Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, June 27, 1890, Image 1

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What Republican Paper* Have to Say
About the Nomination of Delamater.
Pittsburgh Leader.
Senator Quay "vindicated" himself
yesterday by forcing the nomination of
George W. Delamater as the Republican
candidate for Governor. There is not,
and there cannot be, anything more than
the feeblest pretense that the nomination
conforms to the sentiment of the Repub
lican party in Pennsylvania, considered
as a fie: agent and without reference to
the machine government of which it is
the victim. Delamater is a figurehead
for Quay. Any of the opposing candi
dates is personally more popular and
more respected than he, and that this fact
is recognized by citizens of ail classes,
irrespective of partisanship, is attested by
the storm of protest against the nomina
tion which his gone up from Republi
The Democrats can make the struggle a
close one if they choose. Their only hope
at all is the nominating of a pure, honest
candidate—one who is known to be free
from obieclionable associations and capa
ble of discharging the functions of chief
executive ot the commonweal h without
fear or bias. Such a man is Ex-Governor
Robert E. Paf.ison, who, during his pre
vious term of office, demonstrated his ab
solute integrity, trustworthiness and in
dependence of thought and action. With
such a man as Pattison the Democrats
could make the contest exceedingly close,
but even with Pattison to oppose him, we
feel that Quay can safely land Delamater.
Pittsburgh chronicle Telegraph..
The Republican Stale Convention yes
terday was a most grotesque affair. A
Republican Convention which had 204
members was made up according to the
first ballot thus : The field, 120 ; Dela
mater 84. These delegates weie thought
to be representatives of the [Repub
lican voters, inasmuch as they were
chosen at primary elections, and in many
cases these elections were held after the
merits of the several candidates had been
thoroughly discussed. An Adjutant Gen
eral. a member of Congress, the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth and a veteran
soldier citizen thought they could have
something to say about the nomination of
This is where the first grotesque effect
is seen. A boy listening to the ticking of
a telegraph instrument and a man in a
smoking-jacket and slippers down in
Beaver were convention and delegates all
in themselves. The delegates were torn
from their moorings and rushed to new
alliances by the arbitrary will of him in
Slippers. The wid of\ue voters was anni
hilated ; this, too, was grotesque. Dele
gates sworn to Montooth in Allegheny de
serted him at a critical moment, when
victory was possible, in response to the
command of Quay ; and delegates from
Philadelphia deserted Hastiugs when he
might have won by steadfastness, because
of orders from Quay. Delegates elected
and instructed for special candidates were
voted by Quay for others. A boy was
the pilot who steered the convention on
the rocks where it lies. This, too, was
The most remarkable coolness prevailed
after the nomination. Men of influence
utterly refused to have any connection
with the candidate elected, Gen. Hastings
refusing to take the responsibility of the
Pittsburgh Dispatch.
The political agony is over, and Dela
raater gets the Republican nomination.
Of all the candidates before the conven
tion he was the only objectionable one,
and the only one who was bitterly, and
upon substantial grounds, opposed both
within and without the party. But he
had the giip on the machiner ; and got
To carry theelectiousis, however, quite
another matter. Hastings, Montooth or
Stone would have won easily. Dclamater,
on the other hand, is handicapped from
the start by intense antagonism, partly on
factional, largely 011 public grounds ; by
open predictions from prominent Repub
licans that " any Democrat can bcut
him : " and, most serious of all. by a
record at Harrisburg which places him
under the greatest suspicion, if it does
not absoluiely prove, that he was moro
distinguished there as a useful and con
spicious agent of powerful corporations
than as a valuablo servant of the public.
The weightiest complaint in illustration
is that in the interests of the Standard Oil
Company, he killed the Billingsley bill,
which was intended for the relief of the
oil producers.
As Delamater stands, he is a weak and
undesirable candidate. But the Republi
can majonty in Pennsylvania is so great
that even a weak and undesirable candi
date may be elected if the Democrats do
not put up one who is singularly strong
and acceptable. They have such a man
in Pattison—a tried, trusted and capable
gentleman. Pattison once before won
ever the Republican majority, and gave
excellent and fearless service as governor.
The public will wait with curious interest
now to see whether he is to run again. If
so, it will be safe to look out for the clos
est and most exciting race so far seen in
Pennsylvania 'politics.
The Crawford Man Nomi
nated on the Third
The Mailed Hand of M. S. Quay Make* li
ne It Felt With the Expected Results—
The Organization of the Convention and
the Platform.
Special to the Johnstown Democrat.
HARRIBBURG, June 25.— The first three
ballots in the Republican State Conven
tion held here to-day resulted as follows:
First ballot—Hastings, 64; Delamater,
84; Montootb, 30; Stone, 15; Osborne,
8; McCormick, 3.
Second bal'ot -Hastings,6l; Delamater,
99; Montootb, 20; Stone, 16; Osborne,
2; McCormick, 2.
Third ballot —Hastings, 58. Dolamater,
105; Montooth, 19; Stone, 15; Osborne,
2, McCormick, 2.
Necessary to a choice, 103 ; Delamater
is therefore nominated,
The convention then took a recess and
during the recess Montooth will probably
be persuaded to accept the second place.
Harrisbcrg, June 25. The Republican
State Convention was called to order this
forenoon at 10 o'clock by Chairman An
drews, George S. Graham, of Philadel
phia, was made Temporary Chairman.
The several committees were appointed,
when the Convention took a recess.
Upon re-assembling, the permanent or
ganization was effected by the selection
of Walter Lyon, of Allegheny, as Chair
After a recess of two hours the Com.
mittee on Resolutions reported the follow
ing platform, which was adopted with a
hurrah :
Once more the Republicans of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in conven
tion assembled, send fraternal greetings
to their party brethren throughout the
nation, and congratulate them and our
selves upon the victory won in 1888 by
the purity of Republican principles
and the patriotism of Republican citizen
For the Chairman of our National Com
mittee, Hi . <4 tay, we feel a lasting sense
of gratitude for his matchless set vices in
the last Presidential campaign, and com
mend his bearing under the slanders
which his successful leadership of our
party has purchased for him. As a cili
zoo, a member of the General Assembly,
as Secretary of the Commonwealth under
two successive administrations, as State
Treasurer by the overwhelming suffrages
of his fellow citizens, and as Senator of
the United States, he has won and retains
our respect and confidence.
In keeping with the sympathy and the
duty of our party we make the following
declaration of principles for the better
ment of political government and the lien,
eflt of our fellow-citizens :
We believe that every lawful voter has
the right to cast a free ballot at every
public election, and have it properly
counted and certified : and we call upon
Congress to adopt such legislation as will
prevent a supprcssian or falsification of
the votes of our fellow citizens at elec
tions for officers of the National Govern
ment and will end political slavery
throughout the nation.
Our care for the welfare of those who
upon the fieid of battle carried triumph
antly the principles of Republiean faith
will end only when the last loyal soldier
of the civil war shall have entered into his
honored rest, and we ask Congress to
grant a per diem service pension to every
Union soldier anil sailor who served in
and was honorably discharged from the
army or navy of the United States.
This claim which the citizens of the
border counties of our Commonwealth
make up on the General Government for
reimbursement for the loss they sustained
in their homes and property at the hands
of the enemy during the last war is one
which National patriotism should respect
and honor, and we urge upon our Con
gressmen the use of every proper effort
to have it quickly and completely satis
We endorse the tariff bill called the
"McKinley bill" in the form in which it
was passed by the House of Representa
tives, and we denounce the criticism
1 passed upon that bill in the English Par
liament as an unwarranted interference
by a foreign nation with the right of the
American people to protect American in
We reaffirm one of the earliest princi
ples of our party when we declare that
American workers should, like American
manufacturers, receive National protec
tion, and we request of the General Gov
ernment the strictest enforcement of the
laws forbidding entrance into and the em
ployment in this country of pauper and
contract laborers of foreign nations.
We urge upon Congress the immediate
necessity of passing such legislation as
will prevent the importation and sale of
oleomargarine and of intoxicating liquors
in this Commonwealth cmtrary to our
acts of Assembly regulating and restrict
ing the same, and empower every State
to enforce its local laws regulating thereto
in the manner and in accordance with the
intent and purpose with which they were
Ballot reform is, and will remain, the
watchword of our party in every State,
and we esfAcially congratulate our polit
ical brethren in New York upon the fact
that although their Democratic Governor
could deform, he could not wholly defeat
their efforts to secure a free ballot for
every American voter throughout tneir
State. We charge the members of the
next General Assembly with the duty to
pass such laws, and, if necessity should
ansc, to provide for such changes in
the constitution of our State as will in
sure to every voter perfect secrecy and
freedom in exercising his right of suf
For almost thirty years the finances of
this State have been under the control of
our party. During this time we devised
a system of taxing corporations, which
serves as a pattern for and has been taken
as a guide by many sister States in their
efforts to collect revenue for public pur
poses. We have paid off the debt which
the Democratic party of this State created
during a time of peace ; we have almost
extinguished the debt which the Demo
cratic party of the Southern States in
flicted upon us during the civil war, aud
years ago we lifted from the lands and
homes of all our fellow citizens the bur
dens of State taxation. But the depres
sion under which our agricultural inter
ests now suffer has made the preseut sys
tem of taxation bear too heavily on them,
and we therefore pledge ourselves to
lighten that burden and as far as possible
to equalize taxation.
To that, end we recommend that the
surplus revenue derived from State tnxa
tton be used to lessen the taxation now
laid upon real estate for local purposes by
applying it, so far as it will in legislative
wisdom avail, to the increase of the ap
propriation for the support of the common
schools, and to making appropriation for
the care of the indigent insane for the ex
penses of the jury system, and of holding
the general elections. If thereby- there
should be necessity for enlarging our
surplus revenue, we favor a just and
equitable insrease in the taxation of
property of corporations.
We recommend that the local system of
taxation be so reformed as to permit
the taxation of money capital for local
purposes iO such an extent as to enable
the local authorities to reduce the rate of
taxation upon real estate loan equitable
We require of the General Assembly
vigilance in making appropriation of the
public money, and of our charitable insti
tutions receiving State aid the strictest
economy in expenditures.
The Clotting Scenes of the Convention—The
Ticket as Completed.
HAKRISBCBG, June 26. —Following is the
ticket as completed last night by the Re
publican State Convention : For Gov
ernor, George W, Delamater, of Mead
ville; Lieutenant Governor, Louis A. Wat
res, of Scranton ; Secretary of Internal
Affairs, Thomas J. Stewart, of Norris
During the recess, following the nomi
nation of Delamater, there was another
attempt to persuade Major Montooth to
take second place on the ticket, buthe re
mained firm and declined all offers.
When the Convention reassembled at 7
o'clock, Prof. Lyte, of Lancaster, was the
first man recognized after Chairman Lyon
had declared nominations to be in order
for si eond place. He placed before the
Convention the name of E. K. Martin.
Mr. Wan en, of Lackawanna, presented
the name of Senator Watres. Samuel E.
Cavin, of Philadelphia, placed J. A. M.
Passmore in nomination. Mr. Browu of
Schuylkill, seconded the nomination of
The nominations closed with Mr.
Brown's speech, and the roll call was im
mediately ordered. By the_ time Alle
gheny couuty had cast its almost solid
vote for Watres it became anparent that
tlio Lackawanna man was the winner, and
Mr. Brown withdrew the name of Pass
more to simplify matters. The ballot then
continued to the end with Watres and
Martin as candidates. The ballot result
suited as follows: Watres, 106;
Martin, 110. Mr. Watres was declared the
nominee, and his nomination made unan
Thomas J. Stewart was renominated
for Secretary of Internal Affairs by accla
mation, upon motion of W. R, Leeds, sec
onded by W. D. Porter.
Meanwhile Chairman Andrews had been
substituted for one of the Crawford coun
ty delegates, and sprung the nomination
of General D. 11. Hastings for Chairman
of the State Committee from January 1
next. The question was immediately
raised whether the General would accept.
Chairman Andrews and Permanent Chair
man Lyon both stated that he would.
With this understanding the election was
made by acclamation.
Alfred Grady, of Philadelphia, then
moved that all the Gubernatorial candi-
dates of the day and the nominees be
invited to appear before the convention.
Mr. Grstz, Wm. Fhnn, and Gen. E. F.
Fisher were sent out to look up the gen
tlemen whose presence was desired. The
only one they brought in was Delaroatcr.
Senator Delamater read a speech ac
cepting the nomination and when lie had
finished Maj. L. G. McCauley and Wm.
R. Leeds announced the declination of
| the chairmanship by General Hastings
and moved its acceptance. Delamater
appeared disgusted and Chairman Lyon
looked around in vain for Chairman An
drews and Frank Willing Leech, appar
ently being at a loss what to do. Col.
Carter, of Crawford, relieved his embar
rassment by moving the re-election of
Chairman Andrews, which was accom
plished forthwith, and then the conven
tion adjourned tine die.
•She Attktt the CourtK to Free Her of Her
Nine Time* llusbaiMl.
PROVIDENCE, R. 1., June 20.— The di
vorce records of this term will be enriched
by the entry of a very peculiar petition
from Mrs. Stella Weston, the wife of the
Rev. Charles Weston, a Wisconsin min
ister, who will contest the petition. Mrs.
Weston took the preliminary steps this
morning by instructing her lawyer to
make out her remarkable story for pre
sentation to the Court. The woman
is thirty-two years of age, and bus
been married nine times, all within
the space of eight years, Mr. Weston
being her first and her ninth husband.
He is also her second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, seventh, aud eighth husband, all
her marriages having been solemnized
with the same bridegroom. According to
her statement the Rev. Charles Weston is
a marriage maniac, that is, he is ever
seeking to be married, never insisting
upon a new bride, but being perfectly
content with Mrs. Weston in that role.
Owing to this matrimonial mania Mrs.
Weston says her married life has been one
long and harrowing honeymoon. They
were first married at the little town of
Millbrook, in Wisconsin, and according to
the forms of the Methodist Church.
Europe was selected for a honeymoon
tour, and while In Dublin he told her he
thought their marriage was not eccle
siastically perfect bee mse the parson
who united them had not been ordained
by apostolic imposition of hands. He
held that this was absolutely necessary
and made arrangements for another mar
aiagc in Sr. Pactrick's Cathedral, of Dub
lin. She thought him over-scrupulous,
but consented, and there was another
wedding. On their return home in tl e
steamer he discovered another flaw. He
had learned that St. Patrick's Cathedral
had once been a catholic cathedral; that
the mass ha 1 ' been sung there, and that
the cathedral had not been rededicated
since it ceased to be used for Roman Cath
olic worship, This omission he held to
be fatal and another marriage was ordered!
Then lie forced her to be married on board
ship by a Presbyterian minister. Rev.
James Munroe.
Attendance atone of Ingersoll'slectures
where John Calvin was denounced, con
vinced him that this was illegal. Mar
riages by Baptists, Unitarians, Sweden
borgians and Spiritualists then followed,
and then, a year ago, his wife got weary,
left him, and removed to this city, where
she is now living with her sister.
She has had letters from her husband
telling her that he has ascertained beyond
all possible doubt that a Congregational
marriage is the only one that has the in
dorsement of heaven, and that if she will
but consent to a wedding in a Congrega
tional Church he will forgive her flight
and promise that this shall be positively
the last nuptials he will aslt her to par
ticipate in.
The Murder of I>avil .Moore.
NKWBCKOII, June 26. —The David Moore
lured to his death in Allen Park, Ottawa,
111., and robbed of $1,200, is a native of
this city. He was the son of David Moore
of the wholesale lumber iirm of D. Moore
& Co., who was one of Nowburgh's fore
most citizens, a man of wealth and intlu
ence, and the heaviest lumber dealer.
Twenty-five years ago in this part of the
State David succeeded to his father's busi
ness and failed. Subsequently he went to
Chicago and then further West, continu
ing in the lumber trade as a salesman.
One of his brothers is Thomas Moore, a
well-known lawyer of Brooklyn. David
was about forty-five years of age.
Johnstown Talent WHIM,
In the contest for the championship in
music at St. Joseph's Academy, Seton
Hill, Miss Rose Sloan, of this city, came
out victorious. The test of skill was con
ducted by three eminent musicians who
were strangers to the contesting young la
dies, and took place a few days prior to
the commencement, which was held on
Wednesday. At the commencement Miss
Sloan was awarded a gold medal for her
Died uk the Result of a Fall.
'Squire John M. Strayer, a contracting
carpenter, of Portage, fell from a build
ing in that place on Wednesday and so
badly injured himself that he died yester
day morning.
The Rescuer* Reach the Mine— Delayed liy
I'rreniitlons-Oreat Anxiety A Shut-
Down In the Coke Region.
DUNBAR, Fa., June 24. At 6 o'clock
this morning the little town was astir
with the news that the Hill Farm mine
had been reached. The news spread like
wildfire, aud in a half hour the newspaper
men and physicians were plodding up the
hill to the pit mouth.
When the mouth of the mine was
reached it was learneil that about 3:30
this morning a hole was broken through
the coal into an opening on the other side.
At ouce arrangements were made to keep
out the air. The hole was bratticed up
with muslin and a canvas door made.
Then a test of the air was made, and it
was found to be very good. Au hour and
a half was lost in waiting before the in
spectors would permit the men to pro
ceed. The shift working now is clearing
the space in the opening. No one knows
what is ahead, but if the maps are correct
there should be but little trouble from the
falls of slate and stone.
I saw Mine Inspector Keighley, who
said : "We broke into an opening this
morning. lat once had the hole closed.
We lost an hour and a half waiting to
have the air testui and the currents fixed.
It would be fatal to turn in the air now.
We have fifty men working, and I must
protect them. That is why lam using so
much caution. I hope to know the fate
of the men before 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Of course it may take longer."
"If the men survived the explosion,
and the air in that entry in the Hill Farm
mine is as good as the opening you struck,
what are the chances of the men being
alive ? "
" Very good. Under such conditions I
think we can bring some of them out
alive. You can rest assured we will do
the very best we can."
Every one was wearing a more hopetul
expression this morning, the agony be
ing almost ended, and it will be a most
joyful day if the men are brought out
A few moments later I saw District
Master Workman Kerfoot. He has been
at the mine since early this morning. He
said : " 1 can only learn that the men
have struck through the coal, as they
have been doing all along. They don't
know any more where they are now than
they did yesterday. They can't know
where they are nntil they strike the flat.
Theu they can tell something.
At 10 o'clock I visited the mine again.
Inspector Blick had just come out of the
mine. He looked very cheeiful and said
h felt much encouraged. "We are still
working in the 'gob," but have only a few
feet to go till we reach the line."
"What about the hole vou made through
the coal ?" I asked the Inspector.
"Well, you see we did breakthrough
and found the ventilation all changing.
Of course this put us to our metal. We
worked very hard to find whele it came
from. We don't know yet, but we do
know that it did not come from the Hill
Farm mine, and that it is not going that
''What progress are you making ?"
"We are pushing things at a most lively
rate. We are making better headway
than at any time during the past three
days. The 'gob' is loose, much looser
than we have had for some time."
"How far are you from the line ?"
"From 8 to 14 feet, and 1 think we will
be there soon. The men are work'ng like
beavers and arc anxious to get through.
All of them are satisfied that we are doing
the best we can."
District Master Workman Kerfoot this
morning ordered out all the miners in the
entire coke region. They are to meet at
Scottdale to-morrow in convention. The
subject to be discussed is the recovery of
the imprisoned men, dead or alive.
Kerfoot is reported as saying that with
his force he could iiave cleared away the
entire surface of the lii'l in which the Hill
Farm mine is located. The officials of
the company say they would be glad to
have their coal exposed. It is certain that
Kerfoot will be kept out of the Mahouing
mine. It is also ascertained that Inspec
tor Keighley and his men will push along
in the same direction they arc going. The
Inspector said he can get all the men
needed, and would keep on the line for
ten day 3 if necessary.
Mr. Seldon Taylor, a civil engineer
from Pittsburgh, was down the mine twice
this morning. The last visit he paid was
just a short while before 11 o'clock. The
talk around the mine has been concerning
the action of Col. Kerfoot in stopping the
woiks throughout the region,
Mr, Taylor said : " Every one can
say that Peter Wise has worked right
aioDg through this trouble like a man.
He told mo in talking of this order of
Kerfoot's that ho could not understand it.
He said Kerfoot had no authority to issue
such an order. He further added that
every member of the Board of Knights of
Labor who had visited the mine since the
work of rescue began had approved of
each step. It strikes me that this is
pretty hard on Kerfoot.
"Just what good this convention which
Kerfoot has called will do, is not known
by many people. The law of the State
NO. 10.
provides the Mine Inspector, in whose
district such an accident occurs, shall
take charge of nflairs and go right ahead.
If necessary he has the authority to call
for the militia through the proper chan
nel. Mr. Keiehley is determined to push
through on this line a d Mr. Kerfo u i may
meet with more trouble than he antici
pates should he attempt to take posses
sion of the mine for the purpose of direct
ing the work of rescue."
At 12 o'clock to day the air at the head
ing where the men were working was
reported as the very best. The tempera
ture had fallen from 100 degrees to 70.
Work is proceeding rapidly and results
may be expected most any tune.
DUSBAK, PA., June 25.—The coal line
has been reached.
At 10 o'clock this morning fifteen feet
of coal had been mined. Drills are going,
and Inspector Evans has ordered a longer
It is expected that the men will be
through in a few iiours. There are about
sixty feet of coal to go through, and the
rate of speed is from six to ten feet an
The visit of Secretary Robert Watch
oru, of the Miners' Union, has most ef
fectually squashed the kicking of the out
siders, who have been so very free in
the'r criticisms of the manner in which
the work wa3 being done.
Col. Kerfoot, the District Master Work
man, has rescinded the order calling for a
close down of the region and a convention
at Scottdale to day. No one will hear any
more kicking from the men who have
stood on the outside, with their hands in
their pockets, while their comrades were
inside doing all that could be done by
At noon there had been no definite
change. Mr. Hazzard, at that hour, said
that he thought the men would not get
through the coal before early to-morrow
The survey shows that by the line they
are following they have sixty feet to
travel. They can go at the rate of four
to six feet an hour. Every foot advanced
is with the greatest care and caution.
Too many lives are at stake to make a
false move.
DDSBAK, PA., June 2(l.— The miners are
driving nearer the imprisoned meu in the
Hill Farm mine, but they are yet a day's
journey from them. There is absolutely
no telling what the shifts are going to
strike. Last night Secretary Watchorn
was sure that the entry for which the
men Tire driving would be reached by t
night. This morning when he went to
the mine and found that the miners were
still in the •' gob," he changed his mind,
and thinks it will be night before a drill
hole is forced through into the entry.
Yesterday coal was struck, and the
men dug away with a vigor and will.
About fifteen feet put tliem through it,
and then they ran into the " gob"
again. It was "gob," too, of the stick
iest kind. It was jammed together in an
almost solid mass. Only seven feet was
gone through by the shift which went in
at 2 o'clock this morning and remained
till just a little over a foot an hour.
Three different sets of timbci were placed
in position, and this also took time.
I saw Peter Wise this morning. For
years he has had a reputation as an agi
tator, but in this disaster he was the
coolest labor official who has been here.
He was not only cool, but has been
right down in that narrow passage way
working and toiling with the rest of the
Mr. Wise said to me: " We aie still in
' gob.' It was mighty tough work during
the night. Now it is loose and sliding.
His last is a sign that we are nearing
something. It is the first time that this
has happened to us, and wo feel encour
aged by it. I think wc may find the en
tries on both sides worked lip further than
the maps show. If this is the case, then
wo will make more time than we antici
pate when we strike the coal."
Mr. Hazzard was on the ground early
this morning. "My advices," he said,
" are that the men are pushing right
along. They went through coal yester
day. It was a pillar of some kind, and I
think when they strike the coal line they
will have so much the less to go through.
The maps show that there should be
about sixty feet of coal."
" Do you think there is a possibility of
the miners finding the coal on the line all
cut away, Mr. ilazzard f "
"I do not. There is no opening
through from our mine to the Mahoning
mine. The line may have been cut into
on each side, but not to any
large extent. Of course, if this
has been done, it means that men
will have that much less distance to go
when the coal is reached. I don't see,
though, how they can have less than thirty
five or forty feet to go when they reach
it. That means nine to ten hours' work.
Then comes—what ? "
The crowds which used to gather
around the mine every day have all dis
appeared. The police have but little
work to do, and the few who do come aro
friends and relatives of the men inside.
The tent is the place where most of the
men now sleep, and it and the commis
sary department are the busiest places In
the place.