Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, June 27, 1890, Image 4

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    The Johnstown Democrat.
"TERMS— per year, payable In advance ;
outside the county, fifteen cents additional for
postage. If not paid within three months *2
will be charged. A paper can be discontinued
at any time by paying arrearages, and not
The failure to direct a discontinuance at the
expiration of the period subscribed for will be
considered a new engagement. A'cto Subscrip
tions must be accompanied by the CASH.
Editor and publisher,
FIuTIAYJUNE 27 1800.
nWWUUiellll County Ticket.
For Congress.
Subject to the decision of the Democratic
For Assembly,
M. FITZHARRIS, of Oallitzin.
|ED. T. MoNEELIS, of Johnstown.
For Treasurer,
CHARLES J. MAYER, of Johnstown.
For Commissioners,
PATRICK E. DILLON, of Elder two.
JOHN KIRBY, of Johnstown.
For Auditors,
WILLIAM C. BERRY, of Wilmore.
JOSEPH 111PPS, of Chest twp.
For Poor House Director,
8. W. MILLER, of Johnstown.
FLIES arc so unusually numerous this
year that some of them are alighting on
Dr. Harrison's Administration.
CLARION county's three delegates to the
State Convention are Pattison men. Arm
strong county lias instructed her three rep
resentatives similarly.
" BKKAK in on the Philadelphia lines."—
M. S. Q. Significant words. The auto
crat knows well the extent to which the
party is subservient to him.
TUB Republican State platform indorses
the McKinlcy bill as it came from the House
of Representatives. What about Blaine's
reciprocity or the Senate amendments?
■ ■ ■ ♦♦♦.
Ii- anybody can tell by its recently
adopted platform whether the Republican
party favors the free coinage of silver or
not, we are anxious to bear from him.
HON. A. 11. COFFROTII and C. W. Wil
liamson have been elected delegates to
the Democratic State Convention, from
Somerset county. They go uniustructed.
Ir is said that the Hastings men were
able to out-shout Delamater's friends at
Harrisburg. Being able to out-vote them
would have been worlh much more just
at that time.
THK triumphant success ot the entire (.Slate
Republican] ticket at the polls In November is
hardly doubtful.— Tribune.
Hardly? That assertion strikes one as
being a little weak, doesn't it?
TIIE appearance of yellow fever in
Florida thus early in the season looks as
if a serious epidemic might he expected,
unless more than usually vigorous meas
ures are taken to prevent it.
W UAT a yell the good and true papers
of the " grand old party" would have
raised had such a free trade pioposal as
Secretary Blaine's reciprocity scheme
come from the pen ot Thos. F. Bayard as
Secretary of State.
THE Republican Convention at Harris
burg yesterday unreservedly eulogized
Quay and bis methods. It nominated his
man for Governor. In fact it was Quay's
Convention. The issue is Quay ism. The
Democratic party accepts it.
GKOVKELINU subserviency to a party
boss never reached a lower depth than in
the brazen resolution of the I'eunsylvania
Republican Convention in respect to Mat
thew 8. Quay. But the Republican party
is celebrated for this sort of thing.—A.
Y. World.
TUEKK is no doubt about the result of
10-dny's convention at Ilarrisburg. Dela
matc r said yesterday, " I am just as sure
of my nomination as I am that the con
vention will meet." He will score a point
by having control of the permanent or
TUB following remarkable statement has
lately appeared in a novel: "At that mo
ment the worthy pastor appeared on the
threshold of the manse. His hands were
thrust into the pockets of his large, loose
coat, while he turned over the leaves of
the prayer-book and wiped his specta
CONCBUNI.NO the responsibility with
which the Republican Convention at Ilar
risburg to-day is charged, the Pittsburgh
Leader of lust evening speaks thus: "By
the issue of this meeting the citizens of
this Commonwealth will be apprised
whether or not the reign of Quayism is to
be perpetuated, to the suppression of the
true principles of self-government."
WHEN the Republican Convention came
to where the road forked they took the
McKinley branch by indorsing his bill in
the form in which it came from the House
of Representatives. Blaine, it seems, is to
have his branch of the road to himself.
By the way, haven't gome of the close
friends of the Plumed Kniglit had time to
digest his recipocity scheme sufficiently
to let us hear from them on the subject ?
Bpeak out, brethren.
The Dependent Pension Bill has been
passed by the Seuate and the House, and
will undoubtedly receive the President's
signature. It assigns pensions at the rate
of eight dollars per month, first, to all
men over sixty years of age who served
ninety days in the Union army ; secondly,
to nil men who, having so served, are
now for any reason disabled ; thirdly, to
the dependent widows and children of
men who shall have belonged to either of
the above classes. It will raise the an
nual appropriation for pcusions, accord
ing to what seem reasonable estimates, to
at least a hundred and fifty million dol
Such a demand upon a nation's treas
ury is unprecedented. The Pension list
of Frederick the Great in Prussia, after a
series of wars, did not amount, it is said,
to a week of our expenditure. The pres
ent pension fund of Germany, after her
three victorious wars of the last quarter
century, is less than nine millions a year.
It is worth recalling, too, that General
Grant's allowance of what would be war
ranted for pensions was twenty-seven
millions, and President Garfield's, $38,-
000,000. The sum now granted,in compli
ance with the persistent demands of that
organization which many self-respecting
Grand Army veterans are beginning to be
ashamed of, is so exorbitant that some
journals advocate a wholesale repeal of
all existing pension laws, and the appoint
ment of a commission to devise a new
plan that shall at once do ample justice to
the soldier and avert the ruinous depletion
ot the national finances.
Meanwhile, there is one question we
should like to ask. If the principle is
just of pensioning every soldier who
served in the war, why has no one ever
thought of pensioning the women who
served as nurses ? If it be objected that
they were paid, so were the soldiers.
And, iu addition to the paid nurses, hun
dreds' if not thousands, of women volun
teered for service. In hospitals, and
camps, and on battlefields they did heroic
work, and rendered invaluable ministries
and endured untold hardships. It will
never be known how many such women
have borne ever since in shattered nerves
nud broken health the marks of that devo
tion. It will never be known how many
have yielded their lives as its price. And
yet there is no popular hue and cry about
recognizing their services with pecuni
ary reward, and ceitainly uooneof them
has ever asked it. Can it be that they
have been ignored because they can't
vote ?
As A SPECIMEN of monopoly, the trust
that gobbled up New York city's supply
of ice for the purpose of extoiling high
prices for the valuable summer article,
has rarely an equal. The price of ice
went up so high that thousands of people,
to whose taste ice water and articles of
food k.'pt cool by its use, tasted just as
good as they did to their richer neighbors,
were obliged to do without the luxury.
No monopoly was ever more complete,
but it was short-.ived. One American citi
zen, when there aienofetters to bind him,
is just about as sharp as any other of his
countrymen. It therefore came to pass
that some ships laden with the choicest
ice arrived from the rocky fiords of Nor
way. where in the winter there is never a
scarcity of ice. This, with the promise of
plenty more as it was needed,was brought
into competition with the monopolistic
home product, with the result that lower
prices followed and ice merchants be
came more obliging. And this competition
of the foreign article witli the domestic
product was in consequcnee of two
things. In the first place there would
have been no thought of importing ice
had not the limited product been monop
olized by a few with a view of making
fortunes out of the necessities of the
people. And in the second place the
foreign article could not have come into
competition had there been a high tariff
on frozen water as there is on most other
things. And who would have profited
by the monopoly had its back not been
broken ? Why, the laboreis who cut the
ice. of course. And in order that there
may be a permanent advancement of the
wages of ice cutters, would it not be well
to have a duty on foreign ice ?
THE prospects for the passage by the
Senate of the McKinley bill in anything
like its original shape are anything but
promising. Many striking reductions
have been proposed by the Senate, llow
the seeming irreconcilable ooinions held by
theSenatc Committee and the House are to
be brought to a common agreement is not
clear. It is stated that there is a proba
bility of the union of a sufficient number
of tariff reform Republicans with the
Democrats in the House to bring about a
concurrence with the Senate's amend
ments. Of course the measure would not
even then meet the approval of the Demo
cratic members, but they would probably
support it as the best that could be done
wit ha Republican majority in both
branches of Congress.
TIIBRK is now much discussson as to
whether Mr. Harrison is seeking a re
election. The Philadelphia Times thinks
it is now a grave problem whether any
President can be elected as his own im
mediate successor unless some over
shadowing issue shall carry the adminis
tration through. The Times further says:
' No such issue seems likely to come to
the aid of Harrison. Cleveland clothed
an old issue witii new importance, but he
was in advance of his issue and fell in the
conflict. The issue survives, however,
and it will need only President Harrison's
approval of the McKinlcy tariff bill, or
some like bill, increasing taxes upon the
masses for the bemtit of the classes, to
recall Cleveland to victory in 1892."
KINO HUMIIEBT is about the only mon- I
arcblwho lives within the amount allowed
him by the civil list, and occasionally
even he crowds the limit. For instance,
last year the royal household was allowed
15,850,000 francs, and the King spent 15,
849,999 fraocs and nine-two centimes. This
left him a cent and three-quarters to his
credit, and it would be a good thing if all
kings and queens could do as well.
THE fact that the Democratic and seml-Dem
ocratlc;preßsof the State don't like the Republi
can ticket nominated yesterday is a strong ar
gument in favor of Its Republican worth.-Trib
Of all the ineu named for the nomina
tion, Delamater was the man the Demo
crats wished to see put through, and they
also wanted the Convention to indorse
Quay and the Harrison administraticn.
They wanted the people to see how the
one-man power does things in this State
If the Democrats had been doing the
work for the Republicans, it would not
have been done differently in one particu
lar. They wanted to see the man that stands
as the embodiment of bribery, bossism
and boodle "vindicated." They want the
people of i'enusylvahia to pass opinion on
Quayism. No, sir ; the whole proceeding
suits us.
IN concluding its lengthy editorial on
Delamater's nomination, the Philadelphia
Times says; " The contest of 1890 in this
State means everything to contending po
litical parties. If Delamater shall be de
feated, the whole btate ticket, the Legis
lature and the majority of the Congres
sional delegation will be likely to go with
him, and it will mean that Pennsylvania
is no longer a Republican State. It will
mean a revolution against oppressive taxes
upon industry and the necessaries of life;
against increasing taxes while plunging
the National Treasury into bankruptcy,
and against revolutionary and lawless
methods to force legislation and pervert
elections. These are the questions which
will rise above both Quay and Delamater,
and above all candidates in the contest;
and they will rule the verdict of the peo
ple of Pennsylvania in November next."
It is no disparagement to ex-Senator
Wallace's abilities or no reflection on his
Democracy that he does not find the way
clear in his efforts to obtain the guberna
torial nomination. Against his qualifica
tions his integrity, or his party fidelity no
one can say aught. The people of Penn
sylvania have too favorable a remem
brance of hi s distinguished services to in
any manner detruct from his deserved
fame. If nominated, he would receive
the cntliusiatic support of his party. But
the wshes of a majority of tiie party in
Pennsylvania undoubtedly favor the nom
ination of ex-Governor Pattisou for rea
sons which must be patent to every one.
Before engaging in a battle the wise
general lakes account of the forces aud
c mditions confronting him. The Demo,
cratic voters in this State are outnumber
ed by at least 50,000, and the only means
by which we can hope for success is by
making a nomination that will draw to
its support the independent element of
the Republican party. The State cannot
he carried by straight out Democratic vot
ers, for the simple reason that they are
numerically too weak. There is uo
doubt about Mr. Pattison's popularity
with his parly aud his acceptability with
the independent voters, and in voting for
him thousands of them will also vote the
Democratic legislative and congressional
tickets. His nomination would give
strength to every Democratic county
ticket in the State. The best polities is
the politics that wins, proper means being
used. The wisest action of the State
Democracy would be to nominate the
man who is strongest with the people and
about the chances of whose success there
is the leapt doubt. And that man in the
opinion of the Cambria County Democracy
is Robert Emory Pattisou.
Itisllop Spalding Makes Another Speech
on Woman's Rights.
Notke Dame, Intl., June 36. —'The rad
ical declarations of Bishop Spalding, of
Peoria, in speaking to the faculty and
students of Notre Dame University on the
position of women, has created a sensa
tion here among Catholics. Last evening,
at the commencement of St. iMary's Acad
emy, the Bishop went even fur
ther. After having con plimentcd the
work of the Sisters] |of the Congre
gation of the Holy Cross, he said
that tie position of women had been the
position that the Southern planters gave
their slaves. It is no better to-day than
it was years ago. They were treated
kindly—as the slaves of the men, he
knew had been treated, but kept in ignor
ance. In this country, however, the
Bishop said women had emancipated
themselves. American women are more
intelligent than American men. He de
manded the highest education for woman,
and declared that she must henceforth
work side by side with man for the prizes
for which men work and win.
The Bishop's words seemed very like a
statement of advanced belief in woman's
rights. They were applauded again and
A California Stage Robbery.
CALISTOGA, Oal., June 26 —On Law ley
toll road,about 9 miles from Calistoga, to
day, three men robbed the Harlem Spring
stage, mistaking it for ike stage carrying
the express and mail. There were nine
passengers in tiie stage. From Mr. Bine
the robbers took $240, two gold watches,
and from the driver they secured $6
♦ ♦ ■
Sport at Roxbury,
At the shooting at live birds yesterday
at Itoxbury, at ten birds, Hurliogkam
rules, the following was the result: Otto
Nickle, 8; I. B. Ilolsinger, 8; W. W.
Walker, 7.
Nature in Convulsion
a terrific. Volcanic eruptions, cyclones, earth
quakes are awfully and tremendously plctur ■
esque, but scarcely desirable to emulate In ac
tion and effect by the administration of rem
edies which produce convulsion and agony la
the abnormar portion of the human frame, such
Is the effect of the old fashioned violent purga
tives happily falling more and more Into disuse,
and of which llostetter's Stomach Hitters Is the
wholesome, pleasant, and far more effective
seccedaneum. They weakened the Intestines—
the Bitters Invigorates them. They left the
bowels Inactive, because lncanaclatcd by ensu
ing feebleness. The Bitters, on the contrary,
and beeause It enables, not forces, them to act
—a vast and fortunate difference—perpetuates
their activity and regularity. The liver Is bene
ficially stimulated, as the kidneys also are, by
this medicine, which easily conquers, also ma
laria, nervousness and rheumatism.
A Haunted House.
This body of ours has b en likened to a tene
ment. It often has a haunted apartment—the
stomach. Scared by the elilrlch t-p lte, dyspep
sia. digestion files and refuses to return, what
can break the spell, what can raise the ban
laid upon the unhappy organs? We answer un
hesitatingly, llostetter's Stomach Bitters, and
we are warranted In the response by the record
ed testimony of myriads, covering a period of
over a third of a century. A course of the Bit
ters, begun In any stage of the affliction, and
persistently followed, will terminate In cure
positive, not partial. The Bitters restores tone
to the eplgrastlc nerve, renews and purities the
Juices exuding from the cellular tissue that act
upon the food dlgestlvely, expels bile from tue
stomach and the blood, and promotes a regular
habit of body. Malaria, kidney complaint, ner
vousness, rheumatism and neuralgia give way
to this medicine.
Words of Advice
To t(hose who require a stimulant. There are
many to whom we could recommend you; we
think there are Just as many honest liquor
dealers as there are dealers In any other class
of merchandize, and again we believe that ther
are many who sell whiskey or any other com
modity, who are not reliable. We have noticed
that our best physicians and superintendents of
hospitals have by heir testimonials highly rec
ommended Klein's Silver Age Kye, therefore we
say his Is the place to which we would advise
every one ro go. He sells six-year-old Gucken
helmer. Finch, Gibson or overholt. for fl per
full quart, or six quarts for $5. Wines, Brandies
and Gins, cheap as the cheapest. Send for com
plete catalogue and price list to Max Klein, S3
Federal street, Allegheny.
The Dlsagieeable Winter Gone,
Now that the cold, drizzly rains are trans
formed to delightful spring, and the muddy roaos
to pleasant drives,lt would be well to look about
ana prepare for the lurking disease often coming
with the new vegetation, as to better enable us
to follow our dally avocations we should be In
good health and spirits. No well regulated fam
ily Is without a stimulant of some kind. Decep
tion Is probably more practiced by unscrupulous
dealers In liquors than any other business, MUX
Klein, 83 Federal street, Is a reliable party; to
him we point with pleasure. No deception no
misrepresentation, no sailing under false colors
with him. ills stiver Age Kye Is positively pure
and sold everywhere for SI.BO per quart onlv.
Ills six-year-old Pennsylvania Rye at $1 each
quart, or six quarts lor SB, are as represented.
Ills wines, brandies and gins are as good and
reasonable as any in the eountry. SencTfor com
plete catalogue and price list to Max Klein, S3
Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. dltawly
Never Neglect a ColtlJ
l)r. Austin Flint says in the Fomm: "It Is
probable that a person with an Inherited ten
dency to consumption would never develop the
disease If he could he piotected against Infection
with the fittwre/e bmiluss. In the light of mod
ern discoveries consumption can no longer be
regarded as an Incurable disease." Kemp's
lialsam, when taken In time, has saved many
from consumption. At all druggists. 50c and
sl. sample free.
100 Ladles Wanted.
And 100 men to call on any druggist for a free
trial package of Lane's Family -Medicine, the
great root and herb remedy, dls overed by Dr.
Silas bane while In the Itocky Mountains. For
diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys It Is a
positive cure For constipation and clearing up
the complexion It does wonders. It Is the best
spring medicine ever used. Large size package,
50 cents. At all druggists.
JCST as sure as hot weather comes there
will he more or less bowel complaint in this
vicinity. Every person, andespectally families,
ought to have some reliable medicine at hand
for Instant use In cose It Is needed, A2sor 50
cent bottle of Chamberlain's code, cholera ana
Dturrhuia Remedy Is Just what you ought 10 have
and all that you would need, even for the most
severe and dangerous cases. It ts the best, the
most reliable, and the most succesful treatment
known and ts pleasant to take. For sale by
curt G. Campbell, W. B. Tlce and t lias, urlf
milliard's Throat and Lung lialsam.
i or throat and lung troubles this remedy has
no equal, It Is guaranteed to cure consumption
In Its llrst stages, and even In advanced stages
of that disease It relieves coughing and Induces
sleep. You may have a cough or a cold at any
time, therefore no household, especially with
children, should be without It. For all affec
tions of the throat, luugs and chest, croup,
whoopingcougli, hoarseness, spitting of blood
and all pulmonary diseases It has no equal
I reputed ouly by Rheumatic Syrup t 0,, .lack
so Mlcli, Ask your druggist for It.
F r sale at slater's drug store, corner of Main
street aud I'ark Place, Jonustowu, Pa.
HON. W. V. LUCAS, ex-tate Auditor of lowa,
says: " I have used chamberlain's cough Rem
edy lu my family and hive 110 hesitation In say
tug It ts an excellent remedy. I believe It Is all
that Is claimed for It. persons altllcted by a
cough or cold win find It a friend." There Is no
danger rrom whoopldg cough when this remedy
Is freely given. Fifty cent bottles tor sate by
Cur G. Cambell. tv. B. Tlce and chas. Grif
Rheumatism Can he Cured.
It has baffled the skill of our best physicians,
aud there are to-day more men, women and
children suffering from this terrible disease than
ever before, and the opinion seems universal
that It Is Incurable, hut t Ills Is n mistaken idea
for it can be cured by using as directed Hlb
bard's Rheumatic Syrup and strengthening
Plasters, prepared by Rheumatic Syrup GO.,
Jackson, Mich.; price tl.uo per bottle or six bot
tles foi 15.00; or we will send It to any address
011 receipt of price. For sale at stater's drug
store, corner of Main street and Park Place.
Biggest and Best.
It Is not always true that the best tilings are
contained In the smallest packages, a striking
exception to thisold rule Is found lu Van Wert's
Balsam for the lungs. Tills remedy which Is so
remarkably efficacious In the treatment of
coughs, hoarseness,lncipient asthma, bronchitis
and consumption is put up In large bottles which
contains sufficient of the medicine to cure an or
dinary family. The Balsam Is for sale by W. 11.
Tlce, druggist, corner Franklin and Locust
streets, Johustown, Pa. Trial size tree.
Special from Kvurt, Mich.
G. ,V. Rrwv, Druggist, Evarl, Mich.
I want to say to you that Hlbbord's Rheu
matic syrup is, In my opinion, the greatest
medlciue ever put up. You are fully aware how
lame and sore I was at the time you advised me
to try the remedy, my back and ankles were so
sore and lame, and the pain so severe that I
could scarcely move about. Three bottles of
this remedy cured me when everything else that
1 tried failed. It Is a valuable medicine
erank v. Handy.
The above statement Is t rue and It affords me
much pleasure to recommend this medicine
G. W, Bruck.
Ask your druggist for It. Prepared only by
Rrkuatic Svki'P 0., Jackson, Mlcli
For sale at slater's drug store, corner of Main
street and Park Place. Johnstown, Pa.
A Fortunate Woman.
Mrs, Mary L. Baker, of ovld, Mich., lias reason
to bo very thankful, she was a great sufferer
from heart disease for years, was short of
breath, had hungry spells, pain In side, Butter
ing, falntness, etc. After taking two bottles of
Dr. Miles' New lleart cure,she says. " I am bet
ter than for twenty years. My mind and eye
sight have Improved wonderfully I advise all
persons thus afflicted to use this great remedy."
J. M. Taney & Go., druggists, recommend and
guarantee It. Dr. Miles' woik on Heart. Dls
ease. contain marvelous testimonials, free.
They all Failed.
The following letter from Mr. W. A. Thomp
son, of Golurnbus, Wis., Is peculiarly Interest
ing : "My wife," says he, "liasbeen treated
for her head, stomach and nervous pros),ration
by three doctors In New York, two In Chicago,
one in Philadelphia, one In Cincinnati!, and at
the large Institute in Buffalo sixteen months.
They all tailed. But one liottlc of Dr. Mile's Re
storative Nervine helped hor wonderfully."
This should be used In all headaches,backaches,
changes of life, nervous disturbances, llts, rheu
matism, etc. Ask at John M. Taney A Go.'a
drug store for a free trial botlie and Dr. Miles'
new book 011 the Nerves tnd Heart.
I i ItlhUf TVjm>.A.KOTT.Nuw YorkCfcJ
June Bargains
Which our Mail Order puts in your
reach. But don't expect to find them
hero for you if you don't write for them
until July or August. The time lo buy
JUNK BARGAINS is in June, and this is
50,000 yards of the fluest French
Sa tines.
At 15, 20 and 25 cents a yard.
Worth 85, 40 and 45 cents a yard.
And you never saw or heard of them
selling under these higher prices at this
season of the year. These are the finest
goods, all of tins season's manufacture
and styles.
And tens of thousands of yards of the
finest American and Scotch Ginghams at
Bc, 10c, 12ic, 15c, 20c and 25c—all re
duced for these great June bargain sales
—the 8c ones reduced from 12, and the
20 and 25e ones from 40 and 45c.
Write for samples at o::ee.
r l nousAND* OK YAKIW of very choice,
extra wide (42 iiichos) all wool imported
Dress Goods, in plains, mixtures, stripes,
plaids and checks, in choice patterns and
cho ce coloring, at 50c a yard-all reduced
from ?oc 85c, 90c and *I.OO a yard—now
only 50c a yard
Write to our Mail Order for samples at
600-621 Penn Avenue,
Wo. 192 Main Street.
DEPOSITS reoeived of onedollarand upward,
nr deposits exceeding a total or $2,000 will
he received (rom anyone person. Interest lsdus
In Ihe mont lis of June and December, and It not
withdrawn Is added to the deposit, thus com
pounding twice a year wit hour troubling t he de.
posltor to call or even to present the deposit
Money loaned on Keal Estate. Preference with
liberal rates and long time given to borrowers
offering tlrst mortgages on farms worth four or
more ttmes the amount of loan desired: also,
moderate loans made on town property where
ample security Is offered, (food reference, per
fect titles, etc., required.
Thtscorporallon Isexclustvely a savings Bank
No commercial deposlis received, nor discount
made. No loans on personal security.
Blank applications for borrowers, copples of
the rules, by-laws, and special acts of the legis
lature relallng to deposits of married women
and minors can be obtained at the Bank.
Trcstkks—Herman Baumer, B. 1,. Yeagley,
.rohn Hannan, John Thomas, r. B. Ellis, Pear
son Fisher, James J. Fronheiser, John Lowman,
W. B. I.owman, James McMlllen, James qulnn,
Howard J. Koberts, win. A. Stewart, Geo. T.
Swank, Jacob Swank, W. W. Walters. James
McMlllen, President; John I.owman, Herman
Baumer, Geo. 'l'. swank. Vice Presidents; W. C'.
Lewis. Treasurer; Gyrus Elder, solicitor maris
ortice No. 43 Morris street. Johnstown, I'a
Established 183a.
Broom Manufacurers Supplies.
General commission Merchants
-77 Water street. Pittsburgh, Pa.
June 13-wlm
Valuable Heal Estate.
By virtue of an alius order of the orphans' court
of Cambria county, to me directed, and be
ing Joined by Mary A. Phillips, widow or
Peter E. Philips, deceased, I will offer
for sale, at Public Auction or out
cry, on the premises on
Saturday, June 28, 1890.
The Following Described
Lot or Piece of Ground,
situate, lyiug, and being lu the Fifth ward of
the city of Johustown, county of Cambria,
and state of Pennsylvania, particularly de
scribed as follows,Mo wit: Fronting on the
westerly side of Morris street forty-nine and
one-half feet (49X feet) and extending hack the
same width one hundred and sixty-five feet
(15 feet) to an alley, having on the northerly
side an alley, and on the southerly side lot now,
or late or Gillian Hoffman, George Drubaker,
and others.
one third of the purchase money to be paid on
the continuation of the sale; one-third In one
year thereafter, with Interest, and the remain
ing one third to be paid at the death of Mary A.
Philips to Lillian Phillips, her heirs or legal
representatives, the Interest thereon, in the
meantime to be paid semi-annually to Mary a.
Phillips, widow of Peter E. Phillips, deceased,
during her lifetime. The deferred payments to
bo secured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser. JOHN D. ROBERTS,
Je",ltd3tw Guardian of Lillian Phillips,
Office No. 2, Aim* Hall, Main street, Johns
town, Pa. All business given fal t lit ul and prompt
attention. Jat/O
HENRY H KUAN, Attorney-at
Law.* Office opposite First National Bank
No. 195 Locust street, Johnstown, Pa.
EJaucljn & €a.'
The only sure cure for Coras. Stops all pain
Ensures comfort to tbo feet, fifteen cents at
druggists. HlscoxACo.
Have you Cough. Bronchitis. Asthma. Indiges
tion ? Use Barker's ulnger Tonic. It. has cured
he woret cases and is the best remedy for all
ills arising from defective nutrition. Take in
time. Fifty cents and one dollar.
/7 Carpenter's Automatic
1"' CtJ Lace Back Suspender
}J, )? I combining every requisite
fin \ I¥ \ needed In a suspender. Either
ii M ha "giving without, disturbing
w " ,'fiy Vfiik the other half and no slipping
r'j \u\ off the shoulder. At retail by
If! Yijk best houses—soc., 75C.. |1.50.
W samples mailed free ou receipt
of price In posuil note or stamps. I.aee Back
Suspender Co.. 55? and 55'J Broadway. New York.
Who contemplates pursuing a course of study
In the commercial branches, should have free
copies ot the Mustruted circular and srth An
nual Catalogue of the
describing the new building, which for extent
convenience, furnishing, decorations, ami gen
oral elegance. Is not elsewhere approached in
the 'Jntted states. For thorough, praci leal in
struction In Hie useful branches, this Institution
has long -tooit at the head,
IRQ A Ms: fl ' Blanos ft o. Cat-ilogne free
unUnllO Daniel F Beatty. Washington. N. .1
lILK liil
Milkmen and Dairymen. You an Keep milk
and cream fresh a week without using Ice
Thoroughly healthful. No expense, send for
sample and circular. The I'reservallne Ufa
Co., 38 Cedar street, New York.
My Story of the
and oil the Battle-field. By MAIt Y A. LI VEKMOItF..
bow filing like wddjlre, GTP lio competition. 700 pttfti.
Splendid Steel I'latt-A. 61st thousand. Q~7*6006 on>
A gents Wamted r )i en end W omen. iMntanceno hlndraaoe,
lor me JPan Freight* and gire Extra Tervit. Address,
▲. D. WOBTiriNtfTOZV A CO., Hartford, Uu.
Knr soldiers. Widows and Dependent Helai res.
Write to I). I. MURPHY,
I'. (). Box, Box rat, Washington. 1). 0.
Eighteen years' practical experience as Ex
aminer of claims, supervising Examiner, and
Chief clerk I. S. Pension oillcy. N'o charge rot
™IA. i u ' '* l
How Lost ! How Regained,
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise (
on the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous /
and Physical Debility, impuiitics of the Blood. j
i mmii J V f
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim
for Work, Business, the Married or Social Delation.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this great
w irk. It contains 300 pages, royal Bvo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, foil gilt. Price only SI.OO by
mall, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. The
distinguished author, Win. H. Parker, M. I)., re
troui Che National .Medical AHNoriatioo lor
rhi* PKI/E ESSAY on NEItYOCH and
Pi 1 Ys KAL DKIULIT Y.Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may he consulted, confi
dentially. by mail or in person, at the office of
No. 4 llullinrh St., Boston, whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should be
directed as above.
ft y Mitchell's Kidney Plasters
/) ~ZZ-r Absorb 'l disease in the Kidneys and
j\ \ / restore tliom to a healthy condition.o
//MM Old chronic kidney sufferers say
\ f \ they got no relief nntu u '°y tricd
Bold by Dm prists everywhere, or sent by mail for 30c
Novelty Plaster Works, Lowell, Muss.
"W''Al p.v; r—rx. rs
CUSHIONS. Whlsponi heart!. Com.
fortaMe. HaeM*fal wharvall lleidl*fkll. Hold by V. UISCOI*
•alj, Ofc* Br'dwoy, Now York. Wrlie for book of prooOi FLEE.
A#l, PARKER'S <'
' gs an< ' beautifies the hair.
* MBPromotes a luxuriant growth.
Never Fail to Restore Gray
JH Hair to its Youthful Color.
Dandruff and hair fulling
WANTED, All Expenses Paid, to sell all the
leading varieties ana specialties In Nursery
stock. Address 11. C. PHILLIPS, Nurseryman,
Rochester, N. T. JuntMt
little tolks.
This great family medicine has done more for
the human body than all the doctors In the
country. We will guarantee a cure for any
stomach trouble. It will oure any case of cramps
or diarrhea, and as a blood Purl tier it has no
equal. Price *1 per bottle. It Is for sale by all
druggist., or by the
342 Federal Street, Allegheny City.