-
out having the man tried by a court, gith-
er military or civil, 10 ascertain whether
he is guilty of (reason or anything else;
and it is more than the majority of the
people of a free government are willing
to sanction.
7 have been a soldier in "a late war
and served in the capacity . of company
officer for three years, in active service.
From experience and observation I know
that no man, in any position is more hon-
ored. obeyed and respected than a brave,
generous, kind-heanted, humane military
officer. 1 have known men of that kind
commanding men “that every man in his
command was ready at all times to sacri-
fice his own life ‘to. ‘aave. the life of his
commander. But an officer who had that
kind of influence and ‘control over his
men never resorted to corporal punish.
ment for every imaginary breach of dis-
cipline or mistake ‘that one of his men
wonld make. A slight repremand was
all that was necessary. :
On the other hand, an excitable, ill-na-
tured, narrow-minded officer that was al-
ways ready and willing to inflict the se-
vercst corporal punishment on his men
for every mistake they might make, in-
variably came to grief. sooner or later.
He wonld soon be without a friend in
his entire command. His men would
naturally hate him and would do noth:
ing for Him. except what they were com-
pelled to do, and it would go from bad
to worse. In some instances he wonld
see that he was not master of the situa-
tion and would resign. Others would
try and fight it out and wonld hang on
too long, and sometimes in the next en-
gagemerit one of their own men wonld
kill them. which wonld be the end of it
From experience, I am satisfied in my
own mind that corporal punishment is
all wrong and should he aholished. 1
do not think that I am naturally a cow-
ard. I had a great deal to do with all
kinds of men. I have been on public
works where T had several hundred men
under my command at one time. and oft-
en times the very roughest kind of men;
but there never was a time that I had
reason 10 he afraid af any man doing me
bodily harm. But if ‘I were a military
officer. and wonld hang up one of my
men by the thumbs until he became un-
conscious, and then take him down and
shave one side of his head and face, and
then let him go without killing him, . I
would then begin to feel that I had better’
make peace with my God. 1 would feel
pretty confident that the first opporinni-
ty he got he wonld make an angel of me.
And if I ever did happen to cross his
path, and he wouldn’t at least try to as:
sassinate me, 1 wonld feel like stringing
him up again and shaving the other side
of his head and face for being a fool.
Mr, Carleton, Aged 88, Was Ready, .
Thirteen years ago Mr. Carleton bought
in Buffalo the pine lumber for his coffin,
kept it seasoning in his own house for
three years, and then brought it to War-
saw for the coffin to he made immediate-
ly. It was 7 teet 4 inches long, ashe
wished it to be “roomy and comforiable,”
painted white inside and black outside,
It was Mr. Carleton’s intention to take
the coffin home, in ordef that it might be
“handy” when required. but his wife de-
murring fo this, it remained in Lawrence's
undertaking rooms during the last ten
years. The remains of the eccentric’ man
were placed in it on Tuesday.
At the sume time the order was given
for the coffin, in October, 1882, Mr, Carle-
ton also contracted with Hugh Curry to
dig for him, when required. a wide. deep
grave, to be laid up with brick; and with
John Hanigan for a tombstone in. the
shape of a miniature house with windows,
doors and chimneys, and over the front
door the words, “Home, Sweet Home.”
The monument was constructed and has
ever since heen in Mr. Hanigan’s marble
warehouse. Monday Mr. Curry went to
Carleton Hill, in Middlebury, and made
the grave according to contract and Mr.
Hanigan will soon place the monument
at its head.—Cor. Buffalo Courier.
govern yourself accordingly:
Minehaba Flour, per barrel
Pillsbury’s Best, perbarrel...... ..... oil
Vienna Flour, per barrel
Reitz's Best, per barrel,
Becker Flour, per barrel. ...
Stanton’s Buckwheat Flour, per »
Shelled Corn, per bushel
White Oats, per bushel
Salt, per sack
Mining Powder... .. i iievvernsbisasins v1.40
Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Feed at
Bottom Prices.
Give me a call and. 1 will save you
y 2
for the people and by tlie people, they do B BA w w w BD
For Catalogues, Address
Look at the following quotations and’
. \ ’ 0 ; v
Having again embarked in the Grocery and
Cotifectionery business, T will be pleased to wait
upon ‘all my: old customers, and 48 many new
ohes RE possible, dnd I invite the public generally
sud a :
1 shall keep nothing’
my prices will be ‘found pig as. the lowest,
No pains will be spared to
and give them honest alue for their money.
Yours for bargains, an
Sal “ha
—Manufacturers Of—
Pine, Hemlock and Oak
Having purchased ‘the Beachy tract of
timber, adjoining the borough of Salis-
bury. we are especially well prepared to
furnish first-class Cliestiat Féncing Posts,
which we will sell at very Teusunabie
prices. ©: - end
Repairing o of all kinds done with neatness and
dispatch ive me your patronage, and Iwill
try to Please you.
City Meat Market,
N. Brandler, Proprietor.
A choice assortment of fresh
meat always on hand.
If you want good steak, go
to Brandler.
If you want a good roast, go
to Brandler.
Brandler gulrente es to
please the most fastidious.
living prices at Brandler’s. .
Insurance Agency Of
Wm. B. COOK,
Meyersdale, Penna.
Agent for a full line of the best American
and Foreign companies, representing over
Forty-four Million Dollars of assetls.
Uement of claims. Ww. B. COOK, -
M, F. SMITH, Agent,
General Solicitor and Collector.
8S. Lowry & Son,
at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all
kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all
kinds of gonds belonging to the business. Also
and all funerals entrusted to ns will receive
prompt attention
D. I. HAY, Hay's Block, |
Bill hla Stocialy,
Honest weight and lowest
PROMPT ATTENTION given to set:
WEST SALISBURY, PA. (Elk Lick P. 0.)
This hotel is large and commodious and is in,
every way well equipped for the accommodation
of the traveling public. _ It is situated just a few
to guests. Board by the day, week or mouth at
reasonable rates, This is a licensed hotel and
keeps a fine assortment of pure, choice liquors.
A Good Livery In Connection.
Horses bought, sold or traded. Your patron-
age solicited and courteous treatment assured.
R.B. Sheppard,
| Barber and Hair Dresser.
Al kinds of work in my line done in an ex-
pert manner,
My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the
sealp clean and healthy.
1 respecifully solicit your patronage.
The Salisbury foundry has been purchased by
M. Knecht & Son, who have remodeled the plant
and now have it in operation adjoining the depot
grounds at West Salisbury.
Machinery Repairs of All Kinds
will be turned out in good shape and on short
steps from the depot, which is a great advantage |
are ; Do mot :
Sostpt a Subsiiute, If your druggist does’
not sell them send 10c. or 2bc. in
Read, Ponder; Reflee ane Ae :
Act Quickly. Come and i
in every department.
carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need a pair Br
gans? I have the best and cheapest in town. Does you
wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very low.
You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be pleased tosub-
mit my prices. I keep a full line of such goods as Selec io
a fest £lass gencral merchandise ¢ store.
“The early bird catches the worm.”
I would announce to my patrons and. PHOSpECvE
that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebrated
Walker Boots and Shoes. I also carry a line of the Fame
ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, Blouses,
Shirts, etc. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting a a
continuance of same, I remain very respectfully = “<0
J. L. BARCHUS, Salisbury, Pa.
BUSINESS Established In 1857!
Jer. J. Livengood & Son,
Carriages, Buggies, Pha-
etons, Spring Wagons,
Mleighs, Ete.
Any kind of a vehicle bulit to order, on short notice and at rock bottom rices. : :
Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done. We also do general blacksmithing. prio no
your old buggies, carriages, etc., and have them painted and made to look as well as new, ‘Don
drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, when yon can have them painted at a small cost.
Give us your trade. We guarantee to please you in both workmanship and prices. Thanking ae
you for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are very respectfully
Jer. J. Livengood & Son, Salisbury, Elk Lick P. O., Pa.
o the rld’s ir!
To the World’s Fair!
The only consideration is that you buy your goods at L. Morrell's Mammoth Furniture rooms,
whereyon will find a well selected stock. of all kids of Furniture, Carpet Sweepers, ‘Window Sl
Shades, Wall Paper and border of all descripti and everythl
taining to a first-class’ Furniture and House Pe store, All Furniture ovine for.
guaranteed No. 1. You will also find one of the grandest, best and most complete stock of
Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines
to be found in the state. The Chicago Cottage Organ 1a FINE, i :
Get no other. The Gabler and Selivbers Planog pig JUST a yitg the lord Wherover ows. :
a happy home, 3
The New Home and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines stand list—th
best in the world, Get no other, ‘Al ‘goods sold dy FOR CASH OT on, tthe Dead of the 2 :
Now, remember, on all the above goods you
worth bought and paid for, before Sept. 1st, 1808, entitles you to one red ticket, and 266 red tick-
ets entitle the holder to one first-class round-trip ticket to the World's Fair, free of Gharge. “Piek:
ets are all transferable, and the lucky holder draws. he prize. Do not miss the Opportunity of a
{| tifetime, but come and go with us.
Get your tickets of
‘ROCK BOTTOM cash prices, and every dollar's 8
= own
: Lire
an Ty Late
pte a a
ance upon the part. of the | clare one of his fellow men guilty of notice. Square dealing guaranteed and pnblic
1 ominations and public gener | treason and say to him: *‘Your sentence
ly. ? is that you be hanged up by the thumbs TR -
"Miss Gertie Parks ‘and Chas. 0. “Wolt-| for 80 minutes, then be taken down and | $5000.00. mEA TTS Organs atBa ins.
No cnlars, cat ©,
both ‘of Rockwood, ‘were mar- have one side of your head and face Daniel F. Beatty, PWashington, oe ersey.
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. patronage solicited.
. P address,
Main Office, Meyersdale, Pa.
Cumberland, Md.,
nic Temple, Food} Pa, ;
Large branch stores at 63 Balto.