Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, June 27, 1890, Image 8
The Democrat. FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1820. LUCA I. If EMM. As cheerless as midnight on a Harris burg curbstone is the latest comparison. Harrisburg's curbstones are not report ed upon favorably as a place for nocturnal recuperation. A number of Hungarians arrived from the west last night to take up their abode in this city. The foundation wall for a new brick block for the Swank Hardware Company is well under way. A beautiful monument was erected yesterday in Grand View, to the memory of George liaab and family, by C. Keim. When the Cambria countv delegates voted for Delamatcr the hall was filled with hisses.- -Harrisburg special to the Pittsburgh Times. There will be a special joint meeting of Councils this evening to arrive at, if possi ble, some plan for the betterment of the state of the rivers. The editor of the DEMOCRAT acknow'- eJges the receipt of an invitation to attend the annual commencement at the Indiana Normal School next week. OBITUARY. Harry l'arke. The subject of this sketch died at bis residence on Levergood street yesterday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. He had been ill only since Monday. For some time he had been unwell by spells, but nothing of a serious nature overtook him until on Monday last, when inflammation of the bowels set in, resulting in his death as stated. The deceased was born in Johnstown in November, 1866, and was a son of the late John Parke, owner of Parke's Opera House and much other property about the city. He was married to Miss Mary Kost, and to them two children were born, one of whom survives. Harry Paiko was, until his death, the only surviving member of his father's family. In the llood his mother, his brother William, his sister, Mrs. Lizzie Rainey. and a nephew were lost. Not a brick was left of the homestead, the large brick residence that stood on the corner of Bedford and Levergood streets. The deceased was a member of several orders, among which were the Knights of Pythias, the Mystic Chain, and the Royal Arcanum. The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when interment will be made in Grand View. MKB. EMMA BTTSH. Mrs. Emma Bush, whose death from cancer took place yesterday morning at 3 o'clock, at her home, No. 117 Chestmit street, First ward, was born in Gloucester shire, England, August 22, 1829. Her maiden name was Walker. She was married in 1852 to Joseph Bush, and came to this country with him in 1857. The next year they came to Johnstown from Schuylkill, where they had first located. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bush, of whom only four survive, viz. : Mrs. David L. Reese, Mrs Robert Moore, Mrs. W. S. C'aples, and Mrs. S. J. Brown, all of this city, Mrs. Bush had long been a consistent and devoted member of the Methodist Church of this city. At the time of the writing of this article the funeral arrange ments had not been completed. Honor Men at St. Franc!*'. The commencement exercises at St. Francis' College, Loretto, took place in the new college hall Wednesday afternoon in the presence of a large number of friends of the students. Gold medals were awarded to the young men in the senior department: Joseph Garvey, Al toona, Pa., • good conduct; Ed mund Tierney, Philadelphia, mathe matics; in the junior departmen', Richard McUarrigle, Germantown, for good conduct; Felix Golian, Phceuxville, for music. Commence ment diplomas were conferred on the following: Alphonsus O'Shea, Bowling Green, Ky.; Peter McKcnnu, Dubois, Pa.; Edmund Tierney and John Norris, Philadelphia, and Joseph Ferry and John Sullivan, Altoona, Pa. At the close ot the exercises Thomas Greevy, of Altoona, delivered au address to the students, which was well timed and replete with wholesome advice. Kicked by a Hor*e. Comer Bros., the installment men on Franklin street, have as part of fheir out fit a fancy delivery wagon and a very spirited horse to draw it. While deliv ering goods on Bedford street yesterday a boy by the name of Stutzman went up to the horse and laid his hand on him. The horse resetned the familiarity by kicking the young man on the leg, tearing his pan taloons and producing a very painful wound, which the doctor who dressed it says may prove quite serious. After the accident Mr. Comer, who was drivinir the horse, started for the store, and the horse, having got a start at kicking, kept it up all the wny to the store, and it was with much difficulty and the assistance of several parties that the horse was de tached from the wagon. Upon examina tion it was found that the horse was suf fering from galled shoulders, which ac counted for his exhibition of vicousncss. Sporting .Men Attention. Five wing-shots of this city are anxious to meet a like number from Altoona. They are prepared to try their skill with any of the sporting fraternity in the adjoining counties, and arc willing to make stakes large enough to make it interesting. They will shoot for money and not wind. Wedding; Bells. The marriage of Mr. Charles 0. Lynch to Mis§ Nannie Greenwood, an estimable young lady, was solemnized last evening by Rev. W. A, Shlpman, pastor of the Lutheran Church. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom repaired to the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lynch, on Market street, where the reception followed. Only a few of the intimate friends of the family were present, among whom were the following : Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Foek ler and son, Mrs. Storm, Mrs. Maggie Wolp, Mr. and Mrs. James James and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Brazil, Mr. and Mrs. D. li. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. John Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Pinder, Mrs. E. Cover, Mrs. Lizzie Johns, of Harrisburg: Mrs. Jas. Campbell, of Huntingdon ; Miss Lina Ruhl, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Lavely, and Mrs. Berghane, of Altoona. After the usual congratulations, and a couple of hours spent in pleasant con verse, the guests were invited to the din ing room, where all partook heartily of thj elegant refreshments prepared for the occasi in. The presents comprise many useful and beautiful articles, the reporter being able to obtaiu only the following list: A fine tea set, from Uhe groom's parents; a silver set, from Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fockler; Master Ernest Fookler, silver salt stands; Mr. and Mrs. James James, chamber set; Mr. and Mrs. John Brazil, card receiver; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Lucas, one rocker; Mrs. Storm, counterpane ; Mrs. Wolp,tidy; Mrs. Campbell, table cover; Mrs. Johns, two pairs towels; Mrs. Cliriskelm, of Har risburg, pair of towels ; L. D. Woodruff, one rocker; Mr. and Mrs. Pinder, two table covers; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wal ters, one large crayon; Mr. and. Mrs. John Layton, pair of towels; Mrs. Lavely, towels and napkins. AT TIIK INDIANA NORMAL. Commencement to He Held Next Week— The Graduating; Class. The closing exercises at the Indiana State Normal are arranged in the follow ing order: June 21), baccalaureate sermon, Rev. James D. Moffat, D. D ; July 1, com mencement concert; July 2, 2P. M., class day; 8 p. M., July 2, annual reception; July 3, 10 A. M., commencement; July 3, 8 p. M., alumni reunion. The graduating class consists of Misses Mary Mabel Ausley, Emma Belle Blair, Mary Lucile Barry, Agnes Stambaugh Bowman, Mary Isabella Chalfant, Martha Chalfaut, Maud Eugenie Corey, Martha Blanche Carter, Edith Viola Coffin, Lillian Belle Delamater, Mary Olive Duncan, Anna Shields Davis, Maud Wallace El der, Lydia Mac Ferguson, Mary Ellen Fullcrton, Lillian Etta Gilmore, Martha Hawthorne, Frances Elmira Hazlett, Julia Adella Hoskinson, Mary Martha Johns ton. Kate Whitescll Johnson, Anna Mary Jack, Tillie Gilmore Leezer, Estelle May Murdock, Elizabeth Scott MeGarvey,Lida Shields Mcllattie, Mary Maude North, Sara Owens, Mary I'iper, Lelia Ada Stitt, Mame Morgan Stouer, Marie Emma Stev. enson, liosina Boice Weaver, Ella King Vogel and Harriet Maria Van Eman, Messrs. William Francis Elkin, George Johnson Feit, Ben Franklin Freed, Thos. Levi Gibson, William Meade Mahan, John Ncalen Radcliffe, Guy Carle ton Thomp son, Cree Telford Work, Jay Franklin Wenmer and Hubert Payten Wiggins— -45. THE COLORED VOTE. Henator 11. I*. Derritt Tell* the Oecnpant* of a i*. R. It. Car Where it Will be. One of the two out-and-out Delamater spectators at Harrisburg from Johnstown was our well proportioned and genial colored barber, " Senator " 11. P. Derritt. None cheered louder than he when the Crawford Senatoi was nominated. With unbounded satisfactiou and tired of body lie sought the returning train. Asa com panion in the scat he had Alderman Har ris. The Senator was in a sound sleep when the train arrived in this city at 3:20 yesterday morning and consequently did not heed the conductor's " Johnstown." But Alderman Harris did and left the car without waking his sleeping companion. The Senator slept on as the train moved out of the city, and the conductor failed to recognize his colored passenger as the holder of a Johnstown ticket until Greens burg was reached. There the ticket col lector made effort to arouse the sluui berer, who on waking exclaimad ; ''The colored vote solid for Delamater." It was some time before he realized where he was. Then he got off and on the first east bound train returned to Johnstown. A 'New York I'lincl Thief .\rre*te<l in Boston. BOSTON, June 20. —Clark Parker, a no torious thief with a lot of other names, sncli as William Stetson, William C. Cook, English Bill, and Bill, the Brute, is a man of whom Chief Inspector Byrnes once said ; "He never cats his breakfast without first stealing the price i f it." He came here from New York about two weeks ago with a female accom plice, . who is a well-known panel worker of that city, and they took rooms and did a lively business. The woman would entice men to enter her apartments, and Parker would go through their clothes and usually take about one third the cash. All went well until night before last they ran across a New Yorker, who didn't propose to bo robbed of S9O in that manner. His name is James H. McDonnell, and when he met the woman he had in his possession S3OO. When he left No. 0 Boylston place he had only $265. Mr. McDonnell went around to Station 4 and reported his loss just as soon as he discovered it. The police grabbed Parker, but the woman bad skipped. DEMOCRATS, BKWAHE ! A Correspondent Who Thinks a Dark Scheme U llelng Worked. To the. Itailor ot the. Johiutown Democrat. The return judges of the Democratic primary election held on June 9th, met in Ebensburg on Monday, June Uth. The new committee elected five gentlemen as del egates to represent the Democracy of this c ouuty at the State Democratic Conven tion which is to convene at Scranton, on July 2d. These delegates were instructed by a large majority of the Return Judges, or rather County Committeemen, to vote for ex-Governor Robeit E. Patt'son for Governor. Of course if this Committee had the right to elect the delegates it had the right to instruct them ; and in in structing them for Governor Pattison they were fairly and honestly represent ing the wishes of a large majority of the Democratic voters of the county. I am 'old that certain persons in the in terest of some tricky politicians arc try ing to have those instructions annulled, and have the delegates disobey the in structions. It is said that certain mem bers of the Committee are being " per suaded," and " seen," and bulldozed into signing some kind of a paper that they on taking a second thought are willing to rescind their formor action. There is a report afloat that some politicians about Johnstown promised Cambria county to Wallace some time before the convention. Now, Mr. Editor, who owns the Cambria county Democracy? Not any set of poli ticians, by a jugful. If any of those gen tlemen elected delegates to the Scranton Convention have any poiitical aspirations, they'd belter not batter out their brains by going against their instructions, fairly and publicly given. We want no bossism here, nor no set of men to give the county away. Vox POPCM. [We think our correspondent has been imposed on. We doubt very muth that any effort will be made to thwart the will of the Democracy of the county, so de cidedly expressed at the meeting of the committee. The delegates elected are honorable gentlemen and Democrats, and will carry out their instructions. Cambria county lias decided for Pattison and Pat tison will get the votes. There is no going behind the action of the committee, and any underhanded political scheme now re sorted to, having for its object tbe diso beying of the instructions, would only re sult to the discomfiture and political hari kari of those engaged in it.— ED. DEMO CRAT ] A Guilt Ktlgecl K-pport Pittsburgh Leader. It is said the report of the State Flood Commission will shortty be issued, and promises to be an elaborate and vol uminous affair. The Relief Committee members are waiting to know what money is to pay for the issuing of this gilt edged report. They say if it is from the relief fund that money is being perverted form the purpose for which it was intended, and that it should not be allowed. One committeeman said : " This book is be ing printed solely for tbe glorification of Governor Beaver and members of tbe commission. There have been plenty his tories of the flood written, and what can this historian of theirs do but compile a history from tlic ones that have been pub lished. Mr. Beale's book is all right ex cept in the eyes of Beaver and tiie com mission. It does not give enough space patting them on the back. What a howl would have gone forth if the Pittsburgh Relief Committee had spent hundreds of dollars in getting out an elaborate history of what it had accomplished. If the com mission uses relief money to get out this mammoth almanac, its action will belittle less than criminal." iowA'a tiOT WAVE. The Mercury Above 100 Degrees—Many Cases of Sunstroke. DKS MOINES, la., June '-o. —The mer cury has i cached above 100 degrees on each of the past four days in Des Moines, and reports of excessively high tempera ture come from all parts of the State. Cases of sunstroke are numerous and sev eral deaths are reported. Burlington. Henry Christ, this city, was stricken with the intense heat at noon yesterday, and died in a few mo ments. Two laborers were also over come. One of thera will recover and the other is in a critical condition. The heat nt Davenport has been terrific for the last three days, the nights beiug as stifling as the days. The thermometer registered from 110 to 120 degrees yesterday. A Davenport dispatch says : The heat yesterday exceeds anything recorded in June since the Signal Service was estab lished, reaching 97 degrees. Street work ami much work in factories, mills and lumber yards was suspended. Several men were overcome by the heat. A Bellcvue dispatch says : Owing to the extreme hot weather business was en tirely suspended yesterday. The mer cury stood 102 in tho shade. Kamlits ami Train Wreckers. HAVANA, June 20.—A gang of robbers attempted to derail a train between Agua cate and Sabanaderoble yesterday. The train safely passed through a heavy fire from the bandits. The latter have sent a threatening letter to the Government authorities and another to the mannger of the railroad. The Government has taken measures to secure the capture of the bandits. The Mayor's Greeting. Patrick Looden, arrested in the Fourth ward by Officer Culliton, for indecent ex posure, was fined $lO and costs. B. M. Hammell, arrested by Officer Burns for begging, will hare a hearing to-day. PERSONAL, Mr. P. P. Kirby, of Wilmorc, was in the city yesterday. The Board of Health will organize some time early next week. Mr. L. L. Smith, wife acd daughter, re turned from Pittsburgh last night. Messrs. Wm. Erhait and Robert Young, of Indiana, were in the city yesterday. Mr. and slrs. John H. Waters have gone on an overland trip to Somerset and Red ford counties. Mr. John K. Prye, purchasing agent of the Johnson Company, returned from Pittsburgh last eveniug. The free concert by the Mineral City Band at Von Lunen's Grove last evening was largely attended. The music wa9 excellent. Miss Julia Howard returned to Altoona last evening. Her niece will remain for some time as the guest ot Miss Tillie Me- Mullen, of Feeder street. Misses Agnes and Mary Brady have returned home ; the former from her visit in Pittsburgh and the latter from school at St. Mary's, Blairsville. Messrs. George R. Scull, Robert S. Scull, and J. L. Pugh, of Somerset, Ja9. M. Cover, of Jenner's X. Roads, J. M. St Clair, of Pittsburgh, and E. G. Kerr, are registered at the Windsor. A new buildiug and loan association was organized last evening in the office of O'Connor Bros. A Mr. Pryce from Wash ington and a Mr. Kelly from Pittsburgh were here to assist in organization. Mr. C. S. Howard, late of Huntingdon, the new tuba player in the Mineral City Band, moved his family here yesterday. They will reside in Mrs. Edelman's new house on Locust street. Mr. Howard is employed by John McKenna, machinist, at Moxham. I>oath of Mr. John Champeno. Mr. John Champeno died at his resi dence, No, 77 Second street, Wednesday morniDg at 1 o'clock. His death was the result of injuries received a few days ago at Blast Furnace No. (5, an account of which has ueen published iu the DEMO CRAT. Mr. Champeno was one of the old est furaacemen in this city. He was born in Blair county, April 22,1824. He served as a private in the Mexican war, and upon returning he resumed his work at Alle gheny forge. He came to Johnstown in 1853, and first was employed at Rhey's Furnace, but soon entered tbe service of the Cambria Iron Company. He enlisted in the army during Ihe late war. After returning from the army he continued to work at the furnances. where he soon be came keeper and later night foreman, at which he was occupied at the time of the accident. The deceased was married prior to coming to Johnstown to a Miss Spade. Nine of their eleven children sur vive as follows : Loui'-e, wife of Michael Quirk, of Braddock; George W.,of Home stead Henry, of this city; Lizzie, wife of George Gore of this city; William, of Morrellvilie; Edward, of Braddock; Har riet, Jennie and Maggie, unmarried and at home. The deceased was a member of the Ancient Order of the Knights of the Mystic Chain, and of the Cambria Mutual Relief Association. The funeral vii! lake place to-day at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. H. L. Chapman will hold services at ihe family reside! ce. Interment will be made in Grand View. MAltttll.D MARTlN—Mount;cul.-At st. Bartholomew's Catholic church. Wllmore, on Tuesday. Juno St, 1890, he Hrv. father Mcllugh, Mr. navld Martin and Miss Mary MCGOUith, all or Por tage, I'a. LYNCH GREENWOOD. -In Johnstown, on Thursday evening. June an, isso, by Rev. IV. A. shlpman, Mr. Charles n. Lynch and Miss Nannie Greenwood, all or this city. GILES—JAMES.—At M. E. parsonage, on Thurs day, June an, isoo. by liev. H. l„ chapman. Mr. John Giles to Miss Catherine James, all or Johnstown, Pa. JAMES—WILLIAMS.—At M. E. parsonage, on Thursday. June 89. 1890, by Rev. il. L. Chap-, man, Mr. William IV. James to Miss Maggie Williams, all of Johnstown, Pa. DIBHONG—ItKSs.—At the Evanireltcal parson age. on Tuesday, .iuue -l, isuu. on Morris street, Mr. Sylvester J. nisnonit. of Morrell vtlle, to Miss I.lzzle c. Hess, or Johnstown by ltev. M. L. Weaver, pastor or Trinity Evan gelical church. DIED. CANAN.— In Brad dock. on Sunday morning, June aa, 1890, Miss 1,. 11, canan. JAMES.—In Johns,own. on Sunday afternoon. June aa, IKHO. by drowning, Harry James, aged about aa years. SHANNON.—In Upper Prospect, on Sunday evening, June aa, 1890. n.v lightning, Alameda shannon, aged about as years. BLOC lE —ln Johnstown, seventh ward, on Mondav. June as. 1800, at la o'clock midnight, Annie Non-ls. daughter ol Charles H. and Emma J. Bloch, aged s months and aa days. CIIAMPENO.—In Johnstown, on Wednesday morning, June 25, luwi. Johu Champeno, aged 68 years a months and 3 days. BUSH.-InJohnstown, First ward, on Thurs day, June an. lsno, Emma, wire of Joseph Bush, aged about ill years. PARKE.—At his residence on Levergood street Johnstown, l'a., on Thursday, Juno ail, IHOO, Harry Parke, In the 24th year or his ago. HOOVER.—In cooporsdalc, on Thursday, June 86, IHOO. at N \. M., Mr. w. A. Hoover, aged about aa years. FARM FOR SALE.— One Hun dred and Forty Acios on Fairfield ltond. Lower voder township, one and a-half miles from MorreUvllle Crossing. Inquire of E. LEWIS, Elm street, MorreUvllle, Pa. CAM. FOR JOINT SESSION OF COUN CILS. MAYOR'S OFFICE. 1 CITY OF JOHNSTOWN, June 86, 1890.) The members or the Select and Common Councils or the City or Johnstown arc request ed to meet In special Joint session In the hall ot the Common council, on Friday evening, June 27. 1890, at 7:30 o'clock P. M„ lor the purpose of considering the propriety of directing tho Street Commissioner to burn the timber in the river bed above the stone bridge ; to locate the sites of the proposed bridges; to fix tho width ot the streams within the City limits and give definite Instructions to the City Engineer as to the lines thereof, and such othor cognate matters as may be presented. W, HORACE ROSE, Mayor. T P. THOMPSON, M. D., ' SURGEON DENTIST, . JOHNSTOWN, Pi. Has had a professlcsal experience of over 38 years. tar-Filling Teeth peclally. offlce Rooms. No. lit Napoleon street. NO HOUSEKEEPER without one of Boiiiinger hJ unproved LACE Curtain Stretchers | The Curtains can be done up as well as new ones, and with ORDINARY CARE THE STRETCHER will last a lifetime. By doing TJP YOUR CURTAISS ONCE YOU SAVK THE HtICE OF THE STRETCHER. I BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS W. HAT & SONS^' :^ Q EMI-ANN UAL REPORT of the O.JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK, Mav 3 , 1890. ASKBTs. Book Market Value. value. Loans on real est ate.... $ 275,789 83 f 275,789 S3 Cash in banks 227,5 5 90 227,575 90 cash on hand 14,48 34 i l itis 31 U. s. l-per-cent. bonds.. 199,000 oo 210,790 no Johnstown Water Co. bonds lls,i*K) i) 115,000 oo Westmoreland & Cam bria Natural lias Co. bonds 50,000 00 50 000 00 Pittsburgh 7-per-cent. bonds 10,000 00 11,500 00 coopersdale school bonds 200 00 200 00 East conemaugh school bonds 2,i00 oo 2,100 oo Lower Yoder school bonds ;,7(io no 1,700 oo Somerset count y bonds 25,500 00 25,500 oo Cambria county bonds. OO 50,000 00 somerset, A Cambria It. It. bonds 135.000 00 135.000 OO Conemaugh bor. bonds 300 00 300 (10 Premium account 3.22203 Real es ate. sate, and furniture 15,000 00 15,000 00 Totals $1,125,100 70 $1,105,174 07 LIABILITIES. Amount due depositors $ 1,079,807 54 June dividend 11.022 10 contlhgenc 31,217 00 Total $1,125,1116 70 state of Pennsylvania.) (aisbila county, j • I. W. c. Lewis, Treasurer ot the Johnsiown Saving's Bank, do solemnly swear rh.d the above report Is correct to the best of rny knowledge and belief. W. C. WRWIS. Sworn and subscribed before me this 2d of June, 1890. JOHN s. i in.' . Notary Puollc. The undersigned Auditing commit lee re- , spectfiilh report t-'mt they have carefully hi- i spected the forgoing Treasurers report tor the six mouths ending hay :ii, ts'ii and inve ex amined the Asse, - or the Bank, consist Ing nf bonds, mortgages and Judgment liens, liens on real estate, cash en hand and In hanKs. and tlnd . the same correct. l'KAK'a>.\ FiS'lHf. \v. it. i.owma - .I AMESt|IINN. Auditing committee. 4 RGU -il-NT LIST. jr\ JULY T. 1800. onllagher .vs. Fly on. commonwealth .vs. Copeuhaver. sloan vs. McMullen et al. hltzlnger vs. Heck. In re exceptions to Sheriff s deed to J. McFeely. In re exceptions to Aud. Hep. In est. C. and S. 1 McMullen. In re exceptions to And Hep. in est. 11. J. Wl.llams. in re rule in T. A. Brown, collector Washington i wp. In re road in Elder twp. In re road in Chest twp. In re exceptions to Aud. Hep. in est. 11. ureen wood. Mc.Mlllen vs. Tahnney. vs. Amcrlne. Miller's exrs vs. Mctiladeet ah dray vs. Wyland. Yost ..vs. Yost. In re road In lteade twp. In re exceptions to And Kep. est. P. M . and K C. George. Westover vs Jleohllng. Delozlcr Bros vs. cordell. Carroll vs. Saxman et al. ltohaugh vs. Wefctrotli. Same vs. same. In re pet or KUas Rowland to sat. Mortgage. In re road In ( toylo and Adams tW| s. In re road in Keade twp. In re exceptions to widen lug Clin on street. In re road In Munster and Allegheny twps. Beam Adms vs. Mcitotigh. Chaplin vs. Notley A Halter. In re road In Washington t wp, JAS. c. DARBY, I'rothonotnry. Proamotmf* Offltv , J une 23, lsiio. NOTICE OF VIEW Notice Is hereby given that the Viewers ap pointed by the couit or common fleas ot Cam bria county to view and Assess Damages and Award Contributions tor advantages and dis advantages caus. cl to properties along and ad joining the boundary lines or PART OP IRON STREET, In the Thirteenth Ward of the city nf Johnstown, In the said county or Cambria, bv reason or Widening. Straightening, and Changing the Lines ot the some In the Thir teenth Ward of the City aforesaid, will meet lor that purpose on the premises aforesaid al It) o'clock A.M., on Tuesday, the Ist day of July, 1890, At which time and place all parties Interested can be present If they see proper. W. HORACE ROSE, Mavorof tho City of Johnstown. JAMES M. WALTERS, City Solicitor. Johnstown, I'a ., June ill, 1800. d22,21,28.28,30-ltW Ocean Steamship Passage AND FO ti. EIGN DBA FTS. PASSAGE TICKETS TO OR FROM EUROPE BY PROMINENT STEAMSHIP LINEB. Also, Drafts on all parts ot Europe at Lowes Rates. W. C. LEWIS AT JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK, apri 3w-aug-Nd BOHIjinSTGS-EJR' 4 {IMPROVED*— t iff Lace Curtain Stretchers Ml CUT or rouMNa riuMi. Wilt Save you Money, Time tuid Lata EVERY HOUSEKEEPER SaOL'LO RaVS OM any lady can operate them. For Sale By JOHN STENGER, 337 M AIN STREET. 12 Foot. Price $2 14 Foot, Price 3 (EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ■ J TATK (IK JACOJI P. STRAYKR, ■ v EASED.—Letters testamentary on the esl of Jacob P. strayer, late of Lower l'oder to! slilp, Cambria county, deceased, bavins 11 granted to the undersigned, all persons know I themselves Indebted to said estate are requeil t omake Immediate payment, and those navl nltns against said estate will present them dil authenticated for settlement. H. It. SUA KFKK, Executed A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICM -TV -ESTATE ok peter NITCH, IB CEASED.—l.e(ters of Administration on M estate ot Peter Nltch, late of Cambria deceased, having been grauted to the signed, notice Is hereby given to all knowing themselves Indebted to said est at make In mediate payment, and those having, claims against said estaii to present them duly aui tientlcated for settlement to GEORGE NITCH. Administrator. Johnsiown. I'a., May 2s. isoo. I EXECUTOR'S .NOTICE. —Ei J TATE OK JANE 11. 11 ESS, DECEASED Letters Testamentary on the estate of Ju 11. lless, late of Coopersdale, Cambria count deceased, having been grants to the undei ■signed, all persons knowing themselves In debtcd to said esiate are hereby notllled t make Immediate payment, and those havln claims against said estate are requested to pn sent them duly authenticated for sect lement t D. It. HESS, Executor J 109 sl„ south Side, I'ltttburgh 1 ill i ml To reliable men we will give steady employßflfl and a LIBERA I, SALARY paying their expenses, W ■ grow our own stock and (H'AliA ST EE II 10 be strictly nrsUtf H . very particular, irue to name as ordeivi} QB Instrnct lons furnished. Experience Apply at once. ztaUiiy t/e. Address E. c. I'K S son x Co.. Maple Grove Nurseries, Waterlß N. V. (E-iaDllslied over 20 years.) PUBLIC SALI EE.iL EST ATI! By vir ruE of an order i!l sued oil! of the orphans' court and to ■■ directed. 1 will exjiose to public sale, on iB TUESDAY, JULY 16, WM AT O'CLOCK P. M., IMI on the oiemises. all the rtglu. title and ejfl of J\MK. PETER and JOSEPH minor children of Nell McAneny, that certain Lot 0i Piece of G-roi situate In Ha' sixteenth ward of fronting AO feet on Walnut s reet and back 1:17 fee' to an alley. TERMS OK SALE: in per Cent. on day balance on conllrinaltou of sale. PATRICK Mr AN Guardian of James, Peter and Joseph dltwrw.Jwks ORPHAN'S m First-Class Business Staml pB Voluiiblo Lots. 8 3he undersigned, administrator c. T. CHRISTIAN KIM I'I.E. deceased. In pursuancfl an order Issued out 01 the orphan's Couß Cambria county, will expose to public the premises, on Saturday, July 12, lM commencing at Clinton street proper bM o'clock r. it., and arriv lug at other soon as practicable I hereafter, all the LOTS AND PIKCESOK GROI NDlalO erty ot said ( lirtstlan Klmpie, deceased No. 1. Lot fronting 31) feet on Johnstown, bounded by Hood alloy Louis Wehn and extending back 57 reet estate ot A. Kccke. No. 2. Lot in Hornerstown. Sevent. I city of Johnstown, corner of Hickory an B streets, fronting 7>f feet on Waod street tending back same width along Hickory 120 tect to an alley. No. 3. Lot adjoining above. |havlng 571,, feet on wood street and extendi same width 120 feet to an alley, and ha alley on one sue. The above two lots will he olTered and tosetlierand the bid accepted most , ble to the estate. , No. 4. Lot In Meadowvale, Seventh B City of Johnstown, known as No. 14, feet on Morrell avenue and extending same width 120 feet to an alley. No. 5 Lot In , known as lot No. 15, fronting 60 feet on avenue and extending back the same ' S feet to an alley. The above two "lots will be orrercd s> and together, and that bid ucccpted mi i able to the estate. TERMS OK SALE—One-third In cash i,B conllrmatlon of sale, one-third In one yeai B one-third In two years, deterred paym( B bear legal Interest troui date ot sale. umß secured by judgment, note or bond and ot purchaser,ai, the option of the Admlnlstrnl OTTO HI EBNBR.I Administrator C. T, A. ot C'. Klmpie uecesael Jnnei9.2S,ao