iD, Diver and Publisher. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor. a Ke postoftie at Elk Lick, Pa., as mail matter of the Second class. pao sr RATES. published every Thursday, at Elk 16 following rates: I oT one month ee —~TrANsiENT Locan No- ADVE IRTISING 1 first insertion; 5 cents 2 od for each additional insertion. To regular except when itorial matter. ed in with local Jews or edito: matter for less than 10 cents a ie for each and every insertion. EDITOR RIAL PUPS, when requested, invariably 10 cents per line. “LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS at legal rates. Msnmcz, BirTH AND DEATH NoTicEs will be charged for at 5 cents a line. but all such mention the editor sees fil to make concerning such vents, without roa request, gratis. JARDS oF THANKS will be published free for patrons of this apes, but non-patrong will be charged 10 cents a li uTioNs oF Respect will be published for cents a line, RaTEs ror DisPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS will be “made owe on application. No free advertising will be given to anything of a money makin character. Nothing will be jac ver wertised gratis in this paper, except free lec- 3 sermons and all such things as are Froet to the public. All advertisements will be run and charged for ‘until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents, 8 .—THE Star office has i plo. Phun © equipments, turns out all ; its work style of the art and at very je wore i» Ihe best THE Star does all kinds of ‘commercial work, poster and bill printing, and on fact nearly every kind of printin belonging io the art. All job orders, whether by mail or ttherwise, receive prompt attention. i REMIT.—Remit by postoffice How rd registe. } ank draft. Othe mittances will be at sender's risk. . Never oad your personal check, if your resi- der ie Tom hae, Make all drafis, ce | far awh . X . Livengood. ete. ., payable to P. L. OAL AND E BENERIL. We grieve to note the sudden death of little Johnnie Poole; 1.ifé1s » span, a fleeting breath— For sale: One Georgia mule. ! —Atlanta Constitution. Lent will begin March 2nd. : Miss Lillie Wagner is on the sick. list. J. L. Barchus invoiced his large stock of goods this week. The little Salisbury branch sent out 411 loads for week ending Jan. 28d. * Harvey Lentz, eldest son of Joseph Lentz. of Meyersdale, died last week. Ed Huselbarth orders Tue STAR sent tw Rév. 0. F. Harshman, at Liny, Pa, Den Hershhérger's sale will take’ “place Pov. 11th, Bills will be oul 1omorrow. Don't forget the M. E. dedication ser- vices, which will take place next Sunday. Sum Kimmel. who had been at home on a yisit, has again returned to Pitts- “burgh. It has lately been so cold out in Nebras- ka that cows gave large guantities of ice cream. The Methodist church has 60, 000 preach- ers, 50,000 church edifices and 5, 000. 000 members. Many of the laboring men of this town ‘and vicinity are getting snug - homes of - their own. . Salisbury’s. liquor license applicants ere very busy this week, and so were ‘the remonstrance folks. Wonder who will win. . Balishury wants a good drug store. There is a bonanza here for the right man. A good furnitue store is also wanted here very badly. Mr. J. J. Reitz and family will soon move to Berkley’s Mills. and by their re- moval this community will lose a very nice family. We learn with regret that Mis. A. L. ‘Gnagey. ‘of Grantsville, Md., is on the sick list. = Dr. Speicher, of this ‘city, is Irealing her. itis to be noped that Beachy Bros. will put fine stage scenery in their new hall and give Salisbury the best opera house in the county. The Meyersdale Register complains of M. F. Bmith giving that office a wide “berth, Well, that's what nearly every- hody is doing. La grippe cases in Salisbury are nu- ‘ous; so much so that it is impossible for us to mention all who are afflicted y the malady. “Pa, may I go out to skate?” ‘Oh os, my big som John; but hang your kates on a bickory limb and don’t go Flog Pond.” ther Smith, of the Commercial, is to show up (in his mind) that the ; Bro. “Your paper takes well here. 1 wish ou all the success you can possibly ave.” Bo writes C.J. Otto, postmaster New Germany, Md. W. G. Miles, of Carleton. Neb.. orders R, back numbers and all, sent to dress. Our Carleton list is climb- pin great shape, no, dear people, that handsome. ow that Beachy Bros. erected in f their new building is not to re- sere permanently. wth & Son greet our read, ew tad” this week. They something to say in another Steel : “He that giveth to the Door lendéth unto the Lord.” But yet | there are many professed Christians who are not satisfied with the security. Rev. J. H. Enlow. the M. E. minister of Granisville, called at THE STAR office editor. That was right; call again. Married, Jun. 24th, at the Reformed parsonage, by Rev. J. M. Evans, Mr. 'Ed- win E. Dickey, of Somerset, Pa., and Miss Mary E. Wisler, of near Summit Mills. Pa. Sam Jones says nine out of every ten men who are worth $50,000 go to hell. When we run our bank account up to $49,999.99 we'll stop. Sam can’t catch us in that way. 2 Perterze Zrnchzizkowskelowski is a cabinetinaker, of Buffalo, N. Y., and sometimes whena fellow workman is sawing through a pine knot be thinks somebody is calling him. We see by the Hebron (Neb.) Journal that the mercury out there was 84 degrees below zero on Jan. 18th and 19th: The people out there in that country’ .of high- priced coal have our sympathy. : . Last week A. H. Sanner, an inmate of Somerset jail, was married in the Sheriffs office to Miss Lucy Ann Pletcher, of Jefferson township. After the ceremony was over Sanner returned to his cell. So many people who howl that they do not get the good things in life which they deserve should be feeling thankful instead that they don’t get the punish- ment they deserve, elther.—Ed Howe. If you have chapped hands, face. or rough or red skin, from any cause, use Stewart's Almond Cream. It will please vou and bring quick relief. Only 10 and 25 cents a bottle. Sold by J. L. Barchus. Weare in receipt of a copy of the Lodoga (Ind.) Leader, which was sent to uz by H. H. Kein. The Leader is an ex- cellent paper and shows unmistakable signs of being published in a very live town, It is a suggestive fact that many earn- est clergymen are now laboring for a re- vival not to bring outside sinners to re- pentance, but to induce inside hypocrites’ to become ashamed of their practices. — Somerset Herald. An Atlanta woman who is the mother of twenty-one children, all living and nn- married, is longing to be rich enough to buy the Western Union's telegraph wires for a clothesline. She would have use for it all on wash day. The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; the constant gnaw of Towzer masticates the bone; the constant wooing lover carries off the blushing maid; and the constant advertiser is the man that gets the trade. —Ex. Many a merchant has made a failure in business because he advertised spas- modically and peruriously or did not ad- vertise at all. It is the liberal’ and con- tinuous advertiser wh o deserves and wins success.—Hebron (Neb.) Journal. Tramps are visiting this town a little too frequently, and it behooves our peo- ple to look a little out, as some of these wandering rascals have lately heen acting a little strange around here. Perhaps there is 8 ‘gang of them looking some- thing up." “The slimmer you look, the beter,” savs a fashion writer to the ladies. And he might have added. ‘the tighter you pull the corset strings, the sooner yon would have a chance to visit the other shore, where fashions trouble Ht and the weary are at rest.” Some scountirels are running at large canvassing the country for enlarging portraits. They induce each of their victims to give them a photograph and from 25 cents to one dollar to insure good faith. They then disappear with the money and photographs. The M. E. church at Jasper, Mo. has a nest of real, live, red-hot bumble bees, and the parson has no trouble in keeping his congregation awake. When interest he- gins to lag, the sexton has only to stir up the bumble bees and the congregation. is wide awake in an instant. Some people make fun of Salisbury be- cause she has no other railroad but the little, short Salisbury branch. It is true that our road is not as long as the B. & O. main line, but, by gracious, its just as wide and is the best paying branch, for its length, that the B. & O. owns. Daniel D. Miller, father of Represent- ative E. D. Miller, of Rockwood, died last Thursday, aged 76 years. Pneumo- nin was the cause of his death. Mr. Mill- er was a prominent and very highlv re- spected citizen of this county. He was a member of the German. Baptist church. There is a printing office somewhere in Kentuckey that is daily opened and closed with prayer. An irreverent edjtor in, Indiana, when informed of the fact, remarked that in his region printing offices were daily opened by the devil, and in some not nnfrequent cases closes by the sheriff. —Ex. A late swindie being practiced inthe northern part of Westmoreland county is the selling of a small box of soap for two dollars-giving as a premium a splendid rubber doormat with the name of the purchaser. on it. The soap is delivered, ‘and money collected, but the door mat never comes. —Herald. According to. the Scientific Ameri- can, mechanics can give steel tools a hardness like that of the diamoud by , | plunging them when white hot into seal » | ing wax, repeating the operation until the 100 cold to enter the wax, the other day to get acquainted with the The tool should then be with uil of turpentine. Christian Long, who was some years ago prominently connected with the Som- erset & Mineral Point railway, died Jan. 16th, at Shippensburg, this “state. Mr. Long rose from a peddler of wooden clocks to a prominent railroad magnate, and it is said that his estale amounts to several million dollars. Mr. C. T. Hay showed us all through his newly equipped hotel the other day, and we must say that it is simply im- mense, There are no finer rooms in Somerset county than Mr. Hay has, and he has also got plenty of them. Asa public house it will have few superiors in this part of the state, Bob Showalter, of Meyersdale, was shaking hands with his numerons Salis- bury friends the other day. Bob says le had to choke a Meyersdale fellow the other day for saying that THE STAR isnt the best paper in the county. That was right, Mr. Robert, don’t allow people to make any such raw breaks. The Silver Bell Mining Company, tow prospecting a very encouraging lead of silver ore in Garrett county, near this place, expect to make some interesting developments shortly. A number of Lonaconing persons are ‘interested #nd we shall be pleased to record a rich “‘strike.”—Lonaconing Review. A swindle which has been carried on successfully of late in some. sections is and call from house to house asking to see sewing machines, and if the machine is a certain kind they take out the shuttle and put it in their pocket, refusing to give it up unless the owner pays them for an alleged infringement on their patent. Capt. Noah Bowman's store at Stoyes- town was robbed of three or four hundred dollors worth of goods, Friday night. Charles Spangler, a resident of that place, recently released irom the western penitentiary, was urrested for the érime but gave the constable the slip and is still at large. Officers are on his track and hope to recapture him.—Somerset Herald. The old. gray-whiskered tramp that was in our town Iast Saturday evening was nohody’s fool. He conld convérse intelligently on nearly any subject, could repeat poems from nearly all the poets of any note and seemed to know consid: erable about Masonry, Odd: Fellowsinp and things pertaining to the Jr. 0. U. A M. He was also well posted on” politics C. J. Folk, G. J. Gnagey. John Oo, A. Beachy, Noah Warnick ‘and DJ. Swartzentruber constitute our Jast week's grist of Grantsville subscribers: * “Every few days they come in from Grantsville in groups of six. and—well we Tiave 16 serious objections. ‘The ‘Garrett coniitiy people always want the hest, ‘even when it comes to subscribing for: ‘newspapers, We invite publie attention to the pro: fessional card in this isstie of BEM Beachy, veterinary surgeon. MY. Beachy ig a very trustworthy young ‘ihn, ‘und hai gone to a great deal ‘of trouble fo equip himself with all the necessaTy whe pliunces pertaining to his “professich. He deserves a liberal patronage, #s he’ jr said to be a very skillful vererinary sur- geon. Editor Subrie says he has “phiished this paper about enough. * The very idéa of such an assertion is enough to draw tears from a grindstone. © Yes, its really too bad the way we have been punished. and we bave lost a great deal of slaép over it. Ttis now in order for Mary's little lamb to tell how it bearded the tion in his den and whipped Barnum’s Ross al Bengal tiger. ; John Barchus and Dr. Lichty went id Flog Pond, Tuesday morning, to enjoy H skate; but the ice being too thin for sKht- ing, John concluded to wensnre the depth of the water. He says it iy’ nek deep, end the Lord only Knows naw much deeper. Moral: Little hoys should not fool around deep water that is cov- ered with thin ice, or they mav be con- verted into fish bait. : : W. 1. Woud, of Carleton, Neb., in or- dering Tne STAR sent to his address, writes as follows: “Bend yonr paper right along, as [ wantit. Your last issue alone was worth $1.50.” Dan Sheeler, of the same place also orders THE STAR sent to his address and sends the where- with to pay for it. * Advertising pays, and if the chronic Kickers of Carleton will only continue to advertise us, we will get many more subscribers from there, John Coleman vvidently isn’t afraid: of the electric road, for he has just given his order to Jer. J. Livengood & Son to build him a handsome and substantial buss that will carry thirteen passengers. | John need not feel uneasv so long us only Meversdale talks electric road; but if Balisbary once talks of building such a road, then the days of Coleman’s stage line will be numbered. Meyersdale’s chief stock in trade is wind, uh = mighty poor quality of wind at that. 1t is un spectacle for Gods and men to watch the Meyersdale papers trving to work up a boom for that village, when it is plain to see that the booming days for Meyersdale are a thing of the past. The handwriting on the “Chinese wall” surrounding Salisbury is very plain to | read, and it is'w the effect that all ‘the booming that is to be done in this part of the county for the next twenty years will be done in Salisbury and its immedi- ate vicinity. Poor old Meyersdale! famous old Salisbury band, boys, whoop ‘er up. Salisbury has more musical talent than, any other town in : 1 solute habits. thus explained: Persons visit the town | There is some talk of reorganizing the | = That's right a band here in three days time that can knock the socks off of anv other band in this county. We have a number of band men here that can play nearly any piece of music at sight. Blow your horns, gentlemen, for he that ‘bloweth not his own horn, the same it shall not be blown. A copy of the Onawa, Iowa, Democrat, kindly forwarded to us by the banking house of Holbrook Bros., reprints the notice published in the Herald on the death of Dr. C. G. Stutzman, and adds a glowing tribute to the memory of the dead physician. Dr. Stutzman assisted in laying out the town of Onawa. having moved there with the Holbrook Bros, in 1857, and for several years thereatter gave the residents of that place the bene- fit of his professional skill ‘ton very large extent gratuitously.”—Somerset Herald. ! Frank Hill. son of John Hill. who some years ago was proprietor of the Glade honse in Somerset, was recently arrested in California for bigamy. He bad married one woman in this state, who deserted him on account of his dis- .He then went to Califor- nig, where he married two other women, both of which he separated from. But as he was abont to marry a third Califor: nia woman, one of his former wives learned of his intentions and caused his arrest. Hill admits his guilt and will have to suffer accordingly. It is an easy matter to go through the country and point out the newspaper readers. The farmer who prospers inost, who -enjoys life, who is selected asa leader in his community, is a newspaper reader. Whether he is indepted to his readings for his prosperity or not, the book and the newspaper can be foupd in his house, and he knows what they contain. The boy from the country who reads the newspapers is seldom the vie- tim of a confidence man, and the way to teach boys to readis to throw newspa- pers around thein.—Live Stock Retord. There seems to be a sort of mutual ad- miration society composed of the editor of the Meyersilaile Register and the editor df the Hyndman Bulletin. Whenever the Commercial has a little rackel” with the Bulletin, then the Register ‘bobs up and tells the public how Editor Smiih s*got it in the neck.” And whenever the Register has a fight with another paper, then the Bulletin bobs up to tell how Ed- itor Buhrie squelched em. Well, that’s the. way weak papers do when they are not able to fight their own battles. ‘The mor old Register needs help, and Tie STAR CAN. knock it Sloan 4 aut of the ring, anyhow. . ; #1 That soudy fuking old tramp that was yawn last Saturday night claimed to booweof Grover Cleveland's most inti- mate‘friends, but he said he hoped no one woulddake him for a Democrat just becuase helooked like one andi was on goed:terms with Mr. Cleveland. That kitic: of ‘talk from a iramp is pretty hard en:onr.Democratic friends. but it is also bard to have such a looking specimen class himeelf with our own. dear old Re- publigan party. Of course the old chap may not be ag black us tramps are usually painted, hat it was plain to see that he represents no fast colors. for he certainly will not wash. T Dr. D.O. M¢KINLEY, tenders hik professional services to those requir- ing dental treatment. omice on Union St., west of Brethren Church. A. MM. LICHTY, Physician And Surgeon. office first door woth of the M, Hay corner, SALISBURY. PA. A. F. SPEICHER, i . . 3 Physician And Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the eltizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Office, corner: Grant and Union Sts., Salishury, Penna. : \ RR. MM. BERCHY, VETERINARY SURGEON, treats all curable diseases horse flesh is heir to. Has the latest and most improved veterinary sur- gical instruments and appliances, also a com- plete veterinary library. : Veterinary Obstetrics a Specialty. A complete stock of veterinary medicines al- ways on hand, thereby saving trouble and an- noyance. Horses taken for treatment for 2. 50 per week and up g to Consult me before xilling your broken: Segked and tetanized horses. I have treated tetantus or locked-jaw successfully. Place of residence, 8 miles west of Salisbury, Pa. Postoffice address, Grantsville, Md. CASPER LOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA., ALER IN— BOOTS and SHOES. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness 2nd dispateh. Give we your patronage, and I wil try to please you. WAGNER'S GROCERY! The best place in Salisbury to get pure, fresh Qroeeries, Candies, Nuts, Crackers, choice Cigars and Tobacco, Refreshing Drinks, Fresh Oysters and other things in the grocery ie is at M. H. Wagner 8 grocery. Yours for a : ™. H. WAGNER. BEATTY'S Organs at Bargains. + For particulars, catalogue, address Dantel F. Beaity, Washington; New ersey. y music fs concerned. We can scare up| STOVES and TIN. We handle the celebrated line of Oinder- ella Stoves and Ranges. also the Sunshine and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind of stove that may be desired. We aim to please the people in giving the LOWEST PRICES on shelf and other hardware, including Oils, Paints, Glass, Nails Pumps, Hollow Wave, Horse Pads, Blankets, Robes, ete.. elc., and such other things that may be Sound in a hardware store. In the line of T . we can Jurnish anything made of tin, and of any quantity or quality. from the cheap- est lo the best of grades. at lowest prices. Souting, Roofing and all kinds of job work, guaranteed to give satisfaction, at reasonable prices. Solicit ing your patronage, we remain C. R. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. J. C. LOWRY, ATTORIN EX A T-T.A TR, SOMERSET, Pa. BEATIY'S ORGANS, 2a 2esa i fr i catalogue, Address in fel ¥. Seauy, Washington, New Jersey, * * John J. Liven good, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, SALISBURY, PA. “All classes of work turned out in a neat and substantial manner and at reasonable prices, If you are not aware of this, we can Soon sonvince you if you give us your Work, % ey a & $60 For $30 JUST THINK OF IT! The Monopoly Busted DO YOU WANT A | SEWING MACHINE? $17.50 7 7 $30.00] Warranted 5 Years, WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS. Write for Illustrated Clroulars of our Singers, New Home, Eto. 1510 TO $30 SAVED By ordering a Machine direct from HEADQUARTERS. NEEDLES for any machine. 25 cts. per dozen, in Stamps. Address the Louisville Sewing Machine Co. 520 Fourth Avenue, LOUISVILLE: - ~ = KENT! CK? Sola 0] la wheel, ell THE LOWEST PRICED. LIGHTIRUNNING, ET auLATING, ’ EYOLVI E AGE WRITE iMPIRE M’F’'G C0, ROCK FALLS, iLL THE EMPIRE BARBWIRE. SOUAL TO AND CHEA CHEAPER THAN THE CELEBRATED i” ' of cases pronoun ; Eb Te is a grow! gems nd and Realthie ai nid nd only son yh full ests Users of cup that wi aa i ik & Wisk yu 1 od trom ae: oid rosa a Reape © Loot 0 VE, andthe bent is Always by many Fg Hi oipl [HEDUSY WIND MILL == « cured THOY BANDE Jose 4 ou have hogy i ye a bi Ty Sy 1 has permanent}