The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, April 28, 1892, Image 1
rooms; Vindow ing per nde and ou f 'S known. to make ist—the dollar's red tick- , Tiek- ity of & United 2y than noney. r bolt. finest, e. We tigated aper to est to 18-inch or send d soli¢iting a continuance and increase of the SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1802. NUMBER 2 arters for everything Spon keps ina | $s meat market. in the meat line alwirs c on hand, in- i: and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA your patronage, and if I don't treat uare and rignt, there will be nothing to pel you to continue buying of me. You will will #¢ all times try to please you. onvinced that I can ‘do you good and not trving to make a fortune in a day. king the public for a liberal patronage, gyersdale, Penna. ent for a full line of the dest American ign companies, representing over ur Million Dollars of asaclls. ; ry Obstetrics a Specialty. stock of veterinary medicines ul. a, thereby saving trouble and an- ‘taken for treatment for $2.50 per week ds, according to treatment required. § me before killing your broken-legged 2 horses. I have treated tetantus or successfully. sidence, 8 miles West of Salisbury, | address, Grantsville, Md. gorau nds done with neatn a your amg, and il stcre what it is today. We thank you for your patronage, which has made this A continuance, we hope, will be as fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it has been in the past, and your happiness will be increased pro- portionately. On the Comer of Grant and ord Streets. And yet we are not content. While our trade has ‘been growing year by year, we are today working as diligently to enlarge our business and serve you better in years to come than our efforts were in the past. “Onward!” Is The Watchword. Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, Low Prices, a matured experience and unflagging enterprise are the keys | to success.’ 1802. ¥ 3; a . “|DONT FALL INTO THE GRAVE error of supposing that you can buy hardware cheaper in other towns than in Salis- bury, for yon can't do it. Neither can vou buy better goods in the hardware line than those sold by Beachy Bros. Our goods are all new and the best that the mark. et affords or ready money can buy. - We want to PAINT THE EARTH RED with the statement that we will not be undersold. We will sell vou the best goods. at the lowest living prices. and we invite you to test us and see if our word is not good right down to the dotlet on the I. We have piles of goods on hand and many mote on the road enroute for our store. Our stock will at all times be complete and embrace every thing usually found | ina first-class hardware and Implement store. PREPRERE FOR THE INEVITABLE! Harvest time is approaching and you may need some new farm machinery. We can save you time and money on your purchases and supply your wants speedily and satisfactorily. But we can not tell yon in print of everything we earry in stock, for in order to do that we would have to charter this entire paper. But suffice it to say that our store will at all times be headquarters for Shelf Hardware of all kinds. Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tinware, Woodenware, Guns, Revolvers, Buggies, Wagons, Btoves, Ranges, Agricultural Implements of all kinds and in fact every- thing in the hardware line that there is.8 demand’ for in this loeality, We will do our best to Please you, and we respectfully solicit your pattonnge. Yours respect. fo ] ally, BE aT BROS. county. Buyers of Hardware and Agri nothing undone to please their patrons the hardware line. Their stock is bright pin stock, but improvements will constant. Beachy Broa, have made a great hit by establishing in Salisbury one of the Jarg- est and best hardware stores ‘in Somerset cultural Implements will make a great hit by patronizing this store, for they will ind that Beachy Bros. will please them in both goods and prices. They are in the business to stay and will leave and give the people what they want in and new and made up of the latest styles of goods. No shoddy goods will be kept ly be added as fast as American brain and skill can invent them. Hardware, STOVES and TIN. We handle the celebrated line of Cinder- ella Stoves and Ranges; also the Sunshine and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind of stave that may be desired. We aim to please the people in giving the LOWEST PRICES on shelf and other hardware. including Oils, Paints, Glass, Nails Pumps, Hollow Ware, Horse Pads, Blankets, Robes, ete. eto., and such other things that may be found in a hardware store. In the line of Tinware we can furnish anything ‘made of tin, and of any quantity or quality, from the cheap- est lo ‘the best of grades, at lowest pricks. Spouting, Roofing and all kinds of job work, guaranteed to give : . : : satisfaction, at reasonable prices. Solicit. cum | We keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots ith and Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- 4 | ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, Window Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and Willow-ware, Trunks and Valises. Mining Powder and Salt by ihe Carload! Royal Flour, Minnehaha I Flour, etc. Country Produce tak- en in exchange at market prices. : : iy S. HAY, SALISBURY. PENNA. ing your patronage, we remain : C. R. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. THE RACKET STORE, Joe Dively Stand, Salisbury, Pa.. is headquarters for all kinds of Notions, Novel ties, Tinware; Queensware, Glassware, Toys and useful Household Articles of all kinds. many of which ean not be obtained at any other kindof a store, Come and examine my stock; you will ind that it 1s made up of good, clean goods. Prices very low, M. J. GLOTFELTY: rR. B. Sere | Barber and Hair Dresser. All kinds of work In my line done in an ex- pert manner, My hair tonic is ‘the. best on earth—keeps the | scalp cléan and healthy. I respectfully solicit your patronage. “BILLY, THE BAKER,” just received a fine assortment of Spring Goods and is now 4 fo : prepared to meet one and all with bargains. Men's Shirts, Moleskin and Domet Gents’ Dress Bows, all silk . Siik-embroidered Suspenders..... .....15 and 30¢ Diamond Studs ......cciiiiiiiiianiinii 1a 280 Ladies’ Hose ....... aakdeeee .+.5, 10, 15 and 25¢ Boys' Knee Pants, Heavy Satinette../..... ... Large Linen Towels ..... Table O11 Cloth, Peryard.. ....................%0 Violin and Banjo Strings. . FINE LACES AND RUCHING. COM. PLETE FISHING AND BASE BALL OUTFITS. Ta Statler Block, Salisbury, Pa. EDITORIAL REMARKS. The Gorman boom is thin and pale, The Hill boom i8 no better, The Palmer boom has lost its tall, The Boles boom is a wetter, The whitney boom is crippled, too. The Cleveland boom can't win it, The Gray boom’s turned a deep dark blue— 1s anybody's in it? . ~Ex, THOSE Who expected to see a fight to a finish between Cleveland and Hil may be disappointed. No wondes Hungary isn’t an independ: ent power. Tt tries to regulate the length of the dresses to be worn by its women, by law. Tae Somerset Herald hits the nail squarely on the head by remarking that Dave Hill died politically by taking too much of what Grover Cleveland wanted. AND now they have an electrical voting machine which makes fraud impossible in the count. For goodness sake let it be generally adopted before the Presidential election. Tae fellow who is making estimates of the vote on the first ballot in the Nation- al conventions would find it more profit- able to pat in his time sawing wood at a dollar a cord. Hah ‘Beyer is hardly considered as one of the enlightened nations of the world. and yet it has at Cairo the largest University ve 1 tudent; How would Mills and McKinley, on high protection and freg trade platforms, do for the heads of the Republican and Democratic tickets? They represent the extremes of the tariff question. THE unsuccessful author may be cer- tain of a wide circulation for his hooks, if he has a friend in Congress. and the present silly practice of printing books in the Congressional Record be kept up. CoNerEsSMAN WATSON wanted to know the other day, in the House. what this country wanted with a Navy, anyway. The gentleman is referred to the bill ap- propriating $300.000 for an international naval review, next year. ThE gentlemen who were in Mr. Cleve- land’s cabinet are unanimously of the opinion that he should be again nomi- nated. Nothing strange abont that. Is Mr. Harrison's cabinet as unanimously of the opinion that he should be re-nomi- | nated? THE proposition to reduce the amount of mileage paid to members of Congress to the amount actually paid out by them for transportation is one of the best pend: ing in’ Congress, and should be enacted into alaw before Congress goes home | this summer. THE latest plirase to use in speaking of a gentleman who would willingly al- low the use of his name at the head of his party’s national ticket is, * his friends are ina hopeful mood.” The hopefuluess may be in connection with the nomina’ tion or the opening of a “*barrel,” just as you. are pleased to look at it. Tax state of New Jersey is said to be sinking at the rate of three inches a year, and it is believed that sooner or later the entire state will be submerged leneath the briny waters of the Atlantic. This state of affairs. is undoubtedly due to the miserable politics of the New Jersey peo- ple—they are mostly Democrats. + DEMOCRATS can still be. supplied with “the poor man’s dinner pail” and buttons for his shirt. Tin: plate manufactories are springing up in dozens of cities, and in New Jersey where there were but two pear button manufactories at the time of passing the McKinley, bill, there are now just twenty-one. Democrats ean button up and be hopeful.—Somerset Herald, THE Somerset Democrat warns ita read- ers /to beware of “green goods” leiters. There is no occasion for warning. Any man who is foolish enongh and dishonest enough to attempt to bay counterfeit’ money to pass among his fellowmen de- serves not only to be swindled, but should be sent to penitentiary in the bargain. It looks extremely ridiculous for a news: paper to warn its readers not fo buy counterfeit money, on account of their chances of being swindled. Let the dis: honest be swindled by those of their own kindand thereby learn a valuable lesson. - »o. BEFoRE we made any cotton prints in this country they were bought in Europe, and we paid 88 cents a yard for them. We placed a Protective duty upon them, We immediately began to establish the manufacture here, and the price has gone on going down, until today what do we see? The duty on cotton prints is 4 cents a yard. They are worth 5 cents, com- mon standard prints, in Great Britain. Now, if the tariff is a tax. all the domes- tic prints in America should be sold for cents a yard. Are ‘they? Two years ago I sent toa friend in Mauchester, Eng- land, and asked him to buy me a piece of English cotton print. He paid 5 cents a yard for it and sent it to me. I asked my wife to. go to a store here in Washington, not distinguished for is cheap prices, perhaps, and get me an American print of equal quality and in: | form me what she had to pay forit. She bought a piece that she said was better aid she paid 5 cents a yard for it, pre: cisely the English price. Thirty cents a yard when we first applied protection, 5 cents today, and every yard made in this country. We never could have estab. lished the manufacture of those articles if we had not adopted protection. The price would never have fallen as low as it has if it had not been for protection. —Congressman Dingley of Malne. WHAT A CRANK 1s, Vindication of a Victim of Publie Injustice. J. B. Livengoed in Ontario (Cal.) Observer. The word ‘‘crank” is one of great and growing popularity. Although of very modern origin, it occupies a prominent place in the vocabulary of the unthinking and fickle masses. Perhaps no other word ever grew po quickly into public favor. It is fortunate for ¢he wellbeing and progress of mankind that neither this word nov its equivalent was uttered by the human tdngne until very recently. 1 it bad been in vogue among the dusky sons of the valley of the Nile, Moses would never have led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. It iv had : with his eloquence. If the word been given to popedom, Wycliffe #1 Hess could never have agitated the Cliris tian church, to a reformation; and could have been brought to bear again the logic and humanitarian principles the Abolitionists, Negro slavery woul still exist in America. Imagine Moses pleading his cause i the court of Pharaoh when some hai brained demagogue should have hissed “Crank!” Moses would have been driv en from the royal palace, with a few Insh es to cure his ‘‘crankiness.” Or imagin him exhorting his brethren in the shadow of the pyramids when some knave shoukl have hooted, “Crank!” A shower o mortar and stones would doubtless been fired at him, and a subsequent duc ing in the Nile. would have cleansed his person and dampened his enthusiasm. It I were superstitious, 1 should beti this word an invention of Satan to de ihe Prohibition cause and the schemes: social reformers. . The word “crank” is a shield for the weak-minded and apathetic: for it hel them to evade the responsibility of thin ing. When they are broached upc subject which solicits thought, or fronted by a question which would. into requisition theif reasoning faculti (or their rudiments of such) they sal the issue by using the epithet ‘eran or *‘crankiness.” It is a hole in the as it were, throngh which they ma e rear exit upon such occasions. Someone has defined ‘crank’ as A per son with a conscience and a hobby This is good; but to do justice to the m jority who are called cranks, I should fine *‘crank” as a conscientious individu- al and thinker, a person possessing indi. viduality; a theorist, inventor. genius— the opposite of an intellectual nonentit In mechanics, “crank” is defined ‘ithe end of an axis bent and used to give rotary motion.” The human crank occu pies just about the same relation to pro ress in civilization as the other kind o crank dues to a rotating grindstone. The inertia of human events would be come monotonous in the extreme if it were not for the cranks who keep the world in motion. I can tolerate a crank, even of the rab id and ranting kind: but deliver me from the sterile-minded mental pigmy, ‘{ the intellectual nonentity, who cannot see beyond the narrow sphere of his ow selfishness, and who has never had an honest doubt or original thonght to leave its impress upon his mind. No one shonld desist from thinking a an giving expression to his thoughts for fear of being dubbed a crank. When th shallow-brained and unthinking utile; such epithets with the view of ridiculing, they are in reality complimentary. By all menus let ns have cranks. This age of the world is. particularly in need of their services. We need men of earn est and positive convictions, who have the moral stamina to breast the stern is: sues of the day. : ; ! Wall Paper. i Good paper at from 1 to 25 conts a bolt, and full rolls. All kinds of turni- ture at corresponding low prices. Don’t fail to see the goods and prices before : buying. I will save you money. L. MORRELL, Meyersdule, Pa. A Curious Advertisement. The following is an advertisement that 2hposred in the Somerset Whig 56 years CENTS REWARCD! ! RAN away from the subscriber, on Sunday the 6th of March inst, an in- dented apprentice to the Blacksmith bus- iness, named Sa ‘JONATHAN SAUNDERS: He is in the 20th year of his age.—W hos : ever takes him up shall havs the above reward, but no charges will be paid fur bringipg he back, nor even thanks. PETER RIZER. Smythfield, March 9, 1836. Is It Worth While? Is it worth while to jostle a brother, Bearing his load on the rough road of life? Is it worth while that we jeer at each other; i In blackness of heart that we war to the knife? God pity us all in our pitiful strife. God pity us all as we jostle each other; God pardon us all for the triumph we feel When a fellow goes dowa "neath his load on the. heather, Pierced to the heart; words are keener than : steel, i And mightier for woe than for weal. Were it not well In this brief life's Journey, On over the isthmus, down into the tide, ‘We give him a fish instead of a serpent, ‘Ere folding the hands to be and abide Forever, and aye in the dust at his side? Look at the roses saluting éach other: Look at the herds all in place on the plain, Man, and mau only, makes war on his brother, * And laughs In his heart at his peril and pain, Shamed by the beasts that go down on the ls ot In It worth while that we battle to humble ‘Some pooe fellow down ino} the dust? God will