Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, June 27, 1890, Image 6

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Bo Hud Committed No Crime, but n De
tective Followed 11 iin All Around—He
| Didn't Know of It Until Four Years
J. Fa? r—An Agreeable Companion.
| "Were you ever •shadowed?'" inquired
a prominent literary man of a friend at
the Union league the other night.
"No, I never was 'shadowed,' as you
call it. I've never done anything to get
shadowed f jr. But what's the story?
I'm sure th is one?"
"Oh, no;:g much. I just saw in the
j paper where the detectives were shadow
ing u man, and it reminded mo of an ad-
I venture, or rather an incident, of several
years ago, when I was shadowed for a
couple of weeks by the Pinkertons.
"You remember the Cummings ex
press robbery of 18811, don't you? It
created a great deal of excitement at the
time, in St. Louis particularly. This
fellow, whose name, by the way, wasn't
Cummings at all, if you recollect, got
into an express car with a messenger
named Fotheringham yn a forged order
from the superintendent. After the train
was well under way he put a pistol at
the messenger's head, bound and gagged
him, rifled the safe of $75,000 in cash
and a lot of other stuff, and made his
escape. Fotheringham was accused of
having robbed himself, was arrested and
jailed, but meanwhile the detectives had
been set at work, and, stimulated by a
princely reward, were moving heaven
and earth to get tangible proof of the
messenger's guilt or the identity of the
self styled Jiin Cummings.
"Well, at that time I was a sub-editor
on one of the St. Louis morning papers,
and was anxiously trying to get exclu
sive news bearing on the sensation of
the day. The d-tectives were like clams.
They wouldn't give up a word of what
they had done, were doing or hoped to
do, and were posing on the principle of
the well known adage about keeping
still and making people believe one
knows something. One morning, how
ever, a few days after the robbery, we
received a letter which gave ur a great
'scoop.' It was from 'Jim Cummings'
himself. He said he had seen in our
paper an account of the arrest of Fother
ingham, and merely wrote to tell them
that they weren't giving the messenger
a square deal. That lie was innocent
and couldn't have helped Leing robbed.
As a guarantee of his identity the writer
inclosed a number of torn express money
envelopes, with the request that we
present them and his letter to the ex
press people.
"Well, 1 had charge of the affair aud
did as the writer requested. Say, the
express people threw up both hands.
The envelopes were identified as having
been among those stolen from the car.
The next day 1 got another letter in
closing a lot of jewelry, receipts, etc.,
which the writer said he had no use for,
and some information regarding the lo
cation of a cache where lie had hidden
some other stuff useless to him. Doth
proved welcome and everything turned
out as represented. We were 'scooping'
the country, the detectives were wild,
and all was merry as a wedding bell.
This correspondence kept up for a fort
night, the robber writing always to our
papier. Once he sent a communication
in reply to an incendiary letter from
some crank roasting 'Jim Cummings.'
Again he inclosed a clipping from an
other paper in which it was stated that
a man from Texas had been engaged as
an express messenger, but couldn't give
" 'Tell them to give hiui the job,'
wrote our aftilaoious correspondent; 'l'll
go hie bond. Seventy-five thousand in
cash ought to be good security?'
"Well, the detectives by this time
were hot in the region of the collar.
They hadn't turned up a clew, and we
wouldn't give up a scrap of writing or
anything else; getting even 011 them,
see? Tilings were at this stage when my
animal vacation came around. I had ar
ranged for a trip to Chicago, thonco to
Milwaukee, up around the great lakes
and hack. It was to take two weeks, and
my wife accompanied me.
"Those detectives got on to my in
tended excursion and immediately the
bright idea seized their minds that I was
going to meet Jim Cummings some
where to turn up some more romance of
the robbery. My wife and I started and
got as far as Chicago without incident.
We were leaving there on the boat and
1 was leaning over the rail as we went
out into the harbor, when a gentleman
approached and entered into a casual
conversation with me. He introduced
himself as a Texan, then in the cotton
brokerage business in New Orleans, bent
upon a pleasure trip. He was pleasant,
bright and companionable. We talked,
exchanged cards and became friends.
He said he believed he would take my
route for his trip all through. We were
{ (leased with each other's company and
gladly seconded his proposition. Well,
sir, during that whole trip that man and
myself were rarely far apart, now that I
think of it. We stopped nearly always
at the same hotel, and smoked our pipes
on the decks of the steamers every night.
"He left 0.1 at Chicago 011 the return
trip and i .vent back to St. Louis. 1
never saw him again. But about a year
ago I was in Pinkerton's office on some
business when one of the men, looking
at me sharply, said; 'lsn't your name
• ? I said it was.
" 'From St. Louis?'
" 'Formerly; left there three years
" 'Well,' he replied, smiling, 'here's
something that might interest you. It
proved a great disappointment to us,
however,' and he drew out a package of
documents. They wore reports of a de
tective to his chief, and they conveyed
an infinitesimally perfect account of my
trip around the lakes four years before.
"And it was my friend", the cotton
broker from New Orleans, whom I had
met 011 the steamship. He did the job
so well that I was in the most sublime
ignorance of being an object of police
surveillance at all. They canght 'Cum
mings' without my assistance. 'My shad
owing' was all in vain.'' —Chicago MaiL
A Baby Who Survived the Peril, of Cen
tral Africa to IJlo at Lut In London.
A tablet to the memory of Little Jack,
the boy missionary, as he was called,
erected by Sunday school children, was
unveiled over Ids grave in Loudon. Lit
tle Jack was only 7 years old when he
died. Though he was born in England,
nearly all his brief life was spent in Cen
tral Africa. He was famous as tlio only
white baby ever seen in the rcfdon of the
great lakes; and after passing unscathed
through all the dangers of Equatorial
Africa, he fell a victim at last to measles
in his native land.
.Jack was the son of the well known
missionary, Capt. Hore, who has given
us the best map of Lake Tanganyika
that has yet been made. He started for
Africa with his parents when he was
only 11 weeks old, and the story of the
baby's trip to Lake Tanganyika, which
was written by bis mother, made Jock
very well known. When the party
started inland from Zanzibar they trun
dled Jack in a wheelbarrow. The soft
est possible lied was made for Idm in a
wicker basket, whose sides were padded
so that he could not hurt himself. The
basket was placed in a steel wheelbar
row frame, and in this conveyance Jack
made a very comfortable journey to
Mamboia, a hundred miles inland. There
wore reasons, however, why it was not
thought best for Jack and his mother to
go any further that year, and so the
baby was wheeled back to the coast
again, and he returned to England none
the worse for his novel journey.
The year following Jack and his mo
ther started for Africa once more, and
his father rigged up another sort of con
veyanoe for the baby passenger. Tins
time bamboo poles were fastened to the
sides of the basket and four porters were
detailed to carry Jack. As they swung
along the path the supple poles gave to
the basket a springy motion which was
very pleasing to the liMle fellow. Along
the bamboos was stretched a canvas awn
ing, impervious alike to sun or rain, with
movable sides, that could be fastened up
or down at pleasure. His mother was
carried in a batli chair rigged up in a
similar fashion. -
After Jack had been carried far inland
African fever tackled the little fellow,
and then lltrinsisted much of the time
upon being carried in his mother's lap,
but happily he did not suffer long from
the formidable foe of white men in Afri
ca. When the caravan halted for the
noonday lunch, ttie first duty of the men
was to pitch a tent to shelter Jack and
his mother from the scorching sun.
One day a porter ran away with a can
vas bag containing nearly all <if Jack's
wardrobe. The calamity, however, was
easily remedied, for Ur. Hore had a lot
of cotton cloth to pay his way through
the country, and Jack soon had a new
wardrobe. Many of the marches were
very wearisome, and Mrs. Hore wrote
that she and Jack often presented a very
draggled appearance when the halt was
made for the day.
The journey lasted ninety days. At
last Jack and his parents embarked on
the beautiful waters of Lake Tangan
yika, and negro boatmen, singing at
their paddles, took them to the Island of
Kavala, which was Jack's homo during
all his babyhood in Central Africa.
Friends in England sent him many play
things, which he shared with his Wa
gulia playmates, and he never knew that
Equatorial Africa was not the plensant
est placo in the world for a white boy to
grow up in.—New York Sun.
Does It Hurt Him?
Does a dismembered limb retain sen
sitiveness? Many pers 3ns hold firmly
that it does. Th.'ir belief is apparently
sustained by those strange and vivid im
aginings of person; •ho have lost a hand
or foot, and positively that they
havo feelings in t'.i • lingers or toes of the
lost member. The phenomenon, how
ever, has been explained in a scientific
way. Such cases are frequent, ami Ed
gar Bergen, a 12-year-01.l boy who lives
at 21(1 West Michigan street, is an exam
ple. He was taking a ride on the cars
in the Big Four yards, when lie slipped.
Ho was dragged some distance, but could
not maintain a safe position, and bis left
foot was cut off aboveihe ankle, remain
ing in the shoe. The hov was taken
home, and his leg was amputated just
below the knee. The foot was taken to
Crown Hill and "buried in a lot near his
mother's grave. The little fellow bore
his puius bravely and never lost con
sciousness, but ha complains frequently
that the toes of his dismembered foot
are cramped, and the foot seems still to
be in position. The foot was placed in a
cramped position in the box in which it
was buried, and a member of the house
hold declares that this accorihts for the
boy's sensations, and recalls cases which
she thinks confirm this view.—lndianap
olis News.
Tlio Novel of the Future.
Edmund Gosse, the English critic,
gives his reasons in The Forum for be
lieving that the novel of the future will
not be "realistic." He gives the school
of Zola credit for having killed forever
the excesses of the old fashioned story,
but the realists, he contends, have reached
the limit of their development. On one
side they have become gross, as the
French and Russian novelists, and 011
the other side they have become insipid.
The novel of the future will pay more
heed to "the human instinct for mystery
and beauty." Sir. Goese writes an an
alysis of Zolaism, making an estimate of
Zola, whom he calls the Vulcan among
our later gods; and he has a pleasant
word for our American realists, Mr.
James and Mr. Howells.
IlUmarck'tt Autograph on a Door.
The Museum of Antiquities at Gottin
gen has made a remarkable addition to
its treasures. It consists in nothing less
than the battered door of the university
prisou, on which is cut in bold charac
ters the name of "Bismarck." It seems
that the ex-chancellor, in his law student
days, suffered a brief period of detention
there for some trifling breach of disci
pline, and amused himself by carving
nis patronymic with unmistakable clear
ness on the door of the oell.— London
The Method of an Englishman Named
Stillborn Compared with the Heneurches
of Noted Frenchmen Succem with
American and African Inserts.
M. Emile Gautier, a French writer,
discussed in an article the history of
spiders from the consoler of the prisoner
Pellison down to the nutritive spider in
whom the geometrician Laplace found
the flavor of a nut.
There aro also, it appears, spinning
spiders, whose web can be used to weave
serviceable stuffs, and according to old
documents dealing with the subject, M.
Bon, president of the court of accounts
of Montpellier, sent, as early as 1700,
mittens and stockings made of spiders'
web to the Academy of Sciences.
He set to work in the following man
ner: Having collected a large number of
spiders' cocoons he beat them so as to
expel all dust. Then he washed them
carefully in warm water and allowed
them to boil for three hours in a pot con
taining water, soap, saltpeter anil a little
gum arabic. The cocoons, after being
washed anil carefully dried, were at last
carded with extremely fine combs.
This was, of course, a very primitive
proceeding. M. Bon obtained a gray
thread with which he was able to make
the articles before mentioned. The
pamphlet which he published regarding
bis experiment obtained considerable
success, and was translated into several
Fifty years later, in 1702, the Abbe
Raymond de Termeyer made experi
ments in America,, in Spain, and in
Italy. He worked on the living spiders,
whose web he wound on a bobbin as fast
as it came out. This abbe was remark
ably patient and tenacious, for ho car
ried on this operation uninterruptedly
for thirty-four years (from 1702 to 1706),
but apparently all his labor was in vain,
for he only succeeded in obtaining 673
grammes of cobweb as a result of his
thirty-four years' work.
The question, however, seemed suf
ficiently interesting to the Academy of
Sciences of Paris to induce them to
charge the celebrated Reaumur with
the drawing up of a report on the inven
tion of M. Bon.
Reaumur arrived at conclusions very
unfavorable to the development of a cob
web industry. Stuff, he said, made of so
called spiders' silk could not be employed
■ iu the manufacture of any useful article,
on account of its fragileness.
The strength of the silk thread was
ninety times greater than that of the
other, and it required 18,003 threads of
spiders' web to furnish solidity equal to
that of one silken thread. The leanied
entomologist demonstrated further that
twice as many spiders as silkworms
were needed to produce the same quan
tity of thread, so that to provide one
pound of spiders' silk 28,000 spiders
would have to spin. To obtain such a
number of cocoons a much larger num
ber of spiders would have to he kept, for
only the females spin web round eggs.
Then, again, the product of the spider
had less luster than that of the silk
worm. Reaumur added, however, that
although there was no future for the
spiders of France, except to catch blue
bottles and flies, the exotic kinds might
repay the 'abor of jjtudy.
Tho idea lias recently bfcen taken up
by an Englishman named Stillbers, who
has made clotli of spider's web which has
been employed for the purposes of sur
gery. He only uses tropical spiders,
from which, thanks to a scientific cult
ure, he has obtained a much greater re
turn than was foreseen by Reaumur.
The spiders which he uses are big ones
from America and Africa. They are
placed in octagonal cases, where a suffi
ciency of insects is served to them every
day. In the room where the cases are
kept a constant temperature of (10 deg.
(Fahrenheit) is maintained, and a liquid
composed of chloroform, ether and fusel
oil is allowed slowly to evaporate. That
is to say, spiders spin best when they
are drunk.
Sir. Stillbers keeps 0,000 of these cases
in a room forty meters long by twenty
wide and five high. The spiders lay
eggs of various colors, covered with
cocoons. These are gathered up and
prepared by tho same mechanical and
chemical operations as the cocoon of the
One cocoon yields 120 to 130 meters of
thread. The weaving process is kept
absolutely secret.
The stuff obtained is of a texture re
sembling ordinary silk, but thick, stiff,
and of a dirty gray color. It is all the
more necessary to bleach it because the
color is by no means uniform. It is
bleached by treatment with oxygenized
water. Then it is tanned and softened.
It assumes a pretty yellow tint, and be
comes brilliant and smooth.
To make a thread 3,250 kilometers in
length 25,000 cocoons are requisite. This
is a great advance on Reaumur's calcu
lations. Bnt still 25,000 cocoons only
supply a thread of 800 French leagues in
length. The stuff obtained must bo sold
at a very high price in order to obtain
tho merest compensation for all this
trouble and expense. Proprietors of
mulberry trees and silkworms need not
be afraid of the competition of the spider
yet awhile.—New York Evening Snn.
Its Virtues as a Sopor! tic.
"Grindstone, have you ever tried a
raw onion as a remedy for sleepless
"Tried it once, Kiljordan."
"How did it work?"
"Had to go to sleep to get rid of the
taste."—Chicago Tribune.
A Wise Man.
Mr. A.—Mr. Charles is a very wise
Mr. B.—Why do you think so?
Mr. A.—l heard him in an argument
with another and he let the other fellow
do all the talking.—West Shore.
Its Maker Is Proud of It, but He lias No
Wish to Make Another.
In the window of a German jeweler
on Court street, Brooklyn, there stands
a brass clock not more than ten inches
high. Tho passerby who looks through
the window sees under the clock, which
is supported by four polished columns,
a small brass platform, balanced to a
nicety on two pivots in the middle, like
an ordinary seesaw. A groove cut into
the surface of the brass runs zigzag
from one end to tho other, and on the
path so made a brightly polished steel
bull, no larger than a bullet, runs un
ceasingly. When the ball has traveled
from one end of the platform to the
other, zigzagging from side to side, it
strikes a thin steel wire which hangs
from above, and in an instant the plat
form is tilted up at that end and the little
ball, impelled by the force of gravity,
starts back again. At the other end it
comes into contact with another wire,
"and up goes the platform once more.
Sometimes a big crowd stand around
the window intent on the little sphere,
the mystery of which they find it hard to
F. T. Kraft, who runs the store, has
followed his trade for many years. One
day six years ago Kraft was walking
down Broadway when he saw a clock in
a jeweler's window with the same de
vice. He stood for an hour in front of
tho glass watching it and trying to solve
the problem of its construction. The
proprietor of the store told him the clock
had been made in England twenty-five
years before, and was the only one of its
kind in existence. Mr. Kraft's request
to have a look at the mechanism was
met with a refusal, and he went off with
the determination to study it out for
himself. He worked at it six months
during his odd hours and finally tri
umphed. Then ha was surprised to find
how simple the idea was after all, al
though he found the greatest delicacy
necessary in carrying it out.
Mr. Kraft took the clock from its shelf
in the window to explain its mechanism
to the reporter. The two mysterious
wires which the ball strikes against at
the end of each trip are fastened above
to a long rod. From the upper side of
this rod runs a strip of steel, which rests
against one of four pins on an escape
ment wheel iu the works. When the
ball strikes the wire it releases this
wheel, which makes a quarter revolution
to the next pin. On the same axis is a
cog wheel whose teeth fit into thoso of
another of half the circumference. The
smaller wheel makes a half revolution
while the other is making a quarter. To
the axis of this wheel is fastened a rod,
which is attached at its other end to the
platform, which is pulled up or down ac
cording to the wire which the hall
It was in the manufacture of the ball
itself tiiat Mr. Kraft had the most diffi
culty. It had to he a perfect sphere to
work properly, and it was turned down
bit by bit to the proper size. A little
guard rail is placed at each angle of the
groove, so that the ball will not jump
off. It takes the ball just five seconds
to make the trip, a half second for each
section of the groove. The platform acts
as a pendulum with a five second swing.
The device is only interesting as a novel
ty, as it is more susceptible to changes
in the weather than the pendulum clock,
and has to be regulated frequently.
It is Interesting to figure out the dis
tance which the industrious little ball
travels from day to day. Every second
it runs 4 2-5 inches, or 22 feet a minute.
This is a quarter of a mile an hour, or
6 miles a day, or 180 miles a month, or
21,7'J0 miles a year, over 11,000,000 feet
Since the clock was first started the
ball has traveled a distance equal to
nearly three-fourths of the way around
the globe. In that time it has not been
worn toany perceptibledegree, although
the brass surface on which it ruts has
been ground off considerably,
"I have had lots of offers for this
clock," said the old jeweler, as he put it
hack on its shelf, "hut I wouldn't sell it
for any price. It was a pleasure to work
out the principle of the thing, hut you
couldn't get me to make another one of
thein for a good deal."—New York Sun.
Affected dispatch is one of the most
dangerous things to business that can be.
It is like that which the physicians call
predigestion, or hasty digestion, which
is sure to fill the body full of crudities
and secret seeds of disease. Therefore
measure not dispatch by time of sitting,
but by the advancement of the business,
and as in races it is not the large stride
or high lift that makes the speed, so in
business the keeping close to the matter,
and not taking of it too much at once,
procures dispatch. It is the careof some
only to come off speedily for the time, or
to contrive some false periods of busi
ness, because they may seem men of dis
patch; but it is one thing to abbreviate
by contracting, another by cutting off,
and business so handled at several sit
tings or meetings grows commonly back
ward and forward in an unsteady man
ner. We knew a wise man that had for
a byword, when he saw men hasten to a
conclusion: "Stay a little, that we may
end the sooner."—New York Ledger.
Absuut Mi mini Indeed.
One of our good farmers, living not a
thousand miles distant, thought he would
plant twenty acres of ground in com,
and, taking the sack which contained his
seed corn, went into the field, put his
com planter into operation and pretty
soon had the required number of acres
planted, so he thought, with seed com.
But upon finishing his job, what was his
consternation and amazement to find his
sack of com untouched. He had simply
forgotten to put the com in the planter,
and was forced to do liis whole work
over again.—Lexington (Mo.) Letter.
A Difference and a Distinction.
Caller—ls the proprietor in?
Wit Clerk—Yes, sir.
Caller—Are you the gentleman?
Wit Clerk—Yes, sir; but the proprie
tor is in the art room. I'll call him.—
Ttu-eshiuc In Syria.
On the outskirts of each village ia a
level space of ground of sufficient Bize to
answer the requirements of the village
which is known by the name of the ba
yader, or threshing floor. Each farmer
and peasant has his own particular por
tion marked off by a row of stones, and
this portion is religiously handed down
from father to son and jealously guarded
from encroachment. Hither the various
crops are borne on the backs of camels
or donkeys as soon as they are reaped in
the fields, and they are there piled np
into separate sacks to be v threshed out in
The threshing is a long and tedious
process, occupying several months. It
commences about the beginning of June
and often is not completed till the end
of September or even in some cases till
the middle of October. During all this
time the threshing floor presents a lively,
busy and most picturesque scene. The
process is a very primitive one, being
identical with that which was in vogue
in the times of Old Testament history.
Nay, the hieroglyphic representations on
Egyptian monuments show that the
same method was adopted by the farm
ers of Egypt at least five thousand years
A flat board something like the bot
tom of a sleigh, with small sharp pieces
of basalt firmly let into its under sides,
is driven round and round upon the sur
face of the corn, which is spread out in a
circle of from six to twenty yards in di
ameter, according to the quantity to be
threshed. A boy rides on the board and
drives the horse or oxen as the case may
be. Meanwhile one or two men stand
hi tho middle, and with three pronged
wooden forks turn the corn over so as to
•xj>ose all portions equally to the action
of the threshing board. —Blackwood's.
Tiu Producing in Malacca.
It did not take long to witness the ex
tremely simple process by which the ore
is extracted. After clearing off the
ground, the surface and subsoil are re
moved for one, two or three meters, till
the mineral, tin bearing bed is exposed;
this Is sometimes several meters thick.
The mineral is carried in baskets, as we
have seen, up the cocoa trunk ladders, to
a wooden flume which is washed by a
current of water. As the mine grows
deeper this labor, with the rudimentary
means at'the disposition of the Chinese,
is made extremely difficult by the inflow
of water. The washing of the tin bear
ing earth is done by coolies, who, with a
rake, remove the stones and work up the
material in such away as to eliminate
the light sands that are mixed with
oxide of tin, till only 25 or 35 per cent, of
foreign matter is left.
The mineral thus enriched is melted
in little brick furnaces, with the aid of a
bellows of bamboo, which i.s worked by
a coolie iis if it were a syringe. The
white metal as it runs out is cast into the
well known cubic ingots with one side
flaring over the edges, so as to give them
a pair of ears by which they can be more
easily handled. A great deal of metal is
certainly wasted in this process; and a
isccond washing of the refuse would prob
ably be very remunerative. The Chinese
and Malays call this lost metal young
tin, which is returned to the earth to
ripen, because it is not yet old enough to
stay iu their primitive machines. It is
only now, after no one can tell how
many centuries since tin has been known
and worked in the peninsula, that a
rational system of operating the mines is
about to be adopted.—M. Bran de Saint
Pol Lias in Popular Science Monthly.
About. Ch lore forming.
The statement that when a handker
chief is thrown over a man's head he
immediately goes into a trance is inter
esting and raises a enrious point. There
are many lawyers who are wout to de
clare that the evidence given from time
to time at criminal trials leaves no
doubt that there exists some drug
which, when spread upou a cloth and
placed over the nose and mouth, imme
diately produces unconsciousness. On
the other hand, chemists assert that
the thing- is an impossibility, and that
no such compound has ever been dis
Chloroform and the other recognized
amestlietics require at least three dis
tinct inhalations to produce the loss of
sensation. To reconcile this conflict of
testimony seems impossible, unless, in
deed, we adopt the sensational theory
that some camorra among tho criminal
classes is in possession of a trade secret
as yet unknown to science. Probably,
however, this notion is too fantastic, and
we should rather incline to the supposi
tion t.hat the immediate loss of con
sciousness is due to something compar
able to mesmeric action. - -Spectator.
Tike Stove of the Future.
"That looks neat," was the remark to
the stove man. "What is it?" "It is the
new gas stove. The day will come when
all the world who can get at it will want
to do its summer cooking by gas, and
maybe its winter cooking as well. This
stove, you see, has burners for all the
stove holes and two ovens. It admits air
into the gas at the point of combustion
and makes a bunsen flame of each. We
ran all the burners full blast for two
hours the other day, having the meter
taken before and after, and it cost ex
actly twelve cents. We can raise a ket
tle of cold water to boiling in seven min
utes and all you have to do is touch a
match to the gas and your fire is going.
Handsome, too, isn't it? Looks like a
stvliah fancy range."—Lewiston Journal.
A Modern Creator.
"Times have changed, old boy!" re
marked Griggs, "since you and I were
"True for you, old fellow," returned
Brown. "In these days the tailor not
only makes the man but the woman."—
Drake's Magazine.
lie Was Tired of Advice.
Willis—Hello, Bingham? So your un
cle left you SIO,OOO, did he? What will
you do with it?
Bingham (Sarcastically)— Going to turn
it over to my friends. They all know
better than I what should 1)0 done with
it!— Racket
1 HBO.
assiw. Book Market
value. value.
Loans on real estate.... $ e#3 $ 375,739 9.1
cash la hunks .. SR.S/5 90 337.575 no
Cash on hand J4.4HS M 14 fSH 34
U. S. 4-per-cont. boons., on J40.7W) 00
Johnstown water Co.
bonds..... 1ir.,00000 115,000 00
Westmoreland A Cam
bria Natural uaa
faonO? 50,000 00 50,000 00
Pittsburgh 7-per-cent.
bonds. lO.noooo 11,50000
Coonersdale school
„ bonds 3<;o 00 300 00
Eusi c snemaugh school
bonds. 3.400 00 3,400 00
Lower V Oder school
bonds 1,700 ( 1,700 00
Somerset county bonds 35,500 00 35,500 00
Cambria county bonds. 50.000 00 50'oou 00
Somerset A Cambria R.
It. bonds... 106,000 0O 135.000 03
Conemaugh bor. bonds son on 30000
Premium account
Keul es ate, safe, and
furniture 15.000 00 15,000 no
Totals— 11.135 100 To $1,105,171 07
Amount due depositors $1,079.8*17 54
n . { . .:v:v::: v. .uSf? j
Htiite°ot Pennsylvania, i"
atnbrlu county, j. •
I, W. c. Lewis, Treasurer ot the Johnstown
Savings uank. do solemnly swear that the above
report is correct to the best of my knowledge
and bellei. W. c. WBWIS.
sworn and subscribed before me this 3d ot
Notary I'uoltc.
The undersigned Auditing committee re
spectfully report that they have carefully In
spected the forgoing Treasurer's report for the
six months ending Slay 31, 1890 and have ex
amined the Assets of the Bank, consisting of
bonds, mortgages, and judgment liens, Uens on
real estate, cash on hand and In banks, and find
the same correct.
Auditing committee.
xv by the court of common Pleas of Cambria
counts had recommitted to me for further con
sideration my reporl as Auditor to take testi
mony and report a decree In the matter of the
annexation of territory to the borough of Johns
town from Upper Voder township ascertaining
the amount ot Indebtedness ot said township
and in what proportions the same shall be paid.
Notice Is hereby given that I will sit, for the
purpose of my said appointment at my oßice In
the City of Johnstown. Pa., on Friday, the
Thirtieth day ot May. A. I). 1390, at 10 o'clock, 4.
m., when and where all parties Interested may
appear W. HORACE ROSE Audi or.
Johnstown, Pa.. May, 1990
B. & B.
Generally speaking are incompatible
witli High qualities.
To this rule, fortunately, as well as to
all others, there are exceptions.
We here call attention to a few notable
exceptions, which have been caused by
over-productions, excessive importations,
etc. : cases where we are able to offer
staple goods at half price. Make a note of
these items:
At 25 cents—a 50 cent quality of ol
iuch Mohair Stripes in all tue best colotf
—very stylish anil effective, and be/
value in this line yet seen. 50 cents f/
A superior line of 50 inch Colori
Striped Mohairs at 50 cents a yard— goos
which cost the importer -51.05 to lai-
Not our loss.
42 inch Beige Suitings with Clan Boil
ers in 12 to 15 best colorings, at SIOO
These cost $1.60 to land.
100 pieces of 32 inch istrict meagre)
Fancy Plaids—half wool—very )eat
broken plaid in all the light spring c/ors,
elegant and effective, at 25 cents. Kjtop
tional value.
New India Silks 25 cents, I
•'best" " 75 " /
The letter $1.25 quality. /
li) inch Colored Surahs 50 cents/heavy
weight solid fabric, of domesticmanu
facture, and not the flimsy imputed ar
ticle usually sold at this price. |LI! best
colors. j
20 inch Colored and Black Regence
Silks 70 cents.
20 inch Colored and Black AriMre Silks
75 cents. Best silk values in Aw-rica.
45 inch Ali-Silk plain and lolka Dot
Fish Nets at 00 cents—dollar gdds.
1,000 other equally large in these
Correspond with our Mailorder De
partment for particulars, am] write for
Every trade, perfect satisfaqion to the
customer or money refuuded.)
115 to 121 FedeJil St.,
Body Brussels
From SI,OO to $1,25.
At45c,60c,75c, and 85c
At 40c,50c,60c, and 75c
Our Curtain Department is the largest in
the city, in every grade of Lace and
heavy Curtains. Floor Cloths
and Mattings in all widths
and Qualities