LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher. Mrs. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Entered at the postoics at Bik Lick, Pa. ss mail matter of the Second class. a SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Tax Srir is published every Thursday, at Elk ick, Pa. at the following rates: RTISIN TRAX Locar, No- ADVE cents SNe. for first insertion: 5 cent’ a aline for each additional insertion. To regular sers, > cents a line straight, except when in oo Am loeal news or editorial matter. No business Totals will be mixed in with local news ar editorial matter for less than 10 cents a line Yor each and every insertion Ebtrors AL Pusze: When-requested. invariably 10 cents per lin LyeaAL a aus: at legal rates. MARRIAGE, BirTH AND Drath Noricrs will be charged for at 5 cents a line, bat all such mention ns the editor sees fit to make concerning such events, without anyone’s request, will be gratis. Carns or Tuaxks will be published free for - patrons of this paper; but non-patrons will be charged 10 cents a line. ResoruTioxs or Respect will be published for ‘A cents a line. Rarxs For DisPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS will be made known on application. No free advertising will be given to anything of & money-making ‘character. Nothing will be Advertised gratis in this paper, except free lec- tnres, free sermons and all such things as are free to the public, All advertisements will be run and charged for until ordered discontinued. _No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. » Jos PRINTING.—Tar Star office has first-class job printing equipments, turns-out ail jts work in the hest style of the art and at yory reasonable prices. THE Star does all kinds of i : HOW TO REMIT. .—Remit by postoffice money order, registe letter, or bank draft. ‘Otherwise remittances will be at sender’s risk. Never send your personal cheek, if your resi- dence is far away from here. Make all drafts, orders, etc., payable to P. L. Livengood. _ BUSINES MENTION, WANTS IND : finnouncements, Eyes Examined Free. “rat. Samuel 8. Little, the graduate op- tician, will he at Dr. Lichtv’s office, Aug. 241h and 25th. Persons who have head- che, or whose eyes are causing discom- fort. should consult Prof. Little and re- ~ceive intelligent and skillful attention. “Every pair glasses ordered is guaranteed to be satisfactory. Id papers for gale at this office at 25 dents a hundred or 5 cents per dozen. - Thev make good wrapping paper. also] d cartridge paper for the miners, hey are also tood to put under carpet, nm pantry shelves, ete. Shipley. . Buy vour Fenlizers of J. T. The Blanks We Keep. Trg Stan keeps constantly on hand all ‘kinds of blanks, such as Notes, pts, Probate Blanks, Criminal Warrants, Bum mans Blanks, Notices of Claims Due, nbpoenas, Commitments, Bonds, Mort- enges, Deeds, Leases, etc., ete. All these goods are put up in neat and convenient form and sold dirt cheap. Call and th- ‘spect our stock when in need of such | goods. Buv your Farm Wagons, Grain Drills, ‘Hay Rakes, Mowers and Binders of J. T. ‘Shipley. tf. © Faney colored Tires Paper for sale at Tur STAR office. Just the thing for ia. ~ idies’ fancy work. J.T. Shipley just received a carload | of Buggies. tf. WANTED! An intelligent man to ac: cept A good paying position that requires mip hard Jabor. Lots.of money in it; and aw position that any man who isa ‘good judee of human nature and possesses an ordinary education can fill satisfactorily to himself and to his employer. For farther information call on orad- dress this paper. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that the Salis- bury school board will hire four teachers on the evening of Sept. 6th. Wages from $30 to $45 per month. Address W. H, Boucher, Sccretary. 9-25 “Tre Stair can get you almost any kind of a sewing machine, organ or pi- ano in the market for a great deal less money than any other dealer in the coun- “ty will sell you the same goods for. We ‘are in a position to get vou some of these woods for less than wholesale price, and we ean prove it to you. Get other peo- ples prices and then call and see how Dad we can beat them all. BEATTY'S PIANOS AND ORGANS. ‘Hon. Daniel F. Beafty, the great Organ and no manufacturer, is bnilding and shipping ore Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. tty left home a penniless plow-boy, and by indomitable will he has worked his way up $0 sell so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty’s Or- nd Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to shearten him; obstacleslaid in his way, that would have wrecked any ordinary man forever, turns to an advertisement and comes out of it ghter than ever. lis instruments, as is well 1, are very popular and are to be found in all purts of the world. We are informed that ng the next ten years he intends to sell more of his make, that means a business average them at $100 each. Of course you are, for God has said that it ls not good for mari to live alone, We wish to add that itis not good for you to commit matrimony without seeing Tue STAR'S fine dssortment of wedding stationery. We can show ye different styles to select from. alt make your selestions, : 2 : on meeting. There will be a meeting of the stock: ) k Oil Co., on Tues- Ang. 30th, nt 2 P. hi in thie Borough \ Salisbury, Somerset Co... Pa. Al bers should be prese great’ importance. Lay Come i person Ey- 4 and churches. be bought dirt cheap. Coin Envelopes for sale at Tus STAR office. Just the thing for Sunday schools a Bloody Affiray on the Confluence & Oak- 1and Branch. Word comes from Friendsville, Md, the terminus of the Confluence & Oak- land Railroad, that a cowardly assault,’ which may yet: prove a murder, occur red there Friday. . A lumbermsan named Star geon, employed by Knapp & Co.; at Man- or Land, Md., arrived in the village and proceeded to get intoxicated. Fora lime many people were afraid to venture from their homes. While in this condition he met two brothers, Will and Jolm Brown, both peaceable young men. were exchanged, and Sturgeon fired at Will Browa fronr a revolver which he had previously displayed to the terror of’ the neighborhood: The shot passed through Brown's cheek and ont near his ear, and struck the other brother on the Jaw. ou : : ‘The Brown brothers, with blood stream- ing from their wounds, wrestled with Burs geon and stripped him of his revolver, | after which they gave hin such u severe beating that it is thought he may not re: cover.. By the time assistance arrived the two men presented a pitiable sight, the assailant lying unconscious on the ground with the two wounded brothers standing over iim. The Browns were seriously ing.—Somerset Herald. As a general liniment for sprains’ and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated or muscular pains, Chamber: lain’s Pain Balm is unrivaled. For sale by Copland, the druggist, Meyersdale, Pa. Prospects of the P. R. R. Extension. Yesterday The Register had the pleas- ure of a call from Samuel :Philson, Esq. Mr. Philson is actively interested in the new railroad project, as he isin all other movements for the public good. He is chairman of the committee appointed to confer with the Pennsylvania railroad authorities and is now in coriespondence with the officials. He hopes to be ready in a short time to make a favorable re- port, when a memorial will be presented to the operators and businessmen in this region for their signatures. 1n his opinion the most feasible route for the road would be along the base of the mountain from South Fork, through Paint and Stonycreek to Berlin the route would follow the Buffalo Valley to the vicinity of Pine Hill. where by meaus of a short tunnel it would strike the Blue Lick, whence an easy grade would be found to Meyersdale. From this point the route would follow the Elk Lick, in- stead of the Casselman, to and beyond Salisbury. The Elk Lick route would be by far the best for the operators between Meyersdale and Grassy Run, as the coal all dips in the direction of Elk Lick, and mining operations could be conducted with Jess trouble and expense. Mr. Philson believes the outlook is very good for a successful issue of the negotiations. We trust his hopes will be fully realized. and we know the pro- jectors of the enterprise will meet with hearty encourngement in this region.— I'Meyersdale Register. During the epidemic of flux in this county, in 1888, I had hard work to keep a supply of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. People often came ten or twelve miles in the night to get a bottle of the remedy. 1 have been selling patent medicines for the past ten years and find that it has given better satisfaction in cases of diar- rheea and flux than any other medicine I have ever handled.—J. H. BENHAM. Druggist, Goleconds, Pope Co., 11. Over five hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county daring the epidemic referred to. It was a perfect success and was the only remedy that did cure the worst cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In four other epidemics of bowel eomplaint this remedy has been equally suecesstul. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Cop- land, the druggist, Meversdale, Pa. Mr. Cadwalader Biddle, Secretary of the State Board of Public Charities, vis- ited the county poor farm and county jnil Monday morning in an official capae- ity. Before returning to his home, in Philadelphia, he said that he found our poor house in better condition than he had ever before seen it, and that he be- lieved that it would compare favorably with any similar institution in the state, for neatness, cleanliness and the general comfort of its inmates. He strongly tec- ommends that the buildings be supplied with steam heat before any further im- provements are made to them, and thinks electric lights for the buildings and grounds are desirable in case they can be obtained at an expense that will not prove burdensome to the tax payers of the county. Steam heat should ¢ome first in his estimation. | In regard tothe county jail he says it is one of the safest and best arranged prisops in the state, but that it will never subseérve the pur- pose for which it was intended until a wall has been erected ‘around the prison. “Prisoners,” he said, “must be entirely’ shut off from the outside world if they are to be kept in safety. The mere sight | of the green fests a tilae incites them A few words] | hurt, and Sturgeon is reported to be dy-. Mr. John Carpenter. o Goodland, Ind, says: “I tried Chamberluin’s Colic. | Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for diar- rhoea and severe cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels with the hest results. In the worst cases I never had to give! more than the third dose to effect a cure. In most cases one dose wiil do. Besides its other good qualities it is. leasant to take.” 25 aud BO cent b tle Coplasid the drugpist eyersdale. Pa. According to Census Bureau ations there are twenty five hundred and forty-nine muirder- ers in the jails of this country. And one of the curions facts in connection with it is that twelve hundred and eighty-two of the number thus con- ‘fined are total abstainers, while twelve hundred and sixty-seven dare 1 There are abont six onsand members of the Rational Guard under arms, most of them at Homestead. Their daily pay is as follows: Ma- jor General, $25: Brigadier General, $15; Colonel, $12; Lieutenant Colonel, $10.33; Major, $7; Cap- tain, $5; First Lieutenant, $4.17; Second Tieu- tenant, $3.75; Sergeant. $2; Corporal, $1.75; Re- ‘enfisted men, $1.75; Privates, $1.50.—Ex. The date for the reunjon of Somerset County Lutherans in the grove at Friedens has been fixed for Thursday, September 1st. The date se- Jected 1s sald to be more agreeable to the Cam- bria ‘county Lutherans, who have been invited to participate. It is confidently expected that the attendance this year will be larger than at any former county reunion of members of that denomination. Elaborate arrangements are be- ing made for the entertainment of the crowd. 8. A. Ort, D. D., President of Wittenburg College at Springfield, Ohio, and Hon. G, W. Wellington, of Cumberland, Md., are expected to deliver ad- dresses.—Herald., : Postmaster Keller has received notice that he, us County-seat postmaster, will be expected to visit every postoffice in Somerset county between now and De- cember 1st. Last vear these visitations were made and resulted in so. much good to the postal service that it has been de- cided by the anthorities to repent them this year. The visits are in no sense an inspection, but the postmaster at each connty-seat is expected to visit and con- fer with everv postmaster in the county. ‘The result of his observations and the suggestions made by the several post- masters will then be reported to the post- al officials. Postmaster Keller will start on his tour shortly and, as he has 95 postoffices to visit, his time will be pretty well occupied for some weeks. —Standard. Somerset is justly noted for the large number of aged people who reside with- in its borders, but the oldest by odds is Mrs. Frederick Mains, who celebrated ber 110th birthdav last spring. The aged lady is in full possession of all her facul- ties and is enjoying a vigorous old age in peace and quiet, She is the mother of nine children, all of whom areliving, one of her daughters being the wife of Cap: tain Adam Grimm, formerly Treasurer of this county, of Stoystown. Her husband died about twelve years ago at the age of 98. It might he well to mention that the aged lady is a resident of Somerset, Perry county, Obio.—Standard. Our exchanges are warning their read- ahout the country making contracts for painting roofs. If they offer to paint yours for $5, or any price, don’t fail to ask them how much the paint will cost before you close the contract. It is the price of the paint where the fault exists. —OQakland Republican. ER Deserts Mr. Cleveland. CortLAND, N. Y., July 24. —Irving H. Palmer and Riley Camplin, two promi- nent Democrats, last week resigned from the Cortland Democratic Club and came out for Harrison. In a letter of explanation Mr. Palmer says that Cleveland's letter on the ‘‘Force” bill, which is not an issue, is a cowardly evasion of the truth, and he has been re- luctantly convinced by Mr. Cleveland's own actions of his ‘‘truculency and his dishonesty and insincerety on the ques- tion of the tariff.” SALISBURY FOUNDRY. The Salisbury foundry has been purchased by M. Knecht & Son, who haye remodeled the plant and now have it in operation adjoining the depot grounds at West Salisbury. Machinery Repairs of All Kinds will be turmed out in good shape and on short notice. Square dealing guaranteed and pablie patronage solicited. Postoffice address, ELK LICK, PA. B 1 ! argains! —— AT H. C. SBHAW'S, WEST SALISBURY. Look at the following quotations and govern yourself accordingly: Minehaba Flour, per barrel................ Piiisbury’s Best, per barrel. ... Vienna Flour, per barrel Reitz's Best, per barrel, Becker Flour, per barrel ©. ... ... a Stanton’s Buckwheat Flour, per »..i as Shelléd Corn, per bushel White Oats, per bushel .... Salt, persack .......... Mining POWABE. 22 Scisriinsnosineinniinds 1.40 ‘Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Feed at Bottom Priees. money. | EL ©. HAW. fod Te BEATIVL PANGS ose ..48 cts, gton, i Cree. ers to lookout fora gang of men traveling | “Having again embarked in the Grocery and Confectionery business, I willbe pleased to wait upon all my old customers, and as many new ones 8 as 8 possible, and I invite the public generally TRY MY WARES, 1 shall keep nothing but first-class goods, and my prices will be found aglow as the lowest. No pains will be spared to please my customers and give them honest value for their money. Yours for bargains, D. I. HAY, Hay's Block, Salisbury. Pa. BILLMEYER &BALLIET, Pine, Hemlock and Oak Lumber. Having Si the Beachy tract of bury, we are especially well prepared to furnish first-class Chiestnut Fencing Posts, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. 3 Bill Lumber a a Specialty. pe “CASPER LOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA., —DEA LER IN- BOOTS and SHOES. Rep: dispatch, Give me your patronage; and I will try to please you. City Moat Market, N. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. If you want good steak, go to Brandler. If you want a Foodie roast, go to Brandler. Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler’s. HICHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR HIDES. Insurance Agency Of Wm. B. COOK, Meyersdale, Penna. Agent for a full line of the best American and Foreign companies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of assells. PROMPT ATTENTION given to set tlement of claims. W. B. COOK, MF. SMITH, Agent, General Solicitor and Collector. 8S. Lowry & Son, UNDERTRKERS, at SALISBURY, PA,, have always on hand all | kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also have A FINE HEARSE, * and all funerals entrusted to us will receive prompt attention 2 EF WE MAKE EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. The Hay Hotel, C. I. HAY, Prop'r, SALISBURY, PA, This finely equipped hotel {8 now open to guests, and the traveling public will find it one of the most desirable stopping places in Somer- set county. It tains as finely furnished rooms as any hotel in the county, the entire house having been fitted up with new furniture, new carpet and everything that goes to make a hotel attractive to the eye and add to the comfort of guests. The tables are supplied with the best of every- thing that the market affords, and no pains will be spared to please guests and make them feel at home. A GOOD LIVERY AND FEED STABLE will be run in connection with the hotel and nothing will be left undone that will add to the conv and fort of the t g public. Rates reasonable and public patronage. solie-, se Everywhere, wl en timber, adjoining the borough of Sulis- | 1 Read, Ponder, Reflect and Act, Act Quickly. Come and SEE in every department. Do you need a pair of fine shoes carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need a pa gans? I have the best and cheapest in town, Does wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very lo You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be please mit my prices. I keep a full line of such goods as belo, a first-class: ‘general merchandise store. bargains are - offer d in Suits, Overcoats and Pant “The early b es the worm.” = ie I would announce to my patrons and prospec ive : that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebi Walker Boots and Shoes. I also carry a lire of the ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, B Shirts, etc. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciti continuance of same, I remain very respectfully J. L. BARCHUS, Salisbury, BUSINESS Established In 185 Carriages, Buggies | etons, Spring Way Sleighs, Ete. Any kind ofa vohlolo built to order, on short. notice and at rock bottom Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done. We also do ‘general blacksmithing. your old buggies, carriages, ete. and have them painted and made to look as well as new. 1 drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, when you can have them painted at a small cost, Give us your trade. We guarantee to please you in both workmanship and prices. Th 1 you for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are very respectfully Jor. J. Livengood & Sen, Salisbury, Elk Liok P.0., Pa. A FREE PASS y Say To the World's Fair The only consideration is that yon buy your goods at L. Morrell's Mammoth Furniture roo where you will find a well selected stoek of all kinds of Furniture, Carpet Sweepers, Window Shades, Wall Paper and border of all descriptions, Queensware, Glassware and everything per- {aining to a first-class Furniture and House Furnishing store. All Furniture Home-made and guaranteed No. 1. You will also find one of the grandest, best and most complete stock of Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines to be fonnd in the stafe. The Chicago Cottage Organ 1s FINE, taking the lead wherever known. Get no other. The Gabler and Schubert Pianos are JUST 6BAND—what everybody wan make a happy home. The New Home and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines stand at the head of the. list—the : best in the world. Get no other. All goods §0ld CHEAP FOR CASH OF ON easy payments. Now, remember. on all the above goods you get .ROCK BOTTOM cash prices, and every doll worth bought and paid for, before Sept. 1st, “1898, entitles yon to one red ticket, and 256 red tick ets entitle the holder to one first-class round-trip ticket to the World's Fair, free of charge. Tick- ets are all transferable, and the lucky holder draws the'prize. Do not miss the oppesiy lifetime, but come and go with us. ® 4 Get your tickets of MORRELL & SHAFEN BERG. Main Office, Meyersdale, Pa. Lace tech Sores ss BR asonic Temple, Altoona, Pa Mrs. S. A. Lichliter, Dealer In All Kinds Of — GRAIN, LLOUR And FEED. CORN, OATS, MIDDLINGS, “RED DOG FLOUR,” FLAXSEED MEAL, in short all rods of ground feed for stock. “CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock. All Grades of Flour, among them “‘Pillsbury’s Best,” the best flour in the world, #Vienna,"” “Irish Patent,” Bea. Foam” and Royal. GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Meal, Oat Meal and Lima Beans, ‘1 also handle All Grades of Sugar, including Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes. These goods are principally bought in car: load 101, 8 and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to my regular customers. Store in ' STATLER BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. i o> Panos, sios ; Q and upwards,