to sub- long to VG/ Great taloons. : patrons brated > F am- 3louses, citing a Pa. z. Bring in new. ire rooms, + Window thing per: -made and k of eS er known. ts to make 'e list—the ry dollar's 6 red tick- ge. Tick- tunity of a @. 11 kinds of ‘Sea Foam” 0 handle ught in Lar- Store in ; to send refs sponsibility rer, Press | nt an mptly on ten thial, Z MENTION THis PAPER lish, ot Black Deaferst Paste, Jot Black. - Jet lack aterproot Carriage Top and. Enamel for Stoves, Pipes, ecic., Impe~ > és’ Shoes, America Boot and Shoe d Shoe Blacking, Ungle Sam Axle Grease, : Correspondence Solicited. * Sad points of thon stops far quality of ma- ‘of construction, 2thorough man- itswork. Is labor-saving nl: kitchen dd, baans, pata Soqual It does J Xfainsalithe | paTENT Applied for. use. Ease. Tension for Each Wire the Zino Coating of Wires. GATE co, Richmond, Ind [ANOS Are immensely popular’ because th are sirietly first-class, fully warran and still only medium In price. all others for Jearsur - Over 180,000 in The pes le are bound to have the best, and will have 'e hioue hut the Estey. ; Our prices Th the lowest and terms on ce. ‘ns Togues id tal nie ese a House, 16 & o18 olive St iis a isk ‘Ave the host in the world, and Have Ted lis 8. Daxments or. cash, as ons- i Mention this Paper, y Se ) that risk. SAME WO ORK, Prrfiicr Eifuen AND MODERATE PRICES. GUARANTEED 5 YEARS. SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND PRICES. The Cornett Piano Co,, 22% 4s OF DELICIOUS RLAOR) THIS 1S TRUE OF THESE SPICES. 19 AN 1 ES ID pli (I: ABSOLUTELY PURE PEPP ER COT ‘EDWIN.J. GILLIES & CO. 25 10249 WASHINGTON ST NEW YORK. THE STRONGEST HENCE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. | GINGER, ALLSPICE, PEPPER, MUSTARD, oRQvES, CINNAMON, Bur x 1b. bottle of your Spice from one ‘of the folloiing leading grocers. THE | TEST, CHEAPEST . AND. BEST Gis 1s THE “Universally conceded to be the best and only Digger that works to perfection in the soft- est of sand and the toughest of clay, and unequalled by all others to work in any kind of soil, as the blades are so arranged and made of spring steel, thus allowing. them to expand and contract when SH- | ing and emptying same, The handle is so arranged that it can be lengthened to any desired length by adding pipe to it in sections, so that any desired depth can be reached with these Diggers. Itis Light, strong; durable and simple (nothing compli- cated about it), and does twice the work in less time than any other Digger made. Ask your dealer for it, or address CYCLONE DIGGE ST. LO co. IS MO. We hink you ee % ease Ss eve . It Ln ont I x Iti is You may Have a profotence for | some othér make. Still you are a reasoning creature, and open to: conviction, no doubt. ‘The question is too important to be settled without due thought. . Years of satisfaction or of regret come with a piano. es it wear well? The ‘WING Piano does. ‘Look before you leap.” Whatever piano you: buy, there. are piano secrets you ought to know. ‘Our free book tells them. Send a postal card for it. ‘It may help you to buy a diffe iano. We take 13 *CHICAG COTTAGE ORGAN” Has attained a standard of excellenc which admits of no superior. It. contains every improvement th: inventive genius, | skill and money ca. uee. % SwerrnoUEIID ORGANS OF INTRINSIC VALUE 2E Cor00e POT EXD $L0ENTRIL OYOLE RFC CO) a ERTL ¢ a7 I: ws nk POL £18, 2 an ROOF : vida BL. .~HUR tte Gee §+BIGYGLES ) ; PNEUMATIC TISE, - - CUSHION TIRZ, - - - $100.00 75.00 ~~ } lg tad These excellent Organs are celebrate: for their volume, qu ality ‘of tone, quion’ Lfesponso, varioty ¢f combination, artistia design, beauty in finish, perfect construc- tion, making them the. most attractive, | ornamental and desirable orgars in the world for Homes, Schools, Olmtches, : Lodges and Societies. Ustalogries on on application, Fra, Mhicago Gottage Organ {6 228 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, we CYCLONE | GURNEY PATENT Rl EFRIGERATOR. EVERY FARMER SHOULD GET ONE OF TEE Keystone Fence Machines. SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION! go 3 Easily and Rapidly Operated! The only: Perfect Automatic Fence Ma- chine for weaving Wire and Picket Fence in position to Posts, over even or hilly ground. A man and boy ean weave 50 to 80 rods of fence a day, atan average cost of less than B50 cents per ‘Will build a strong fence and stop large or small animals. The price is within the reach of every iarm : Write for eirculars and full information to The Joknstown Fence aching Go., L't'd P. 0. Box 231, Joknstown, F Pa. Tie GreatesT Rermeenaton lusoreuee OF THE Ase, fo. 8. Front sectional view showing position of Femovable rey ice compartment, mineral wool packing, eto. THE ONLY CLEANABLE REFRIGERATOR. The greatest economy of ice. The lowest avelnge temperature, Ir your dealer does not sell the * Gumey,: send for Catalogue and Price: GURNEY REFRIGERATOR CO., Fon. du Lac, Wis. . 3 one S. Lr hi Rockford, il, . ROYAL (SEWING [MACHINE AASRANTED 5 YEARS |) i | Has a Large High Arm. Has a elf setting Needle, Has a Selfitbrending Shuttle: Has No Equal in Oonstruciion, Hus a Mechanical Appearance. i Hasan Klegant Finis Has a Perect Adjustment, Has a Positive Take-up, . Has Stylish Eurnitave., | Has More (Good Sewtn Qualities and does a Larger Rang General Work n any Sewing Machine in the World. ‘Examine THE ROYAL for points of excellence, and you will : buy no other, .esent free. A WLR Pa | There's a natl in my shoe, ¢ A 1g hurls ny foar.” “Weil, run and get hammer, and Twill try Eas fx it” on don’t want a hammer, P: t ’S any E000, you want one oi the GOODELL PATILY SHOR FILES Pat. April 5, 1892, They only cost_a quarter, and y can As itin haifa nin nse: poy Sw a picture of o © paper, Pa, and it said if you could not got one the store end . to fac tory and the uld send one 2 7 sil JOREDAT Ef se Pi find the papery cro’s the picture. See, itsays, “You Push the Handle, the i Docsthe Rest”! any paskclia thea of nails iy Fant 28 and well; 0 13 we ostpaid for 5c. apiece H. H. MAYHEW GB., ASE) ps Fills, - HAss. Pa AN me A a Sec onsen Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat. ent business conducted for MopeRATE FEES. : OUR OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICES. and we can secure pions in less time than those remote from Wi Send dln iy or photo., with desc tion. We advise, if patent: hte or Jot, iy BE charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, prin Obtain Patents,” with, cost of Same § he G8 ‘8. and foreign coun C.A.SNOW & CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D: eC. BAKER Ra ; ag AND SHEAPEST THE. STEAM produced by the Pragess 0 of cooking cannot escape, Is absorbed the a rticlie in the roaster, and acts as a basling. There is no evap- oration, no drying up or burning, hence no shrinkage or loss of weight, and ali the flavor and nutritious qualities of ti the food are relained. Tough meats are made tender. and anyarticle roa or aked whi be te heaithier rand more Sigestivle. he food in the roaster rin eae the OVaRS the roaster wi do the cooking. fi EE no at tention. = Can only be bought from dealers, the trade MATTHAL INGRAM & CO. 120 HANOVER ST,, BALTIMORE, MD, 64 READE ST., NEW YORK. JARYLAND J | | A steietly high-grade family sewing machine. poraessing all modern ion provements, GUARBATEED EQUAL the Hs] 8 “riven very reuganable, Obtain them: and make comparisons. \ ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE. ILL. x Chamber Suits Chiffoniers and Extension Tables In Oak. Se ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS, us a Solentific Americe» Agency fof 24 o pESION SEAL T COPYRIGHTS, otc. For information and free Handbook ite 10 MUNN & CO., BROADWAY, EW YORE. Qidost bureau for sé souring patents in America. ry patent taken he us is brought befora ihe public by a Oa BER free of charge in the Scientific American Largest circulation of any selentific paper in the Wo! orld, rosa aly, 1h Miustrated; No Hallis ent it. ‘Weekly, $3.00 a SIX on Kddrass MUNN & 003 HERS, ay Broadway, | New York, 16460000606400000406¢ . Going to Buy A Dictionary ? CET THE BEST, Webster slpiernasional. A Choice Gift 7 =r 7c 08 A Grand Family Educator °. ne A Library in Itself ; "The Standard Rutherity $C 600000666 Fe vyyvevywv $6600000¢¢ se MEA ADADEAD SOLD BY ALL LL BOOKSELLERS, “The o Tnternational is & new hook from © ‘cover to cover, fully abreast of the times, y and is: the successor of the authentic “Unabridged.” Ten years were spent in $300.00 edirors empl and over & $300, i Before fhe first copy ® was prin ted. gL Do not buy reprints of ghsoléte end © p Coiparatively wi bis 25 editi ni pamphlet containing , Specimen pages iE > G. & C: MERRIAM CO,, Publishers, 4 » SPRINGFIELD, MASS, U.S 0004000 0046086004 fy ve a 060606600000000000000666686¢00080 PP ° v v YOu SHOULD Buy THE AMERICAN CHAMPIO!: lachine IBC ATTEE Road 1 Beeauss it vill bui’d n saving of 75 percent, oft; 2. It is the best to HAL chea apest. 3, Wis fully Drojestes by niany patents, znd itsle macy is be von d disp 4. Because Er: is bk i ‘thoronmhiy on aciantifie p HEtoy its trussed scame furisHing tho pee nd L Topale, 2 1 roads t : a frevhod 2 NE tho oe i8 oi ri ES 14 % most enduring an has ha foreatest cap 6. It combines pitch adjust nant ¢ which no other pa i r hand-wheels P! gen ashi eh no other Ra riya Its coun nterpoise sprig ith no oth fartuly use) raakes its operat lon fun Jos a nd ¥ SLArmients wes hola he machine to its work and prevent afl sia: slipping, position of the cperaioris ec mfortabio an advantageous, and ha has no Heed tolesve 14 %0 effect any changes efangle > oder pai Sh 2) IFr8ee our local agent o) t onee tous for i ir the: information. BROAD ARADERS, DITCHERS, E% 4.ZERICAN ROAD (B2CKINE €0.. Krixerr Squads Pr ECKE tr Decker rd Sonts Pianos Sweetness, ‘power. and their capacity 10 outlast any other ‘mak | GATALUGUE AND. PRIE LIST | FACTORY AND AND WAR AR 11550 Third Ave. How Y