The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, March 24, 1892, Image 5
es? I ir Bro- 'S your Ww. ‘tosub- ong to. VG/ Great aloons: patrons: brated Fam- louses, citing a Fa. Sen, Pha- ZONS, prices. .. Bring in . ew, Don’t 11 cost, y 1 kinds of Sea Foam’’ ) handle ght in car- tore in Thanking + Bection 8. . dates for any public office may also be “-.“made by nomination papers signed by | ‘gualified electors of the State, or of TERS. TIENEN BALLOT LAY THE AMENDED BAKER © PLAN PULL TEXT OF THE BILL meni, Many Radical Changes for the Voters to Study Up on, The New Ballot Law Sead as fol- we: % ve SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the sen- ate and house of representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ingens _eral assembly met, and it is hereby en- _ acted by the authority of the same, that from and after March 1, 1892, all © ballots cast in elections for public of- ~ ficets within this Commonwealth shall ' be printed and distributed at public expense as hereinafter provided. The - printing of the ballots and of the cards _ of instruction for the elections in each county, and the delivery of the same to . the election officers, as hereinafter pro- ~ wyided, and all other expenses incurred under the provisions of this act shall be a county charge unless herein oth- ~ © erwise provided, the payment of which ~ ‘shall be provided for in the same man- “ner as the payment.of other election ex- ses. It shall be the duty of the sec: retary of the Commonwealth to prepare forms for all the blanks made necessary or advisable by this act, and to fur- nish copies of the same to the county eommissioners of each county, who shall procure further copies of the same at the cost of the county and . .fmnish them to the election officers or any other persons by whom they are to . be used in such quantities as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. oh i THE NOMINATIONS. Bection 2. Any convention of dele- . gates or primary meeting of electors, or ~eaucus held under the rules of a polit- ical party, or any board authorized to certify nominations representing a po- litical party, which at the election next preceding polled at least 8 per -centum of the largest entire vote for any office cast in the State, or in the ‘electoral distriet or division- thereof for which such primary meeting, cau- cus. convention or board desires to make or certify nominations, may nom- inate one candidate for each office ‘which is to be filled in the State, or in the said district or division at the next ensuing election, by causing a certificate of nomination to be drawn up and filed as hereinafter provided, provided that any political party which polled three'per centum of the ‘entire vote in the State at the election: next preceding at which a State officer was voted for mwy make and certify nominations according to the provis- ions of this section for any electoral di- vision or district of the State, not- withstanding that such political party may have polled less than 8 per cen- tum of the entire vote at the last pre- ceding election in said electoral dis- trict or division. Every such certifi- cate of nomination shall be signed by the presiding officer and the secretary or secretaries of the convention or pri- mary meeting or caucus or board, who shall add thereto their places of resi: “dence, and shall be sworn or affirmed to by them before an officer qualified to administer oaths to be true to the ‘best of their knowledge und belief, and ‘a certificate of the oath shall be annex- ed to the certificate of nomination. ' ANOTHER PLAN OF NOMINATION. Nominations of candi- “the electoral district or division there- of for which the nomination is made, and filed in the proper office as pro- yided in section five of this act. Where the nomination is for eny office to be filled by the voters of the State at . large the number of qualified electors of the State signing such nomination paper shall be at least one-half of 1 per ‘centum of the largest vote for any of- ficer elected in the State at the last preceeding election at: which a State officer was voted for. In the case of all “other nominations, the number of qual- ified electors of the elactoral district or division signing such nomination papers shall be at least 3 per cent cen- tum of the largest entire vote for any officer elected at the last preceding election in the ‘said electoral district or division , for which said nomina. ®on papers are designed to: be made Each elector signing & nomination pa< per shall add to his signaturehis place of residence snd occupation, and no person may subscribe to more than one ‘nomination for each office to be filled. The. signatures to each nomination : and the qualification of the sign- yall be yonched for by the affida- least five of the signers there it shall accompany yroyided that specify : (1) | Sec. 8. Al cert “AI certificates nation and nomimation papers shall The party, or policy, which such candidate represents ex- pressed in not more than three words; in the case of electors of president and vice president of the United States the names of the candidates for president and vice president may be added to the party or political appellation. (2) The name of each candidate nominated therein, his profession, business, or oe¢- cupation, if any, and his place of resi- dence with street and number thereon, if any. (8) The office for which such candidate is nominated, provided that no words shall be used in any nomina- tion papers io describe or designate the party or policy or pulitical appel- lation represented by the candidate named in such nomination papers as aforesaid, identical with or similar to the words used for the like purpose in certificates of nomination made by a convention of delegates of a political party which at the last preceding elec tion polled 8 per centum of the largest vote cast. Sec. 5. Certificates. of nominatiom for candidates for the offices of presi- dential electors and members of the house of representatives of the United States, and for all State officers includ ing those of judges, senators and rep- resentatives, shall be filed with the secretary. of the Commonwealth at least §6 days before the election for which the candidates are nominated, and nomination papers for candidates for the said offices shall be filed with ‘the said secretary at least 40 days be- fore the day of such election. * WHERE PAPERS ARE FILED. Certificates of nomination and nomi- nation papers for candidates for all other offices, except township and borough offices, shall be filed with the county commissioners of the respec- tive counties 'at least 42 and 85 days Sespegrively before the day of the elec- on. nomination papers for candidates for township and borough offices and elec- tion officers and school directors in the same shall be filed with the auditors of the respective. townships and bor- oughs atleast 10 and 7 days respectively before the day of the election. ‘Bec. 6. The certificates of nomina- tion and nomination papers, being so filed and being in conformity with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed to be valid unless objections thereto are duly made in writing. (1.) In the case of certificates and papers designed for the State at large within 80 days after the last day for the filing of such certificates and papers. (2.) In the case of other certificates and papers except, those designed for borough and township officers within 20 days after the last day for the filing of such cer- tificates and papers. (8.) In the case of certificates and papers desigued for borough ard township officers within three days after the last day for the filing of such certificates and papers. Objections as to form or apparent con- formity or non-conformity to”law of certificates or papers designed for the State at large shall be filed with the secretary of the commonwealth, and shall be considered by him conjointly with the auditor general and attorney general, and shall be decidcd finally by. a majority of these officers. TO BETTLE OBJECTIONS, Objections of the same kind to other certificates and papers, except those for borough and township offices, shall be filed with the county commission- ers, and shall be decided finally by a majority of them. Objections of the same kind to’ certificates and papers designed for borough and township offices shall be filed with the auditors, and shall be decided by a majority of them. All objections as to the validity of certificates or papers, other than ob- jections as to form or apparent con- formity as heretofore described shall, in the case of certificates or papers de- signed for the State at. large, be filed in the court of common pleas of Dau- phin county, and in the case of all other certificates and papers such obli- gations shall be filed in any court of common pleas within the judieial dis- trict of which such election district or division or part thereof for which such certificates or papers are designed may ' be situated. In case the court is ip session one or more judges of the court shall immediately proceed to hear such objections without unnecessary ad. journment or delay, and shall give suck hearing precedence over all other busi- ness before him or ‘them. In case the court is not in session any judge of such court, on the presentation to him of the certificate of the :prithonotary that such objections have been filed as ‘aforesaid, shall'immediately procced te ‘hear such objections as aforesaid Where there is more than one court o; common pleas In any election district or division, such objections may be re- ferred by the court with which they are filed to any other court in such dis- trict, if such reference is necessary to secure a more convenient and speedy hearing, and all cases of dispute as to which of several conrts in such district shall have jurisdiction shall be immedi- ately decided by the judge being old- est in commission in such district. PROVISION FOR WITHDRAWAL. Sec. 7. Any person whose name has been presented ns a candidate may cansy his name to be withdrawn from: nomination: by. request in writing, signed by him and acknowledged be- fore an officer qualified to take acknowl- edgements of deeds, and filed with the secretary of the commonwealth 156 days, or with the county commissioners of the proper county 12 days as the case may be; previous to the day of election, and no name so withdrawn shall be. printe upon the ballots. Certificates of nomination and | monwenithsha ious tothe day: to the county commissioners and the sheriff in each county in which such election is to be held duplicate official lists stating the names and residences of and parties or policies represented by all candidates whose nomination cer- tificates or papers have been filed with him as herein provided for such election, and have not been found and declared to be invalid as provided in section six, and to be voted for at each voting place in each such county respectively substantially in the form of the ballots to be used therein. The county com- missioners of each county shall also send to the sheriff of their county at least 10 days prior to the day of any election an official list containing the names, residences and party or political appellations of all candidates except those for election officers and school directors whose nomination certificates or papers have been filed with the said commissioner as herein provided for such election, and to be voted for at each voting place in the county sub- stantially in the form of the ballots to be used therein. : PROCLAIMING THE ELV.CTIONS. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of every county at least 10 days before any election to be held therein, except for township and borough offi cers, to give notice of the same by proclamations posted up in the most public places in every election district, and by advertisements in at least two newspapers, if there be so many pub- lished in the county, representing so far as practicable the political parties ‘which at the preceding election cast the largest and next largest number of votes; and in every such proclamation or advertisement he shall: (1) Enu- merate the officers to be elected and give a list of all the nominations, ex- cept for election officers and assessors, made as provided for in this act and to be voted for in such county as far as may be in the form in which they shall appear upon the ballots, but the proc- lamations posted in each election dis- trict need not contain the names of any candidates but those to be voted for in such district. (2) Designate the place at which the election is to be held. (8) He shall give notice that every person excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incor- vorated QIStrict, wneiner a Commis- ‘sioned cfficer, or otherwise a subordi- nate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative, execu- tive or judiciary department cf this State or of the United States, or of any that every member of congress and of the State Legislature and of the Select or£emmon Council of any city or com- missioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exer- cising at the same time the office or appointment of judge, inspector or wealth, and that no inspector, judge or other offizer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for except that of an election officer. ; : sat IN CASE OF DEATH, 8Ec. 11, It case of the death or withdrawal of any candidate nominat- ed as herein provided the party, con: vention, primary meeting, caucus or board or the citizens who nominated such candidate may nominate a sub- stitutein his place Ly filling in the proper office at any time before the day of election a nomination certifi- cate or paper which shall conform to all the requirements of this act in. re- gard to original certificates or papers, provided that if the said convention or citizens shall have authorized any committee to make nominations in the svent of the death or withdrawal oi candidates, the said convention shal) not be required to re-convene, nor the said citizens to sign a new nomi- nation paper, but the said committee shall have power to file the requisite nomination certificate or paper, which shall recite the facts of the appoint. ment and the powers of said committee. (naming all its members) of the death or withdrawal of the candidate, and of the action of the committee thereon; and the truth of these facts shall be verified by the affidavit annexed to the certificate or paper of two members of the committee, and also of at least two of the officers of the convention ‘whe nal certificate, or two of the citizens who meade affidavit to the original pa- per; and provided also that in case of | a substituted nomination paper not filed by a committee but signed by citizens, it shall only be necessary that two-thirds of the signers of the said paper shall have been signers of the original paper. OBJECTIONS TO SUBSTITUTES, Sec. 12.. All substituted nomina- tion certificates or papers may be ob- ected to as provided in section seven of this act, and if a substituted certi- ficate or paper be filed after the last day for filing the original certificate or paper, objections must be made within four days after the filing, and no objections as to form or conformity to law shall be received after the time get for printing the" ballots. ? As soon us any .substituted candi- date shall have been duly nominated proper officers in the place of that of the candidate who has died or with- drawn, so far as time may allow, or in case a substituted nomination be filed with or transmitted to the county commissoners or township or borough auditors after the ballots have been printed, the said commissioners or ‘ited States or State officers; transmit to city or incorporated district, and also’ clerk of any election of this Common- made affidavit in supportiof the origi- | hisname shall be. substituted by the | ‘auditors shall prupare and distribute | 11] with the ballots suitable slips of paper. ; the. substitat ame, toge yoter with the regular ballot, and may be affixed thereto. Sec. 13. The county commissioners of each county, shall cause all the bal- lots to be used therein to be printed, except for elections of officers of town- ships and boroughs, and election offi- cers and school directors in the same, the ballots for which shall be printed and distributed by the auditors, who shall certify the cost of such printing and distribution to the county com- missioners for payment as part of a county election expenses. The said commisioners and auditors shall as- certain the offices to be filled and shall be responsible for the accurate printing of the ballots, in accordance with this act, and for the safe keeping of the same while in their possession or that of their subordinates or agents. HOW BALLOTS ARE PRINTED. Sec. 14. The face of every ballot which shall be printed in accordance with the provisions of this act shall contain the names and residences of all candidates whose nomination for any office specified in the ballot shall have been duly made, except such as may have died or withdrawn, The names of candidates shall be presented in the following manner and order: In the casé of certificates of nomina- tions made by a convention of dele- gates, or otherwise as described in sec- tion two, representing a political party which at the election next pre- ceding polled at least 8 per centum of the highest entire vote cast in the State or electoral district or division thereof for which such nominations are made, as described in section two, the names of all the candidates so nominated by such political party shall be arranged in groups as presented in the several certificates of nomination ander the designation of the office with the party descriptive words or peliti- cal “appellation” at the head of éach group. Such groups shall be printed in the order of the vote polled by each political party at the last preceding election, beginning with the party which secured the highest vote. Inall other cases of nomination by nomina- tion papers the names of the candi- dates for each office shall be arranged under the designation of the office in glphabetical order according to the surnames. There shall be left at the end of ths list of candidates for each different office (or under the title of the office itself for which an election is to be held in case there be no candidates legally nominated therefor) as many blank space as there are persons to be elected to such office in which the voter may insertthe name of any per- gon whose name is not printed on the ballot for whom he desires to vote as candidate for such office, and such in- gertion shall count as a vote without the cross mark (x) hereinafter men- tioned. Whenever the approval of a constitutional amendment or other question is submitted to the vote of the people such questions shall be printed upon the ballot after the list: of candidates. THE USE OF THE PENCIL. The ballot shall be so printed to as give to each voter a clear opportunity to designate his choice of candi dates by a crossmark (x) in a sufficient margin at the right of the name of each candidate, and in like manner his ans- wer to the questions submitted, and on the ballot may be printed instructions how to mark, and such words as will aid the voter to do this as “vote foi one,” “vote for three,” “yes,” “no,” and the like, provided that a voter may designate his choice of all the candi. dates of a political party or group bj one crossmark in the margin to the right of the party name or political ‘designation of such group, and such mark shall be equivalent te a mark against every name in the group. Sec, 15. All the L'allots used at the same voting place at any election shall be alike and shall be at least six inches long and four inches wide; they shall be printed with the same kind or kinds of type (which shall not be smaller than the size known as ‘bre: vier” or “eight-point body”) upon white paper without any impression or mark te distinguish one from an, other except as expressly authorized herein or by the constitution of this Commonwealth. Each ballot shall be attached to a stub or counterfoil, and all the ballots for the same voting place shall be bound together in con- venient numbers in books in such man- | ner that each ballot may be detached and removed separately. A diagonal folding-line shall be printed on the right hand upper cor- ner of the back of each ballot, and the said corner shall be edged with adhes- ive paste so that the corner, when fold- ed at the folding-line, can be securely fastened down over the number now required by the constitution of this Commonwealth so that the said num- ber cannot be seen without unfasten- ing or cutting open the part so fasten- ed down. The top of each ballot shall have a margin of equal size on both amstrict or ¢o ‘Qrany Ju tuereor may, upon the application pr Te iiRo electo of the district or county, re the county commissioners to correct the mistake or omission or to show cause why they should ot. Sec. 16. The county commissioners of each county shall provide for each election dis- trict in which an‘election is to be held, ex- cept in elections for township and borough 0! , two sets of such ballots each of not less than 75-for every 50 and fraction of 50 voters therein as contained upon the assess- or's list. They shall also prepare full in- structions for the guidance of to ob- taining ballots, as tothe manner of marking them and the method of gaining assistance, and as to obtaining new ballots in place of those accidentally spoiled, and they shall re- spectively cause the same, together with copies of sections 31 to 38 inclusive of this act, to be printed in large clear type on sep- arate cards to be cdlled cards of instruction. 3 THE SPECIMEN BALLOTS. They shall also canse to be printed on tinted paper and without the fac-simile in- dorsements an equal number of copies of the form of the ballot provided f.r each voting place at each election therein, which shall be called specimen ballots, antl at each election they shall furnish to each voting place, to- gether with the ballotsto be: there, a suf- ficient number of cards of instruction and specimen ballots for use, as required in sec- tion 21 of this act. They shall also provide for each election district at every election therein two copies of the assessor's lists of voters, and shall deliver the same as such lists are now delivered,one sopy to be called the ‘‘ballot check list” for the inspectors in charge of the ballots, and the other copy to be called the voting '‘check list” to be used in marking the names of those who have voted and the numbers of their ballots as now required by law. Sec. 17. The two sets of ballots, together with the specimen ballots and cards of in- struction printed by the county commission- ers as herein provided, shall be packed by them in sparate sealed | packages with marks on the outside clearly eeignaung the elect- jon districts for which t are intended and the number of ballots of each kind en- losed. They shall then be sent by the "county sioners of the ti ties sep- ye Pp arately and at differant times, or by differ- ent methods, to the judges of election at the several voting places so as to bt received by them, one set on the Saturday before the day of election and the other sel on the Monday before the day of elec tion. RECEIPTS FOR THE BALLOTS. The respective :udges of election shall, on delivery to them of such pack , returc receipts therefore to the commissioners, who shall keep a record of the time when and the manner in which the several packages are sent and shall preserve for the period of one year the receipts of the said judges of elec- tion. For elections of officers of townships and boroughs and of election officers and school directors in the same the anditor shall provide foreach election district 75 bal- lots for every 50 and fraction of 50 voters on the assessor's list and an equal number of specimen ots, and shall obtain from the county commissioners the requisite cards of, instruction, which shall be delivered with the ballotsto the judges of election the day before the day of election. : Reation 18. In case ths ballots to be fur- nished to any voting place "in accordance with the provisions of this act shall fail for any reason to be aay delivered, or in case after delivery they shall be destroyed or stolen, it shall be the duty of the judge of election of such voting place to cause other ballots to be prepared substantially in the form of the ots so wants ing, and npon receipt of such oh ballots from him, accompanied by a statement under oath that the same have been so prepared and furnished by him, and that the original ballots have so failec to be received or have been so destroyed 1. stolen, the election officers shall cause the ‘ballots so substitited to be used in lieu oi the ballots wanting as above. It shall be theduty of the county commissioners of each county to mail complete specimens of the ballots and other necessary papers by registered letter to the judge of elections of sach election district at least four days be- tore the election to ¢mable him to comply with the directions of this section. THE VOTING ROOMS. Sec. 19. The county commissioners of each county shall provide for each election dis- irict therein at each. election a room large enough to be fitted up with voting shelves and a guard rail, as hereinafteprovided. If in any district no such room be ren or otherwise obtained, the said cpmmission- ers shall cause to be constructed fbr such dis- trict a temporary room of adegu bo size 0 used as a voting room : they shall also cause all the said rooms to be suitally provided with heat and light and with/a sufficient number of voting shelves or opmpuartments at or in which voters may Jeonveniently i t ig the marking thereof they may be screened from the ob- servation of others, and a gyard-rail shall be so constructed and placed//that only such : Ail can approach within six feet of the ballgl box and of such voting shelves or compagftr : rangement shall be such that neither ballot box nor the voting/booths shall be hid- den from view of those just outside the said guard-rail. The number of such voting shelves or compartments shall not be less than one for every 50 names on the assessor's lists, but shall not in any case be less than three for the voters qualified to vote at such voting place. No persons other than elec tion officers and voters admitted, as herein- after provided, shall be pe: mitted within the said rail except by authority of the election officers for the pu e of keeping order and enforcing the law. h voting shelf or com- partment shall be kept provided with proper fubplics and conveniences for marking the O18. ‘WHO PAYS THE BILL. ‘Sec. 20. To provide for the cost of said shelves or compartn.ents and guard-rails in the year 1892 the secretary of the common- w the auditor general shall be and they are hereby constituted a board to decide upon a pattern of the said shelves or compartments and a pattern of the said guard-rails and upon the material to be used for them and such other furniture and apparatus as may be necessary, and to fix a limit of cost of the "same per shelf cr com- partmient” and lineal foot of rail, and the said Board hall, within two months after the passage of this act, notify the com- missioners of the respective counties ot the pattern adopted and of the limit of cost, and the said commissioners, after they have pro- vided the said shelves or compartments and guard-rails, shall send to the auditor general of the commonwealth a statement of the back and face and the said folding line shall be upon this margin, but nothing else shall be printed thereon except instructions how to mark, pro- vided, that if at any time the said con- stitution shall cease to require ballots to be numberel the foregoing require- ments as to the folding-line, the mar- gin and the adhesive paste shall be void. ' WHAT THE BALLOT CONTAINS. On the back of each ballot, or on the right hand side of the back if the ballot is printed in two columns. there shall be printed as a caption “official ballot for,” followed b the designation of the voting place for whi the ballot is. , the date of the elec- tion and a fac Smile of the signaures of the co commissioners: o! : bn! who have caused the ballots to be rinted, unless they have been printed iy wnehip or borough auditors.’ of the number of ballots printed furnished to each voting plate shall and ved unty voting places in the county, naming them, and if the nmnber of shelves or compart- ments provided for each according to the . pattern adopted. and of the cost of the same, not exceeding the limit to be fixed a3 afore- said, which statement shall be signed by the said commissioners, verified by the affidavit of one of them, and approved by the connty controller or auditors. On receipt of the said statement the auditor general shall draw | warrants upon the treasury of the Common- wealth in favor of the treasurers of the coun- ties from which the said statements shall | have been rec:ivad forthe sun stherein stated to be due, aud the S:ate treasurer is hereby directed to pay the said warrants. The said shelves or ‘compartments and guard-rails. shall theréatter be ‘the property of the re- spective connties, and no further allowance’ hal be made to the counties by the auditor general for providing the same. : | TO ENLIGHTEN THE VOTER. ! Bec. 21. At the openin of the pools in voting place, 1s of one th, the secretary of internal affairs and | Vi be immediately poste in or about the vob- ing room is the rail, and such cards and specimen ballots shall be given to any voter, ut Sis Toque .. The d setof ballots shall be retained unopen: brihere ” spective judges of election until are needed for the p of voting, Se Sec. 22. Any person desiring to vote shall give his nameand residence to one of election officers in charge ofthe baliots, who shall thereupon announce the samein aloud and district tone of voice, and if such name is found upon the ballot check-list by the in= tor or clerks in charge thereof he she likewise repeat the said name, and the vo shall be allowed to enter the space en by the guard-rail, unless his right to vote be challen No person whos2 name is not on the said list, or whose right to vote shall © be challenged by a qualified citizen shall be admitted within said gnard-rail until he established his right to vote in the mannex now provided by law, and his name, if nob on the check-lists, shall then be adi both lists. As soon as a voter is admi within the rail, the election officer havi charge of the ballots shall detach a ballos from the stub and give it to the said vot but shall first fold it so that words printed on the back and outside as provoded in sec- tion 15 of this act, shall bethe only word- ing visible, and no ballot shall be voted unless folded in the same manner. Not more than one ballot shall be given to a voter except as provided in section 26 of this act. : NO RECORDS OF NUMBERS. oy As soon as a voter received a ballot the let- ter *'B’’ shall be marked against his name: on the margin of the ballot-check-list, bi no record of the number of the ballots shall or overseers a Commonweal n in excess of the number of voting shelves or compartments provided shall be allowed is said enclosed space at one time. TEE Sec. 23. On receipt of his ballot the voter shall forthwith and without leaving th space enclosed by the guard-rail retire to one of the voting shelves or compartments, and shall prepare his ballot by marking inthe appropriate margin or place a cross (x) opposite the party, name or political pation of a group of candidates, or ol the name of the candidate of his choice for each office to be filled, grby inserting in th blank space provided therefor any name n already on the ballot, and in case ofa tion submitted to the vote of the marking in the appropriate margin or p a cross (x) against the answer which hee piresto give. Before leaving the votingshelf or compartment the voter shall fold his ba lot without displayingthe marks thereon the same way it was folded when receiv by him, and he shall keep the same folded until he has voted. ~~ After leaving the voting shelf and be leaving the enclosed space ‘he shall give ‘ballot to the election officer in charge of th ballot box, who shall, without unfol : ballot, number it as required by the cor tution of this Commonwealth, placing the said number in the right hand upper : of the back of the ot immediately to th left of the folding line printed thereon and nowhere else, and shall then at once fo the corner at the folding line and fasten securely down with theadhesive paste 50 8 to cover the number on the ballot so that is out undue delay, and shall quit the enclose bis ballot has been f this Commonweal 4 to require ballots to be numbered no number shall be marked on the ballot and it shall be Sepostied in the ballot-box by th voter himsel ; ’ TIME OF MARKING LIMITED. Sec. 24. : No voter shall be allowed to oc- cnpy a voting shelf or compartment already occupic(’ by another,except when giving the help allowed by section 27 of this act, nor romain within said compartment more than three minutes in cassall of compart: Tienis are In use and other voters are’ wait- ing to occnpy the same. No voter ‘not am election offic>r shall be allowed to reenter the enclosed ‘space after he has once left it & cept to give help ereinafter described. Each voter's name shall be checked on ther voting check-list by the officer having chs thereof as soon as he has cast his vote in manner now provided by law. It shall be the duty of.the judge of “election to secure than area!lowed by this act. which has by its primary meeting, convention or board sent to the proj a certificate of nomination. and obi ni of citizens which has sent to the proper fice anomination paper as provided in 8 tions two and three of this act, shail be al lowed to appoint three electors to act ay watchers at each voting place, without ex pense to the county, one of whom shall be allowed to Toman ifle Toor outside = Ae 2) space. watcher s; vided with a certificate from the coun! commissioners, or if the election be held a township or borough, from the auditors the same, sta‘ing his nam. ¢ the persons who have appointed him =a the party or policy he represents, and ni party or policy shall be represented by 8 than one watcher in the same voting’ rooms at any one time. Watchers shall be requir ed to show their certificates when requested to do so. Until the pools are closed no pers. sons shall be allowed in the room outside of the said enclosed space except these watch ers, voters not exceeding 10 at any one ti who are awaiting their turn to prepare their ballots, and peace officers when necessary for the preservation of the peace. No person when with:n the voting room shall election- eer or solicit votes for any party or candi- date, nor shall any written or printed mat- ter be posted up within the said room ex: ; as required by law. NO EXTRA LISTS ALLOWED. Bec. 25. No list or memorandum of the aames of voters except such lists as are exs pressly authorized by law shall be made within the voting room by any person or of+ ficer; nor shall any list oi memorandum of the numbers marked upon the ballots be made or kept except such lists as are express ly authorized by law, provided that any »f voters upon which the numbers of tha ballots are recorded, as now required by law, shall be i > Toes properly marked, and and the stubs of all ‘he ballots together with ail unused ballots and the ballot-check-list shall also be snclosed in a sealed pac : pating the voting place, w be sent to the proper office as law in the care of the ballots cast, and pr the sald package nor the said lists hall theteafes be opened e: 8 ord:r'of a court of competent diction. : Bec. 26. No] in the case e sea shall publicly broken, and the | lection shall be opened by the judge of bos ool ip curds of instruction 8 mmediately posted shelf or | partment provided in accord er h this or he marking of th less at or in each voting |