£4 SS rivates e Same, s given quick- eet five all lake eas is 8 bark of d with starch, ie. musical rom the ken de 1 pick— id other 1e latter. There is nventor enerally , ‘who is 85. wh born at ocentiys ¢ three had to also one ad. It seventh hem was ality of that of ow pay Gult of colossal sh about ed. The 3 II and ‘throne, ich has t. The standing on, with are cov- ns. ry. obtaineq author- ’s “Mu- > says of oom are es of ex- saic. A old, and he same 16 Toom e fabu- many of plendors meralds, of solid th prec- ith dia- rds and costly * rubies, ith dia- 3, orna- f every , dating mel, ex. Ly, allin have no - a dreamy y lavish n globe, ring on a and and set with ic are of tries are Persia is resented vere not worth base,’ fea. yin. this f a new is made 3, which 12 eizht material, sed as a onlyex- le in it, shot or vater wall sanding, gap. pm never ATE _ and yigor. inde a emergency thas these articles should 1 priests. They are made of brass. Doubtless TIE as utensils of t other © erein nih thats” AS the adh A ediploy parpose, as eh as : iis transparent glass with black f5il on the back. It is related thdt the Spaniarts found mirrors of polished blaek # Shi convex and concave, | among his of South 4.ierlen, COPYRIGHT 1851 : Wound up —the man or woman who's “run- down.” Dr, Pierce’s Golden Med: ical DEcovsry soy the wheels goin, I¢ starts the torpid liver into health- ful action, purifies and enriches the blood, cleanses, repairs, and strength- ens the system, and restores health As an aj storative Ypmic, it, sets at wor the processes For all sorofulous humors and | Consump- | blood- taints, and even tion (or Lung-scrofula), if taken in time, it’s a positive remedy, ‘Unlike the ) claim to be gc March, April, Medical Dissovery” well at all seasons, Unlike other blood-purifiers, too, , it’s guaranteed to benefit or oure, in every case, or your money is xé- Jutned. ‘On these terms. it’s the. cheapest, You pay’ only for the good you get. But it’s the dest—or it souldn’s be sold 50. ENULL Ta LiNiaENRT fo! rCIoup:Colds, Hoves all Summer er Complatnis, a magic. Sold everywhere. Seay Laon Ed Bowland, | 8 j “1 28 Sir Julian informed Mr! the form of; £, Miun., makes a depos inga sévere cold, Listen to it. “In the Spring of 1888, through ex- posure: I. “contracted a very severe cold that settled on my lung was accompanied by FRcess iy transformed into wash basins for the Ee dthe Ho e bi and the adj 3 “I ToEspbAY.—In the Senate Fi Mia etizing, , Te- “all £ ‘digestion’ ‘and nu- | trition, and ls up. flesh and strength, JI revenue eltters to the fisheries. On June 5 the British Goy- 18 Postm General with owners of telegraph Ii nsmit dispatches and money orders in connection with postoffices at “charges not ‘exceeding existing’ rates. ' No additional officers or positions are created. y ex pense o¥er and above the receip gr the delivery es : Te. ha an ivi ] ) su 2d e dom pored bly a'bill extending Tae de- Sow to cities of 5,000 inhabitants and annual stoffice revenue. The Pure Food bill was then discussed until i ment. -The he enifre sessionrof the House was, 4 up to-d ay with a a ifiten audesciti ing > the TasoInton xing Maren 22, fa nis the dates for the oats Ot the g Bland Free Silver bill ‘which was adopted by ‘| alarge majority.’ the Sok the pension moved to es with instructionsto n= crease the aggregate fro SBN + This vt breat was under discussion, but no action ken. The pure food bill was order op printed as amended, and a vote wi taken on it soon. Mr, Sta referred to oh the d prohihi ib fo pro [ on upon reserva a $a. 0 For the construction of two a States revenue cutters for service on ithe ‘ {*Grent Lakes; were passed. The Senate then went into executive session. . When the doors were reopened. a message from the House a the death of Mr. Ken- JAI] was presented FMF. iBinckbivh gftered ‘the usual resonltions of Tosport and lence, which. were : gre further mark of r the ah ri ed. At the expeutive ® Session - held later in the day the arbitration’ ‘treaty with ‘Great: Britain, received a the President So-day, mmf at $5 was considered ang Ieferred to the co an Bain, 8 the adoption of resolu- tions expressing the profound sorrow of the ‘House at the. announcement ‘of. the death the House would now adjourn, ¥ ed, and the House adjourned. n the en th Say, and some previous Hotes + noe pet ha May 4, Blaine to Be Julian an reviewing’ the negotiations for a di claim for the North Ayfaerioan, Company that it had a right £6 ki in ngmber of meals pending a i ment. his answer of Na 5. Sir. Julian es exceptions to the claim of the North American Company. On May (26 Mr. Adee Frote idk Sir "Talian ‘pointing ouf | why a prom result was desired, as bad been ordered to proceed ernment submitted a proposal for & modus vivends, stipulatiny that the killing of seal be prohibited unti Mav 1, 1802, ex 7.500 1. seals that might be killed by the. United States. On June 4, Mr. Wharton, directed | by the President, took some exceptions tc respondence between the two Governments onthe question of the special rights of the Unjted tates. It ‘was agreed that 7,500 seals might be killed. Next comes the dis- on of a proposal to appoint a commis- i to look inte the damage claims of both American and English citizens. - On afi use p d by th ‘agri , had already been slaughte the excuse being that the Sonitation fate an with the signing of the modus vivendi. . Wharton replied that this inletprotation |. was concurred in by United States naval | officers and the commissioners of both p Ban ties. At a secret session of the afternoon the CORespomdenes, was Tead and referred. tions. A Je some strong expresSions about the unwilling Denes of England to con- tinue the modus riven © The tariff discussion of the Fifty-second ned in the House of Represen- ay, with Representative McMil- ; To of Tennessee, as the leader of the tariff ‘reform forces, and Representative Din ey, of Maine, as defender of the McKinley :The debate will be resumed to-morrow SE continue for five or six: weeks, with otca- sional interruptions of two or 11 the silver bill and ap 3 sppropriation bills. TaURSDAY—In thi o-day Mr. Mot: TR De rfarrecs: Private b | ‘| then taken up, and a few private ills Pass F : Ean or on the president for copies of corre- gan offered a ohio which was agreed to spondence in regard-to-the Venezuela award | nce June, 1890.. The resolution heretofore. offered by Mr. Morgan instructing the com= mittee on privileges and elections to inquire into and report upon the manner of elect ing United States senators, was taken up and agreed fo, spection deficiency bill was taken up and passed. The bills to survey and mark the boundary between the BStatés of Nebraska | a South Dakota onthe Pine Ridge and osebud Indian reservations was passed. The Senate adjourned over to-day until Monday, and there will therefore uc no far: |: and continued up toadjournment, Fripay-—Senate not in session to-day. In House Mr, Wike introduced a bill viding that all veteran ' volunteer sol ee who were Jischarged for cause shall be'con- discharged; and. shall receive the sunt of a that they. | would have been entitled to had hey served iscussion was BI hiiale met in session: In the se the Senate amendments to the urgent ficienc bill were non-con in, and Say ers, Holman and Dingley were Biness was Public business Nas a the House pr g resolutions in ded Bi Bene late: John BR. Gamble, ota. After eulogies by different members, the House, as a mark of Jespeck i the ory of the adjourne Ung’s 162 Foot Cai Arch Brides to be Completed April bo Ld WaErLING, W. Vii Mare i Dynamite Kills Two Mon: wl WILKESBARRE, Pa, Marth 10.—A terrifis, dynamite expl u ht | People Freezing in in the Northwest and # Northwest show thatthe blizzard has been “| severe and in North Dakota several people ba the heavy drifts, and the telegraph wires are nford Fatrodticed : l1 New OmreaNs, March 12 | | details of the killing of the 11 men, and 0 | sent out by the American Colonization 80+ “| ciety. ('FLey seemed happy and content blished from: dibegins| . us vivendi and the | ‘| the proposal. There: followed before ithe | | signing of the modus vivendt extensive . cor- mmittee on Foreign Relg- | hrée days for | The agricultural meat ins 4 90.t0- 5 20 LB 70t0 475 Ba is and d Fon dal ulls ant TY COWS, nis renes LE hy bal Calve Ives. hi... li inne. 2500s Bl i TL, calves.......s = 83 00to 4 OC : Fresh cows, per. head... 15 00 to 45 0¢ 580to 6 EE Fools 70 7 Bisiishi Hom. re aUmER ARCH wEATHEE. ‘Sweltering Out in San Francisco : Cricado, March 12—Reports from the and considerable stock have been. frozen to death. The wind also did great damage. School children caught in the blinding snow in Minnesota are supposed to ‘have perished. The railroads dre having a hard tusscle with either down or acting badly. The ther- mometers throuhout the Northwest range from 5° to 15° below zero. In Dulath the wind ripped off roofs and blew down stacks i" and chimneys. F. Cullen a mill “worker, was killed by flying debris, LH In San Francisco'it is hot® On Monday the thermometer reached 80% in the shade. London cables report a heavy snow: and wind storm:all over; ‘England. Wreckage is. | being washed ashore at all points, and. the marine disasters are supposed to be severe, ITALIANS ASK DAMAGES. £he Families of the Members of the Ma- fla Lynched in New Orleans Want: $80,000 for Each Life. A damages was filed in the U. Ss. ‘Circuit Court Dy the families of the Italians, the lynching | of whom ‘a year ago by infuriated citizens, furnished a theme for world-wide comment on account of international complications and threatened war by the Italian Govs ernment. The petition is long, relating the asking $30,000 for each of the vietims. © Sper lint. SAILED FOR LIBERIA. _Fifty-Right Negroes from Arkansas Ex. pect to Enter a: Land of Plenty. . ‘New York, March 11.—The bark Liberia sailed for Liberia, with fifty-eight of the colored emigrants frém Arkansas, who. are that they=syere about. to-cnter;'a land’ of plenty. : ee SrEECEG. ” THE WHOLESALE PRICES ARE GIVEN BELOW, : GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, : gravings of the falls, and all havecon- 1 dertal creature, a Mr. Deakin, has been ,view ‘the uncanny picture and ask { horse and the picture: the falls ‘shown is from the water: -in by horse-dealers, and has been the | miles. lic schoolteachers. | gold; 81-2¢c.3 jembossed goid, mie LA Se FREAK OF NATURE. | aA Fleture of Spokane Falls in the Eye of - A Horse, Se rare and unaccountable freak of nature has made a natural wonder of an unassuming white horse at Spokane Falls, Wash., says the St. Louis Republic. Fhe wonder is not the horse himself, but in a picture which covers the front part of the left cye of the animal. . Anyone who, has ever had the pleasure of a visit to Spokane will remember the falls which give the city its other name; that is, the name’ of Spokane Falls, The picture in the horse's eye isa perfect minature of the falls, island, mill, and all. The animal’s optic has been examined by hundreds of per- 501s, including photographers, scien- tists, opticians, ete., and the minia- + ture’ in the eye has been carefully compared with photographs © and én: curred in pronouncing it a wonder of wonders and a most remarkably .cor- rect picture. The owner of this won- offered all the ‘way ‘from $5,000 to $10,000 {or his curiosity, but so far he has refused’ all offers, seeming to pre-. chai ‘fer being pestered to death by sight. seers, who come by the thousands to questions, A traveler, C. A. Dill- man, who took a peep at the “Won- ‘der of the Rockies” last: summer, has the following to say in regard to the ¢Mr; Deakin sent the horse around to the hotel where I stopped, inorder that I might See him. The animal is white in color and of medium size. I was somewhat skeptical about the story | of the picture until 1 had looked into the horse's lelt eye. Judge of my as tonishment when Isaw therein de- picted a perfect ‘reproduction of the falls of the Spokane River, as true to life as any photograph. The part of works across to the mills. - The island upon which the water-works building stands is also shown. The picture is absolutely perfect in every detail. The horse is one of a number bought property of the present owner (who, A Swift Swimmer. The dolphin is the fastest swimmer in the sea. It can with ease swim around and about a vessel going at the highest rate of speed, and can go faster than twenty-two miles an n Hour Algol’s Velocity. The observations indicate a velocity of twenty-six miles a second for Algol and its diameter as 1, 000, 000 ae New York Schoolteachers. New York City employs 3,543 pub. a One Cent a Bolt For wall paper; better pradsh 2e., S130 Bez old. border, do. A yard, Send Zc, ae Se Samples, Reed, ‘Wall Paper Jobber, Rochester, Pa. by the way, was the disGoverer of the | | picture) but a short while,” "Abduction n Anclent Thmes. Abduction was by no means un sommon in the early ages. The daughter of the king of Argus was abducted by a Pheenician, and the Greeks carried off Earopa from Tyre and Medea from Colchis. $100 Reward. 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at Por: one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure isthe only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beitig a con- stitutional disease, req treatment. ‘Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Ins ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de- i the BR aadation of the disease, and ¢ patient strength by building up the givig mer: and. assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much fai its curative powers that they offer One Hun- dred Dollars for any c that it fails to cure. Bend for list oft test gnon als Sa i oc HENEY 0; Teledo, = Sold by Druggists, 75c. : There are 382 miles of street railway in operation in Philadelphia. “Ihave in’ my employ a Ian who has been a victim of er ioai headae hes for years, has tried all Xinds of treatment and I have tried Yarioys Tomedies on him." Sour Brads orcting more than anything ever did.” O. D.: irr, M.D., White Plains, N. ¥. 50 cts Great Britian has 202,300 acres of or- The Famous Hot Springs of Arkansas, “The Carlsbad of America.” Solid through trains from St. Louis. Elegant Hotels, S: hime Mountdin Scenery. ‘An alt gar h round Health and Pleasure Resort, W. E. Hoyt, Gi E, P. Agent, 301 Broadway, ‘New York. N orway has a waterproof paper church. BEECHAM Ss Pris cure. sick headache, dis: ordered liver and act like magic on the vital organs. For :ale by all druggists. For. TuroAT DisEases, CougHs, Corps, BTC. effectual relief is iound in the use of “Brown's Brimehial Troches." Price 25 cts. Soid only in boxes NERVE Ry No i after. T frst GA lous cures, bottle free. Dr. ime: 981 Ah BtoB res a constitutional |- ELINE'S GREAT | re er SN NN ONE ENJOYS Both fhe nethod a and zesults when: Syrup of Figsistaken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, Pe acts gentlyyet peonply on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and overt and cures habitual constipation. Jrup of Figs is the only ty 7 its kind ever Fe duced, pleasing to the taste an ceptable to the stomach, prompt in he action and truly bene ofalinjts ects; pared on m the most Fehiy art Tie substances, its many excellent qualities com-. mend it to all and have made it thes most Poa remedy known. Figs is for sale in 50c nd 11 Bottles b all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one Pe wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA Fi6 SYRUP CO. XS say FaaNcisco, o oAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. W YORK. MLV. EA ch ae - SOOBBB00000900600 SPRAINS. BRUISES. NEURALGIA.— , relgia, but was finally cured by St. Jacobs Oil.” Constantine, Mich., Feb. 16, 1887: * Was troubled 30 years with pains in the back from strain; in bed for weeks at a tine; no relief from other remedies. About 8 years ago I bought St, Jacobs Oil and. THadé about 14 applications; have been well and strong ever since; Have done all kinds of work and can Lift as much as ever. Api yea 760 Dolphin St., Balto., Md., Jan. 18,1890: the back stairs of my residence in the darkness, and was ‘bruised badly in my hip and side; suffered severely, St. Jacobs Oil completely Bethany, Mo., Ang. 4, 1888: ‘Suffered for years with, neu-~ T. B. SHERER. No return ; J DM RICK. fo. me “1 fell down: 8) WM. C. HARDEN, tf Member of State Legislature. a into’ the Nostrils. Ld ’ LM Cleanses the Nasal] SELY’S CREA M BAL Inflammation, Heals the Sores, Restores Taste and Smell, and Cures Gives Relief at once for 4 Cold in Head, is Quickly soc. Druggists or by mail, ELY BROS. 56 Warren St, N. Y. Absorbed. WR 0:7 Bed oo 9 @ $1 01 8 Red.i. viii 94 95 cox ro 2 Yellow aT... . i Al: 48 High fixed ear Tasvanes 45 46 Mixe pasta esesnesves 48 44 Shelled Mixed..iiisveisoiti ih 44 45 OATS No. 1 Wh jte..u2neas i 86. BY No.3 hited ss dis svadiii niall cn Bg Mix 3 Whliai os Woo opin 33. +. 841 RYE—No. 1 Pa & Ohio. con 92 93 NE Vomers A 89 90 FLOUR Fancy winter. vol 515 b40 Fancy 8 TIRE patents. Jase 5.205 © 5-50 {Taney Sirah ‘winter.... 475 5 00 Svs ns vid 80 475 Rye Flour..;.., ae: 00 5 25 HA —Baled WW TTim'y., 1250 1300 ed: No. 2 Timothy. J... 1160 1200" Mixed Clover. ...... 11 650 12 00 Timothy from cou 12 00 14 00 STRAW — Wh eat. 6 50 Oats ‘750° 803 FEED--No. 1 1 Wh Ma ¥ T 920 00 21 00 Brown Middlings...i.... 17.00 18 00, Brat Jr imine. 1180 18 00 Gop xyes vassses savers 14750 18.00 DAIRY PRODUCTS! - ri PUTTER Tian Creamery: "33 ° 35 Fancy. Creamery. hmsbnl -33 34 Fancy country roll teagees 28 24 Choice country roll. ...... 15° 16 CEO Fo grade & & cooking. ah 6 7 Fl cr'm mild 12 12 oe York Gorhen,....... 12 18 ‘Wisconsin Swiss bricks.. 14 aL ‘Wisconsin Sweitzer, Senene 14 15 Limburger. ier seavaivs 12 13 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. : Si APPLES—Fingy, ¥® bbl... 200 2 50 Fair to choice, § bbl.... 150 17 ] elect; 4 bbl..... 1 85 200 Pa & O Beans, ® bbl..... 160 1.70 Lima WLLL RE 4.0 ONIONS— Yellow danvers # DOL: aes , 2:25 2 50 Fellow onion, 8 bbl. ... 1 50 2 00 Anish crate... ..... 125 14) AREA AGEs head. +. suis 8 4 POTATO Choice Bi store, ® bu - 45 50 Irish on track ©: bu..:... R85 38 “Kilndri’d Jer'y sweet@bbl - 2 50 29 “POULTRY ETC. : » DRESSED CHICKENS 1% Dressed @ncks th Tay rein]g Dressed turke Wkea®. ..ni 17 18 LIVE CHI Live hs ® pri. 85 90 | “Live Ducks @.pric.i..u. . 85 90 Live Geese @ Bi 100 115 Live Turkeys §1b...... 13 14 rT RA fresh.... 15 16 FEATHERS— ; Extra live Geese § 1... 50 60 No 1 Extra live geese@ 48 50 iv eke snasannrane ih 2D :.85 MISGELLANIOUS.: i TALLOW—Ganntry, Bs 1 SEEDB—West Med'm clo’ or 700 Mam: Over. ivhiios, 7.15 Tim Time... usu ee 1. 56 Timothy choice......c.... 160 Blue grass... ...ii....h0 0 2 65 2 80 ~ Orchard grasS.....o..eess LTD Millet..... evivesensen anaes 100 Buckwheat... .o. 0 000 "140 150 GB+—Coun! Hixed.. ive 1 HONEY—White clover..., 17 Buckwheat. ........ 0... 12 . CINCINNATI. FLOUR ...ccoionacineees $3 60@ $3 WHEAT-—¥o. 2° Red. ....... RYE-—-NO. 24+ F Re res C0190 CORN—Mixed : OATS Reseunneseas aaeenanne 32 fiarsessen ean ha Cael sini al 12: EGGS BUTTER -...,. Shaan 2 ? SHILADELPHIA, © i = TOUR. viuicrs ois $4 25@ $5.25 HEAT—New No.2. Red... 101 102 CORN—No. 2, Mixed........ 49 50 White. ....... 8 38 UTT -Lreamery. "Ba 4 ., Firsts 14 —= OA’ BUTTER—Creamery. Sahay EGGS—State and Penn..... 15 5 LIVESTOCK REPQRT: ; » WAST. LIBBRTY, PITTSBURG STOCK Fane! J sHERP. Prime 95 to 00 sheep....8 , taken more or less medicine allthe time: Co. F, 30th Indiana Infantry, Elkhart, . word to say for it. ) gen velopien Ais WILLIAM SPENCER. A PROMINENT G. A. R, MAN. Ever since I came out of the Army in 65 I had been in poor health and ‘had 1 suffered principally from kidney and liver complaint, pain in back, poor ap- petite and constitution run down gen- erally, Dr. Kilmer’s SBwamp-Root did me more good than all ‘the other medi- cine I'had ‘ever taken. At present am feeling better than foriyears.: It is the best medicine on earth. ‘Wm. Spencer, Ind. It 1s just such cases and wonderful cures as these that have made Swamp. Root famous and given it a world-wide reputation, Everybody has a good Have you tried it? 4h by Druggists, b0c. or O.P. BROWN ACAGIAN BALSAM . sors Pu Pabst, i HEE NORTHERN PACIFIC RB, R. a EL Mail RT EE JUST OU ls Paal, Minn, NEW CAx. riment. 195 Pearl St. Now ork. i“ + 9 — Due all SOLDIETSL : pre ET Ee CrivcinMaTs. Oy o hine Habit Cured in 10 | OP 1UM:: Sead STEERS T Libanon,Obie’ LY: A A MONTH for 1 Bright Young EEN x $65 ina Address ARGLER & CO., Philn., Pa, HONE STUDIES Eterm rat | rs Miniate LEE d SEY The ; Joss erin; SEE avosuz of | [5 HS Edit | 8 |EARERTes =a Catarrh and Cold in the Head, Deafness, Sore Nose; &c., Cured by. **Hall’s Erie Ca-~ tarrh Remedy.’ 50 cents at druggists or mailed on. receipt of price. Pleasant, Harmless, Convenient, Send for Free Sample. Address E, P. HALL, Erie, Pa.’ Always specify “Erie.” Take no other: HALL’S ERIE, THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE.} | Consumptives and people who have weak lungs or Asth- 8 ma, should use Piso’s Care for Bold everrwhere. 885e. CONSUMETIQN: GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS SGOCOA: 5 BREAKFAST. « By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern, the 0 Sar AR Silica of digestion and mutri- tion, and b; ‘ul application of the fine proper- ties of well-sel Mr. Epps: has provided our breakfast — with a delicately flavoured bev erage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a co: bi until strong eno! 5 Hundreds of Re Foady a wherever there is a weal a fatal shaft by keeping our- selon s well fo fortified with pure blood and, a properly. nourished fra Tame. Y—_Cvil Service Gaz ett MMade simply with er water milk. Sold oly in half p ound tins by Grocers, laveried thus: JAMES E PS & © & © 0, 3 Homoeopathic Chemists, NGLAND, scures Siek Headache: a oon FACIAL an uot sos Rh Lh mieten nH ; He, India Ink ‘and der Marks, 8, Sete, IN ting Reduote of of Nose, Sue. oh) Sa Ny DERITGIagicaL insTrre 155 Wast 4 roet, N anid Cons: or by letter. rest: X. 4. in each each place. 8 OSGooD n ARD wXv, « S, AN "Boat : LANDA the Market, . Live AGENTS Wanted in this County. | 0scoon & THOMPSON, Binghamton, N.Y. MOCKING I Binns aa] n fre el Fiese aia. | Ein tes The OHI) STATE NEW! ; RB isthe Iargést 8: wee the Uni FREE for one year to every NY new subscriber, BEES. John WW A. Logan's “HOME MAGAZINE,” or tht “AMERICAN FABM. £8. ER,” or all three for § ¥ This he greatest offe} News Publishing Co. Youngstown, Ohioe PNU11 : 03 CEIVE 09,1 BE DRGENE and nts which the hans tio yg iron. ina burn off. he Rising Sun: Stove Polish is Odor- ess, DUrAbIS, and the Sansa pays for no tin = ote, Bi package with every purchase. : Ca E Pinkham’s : Vegetable Compound Acts in erfect harmony with the laws that S) he fema, e oyster under all circhmstances, fe SUC ‘cess in quickly and permanently curing all kinds of Female Complaints, is ileled in the history of medicine. It is ahiost i infallible, "gee it tren Folin Hay Bit i Fiitaed of end thir, Nervous] rion, Bae a cian i all, Jn oon. Pills op Pills. EEA ERE