The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, February 18, 1892, Image 2
Fires. . ‘Wilbur (Neb.) Opera ‘Honse burned night. Loss, $50,000. Capital City Opera House at Des Towa, was burned. Loss, $90,000. _ At Jolumbus, O., the McCune block, oc McOoy Bros. & Walcutt, clothiers: Koch, nmiusic dealers; Faulhaner's Scott, hair dresser, and a loan association. Miss ‘Cora ‘woman, jumped from a window and was fatally in- about $100,000. Ezekiel & Bernheim’s and storage warehouses; ware of the American Oak ir Company and the Commercial bank. A destructive fire broke outin the Opera . House ‘at Monmouth, Ill. caused by a gas | explosion, and before it could be checked a ww hole block ‘of brick buildings were totally _ destroyed. Loss estimated at about $150,000; _ dnsurance unknown. : The five-story furniture factory of Charles ZLeuch, of New York, was burned yesterday. + Loss, $130,000, fully insared. At Findlay, O., the Chamber of Com- : nerce building owned by 1G. L. Cusack, Loss, $30,000; insurance, $14,000. & ‘At Monmouth, Ili., an explosion of gas in the Opera House immediately after a lecture’ caused a fire which resulted iin the destruc tion of fhe block of business houses. Loss, ia 180,000; insurance, $50, 000. 3 nae Crime and Penalties. ~ "The official statement ot the amount of John. ° Bardsley, as of Philadelphia, Pa., was in Cammon Pleas Court No. 2 by. Thompson, together with s bond, The ascertained amount } has been determined by ‘the be $553,908 62. Morse stood before a mirror in at Garrett, Ind., Monday and de- ‘puta bullet through her brain is a mystery. ; e United States Court at Milwaukee, | M. Ottis, ex-postmaster at ‘Wis., who was found guilty of letters was sentenced to five nent in the State prison, of James G. Wyman, mayor of city, Pa., was ended Friday, and of extortion. held up at Fresno, QCal., "A passenger looked out fo see going on and was fatally shot. Oaks; 0. M,,. five Mescalero were killed in a fight among them: after drinking a quantity of whiskey. : ‘have been made.’ James G. Wyman, ‘of "Allegheny ‘was convicted on two counts of C for extortion in ‘ecclecting There is an additional charge ? against him. For the which he 18 guilty he is liable to from office, a fine of $500 on each ‘count, or a year’s imprisonment, or both. Hx- Mayor Richard T. Fearson i8 next 16 be tried upon similar charges and evidence. 7. Catio, who killed a fellow Italian at New YorkWist July, and was’ sentenced to . death, butiobtained a stay, was resentenced . to be electrocuted during the week of March An appeal will be taken to the United i courts, | Jobn Molloy and bis wie, of Toledo, 0. ~ awere found dead on the floor in. theirhouse Tis supposed that Molloy killed his, wife ‘through jealousy and then suicided. = Near Monterey, Ala., Tom Traweek, 16 4 years ‘old, a white boy, shot and killed Bill Thomas ‘apd Jim Jackson, two negro men, "dn self defense. One of the men had knock: bE ed Traweek’s 4 year- ~old brother down ‘with Sh a shovel, HT Washington News, 0 | Mr. Stone, from the Committee on War Claims, reported favorably the bill to reim- ‘burse California, Oregon and Nevada, for Eoutyaespeaiios in the > suppression of the The first volume of the ‘blue book” for £2801 shows that there are employed in the of the United States in all 'ca- 431 persons, and in all other de- of the government : 62,863 persons total of 247,294. first adjournment resolution offered the house this session made its appear- Thursday. It provides for the final of the first session of congress May 31. . Bushnell of Wisconsin a providing for the a committee ‘of nine’ to and report whether any articles are sold abroad at home and if so what are the agent of the Treasury is in Hamilton, of investigating a con- with Violating the Alien ) law. - committee ‘on Blection of President, “ete., will soon providing that United States all be chosen by the people in in the same manner a8 '‘Repres as the qushocationsiof the! on commerce a bill appropriat: improvement. of the the copStruction ani . Not more than turn : the . The Treasury Depaitm nt balance Mon- was’ $98,400,047, 6 lowest point reached for many y This amount includes $13:374,211 on deposit with national banks, $14,673,673 of subsidiary coin, and $402,442 of minor coin. The red balance is due to recent heavy disbursements, in- cluding $7,000,000 on account of pensions, and $1,000,000 on account of refund of direct tax collected from Kentucky and Maryland. Representative Stahlnecker, of New York, introduced a bill imposing an internal revenue tax of $10 per 1,000 on all cigarettes wrapped in paper. Legislative. The New Jersey House has passed a bill providing for _ political nominations to be made ten days before election day, instead of 20 days as heretofore. : The Mississippi Lower House has passed a bill ‘appropriating $64,200 a year for pen- sions. This will give those now onthe roll $50 a piece, : A bill has been introduced: in the New York Legislature to repeal the electrical execution law and substitute the old: form of the rope. A joint resolution was introduced in the Virginia Legislature to permit of the separ. ation of taxes paid into the State Treasury by the whites and negroes. In the Massachusetts House the bill pro- ¢ _hibiting free railroad passes for members was passed to be engrossed by a vote of 128 to 50. A Judicial. The United States circuit court ind jury at Boston, indicted John A. Morris, Paul Conrad and 11 other officials of the Louisana Lottery company for violating the postal laws, and warrants have been issued for _their arrest. . At Deadwood, 8. D., the United States Grand Jury has indicted eleven Chinamen for using the mail for transmission of lottery tickets and literature, Financial and Commercial. The Rarig Iron Works, of Buena Vista, Vai, made an assignment, with liabilities of, $80,000. Githens & Austin, lumber merchants of Philadelphia, made a general assignment. Their liabilities will reach $75,000. John W. #fyers & Co., dealers in watches and jewelry, New York, Hssigned to Willian J. Nicholson without references. Personal. ' Wm. H, Beers has resigned as President of the New York Life Insurance company. The company accepted his resignation and voted him a. life pension of $25, 000 per year. . Joseph McKenna, a native of Philadelphia, was appointed Judge of the Ninth’ District circuit court of California. John A. McCall way elected president of the New York Life Assurance company and will at once assume control, ‘Sarah Althea Terry, who gained such noto: riety. by her divorce suit against ex-Senatot Sharon and her subsequent marriage with Judge Terry, has become insane over spiritualism, : Railroad News: At Philad~lphia the great’ anthracite coal deal was consummated by a combination em- bracing the Reading Lehigh Valley, New Jersey Central, the Lehigh and Susquehanna and Deleware and Lacawanna railroad. The roads interested expect to save millions of dollars annually by doing away with agency expenses and economies of traffic, Presi: dent McLeod says that he wonld surround himself with a strong railway organization to assist in conducting the business of the great ageregation of railways and for the purpose would select some of the best men in the various railroads now ‘coming under his charge. In connsction with the Read- ing’s gobbling of the New Jersey Central and Lehigh Valley it is understood that the Pennsylvania company has assented to the coal combination and that the Vanderbilts have agreed to abandon the South Penn scheme, ; Mortuary. John Jay Knox, ex-comptroller of the currency, died in New York of pneumonia. Ex-Governor Scales, of North Carolina, is ‘dead. He was a Brigadier General in the Confederate army. ’ While suffering from an attack of the grippe, Assemblyman Harry A. White, living near Pemberton, N, J., drowned himselfin a stream a short distance from his home. J. R. Fair, Jr., eldest son of ex-Senator Fair, died suddenly from heart failure, at San Francisco, yesterday. Katherine B. Field, daughter’ of Dr. Matthew Field, and grand niece of Cyrus W. Field, died in. ‘New York: last night of meningetis, at the age of 6 years, Rev. Donald Fraizer, M. A., D. D. died | Saturday in London. For the past 20 years he took an active part in the Presbyterirn | church of England, and was twice Modera- ‘of the Synod. He was Vice President of the British and Foreign Bible Society and was prominently connected with many missions and charities. Hon. James C. Brown, ‘editor of the New Wilmington, Pa., Globe, died at his home in that place Friday night, aged 62 years. Sanitary Items. i The grippe in Southern Indiana fs very sovere.especially at New Albany and Patoka. In the wicinity of New Albany 47 persons died of the disease in the last two weeks, all under 60 years of age. . Lima,0.,is greatly excited over a supposed «of leprosy there. outh 1, La grippe is ravagin’ . Beores are very ill and the situa- is ing. : Gazette, ape and ork week the It is expected that the dreaded typhus will develop elsewhere during the week accord- ‘ing to the localities where the infected Italians may have gone. Théy emigrated to this country from the pestilence infected districts of Russia, and eluded the New York health officers on arrival : Politicals i A resolution ‘favoring | the eect ~United States Senators by direct vote : people: will soon oo reported by the House committee hay ting the ‘mat i charge. Eh oh ? The President appointed Ww. M. Giinnell, of New York, to be Third Assistant Secre- tary of State, vice John B. Moore, résigned.’ At the Salt Lake City elaction the total vote cast was 8,782 of which 4,560 ‘were cast by the Liberals, 2,766 by the Democrats. And 852 by the Republicans. 3 In bis newspaj the Haleigh' o.; 5 a) ohn H. Williamson, colored, announces himself as. a candidate for Congress. His platform will be a coms. pensation for ex: ‘slaves, 88 proposed. by President Lincoln. Walter H. Sanborn, of Minesota twas nominated by the Président tobe United ‘States Circnit J adge, for the Eighth Judicial Circuit. The Grand Lodge oft; Knights of Reci- procity—a farmer's | otganiaation: has issued a circular stating that organization will be effected in every State in the Union. Capital, Labor and Industrial, he rr The Kansas wagon company, at ‘Leaven- worth, has discarded convict labor. Farmers are becoming preifdioed against jprison nade Two: Hesvhieimor igtls! weighing 2, pounds each were shipped fo San Francisco by Carnegie, Phipps &Co., of rittsburg, Pa, for the new war ship Monterey. Union bricklayets at Zanesyille;0., threat 3 en to strike unless the ‘manufacturers sign ists. % One Hunfired and Fwenty-five men : have been ordered 14id off in the car repairing shops at Meadville, Pa., and enough at the Kent O., shops to reduce _ expenses there $1,000 per month, "Phe 8t. Joseph, Mos,0at meal mills, owned by S. J, Burns & Co., have been closed un- der deeds of trust amounting t3:$60,000. Seventeen collieries in the Lackawanna and Upper Wyoming yalleys, Pa., haveshut down, owing to dull trade. Hours of work are curtailed at other collieries. Owing toa shortage of help all of the immense wheat crop of North Dakota could not be threshed last Fall and threshing has continued all Winter, 4 ‘and ig still going on. . ‘Bixty five mechanics in 3 the Peary ivinta company’s shops at’ Indianapolis ‘are on a strike because the piece system has been introduced. The trouble will be compro; mised, At Indianapolis, Indi, 63 eclidnfoes in the Pennsylvania company's shop are ona strike because the piece system. has ‘heen in troduced, The trouble will be compromised. _. At'the convention of the. United Mins Workers of America, at Columbus, O., it was decided fo abolish the defense fund and assess a per capita tax for She support of the organization.’ The Pittsburg & Braddock Wire éompany will employ 400 men in their = new copper wire plant at Braddock, Pa. Braddock’s population will thereby be increased 1.000. At Grand Forks, N: 1x, ‘the chamber of commerce held a special meeting today and. instructed Secretary Alex. Mather to organ- ize a labor bureau and secure, if ‘possible. npward of 5,000 laborers for North Dakota the coming season. A. C. Elliott & Co., of Bellofontatns, 0. 5 the Andrews School- Furniture Manufactur: ing company, of New. York, and the Blooms* burg School Furniture company of Blooms- burg, Pa., have joined the United States School Furniture company: Disasters and Accidents. Benj. Fritts, a wealthy farmer of Sunny : side, N. J., while wandering about his house in a state of somnambulism; fell down stairs” and broke his neck, dying instantly. John Metzen and Julia Maundlev were fatally hurt and ‘about’a dozen other per- sons seriously injured in ‘a street car accident at Chicago. & Chicago passenger "train collided with the street car. The second section of an: freight of the IL. 8. & M. 8. R. R. was ditch- ed at Kendallville, Ind., the engine and six cars being completely wrecked, Eldridge, braketuan, of Toledo, was killed. At Saratoga, N. Y., February 13, Nathan Phelps, one of the ’ oldest residents here, 1, 2 wandered from home last might and was frozen to death in the street. way about three fourths of a mile from his home in Minneapolis, Minn., frozen to death. He had been drinking, and was’ evidently unable to get home. Mrs. Gregory, who lives near Welltord, Ga., while making soap had her tlothing to ca'ch on fire and she was burned to : death. Her sister who tried to rescue her was so badly burned that. she * died a few hours later. The Weather. Huron, 8. D., is byried under sn ow drifts, : with thie witid blowing a hurricane. ‘ Miscellaneous, ! James Donnelly, alad of 16, who lives at Lockport, N. J., made a wager of $2 that he. could eat:24 raw eggs within 15 minutes and | “drink 20 glasses of beer., He succeeded in his attempt and won the 82 but two hours later was taken with convulsions and died. The receiver of the Bay State League, an is spreading at Costa Rica. are at Washington the grip, most J ho E#:Msyor Pearson, of Allegheny, Pa, w endowment order, made a report in Boston ptatipg that startling evidence of fraud and dishonesty on the part: ory Fhe officers had been found, Bn agreement nok to sell prick to pon-uaions ) A Pitts., Pt. Wayne: east bound “Joseph | a tree and hanged them, Martin Neugard was found in the road: i served a term for horse the old! mh supreme f the rubber gas pipe while’ ‘making ‘his examination. of Saratoga, ‘wandered from Saturday night and was frozen to the street. ’ esl x ‘his home. to death in BEYOND OUR BORDERS, New Zealand floods have , traffic and ruined ~ A manin ened from a and a half. Ona & coach who months the other 18 of the passengers in, alive. bark Chile, after | was laden with her with were destroyed. “roads are so relief they can’t ey Bl N Z., nas been shaken by. , which are supposed. to a violent eruption : of ; ‘from the volea) no ‘reach pet a grand The : a into and near Cardiff. of five men, : and the other two Heayy snows have The Argentine rebellion has ‘pressed, ~The owners of the stogmehip Eider Nope to save her." Lo “Another below zero cold wave is raging 1 in the Northwest. SPAR LE : Eight thousand coal porters on the ‘Lon: or Tarl of crey consisted the potloe ere obli args th Many people were killed and ‘more injured: Petroleum has ‘been struck (700 ‘barrels a day) in. India by: | the Assan company. : More bomb explosions are threatened at Xeres, Spain, in revenge for. the 4 narchish executions. Funeral services over the body of the late Rex, Mr. Spurgeon were held at the Metropolitan ‘Tabernacle, London, ‘and the interment then took place ab Nor " etery. Immense rowds i the services, eA A resigned and it is Government i8 “breaking up. are likely to occur at any in Rio Grande de Sal, where Hie neople; are muck i excited, i Captain Cavenangh and all of the crew of the British ship City Camp were taken sick with yellow fever: just af ér' her arrival at Santos three mohths ago. The. Captain and Seaman Hurly died, and the rest of the y ship’ scompany were taken to the | Hospi The vessel, which awrived dt New York harbor with a new skipper and a new crew, was detained at Quarantine for fumigation, At London, Admiral Sir Provo Wallis, K. id C. B., died, aged 101 years; ‘He was admir: ‘of the navy, born in April, 179%, and foughf on H. M. 8. Shannon in her historical battle off Boston harbor on June 1 1818, with the United States frigate Chesapeake: HANGED FOR HOUSE BURNING, Typical Southern Justice Meted Out to Incendiaries. Negroes, of Course, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Feb; 15— Within | the past few weeks there have been several fires at Sylvan, Ala., 13 miles below Tuscaloosa. A few nights since D. 8. Robertson’s store house was ‘broken into,goods stolen and 4] building fired. A searching party was ir stituted and, finding a trace, the fire fiends were pursued | and finally caught 'A preliminary trial | before a justice was granted the men, who | were negroes, and they pleaded: not but confessed fo the burning of buildings. - A guard was placed in charge of the prisoners for the night. During, the ‘still hours an armed mob of 30 men over powered the guards, took the Risoners lo of HUNG HIMSELF IN. JAIL, Ed. Kehoe, a Prisoner Confined for Ate tempted Murder aml Recently Re- leased from a Termiat Biverside. ; Bradford, Pa., February 13-Ed wan rd Kehoe, of Bradford, committed shicide at county jail, “Bruethport, last night. He took a sheet froma cotin. his cell makings rope, which we attached to a bracket, and was discovered this morning quite dead. Kehoe was confined on dccount of an at tempt to kill a prominent mewspaper man {0f this city. He had recently returned from the Western penitentiary, where he - stealing. It js thought he was demented. This js the third attempt he has made at suicide mince his confinement, Tragic Death of. an Aged Couple. “Columbus, Ind., Feb, 15,—A tragic oteur- rence is reported from . Napoleon, twenty miles éast of here. Two aged peop'c, Mr.’ and Mrs. Bonchard, remded alone. Mrs. Bonchard had a severe case of the grip and’ the doctor said she must die. This affected and he wept bitterly, and, going out into the back yard, he put a pistol ball throtgh his brain; causing instant death. “This soshocked the old lady that she, too, died. They were natives of Fraucs, but ad 8 ved bere for years. | Mra AR Clesveland. of and she to “day, reading about Hood's 10° 2 pic ‘the order the intens fore the bill ian as some the T routine of equal to the United issue every a bill monument to. commemorate. the battle of Princeton. ‘Mr, Gallagher, of New Hampshire, offered a bill to erect an equestrian statue, at a cost of about $50. 000, to en. John Stark, of New Hampshire, 00 Voorhees, of Indiana, introduced ‘a similar resolution for. a statue to Gen. Zach. Taylor, at a cost of $40,000. At 1:55 p. m, the Senate went, into. secret session, ‘and soon - after * adjourned until Mohide The he Mouse resumed corisideratioh of the i itary Academy Appropriation bill. | | Ad- ® Fapav--The Senate was not in session today. In‘the House a resolution wag adopted copies of for ‘President's The Mifitary Arpropria. ation combina- 5 , to printing 6,000 16,000 hilian message, an bill. & n troduc ¢ 3 TE 3 Wheelor oul rallcoad, a : es ‘of government offici A “bill was an to exempt from nty wearing apparel. The att rs slim, and little other business the h our’ adjournment Senate a riot in session better FogTes tod than on » > the session IT vA dance of mem- to try tt. The fainting grew in where. every nationality, Ithas ployed in every of tion. In brief it: by millions and its. reliable 3 3 Figg ahd Driving everything before it that to'be out, You know whether y : it or not. byevery DO the. ; the a Bi ill allowin, of: the Nationa as its officers of the protected to the consider- : e first bill E 9 $