The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, September 15, 1892, Image 4

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    ors and soldiers to participate in the festivities
_ Parade on the 20th.
>= P L LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher.
Mrs. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor.
* Entered at the postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as
+. mail matter of the Seeond class.
2 STAR is published every Thursday, at Elk
oy Pa., at the following rates:
One copy one year $1. 0
One copy one month
Single copies .......
Public Sale of Town Lots.
Beginning at one o'clock p. m., the un-
dersigned will sell at public sale, on the
premises in the borough of Salisbury, Pa.
Tuesday, Sept. 20th, 1892, fourteen valu-
able town lots, formerly known as the
Dr. Brookman property.
Four of these lots front on Grant street,
the main street of the town, the other
ten fronting on'Gay street. One of those
fronting on Grant street has erected there-
on & good two-story house, stable and out
buildings. Size of lots, 50x181 feet.
Some of them have an abundance of
choice fruit.
These lots are all situated in one of the
most desirable portions of the town and
are in a high state of cultivation.
This is an excellent opportunity to se-
cure one of the best lots in the best all-
round town in the county.” ‘There are
many public works in the vicinity and
many thousands of dollars ‘are paid out
annually for labor. This accounts for
the town’s prosperity, as plenty of work
can always be had at good wages. The
town is a very healthful and pleasant
one to reside in and has very bright pros-
pects for continued prosperity. It is
growing rapidly and has now about 1000
inhabitants. Do not fail to attend this
sale. Terms will be made known on day
of sale.
Per J. N. Davis.
Buy vour Fertilizers of J. T. Shirley.
A Cure For Paralysis.
Frank Cornelius, of Purcell, Ind. Ter.,
says: *‘I induced Mr. Pinsun, whose
wife had paralysis in the face, to buy a
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. To
their great surprise before the bottle had
all been used she was a great deal better.
Her face had been drawn to one side;
but the Pain Balm relieved all pain and
sorenesstand the mouth assumed its nat-
ural shape.” It is also a certain cure for
rheumatism. lame back, sprains, swell-
ings and lameness. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Copland, the Druggist, Meyers-
dale, Pa.
Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, the great Organ and
Piano manufacturer, is building and shipping
more Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr.
Beatty left home a penniless plow-boy, and by
his indomitable will he has worked his way up
80 as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty's Or-
gans and Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to
dishearten him; obstacles laid in his way, that
would have wrecked any ordinary man forever,
he turns to an advertisement and comes out of it
brighter than ever. His instruments, as is well
known, are very popular and are to be found in
all parts of the world. We are informed that
during the next ten years he intends to sell
200,000 more of his make, that means a business
of $20,000,000 if we average them at $100 each.
It is already the largest business of the kind in
existence—Send to Daniel F. Beatty, Washing-
ton, New Jersey, for Catalogue.
Capt. W. A. Abbott, who has long been
with Messrs. Percival and Hatton, Real
Estate and Insurance Brokers, Des
Moines, Towa, and is one of the best
known and most respected business men
in that city, says: “I can testify to the
good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy. Having used itin my tamily
for the past eight years I can safely say
it has no equal for either colds or croup.”
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Cop-
land, the Druggist, Meyersdale, Pa.
Buy your Farm Wagons, Grain Drills,
Hay Rakes, Mowers and Binders of 4 TI.
For many years Mr. B. F. Thompson,
of Des Moities, lowa, was severely af-
flicted with chronic diarrhea. He says:
‘At times it was very severe; so much
80 that I feared it would end my life.
About seven years ago I chanced to pro-
cure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol-
era and Diarrhea Remedy. It gave me
prompt relief, and I.believe cured me per-
manently, as I now eat or drink without
harm anything I please. I have also
used itin my family with the best results.”
For sale by Copland, the Druggist, Mey-
ersdale, Pa.
JT. Shipley just received a gation
of Buggies.
Low Rates and Great Preparations for
Their Reunions at Baltimore and
The thousands of sailors and soldiers who par-
ticipated in the late war feel an inspiring interest
in the meeting of the Naval Veterans Associa-
tion, at Baltimore, Sept. 15th to 19th, and in the
National Encampment Grand Army of the Re-
publie at Washington, D. C., commencing Sep-
temper 20th, They will be the most extensive and
most distinguished military gatherings in Ameri-
ca since the close of the war, and as the G. A. R,
Encampment so closely follows the nava' meet-
"ing, an opportunity will be afforded for all safl-
of each occasion. The scene of each gathering
will be fraught with a thousand memories of the
war—of deeds of valor and heroism, of victories
and of the loss of loved comrades.
The President, his cabinet and other distin-
; guished personages will review the Grand Army
The White Squadron by its presence in the
harbor of Baltimore will add an important feat-
_ ute to the naval veterans’ meeting.
* Interest in the reunions will not be confined to
veterans alone, but also to thousands of appre-
_ ciative citizens to whom the Baltimore: and Ohio
R,R. will offer the same low rates as to veterans.
At both Baltimore and Washington ample pro-
jon will be made By local commitiees for the
Bi ak oe : Sp
to its regular trains, and will run special trains
at frequent intervals,
Tickets sold by the B. & O. R. R. to both Balti.
more and Washington, will contain most liberal
privileges. They will be on sale at all stations,
from September*13th to 20th, inclusive, at rate of
one lowest first-class fare for the round trip, and
will be good for return journey until October
10th. They will be valid to stop off at all sta-
tions, from Cumberland to Baltimore—a region
familiar to every veteran. During the encamp-
ment, excursions at low rates will be run daily
from Washington to Antietam, Gettysburg, and
other noted battlefields within access of Wash-
For time of regnlar and special trains, apply to
nearest B. & 0. Agent.
For round trip rates from your nearest station
to Baltimore and Washington, consult appended
table. All tickets to Baltimore good to stop off
at Washington,
To To
Baltimore. Washington.
Confluence (4 $6.50
Johnstown 7.65 7.40
Stoyestown: : 7.45 6.65
Somerset.... > 7. 6.30
Rockwood .. vere 6.80 6.00
“i 6.05
Meyersdale . .. 5.65
Correspondingly low rates from other stations.
Pullman Cars. 9-15
School opened on Monday with the following
teachers at the helm: W. H. Baker, Principal;
Ella Werner, Grammar room; Jessie Shaffer, In-
termediate; Ida Shaff, Primary. The grounds
about the school house have been cleared of
stones, stumps, ete., and rooms have been made
pleasant by repainting them throughout. Our
school board, composed of 3. A, Kendall, A. J.
Growall, W. H. Johnson, G. B. Masters and Solo-
mon Snyder, should be congratulated for so ju-
diciously discharging their whole duty in the
way of having the grounds and building put in a
presentable condition, also for employing a jani-
D. Scott, of Johnstown. Pa., was in town on
Saturday. Mr. Scott is a large contractor and
was here in the interest of a contemplated tak-
iug of a contract on the 8. & C. branch.
E. 8. Wolfersberger, of Mt. Pleasant, Pa., has
been in town for some time; he has entered the
employ of the B. &O. R. R. as a fireman and
has been taking initiatory steps on the S. &. C.
The Sullivan-Corbett fight had quite a sensa-
tional effect on those of our people who are pu-
gilisticaliy inclined. Much betting was indulged
in and great consternation was noticeable among
Sullivan backers when they learned that their
gladiator had lost his hard-earned laurels. From
a moral standpoint, nothing was gained or lost:
therefore, there is no occasion for rejoicing with
those who rejoice or weeping with those who
weep. We believe prize-fighting is detrimental
to all that denotes or promotes an enlightened
race of people. It is far from being a civilizer.
Louisiana seems to be the only resort for the re-
ception of this kind of sport and we hope the
day is not far distant when it will become so
much depreciated as to be entirely isolated be-
yond civilized borders.
Thomas Stockdale, of Belisvernon, Pa., is the
guest of Ellwell Ash.
Our town is billed for a Prohibition oration on
Hon. J. D. Miller has improved the appearance
of his store building by having it painted.
Prof. Grant Kendall was in town on Sunday.
The Rockwood Feed Co. is doing a rushing
business. f
W. E. Baker, whom we reported last week, has
since had a bad accident to befall him. While
on his way up town, on Saturday night, he fell
over a large stone on the corner of Main and
Market street. The stone was placed there to
protect the corner of the sidewalk.
Miss Belle Jones. of Pittsburg, is the guest of
W. H. H. Baker.
Deputy Sheriff Barron was in town on Wednes-
day last, in the discharge of an official duty.
Rev. Wilkinson preached his farewell sermon
last Sunday. The Rev. undoubtedly has diligent-
ly and unfelgnedly applied ‘the Sword of the
Spirit” to a good advantage and effect. He is
held in high esteem by all who learned to know
him. He will take a four-year course in college,
which will more completely fit him for the great
cause he has enlisted in. We tender him our
best wishes in behalf of his future happiness and
Our Burgess, John Stein, has received one of
Gov. Pattisons’ proclamations, requesting him
to investigate and remove everything detriment-
alto a pure sanitary condition. The Governor
is right and his request should be executed.
“Occasional” called the people's attention to
this last week, but lacked official capacity to en-
force it.
Geo. W. Phillippi takes the lead in the furni-
ture line. A choice stoek of goods constantly on
Geo. Holtzhouer, our enterprising butcher, ean
always be found at the ‘old stand. Geo. sells
none but the best meats.
Frank Cunningham, an efficient engineer on
the 8. & C., is “laying off” with a sprained ankle,
Sept. 18th, 1892. OCCABIONAL.
St. Paul.
J. M. Hay has avery fine team of gray
horses, which he traded for with Hiram
Hay, of Brothersvalley.
Quite a number of St. Paul folks at-
tended the funeral of Samuel Schrock,
on Sunday, and report a lage turnout.
Funeral conducted by Rev. Joel Gnagey,
assisted by Rev. J. W. Peck. Text was
taken from Revelations, 14th chapter
and 13th verse. The deceased was aged
79 years and 4 months.
Boaz Trent has quit farming and has
gone to mining. He thinks there is more
money in mining.
Jerry Reinhart is “baching” at Statler's
mill. You bet he makes things lively.
Wonder what has become of the elec-
tric road. Whoop ler up, as we want it
to pass through St. Paul. [Have pa-
tience; the electric road and Lou Smith
have taken a lantern and are now in
search of that inland sea known as Sand
H. F. Bnyder has secured the job of
farming for Capt. Q. H, McClure. Wish
him success.
Fred Wise is pleased ai over, because
it’s a boy.
Charley Wagner thinks Joe Hay’s horse
would match his, all but the color and is
probably not so fast. DAN BooNE.
Sept. 18th, 1892.
An Original Prize Contest.
To the first person who by taking two letters
from the word “Plague,” can make the name
of a disease that is common in portions of both
Canada and the United States, will be given an
elegant Upright Piano, (valued ag $32, or
its equivalent in cash, as preferred). To the sec-
ond person will be given a Pony, Cart and
Harness complete, (valued at $200, or its
equivalent in cash, if preferred). To the third
odation of all who may attend, and to
eities exten’ 8 hearty Welome, The
person will be given an elegant Gold Watch
valued at $75, or its equivalent in cash, Fifty
| Baltimore and Ohio Pailroad will add coaches
other prizes, ranging In value from twenty-five
dollars to five dollars will be dwarded to the next
fifty persons sending correct solutions strictly in
order as received. If you have tried other so-
called prize competitions without suecess you
must not condemn these offered by this com-
pany, as they are perfectly reliable, and are
carried on in good faith. Contestants must en-
close U. 8. Postal Note for thirty cents, (or fifteen
two-cent U. 8. stamps) for one months’ trial sub-
scription to the Lapis’ JPicTORIAL WEEKLY,
which is the handsomest and best illustrated
weekly publication for ladies on this continent.
The only object in offering this competition is to
introduce it into new home, and we guarantee
that no partiality will be shown in the awarding
of prizes. Persons living at a distance, or in the
United States, have as good an opportunity, as
the date of postmark on letters will pe given
preced , 80 answer early. Address, Ladies’
Pictorial Co., ‘‘D.” Toronto Canada.
Wonders of a Ton of Coal.
Besides gases, a ton of coal will yield
1.500 pounds of coke, twenty gallons of
ammonia water and 140° pounds of coal]
tar. Destruction of the tar gives 68.9
pounds of pitch, 17 pounds of ereosote,
14 pounds heavy oils, 9.5 pounds naph-
tha yellow, 6.83 pounds of naphthaline,
4.75 pounds naphthaole, 2.25 pounds of
altsarin, 2.4 pounds of solvent naphtha,
1.5 pounds of phenol, 1.2 pounds aurine,
1.1 pounds of analine, 0.77 pounds tolu-
dine, 0.46 pounds of antiracine and 0.9
pounds toliiene. From the last named
product sacharine is obtained, which ix
2838 timer sweeter than sugar.—Philadel-
phia Press.
i A Pos
Look at the following quotations and
govern yourself accordingly:
Minehaha Flour, per barrel
Pillsbury’s Best, per barrel........
Vienna Flour, per barrel........... ....... .5.40
Reitz’s Best, per barrel,
Becker¥lour, per barrel . ... ..... ......4.9
Stanton’s Buckwheat Flour, per B......21 cts.
Shelled Corn, per bushel .65 cts.
White Oats, per bushel
Salt, persack ........... Meo anes een
Mining Powder 1.40
Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Feed at
Bottom Prices.
Give me a call and I will save you
Wahl's Meat Marke
is headquarters for everything usually kept in a
first-class meat market.
The Best of Everything
to be had in the meat line always on hand, in-
Fresh Fish, in Season.
Come and try my wares. Come and be con-
vinced that I handle none but the best of goods.
Give me your patronage, and if I don’t treat
you square and right, there will be nothing to
compel you to continue buying of me. Yon will
find that I will at all times try to please you.
and be convinced that I can do you good and
that I am not trying to make a fortune in a day.
Thanking the public for a liberal patronage,
and soliciting a continuance and increase of the
same, I am respectfully,
Casper Wahl.
The Salisbury foundry has been purchased by
M. Knecht & Son, who have remodeled the plant
and now have it in operation adjoining the depot
grounds at West Salisbury.
Machinery Repairs of All Kinds
will be turned out in good shape aud on short
notice. Square dealing guaranteed and public
patronage solicited.
Postoffice address,
$5000.000. BEATTY’'S Organs atBargains.
For particulars, catalogue, address
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey.
Universally conceded to be
the best and only Digger that
works to perfection in the so!
est of sand and the toughest of
clay, and unequalled by all
others to work in any kind of
soil, as the blades are so
arranged and made of spring
steel, thus allowing them to
expand and contract when Jll-
ing and emptying same.
\ The handle is so arranged
iif that it can be lengthened to
any desired length by adding
pipe to it in sections, so that
any desired depth can be
reached with these Diggers,
It is light, strong, durable
and simple (nothing compli-
cated about it), and does twice
the work in less time than any
other Digger made.
Ask your dtaler for it, or address
Patented Dec, 27, 1887, Patented July 21, 1891, Other Patents applied for,
| | 0 ] ’
Having again embarked in the ‘Grocery and
Confectionery business, I will be pleased to wait
upon all my old customers, and as many new
ones 3 as E pussible, and Iinvite the phblie generally
1 shall keep nothing but first-class goods, and
my prices will be found aslow as the lowest.
No pains will be spared to please my customers
and give them honest value for their money.
Yours for bargains,
D. I. HAY, "Hay’s Block,
Salisbury, Pa.
—Manufacturers Of—
Pine, Hemlock and Oak
Having purchased the Beachy tract of
timber, adjoining the borough of Salis-
bury, we are especially well prepared to
furnish first-class Chestnut Fencing Posts,
which we will sell at very reasonable
Bill Lumber a Specialty.
Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and
dispatch... Give we your patronage, and I will
try to please you. =
City Meat Market,
NN. Brandler, Proprietor.
A choice assortment of fresh
meat always on hand.
If you want good steak, go
to Brandler.
If you want a good roast, go
to Brandler.
Brandler guarantees to
please the most fastidious.
Honest weight and lowest
living prices at Brandler’s.
Insurance Agency Of
Wm. B. COOK,
Meyersdale, Penna.
Agent for a full line of the best American
and Foreign companies, representing over
Forty-four Million Dollars of assells.
PROMPT ATTENTION given lo set-
tlement of claims. W. B. COOK,
MF. SMITH, Agent,
General Solicitor and Collector.
S.Lowry & Son,
at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all
kinds of Burial Cases, Robés, Shrouds and all
kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also
and all funerals entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention
WEST SALISBURY, PA. (Elk Lick P. 0.)
This hotel 1s large gnd commodious and is in
every way well equipped for the accommodation
of the traveling public. It is situated justa few
steps from the depot, which is a great advantage
to guests. Board by the day, week or mouth at
reasonable rates. This is a licensed hotel and
keeps a fine assortment of pure, choice liquors.
A Good Livery In Connection.
Horses bought, sold or traded. Your patron-
age solicited and courteous treatment assured.
R. B. Sheppard,
Barber and Hair Dresser.
All kinds of work in my line done in an ex-
pert manner,
scalp clean and healthy.
1 respectfully solicit your patronage.
My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the
Rood, Ponder, Reflect and Act,
Act Quickly. Come and
whether you can’t buy goods cheaper here than.
elsewhere in the county.
in every department.
carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need a pair Bro-
gans? I have the best and cheapest in town. Does your
wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very low.
You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be pleased to sub-
mit my prices. I keep a full line of such goods as belong to
a first-class general merchandise store.
Clothing, MEN'S CLO THING!
I desire to close out my stock of Men's clothing. Great
“The early bird catches the worm.” :
1 would announce to my patrons and prospective patrons
Walker Boots and Shoes.
ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, Blouses,
Shirts, etc. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting a
continuance of same, I remain very respectfully
J. ZL BARCHUS, Salisbury; ra.
Jer. J. Livengood & Sor, :
Carriages, Buggies, Pla
efons, Spring Wagon :
Sleighs, Ete.
Any kind ofa vehicle bullt to order, on short notice and at rock bottom prices.
Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done. We also do general blacksmithing. Bring in
your old buggies, carriages, etc., and have them painted and made to look as well as new. Den’
drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, when you can have them painted at a small cost; i
Give us your trade. We guarantee to please you in both workmanship and prices, Thanking
you for past patronage, and soliciting & continuance of the same, we are very respectfully
Jer. J. Livengood & Son, Salispurks Elk Lick P. O., Pa.
‘ 9 *
oO the orias rar
The only consideration is that you buy your goods at L. Morrell's Mammoth Furniture Yooms;
where you will find a well selected stgek of all kinds of Furniture, Carpet Sweepers, Window
Shades, Wall Paper and border of all descriptions, Queensware, Glassware and everything per-
taining to a first-class Furniture and House Furnishing Store. All Furniture Home-made and
guaranteed No. 1. You will also find ope of the grandest, best and most complete stock of
Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines
to be fonnd in the state. The Chicago Cottage Organ 1s FINE, taking the lead wherever known.
Get no other. The Gabler and Schubert Pianos are susT ¢RAND—what everybody wants to make
a happy home.
The New Home and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines stand at the head of the list—the
best in the world. Get no other. All goods gold CHEAP FoR CASH Or On easy payments.
Now, remember, on all the above goods you get ROCK BOTTOM cash prices, and every dollar's
worth bought and paid for, before Sept. 1st, 1893, entitles you to one red ticket, and 256 red tick-
ets entitle the holder to one first-class round-trip ticket to the World's Fair, free of charge. Tick-
ets are all transferable, and the lucky holder draws the prize. Do not miss the opportunity of a
lifetime, but come and go with us.
Get your tickets of
Mai n Office, Meyersdale, Pa. Large branch stores at 63 Balto. 0: St. '
mberland, Md.,
Masonic Temple, Altoona, Px
Mrs. S. A. Lichliter,
—Dealer In All Kinds Of—
ground feed for stock. ‘CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock.
All Grades of Flour,
among them “Pillshury’s Best,” the best flour in the world, “Vienna,” “Irish Patent,” “Sea Foam”
and Royal. :
GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Meal, Oat Meal and Lima Beans. I also handle
All Grades of Sugar,
including Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes, These goods are principally bought in car-
load lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to my regular customers, Store in
Ps 1t is only necessary to send
srencosuate gary to send ter)
y man; ORARoR
merchant or ex
and upwards.
and upwards.’
D. 8. a General Agent,
1127 Chestnut Sty Philadelphia, Pa,
Address: H.W. ALLECER,
I Or Silas A. Wagner, Elk Lick, Pa., For Particulars,
Do you need a pair of fine shoes? 1
bargains are offered in Suits, Overcoats and Pantaloons.
that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebrated
I also carry a line of the Fam=
BY E08 0 BEER en Eh
age am