Entered at the postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as mail matter of the Second class, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BUSINES MENTION, WANTS AND finnouncements. vit, Notice to the Public. 1 hereb notify all merchants and the wiblic generdlly not to séll my wife any- thing on my account, as I will not be re- sponsible for any. debt she may contract. 7-28. MarTHEW Hicks. “Buy vour Fertilizers of J. T. Suiniey, tf, 3 . The Blanks We Keep. . Tue Star keeps constantly on hand all ‘Kinds of blanks, such as Notes, Receipts, Probate Blanks, Crimimal Warrants, Sum mons Blanks, Notices of Claims Due, Subpoenas, Commitments, Bonds, Mort- immges, Deeds, Leases, etc, ete. All these goods are pnt up in neat and convenient form and sold dirt cheap. Call and in- spect our stock when in need of such goods. WANTED! An intelligent man to ac- cent a good paying position that requires io hard labor. Lots of money init; and a position that any man who is a good © judge of human nature and possesses an ordinary education can fil! satisfactorily to himself and to his employer. For further information call on or ad- dress this paper. : {i BEATTY’S PIANOS AND ORGANS. ‘Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, the great Organ and Piano manufacturer, is building and shipping more Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty left home a penniless plow-boy, and by hik indomitable will he has worked his way up 80 as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty's Or- gang and Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to dishearten him; obstacleslaid in his wav, that would have wrecked any ordinary man forever, * he torns to an advertisement and comes out of it brighter than ever, Iiis instruments, as is well known, are very popular and are to be found in _.allparts of the world. We are informed that A during the next ten years he intends to sell 200,000 more of his make, that means a business of $20,000,000 if we average them at $100 each. It is already the largest business of the kind in existence—Send to Daniel F. Beatty, Washing- ton, New Jersey. for Catalogue. J. T. Shipley just received a carload of Buggies. tf. FOR SALE! 10 head of very fine horses, from 510 8 years old. perfectly sound, good workers and good drivers. Two very fine Brood Mares, also two good Mules. Onll on or address Thomas Williams, Elk Lick, Pa. 8-5 Buy your Farm Wagons, Grain Drills. ‘Hay Rakes, Mowers and Binders of J. T. Shipley. tf. - CORRESPONDENCE. West Salisbury. S. A. Kretchman, of St. Paul, ships daily from this place about 100 gallons of huckleberries. There are numerous other shippers who ship from 50 to 90 galious, . H. A, Reitz and family were visiting friends and relatives at Berlin, Stonycreek and Berkley, over Sunday. * Miss Ida Hicks. of Pittsburg, is visiting at the residence of L. L. Beachy for a few weeks dur- _ ing the hot weather. Mr, John Rodamer is about to purchase a horse and wagon. So far as we can learn he is going .. inthe bide “biz.” Mr. Durst gave the boys and girls of this place ~a'grand hop on last Tuesday night. The turn- out was small, but those who were there enjoyed themselves hugely. Harry Larue, V. S.,, was in town on Monday, administering enres to Mr. Williams' crippled horse. Harry's views differ widely from any one elses in regard to where the trouble lays. Our town can now boast of a barber shop. Tt ‘in operated. by Joseph Garlitz and John Short. . They expect to do a good business, when they are rightly started. We wish them success. July 27th, 1892. . Mr. Van Pelt, Editor of the Craig, Mo. “Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, lowa. and asked the physician in attend- ance to give him a dose of something for cholera morbus and looseness of the bow, els. He says: “I felt so much better the next morning that I concludedito call on the physician and get him to fix me up a supply of the medicine. 1 was sur- prised when he handed me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy. He said he prescribed it = regularly in his practice and found it the hest he conld get or prepare, Ican-testi- fy to its efficiency in my case at all events.” For sale hy Copland, the Drug- “gist, Meyersdale, Pa. Southampton. Dry, dry, dry. Ninety-seven in the shade to- day. . Wheat and rye all cut in this section of coun- ‘try. Farmers busily engaged at hay-making. The potato crop will be short, especially if dry weather continues. : Nathaniel Martz, our boss bark hauler, had the misfortune of upsetting with a load of bark, to- day, on Savage mountain. J. H. Martz finally got his boller moved to the place he intended to. While moving it he was somewhat unlucky; the reach of wagon broke and pulled the front carriage out from under the ~~ boiler and dropped it to the ground, breaking the two sills and one casting. Otherwise no - damage done. Wha was the matter with a certain minister on his way from Wellersburg to Glencoe? The sun must have been shining very hot, or else he “eonld have sat up straight in his buggy. _ Mr. Jonathan G. Martz has purchased a bran new buggy. Jonathan believes in having com- pany when he goes out to ride, Rey. Snyder, of Glencoe, will océupy the pul- it at Fink's church, next Sunday, at 2P, M. H. Martz, who had heeu sick all last winter, ot very stout yet. He is still taking medicine, 18 received a new supply. hie word to those opposing experimental re- gion. When you go to chureh, please wad your before vou enter. Prix DONNA. 23, 1802. The raspberry ¢fop is immense. ~ Mrs. Jobn Folk, Sr; is very low. Hay is about all in and js an average crop. ar - Wonder whether the Tub correspond- | THis fineis pred Hotel Ts DOW ato : 8s finely” equip 8 Nn ope ent 1akes amy stenngraplile notes When guests, and the traveling public will find it one he interviews himself. of the most desirable stopping places in Somer- Messrs. Ben Harrison Tressler and Joe | setcounty. . Klink claim that they together picked 75| lt contains as finely furnished rooms as any allot f Tiucklel ¥ gt tl p d hotel in the county, the entire house having been gallons of, huckleberries. in three : ays, fitted up with new furniture, new carpet and last week. everything that goes to make a hotel attractive The petition for changing this mail | to the eye and add to the comfort of guests. x route has been refused. The tables aresupplied with the best of every- P ber D Bender is in Virginia thing that the market affords, and no pains will TEAC er Es pengeris. i TERIA. |). spared to please guests and make ther feel at Gid Miller recently purchased five acres | home. of land of J. D. Yoder, on the upper| ACOOD LIVERY AND FEED STABLE i : _ Miller ex ts will be run in connection with the hotel and Srautaville rod a My le K Phe to nothing will be left undone that will add to the erect a dwelling hiouse and workshop on convenienge and comfort of the traveling public. it, in the near future. : Rates reasonable and public patronage solic- Our friend, the Tub correspondent. in ited. * addition to his somewhat multifarious |= trades, vocations and professions, and ) we bear him record that he is no slouch d § i) dl g at any of them, will sometimes formally interview himself and write it ‘up ina most readable form for the local paper. The Tub correspondent will go up head. July 26th, 1892. RARA Avis. is headquarters for everything usually kept in a first-class meat market. The Best of Everything A carpenter by the name of M. S. Pow- | to be had in the meat line always on hand, in- ers fell from the roof of a house in East | cluding FRESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA Des Moiner, Iowa, and sustained a pain- and ful and serious sprain of the wrist, which Fresh Fish, : in Season. he cured with one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says itis worth $5 a bot Come and try my wares. Come and be con- tle. It cost him 50 cents. For sale by | vinced that I handle none but the best of goods. . : Give me your patronage, and if I don’t treat Copland, the Druggist, Meyersdale, Pa. Yor square and right, there will be nothing to compel vou to continue buying of me. You will "Midland, Va, find that I will at all times try to please you. Mercury 72 this morning. Yesterday was the warmest we had this season—97. COME ON On the 19th inst. we “had a good rain, ; but not enough to plow stubble ground. | and be convinced that I can do you good and Corn on good cultivated ground looks intima 8 any. and soliciting a continuance and increase of th same, I am respectfully, : Casper Wahl. . good. Mr. Andes had roasting ears over a week ago. : Some farmers are still very busy mak- ing hay. Some oats are not quite ripe yet, but some are stacked. Neighbor Cline started today on a new brick kiln. He expects to burn 100.000 bricks. Rev. David Hostetler, from Mifflin county, Pa., and Noah Byler, from Law-' rence county, Pa., were with us last week. Mr. Byler said they had 28 days STOVES and TIN. of rain in Lawrence county, in June, and We handle the celebrated line of Cinder- Mr. Hostetler. reports 21 wet days in ella Stoves and Ranges, also the Sunshine Mifflin county during that month. Here and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind of we had in all only about 10 or 11 hours stove that may be desired. of rain during the same peried. > We were much surprised this noon to meet Bre. Lewis, J. S. and sister L. E. LOWEST PRICES Yoder, from Meyecrsdale, Pa. C.J. 8. We aim to please the people tn giving the on shelf and other hardware, including Oils, Cholera infantum has lost its terrors | Paints, Glass, Nails Pumps, Hollow Ware, since the introduction of Chamberlain's | 207s Pads, Blankets, Bobes, et. or. and Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. such other things that may Ye: found in a hardware store. When that remedy is used and the treat- ment as directed with each bottle is fol lowed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent merchant at Wal- tersburg, Ill, says: “It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after several oth- er remedies had failed. The child was 80 low that he seemed’ almost beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any med- icine.”. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Copland, the Druggist, Meyversdale, Pa. et mes scum mn. In the line of Tinware we can furnish anything made of tin, and of any quantity or quality, from the cheap- est lo the best of grades, at lowest prices. spouting, Roofing and all kinds of job work, guaranteed to give Farmers are busy hauling in wheat. satisfaction, at reasonable prices. Solicit- U. D. Yoder commenced making hay this} . yf i i pr : week. : ing your patronage, we remain S. 8. Miller, while out on the mountain for huckleberries, last’ Saturday, lost his ‘‘govern- C. R. Haselbarth & Son, ance’ and wandered about for several hours, Salisbury, Pa. State Line. Weather fair and hot. It is getting dry and water is low. E. 8. Miller, was out, too, traced him and called him until they got together. L. J. Swartzentruber left for Virginia to stay a while with his brother, to recover from his rheu- matism. Sam Beachy and wife and C.S. Beachy and wife intend to start for Virginia this week. July 26th, 1892, JANUS. a All kinds of work in my line done in an ex- Indian Names. pert manner. Ye say that they all have passed away, My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the That noble race and brave, scalp clean and healthy. That their light canoes have vauish’d I respectfully solicit your patronage. ml i THE WILLIAMS HOTEL, That, "mid the forests where they roam’d, WEST SALISBURY, PA. (Elk Lick P. 0.) There rings no hunter's shout; But their name is on your waters, Ye cannot wash it out. This hotel is large and eommodious and is in every way well equipped for the accommodation of the traveling public. It is situated just a few steps from the depot, which is a great advantage to guests. Board by the day, week or month at reasonable rates. This is a licensed hotel and keeps a fine assortment of pure, choice liquors, A Cood Livery In Connection. Horses bought, sold or traded. Your patron- age solicited and courteous treatment assured, THOMAS 8S. WILLIAMS, PROPR. R.B. Sheppard, Barber and Hair Dresser. 'Tis where Ontario’s billow Like ocean's surge is curl'd, Where strong Niagara's thunders wake The echo of the world; Where the Missouri bringeth Rich tribute from the West, And Rappahannock sweetly sleeps On green Virginia's breast. Ye say their conelike cabins, That clustered o'er the vale, Have fled away like withered leaves Before the Autumn's gale; But their memory liveth on your hills, C. T. HAY, Prop'r, SALISBURY, PA Having again embarked in the Grocery and Confectionery business, I will be pleased to wait upon all my old customers, and as many new ones as possible, and I invite the public generally An : 2 to call La d I shall keep nothing but first-class goods, and my prices will be found aslow-as the lowest. No pains will be spared to please my customers and give them honest value for their money. Yours for bargains, D. I. HAY, Hay’s Block, Salisbury, Pa. BILLMEYER & BALLIET. ELKILICK, PENNA. —Manufacturers Of— Pine, Hemlock and Oak Lumber. Having purchased the Beachy tract of timber, adjoining the borough of Salis- bury, we are especially well prepared to furnish first-class Chestnut Fencing Posts, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. Bill Lumber a Specialty. CASPER LOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA, —DEALER IN— BOOTS and SHOES. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Give we your patronage, and I will try to please you. . City Meat Market, N. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. If you want good steak, go to Brandler. If you want a good roast, go to Brandler. Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler's. HIDES. SUFFERERS From Nervous Debility, Failing Powers, Physical Weakness, Premature decline of manly powers, exhausting drains and all the train of evils resulting from indiscretion, excess, overtaxation, errors of youth, or any cause, quickly and permanently cured by NERYVITA, The King SLmedies. It has been in use for twenty-five years. Itisa simple, natural remedy, giving full strength and tone to every portion of the body; immediate im- rovement follows its use. Itrarely ever fails. on't be deceived. Many advertisers imitate NERVITA. Send for the old reliable NE®- VITA that has stood the test for twenty-five years and is prepared by the Dr, A. G. Olin Co. Price $1.00, or six packages (sufficient to cure any ordinary case) for $5.00. Book of explana- tion and reference maiied free (sealed). Address DR. A. CG. OLIN CO., Box 242, Chicago, lil. Insurance Agency Of Wm. B. COOK, Meyersdale, Penna. Agent for a full line of the best American and Foreign companies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of asselts. PROMPT ATTENTION given ‘to set- tlement of claims. W. B. COOK, MF. SMITH, Agent, General Solicitor and Collector. Their baptism on your shore, Your everlasting rivers speak Their dialect of yore. Two hundred years ago there was but one newspaper in. America. It refused advertisements and died early, the pub- lisher escaping prison hy skipping the Province. The Boston News-Letter fol- lowed in 1704. It inserted advertisements of “Merchandizes To Be 8old.” and flour- ished for 72 years, boasting only of a eir- culation of 300 copies; truly the circula- tion liar was a stranger to the Pilgrim fathers. New York's first newspaper was the Gazette, in 1725, and Philadelphia’s the Pennsylvania Gazette, in fro8, which when a vear old had 90 subscribers and Your mountains build their monuments, was bought by Franklin, who made it a Though ye destroy their dust, great success. ~Lydia Huntley Sigourney. r———— er The Lutherans of Somerset county, who will, by invitation, be joined by a Old Massachusetts wears it Within her lordly crown, And broad Ohio bears it 'Mid all her young renown ; Connecticut hath wreathed it, Where her quiet foliage waves, And bold Kentucky breathes it hoarse Through all her ancient caves, Wachuset hides its lingering voice Within his rocky heart, And Allegheny graves its tone Throughout his lofty chart. Monadnock on his forehead hoar Doth seal the sacred trust; The county commissioners have sub- Messrs. Bhober, Kimmell and Uhl will | nomination from Cambria county, will ench look after having the elect: hold their Annual Reunion at Friedens’ . 4 8 gt election houses Grove, near Somerset. Dr. 8. A. Ort, of fitted up with the required paraphernalia Johnstown, will deliver an oration, and for holding the fall election in the district | an orchestra and choir from the same alloted to them. It has been decided not | city will be present. Railroads. will fur- to hold elections in school houses here- | nigh usual excursion rates. Date Thurs- after.—Herald. 4 4 day, August 25th. : divided the county into three parts. and large portion of those of the same de- |: S. Lowry & Son, UNDERTRKERS, At SALISBURY, PA., ‘have always on hand all kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of goods belonging to the* business, Also have % A FINE HEARSE, . and all funerals entrusted to us will receiv: prompt attention E¥” WE MAKF EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. ST. € Sewing 28 UNION § fENEW HoME Sewing MACHINE Co. ORANGE MSS D. 8, Ewing, General Ageut, ; xy 1127 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, HICHEST CASH PRICES PAID FORAY Boal, Ponder, Reflect and Act, ANID Act Quickly. Come and SEX whether you can’t buy goods cheaper here thas elsewhere in the county. BARGAINS in every department. Do you need a pair of fine shoes? carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need a pair Bro gans? I have the best and cheapest in town. Does you wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very low. You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be pleased tosub mit my prices. I keep a full line of such’ goods as belong t a first-class general merchandise store.’ Clothing, MEN'S CLO THING I desire to close out my stock of Men's clothing. Gr bargains are offered in Suits, Overcoats and Pantaloons “The early bird catches the worm.” I would announce to my patrons and prospective patrot that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebr Walker Boots and Shoes. 1 also carry a lire of the Fam ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, Blous Shirts, etc. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting continuance of same, I remain very respectftilly J. L.BARCHUS, Salisbury, FP Neighs, Ete. Any kind of a vehicle buiit to order, on short notice and at rock bottom prices Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done, We also do general blacksmithing. Bring your old buggies, carriages, etc., and have them printed and made to look as well as new. Don’ drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, when you can have them painted at a small cost. Give us your trade. We guarantee to please you in both workmanship and prices, Thamdbn you for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are very respectfully Jer. J. Livengood & Son, Salisbury, Elk Lick P. 0., Pa. ‘A FREE PASS : 5 . 0 the ora s rair L The only consideration is that you buy your goods at L. Morrell's Mammoth Furniture rooms, whereyou will find a well selected stock of all kinds of Furniture, Carpet Sweepers, Windo Shades, Wall Paper and border of all deseriptions, Queensware, Glassware and everything taining to a first-class Furniture and House Furnishing store, All Furniture Home-made and guaranteed No. 1. You will also find one of the grandest, best and most complete stock of Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines to be found in the state. The Chicago Cottage Organ 1s FINE, taking the lead wherever known. Get no other. The Gabler and Schubert Pianos are Just 6RAND—what everybody wants to make a happy home. en The New Home and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines stand at the head of the list—the best in the world. Get no other. All goods sold CHEAP FOR CASH or on easy payments. Now, remember, on all the above goods you get ROCK BOTTOM cash prices, and every dollar's worth bought and paid for, before Sept. 1st. 1898, entitles you to one red ticket, and 256 red tick ets entitle the holder to one first-class round-trip ticket to the World's Fair, free of charge. - Tick ets are all transferable, and the lucky holder draws the prize. Do not miss the opportunity of a lifetime, but come and go with us, SE Li Get your tickets of ' MORRELL & SHAFENBERG. Main Office, Meyersdale, Pa. ereebrangh stores ssa uiio. 61, Masonic Temple, Altoona, Pa. Mrs. S. A. Lichliter, GRAIN, FLOUR And FEED. CORN, OATS, MIDDLINGS, “RED DOG FLOUR,” FLAXSEED MEAL, in short all kinds of ground feed for stock. “CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock. i All Grades of Flour, and Royal. ; GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Meal, Oat Meal and Lima Beans, I also handle . s All Grades of Sugar, including Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes. These goods are principally bought in ear- load lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to my regular customers, Store in STATLER BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. i= @, Und), 2 fo ia 0) NC _ PIANOS, $185 and upwards, Address: H. W. ALLEGER, WASHINGTON, N.J. Or Silas A, Wagner, Elk Lick, Pa., For Particulars. among them ‘‘Pillsbury’s Best,” the best flour in the world, “Vienna,” “Irish Patent,” “Sea Foam’ RE a Ba LE CN a BD AR BE a Bh a a a tn al A an 5 a aS a Sure VS BT a Rr a I A I WE Tr ER Er i Se