~ proteé d ed trousers for Rufus, and with double toes,’ heels, Knees for Cephas and Alpheus. Some cloths against. wear are decid. | edly useful, and they have been very ofitable to the inventor,” but a far larger fortune awaits the man who Il discover how to make children’s ing indestructible thronghout. ) ould do away with the neces. | 1 equipment abroad w malad oy = hi und, Wiiah and oh te vie ee iY fais. ess or Indifferent, Hh ; Rath be ee mil EA Jeature x so pe is “that all 2 affec Ve. lie ache whi pains, te muscles anid acute misery in the j= co x whether Lf sient or curonic for years, fol aye Sorm of in, aiid or violent, it isthe Yor four ofthe a, ¥ w ‘When a rors Lhe. least said, y nest mended.’ — a; Throat Sa 7 sop an attack its t. 9, i aE Sy. brompuly."~G. a5 cents a excite Ade fhe pa or sons Good. Faveas of in General the. Week. The Buriness Barometer. 1k B. G. Dun & Co's Weady ? . Trade willsay; The great com- bination of «coal carriers, and market have monopolized ‘atterition i in Wall sh ‘speculative circles th is sone doubts: whether the effects wili be Seema apprehend that the price of coal muy be ad- “vamaced fo manufacturing estabrishmeénts and other consumers, On thie other hand, the consolidated ompanies ‘will have no mor wer to control the price of coal than they 4 ave had through their. Sonfbl nih a the market gontinues unusually 0 er, So ‘that on ‘the ‘whole the consumption ©; does’ not’ ‘appear quite up’ to the enormous Fu NO. n ppehts in the mar! oh to iF iron, | a lp “rein em Lt 1 O78 iy Fics. “Bar iron does ny jan inand for pla is° 7 he at 10.75 (7 oi ar of copper ae £8 rie a fair disurs ph lower, bution | gai 0 pas ess than year date, In thé South thers is 8 slight | improvement in potion is rece] pts te 20 ne 30 ning # # United States and 2x sant Praying = ‘ or Death. ¢: Tonia, Rebtuary 15. pr from St. Petersbusg show that the telegrams which pass the censorship do not depies half the | horrors of the situation. “in tHe province of Samara i sovoinment official who went to carry relief to a village ‘found it desertéd. But nearly every house contained a corpse, and some of them ‘Con~ tained several corpses, In Penza the people the . wild |] d unpreceedented transactions | Many | w ohm r deputies for an opriation of 8,500,000 | francs (6700,000) fon. tho rps se Was aed fn | “Outside of |:7 £: ‘Grand Rapids- (Mich) furniture manufacturers will make a united exhibit and want half an acre. of space, in which to pn I W. ig of taly has ap inted a orld’s Fair Commissioner 88 appoint tis believed, yen, formally | decide to Darticipate in the Bepon on. © A CONSIGNMENT Of exhibits far he Hxpo- sition—the first received from a foreign foanty qansived at Chicago January 2 Iris announced that the imperial } band of Emperor William of ' Germany will attend ition, having. already obtained THE province of. Ontaro, Canada, “will {make 34 SStensive mineral exhibit, Canada | bas asked for a/total of 100, 000: square feet “of space in the various buildings, Grorars, ta Tess and South Dakota, is | e portion of its needed | e ‘instrumen Sind Beh rion -alréad ai Commi ap) es for ig om. | the intending ex biters of his coun- ABLEGRAN states that the French t is about to ask . the chamber of tie French exhibit at hl gamation, which was genera may beseen praying for « death. Suicide, 5 : however, is infrequent, né: ‘matter how ter: |! rible the situation. ‘The ‘Russian: peasant. when his last resort is gone, waits for death’ 140 come. The government, 1s Already finl- it difficult, on account of the enormous drain of the famine, to meet other expenses, land some official salaries | are already in go He now holds the position al of National * ‘Association, and | hough well advanced in years is still aearty and hale. In writing of his he says: I had. been troubled g time with Rhenmatism, Kidney | er Complaint and could ‘hardly |! around. Suffered ‘great. pain night, ns Root from one of our leading Druggists, B. Fi 3 ng, and must say "it has helped me Efully, as I. now walk without the only medicine that has done | good, and bas been a great ben- * efit in invigorating and building up my ‘system, greatly, assisting the iret, Jad- diges gans. 98 the .| i i OS at given rd les hi ful spe ry Swamp- Root have generally frst yed the family physiciaz, or used prescriptions within their reach | t benefit, Asa last: Tesort, when : toms mplicatediand their ‘constitution wn, then they take this remedy, t such cases and cures that the Ministers, agrears. Work, however, is ‘being pushed in the navy yards and on, . m the Throne. London. Feb, 12—Parliament 1 reassembled. ‘today and listened to’ read if thé Gu 8peech. The speech hi riefly’ uentions agreement reached oh ‘the United States on. the Bering Sea ars a the House x ‘of Lords, Lord alisb i peng | ic Treland Government injthe iSouiiry! 8 Atnese ol local self govern 1 hoi ® that he would introdace the Iri b Jocal xa ment. bill. With regardato this bill Bir Ww Hhinn Vernon Harcourt (Liberal) said it was A matter he’ wished carried out. If a genuine, honest measure was promoted the opposition would Support it, but they gould not regard it. as local. government if only some application of the County "Council System was to be taken as. settling the glestio of \ self | goysinment Sir Willian added that Lord Sulisbury’ 8 recent speech ‘at. Exter about a Catholic regieme in Ireland in the event of | home rule being granted did not omis well for the liberality ofthe coming bi 1 3 “In reply Mr. Balfour said the proposa ji graudng an extension: of! {local Foyernment 2s well as an education Soran o Ireland, dd d show that the en Ca has’ ght oor ohn KE. Thayer this city, for nd | 8 year old chestnut colt Ralph Wil 3 .| year old record 2:18), by Red Wilkes, dim 1 Mary Mays, b by Mambrine Patohen.. fora private price, b d : Ys 8. | filly by Acolyte, brought the highest fignre, o | A. H. Mooreof Philadelphia, o-ring oi 000; Time Mediam. by Happy Medinm, $2, 400, urchased Makato. a 3 year old - McGregor, for 817100. The | black filly. by-Acolyte is. one of. the hand- somest individuals ever led into a sale ring. ‘As a race mare she was one of the best ont | Indt season. Her breeding is of the highest quality, her sire being that grand. young | stallion, Acolyte, 2:21 being the first and “only sire at 6 years to have vo in the 2:3¢ list and al 7 years three. RL Bh Bl SEVENTEEN 30 BODIES. FOUN bi The Hotel Royal "Ruins Continue to | : ¥ield Up Corpses. New York, Web: 12—~The : number. : of Bodies recovered from the Jotel Royal rains jfar runs up to 17. Theré is still a great ‘mass of ruins rematning in the farther end ‘hich is still standing. It is behind this wall | that the elevator shaft was = located, and mmediatély over which the upper hallways converged. There, 1t is expected, the greatest # | number of bodies will be found. Amongthe bodies identified today we. hose of Mrs, J. Cohen, aged 30, of 'Torou 0; | ‘Can; Lewis Levy, aged 43, ‘of ordi. : ‘Sarah Blak aged 20, of tau: | | grounds, a ibe, postoffice, eq! pacity to that required 2 i | only during the Fair but for opera months opening. and after that it is establish at the Ex a sala ate if, "hot | Ee to the the clos: : day. ‘hour day in z over | Serr of age Onrase gold miners in In Nevada gt $a GREAT BRrTA® has 217 606 union sine workers, Aumatoan looms are on the Increase i in England. SENuSSEE will havea State Federation 0! ¥ Barrntors of Dy eight hours, : New York Hebrews will paradaocn May 1 for eight hours. AROUND Oldham, am, Bagland, thers are 101 co spinnin, SEVERAL Te Elasworsers are on strike in Pittsburg, Penn. . NEw YORK granite cutters: will havea mounment, at the World's Fair, Chi- bricklayer work cago, Two labor caniidates Bave ten elected Feces dy. to the School Board at Derby, Eng- In Boston, Mase, bricklayers’ aporenticas are not full Journeyman until they beeoma of age. CTaMES Fowles who rocentl the first American Brusssls distinctive name. LL Laundry. Girls’ Union, of Louisville, BY. Bas extatiisiol a So-opsrative laundry a capital of $3000. In 1856 i eight trades had the’ eights felbourne, Australia; to-day ades are working only gris ~ died, wove 6 gave it no ‘ma. average anal wages of farm hands mn England is about seventy dollars. - In this ee the Bverage | B about wo Hundred A CO-OPERATIVE cabman's society has been formed in London, England. The first to take shares to the he amount of $250 was a tramway conductor. Taz Spanish Prine Minister is endeavors ing to secure Sunday rest for the workmen land to probibit the ant of children tories or mines. h syndicate is al to have I pronase over ‘thirty glass 5.33 missed § ‘in Ger- | nan on about the same line I ae of- some years $0 American flint glass ‘manufacturers. AB Two THOUSAND railwa: employes, re re. | senting ay employes, zope: |. | jdemy of Mose: New. York Si; and matters of interest to the par licularly: ‘the proposition of ctical Latta. favo; ; Forty Persons Poisoned by Qoffes. Eldorado, Kan. Feb. 12—At the reguiat | monthly. banquet of = the Daughters of Rebecca last ‘night, about 40 people were | oned by. drinking coffec. All were taken sick. Tyo 'doctors administered medicine. and Gi cases will prove ‘fatal. What was orhow it'got into the coffee bo one Jmows, According toa Tow enforced among some American aborigines a widow is always compelled to carry about with | ‘her for four years the bones of her hus- Blind, inclosed in a qesket. anes PITTSBURGH, oh a gin. 5 COI tis Dose ot ‘the ive Woods of ete Sl 4 Wheat in the Northwest. 5 Minneapolis, Feb. 10-—The stock of wheat in _private elevators at is given at 1,653,000. bushels, increase Sof | 379,000 -. bushels Sous: M onday of last week. The total stock at Minneapolis and Duluthis 18,020,334 bush- els; a gain of 486,250 bushe's for the week. Mansapolis | | The Market Record gives. ‘the stork in country elevators of Minnesota and the two Dakotas as 11,834,900 bushels, a decrease of £32 300 bushels for the week, againsi-7,95¢4 - 000 bushels for the corresponding time in 1501, + This makes the aggregate stock of wheat in the Northwest 129,864,224 bushels,’ ur only 54,020 bushels more than last week. One year ago the total stock was only 22.897, 887 bushels. Four Anarchists Garroted, Madrid Feb. 12% The four condemned Anarchists were garroted at Feres, in the plaza in front ofithe prison. A formidable force of troops was massed in the plaza, and {kept the crowd at a distance from the spot’ at which the execution took place. The ‘condemned accepted the ministrations of the -clergy. The spectacle was a horrible one. .Asthe screw of the garrote entered the ‘Spine their heads fell forward, the faces burning purple, and tongues protruding. A of horror went up from many in the wie) Cova ‘The condemned men were leaders the attack upon and plundering of Xeres. on January 5, by a band of raiders,” said to be Ancharists, and belonging to an organiza tion for arousing rebellion in Spain. to THE TRAINS NS SNOWBOUN D. Big Snow Storm in in Northwestern Penn sylvania and Western New York, Bradford, Pa, Feb. 13 The worst snow. storm known for years prevailed throughout Northwestern Pennsylvania’ ‘and’ “Western | New: York today. On the line ‘of the Rochester and Pittsbiirg railroad between this city. and Rochester snow is piled up to 8 height of 10 feet. All the south bonnd trains from Rochester and Buffalo are smowbound near Ashford Junctio 8 i a e L 3 Annual Convention ofthe’ ¥. M.C. A. Akron, O., Feb. 13. = : EEREZE EERsEENe ee ewe shag ener 2888 Feeley sewn Anew aw ae a hen S882 LBEREE CLL puss asec wigce 85 Eassgausessseey: 588 beet ed bo =~ PHIA, FLOU Sk inaivaes $4 as 5 WHEAT--New No. 2 Red... 100 1 CORN—=No. 2. txed. OATS No. 2 a BUT TER Creamery Extra | KGGS—Pa,, ou SRR TY NEW YORK. FLOUR. Patents tnescansiiaeh WHEAT=-No. 2 Red... RY E— RY estern } CORN— Ungraded. Mixed... OATS-—Mixed Western BUTTER —Cregmier asia eh - KGGS—8tate and enn... coe’ LIVE-STOOK F REPORT. Bast Liberty, Pittsburg Stock Yards. i CATTLE. Prime steers. . Ho SNe Bulls and dry COWS... Veal calves. .. Heavy rough calves, . Fresh cows, per h reeves & Shssesssune 8 Sa Sh Prime 95 to 100-1b heen... Common 70 to 75-1b sheep.... Lambs, ys eatvdetvannbontniine vor a eo vo 88s ggg 8 t HOGS, Philadelphia hogs... - SA Dorn Yorkers. ..... vommon to good. Chicago —Cattle, . Darives, 50 to | + Shap Westerns ; a AND SKINS, : Br i Sl Black Dest. tsa :Ctubsand y'rlings Diter, each. ici. Beaver, large, i,. Beaver, mi ot, | Beaver,small..., Mink, fine, Southern & Southwestern. 3 Nats 00 3 00@ 10 00 5 k 2 ik & wets Eights: 2 eS 8 8 Pe Epsoz ; Ee are better and none of the | the poison fi tive—three for a cathartic. 5223 00@35.00 $8 00@$15 00. DREAD CERTAINTIES FORETOLD. | What Climate, N. oxlect and Want of the Proper Medicine W;ll Do. There are some things whieh are as surcas fate and can be relied on to occur to at least one half of the human family unless means are taken to preyent: First, the climate of winter is sure to bring colds, second, colds not Bk promptly. cured are Sure bo Sane < catarrh; Catarrh, improperly treated, is sure. to make life short and miserable. Catarrh spares no orgen or function of the body. Ii apable of destroying sight, taste, smell, “hearing, digestion; secretion, assimilation “and excretion. It pervades every part of the nnman body ,throat, stomach, bowels, ‘bronchial es lungs, liver, kidneys, blad- der, and sexual organs. Catarrh is the cause of atleast one-half of the ills to’ which the human family is'subject. Is there no way to escape from it? There, is. Pern-na never fails to cure a cold. Pe-ru-rea never fails to cute catarrh in the first stage. Peru-na ‘cures catarrh in the second stage ‘in nine cases out of ten. Pe-ru-na cures .catarrh in| its last and worst stages in the majority of cases, and never fails to benefit every case, however bad. Pe-ru-na also cures La Grippe with unfailing corte aty. A book on the cure of La Grippe and Catarrh in all stages and varieties sent free to any address by The Pe-ru-nia Drug Manufacturing vompany of | Columbus, Ohio. / The first com Poe's poems wi next month. Beware of Oiniments for Catarrh Thas Cont tain Mercur As ore Y ihe ste Tialian Translation of published in Rome of BYB= Oe Bin est~ 0a Square i Yellowstoue an Wyoming o comp FITS stopped 'S GREAT Runve RESTORER. op after fi fest dara Dotils £1 f Dr. Kaine: 061 Ach 2 2% Pau ONE BENT ovs Goan Jot She method nd + results whem: yrup gsistaken;itis leasant® ; snd refreshing to the taste, and acts: it promptly on ne ed ig) Borie Sonn the om tem effectually, dispels colds, Tot aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. of Figs is he only remedy of its Tis kind ever duced, pleasing to the taste ceptable to the stomach, its iid ih fru} healthy i gi its many ex com- mend it to all and in > it Bes most p opulas + remedy known. £ ttl be loti Se an es al 2- men Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who- wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. + : CALIFORNIA FI6 SYRUP co. SAN FRANGIS00, OAL ls. pho Sienna 4 Under the rose— The Thorn. —Puck. x PNU% Hard to take] _ the big, old-fashioned pill. It’s orp MEDAL, PARIS, 1078. » from which the excess 0 . has been removed, Is absolutely pure 4 and is therefore far mo) nomieal, costing less ishing, strengthening, xis) : DIGESTED, and admirably adapted for ds well as for persons in he: health. : Seld by Grocers eve rocers everywhere. 1 y hard to have to take it; too. Fo flit t, if you. realized fully || how it shocks and weakens the | system, W.BAKER &C0,, Dorchester, Mass Luckily, you ‘don’t have to take | JF Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets ao lay They’re sensible, They dly and gently, more than the ary pi with all its disturb- grin oF ‘regulate the ‘liver, stomach ‘and bowels, as well as i Ty for no kage Wie every pure 3 thoroughly cleanse them. They're the or iginal ‘Eittle Liver Pills, purely vegetable, perfeotly harmless, the smallest and the easiest to take. One little Pellet for a gentle laxa- | Sick Headache, Bilions Headache, Con- stipation, Indigestion, Bilious At- take, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowecls sae. mn Songs nn ” hn of Apt Diacstion. Pim io exion, CO. 0Spruco SN: promptly and permanently cured. dress ges THE CHEM 3 ts Wanteds 3 EIGHTY per cent p They're the cheapest, too, for| they're guaranteed to give satisfac- tion, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. nna TiaKesCsnaries BIRD AT “SING. Mountains. Jtrestores the song of Cage Birds, pre: vents. their ‘ailments and keeps them in good he It makes them sing eyen while shedding tathors, Mailed for 15¢ 99 3 by by all druggists. grocers & bi stores. - Bird THE BIRD DFooD 20, PHILADELPHIA, PA. € of FRONEFELD'S Horse world, with free book, es hos merle and Cattle Poviden, the best in the RIT gaa eR ;- Cousamptives and people who have weak lungs or Asth- ma, should use Piso’s Cure for | Consumption. It has cured thousands, {t has not not injure ed one. It isnot bad to take, iy is the best cough syrup. Bola pedir] B5¢. EEE PIANOS. —EASY TERMS. However far away you live you can get a piano for a small. 5 sum down, balance in still smaller monthly payments. We. send it on approval, to be returned if unsatisfactory, railway I freights both ways at our expense. Methods fair and easy to. i understand. Ivers & Pond Piano Co. We take all the risks. Write us. Masonic Temple,’ f mailed on receipt of Harmless, Convenient, Catarrh end Cold in the Head, Deafness, Sore Nose, &c., Cured: by “Hall's Erie Ca- tarrh Remedy.” 80 cents at druggists or Sample. Address E, P, HALL, Erie, Pa. Always specify “Erie”. Take mo other, HALL'S ras omema AND ONLY GENUINE. price. Pleasant, Send for Free 4 & patients, helene. La a thirds of ait SI Tred i oy Remedies the e nainral Ia digestio) d x Sica nor nl aes aut water or milk. ‘Sold i Hg fr