The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, November 24, 1892, Image 1

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    SELL Yuu
AND. :
patrons :
is strict
our pat-
J profit :
and sell
cordial =
sk your
te. We give
hat will sur-
ng. Roofing
3, and solig-
nyers in our
is, {1 the
88 Goods,
ost, Give’
in town.
8’ Gloves,
rts, Dress
And yet v we are not content.
~ growifig year by year, we are toc lay wor cing as a to
enlarge our business and serve you better in years to come
than our efforts were in. the past.
“Onward!” Is The Witchword
i Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing,
Low Prices,
‘a » matured experience and unflagging enterprise are the keys
We thank you "for your patronage, which has made this
stcre what it is today. A continuance, we hope, will be as
fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it has
* been in the past, and your ‘happiness will be increased pro-
_ portionately.
We keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots
‘and Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard-
ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books,
Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil. Cor-
iss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil,
- Varnishes, Dyes,
Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, |
‘Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, Window
Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and
Willow: ware, Trunks and Valises.
: Royal Fant Minnchala Flour, etc.
Country Produce tak-
en in exchange at market prices.
X i ware!
Do yon know that BEACHY BROS. keep the fullest line of
Cook and Heating Stoves on the market—also Gunb and Ammunition,
Paints and Ole, Lap Robes, Horse Blankets?
Gillon us for your Christmas and Wedding Presents in this line.
We also have
i ‘Wagons, Spring Wagons
aml Boud Wagons, “which we wilt sell at this season at bottom prices.
And don't you forget it we will have Sleighs on. hand
as soon as the fleecy flakes appear.
Headlight Oil only 15 cents per gallon.
Bargains !
Lk at ol totlowtog quotations and ;
wovern yourself accordingly:
Minehaha Rlour, pet barrel. $5.40
Pillsbury's Best, per barrel... ... i. coi. 5.40
Vienna Flour, per barrel... 4
Reitz's Best, per barrel,
‘Becker Flour, per barrel . ... ....
Stanton’s Buckwheat Flour, per Ib
Shelled Corn. per bushel .
White Oats, per bushel .
MITE PONG. otis etsrins sired 1.40
Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Feed at
~ Bottom Prices.
+ Give me a call and T will save you
money, Hi. C. SHAW.
SomensuT, Pa.
Physician And Surgeon.
Office first door south of the M. Hay corner,
Physician And Surgeon,
tenders his professional services to the citizens
of Salisbury and vicinity.
Office, corner Grant and Union Sts., Salisbury,
Penna. i
WW. F.Garlitz,
> Expressmanand Drayman,
does all kinds of hauling at very low prices, All
kinds of freight and express goods delivered to
and from the depot, every day. Satisfaction
3 gustanteed.
Physician and Surgeon,
Successor to Lr. 0. 6. Getty,
H. LOEOMEL, Propristor.
Dr. D. 0. McKINLEY,
tenders his professional services to those requir-
ing dental treatment.
Office on Enion St, west of ot Sestren Church.
re D Sodas pearl
ngton, New Jerse :
Duplex Sewing Machine.
Sews either Chain or Lock
stitch. ~ The lightest running,
most durable’ aad most popu-
lar machine i in the world.
Send For Catalogue.
Best Goods. Best Terms.
Agents Wanted.
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.’
= hl's Meat Marked
is headquarters for everything usually kept ina
first-class meat market. :
The Best of Everything
to be had in the meat line always on band, ne!
Ta og . io
Fresh Fish, in Season.
Come and try my wares. Come and be con:
vinced that I handle none but the best of goods.
Glve me your patronage, and if I-don't treat.
you square and right, there will be nothing to
compel you tg continue buying of me. You will
find that 1 will a all times try. to please you.
and be convinced: that I ean do yon good and
that I am not trving to make a fortune in a day.
Thanking the public for a liberal patronage;
and soliciting a continuance aud increase of the
same, 1 am respectfully,
‘Casper Wahl.
West Salisbury
headquarters for
Fancy Flour,
‘Grain, Feed, Ete.
Custom exchange and chop-
ping done promptly with best
Gill's Best Patent Flour a
I. A. Reit, Blklck, Pa.
Tom REEDS original opinion of the
“Harrison ice-wagon” needs no revision.
PROTECTIONISTS Seem to be quite plenti-
ful on the Democratic side of the volitic-
al fence these days.
Ir Mrs Lense becomes a United States
Senator the secret executive session will
certainly ‘have to go.
JERRY Brupson still reads his title clear
to a seat in the House, and has hopes of
being ealled up higher.
-BoME of the losers of election bets up
pear to be in-a fair way to become idiots;
some of the winners ditto;
Steve Erxins dida’t do any better in
his rainbow chase this year than he did
when lie managed Mr. Blaine's campaign
in ‘84.
WaT has’! becoine of thie: fellow who 3
said the machinery’ of the World's Fair
was to be used in behalf of the Republican.
party? CEA ;
Russra isa big country. A Siberian
000 inhabitants, of
raphers never heard,
has recently been
discovered. )
THE free traders are beginning to get
uneasy at the outlook; and many of them
fear that they have been buncoed by the
THE danger of the new $500 treasury
note being counterfeited will not, for ob-
vious reasons, canse much worry Song
ordinary folks.
KAISER. WrLaELM realizes that coal] thie
world's a stage,” and ‘that he is one of the
star actors. He sat tobi 180th picture
the other day.
‘Tuzre is something wrong about the
digestive organs of the fellow who allows
polities to prevent his enjoying his
Thanksgiving dinner...
Sexator HiLu is certainly an obstinate
sort of fellow. . He actually refuses to al-
low himself to be married off by the en-
terprising newspapers.
THE great intellects of the Meiropaliinn
press are now all turned upon the comet.
Poor comet! and its intention is to miss
us by at ledst a miilion miles, too.
Ir begins to look as. though the fellow
who said the offices wege the only real
issue involved in the late campaign was
digging near the bed: rock of trath.
Ler no politician dare to tie a string to
the good times, promised by the Demo-
cratic stump-speakers during the late
campaign. We want ‘em; all of us.
Tae immigration mill; which was tem-
porarily stopped by the cholera, has re:
sumed | at the old stand, and in a
short time'its ontput will bie large as ever.
Frep Doverass is taffying Mr. Cleve-
land to an extent that raises the suspicion.
that Fred would actually accep t office un-
der the new administration, if asked to
do so. :
IN Paris it is the proper eaper to com-
mit suicide to‘escape the disgrace conse-
quent upon financial crookedness; on this
side of the pond they go to Canada and
live in style.
- Mrs. Lease may fing the little word
“le.” whiclt appears in the clause of the
constitution defining the qualifications of
U. 8. Benators, a very difficult thing to
get over or around.
RemuMBER. brethren of the defeated
armies. regrets will buy neither bread nor
clothing. Work is the panacea for all
trouble, political or personal; therefore,
stop whining and go to work.
+ 3 ji 3 by
It is only. what might have been ex-
pected from his long experience “‘grow- |
ing things,” that ‘Uncle Jerry” Rusk
should produce the first of the season's
annual departmental reports.
& i pa ——_
Tag voters of Montana are Bo ‘‘dead
mashed” on the only woman lawyer in
the state that they have elected her At-
torney General. It is apples to straws
that she marries before her tern expires.
Tre man wha changes his polities pre-
vious to Election dev usually does so for
principle, but the man who makes his
change after his party has been licked
“usually does it forsomething very differ-
Ir will be impossible for this Congress
to get up anvthing in the surprise party
line that will: be even in the same class
with the election; but the next Congress
will probably be right at home in the sur:
prise business.
Ox one of our inside pages you will
find a full report of the big K. of I. con:
vention, held at St. Louis. Organized
labor is .on the increase. which is as it
should be.
belong to the K. of L.
Ar last the political revolution is ex-
plained. 80 many people prophesied.
four yeare ago, that Mrs. Cleveland, would
return to the White House, and voted for
her husband to make it come true: Now
everybody ought to be satisfied. '»
Tae World's Fair people are entirely
too modest in putting (he souvenir silver
half dollars appropriated for its.use by
Congress on the market at one dollar
each, after expending a large sum in ad-
-vertising them in favored newspapers.
eordunce with New York law. has sub:
mitted an affidavit, stating that it did not
cost him a cent to get elected to Con:
gress. He only made a few speeches, af-
ter Senator Hill said so; Tammany did the
rest, :
Ix Kentucky the public school teachers
are not paid a fixed salary. but receive
so mich for eacli pupil. This plan has
one good effect, that of stimulating. teach-
ers to secu scholars s and thus tend the
benefits of education, but son'¢ have been’
- found Making false returns Ex.
Every laboring man should |
EVERYBODY is so busy guessing what
the Fifty-third Congress will do, that the
last session of the Fifty-second. soon to
be convened, is almost entirely over.
looked. notwithstanding the fact that it
will be the last public appearance of a
number of men who have attained some
| notoriety.
CricAGo is not satisfied with gobbling
up everything that can be seen with the
naked eye. It wants more yet. and has
purchased the largest’ and strongest tel-
escopic lenses ever made, so that the very
“heavens may be searched for things gob:
bleable. Great is Chicago:
are her wants.
but greater
A LITERARY man has been telling the
world how to write a novel. That infor.
mation is worse than useless; too many
know it already. Ifsome aspiring voung
man or woman wishes to strike the liter-
ary hulls-eye, let him or her discover a
way to make people buy and read a nove)
after it is written,
Ir is said that Queen Victoria's lineage
has been traced to a rascally peddler of
fish. And right here we wish to remark
that it’s a poor excuse of a fish peddier
that hasn’t got as good blood in his veins
as the average member of a Royal family.
At any raté a mosquito would jnst as
soon Present his bill to one as the other.
Many 1éading Democrats are suggest
ing that it will be well for the coming
administration to go slow in the matter
of making any radieal changes in the tar:
iff and other present policies of the gov-
ernment. They admit that it will be ru:
inous to jhe Democratic party and to the
country to run the government on the
policy outlined by the platform that Cleve-
land and Stevenson were elected on.
Tae tom-foal talk should be dropped
now that election is over. Does any sane
man believe that being a Democrat, a Re-
publican or a Populist prevents aman |
wishing, and working for his own and
the country’s prosperity? Can the Dem:
acrats make hard times for there oppo. | [—
We are all | lS
nents without sharing them?
Americans, and we all want the best
times to be had, only differing in opin:
ion as to the way to get them.
+A Psalm of Politics.
Uniontown Standard.
The politician is my shepherd.
not want any good thing during the cam-
He leadeth me into the saloon for. my
vote’ s sake.
over. He inquireth after the health of
my family, even to the fourth generation.
Yea, though 1 walk through the mud
to vots for him and shout myself hoarse,
when he is elected he straightway forget;
eth me,
Yea, though I meet him in his own of-
fice. he knoweth me not.
Surely the wool has been pulled over
my eyes all the davs of my life.
THERE is a great deal of food for re-
flection in the following. which: was last
week contributed to the Meversdale Reg-
Fister by a Confluence correspondent:
Three-fourths of the men who voted for Cleve-
land on the 8th inst. never did business nnder
ts tariff for revenue only’ policy. From 1846 to
1860 the Democratic policy prevailed. From 1880
to the present time the Repnblican policy has
been in force. The majority of the present vot-
ers are under fifty years of age; many of them
were not here during the forties and fifties, and
practically know nothing of the workings of “a
tariff for revenne only.” When the Republican
party first came into power the financial condi-
tion of the country was in '& deplorable condi-
tion. Government bonds sold, ‘when they conld
be sold at sll, at about twelye percent. disconnt. |
The U. 8. Treasury was empty and labor went
begging. The argument that the conntry must
have been prosperous. because there were no la-
bor strikes availeth nothing, because there was
‘nothing to strike for unless it was for soup houses,
maintained by the. public. The frequenters at
those houses were not only the infirm but those
with strong bodies and willing hands to toil.
. Farmers found it difficnit to raise money to pay
the taxes. There was no market for many of
the things that now bring the ready cash. The
garden yielded no income because there was no
market, ‘The orchard was no better as a sonrce
of revenue tothe owner A bushel of cherries
or peaches would not buy a garden hoe! Ten
‘bushels of apples would not ‘any more than buy
a stable fork. A good cow ora steer would pos:
sible buy a plow, stich as ‘no one would hitch to |
now. ‘Two dozen of eggs wonld, when eggs were
scarce. buy a yard of muslin spun and wove in
England. A pound of butter, if kegged and kept
from spring until fall, would buy two yards of
calico.” Two good horses would buy a buggy.
‘Had it not been for the Johnstown works what
would the north of Somerset county be as com-
pared with its present condition? The first steel
rails mannfactured in this country. were made
at Johnstown about the year 1860. Seven years
later they were sold for a price within fifty cents
of the duty upon them. In 1860 we paid about
$160 per tou for steel rails made in England.
What would we pay for them now could we not
manufacture here at home? Take the duty off
of steel rails now and let Johnstown close her
works and who that voted for Cleveland will not
regret his vote inside of twelve months?
To Our Subseribers.
There are two newspapers in this county that
do not publish resolutions efrespect and lengthy
obituscy notices free of charge. These two pa-
pers are Tug Somurskr County Star and the
Somerset Herald, We do not know how it is
with the Herald, but the principal reason {that
Tae Star has put a tariff on such matter isto
keep. it out of the paper, as we believe that the |
majority of our readers prefer to see our pages
: flied with live news and “editurialm matter in pref
1 shall {
He filleth my pockets with | De
fine cigars aud my beer glass runneth
erence to dreary obituary notices and resolutions
of respect. We notice that some of our exchang-
es that print such matter free of charge are so
burdened with such matter as to make them pre-
sent a very doleful appearance, something which
we believe newspaper readers in general do not
sanction. Or course we always make mention
of deaths; ete., as a matter of news. but only so
far as we believe the public in general eares for.
and we have always reserved the exclusive right
to say or leave unsaid whatever we deem best re:
lating to deaths, orof the life and character of
the persons deceased. We believe. we have the
right view of it, but we are willing to Jet it to our
patrons and do that which the greatest number
of them desire in the matter. Therefore, we
have prepared the following blask, which will
be kept in the paper up to Jan. 1st, and which
we desire every one of our patrons to cut from
the paper, fill out and forward to Toe Star. If
most of our readers want an obituary sheet, they
can have it, and all such matter will then be pub-
lished free of charge. We want to do inthe mat-
ter whatever will please the greatest number of
our patrons. 3
Following is the blank; scratch the part you
do not want to vote, sign your name and forward
blank to Tre STAR. The vote will be published
in our first issue after Jan. 1st. None but votes
of subseribers will be counted.
Evitor. SraR:—
I would prefer to have voi publish obituary
notiees, resolutions of respect. ete., as prepared
by friends and relatives of the deceased, free of
I would prefer to have you maintain your
former attitude toward publishing obituary no-
tices, resolutions of respect, etc., mentioning
deaths only ‘in a short and concise way, or as
deemed best by you.
+ EB Be sure to serutch the part vou do not
wish to vote.
Rik Is & Pac Ry,
oe Sires oe 0 Bom Shea Selon
Teoria. La Balle, Moline, Bock Island, in ILLINOIS;
“Muscatire, Ottumawa, Des
Moines, Winterset, . Harlan and Couteil
Bluffs, in IOWA; Minneapolis and Sf, Paul, in MIN:
NESOTA; Watertown aud Sioux Falls, fx DAKOTA;
Cameron, 8f, Joseph snd Kansas City, in MISSOURI ;
Lincoln, snd Nelson, in NEB!
communication to all oy. hctitits of Inter
northwest and southwest of Chicago and to Pacific and
trane-oceanic seaports. ®
Lesaing Alf eokupetitors in i splendor of equipment,
|, OMAHA, and snd between CHICAGO and
Close connections at Deuver and Colorade Springs with
diverging Tallwgy Ines; Sow forming the new and
Over which superbly-equipped trains run dail
THROUGH Jrtaour CHANGE to and from Sait
Lake City, Ogden and San Francisco. THE ROCK
ISLAND is alse the Direct and Favorite Line to and
from Manitou, Pike’s Peak and all other sanitary and
scenic resortsand cities and miningdistricts in Colorado,
BE Joseph and Kansas City to and from all im-
portant owns; cities and sections in Southern Nebraska
Kansas and the Indian Territory, Also via ALBERT
EEA ROUTE from Kansas City and Chicago to Water-
town, Sioux Falls, MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL,
connectiong for all points north and northwest between
the lakes and the Pacific Coast.
i For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information
spply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States
or or address
Gen’l Manager,
Gen’l Tkt. & Pass Agt.,
$60 For $30
The Monopoly Busted
$17.50 70 $30.00
Warranted 5 Years,
Write for Illustrated Circulars of
our Singers, New Home, Etc.
310 T0 $30 SAVED
By ordering a Machine direct trom A
NEEDLES for any n machine, 2s
per dozen, In Stay mec, i 5 ta
me Louisville Sewitg Machin e oth
820 Fourth Avenue, :
outaviLLe: “aw KENT wr