a Deve matter. 4 mixed in with looal lhe’ matter for less. than 10 cents 2 a —, ry ontioon. ph RonIAL Purrs, ‘when requested, invariably a. Aovixmmesrs at legal rates, GE, Binru axp DrirE Notices will be for gt 5 cents a line, but all such mention editor e concerning such i. without anyone's request, will be gratis. RDS oF THANKS will be published free for Pa: of this puper, but Jron-patrons will be vhitrged 10 cenis u line. REsoruTions or Resercr will be published for cents a line ip Ra yor DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS inde known on application No free Advertising will be given. | lo any! anything pt free lec- mouey-ma character. fonised ga i this pa r, Hots Anres, free ana sll such things as are 766 £0 the Publ All riding will be ran and charged for ntil ordered discontinued. ‘Nu advertisement will be taken for less than 25 vents. ; y NING ~THE Sram office has ng equipments, vary out all | Pa. the Jou: style the art and at very pices. Th SR does all kinds of , puster and bill yer Kis kind of prin ardent, re i Ap rem by posing ittunices will be at Hern Ei, sh. N EWSPAPER HAWS. nyone who takes the paper egularly from | or directed name or Subseribed or not-—is re- 1 per Atscontinned be oa rt or de on n ole ah a ears ed that Jetusin Jo odicals from the So caving tho sue dad tutentional frand. Imprisonmen ent, BWSDADer moving a for, In prima fucle evidence nunis| halle by a fine and me as for theft. Courtand County Officers. February Term begitis on the 4th Monday of May term rs on the 4th Mo , : ArT begins on Aros SMay. of rierm begins on the 2ad Monday of i dge~—Hon. J. H. Nr pencoker. a I Suoneok or Ble. ' , Clerk of Courts of Common nd Tomine NW. H. Sanner.. Clerk SEER oF of Desds and Clerk Colborn, ah Good. Deputy Sheriff, Boned £ ‘Count Commissioners—Sa) amuel a ¥ Kimmel, Willian F om ttorney, H. oh JA imei, Phys Heian 8. Kimme 1. mmissiguers-D. w, Salon Somerset p. and aker, Somerset, reantile Appraiser—E. F. Kimmell, Board of Poor Df F 3 fx Miller and and CIOrE, I iT. omy de C. Joysician, Dr. Jd, W. Garothers ’ Treasurer, John anty Anditors—Henry Shaffer, M.D. Bron- ' gher, John O. Hay. Younty Saperintendent of Common Schools— « BOTReY, BUSINES MENTION, WANTS fIND finnoancements. BEATTY'S PIANOS AND ORGANS; - Hon . Daniel F. Beatty, the great Organ and 5 is building” and re Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. eatty Jeft homes a penniless plow-boy, and by Indomitable will be has worked his way up $0 85 to well no far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty’s Or ‘gang and Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to { dishearten him; obstacles Iaid in his wav, that would bave wrecked any ordinary man forever, he thrns to an advertisement and comes ont of it ‘brighter than ever. - 1lis Instruments, as is well OWi), are very popular and are to be found in parts of the world. We are informed that rig the next ten years he intends to sell 300/000 more of his make, that means a business “of $20,000,000 if we average them nt $100 each. s niready the lurgest business of the kind fu existence—Send 10 Daniel F. Beatty, Washing- s New Jersey, for Catalogue. Pinnos, Organs and Sewing Machines, The man who hath no music in himself, “Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, 1s fit for treasons, stratagems and Spoils; : Let no such man be tris Of course you are not as bad as that and you ke music whether it e'the thump of the piano, | 1e strain of the organ or the hum of the SNe machine. If go, you will hear something to your ntage by ealling on us at Tug Svan office. ‘have the inside track on these goods and we ‘care how many people know it. ‘Manufac- | of pianos, organs and sewing machines 0 pay for their advertising in trade and we ke the trade when we can sell the goods. 2 why we can give you inside prices? be piano, organ, or sewing machine you | where and get prices. then come to 1H $ave yon mogey. Call at once at and see the handsome Parlor 'e on/band now. It Is one of “have a, few very ‘that we want to | Sums tira La @ at Miller & Colling’ RiFrE: ‘A sight They grip | you, and us like kills e, so our grip kills yours, FOR SALE! Peoverty in Salisbury. For particulars, address’ Maurice Clark, Jotinstown, Pa. 2-25. SR ER ER Old papers for sale at this office at 25 cents a hundred or 5 cents per dozen. They make good wrapping paper. also! ood cartridge paper for the miners. ey are also good to put under carpet, on pantry slelves, ¢tc. : Try Gill's Best Flour. It is immense. For sale by H. A. Reitz. 2-25. Miller & Collins, Meversdale, Pa., offer the most tempting bargains of the season. Don't fail to call on them. WANTED! $1000 on good mort Securify. For full Partieniarg call at STAR offi tf. Coin Envelopes for sale at The Stan office. Just the thing for Sunday schools. and churches. R. M. Beachy” 's Horse Powders for sale at P. 8. Hav’s store. tf. Farmers vou can exchange wheat for Gill's Best Fone, at H. A. Reitz’ ® mill. Big Anddomonts offered in Boots and Shor at Miller % Coline, Meyersdale, FOR SALE! Two New 7.drawar American Union Sewing Mackines | These machines are of a superior make and finish, and: for ‘genuine merit can hardly he excelled. They are heanties os are as good as they are handsome, ‘ers in exchange for advertising space, -and we can sell them for less than half the price agents would ask yon te pay. Call at Star office and see these ma: chines, if you want anything in that line; Gill's Best Flour will Please you. 2-25 you ‘waite your money? Call Miller & Collins, Meyersdale, Pa, during their great discount sale. Heavy Hapress Paper for sale at Tas STAR 0 et ttle tenets. Now i vour chance to buy Clothing, the | Go to Miller and Collins, Meyersdale, Pp. A sober and industrions young man to learn the milling trade. This is a good opportanity for the right kind of a young man who wants to learn 8 good trade. Apply i WANTED! . A. Reitz. - Elk Lick, Pa. Where are vou going, my friend? Why, 10 Mifler & Collins, Meyersdale, Pa.. they are offering the biggest bar: gains of the season. Indnce your friends to subscribe for E STAR. Be sure 10 attend the Bre Discount sale at Miller & Collins’, Meversdale, Pa. It will pay vou to £0 many miles. CORRESPONTIENCE: State Line. Daniel P. Miller will moveinto the Jonas E. Goagey house, on or about the 1st of March. and will run the Grantsville plain. ing mill for E. D. Hershlherger. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller are on the sick list. : A danghter of Thomas Wiley. of near Bittinger, Md., died suddenly of croup. She was about nine years old. Last Saturday evening Valentine Ben- der got hurt in’ 8. 8. Miller's coal mine, by a fall of breast coal. He was stand: ing in a stooping position, mining, when the coal struck him, mashing in the hone near the eye and cutting the back of his head. Dr. A. M. Lichty stitched up the wounds, and the patient is improving nicely. Bender's partner, Will Wissa- man, was hanling out conl when the ac: cident happened, and gn his retarn found Bender covered with blood. = Val thought lig had to die, but Wissaman secured help at 8. 8. Miller's and got him safely ont. Barbara J. Swartzentruber has returned to her mountain home. She had been to lowa, Illinois and Ohio, tor the past four months, on a visit. She, reports having had a good Ume and enjoying 1 her trip. The M. D. Yoder family is the happi- est in this section. IVs a girl, Mrs: D. D. Hershberger is. very sick with rheumatism. Lep Miller will move onto the Samuel Bencliy farm, April 1st, and Mr. Dass! will move onto Lep’s place: D. D. Hershberger left yesterday for Virginia, to attend the sale on ihe farm on which he will move. come back again this week to load hiy things nbourd the ears. Mrs. C. J.. BwartZentruber is on die sick list, which will prevent her from iro- ing along 10 Virginia next week. Feb. 17th, 1892, © Jaxs, I ———— ILLINOIS LETTER. Mt. Morn, Inn., Feb. 9. 1892. Eprror Stan: :—Knowing. that & ‘goodly nimber of THE Stan's readers are ac- quainted, more or less, with this place, some baving visited ‘here in ‘the past, others having been students in the “Old Sandstone,” and still, -others, who have bad, or who may now have friends or ac: | quaintancesliving hereor at school, there: Ifore, I thought that a few items of news | might be of some interest tg them. For the benefit of others who may want now something about ‘this Dunkard ! ” allow me 10 say that before they lon of old Rock, River Semi: wn and the seh a 1 We oained them from the manufactur: | He intends to oe houses have been built during the past two years, several new stores. and one fine college building. But this year is to be the booming year of all; an “Old Folks Home,” already in course of build- ing, and to ‘be completed by J 1st., and a new ladies’ building also to be erected during the summer vacation Besides, several dozen new dwelling houses are to be built, The college has an attendance ‘of over ors, Over half of the faculty ‘and over half of the students are members of the main stem, or Conservative element of the Dunkard church, but not ‘wishing to wtite an advertisement for the school here, allow me yet to say that we are al- ways giad to have our eastern friends and acquaintances to stop at this place and pay us all a friendly visit. Of course, you will not find us living as grand and i} hixurious as some of you may be accus- tomed to. We have a quiet peaceable town, no open saloons, and some of our stores don’t keep aay tobsceo for sale. If any of you ever desire to move west, and want to avail yourselves of the best be glad to welcome you in our midst. Int conclusion. permit me to say yet, Mr. Editor, that it would, no doubt; af- ford all of your readers much plensure to SONS and daughters of old Elk Lick, now scattered all over ‘Uncle Sam’s” wast do- main. 1 bave several dozen in ‘mind, who I know could tell us something of their whereabouts and other interesting news. I believe we all still have dosh Sn our native hills of old Elk Lick. And then. the novel ideal What if it should prove a reality! Oh, blessed thought! age and care, in the future. may step off and ride home to old Elk Lick onan electric railway, making the trip in a few hours. Let this suffice for the present. the light of The S8raR ‘never grow dim, but shine brighter and brighter unto a more perfect day. M. P. Liciry. The Local Newspaper. Hon. Preston B. Plomb, late U. 8. Senator from | | Kavsas, 1 believe in local newspapers, They are the lenders, the makers of public sen- timent. They are nearer to the people | than. any other papers. Their editors mingle with the people, and consciously or unconsciously. reflect the views of their readers. By reading tbe local pa- pers Tecan tell just what the people. are | thinking and’ talking about. I can feel the pulse of the people snd take their temperature. excellence of onr. country pipers; The majority of them “are carefully, ably ed- ited. They not only print the news of their neighborhood, but have opinions which I find it worth my while te read and reflect upon. 1 get no hetter return for agy of the money which 1 spend than for that which I pay out for the local newspapers. Knopk Out the Grip. In a recently published interview with Dr. Keeley. the discoverer of the cele- brated cloride of gold remedy for drunk- ‘enness, says: ‘ No person need die of grip; not only that, but no one need even be sick enough from grip to have to go to bed or quit his usual occupation.” four times a dav, the doctor says, Jou can break up the worst case of efip: ‘al any stage of its development. He claims it id an absolute specific for grip; he fur: ther says it is partienlarly valuable on ac: connt of its *‘clieapness.” simplicity and harmlessness.. You gapnot take too much of jt. No matter how many grains a day you take it, will not hurt you.” At any drug store You can get 4 grains asa- fetida pills; take 4 of these four times a day; if Yow ‘tuke 5 grains piils instead of four, 80 much the better. This is cer tainly pp harmless remedy and shonld be tried. Right You Are. Now that the people of this town have declared in favor ol a water supply and electric light, what is to hinder us from having a telephone line connecting all county towns with the County seat? ‘This wouldn’t be nearly as large ‘an un- | dertaking as appears at first glance. Nearly all of the counties surrounding us, and many more throughout the state have such a system in operation, and the owners of the wires, we are told, find them a very profitable: investment. . No matter how large our neighboring bor- oughs may become their residents can’t escape coming to Somerset lo transact certain ‘business. Hardly a day passes but persons are compelled to come here at considerable expense from all sections of the county, in order to transact busi- ness that in many cases conld be done by telephone.’ The. introduction of such a system would be a convenience to people all over the county alike; and. would be geized upon by them just so soon as its advantages became manifest, Capitalists wha are looking for a safe and profitable investment, for their money would do / well to inquire 1 to a county telepho erald. 800 students. and a faculty of 18 instruct-| of church and school facilities, we shall | ; | Daniel P. 0 RE BEATTY'S Organs at sshingion, N read an occasional letter from the many | 10 think that it lies within the bonnds of | -| possibilities, that some of us, beset with atthe B. & 0. R. R. depot at Meyersdale| minutes, Where it usually takes several | My best wishes to all vour readers, and may | Tam ‘nmazed, tno, at the By taking Asnfetida in doses of 16 graing, : pathies, und feel strong ties binding ns to| | am Chane B., Bt, Philsdeipha, Pa. The American House, | SALISBURY, PA. BY MRS. Cc. WAGNER. ceommo- dations first-class and rates reasonable. The pat: sonage of the publis is respectfully solietted. | THE BEST COAL pL BR RIK Lick heen a Barber and Hale Drom] Al kinds of work in my line done in an ex. pert manner. My hair tonde is the best on earti—toepa the scalp clean and healthy, ‘Ire spectrally solicit Jour patronase City Meat Market, N. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. If you want good steak, #0 to Brander. If you want a good roast, » 89 to, Brandler. = Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler's. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR HIDES. THE RACKET STORE, Joe Dively Stand, Salisbury, Pa. : is headquarters for all kinds of Notions, Novel ties, Tinware, Queensware, Glassware, Toys and | useful Household Articles of all kinds, many of |, which can not be obtained at any other kindofs store. : Come and examine my stock; yon will find that itis mana up of good, clean goods. ory low. M.J. SLOTFEL John J. iivencood, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, » SALISBURY, PA. . AN classed of work turued out in a neat and substantial manner and at reasorable prices. If. you are not aware of tis, we can soon sonviuce you if you give us your work. 7 S. Lowry & Son, UNDERTRKERS., at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of seas belonging to the business. Also bave A FINE HEARSE, and all funerals entrusted to prompt attention : g EB WE MAKE EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. det Quickly. Come and. SEE in every department. ‘Do you need a paire o fine | carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need : a) gans? I have the best and cheapest in town, | wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very low. You use Groceries, do you? Call; 1 will be pleased to mit my prices. I keep a full line of such goods as belor a first-class general merchandise store. SE Clk MEN'S CLOTHI I desire to close out my stock of Men's clothing bargains are offered in Suits, Overcoats and Pants al “The early bird catches the worm.” I would announce to my patrons and prospective pai that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celel Walker Boots and Shoes. 1 also carry a line ‘of the ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, Blo | Shirts, etc. Thanking you for past favors, and solicit continuance of same, | remain very respectfully : I. L BAR CHL Sling : Jer. 1 thvengoed 4 _=Maxvracrunzss or . Carriages, Buggies, etons, Spring Wage Sleighs, Ete. Any kind of a vehiole built to order, on short notice ana ag rock bottom Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done, We also do general blacksmithing. your old buggies, carriages, ete., and have them painted and made 10 look as well 88 ne’ drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, when you can have them painted at a small Give us your trade. ‘We guarantee to please you in both workmanship aud’ prices, T you for past patronage, and soliciting e continuance of the same, we are very respectfully Jer. J. Livengood 4 Son, Salisbury, Elk Lick | 9: Pa. Mrs. S.A. Lichliter, 2 — Dealer In Alt Kinds Of GRAIN, FLOUR And I FE. CORN, OATS, MIDDLINGS, “RED DOG FLOUR,” FLAXSEED MEAL, 1 short all ground feed for stock. “CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock. All Chrno of Flour, : : ig anong them “Piligbury’s Best," the best flour in the world, “Vienna,” “Irish Patent,” “gen and Royal. GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Meal, Ont Mes snd Lima Beans. 1 also its All Grades ofSugar, vi inclnding Maple Sugar, also handle 8alt and: Potatoes, These goods are principally bought load lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to my regular customers, STATLER BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. to ug will receive | Ril}