The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, February 11, 1892, Image 8

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    a1 the postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as
mail matter of the Second class.
Tag Stan is published every Thursday, at Ejk
Pa, at the Jolowing rates:
|@ copy one mouth
© copies
RTIS b= THaXar Locar No-
BONE nts 8 ne. for first rite 5 cents
a fine for each additional insertion. To regular
ertisers, 5 cents a line straight, except when
itorial matter,
or edifurial matter for less than 10 cents a
ne for each and every insertion.
MARRIAGE, Birtd AND DEATH Nomcks will be
charged for at 5 cents a line. but all such mention
ns editor sees fit to make Sencerhing such
without anyone's request, wi gratis,
ARDS OF F Tuanxs = be published free for
patrons of this pa n ut J10N-Patrons ’ wi
charged 10 cents a
RSOLUTIONS OF isin will be published for
5 cents a line.
Raves ror DisPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS will be
made known on application.
No free advertising will ‘given lo anything
Sof 8 noney makin character. Nothing will be
advertised gratis in this paper, except free lec-
tres, sermons and all such things as are
{ree to the public.
Al adsertisements will be run and charged for
anti] ordered discontinued.
‘No ‘advertisement will be taken for less than
‘ton, Tuable presen
Tae Stan sent to his address for one year. |
John Garlitz was kicked by a horse, the
other day... The animal kicked him on
‘the head, inflicting a painful wound, but
John is able to be about, just the same.
Out of the twenty-five applications for
liquor license in Bedford county, twenty
iave been granted, three refused and
two held over for further consideration:
Farmers, inspect closely our agricuh-
ural department on 5th page. 1t is im-
mense, and you will find Tre Stag a
good farm journal as well as a good gen-
eral newspaper.
Murried, Feb. 7th, 1892, at the resi-
dence of John Fresh, Salisbury, Pa,, by
Rev. J. M. Evans, Mr. Samuel J. Miller,
of Pocahontas, Pa, and Miss Annie C.
Fresh, of Bittinger, Md.
Maurice Clark, of Johnstown, the man
with a beard over 5 feet long, was in our
town last week looking after his interests
here. In another column he offers his
Salisbury property for sale.
‘ Dr. Speicher has been suffering intense.
Iv during the past week with Theumatism,
and most of the time has been confined
to his bed. THE STAR hopes to see the
doctor about again in a few days.
If you hase chapped hands, face, or
rough or red skin, from any cause, use
Stewart's Almond Cream. It will please
vou and bring quick relief. Only 10 and
1 Q. Tus Star office. vos
ra en prin. squipments, turns out all
its work e of the art aud at very
re Ri Bt, Tok gran does all kinds of
$ erin work, poster and bill printing, and
‘act nearly everv kind of Rother belonging
N11 Sob orders, Whether y mail or
ise, receive prompt attentio
How - JO
order, ET lo
Sheri roa iknces will be be ‘at
bi ha r personal a. if Jone resi-
dence 15 f sway
from here. Make all drafts,
> payab) le to P. L. Livengood. .
; An LAWS.
takes the paper ro!
osimoewheihe or airected 2 bag Je Haine of
; be sanscribed or not—is re-’
aper discontinued he
“all arrears, is the publisher will con-
sond it until payment ls made and collect
le sslotnts w ler the paper is taken
Plie conris avs sci*ed that refusing to
! cals from the post-
n ol
a lenving the same uncalled
rima facie evidence of intentional fraud,
ible a a flue and imprisonment, th
as for t!
forthe y:
Read Geo. K. Walker's new “ad” in
men next Tuesday to olf
Z Rete orders Tas Bran sent to
he Rockwoad * spoke factory is now
ing out spokes.
[ote the improvement fn our state
® colimn on 8d page.” *
Brak gives you lots of war stories
Grind Army columm. :
Racket store greets our roarlers
week with a new “'ad.”
Geo. K. Walker orders Tge Star sent
D. Leydig, Glencoe, Pa. ~
Jack Collier has onr thanks for a sam
pleof Garrett. onnty silver’ ore; :
J. Livengood & Bon ure building a
fine buggy for J. L. Barchus.
. Frank Dorsey has taken charge of
Getty's practice, AL Gantaville. ,
ry Yost, of Garret county, Md.,
guest at the Valley house on Mon:
jue Louisa Bath, Miss Jennie Hasel-
and Mike Lowry are nll on the sick:
‘an can always keep posted on the do:
¢ of congress dy reading our inside
fe aur improved telegraphic service
page. - What country paper can
1? ; ; ‘
‘On 2nd page you can read all abont the
1g of the career of the noted Fitz-
Jer Yeast, of Meyeradale. was shak-
ds last week with old friends in
wy. : : ;
hy not organize a board of trade in
ry? It would bé a great benefit
Stahl, Chas. Wegman and Bert
of Grantsville, were in our i
the B & 0. telegraph
at Band Puig, orders Tux Stan
'25 cents a bottle. Sold by J. L. Barchus.
Read Dr. Talmage’ s sermon on 8d page.
Every week THESTAR gives you as good a
sermon as you can hear in any church in
Somerset county, but go to church also.
Don’t depend on Brother Talmage’s ser
muns alone to take yon to Heaven.
It was the fear of Captain Sam Folk’s
f- | militia that squashed the Chilian war
cloud. As soon as this paper announced
that Mr. Folk and his men had been ur:
dered to invade Chili, the little republic
came to satisfactory terms at once,
N. Geo. Keim came home on a visit
last week. : Mr: Keim informs THE STAR
retary of Stephen B. Elkins. He says
the position was tendered to him, hut
to himself.
Mrs. C. C. Rowland, of Lanark, I.
has written to her father, Mr. 8. J. Lich-
ty, that she can not get along without
THE STAR. Bhe therefore gave Mr, Lich-
ty orders to call and have her husband’s
fiame enrolled on aur list, for which we
are duly thankful. !
LOST! A bran new 12-foot lumber
chain, on the street between Lloyd
Boyer’sand 8. A. Wagner's. The person
who picked it up kuows it doesn’t be-
long to him. He is emphatically re-
quested to return it at once to H. W,
Delozier, the owner of same. :
For some time: past there has been
trouble brewing at the Statler and Stand-
ard mines, owing to some differences of
opinion between employer and emploves.
On Tuesday evening all the miners em-
ploved at said mines were paid off and
ordered to take out their tools.
Bob 8howalter has sold his residence
property on Union street to Mrs. Joseph
Hartline. But notwithstanding this sale,
Bob has decided to again become a citi-
‘zen of this town and informs ys that he
will build a new residence between Hen-
| ry Dehaven’s and Morris Wagner's,
We will venture the assertion that Tag
STAR has a larger home circulation, in
proportion to the population of the town
in which it is published, than any other
| paper published in this county. We will
compare lists with any paper in the coun-
ty that may feel like disputing our claim.
Several women who claim to reside in
Meyersdale have lately been doing some
wholesale begging in this town. From
inquiries Trak STAR has made, itis safe
to say that those women are frauds. If
they are worthy of charity, and really
live in Meyersdale, that town ought to
take care of them. :
Dr. Gardner, of the Somerset Co. ex-
amining board, was in Beridn, Tuesday,
examining Jeremiah Zorn for an increase
{of pension. Mr. Zorn is in a very poor
condition, havhig been confined to his
bed for about a year past, and it is thought
he will allowance of $22 per month,
—Berlin Record.
Dr. Lichty has been the busteet man in
town during tlie pnst week. His own
large practice is all that one man can at:
tend to and do himself justice, but owing
to Dr: Bpeicher's illness, Mr. Lichty now
has double his usual run of work, and as
he is not very well himself at present, it
sets pretty hard on him to look after all
the sick folks. :
Jack Collier was out at the Garrett
county silver mine the other‘day. ' He
says things out there are booming and
that the ore is getting richer right along,
Six men are working the mine, three of
them during the day and three at night.
{Jack thinks Garrett county has a great
future before her and gives it as his opin-
ion that large fortunes are to be 2 made
there in mining silver.
Read every page of THE Svar clively
"| and see if you can’t find in its ‘columns
| about everything that goes to make up a
posi newspaper. If you don’t see what
‘| you want in the way of news, ask for it,
and we will supplyit, if jtis to be had in
.| any news market. In other words, if you
hn see what you want in the way of
that jt is untrue that he is the private sec- |
was not accepted, for reasons best known:
{ ally attacking some other person:
very trying indeed on a man’s nerves to
edit a paper, help to look after the wants
of a sick wife and mother and at the same
time defend himself against the malicé
and unreasonable spite work of Wesiern
Macauly, of whom it was anid hat “he
knew more about everything than anv-
body else knew about anythihg.” said:
**Advertising is 10 business what steam is
to machinery.” Another literary man ‘of
a different school said: “‘Trying to do
business without advertising is like wink-
ing at a pretty girl in the dark; you may
know what you dre doing, but nobody’
else will ever find it out.” This wis Josh
Billings.’ : HEN
The Meversdale Commercial is not ‘on-
ly going to build the electric road, but is
also going to put in branch stores at Splis-
bury and ‘Grantsville forthe business
men of Mayeérsdale. Furthermore, the
Commercial is going to resuscitate the
old Salisbury foundty for the midnufac-
tare of a Meyers isle patented ‘nrticle.
The Commercial should first resuscitate
itself and attend to the other great things
A number of young men aver. ‘in. In:
diana have organized a World's Fair club.
The plan is to assess each member a do!-
lar or so a week and let the dues accomu-
late until sometime im the summer of
1898. It is glaimed that for a nominal
weekly assessment enough money can be
raised to charter a Pullman sleeping car |
for the trip in which the boys can Stay at
night, thereby avoiding the crowded ho-
tels and save considerable money. —Som-
erset Herald, :
Read the advertisement in this i isstie oof
Gnagey & Hershberger, commission mer-
chants, Pittsburgh, Pa. This’ firm is
compused of two well-known Gegmeyille
young men, who ste noted for their hon-
esty and integrity, and persons in this
locality who may have occasion to deal
ith them will have the satisfaction of
Enping 4 that they wre not dealing with
strangers. Gnagey & Hershberger are
all right, and they will do the right thing
by their patrons, first, last and all the
time. Hania
The Ladies Auxiliary Societ y of Somer-
set county, Board of World's Fair Mana-
gers, heid its first meeting at the Rock-
wood House, Saturday, January the 8011.
The following were present: Mis s Mary
H. Baer; Somerset, President: ‘Misé Carrle
Johnson, Stoyestown, Secretary; Misé
Annie Black, ' Meyersdale; Miss Madi
Critchfield, Jenner X Roads; Migs Alice
Huy, Salisbury; Miss Hattie Will, , Glade.
Miss Annie Black, Meyersdale ‘and Mrs,
Anna Poorbaugh, Berlin,
the district convention. Somerset Her-{ »
ald. : ut
‘Last Saturday Rt two ot Salis: |
bury’s sports went to. Grantsville to have
“atime”, They;got it with a good!thrash-
ing thrown in. Now, boys, after this
when vou go to a noglbol town, he
have yourselves and. don’t |
of fellows, but they won't stand any ook
ishiness and bullving. The editor of ie
paper if a Grantville boy hims If, dt
he knows: whereof he ‘speaks.’ o
will bie harmed in Grantsville i
haves himself, but if he wants a eh he
can get'it as quick in that tows ag*
town we know of. !
Few people know that there was a a very
sad funeral in town the other day, yet
such was the case. Old Jack, Henry
Loechel's well known and famous old rat.
dog, was in this case the victim of the
**grim renper” and died of old age. He
clawed at the door on Tuesday nioriing
and gave signs that he wanted to go out.
When the door was opened he deliberate
lv walked down to the stable, laid, ipwn
and died. As soon as Ed and Lester
found this out—they who for’ years were
old Jack's friends and playmates, exten:
sive preparations were made for a first:
class funeral, Of course the boys shed
tears, but after Jack was putina snug
coffin and a funeral sermon was preached
by Rev. Davy Livengood, they all felt
better. He was then laid to rest ina
neatly dog grave, Ed Loechel acting as
undertaker and chief mourber. The de-
ceased was 14 years old. and in his {ime
was the most noted rat dog in all these
parts. This notice is published by re-
quest of the boys, who claim that a good
dog is worthy of a respectable write-up
when be dies.
Last week we received an anonymous
letter for publication, which was ‘duly
consigned to the waste-basket. The let
ter was a good one and worthy of pub:
lication, but not knowing who wrote, it,
and the fact that the manuscript was
written on both sides of the paper, of
course it had to be rejected. Since that
the writer has made himself known and
sent in another letter tor ‘publication.
His last letter was signed all right, ‘also
written on but one side of the paper; but
we must again good-naturedly refuse the
writer space for his letter, for fersons
as follows: The letter is entirely too
personal and would accomplish ‘nothing
but a continued and useless tight through
our columns, which would be very dis-
tasteful to the majority of our readers.
Furthermore; it would hurt the writer's.
cause more than it would benefit it.
‘can under no circumstances allow our
columns to be used by any man, be he
rich or poor, for the purpose of person-
a course would continually involve ‘Tax
fight our own: personal battles ‘through
our news columns, on account of being
attacked ju such 4 way as to make that
mode of defense necessary.
2 W. C. T. U. Notice.
The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U
will be held on Saturday, at 8 o'clock P.
M., Feb. 18, 1802, for the purpose of elect
ing officers to serve the ensuing. year.
All the members are requested to be pres-
ent. :
Crara L. WaaNER,
6 . Rec. Secretary.
At the Oll Wesl. it
Work is going on rapidly and smooth:
ly and interest in the ventureis inereas-
ing each week. :
i Solicitor M. F. Smith says the whole
intérested in the Elk Lick oil well. , The |
whole county ought to be Interested init
land bLelp it along, for if oil is found in
pay ing quantities, it will not only boom
Salisbury, but the whole county.
Civil Trial List.
ruary term of court, second week:
dy Strouse & Co., v8. James 8. Smith.
Robt. R; Marshall vs. A, Parker, Cashier.
Daniel Weyand' 8 heirs vs, Noah Berkebile.
- Elias Cunuifngham vs, Jacob Pletcher.
A. J. Colborn vs, Somerset County.
Connelly & Deshong vs. Nath, Schroyer,
Rosanna Pletcher et. al. use vs. Frank Walter.
Peter D. Miller vs. Geo, 8B. Young.
Albert Lobr vs. David Stump.
E. E. Daniela ve. J. R. Childs. ;
#, 8. Kimmell vs. Elizabeth Zimmerman.
XE. E, Daniels vs. Wm. Kline, et. al. -
_ Henry Baker vs. Jonathan C. Miller.
~ Alex. Countryman v8. Israel Hemminger.
Geo. F. Countryman va. Israel Hemminger.
Josephine M. Dickey vs. R. 8. McMillen, Sheriff.
_Willtam Kister vs. Henry Kister.
Jeremiah Pletcher et. al.” vs, Jos, Hemminger.
Jobn H miller vs. Josiah Brant.
‘Cyrus B. Moore va. J. W. Boyer.
Asheptanceer the Winchesters' Challenge.
EDITOR STAR: We notice in your issue
of Feb. 4th an article headed, ‘More Big
Talk About Shooting.”
The Winchesters in that article: have.
without doubt told it all, but we beg leave
to'inform them through the col of
county seems to be getting considerably |
The following is the list of causes to be tried at|
Drop us a card
4 Ginagey & Hershberger, |
(General Cision Nake
JO¥ Grant Sti Pittsburgh, Pa.
patronage of any one ‘wishing a fair, square deal in the «
, |mision business.
{early returns,
Send us your produce and be assu
and receive price curren
of Gents’ and Boys' Hats and Gaps,
Give ths weal 4nd be convinced that Tam selling shesp. 1 you are looking tors.
reliable place to trade, I wish te infos you that rs
I Have the Brgair
Hare Just received a nice ot of Csshmeten, “Delatns, Ginghams, Salicos, eto. Also a i;
1 have the old reliable Latrobe Boots and Shoes, ‘also Ladies’ Carlisle Shoes, which
value for your money. 1 also carry. the purest and best of Groceries.
My motto is: “Fam DEALING, Avwazs SQUARS, ANXIOUS To PLEASE." Thanking you
The American il
Board by the day, week or mionth. Acecommo-
dations first-class and rates reasonable. ‘The pat
ronage of the public is respectfully solicited.
in the Elk Lick Region ls is that taken from the 3'd
illiams opening. I am taking some of the fin-
est coal out of the said place that was ever mined
in this fons and am Jrepared to supply Js home.
trade at very lowest living prices. :
coal of Sig if you want the best to be had b 1 i
region. BEN JONES.
TaE STAR that they have not done it all.
We will shut up when we are beaten, but
not until then.
We are not in the habit of - challenging
langed .and say nothing. Therefore,
Winchesters, you can consider this as an
e | acceptanc-of your challenge. Name vour
88 | day, fix your grounds, etc., and yon will
find us ready to beat you ‘or shut up:
We expect ‘to hear trom you the next
tinle THE Bhan comes to see us,
Med _Smoorems.
ois Figs sud Thistles:
gr sho succeed generally aim to
du jig.and plan to do it.
The deyil does his best fighting when
he has.on, , hig Sunday clothes.
The:grentent workers for: God .are not
: ‘often well known ampng men.
. Angels and all ‘men. admire the man
who is not afraid of a hard place.
The ‘Lord has never given: any one
chireh a patent right on salvation.
A man who is not'honest in his religion’
is not to be trusted anywhere.
“One of the hardest things to ‘do is to
alarm the man who thinks hie is safe,
Every man's lifé is a prayer, no matter
what he may say with his‘lips.
Tlie devel don’t care ‘what becomes of
tf the old man, if he can have the boys.
: The world is full of people who tire
themselves to death in Jonking for: rest. —
Rany s Horn.
More Burglary in Meversdale, 4
11}-fated Meyersdale was again in the
hands of burglars on Tuesday night.
THE STAR will not attempt to go into
lengthy details concerning the affair, for
no two people tell the same story about
it. Even the Meyersdale papers are wide
apart in their write-up of the sensation.
but it is a positive fact that Lint's gro-
cery store was entered and about $75
stolen therefrom. : The thieves also made
an attempt to burglarize John Olinger's
residence, but they were discovered by
Mr. Olinger and their plans were foiled.
The Meyersdale policeman got wind of
what was going on when the attempt
was made at Olinger's and he and the
burglars exchanged several shots with
each other, none of which hit anybody.
The raid on Lint’s store was made after
the attempt to rob Mr. Olinger.” The
burglars have not yet been captured,
neither is there any positive lu as to
their identity.
To Whom it May Concern.
Last week in introducing our readers
to some of our would-be annihilators,
who reside in Nebraska. considerable at-
tention was paid to W. W. Lichty, a once
noted bootleg saloon keeper,
ple have since asked us whether it can
be possible that this W. W. Lichty is the
son of our highly-respected fellow citi-
zen, Mr. B. J. Lichty, knownig that he
has a son residing in Carleton, Neb.
For the information of the public we
will state that W, W. Lichty is not a son
of Samuel J. Lichty, of Salisbury, and
is no near kin of his. | Samuel J. Lichiy’s
son in Carleton, Neb., is W. 8. Liehty,
one of the men that town has always felt
proud of. W. 8. Lichty is not in the
muss at all, and all the time we lived
in Carleton we never knew him to have
his nose in other people’s business, which
one or two of our other esteemed Som-
erset county folks out there have always
been noted for. No, gentle reader, W.
w. Lichty ia not a native of this town;
{he is a thing from Iowa and once took a |
| buggy ride with the sheriff
anyone, neither do we like to be chal-}
Some peo- |.
! | MAC
a sogaL ner i. a
D. 8. Ewing. General Agent, ;
1127 Chestnut St., , Philadelphia, Pa.
Patent Medicines And
Druggists’ Sundries,
Go To
- W. E. MecCURDY,
Prescription Druggist,
Monthly Report. of Salisbury Sohal. iN.
Following is a report of the Salisbury
schools for month ending Jan. 21st, 1892.
Number that attended during menth:
Male, 10; Female 80; total, 40.
Average attendance for the month:
Mule. 8; Female. 26; total, 84,
Per cent of attendance for the month:
Male, 88; Female, 88: total, 88:
Number that attended every day:
Male. 4; Female 12; total, 16.
C. F. LaveNeoop, Teacher.
Male. 27; Female, 18; total, 40.
Average attendance during man th:
Male, 25; Female, 11; total, 86. :
Per cent of attendance during month:
Male, 98; ‘Female, 97; total, 95. ©
Male, 7: Female, 8; total, 10.
C. EB. STATLER, Teacher.
Male, 26; Female, 24; total, 50.
Average ' attendance during: month:
Male, 24; Female, 20; total, 44.
Per cent of attendance during month:
Male. 98; Female, 85; total, 89.
Number that attended every day dur-
ing month: Male, 8: Female, 9; total, 17.
Number that attended Jung month:
Male, 87: Female, 22; total. 59.
Average “attendance during month:
Male, 88; Female, 19; total, 52.
Per cent of attendance during month:
Male, 91; Female, 64; total, 92.
Male, 18: Female, 11; total, 24.
7 Lizzie LavExeoOD, Teacher.
Number that attended during month: ]
Male, 100, Pemale, 89; total, 189,
“Average - “attendance during month:
Male, 90; Femsle, 76; total, 166.
Per cent of attendance during month:
Male, 91; Female, 91; total, 91
Number that attended every day during
month: Male, 82; Female, 85; total, 67.
Parents, urge your children to attend
‘school every day; the closing of the term
should be the best.’ Let ‘every boy and
every girl remain in school until the very
last day. Theclass standing of each pu
il will be given A
Very respectfoll
. Number that attended during wonth:.
Number that attended every. day:
Number that attended during. month: ]
Nainber that attended every day during
and Rival Foariges, or almost any
stove that may be desired. =o
you are not ‘aware of ie we can soon eon
you if you gre us your york. 4
Mf you want go steak,
to Brandler.. Wir
Honest Bork and
living prices at Bra idl
the of Som, a