The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, March 24, 1892, Image 4

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    YGOOD, ‘Editor and’ Publisher
See amo!
"No business Yeoals will
Botere at the postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as
mail matter of the Second class.
Tae Stan is published every Thursday, at Elk
ick, Pa., at the e following rates:
ne copy one y 3! 2.
Jue copy six on iS
Ine copy three months
Jue copy one month
ingle copies
LAD 10 cents her first insertion; 5 cents
a }ine for each additional insertion. To regular
advertisers, 5 oan a line straight, except when
g local news or editorial matter.
be ed in with local
hows or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a
ine for each and every insertion
Eviwantas. Pura, when requested, invariably
per i
Yeas Hi at legal rates.
AGE, Brera AND Date Notices will be
d for LS cents a line. but all such mention
i r sees fit to make concerning such
\ without anyone’s request, will be gratis.
RDS oF THANKS will be vublished free for
Sago of this paper, but non-patrons will be
10 cents a line.
‘Resorurions oF Respect will be published for
nts a line.
ade known on application
No free advertising will be given to anything
a Imohey- making character. Nothing will be
advertised gratis in this paper, except free lec-
ron free Sefmons and all such things as are
to the public.
All advertisements will be run and charged for
until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for Jess than
NTI NGQG.—Tur Star office has
Rn NTN egnipments, turns out all
ork in the best style of the art and at Yery
onable prices. THE Star does all kinds of
amercial work, poster and bill printing, and
fact nearly everv kind of printing Delonging
1e art. All job orders, whether by mail of
‘wise, receive prompt attention.
.—Remit b postaice
how Y as Ler: “letter, or bank draft.
Otherwise remittances will be at sender's risk.
Never send your personal check, if your resi-
nce Is far away ere. Make all drafis,
rders, ete, payable to P. L. Livengood.
Anyone who takes the paper regularly from
he postoffice—whether directed to his name or
no , Or whether he subscribed or not—is re-
sible for the payment.
4f a person order his paper discontinued he
must pay all arrears, or the publisher will ¢on-
tinue to send it until payment is nade and collect
‘the whole amount, whether the paper is taken
rom the postofice or no
“I'he courts have deoired that refusing to
ke the newspaper or periodicals from the post-
office or removing and leaving the same uncalled
for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud.
nnishable by a fine and imprisonment, the
same as for theft.
Court and County Officers.
Zevruury Term begins on the 4th Monday of
Say i 1m begirs on the 4th Monday of May.
Sep September term ‘begins on the 4th Monday of
: — omer term begins on the 2nd Monday of
resident Judge—Hon. J. II. Longenecker.
Associate Judges—George W. Pile, Noah Bie-
otbangiary. Clerk of Courts of Common
and Terminer—W. H. S8anner. Clerk
£ Wil a rs Deda
er ta s and Clerk
of County Commissioners Samuel U.
Gi . Kimmel, William Uhl
erner. Attorney, H. S. Shy
honse Janitor. S. A. XR Immell, Pina
o: reasurer—John Hamer.
ity Surveyor—None Seed
Coroner—Dr, H.
mmissioners—D. W. Senior, Somerset
v Ti and Sol. Shoemaker, Somerse
Mercantile Appraiser. F. Kim ok
of Poor Direc Prank Yeher
{ler and William Plokey. Steward,
er.” Attorney and Clerk, lL. C. rs.
Fhysiclan, Dr. J. W. Carothers. Treasurer, John
TY Anditors—Henry Shaffer, M. D. Brou-
John O. Hay.
ounty S per endent of Common Schools—
~~ finnouncements.
of Somerset Borough.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri-
nary election. to be held Saturday. April 9, 1892
o Special Cash Sale.
On Friday. the 25th of March, 1892. 1
will sell 2000 y urd of Gingham at 5 cents
per yard,
Ale, on Saturday, the 26th. 2000 yards
4-4 Muslin at 6 gents—worth 9 cents!
3-24. P. 8. Hay.
: Fancy colored Tissue Paper for sale at
PHB STAR office. Just the thing for la-
dies’ Tuncy work.
A large lot of
~ Syrup Cans
at C. R. Haselbarth & Son's.
Judgment Notes for sale at TAR STAR
Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, the great Organ and
Piano manufacturer, is building and shipping
Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr.
‘left home a penniless plow-boy, and by
ndomitable will be has worked his way up
3 sell so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty's Or-
ns and Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to
dishearten him; obstacleslaid in his wav, that
ould have wrecked any ordinary man forever,
he tnrns to an advertisement and comes out of it
brighter than ever. His instruments, as is well
nown, are very popular and are to be found in
all parts of the world. We are informed that
uring the next ten years he intends to sell
200,000 more of bis make. that means a business
“of $20,000,000 if we average them at $100 each.
Tt is already the largest business of the kind in
existence—Send to Daniel F. Beatty, Washing:
ton, New Jersey. for Catalogue.
Old papers for sale at this office at 25
cents a hundred or 5 cents per dozen.
‘hey make good wrapping paper, also
ood | cartridge paper for the miners.
Phiey arealso good to put under carpet,
antry shelves, ete.
Midis your friends to subscribe for
You Going to be Married? :
ou are, for God has said that itis
man to live alone, We wish to add
good for yon to commit matrimony
‘ Star's fine assortment of
‘We can show you over 100
select from. Cal early and
1. LIVENGOOD, “Associate Editor.
| time to fill our coal houses with
1 their frequent visitors,
SR a oe
A Geva Invention, i
A A. Willits, the inventor and manu-
facturer of the Manilla Brush or Broom,
is canvassing our town for its sale, and
from the amount of orders he is tak:
ing it seems to please the people. It
sweeps clean and isdustless. The brooms
are for sale at the store of J. L. Barchus.
U. 8. Flag Envelopes for sale at THe
Star office. Evervbhody is delighted
with them. Sent post-paid to any address
for 20 cents per pack of 25. Call and
see them.
Judgment Notes for sale at THE STAR
Coin Envelopes for sale at THE STAR
office. Just the thing for Sunday schools
and churches. :
The cards for the wedding of Miss
Nannie Louise Cunningham, of this place.
to Mr. James E. Snyder, of Minneapolis,
Minn, are out. The wedding will take
piace March 29th, 1892, in the First Pres-
byterian church.
Mr. E. Kyle is here making all arrange-
ments to take possession of the Somerset
house on April 1st. We predict that he
will make a big snecess of it.
The local editor of the Herald went to
Pittsburgh ou the evening of the 20th
inst. ;
Congressman Scull is a candidate for
re election. Tt is reported that Mr. J. D.
Hicks, of Altoona, will contest his nomi-
nation in this county. Something wrong
somewhere when Somerset county must
seek for a candidate in Blair county. 4
Mr. Walter Hefley on Monday pur:
chased of Galbraith Bros.,
Wis. the finest draft stallion ever seen in
Somerset county. He is an imported
Englishshire horse and will weigh in the
neighborhood of 1900 pounds. This
horse. with the English Hackney pur-
chased by Gen. A. 'H. Coffroth, gives this
county some foundation stock to be proud
of. Both animals are splendid types of
their kind.
Deputy Sheriff Barron. lias purchased
the beautiful residence of H. 8S. Endsley,
Esq. lle will take possession April 1st.
The most busy men in the county at
present are L. C. Colborn and J. A.
Berkey, rival candidates for the office of
District Attorney.
Burgess Welfley,. who has been con-
fined to the house for the last two weeks,
is not yet able to be out. He is suffering
from the grip.
J. D. Bwank, ex-Recorder. has been
appointed assignee for the Fair Hope
Fire Brick Company. He will carry on
the works and expects to supply all pat-
Judging from the number of visits
made to this town by some of the young
men of Meyersdale, the County Capital
and the Metropolis may be related ere
long by marriage. We say do not be
bashful, gentlemen; press your claims.
Prof. N. G. Keim, formerly principal
of the Somerset schools, spent the Sun-
dry here.
Qur County Commissioners have grown
quite autociatic, and from their litile
smoke tninted office in the Court Honse
proceed with much suavity of manner to
explain to the tax payer that he is only
paying ‘excursion rates” on his property.
It requires sweetness to soothe him after
a journey of 28 or 80 miles to attend an
appeal that changes nothing. The little
blowing up THE STAR gave them last
week, while only a homeopathic dose,
may move their torpid livers and prepare
their systems for a larger dose, which
will be sure to be administered by the in-
dignant citizens sooner or later.
March 22, 1892.
State Line.
E. M. Miller sold a 4.year-old horse
for $127.50.
D. J. Swartzentruber traded a horse to
Jacob Fresh for two Alderny cows.
Samuel Baker sold his farm to Geo. W.
Staw; will give possession on the 10th
of April.
Lep Miller moved onto Samuel Beachy’s
River farm, last week.
Scarlet rash is prevalent in this section.
Mus. Rudolph Yoder is very ill.
Mrs. Henry Miller is on the sick list.
Mrs. S. J. Miller Is unwell most of the
ime. ve
Tu STAR is as newsy as any of them
and is still improving.
Midiand, Va.
Eprror Star: —We are having a good
Pennsylvania winter. Wednesday morn-
ing last we had 4 inches of snow and en
Friday morning 6 inches—splendid sled-
ding snow, but no sleds. It was a good
but a bad time for stock with such poor
shelter. The coldest this week was 20
and the warmest 46.
Dye and Heflin, the murderers,
lynched last Thursday night, about 8
o'clock. While three guards were taking
them to Alexandria, they were overtaken
by forty or fifty men, about 14 miles
from Warrenton. :
We are expecting another
{from Maryland, as S. S. Beachy’s man
will take him up at his offer.
D. D. Hershberger’s boys killed a rab-
bit today. Suppose they want it for
for you know
this is leap year.
"D. D. Hershberger is sending his milk
to Washington, D. C., for 18 cents per
THE STAR always Bebigs us lots of
news and we can bardly Wait, till it Res
of Janesville, |.
| discovered two men
. We'll run hin paper till we bust her.
“Brennaman eat present working
for 8. Andes:
We are all well pleased with our new
home. Still plenty of land for sale close
to the railroad.
March 19th, 1892. :
Report of Salisbury Schools For the Last
Month, Ending March 18th, 1892.
Earollment: Male. 9; Female, 26; to-
tal. 85.
Average attendance for month: Male,
7; Female, 28; total, 80.
Average attendance during term:
Male, 6; Female, 26; total, 82.
Per cent. of attendance during month:
Male, 90; Female, 91; total, 91.
Per cent. of attendance during term:
Male, 88; Female, 89; total, 89.
C. F. LaveENGcoop, Teacher.
Enrollment: Male, 26; Female;
total, 87. :
Average attendance during month:
Male, 22: Female, 9: total. 81.
Average attendance during term:
Male, 24; Female, 12; total, 86.
Per cent. of attendance during month:
Male, 94; Female, 90; total, 92.
Per cent. of attendance during term:
Mule, 29; Female, 14: total, 48.
C. E. STATLER, Teacher.
Enrollment: Male, 88; Female,
total. 59.
Average attendance during month:
Male, 82; Female, 18; total, 50.
Average attendance during term:
Male, 85; Female, 20; total, 55.
Per cent, of attefidance during nionth:
Male, 92; Female, 93: total, 98.
. Per cent. of attendance during term:
Male, 91; Female, 94: total, 98.
LizziesLivENGoOD, Teacher.
Enrollment: Male, 25;
total, 50.
Average attendance during month:
Male, 28: Female, 21; 1o0tal, 44.
Avernge attendance during term:
Male, 22; Female, 21; total, 438.
Per cent. of attendance during month:
Male, 92; Female. 83; total, 88.
Per cent. of attendance during term:
Male, 92; Female, 88; total, 90.
AxNie HaserBarTH. Tencher.
Female. 25;
Enrollment during term: Male, 103;
Female, 97. total, 200.
Enrollment during month: Male, 98:
Female, 83: total, 181.
Average attendance during month:
Male, 84; Female, 71; total. 155.
Average attendance during
Male, 87; Female, 79; total, 166.
Per cent. of attendance during month:
Male, 92; Female, 89; total, 91.
Per cent. of attendance during term:
Male, 90; Female, 91; total, 91. *
An examination —was held Tuesday,
March 15th, hy County Supt. Berkey, and
the ‘following passed the examination
with creditable results: Olive Livengood,
George Hav, Jenet McKinley, Annie
Smith, Ice Smith, Berta Banmgardner,
Della Boyer, Ella Balliet.
Examinations were also conducted by
the Principal in all the rooms and each
pupil's name recorded in the grade to
which he belongs.
Very Respectfully,
C. E. Dickey,
A Preacher's Strategy.
Rev. John Herr. n Meyerstown, Lancas-
ter’ county, Dunkard preacher, heard a
noise in the direction of his smokehouse
at night, and, proceeding to investigate,
carrying away his
flitch and hams. One man was inside
handing out the cured meat, while the
other was outside with a wheelbarrow.
After the latter had secured a load and
was wheeling it away, Rev. Herr took
his place, and was readily mistaken by
the thief inside the smokehounse for his
pal. ‘The thief asked “Shall I take it
all” and the preacher replied, “You
might as well.” The owner then received
his own goods, which were handed out
to him. When thief No. 2 returned, the
preacher revealed his identitv. The
thieves, who proved to be near neighbors,
fell upon their knees and begged for
mercy. Rev. Herr allowed them to de-
part, after giving each a good supply of
Fighes are weighed in their scales,
- And an elephant packs his own trunk,
But rats never tell their own tales,
And one seldom gets chink in a chunk.
Dogs seldom wear their own pants,
Which lays them open to scorn;
No nephew or niece fancies ants,
And a cow never blows her own horn.
A cat cannot parse its own claws,
No porcupine nibs his own quill;
Though orphan bears still have their paws,
- And a bird will not pay its own bill.
Slick ducks never go to a quack,
A horse cannot plow its own mane;
A ship is not hurt by a tack,
And a window ne'er suffers from pane.”
ee ——
The Editor's Diary. ,
Tim Jobunson! Paid. Died feeling merry,
Gave him a free obituary. .
Joe Jenkins skipped and much did vex us;
Was shot for stealing horse in Texas.
The Widow Brown paid up with laughter;
Got married twenty days thereafter,
01d Colonel Brown refused to pay;
Shotgun: Small funeral yesterday.
Young Jones refused to pay in full;
Killed by John Spraddler’s Jersey bull.
* Judge Smith paid cash without reflection;
Will run for Congress next election.
Still in our boots and linen duster,
| —Aanta Contution.
Chestnut Wood.
$2.50 per cord, deliv-
ered at the works of the
Standard Extract Co.,
West Salisbury, Pa.
W.T. BUCHANAN, Manager.
D. 8. Ewing. General Agent,
1127 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
RR. B. Sheppard,
Barber and Hair Dresser
All kinds of work in my line done in an ex-
pert manner.
My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the
scalp clean and healthy.
1 respectfully solicit your patronage.
City Meat Market,
N. Brandler, Proprietor.
-A choice assortment of fresh
meat always on hand.
If you want good steak, go
to Brandler.
If you want a good roast, go
to Brandler.
Brandler guarantees to
please the most fastidious.
Honest weight and lowest
living prices at Brandler’s.
Joe Dively Stand, Salisbury, Pa..
is headquarters for all kinds of Notions, Novel-
ties, Tinware, Queensware, Glassware, Toys and
useful Household Articles of all kinds. many of
which can not be obtained at any other kindof a
Come and examine my stock; you will find that
1 is made up of good, clean goods. Prices very
low. _M. J. GLOTFELTY.
John J. Livengood,
All classes of work turned out in a neat and
substantial manner and at reasonable prices. If
you are not aware of this, we can soon convince
you if you give us your work.
S. Lowry & Son,
at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all
kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all
kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also
and all funerals entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention
For Catalogues, Address
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
“Pu Digestion!”
JACK80ON—Is de old woman werry sick,
Bass—Yes; terrible gnawin’ in de stim-
JaocksoN—What's de causation?
Bass—8he jist swallud her false teeth.
Also will it pain you after being tricked by clev-
er misrepresentations. No matter what article
you buy I guarantee you full weight, measure
and the best quality f8r the lowest prices of any-
one in town.
Toweling, Cotton, Linen & Flax, peryd.5, 6 &10¢c
Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs............ .. . 10¢
White Dress Shirts...
Table Salt. 5-1b. sack. ..... cove inni inna .i..5¢
Excellent Blueing, pint bottle......, ..... ...10¢
First-clask Coal Oil, per gallon................. 12¢
Pure Linen Paper and Envelopes, one of each 1¢
Genuine Bread Pipes.....ov seve ioviiiiennn in Be
Common Marbles, ..... ...o. civeian vues 15 for ic
**Why stand ye idle all day?’ You
camnot make a fortune in a day, but you
can start laying a foundation for one if
you buy where you can buy cheapest.
Wm. Petry, Statler Block, Salisbury,
TTY'S Organs B.
000. For, RT, talogte
For Nervous or Sick Headache from any cause. They
contain Soda and Charcoal. Used by thousands of
persons because harmless and unlike any others
which are narcotics, to be avoided. Do not
accept asubstiute. If your druggist does
- not sell them send 10e. or 2be. in
stamps to F. G. Stewart & Co.,
858 Dearborn st., Chicago.
For sale by J. L. Barchus, Salisbury, Pa., and Eichnor Drug Co., Meyersdale, Pa.
Read, Ponder, Reflect and Act,
Act Quickly. Come and
whether you .can’t buy goods cheaper here thay
elsewhere in the county y.
in every department. Do you need a pair of fine shoes?
carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need a pair Bro
gans? I have the best and cheapest in town. Does yo
wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very low.
You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be pleased to sub.
mit my prices. I keep a full line of such goods as belong to
a first-class general merchandise store.
Clothing, MEN'S CLOT. HING!
I desire to close out my stock of Men's clothing. Grea
bargains are offered in Suits, Overcoats and Pantaloons
“The early bird catches the worm.”
I would announce to my patrons and prospective patrons.
that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebrated
Walker Boots and Shoes. I also carry a lire of the Fam-
ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, Blouses,
Shirts, etc. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting a
continuance of same, I remain very respectfully
J. L. BARCHUS, Salisbury, Pa.
BUSINESS Established In 1857]
Jer. J. Livengood & Son,
Carriages, Buggies, Plia-
etons, Spring Wagons,
Sleighs, Ete. |
Any kind of a vehicle built to order, on short notice and at rock bottom prices.
Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done.” We also do general blacksmithing. Bring =
your old buggies, carriages, etc., and have them painted and made to look as well as new. Don't
drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, when you can have them painted at a small Cost, !
Give us your trade, We guarantee to please you in both workmanship and prices. Thanking
you for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are very respectfully a
Jer. J. Livengood & Son, Salisbury, Elk Lick P. 0., Pa.
Mrs. S. A. Lichliter,
— Dealer In All Kinds Of—
ground feed for stock. “CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock.
All Grades of Flour, ‘
among them “Pillsbury’s Best,” the best flour in the world, “Vienna,” “Irish Patent,” ‘‘Sea Foam”
and Royal, Se
GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Meal. Oat Meal and Lima Beans. 1 180 handle
All Grades of Sugar,
including Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes, These
load lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to
in short all kinds of
goods are principally bought in
my regular customers. Store in
o mks
<x RD
— necessary
On is
neces asto your
we Na any Banker, post
and upwards,
PIANOS, $186
and upwards,
Address: H. Ww. -ALLEGER,