The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, April 07, 1892, Image 1
a safe and ns. 50 & fine lot h give full rou for past s BA. SRST uld all pu; Iready here. Mill, d, Etc. ferent banner. 1, red straight. 1 price sented you, be rom the ed Mid- 's. .Poul- nd Oats y solicit your ur. Fordy (, Pa. 3 1 | 118 ture rooms, ° 8, Window rything per- © made did ck of les ver known. nts to make the list—the 8. very dollar's 256 red tick- argo. Tick riunity of a 6G. Rito, 3t., ress the juantity t works t Co. RTE Ss ANOS. lon, N.J. A ———— ERY! pure, fresh hoice Cigars esh Oysters his at M. H. 18, JACNER. A TE a oe RN A etter ete ie SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1892. NUMBER 18. : growing year by yéar, we are toda {enlarge out business and serve you better in years to. come, than our efforts were in the past. And yet we are re fiot “content. While our dui Ins been “Onward!” Is- The Watchword, Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, Ss . Low Prices, iL | a matured experience and 1 unflagging enterprise are the Keys and | tO Success. We thank you fr your patronage, which ‘has; sade this] store what it is today. A continuance; we hope, will be as | fruitful in the future development and argement as it has %4 | been in the past, and your happiness will be increased pro- CEATE pordonstelys We keep in Stock a fal line of Dry Goods, Notions, Bio and Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats ahd Caps, Hard- uty k Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- E - a. r. oun, soll ; A TEs, & Ta. dghy i neadquarters for averyiting usually kept in a first-class meat market. The Best of Everything | to be had in the meat lné always on hand, in- and Fresh Fish, in Season. Come and try my wares. Come and be con- vinced that I handle none but the best of goods. Give me your patronage, and if I don’t treat you square and right, there will be nothing to eompel vou to continue buying of me. You witl find that I will at all times try to please you. COME ON and be convinced thet I can do you good-and that I'am not trying to make a fortune in a day. Thanking the public for & liberal patronage, and soliciting 8 continuance and increase of the same, I am respectfully, : Casper Wahl. Insurance Agency of Wm. B. COOK, Meyersdale, Penna.| Agent for a full line of the best. American - and Foreign compithies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of asselts. PROMPT ATTENTION given to set- tiement of claims. W. B. COOK, MT SMT TH, : mm —— VETERINARY SURGEON, treats all curable diseases horse flesh 1s heir to. 8 the latest and most improved veterinary sur- instruments and appliances, aise a com- plete veterinary library Yeterinary Obstetrics a Specialty. A complete stock of veterinary medicines ‘ale ways on hand, thereby saving: trouble: 4nd an- noyance. Horses taken for treatment for $2.50 per ‘and npwards, according to irsatment required... .. Consult me before killing your brokesi-logged and tetanized ‘horses. 1 have treated tetaning or ~ locked-jaw successfully. Place of residence, 8 miles west of Satin, ‘Postoffice address, Grantsville, Ma. {en in exchange at market prices, me P. S. HAY, SALISBURY, PENNA, EE al § Te Markel cluding FRESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA : Willow-ware, Trunks and Valises. Wining Powder and Salt by the Carload! Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, etc. | ay working ds dil 'e atly to ware, ‘Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books, | liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, | - a | Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Pitty, Window Glass, all kinds of Miners Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and} Country Produce ak : A. I. oN AGEY, ——Dealer m-— a eral Merchandise, who have enabled him to make a complete success of his strict- ly cash system venture, i rons any goods they may need, without the additional profit “1 pay Cash and sell goods at Cash Prices, for Cash, and give you a cordial invitation to visit us and | inspect our stock, we will risk your necessary to make up for bad accounts. buying: | money. takes this method of returning his nie to the many patrons We find that we can, under the above system, give our pat- ; == Hardware, ©TOVES and TIN. > We kandle the celebrated line of Cinder- \ | alta ‘Stoves and: Ranges. also the Sunshine “and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind & > Stove that may be desired. We aim to please the people in giving the LOWEST PRICES ors shelf and ofher Aardivare, including Oils, Paints, Glass, Nails Pumps, Hollow Ware, Horse Pads, Blankels, Robes, cie.. elo., and | such other things that may be found in a hardware store. In the line of Tinware : we can furnish anything made of tin, and of any quantity or quality; Jrom the cheap- st to the best of grades, at lowest prices. Spouting, Roofing | and all kinds of job work, guaranteed to give satisfaction, al reasonable prices. Solicit. ing your patronage, we remain Cc. R. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. Rw Bargains! ! BA AP oe a nH Cc. SHAW, WEST SALISBURY. “Look at the following quotations and govern yourself: Seukugly: Minehahs Plour, per barrel. ng Powder... . YE PateY Me ead af side oF ih Fock Bottom Prices. | Give me a call and 1 will save you ¥ HL. CC. SITAW. Dr. aid 3 J) tenders his professional services to those requir- Ing dental treatment. d office on Union st, west of Brethren Church, : AM. LICHTY, IPwpicin And Surgeon. Office first door south of the M. Hay corner, | SALISBURY. PA. Pg A. F, SPEICHER, Physician And. Surgeon, ‘tenders his professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and vieinity. * Office, cortier Grant and Union Sts, Salisbury, Penna. : . J.C. LOWRY, ATPORNTE EAT Eb Ws ¥ Souxnser, Pa. INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT The Knife Plunged Into Prices 0f Wall Pager, Cutting Them i in Half. HOW CAN WE DO IT? WE BUY WALL PAPER BY THE CAR LOAD from the largest manufactories if the United States, so cheap and in such qiantities that we can sell you many patterns for less money than small dealers ean buy them, We will sell stores in 50 piece bundles and save them money: Will sell YOU in any quantities wanted, good patterns, no gilt, at 2, 3,4, 5 snd Go per bolt. Good Gilt Papers, at’ 4, 5,7, 10 aud 1%; extra fine, at 15 and 20. We selected the finest, newest and best patterns from four factorles—we haven't a piece of old paper in our store, We will sell these goods for less money than yu can buy them for in auy city. Having investigated 5 | the matter, we know whereof we speak. WE CAN DO IT; as it costs us nothing to add paper to - our large business. We carry all kinds: of paper—hundreds of patterns—from fi © chenpest to 3 the finest embossed, beautiful gold patterns, plain ingrains with magnificently, : 18-inch 3 borders, up 10 the very finest pressed paper, good enough for a palae. : oa. CARPET and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. / We have also put fn stock tHe largest and finest line of CARPET brought to Meyoradale. All grades from the cheapest up. Ingraius, Body 1 Velvets. Beeout Brus: “selsatdoe. A magnificen ificent assortment vf LACK WINDOW CURTAINS, abont 200 pairs in stock i DRESS GOODS. jas opened. Cail and childien, which 1 . gf yon need paper and appreciate saving the dollars, you will buy from us. Call, of send vr for samples of paper and a copy of our guide—“How to Paper.” * 1 Sumimer Fabrice of all Kiuds, Large : THE Tr: HOUSE, HM. LOEGHEL, Proprietor, . Board by the oy week or month, Firstelats accommodations, Rages reasonable, + Tox ONLY Licensed Horer I Sarnmsruny, We take pleasure in trying to please our pat- rons, and Jou win will Swaps tad Tag Vanier a | Your patronage is respectfully solicited. - LATEST. The other day a wagon: .maker who has been dumb for years, picked up a hub and spoke of. the many bargains to be had #t ‘ Wm. PETRY'S. Now ar my bargains are spoken of by dumb people, how do: you think it will effect yon who have the. power of speech? JUST RECEIVED: Oranges ................. Figs, per pound... . “Out of Sight” Chewing Totiaceo, por * foot... “200 Wichen Lamps, ready to light.. 40¢ — Syrup, pet gallon °} Glass and China Marbles. . Fresh roasted Peanuts oH on abana. “Also ‘the finest seloction of Candies and Cakes in fown. Statler Block, : Salisbury, Pa. The Hay Hotel, C. T. HAY, Prop, SALISBURY, PA, This finely equipped hotel is now open to guests, and the traveling public will find it one of the most desirable stopping places in Somer set county. : 1t contains as finely furnished rooms as any hotel in the county, the entire house having been | fitted up with new furniture, stew carpet and everything that goes to make a hotel attractive to the eye and add to the comfort of guests, The tables aresupplied with the’ best. of every- thing that the market affords, and no pains will .be spared to please guests and make them feel at home. A GCODD LIVERY AND FEED STABLE will be run in connection with the hotel and nothing will be left undone ‘that ‘will add to the 'f convenience and comfort of the traveling public. ‘Rates reasonable and public patronage Solio: ited. ‘Beginning Satuniay Evening, Apr. 20d, 1802 the a ey uw tn opersted by the Lapis’ Arn SociETy, of the Ev.’ LUTHERAN CHURCH, of SALissURY, “will be open ‘every Saturday. evening during the season, Caaduvn ern ii : | eightieth mile post. BOITORIAL IL. REMARKS. ‘Kuen in the house of its triends— the Bland free coinage bill. Ax agreement with a string tied to it ia Lord Balisbury’s latest concerning Beh- ring Sea matters. Ice crEAM and summer girl jokes may now be talen out of camphor and nel ished up for the season. THE usual spring Indian outbreak; on : : a paper, mrde its appearance somewhat ahead of schedule time this year. aE It was unfortunate for Governor Flow- er that he should have had that attack of indigestion just atter a visit from Sena- tor Hill. The ‘green goods” men appear to be unusually active this year, which indicates that the crop of fools is-abnormally large snd constantly increasing. ' Tre €bicago boodlers now know that the originator of the phrase “walls have ears” had a dead cinch on truth. and that he did not have to go to the bottom of a well to find it. : . ‘France and the New York Herald have nominated Whitelaw Reid for Vice President, but the 0. K_ of the Minneap- olis convention will have to be secured before itisa “go.” Tug United Bates senators sre about J the only wen in this country who do not know how the newspapers get executive session proceedings. Such ignorance would be lamentable if it were not so ludicrous. : Rev. Jom JASPER, of ‘the sun do move” notoriety, has taken a third wife, notwithstanding his having passed the The old gentleman will probably soon discover that other things move as well as the sun, News from Washington suys the em- | ployes of thie naval gun factory are work: ‘ing double time, in order that the guns § for the new vessels may be ready when the. ships are. Thert’s no hluffing in at sort of thing. It means business Tae Cleveland men are beginning to fight for their favorite, and will try to knock out several “favorite sans,” "in: uding Gray, of Indiana. They would Ave found the fighting much easier if ] by knocking out the op- ell ‘to be suspicious of ‘too much. The ink ‘the newspaper inter- : to fighting the wicked sugar trust, before be had become a member of the trust, AMERICAN women who go shroud to | reside have proven themselves apt pupils in the school of foreign vice. Let those who think America too plebeian a place for them to live decide whether plebeian virtue is not after all better than the aris- tocratic vices of blue-blooded Europe. “ ‘THAT Texas meeting of Jay Gould and C: P. Huntington may have been entirely accidental, as the principals declare it to have been, but all the same tlie owners of railroads in that section which are not already owned by one or the other of these men would better keep & careful watch on their property. ASKING questions appears’ to have be- comg a diplomatic “fad.” The Chinese minister at Washington has fired a lot of them at Secretary Blaine. - He wants to know what this gountry intends doing about Chinese immigration. Congress will probably answer these questions very decisively before the present law expires by limitation; but the answer will hardly be satisfactory to the Chinese. AN eXchange prints the following ex- tract from a ‘sermon of ‘a level. headed clergyman in an eastern state:’ “To be an aggressive business man is- to be an energetic Christian. Business and religion do not pall against each oth- er. Neither does business put a damper on Christianity, a8 many suppose. Emo- tion is simply a cheap substitute tor re- Emplovment is an eseape from ligion. ‘evil; itds the only safeguard. God says nothing about your slighting ‘your busi- ness to serve Him. The first-class Christ: fan need not be a second-clnss business man. If your husiness is clean, if you make it accord with the Ten Command. ments, iL is all right. If you cannot, then it is bad, and you should change it for another. Neither business nor relig- ion are to be forsaken or taken apast trom each other. They should go hand ‘in hand. Religion is as good for the sev- en days of the week as it is for any par: ticular one of them. Without religion business is selfish. and withont emplay- ment religion becomes sentimental snd = shallow, The philosophy of Josh Bill: {ing was not far from the mark when he said. *1 like to see aman show his piety ‘when he measures oitions as well as when ; he Hollers glory hallelajah?™ % ea A Correction. We are creditably informed {hat 1 C. Cblbori has been trying’ 10 make: the County Commissioners ‘believe that” “his opponent, Mr. J. A. Berkey, caused Tax STAR tO champion the cause of the tax payers by criticising the eourse of the Commissioners in the matter of hearing appeals If Mr. Colborn has been guilty of this, and we have no reason lo doubt it. he has been guilty of a very mean and cow: ardly act, for J. A. Berkey has had noth: ing to do with the matter in any shape or: form, having never mentioned anything to us whatever concerning the County Commissioners or their business. It looks a good deal as though Mr. Col- born wanted to get solid with the Com- missioners and get their influence in fa- vor of his re-election as District Attorney : But we are inclined to think that Mr. €.’s tactics will act against him instead of in his favor. He has'so far been condueting his campaign on falke assertions, any way, and if he gets the nomination for District Attorney the second time, there are more fools in the Republican party San; we are willing to believe. Mr. Colborn has been telling the voters that it is customary to give the District Attorney two terms. That is false and Mr. Colborn knows it Is false; for out of the eleven men that this county has elected to that office, but three of them were elected to serve a second term. It is.of no use for any candidate to get it into his head that the voters are all us ignorant as cattle and not in a position to procure facts for themselves. We he- lieve Mr. Colborn will find this out: later on. ; Ss SB We have an idea that the people of this county have had about enough of the Colborne, and we find that a great many people are of the opinion that LL. C. {8 not competent to creditably Sil his office. Berkey is head and shoulders abowe him in” both intellect and honor. Berkey has conducted his campaign ina manly and honorable way, and if elected will make an excellent officer. Vote for him. . The Salisbury Foundry Sold. M. Knecht, the West Salisbury black. smith and sawmill man, has purchuged the old Balisbury foundry and will move Lit to the railroad. where it ought to have been long ago. Mike is a veritable gen: us and & good machinist, and he is going to improve the plant and run a first-class achine shop, something “needed re. Tui Stan ‘