as Delivered by the Brook- | ih Hen via 17, ho No 8 Ltur, that the and his it hard to get not present a to the found her : how shoe poo ate to save the life of her hus | band? By four 5. of | stop. ping not a fii or food, she reached city of Milan as her husband was on the 3 she to oscaffold.. Just in time to ve hm, ‘and not 8 minute to spare, “You see there wera two way. The one was to and the other to b to ‘time. 2% ever, A Saviour easy to A on the plaini : PROMINENT PEOPLE. : Ze Brastlian Minister of War Kas Te signed. Wirriam D. Howerrs composes allot his on the Sypewritor, Fd oy GENERAL BENsaMiN TF. BoTLIRY auto Hingrapey has been publisked. her E S3o wide open, 3 hat te lily Rie lives! Shelves! they take up the and the throng repeat it, “She lives! all those ho have that sucha. hist I care nok from + wiiat you can’ touch Him mental depressi Him who said, it of the biscuits chronic “the KIX ] Miron, “of. Danna prohibited slavery in his Jupap’ Aj Governor of O barely 1 youd ur nl ‘write: ON Seay, the 86 twenty-one could RATNPIRETA: the recintly lected: ado of Guatgmala has written much excellent poetry. . = © * ANDREW LANG, Joe Ohtet of! Staft under ot siege of Paris, ; Xing, but Was very different from ‘of asi Sur But Jou ta the Sohaterind wi “Then said the 1 nes we ‘ Bo hide thee, Hott a man know where y | mial’s scribe, ‘the ears of “the p > Lord gave these pe that the Se mig ae turn and be forgiven verses 0, for 1 e 18 ever seekin, to save. Ba ch having oad toute pes the words to princes, which, ha heard, th Sn stra ingnire Hrther then give : in ‘this verse, being friendly tothe oraphel, 20. “And they went into the kin and, Jad all’ the words in” the ears gz." Jehoiakim wag the son of oui hag ather, le was preceded “by his brother Jehoahagz, who reigned only three months, and was then carried captive into Egypt | ax Chron. 1-5). 86 the king sent Jehudi to: feteh the and Jehudiread itin the ears of the and in the earsof all the princes.” God, that kings, princes the. 8; world should hear His nsibility of all who hey should give it or if we are only willing us open doors. All res He will sce to it. sat in the winter houde and there was a fire on before him. Winter and = the farm of William Little, of Inde lence Jownship, Beaver county, ther j last week a calf wi two wel loped heads, eight legs, two tails and body. This remarkable freak is stil living, and proraises to continue to. live People from miles around have flocked tc see the calf. 1s is slowly Jearning to use ils numerous legs and can’ already walks little. The owner. = proposes to. makes fortune out of it. John Romsport. a 14 year old boy. died at Huntingdon frome excessive cigarette smoking. his body is much discolored. -8now to the depthrof two “inches fell af Mt. Union Thursday, whilein towns only s few miles /% ‘vn the ground . was barely covered with th flakes. Tne First Methodist clinreh at Aloxaidria, r- Blair coanty, was destroyed by fire. . Loss $11,000; partly insured. Two Italians were fatally injured in the #Ivil mines near Monongahelia City by being ran over with the cars. Mrs. Freder ck Wehr, of Rose Point, Lawrence county, has brought an action for tresspass and $ 0,000 000 damages against AS Marshall, a prominent druggist of Porters- ville. - One morning about a year ago the body ‘of Frederick W ehr, a shoemaker, was found fr zen stiff n'a ‘country road. The Lauer which Wehr had procured on which he became helplessly intoxicatee, was pro i cured from the Portersville druggist. Mars 1 denies the allegation. * The jury in the recent locomotive explos ion case at 8t. Clair, by which. five men were killed, ‘rendered’ a _ verdiot Monday night fixing the SS monsibility onthe Read- Eo ioe Railroad com ve good . Sins Fon may may : the. Tord came to had burned to 4 Ee Shack veil donst | PL ot Th fat oTing y ou Tag The king Jhated tol tol of a coming judg. 'w hated by many it tells ofa ake or fire for the un« godly, and of everlasting punishment, and h many kA and who them; © facts stand, pes 81,-32. “Therefore thus saith the Lord of Jobson. ing ‘of Judah, i i for thee Al or ity, but. they hearkened mot.” His o the body of. his Tord, and 4 shall on His Irons: and no evil can Jonn iii. 2 3. Phil. 20, 21; Ps. 9,10). But “(Ses 1 Xiv., XA all and perish, escape neg And what a upon all who diminish | “the Deut, iv., to ll their this book: the ond and of of & contains : hearer I one of the most Eales ‘teachers of faeiay my think of taki Revelation if he 2 wonder that same man were : . a “burned. the worst, of thi +" 'Mo0DpY ON WHISKY. > arr, Moddy while at Campbelton, England, 5.441 th thing business ; is rong, yous Joust ve it 0 on might say. d ruin, me ‘till. The patient proved to ‘| scarlet fever. « First My. Broad contracted: bie death and wretched treatment of | mir itiagt os in the count ty jail at vier irre for having three: Husbands ‘morethan the law allows: * Uniontown now has a thoroughly: organ: ized fite department. ' Two companies of tiventy men each are uniformed and ‘aided by an alurm system and ladder ‘company. Joseph Buffington, Esq. of Kittanning, was nominated for the United States District Judgeship in Western Pennsylvania. Joseph ‘Buffington was born on thebth of Septem: ber. 1 His parents "are Ephraim and Margaret Orr Buffington,and heisa Dephew ‘pf Joseph Buffington for 20 years Jul ides of the old Tenth » district. He graduated: in “Trinity college, Hartford, in 1875. and became a student of J udge Neale and Logan are the latter assistant general solicitor tor ine ‘ennsylyania railtoad. ‘He was admitted practice in 1878 and became immediate y " partner of Judge Neale. The Jatter Day elected Judgein 1879, jeaving x Buffing- ton with a large practice e. entered at once into partnership with his ta ‘Qrr ‘| BafBngton, They formed the well known ‘firm of Buffington & Buffington and have | had o miost extensive practice, The oppoin- tee has had extensive experience for so young a roan. 3 L John Rankin an old and sarki man, fell from a'load of hay at Stauffer station: and received fatal injuries. Fire destroved the Vulcan Iron Works av New Castle Tuesday night. Loss $5,000; well | insured, © Origin unknown. George Houp of Tyrone Nail 10n over by a || train there yesterday and kill Miss Lonise = Voest of. Priceburg while: 4} walking np the Ashle plane was run over iby a trip of tars and died in a few | minutes, Mrs. J ames Broad, residing near -Agker manvill, two weeks ago admitted to ~ her house a relative who complained of being suffering from the disease and soon the . children, fivein number, fellill and all died within a. few days. The blow has almost bereft Mrs. Broad of reason. The relative ‘is conveles- eng. Stella Reese; aged 12 years, died st Bands: ter from trichinosis contracted by eating raw pork. 'This is the second death in the | esa. family from the same disease. Miss: Annie Bader, a young lady of Altoo- na, fell on the ice while skating 3° few days. ago, causing a slight cut on her knee which odu: ed blood = poisoning and she aturday. : The farmers of Washington county are taking issue with the sportsmen: of that locality who have offered rewards for scalps of owlsand hawks! The lhe want these birds : preserved , because ol their value in killing destructive little animals. * Morris Farrel, of Tower Merion, Monit gomery county, was killed! in a runaway accident. J oseph Fronk, a prominent citizen of Phillipsburg, Beaver county, aged 6b years, drop | dead at his home while talking 40 i+ J. Allen, his physician. He-had been iE from grip for a few days, but was: considered about well. Jacob Fink, a motorman on the Lepanen & Annville Blectric railway. was badly shocked by a live wire’ and completely | dfsab ed. The flesh of one of his hands war burnedio a crisp. Charles Mackey was. drowned in Catfish “sreelc, Washington. The greek at this point is:only 1 Shines deep, 8 Miaskey's face was barely under wa believed he fell into he creek and was x torise, as @ was The two cases of the Commonwealth against George Cant and John C. Hurst, superintendent and weigh boss of ‘the Stan- ton mine, for violation of the mining kaw of 1883 and damages, were ended Saturday at Brookville, the verdict Dg not guilty, Dut “the defendants ave to pay the cost. he miners had employed Walter Sor as checkweighman. - He was objectionable to the superintendant, who gave notice to the miners that he would not allow Spry on’ the ripple and subsequently prevented hit from ‘being there. The ease has excited a great deal ' of ‘interest, principally from BSpry’s ucky determination to enforce his position, nd the court house was filled during the trial “a the books, charts, oto. in tho oun: tain View school house, Géor os Jownship, Fayette county, were brirned ridgy nig i ‘by some one, supposed to be the Cooleys. s. Piet, Jr;, of Erie,’ supposed to have id ares poison administered by his wife, was buried Saturday. At the n’ grave Mrs, Pietrie v. loudly decia her inno- cence before bedven; hevarthelos she apd Dr, Howard, of Buffalo, are surveillance. {The Greensburg Demioorat. ablished a Yist of 253 residents of Westmoreland county who died a ng 1s91 and were: over years o dest was Mrs. Saddier, years of et r township, aged 102, and more than { the number were above thres score a d ten. 7 ‘A miserable hovel Dear Fehuyikiil oceus pied by Jane Redcay,’ 57, took fire from ‘and unknowsj cause. | he body was found in. the ruins. Notning Jemalns but Q il he comes to: the circle. : WORDS OF WISDOM. Tt is better to suffer than to sin. The only real good is the good of al. Everybody gins when a bad mam dies it you are a good man what are you good for? “If you haven't much, you can double it by being thankful. Money ‘lost can’ be recovered, but an hour lost is gone forever. Don’t talk much about yourself when you want to be interesting. 20 Success will never come to your house without a special invitation. Ready money is a good thing to nave, but a contented mind is better. a The man who lives only for himself is engaged in very small business. Nothing kéeps & ‘stingy’ man from stealing but the risk of the thing. | “The surest way to become poor im earnest is to try to keep all you get. Genius is powerful, but it takes oute and-out muscle to turn a grindstone. The people who would have donesos and so, if they had been there, never : get there. For a steady thing the Tight of a tal. Girl Tow candle is better than that of & sky. i pocket. Parents tell others a great deal about | themselves by the names they give their i children. The only feachable people are those - who knows their i ignorancs and want to ; 3 i get rid. of it. People who never think of anybody but themselves are always little; no-mat he ter how big they feel. It 15: the every-day cares and duties of life that. keep a great many people’; fronz making fools of" themselves. A apolis (Ind.): Ram's Horn. Fishing on Lake Erie. = Two kinds of fishing are employes’ on Lake Brie. One method is that known as pound: net fishing, and the other isthe eruel nse of the gill net. * The ponadmmt: is-a peculiar device which is so often em~ ployed in the capture of animals ds well as fish. A line of stakes is driven into ‘the bed of the lake at intervals of forty: feet. "At the further end of this linea number of stakes are driven in a circular gluster.” When the fisherman takes. his twine out to.fasten it, he stretches along, = straight line of neiting to the stakes un~ | There he fasténs a net capable of being lifted. The long’ net is called the ¢‘leader;” and the circle is’ the: “pound.” The fish that come swimming along in schools. of hun- dreds encounter the leader and, in their alarm af the obstruction; swim: toward deep water. They pass into the entrance of the: pound, which is narrow, and. ence: i inside swim aimlessly about seeking: an exit. But few escape: through the nar- rew aperture by which: they made their entrance, : The gill net is. decidedly less compli= cated, and to the minds of a great many people a barbaric sort of torture, which, if justifiable at all, is. to-be: excused on the plea that the end. justifies the: means. | Stakes are driven at somewhat closerin- tervals in a straight line. From: these is suspended along line:of netting whose = meshes are a. trifle:closer than those.of a pound net. As the schools of fish. pass up and down the lake’ they fry to. swim through the net. The opening will ad- : mit their heads, but is: toosmall to: mit their bodies to’ pass. through. The natural impulse i§ to: back away from such a dangerous locality and the ma= ment the fish undertakes to do that he finds that. his gills cafch. in the meshes and hold him. There he must remain & prisoner, able neither to ‘advance norre- treat. until the fisherman comes and lifts. him into his boat.~—New York Times. Ta er The Game of Chess. Si The origin and history of the game 0 chess is involved in much obscurity. Sowe authors say that it was invented during the siege of Troy, to relieve the tediousaess thus imposed upon the Gre- cian chiefs. Others refer the invention to the Egyptians, and cite a sculptore of the time of the building of the Pyra~ mids, where a lion and a unicorn are de. picted as being deep in the mysteries of the game. The Chinese claim the game as one of their inventions,’ and so do several ‘other countries and "nations, among them the Ceylonese. They say that while Ravan, a King of Ceylon, was undergoing a siege, Seifa, a Hindoo mathematician, invented the game. for his royal master, who was thus enabled to mimic the movements of his enemies ou the tiny battle-field before him, i _. Although we can find ne definite trace. of the game in England prior to its in~ Aroduction by the French in the Eleventh. Century, it is known to have been the. court game all over Continental Earopa. | at least 500 years betore. Alphonso, King of Castile, and Pope Innocent IIL both wrote works on the game, and the . second book priuted in. the English ' language was *‘The Game and Plage of the Cheése.” 'Saccheiri, a Jesuit of Tu~ rin, called the “Chess Bishop,” could: play with three different opponents with~ out seeing one of the boards, and talk with the company during the. time of the play. —8t. Louis Republiew. vl i oie Lines Minutely Drawn. ; The construction of many of thew In. struments used in scientific investigation, has been brought to a pointof almost in< | conceivable accuracy. Professgr Row— i i land, the well known electrician and physicist, has just completed a perfect gerew for an Lilie i of his divids engine. he Sn to 50,000 lines larly to the inch. new chine hé can 00 lines to “imeh with limit of vision in’ about lines. ' gratings It With the machine now im =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers