The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, August 18, 1892, Image 1

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ent or
De box.
2, ILL.
r pat-
d sell
‘alue for
} Provis:
the bar-
for past
in the business to stay. and will. leave g
nothing idune: Ll plows their: patrons
if gical Instruments and (Sppliances, also acom- |
1 plete veterinary 1ib TAYY.:
| Consult me before killing your. broken-legged
| and tetanized horses.’ I bave treated tetautus or
k, | Pa Posto 06 address,
n FR such
as the lo
| is safe to say ‘that at Toast nine-ténths of
the National Guards have no use for H. |
C. Frick. Actions, speak | loader than
‘words. gh Ba Eh
‘service in the canse of Protection.: Wit.
| ness tho following paragraph intended to
{ which are now $4 a ton higher than they
were in 1885, although. the cost. of pro-
duction and the Tui
he t
{8ity of this statemont we will not discuss.
All we desire to ask is: Does the Wi rid.
“Tug New York World. is doing valiant :
powers tinder
We, ettnder he the peopla uf en
CaroYing, 1a convention assembled,
‘and ordain, and it ds hereby. declared
“dained he ibe several ; :
*¥ are Sr by the Conutitwtion
‘United States, and violate ‘the trné mentii
intent thereof, and are anil, oid, aug. 100.
olingiani a hamaing bee if they
more eareful: —E
i 1 whys ‘on hand, isreby saving trouble aud an-
(noyance; |
Phin : And Surgeon,
| tenders his professional servions to) ’ itizens
{of Salisbury and vicinity.
Office, eorner-Grans and Unton, si. Suitsbury,
| Penna.
Physician. and. Surgeon,
feriders his professions! serv ces to those. requir:
: : ngdental Heatraeut, i ;
Has the latest wd ‘most Titroved veterinary sur
Veterinary Obstetrics a Specialty, Sa
A complete stock of veterinary medicines al
Horses taken’ fo treativent tor $2.50 per: Week:
and. upwards, according 10. treatment required.
locked. Jaw successfully, Gi
* Place of residence, 8 miles west of Sait,
“fget from law is justice, and Justice wonld
is ours the one. country on earth to which
: rants flock thither?”
1 will henefit x woman's complexion more
{pretty well.
Every Tow prides. All Perhaps ¢ 80
ina of treight and express goods delivered to°
Gey E. Burp GRUB. anys it will ike
‘the eonutry. pure to give women the bal
lot. The general is Hight.
prapriation in a sort of here- -dam-you-
dation, > Ls
“CLEVELAND will certainly lose South. |
Carolina and probably other Southern
stiles. Congr m4 William M
Soringer. al
fig fellow who Wrote that “nine out
by one of them,
“The Pinkerton fire going to appeal to
daw for vengeance. What they ought to
‘put the whole crowd of them in the pen-
Hentinry. 81. Louis Repulic. :
Te we are a poverty -ridden people, why
the flood of Jmmigration turns? If Free-
Trade England Is blessed with greater
prosperity than ours, why do. bot Imm:
ag Medical ‘Record BAYA ordinary
household work is better ‘exercise und
than all fhe games ever inveuted or all
the lotions ever manufactured. This
may be strictly true, but it will not be
believed. by the Javerage young Judy 0 of
the period.
For a man who claims to be a pauper,
| Ferdini d War
poleon of fina
has married
ir when, he. selected
| those who Tad been thus discharged re- |
CoNonuss made ihat Warld's Fair ap-
of every ten summer girls become old:
| maids” had evidently Just been subbed
‘Committee, held an office under the Fed-
eral Government when he wus ghosen |
‘chairman.. He immedintely resigned it,
under the State government of Peunsyl-
wish us 10 (infer that. lowering
uses higher prices?—Ex. Snr
may x Test assured tht if Englands ay
ley Tariff tree, They
bran ey’ put through,
a Free Wool bill, a Free
A 4 Binding Ts
Free Silver:Lead Ore bill. wn
| paragraph under the heading CStrikes”:
*“There have been only two str es in this
e | dintriot Sutiog the last ‘year.
Ang part in forming a union, } the miners,
asa bady came out on ‘Strike 10. “have’]
instated. » This is the coal company of
whieh Adlai BE. Stevenson, tail end of
the Free- Trade ticket. is President. Yet
of the londest howlers ‘Against the Tariff
AS A cause. of tikes, rAmarican Boyne:
mist. 5 i Ei 3
Panrisan Iapers. are endeavorhig 10
scenes which teok place at Homestead.
The Democratic papers are’ “vehement in
ty for ennecting a Tarif law under which |
Protection was afforded fo manufactur.
ers. There i is no. love for workmen in
the henrts of these editors; a desire to
serve party interests alone actuates them.
The McKinley bill reduced the duty. on
the articles manufactured at Homestead,
and the Democratic papers in asserting
that the trouble at that point is due th
the McKinley bill are but condemning ||
the very thing that they ‘themaelves ad-
vocate and on which they base their claim
to powers reduction of the Tariff
Terrence v, : Puwderty ink, AL Jour.
CHATRMAN CARTER, of the Repoblioan
holding that hie had po right 1p driw a
salary from the government when his
time was vecupied | in Adoing wack for his
. Mr. Harrity, ‘Chairman of mie Demo:
cratic Committee, holds a valuable office
vania. He does not resign, but clings to
it as tenaciously. ‘A8 ever since he ad
‘chosen: Demoeratic Chairman, +
tional Committee has no tine for other
Tim Democratic, party in fie States. a
in the way of extirpating
pany discharied |
few of their employes or (aking A lead: |
this same Stevenson, coming. to the gity | =
A to he notified of his noniination, Was one
take-it spirit, which deserves ho commen.
make. political capital out of the terrible |
their denunciation of the Republican | DATS
Everybody who knows anything abit 3
I 'polities knows that a ‘Chairman of a Na
| duties. His whiole mind an ¢ ergies | 1
{must be gl given up. 0 that Do ition. =Her |
ommissioners to the. i
‘| The discussion of the question ag ism
from the Engilsh pointuf view. |
bits and puralyzing 10 those w
ling the battle of Free: Trade. ;
ie expression of opinion in th
“| hostile to the McKinley Fariff,
{ Beitiah ‘point’ of view; i
of, should ah ho
ing the present Pres
Their utterances do inca oplable arm
the Democratic ¢ause, and:
dand is after all defeated’ip will
ly owing to ‘the too londly and ind
| ly expressed svpathy proceedin
these shores Liverpool Echo 0
21st. : :
1 How do vou Tike fighting under t
British flag, Democrats?
Who ia the More
"Lieutenant-Colonel 8
| unanimonsly ré-ele )
Fyeénrs by the officers’ the Tenth ]
4 | ment. and the dlection Was rat
reat enthusiasm mh 4 the rani and |
the command.
that they must at lenst p
: sanction Streaters on gous
nia militia, Inheled hem ‘Gone I
den” and “Colonel Streater,’t
hem in token: of their indignation of
cruelty recently inflicted. oN ex:
Jame. 5) i
‘Him With mani. ‘ana
‘Driving. Union Men from His Mine,
SF ATaton TL, Ang. 9.—In = letter to a loa
paper, Mr. Patrick M, Meal, a well-known Irish
: Mr. Stevenson pulle
union out root a branch in Js. ;
“Tcan truly say I never met a greater nt
‘nor a man with Jess humanity during all oy Lif
| as'a coal miner. In 1878 a contract was a
to between Adal and the miners. He prep. red
it, and one clause provided that it should rema
in force o @ year and no one should Pe dis
charged wi oat good cause. Not mi
Act was agreed to one
broke In the shaft, Teaving'bnt one to ho
Tower the mén and raise the coal. | me
the shaft was also In a very driigerous conditio
‘The timbers were bulging and breaking and t
free passage of the sage was, freque
moon ‘the remaining cage,
with men, stuck in the sHafi. From
until 10 at night it was suspended in the |
perilous position between top and bottom.
the men below; having no other means of escape,
became alarmed for thelr own safety, There
‘Was no escapement shafl, no means of egress,
and coming from the bowels of the sath: 850
feet below,- could be heard the execrations’
‘the men and the ‘pleadings for pron
At any moment the unusual strain
cupants to the bottony of the shaft, eral
‘dred feet below, Women and children’ gathi red
around the top, soreamin; and praying
safety of their ‘husbands and fathers. Next
| morning, yielding to the prayers of their fami
| Hes, the men refused to work until the shaft
put ina safe condition. Adlai gave orders
discharge every man who did not report for duty,
Realising their extreme danger, not ama
‘ported, and all were discharged in face of a con
anys gent brought in 00'stabs, on
one of whom ‘onld speak a word of En
ANC Fi ‘political headsman.”
r. M all 1s vouched for by many!