—— P. WOLF | Voll, DNPANY, n— ats and hite Mid- at Flour, l, Pn, SET WORKS. dstones ished to UARANTEED Proo., ry Th Line of 1d Low- >revail. vecialty and pt attentior. all orders. LIABLE FOU SE, Pa. _ st and Widely Vi cal nization inty., 2d of some champion- that honor rt and ime high-grade irnished at slebrations ms,address < Lick, Pa. IY, iges by M. Xperience, IER, Penn’a, nt.g2 y. Oy AI'TH S. ALTY, Ty T, PA, \CK, ble,— CE, PA, *‘asonable ENTEN- \ hi IKE, :— rock’s, K. erset, Pa, DS. Pa, te B. and , Liquors G'S CH, o 390 ® { k Te 0 HORSE MEAT WAR IN PARIS, Amusing Complications from Using Flesh in Sausages. An amusing warfare has been car ried on in Paris between the Govern- ment chemists and the makers of sau. sages in which horseflesh has been used. Some time ago the Butchers’ Asso- clation of Paris strongly advocated a | " Jaw rendering it compulsory to desig- pate by a label or otherwise all sau- sages composed of horseflesh or in Yhlch borsefiesh had been mixed with er meats. The authorities, while perfectly willing to make regulations enforcing this practice, declined to do 80 on account of the impossibility of punishing offenders. To punish the fiolators of a law it is necessary to detect the violation and also to show proof of it. In the present state of péleniific knowledge it is not possible to satisfactorily determine the differ- ence between flesh of the horse and that of any other animal when they are both chopped fihe and mixed togéther. A. chemist finally discovered that if the Tr were treate with lodated water a reddish-brown reaction would be apparent if horseflesh were present. i Pork or beef does give this peculiar tinge. The pork butchers rejoiced and prepared to push the wished-for legis- on. The horsemeat men had a card up thelr sleeves, however, and commenced adding a little flour to their sausage meat. When the lodated water was applied contact with the starch of the flour immediately produced a brilliant blue, which effectually masked al} traces of any other color. This blue, of course, would point to the likelihood of horsemeat being present, but it could not be sworn to. Supposing the meat to be pure beef and the flour added, the blue would be the same when the test was applied. ' The chemists again went to work and discovered that if the starch was separated by maceration and subse- quent filtration, and the residue treat- ed with two or three chemicals, the horsemeat would be detected. So far the victory rests with the chemists, and the law will probably be passed unless the horsemeat men make another dis- covery. In 1802 20,000 horses were slaughtered in Paris, three-fourths of which went into sausages, so that the importance of the industry may be real- ized. Tm ———— —_ Fame of the American lock. “The click of the American clock is heard around the world,” says an Eu- glish newspaper. We sell clocks to the value of nearly $1,500,000 yearly in the markets of the world. 'ngland is the largest buyer, taking almost one-half of . that amount. We export directly to every country in the world but Tur- key, Switzerland and Roumania. In Australia. China and Japan we have hardly any rivals in the clock trade. Not only are our clocks the best time- keepers in the world, but they exist in very great variety. Every sort of ma- terial is used- glass, ivory, pearl, plush, marble, metal, paint, porcelain. All sorts of devices are attached for spe- celal purposes. Clock making and hat making are two original Yankee indus. tries. In the latter we have not kept pace with scme other countries, but in clocks we lead the world. How is Your Blood? If it is poor and thin and lacking in the number and quality of those red corpuscles, you are in danger of sickness from disease germs and the enervating effect of warm weather. Purify your blood with 9 . Hood’s Sarsaparilla The great blood purifier which has proved its merit by a record of cures unequalled in medical history. With pure, rich blood you will be well and strong. Do not neglect this important matter but take Hood's Sarsapar- ills now. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood’s Pills are tasteless, mild, effec- tive. All droggists. 25¢. PN UZ24 RHEUMATIC PEOPLE USE ¢‘Schrngze’s $1,000,000 Rheu- matic Cure.” Guaranteed the BEST on earth for all Gout, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Cured Isaac Lederer and George Higgs, of Lansing, Mich, ot Sei- atic Rheumatism (15 yrs. standing). Never fails. A dis~overy. Cured 25,000 prople. Refer to Mrs. Mary Willlams, Danielsonville, Cr.;: Mrs. Rob . Sampson, Rozors Park, I1.; M. O'Neil. 109 Pearl Sf.. Buffalo N, SAG. Robinson, Mutual Life Building, N. Y. City, and Dr. F. J. Bardwell, Tunkhannock, Pa. Big thing for good agents. Secret cost §1,000,0 0. Highest Toe ences. Write to-day. WANSON CO., Dearborn St., Chicago. Raphael, Angelo, Rubens, Tasso The *“*LINENE® are the Best and Most Economi. eal Collars and Cuffs worn; they are made of fine cloth, both sides finished alike, and eine reversis hiss one collar is equal to two ofany other kind. They fit well, wear well and loo well. A box ot Ton Collars or Five Pairs of Cuffs for Twenty-Five S. me style and size. REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPANY, #7 Franklin 8t., New York. 27 Kilby 8t.. Boston, PAT E NTS TRADE MARKS Examination and advice as to patentabitty of rventon, Send for inventors Guide, or how to get a vatent. PATRICK O’FARREL., WASHINGTON, D.C nts. A Sample Collsr and Pair of Cuffs b: mail for Six Oents. Te Address Bq Zest Conon betionth, ELSE FALS [ro-} in time. Scld by druggists. * HIGHEST AWARD * | MPERIAL RANUMz THE BEST % PREPARED FOOD SOLD EVERYWHERE. % JOHN CARLE & SONS, New York. +¥% er ———— eee A FOURTH OF JULY ODE, The Glorious Fourth has come, Reat the loud-resounding drum, pound the tom-tom, sound the hewgag, blow the horn and Let her come! Shoot the cracker, fire the pistol, punch the eagle, make him scream, Loudly scream! Day of powder and torpedoes, lemonade that knows no lemon, ginger-pop devoid of ginger, ice cream Innocent of cream! The Glorious Fourth has come, Bang the hollow-sounding drum, sound the . toesin, raise the war-whoop, clash the cymbals, Let her come! Tintinnabulate the fire-bells, raise the small boys’ ululation, crack the eanopy with speech, Roaring speech! Hear the eloquence compounded of unmixa- ble ingredients, one per cent. of thought original, ninety-nine Per cent. of screech, The Glorious Fourth has come, Whack the loud, reverberant drum, pound the tin pan, beat the boiler, blow the fish horn, Let her come! Tune the fife and blow the bugle, shoot the rocket through the spheres! Dodging spheres! Let the rapid-mouthed declaimer pour his cataract ‘of verbals, sloquence divorced from meaning, words Unmarried to ideas. The Glorious Fourth has come, Beat and pound and whack the drum, plunk the banjo, shoot the rocket, fire the ‘cracker, Let her come! Scorch your whiskers, shoot your arm off, blow a large hole through your head, Swelling head! Fire the cannon, crash your ribs in, break Your leg and save your country, Then be carried off to bed. —New York World, THE FOURTH AT RED BU, ECKON it was lined out to be the big- gest an’ most joy- ous celebration ever pulled off west of Sent Looey,” said Yom North. He sat on the shady side of the Transit House. ‘It was a case of force. Red Bud, which had started on its bounding corpor- ate career aimin’ to be known as the metropolis of Cowley County, Kansas, an’ figurin’ at some future day to move the county seat over from Win- field, was on the hog train. This was in '89. The boom towns had just struck the tobaggan, Jarvis, the real estate sharp which had invented Red Bud an’ laid out to sell the limitless prairie at $10 a front foot, made a final desp’rit effort to put sand on the slight an’ stop the journey to financial ruin, but it wa’'n’t no use. Red Bud was done bust then ; they was no more left to it than a toy balloon which has set on a tack. Jarvis wouldn't admit it; he dasn’t. He had too much into the pot to go to the discard then. Whereby he fixes up this Fourth of July celebration, an’, my boy, the programme was a bird. They was to be racin’ on the flat in the mornin’, an’ 8 whole lot of Injuns an’ half-breeds from over near Arkansas City was in it. Then Jarvis was goin’ to sell off some of his landscape at auction, after which I myse’f, havin’ agreed to act at chaplain tor the occasion, was to read the grand old Declaration of Inde- pendence, which, read proper, catches a Western crowd every time. This was to be followed by Charley Siringo from Caldwell a-singin’ of his justly celebrated production, ‘The Ranger’s Lament,” which it goes like this and is calculated to fetch tears from a cgy- use, an animal not much given over to weepin’ a a rule: Far away from good old Texas I lays me down to die, My saddle for a piller, My windin’ sheet the sky. ‘“There’s a song to move your heart an’ Siringo had it. ‘‘Barkeep,” ealled Mr. North through the window, ‘bring me an- other lemonade an’ one for my friend. Siphon seltzer, an’ let it be juice out of the fruit. lemon I'm dead leery of lemon juice poured ready made out | of a bottle. Tt always looks like giv- in’ the house the age; they can loco it on you too easy. ‘I have come to look on it as a good thing, ’special on a warm day. An’it was needed in Red Bud on that Fourth Pm tallin’ you of, They amn’t no thermometer yit stuffed with mer- cury that can reach the top of warm weather in Southern Kansas, But they don’t mind weather down there. ‘The afternoon was to be to wild Western sports, devoted an’ in the evenin’ it was allowed to make the | heavens blaze with various kinds of glory, Jarvis havin’ sprung himself on the fireworks an’ brought down a car load. ‘‘The afternoon sports was to be the feature. Jarvis had arranged for a whole lot of possible land buyers to come over from Wichita, an’ had a train load comin’ from as far as Kan- sas City. These gangs, with the crit- ters that was always campin’ around them parts a-waitin’ for the Cherokee Strip to open, would make quite a herd of tender-feet, an’ it was figured that the cowboy sports would vastly enter- tain ’em an’ get ’em enthused to a point where they would go agin Jar- vis’s real estate proposition. ‘“Pawnee Pete was to have charge of the exercises. arolnd for three weeks hirin’ cowboys an’ Injins for a Wild West show. He saw Buffalo Bill a-rakin’ in barrels of money an’ havin’ long hair it seemed as if he oughter get some of the dough his own self. His hair was about his strongest point. He was the son of a Sedgwick County farmer, an’ he’d got his name in the paper in connection with Oklahoma, an’ knowin’ a lariat from a nosebag why wouldn’t he make a hit? Pawnee Pete, of course, wasn’t his real name. He knew Spotted Horse, Eagle Chief, Left Hand, Good Chief, an’ maybe a few more Pawnees, an’ go when his hair’ grows long enough he babtizes hisself Pawnee Pete an’ let him go at that, ‘On the day of the celebration everything seemed to come Jarvis's way. It looked first as if the Red Bud affair would have to be pulled off without ne music. The only brass He'd been projeckin’ | band loose in Wichita had been signed | ‘ ‘Hello,’ I says, ‘Harry! I thought you all was up Kansas City way 2’ “So I was, but T had business down to Winfield an’ hearin’ of the doin’s over here I rides over to help swell the rejoicin’ over the Nation's livin’ to see another birthday. An’ right yere’s the man I've rode thirty mile flat to mingle with.’ “He runs Pawnee Pete into a sa- loon an’ lands on him like a hawk on a June bug, an’ he says: ‘ ‘You're a long haired fraud an’ a imitation. Yere’s a maverick I'll ran my brand on so all men may know who he belongs to.’ ‘“ ‘Don’t shoot, Harry. I an’t fixed, hollers Pawnee Pete, ‘be a good feller, be social now, Harry, an’ don’t bust up these social arrangements.’ “I an’t goin’ to shoot nobody, Petey,” says Hill a-thron Pawnee Pete down and sittin’ on him. ‘Don’t be alarmed, gevts,’ he says to the crowd a-pullin’ his knife, ‘don’t misconstrue me. I an’t goin’ to break up no ar- rangements you've made for the proper observance of this holiday, but I aims to trim this critter a lot.’ *‘So he don’t do a thing but cut the critter’s long, wavy hair off short. He was the ragedist lookin’ Pawnee Pete that a hoss ever shied at when he sneaked off to the corral an’ rode away. You can’t do a good clean job of bar- berin’ with a bowie knife no matter how much pains you take, an’ Hill wasn’t none too careful about his work. by the committee irom Little Dutch, which thrivin' town had pooled with the neighborin’ city of Ninnescah for a jint jamboree on Independence Day. The Little Dutch fellers was hot sports, an’ when they see how sore the Red Bud committee was about losin’ the band they proposes to do more than the fair thing; they prompt offers to play seven-up for the outfit. The chairmen of the Little Dutch and Red Bud committees sits down an’ Red Bud wins by three on a most tremenjus, not to call it suspicious run of luck. But the Little Dutch fellers never hollers, but hefore the evenin’ comes what with natural philanthropy an’ | the whisky they had accumulated they agrees to abandon the Ninnescah- Little Dutch festivities an’ both towns come over to the Red Bud blowout. * ‘Everything roils proper as I said. The horse races an’ the lot sellin’ in the forenoon resulted very gratifyin’, They was one shadow cast over the mornin’ proceedin’s, but it was only a passin’ one. A kid from Captain Scott’s hay ranch, bein’ offended at the freshness of one of Pawnee Pete’s hired men, started to clean out the Wild West. He crippled up Coyote Charley and had begun on the bow- legged chap which rides the buckin’ mustangs before he was prized loose. Two men was set ridin’ herd on him i till he ca’'med down. { ‘Then Iled in for the Declaration. | vty heart was swellin’ with pride an’ {in a general way I was a bustin’ with | patriotism. It was a great day for | Tom North an’ the Nation. Jist as I | was climbin’ on the stand in comes Harry Hill, his big blue roan elearin’ la twenty-five foot town Sts Hill | bent on findin’ | | hunt for it till lot every like a man trouble 1f he had to sundown. You know | Harry Hill? He is the best lookin’ | man in Kansas City, six feet tall, | black, curly hair, teeth white as a | girl's, an’ eyes like a deer —these big { brown eyes, only they don’t get scary like the deer’s. Hill owned a ranch | over near Wichata, and had cut quite la figure in the Oklahoma openin’ matter, whereby he is by general con- was lookin’ sent known as ‘Oklahoma Harry.’ | an’ had turned over his stage line to | his superintendent, an’ he starts out | 1 ~ | with a Wild West | { ionabie that year, show, It was fash- LN “SO HEDON'T DG ATHING BUT CUT THE CRITTERS LONG, In | { 89 he left his ranch with his foreman | WAVY HAIR OFF SHORT"! “Then I climbs up an’ reads that bluff about all men bein’ born free an’ equal an’ entitled to the pursuit of life, liberty, an’ happiness with no strings on ’em. Oklahoma Hill car- ried out ths Wild West programme hisself in the afternoon. “Why did he trim up Pete? Well, it seems Pete, in startin’ in his Wild West show, thinks it’s a good play to | anoer Hill, an’ Hill bein’ in the East he thought it was dead safe backoap- pin’ of him. Some newspaper man | up at Kansas City told Hill that Pac. | nee Pete said he was a counterfeit of the most pronounced kind an’ nothin’ | but a cross between a wheat farmer an’ a country store keeper. It made Hill | some hot this and other reports of | Pete’s scandalous doin’s, so he left his show with Frank Albright an’ p’inted straight to Winfield to kill off this gossip. He concluded he’d let him live though an’ just shear him. Hill explained this to the crowd an’ they told him no apologies was needed. Of course Pawnee Pete's show busts right there. A wild wester with close cut hair wouldn’t have much luck, an’ Pete has to lay low for threa years till his hair kin grow.” a ~— i Sumner on the Declaration, I Among America’s latest statesmen no one entertained a more exalted re- i gard for the Declaration, or more per- sistently emphasized its important re- : lation to legislation, than Charles { Sumner. He always held that the | Constitution should be interpreted in | the spirit of the Declaration. He lsnid: “The Declaration of Independ- ence has a supremacy grander than ! that of the Constitution, more sacred | and inviolable, for it gives the law to | the Constitution. Every word in the | Constitution is subordinate to | Declaration. the The Declaration pre- | cedes the Constitution in time, as it is | more elevated in character. The Con- | stitution is an earthly body, if you | please ; the Declaration of Independ- | ence is the very soul itself.” —Wash- | ington Star. A Liberal Father, ‘Now, Bobby,” said Mr. Meanest- man to his son, “if youll be a real good boy, on the Fourth of July papa will let you take five cents out of your bank and buy your little sister a pack- age of torped Harper's B ABSOLUTELY PURE: Ever Polite. x. - They tell it of a member of a well- known club that he never under any circumstances forgets to be polite. The relations’ between the gentleman in question and his wife have been strained for years. Last week matters culminated in a row, which resulted in a separation. When the war of words was at its height, the wifa cried bit- terly: “Then you love me no longer?” | “Madam,” replied her husband, with ; ‘his very latest bow, “I have that hap- | piness.” Even in that trying moment, he knew how to live up to his reputa- tion, ot - > Why She Smiles Sweetly. Sparkling eyes, quick beating heart, and | the rosy blush of pleasure on the cheeks, makes the strong man ha py when he meets his lady love. That's the kind of a man whose very touch thrills because it is full of energy, vigorous nerve power and vitality. Tobacco makes strong men impotent, weak and skinny. No-To-Bac sold by Druggists everywhere. (iuaranteed to cure Book, titled “Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away,” free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. For Well People. Most medicines are for the sick. Some can be used with good effects by persons apparent- ly well. Occasional resort to Ripans Tabules prevents attacks that result from disorders of the stomach and liver. To preserve is better and cheaper than to repair, J. 8. Parker, Fredonia, N. Y., says: ‘Shall not call on you for the $100 reward, for I be. lieve Hall’s Catarrn Cure will cure any case of catarrh. Was very bad.” Write him for par. ticulars Sold by Drugets. 75c. Pocomoke, the designation of Maryland stream, means ‘Broken by islands.’ Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roor cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and consultation free. Laboratory Binghampton, N.Y. St. John Chrysostom never tired of reading or of praising the works of the Apostle John. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. softens the gums. reduces inflama tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 c. a bottle The moonstone exists in North Carolina and Georgia. Wife used ‘MOTHER'S FRIEND” before first chiid—was quickly relieved; suffered but little recovery rapid. KE. E. JOHNSTON, Eufania. Ala Da Vinei read Pindar and noblest poet who ever wrote thought him the in any language. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an A No. 1 Asthma medicine. —W. R, WILLIAMS, Antioch, His. April 11, 1894. Camels are perhaps the only animals that cannot swim. Immediately after entering water they turn on their backs and are drowned. By Foul breath is a 9 discourager of af- Hn fection. It is al- TS ways an indication of poor health — bad digestion. ‘I'o bad digestion is traceable almost all human ills. It is ious Upon the healthy action of the diges- tive organs, the blood depends for its richness and purity. If digestion stops, poisonous matter ac. cumulates and 1s forced into the blood —there is no place else for it to go. The bad breath is a danger signal. Look out for it! If you have it, or any other symptom of indigestion, take a bottle or two of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It will straighten out the trouble, make your blood pure and healthy and full of nu- triment for the tissues 2 \ Something easier, economical. No rubbing to wear—easy work and money saved, whether it's washing clothes, cleaning kind of washing the starting point of many very ser- | maladies. | and cleaning. Me Posriine What Brings Release From Dirt and Grease ? Don’t You Know ? The ‘‘Sassy’” Humanitarian. “She’s the sasgiest woman I ever ap+ plied to for a bite.” “How did you find that out?’ “Well, she offered me cold toma ther soup ‘and stale bread, and I gajd }¥ thought a little cake would do me ! good.” “Well 7’ “She said if it was a cake of 8204p shid | thought it would.” | Se —— A strong constitution Is necessary to stand the effects of taking medicine. = 5, g : > \\ ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when | Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant | and refreshing to the taste, and acts genily yet promptly on the Kidneys, 1h and Bowels, cleanses the sys- | tem effectually, dispels colds, head- laches and fevers and cures habitual | constipation. Syrup of Figs is the | only remedy of its kind ever pro- | duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in | its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. ‘Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro. cure it promptly for any one whe wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, GAL, LOUISVILLE, Ky. NEW YORK, N.V. Pp NU25 DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS Combined Separator, Feed Cooker, and Churn Power, » o ‘93 8imple, Pract’cal, Effactive, Durable, Cheap and Good. Complete Dairy in itself. Baves Time, Labor amd Money. Book Mailed Free, write for it. AGENTS WANTED. = DAVIS & RANKIN BLDC. & MFC. CO, Chicago, lil. J POSTTIVELY HOLDS RUPTURE Worn nightand day. Has an Adjustable Pad which can be made larger or smaller to suit changing iE condition of RUPTURE. PATENTED. Illus. Cat. sent securely sealed by G.V. House Mfg. Co. 744 Broadway, N.Y.City ENSION MY W. MORRIS. Washington, D.C. Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal ner Pension Bureau, 3yrsino last war, 15 adjudicating claims, atty since, we These stopped using soap, long ago. This one stopped because—well, we'll lave to guess why. it gave him too much work to do. what everybody thinks, for that matter, when there's nothing but soap at hand, and there's a good deal of dirt to be removed from anything. But this one stopped =~ because found something better than soap—Pearline. quicker, simpler, more Perhaps, because That's she had speak of, no house, or any 49; Why, ro, ry a]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers