The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, December 17, 1891, Image 4
SE —— ‘Associate Bator: on earth. The sheep herder dies un- : * {donbitedly Jead a lonely and undeniable life, especially when sheep can be win- tered on the range. In this case the herder may probably not see anyone 10 2usscriprion & RATES. speak to from one year's end to the other. except the camp tender, and he is not likely month. At any rate from statistics it may he seen that sheep herding is very fruitful of insanity. ene 2 eT —TraxstERT Locas No- ine for first ingestion n 5 § Scents 8 news or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a ‘line for each and every insertion. ‘Eprroriar Pures, when requested, invariably 10 cents per line. Luasx & ADVERTISEMENTS at legal rates. 6B, Brera AND DEate Ney chants oe atB cents a line, but alls as the editor sees fit ovente; without anyone’s request, will be mention gratis ARDS oF THANKS will be published free for ; PA of duis § paper, but non-patrons will be churged 10 : ca or Respect will be published for cents a line. or DispLaYy Apverrisemexrs will be i RaTRs F made si on application. ‘No free advertising will be given Jo anyth anything ofa mons - Takin = character. Nothing will ‘advertised hi ~ tares, free Sa ana ail such th “free to the public. All advertisements will be run and charged for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. s will be to make concerning such this paper, except free lec- gs as are On traveling through this country, where sheep are raised extensively, you can gee among other strange things men sitting on rocks among the mountains, or lolling upon the hillside, going crazy as fast as the eternal blegting of the sheep and their isolated Te ach them. Well, to say the least. this is a good country. What we want is for capital to come in and develop our mines. Ag- ricultural land is very scarce, but the mountains. are fnll of mineral-—copper, {a gold and silver. Times are getting bet- ter bere every year, and I think that if this congress can find time between tink- ering with the tariff to suit the manufae- turers ut the expense of the people, and donating money to Wall Street to pass the Free Coinage bill, Idaho will see prosperous times next year. Before I close I will say that I wish you and Tne STAR much success and 1IBERINTING, —TaE Star office has gir Olga lo reason in i STAR : commercial work, poster al rie bill printing, and in fact n syery kind of printing belon te Hert 1 job orders, whether by mai ° otherwl se, rece he art and at ve prompt attention. 5 HOW YO REM —Remit posiofics money. order, EMIT. letter, JH Ci Otherwise remittances will be at sender's Sra. Never send your personal check, if your resi- / dence is far away here. Make an drafts, orders, ete., Pavaple Foe > P. L. Livengood. IDAHO LETTER. From a Salisbury Boy Who is Seeking a Fortune in the Far West. Couxcrr, VALLEY, Ip.. Dec. 3d, 1891. Eprror STAR: —Yours of the 16th ult, “is before me. Was much surprised and pleased to hear from yon—surprised at your ever having thought of one so re- mote from vour present situation, and pleased, as I always am, to receive even 4 line from one who lieads his welcome epistle * ‘Elk Lick.” What pleasant recollections come to me as I sit dreaming of the happy times we used to have gathering chestnuts from the surrounding hills, skating on old Flog Pond, raiding the outskirts of some un- suspecting sugar-maker’s camp, tying tin cans to the tail of some male bovine who . was unlucky enough to venture so far within the limits of tlie town, orof a thou- sand other acts wherein we found enjoy- ment. Those were indeed happy days, * but they are forever gone. Of that happy band of juveniles who “once played upon the same sward and sat together in the same school room are now to be found in most every quarter of ‘Uncle Sam's” domain. Even the writer Of this may be found more than two thousand miles nearer (7) the setting sun, in the land of the sage and the coyote, trying to tear a living from the surface of a quarter-section of Idaho's most raw and unimproved land. Don’t think that life here among the mountains, though ever so remote from the sound of the locomotive, is lacking in interest or amugement. Here is the home of one of the most interesting speci- mens of the Genus Homo—tlie prospector. He is eternally hunting for something he ‘can’t find. He i$ usually one who went to the ‘Golden state” in ’49 or the 50s, dug fortunes from the earth and squan- dered them, followed all the places of ex- _citement to the end and is now, like the Jew of mythology, wandering from the "Rockies to the Pacific and from the isth- mus ‘to the Arctic, in the vain hope of finding another California, ‘will see him at some supply station lay- : ¥ ing in a supply of the necessaries of life, tomorrow you may find him thirty or ‘more miles from a human habitation, in © the darkest recesses of the mountains, washing a pan of dirt by some sparkling “stream, or hammering away, like a lone- ly ‘woodpecker, upon the summit of a “quartz ledge. You will likely wonder how one lead- ing this peculiar life earns the *‘grub” he he does manage to pay his way, and he alwayvsbuys the best to be eats, Well, found in the market. His credit is al- Cwavh good and any merchant is willing for if there is n honest man in the west it is a pros- Frequently this clars of men as the sie any be, who have faith in their some Quy finding a rich ledge, and will keep When and in times of need you will to furnish him an outfit, pector. ave brothers, kisters or uncles, “lem atlont with that end in view. chi is not the case he must rustle, consequengly find him on some bar in the Snnke or Sal- “mon rivers, n few weeks in the time of low working a rocker and making “from four to five dollars per day. He is x and You may Iways the 1 ossessor of a few traps, inter, if he lacks funds, g stream, trapping for beaver, otter = any other animal whose pelt is wort] kinoiog. : very seldom 2 prospector. herder or a “tenderfoor.” pining € Squipments, turns om all very does all finde of ng Today you | It is usunlly neither hope yon will give the old town a good, lively paper. Very respectfully yours, GEORGE GOULD. BUSINES MENTION, WANT3 fIND finnouncements. Ladies, the cool air is a gentle remind- er that vou need one of those Wraps at P. 8. Hay’s store, tf. SOMETHING YOU CANNOT DO WITHOUT. Those who desire to be well informed on all current events—and who does not—should be supplied with Tag PirrsBure WEEKLY Post. It has earned a reputation for standard accuracy by long years of fidelity to the principles of true journalism. It seeks reliability; it avoids sensa- tionalism. Itisa reflex of the progressive con- gservatism of Western Pennsylvania. It furnish- es the news of the world, it reflects the best thought of modern life, it is elevated in tone, pure in phraseology, accurate in statement. Its editorial columns utter the sentiments of sterling Democracy, holding fast to the constitutional principles of this government, battling for econ- omy and integrity in public affairs, chastising the corrupt in high places. It is a» jonrnal for the mechanie, the farmer, the merchant, for the shop and the fireside. Its rates of subscription put it within the reach of all. Tie yourself to Tae Post, with its 12 pages and 96 columns of reading matter. Price $1.25 » year. In clubs of five, or more $1 a year. Send for free sample copy. Hard Cases—those Toilet Cases at P, . Hay’s. That is, they are hard to beat, tf. If you have chapped hands, face, or rough or red skin, from any cause, use Stewart’s Almond Cream. It will please vou and bring quick relief. Only 10 and 25 cents a bottle. Sold hy J. L. Barchus. 0-0-0-h! 0O-0-0-0-h!!is what they cry when they first see P. 8. Hay’s Walclies and Silverware. tf. Judgment Notes for sile at THE STAR fice. = Racket Store is the place to get your Coristmas Goods. tf. Old papers for sale at this office at 25 cents a hundred or 5 cents per dozen. They make good wrapping paper, also good cartridge paper for the miners. They are also good to put under carpet, on pantry slelves, ete: Acres of Handkerchiefs now being sold at P. 8S. Hay's. tf. BEATTYS PIANOS AND ORGANS, Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, the great Organ and Piano manufacturer, is building and shipping more Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty left home a penniless plow-boy, and by his indomitable will he has worked his way up so as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty’s Or- gans and Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to dishearten him; obstacleslaid in his wav, that would have wrecked any ordinary man forever, he turns to an advertisement and comes out of it brighter than ever. . His instruments, as is well known, are very popular and are to be found in all parts of the world. We are informed that during the next ten years he intends to sell 200 000 more of his make. that means a business of $20,000,000 if we average them at $100 each. It is already the largest business of the kind in existence —Send to Daniel F'. Beatty, Washing- ton, New Jersey. for Catalogue. If vou want goods at reasonable prices, £o to the Racket store, tf. A fine selection of Water Sets, Chiam- ber Sets and Rocking Chairs at P. 8 Hays. tf. You enn often get articles at a racket store that you ean’t get anywhere else. Salishury has one of the most complete stores of: this kind. tf. BOY WANTED at Tux Star office to learn the printing trade. Must be intelli gent, willing to obey instructions at all times and have good habits. No boy un: der 12 years of age need apply. Correspondents Wanted. We want news gatherers and itemizers in all parts of the county, but want noth- ing but actual news reported—no non- sengical vot, such as we sometimes see in some of the communications 10 a few of our esteemed contemporaries. We want nothing but sensible news items, plainly written on one side of paper only, con- cerning such things as accidents, amuse- ments. births, burglary, change of busi- , [ness firms, erops, crime, church news, deaths, discoveries, arrivals at hotels or elsewhere, divorces, elopements, election news, fires, facts and figures concerning various things, festivals. iinprovements, inventions. lectures, marringes. new en- terprises, persons leaving the communigy, sles of real estate, shows, exhibitions and fairs, schools, secret societies, strange phenomena. wnggegtions of improvements needed. sickness, surgical operations, ele. ere. Write to Tag Sra for stationery, postage, lea: ic to see him more than twice a | SALISBURY, PA. Physician And Surgeon. Office first door south of the M. Hay corner, A. F. SPEICHER, of Salisbury and vicinity. Penna. . BEATTY’'S Organs at ‘Ba » For particulars, Suislogue: Daniel F. Beally, Washington, New Jersey. CASPER LOECHEL, SALISBURY, PENNA. —DEALER IN— BOOTS and SHOES. aaraing of all kinds done with neatness an atch, try to please you, BEATIT'S (ROAM, cniiorie, iel ¥. Beatty, Washington, New ns. Address Dan- Jersey. The American House, SALISBURY, PA, BY MRS. C. WACNER. Board by the day, week or month. Accommo- dations first-class and rates reasonable. The pat ronage of the public is respectfully solicited. CELEBRATED ORGANS And PIANOS. For Catalogues, Address Danlel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. THE VALLEY HOUSE, H. LOECHEL, Proprietor. Board by the day, week or month. First-class accommodations. Rates reasonable. ’ Trg ONLY Licensep HoTeL IN SALISBURY. We take pleasure in frying to please our pat- rons, and you will always find Tug VALLEY a good, orderly house. John J. Livengood, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, | SALISBURY, PA. All classes of work turned out in a neat and substantial manner and at reasonable prices. If you are not aware of this, we can soon convince you if you give us your work. £ & BEATIT'S PLANOS, Sabin sities Danie Beatty. Washington, New Jers: R. B. Sheppard, Barber and Hair Dresser. All kinds of work in my line done in an ex- pert manner. . My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the scalp clean and healthy. 1 respectfully solicit your patronage. S$. Lowry & Son, UNDERTRKERS. at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand sll kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also have A FINE HEARSE, and all funerals entrusted to us will receive Physician And = Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the citizens Office, corner Grant and Union 8ts., Salisbury, dress Are the Best. Nihe for A FAMILY PAPER : Which Is Clean, Unsensational And Just The Paper FOR THE American Home. Tae Press has the best possible organization to secure news from the most important sources, and with nearly 400 correspondents in Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey and Delaware, the State and near-at-home news is covered with a routine carefulness and attention to detail not even by any other paper. Tae Press has also the best of correspondents In all the great cities of | the United States, as well ial and railroad experts in Chicago and with events, . The columns of the SUNDAY PrEss are enriched by contributions from those whose names are written high in our lists of great authors, novel ists, essayists, as well as from men of high rank and ive me your patronage, and I will in life. The best authors know that their best audiences are the readers of the Dairy, SUNDAY, and WEEKLY PrREss, In politics Tus Press knows no other master than the people and the past year has seen, as has been seen before, the marked fact thatitis subservient to no political boss. It has no poiiti- cal ambitions to foster, but looks after the inter- ests of its readers, and delivers itsvlf upon the issues of the day in a manner both frank and fearless, letting the facts speak for themselves and evading no issues but meeting them all on the basis of fair play to all men at all times. Its pages know no distinctions and the rights of one class over another are neither recognized nor oi West, who keep the paper more than abreast HEADACHE OWDERS For Nervous or Sick Headache from any cate. They contain Soda and Charcoal. Used by thousands of ns because harmless and unlike any others which are narootics, to be avoided. Do not accept a substiute, If your druggist does not sell them send 10c. or 2bc. in stamps to F. G. Stewart & Co., 858 Dearborn st., Chicago. For sale by J. L. Barchus, Salisbury, Pa. Advertisements of Help Wanted, Busi BEATYWY 2 5 | portunities Real Ewase, etc. Een On : THE Press for ONE CENT A WORD. TERMS OF THE PRESS. By mail, postage free in the United States and Canada. Daily (except Sunday), one year,.. ”" +» one month,.. ” ncluding Sunday), one year,,. ........ on oOnemonth,... ........65 Sunday, one year, snasasvirsars ons snss na 00 WEeEELY PRESS, One year,.. Snes ones 100 Drafts, Checks and other Remittances should be made payable to the order of THE PRESS COMPANY, LIMITED, PHILADELPHIA, PA, LE ES) CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. FACTORY AND WARE ROOMS, 1550 Third Ave., New York City. prompt. attention $F" WE MAKE EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. City Meat Market, H. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. If you want good steak, go to Brandler. If you want a good roast, go to Brandler. Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler’s. HICHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR HIDES. THE EMPIRE (HEDNSY WIND MILL LOWEST PRICED. LIGHTIRUNNING, SELF-REQULATING, REVOLVING CENTER POST. WRITE FO TALOGUE AND DISCOUNT TO AGENTS. SMPIRE ‘wre €0., ROCK FALLS, ILL. BARBWIRE. EQUAL TO AND CHEAPER THAN THE CELEBRATED “‘GLIDDEN” IW” I¥ NO ENT IN YOUR TowN WRIT) A BIREcE 70 TO U8 EMPIRE "WFQ Cl CO., ROCK FALLS, ILL. WHITE PARISIAN == + SOAP ~ ies the skin, prevents thoroughly Tan Tos Tau y aud hous : or bleaching 1 hemicall gd sd hg. Sil io 4 ppc heal the only soap that Chat Thi meets th A take b Lo Ask An t Sxend us 1 sized cake by eed + int LEmARS, » PITT KETCHUNES: A DURABLE BLE WAGON. | oF SARE ST ATAD BEALS L = IT MAS NO EQUAL. ur a 0 R BUY ERS. ve three ts lead of bei ids i, pure on RAR White Oak Buber very best Dent » AD 6 White Oke ak spokes White Onl follogs, rc or Na Tu bajar Ste Fun rine bo bo! fistead o oak pea ails to fasten strap, stinch Beats: pings ad of 26-inch, 7- Sing Box of 3, Steel King Bolts and Bolster ANY Fain POINTS OF CONSTRUO: by examining LTE Bt i not show it eos we wil! furnish chia full information: ond BE ean a, ts and eco! KETCHUM WAGON CO. Eta a RELY RELIEVE TH WE RE ra out conveniently ang safely. Ath. Destn anc £11 nish “ K AN Hore it Jo on b, tutely FH ecie rot be abo! ik your for it and insiston- Se Te pian on on rshalitown, flows, day oratedonts of rices quoted on Marshalltown owe: PIANOS Are immensely popular because They are strictly first-class, July warrante and still only medium in price. qll others for years. Over 180,000 in use. The people are bound to have the bests and will have none but the Estey. Our prices are the lowest and terms either time payments or cash, as cus- tomers prefer. Call and see us, or send for Cata- logues and full information. ISTRY ORGANS Are the best in the world, and have A ESTEY & CAM) 233 State Street, Chicago. er St. Louis House, 9168 & 918 Olive St. Mention this Paper. FINE TABLE CONDIMENTS! fy EXOELLENCE, Horion, ¢ Caio ok Co S 4 SALKD DRESSING Always fresh and inviting. SOTAL PE aioe ono America's finest « Ss a's finest a able elien. GRANITE IRONWARE. FO Rinne, BAKING, BOILING. PRESERVING, LIGHT; HANDSOME, WHOLESOME, DURABLE, The Best Ware Made for the Kitchen! Manufactured only by the ¥or Sale by all Stove, Facdwace nd House Furnishing Dealers. ook ans] and Price List Free on Anpiioation. Mention this