The Democrat. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1800. OI K LOCAL LAWMAKERS. I'rticrerriingH of tie Meeting of the City Council* Ihtit'Mlay E\piling. When the Ciiy Councils adjourned on Tuesday evening it considerable amount of business WHS left unacted upon ; hence H was that in order to a"t upon the pend ing matters, some of which were urgently pressing for Httcntion, it WHS decided to meet last evening. IN THE SBI.BCT COUNCIL the roll call showed just a quorum pres ent, the absentees being Messrs. Brixner, Buser, Haws, Hocl.stein, Htiobner and Kist. The following report fiom the Commit, tee ou Accounts aud Claims: JOHNSTOWN, PA., MAY SO, 1890. To the President and Members of the Select Council of the Cltu of Johnston: GENTLKMKN : We your committee on Accounts and c laims ilnd the following bills to be correct and recommend same for payment, viz : M. Mccann, bill posting $ 900 T. J, Wolf, painting 4 50 C. T. Shubert'a estate, printing, $0 00, $1 75, f" 50, $lO 00 38 45 Jno. n. tatters i Bro., plumbing is 50 Bantley & i'ronhelser, hardware s *v Herald Company, printing 13 45 Jos. Stllller, carpenter work 40 00 J. B. Kagy, lumber 53 oo conrad Baeder, Street commissioner pay roll for April 57 90 (i. W. Easly,qualifying viewers S oo Cambria Iron Company, cinder 10 50 Geo. Kutledge, street Commissioner, pay roll to April loih 186 18 Police, returns for regular and special pollceior April 1184 oo Klchaid Ilowe. bill per contract of Mayor It use 407 54 Johnstown borough, outstanding or ders and police pay roll 1,843 87 Auditing 30 00 W. c. Bland, costs 9 03 Total I3JIBO 64 ltespectfully submitted, G. W. Moses, chairman ; L. L. Smith, secre tary ; 11. Y. Hawes. H, W. smith; Edward A. Barry, clias. Brixner, Committee. On motion of Mr. Smith the report was received and warrents ordered drawn for the different amounts. The following additional report was also read, finishing uu the outstanding claims of the several boroughs: To (he Select and Common Council of the City 0.1 Johnstown: '1 he outstanding orders of the s. veral boroughs per Auditor's report are: Conemaugh borough $ lti 98 Prospect borough 174 74 WooUvale borough 11 85 Cambria borough, X'o. 141. due August 4, 1890,1818; xo 189, due October 5,1890, SIBB 801 00 Pound correct, JOHN HOWLING, city Controller. Approved—G. W. Moses, Ed. A. Barry, L. L Smith, H. W. Slick, Jas. P. Greene, Andrew Poster. Mi. 8n ith, of the Committee on City Property, presented the following : JOHNSTOWN, Pa., May 41, 1890. To the President and Members of Select Coun cil of (he City of Johnstown, Pa.: We, your committee on city Property, to whom was referred the message of the City En gineer, setting forth the necessity for a llxetl alignment ot Main street, although we believe said message should have had the attention of the committee on Highways, beg leave torepoit that we reeommehd that the city Engineer be authorized to tlx a permanent alignment of Malu si teet by placing at least two stone monuments, set In such position under the street where they will remain forever undisturbed either center or side ot said street, as his judgment best dictates stones to he procured, and work done by the Htreet commissioner under the direction of the City Engineer. We further recommend that the City Engineer be authorized to secure a room for his ofllce and dralting room, also a drafting table aud writing desk, together with rack for preserving maps, all of which Is respectfully submitted, PETEKBISEK, Chairman, ADAM HUEBNEK, L. 1.. SMITH. Mr. Kennedy ottered this resolution : He II resoled, by the select and common councils of the city of Johnstown: That the Mayor and city clerk be and they are hereby authorized to enter Into a contract with the caiubrla Iron company tor the tilling of an em bankment of cinder along the line of the Little Conemaugh so as to prevent the Eleventh ward, troin overllow; said embankment, however, to be so constructed as not to narrow the channel of the said stream; the lines whereof shall be given by I be city Engineer, and its costs where of .-hull not exceed the price and sum of SIOOO for a temporary bridge and the actual cost of the labor of laj lag the railroad track along the line of sidd.llll. Agreed to. Air. Slick offered a resolution instruct ing the City Engineer to give tbe grade of Main street from Market to Adntn, of Bed ford street, and also to fix tbe align ment of Alain and Bedford streets. Agreed to. Mr. O'Shea ottered a resolution directing tbe purchase of certain supplies for tbe city lock-up. Carried. Alr.|AicLaugblm offered a resolution in structing the City Engineer to furnish the local ion o! t tic piers and the length of the new bridge about to be erected between the Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards at Broad street. Carried. The action of Council at the previous session in regard to tilling Baumer street to the level of the B. & O. Bailroad was on motion of -Mr. Smith reconsidered. It was then amended so that tUe grade of Baumer street he such as the City En gineer may determine. The declination of Mr. August Mayer to serve as City Assessor was read, and a message from the Mayor calling a specit.l joint meeting of the Councils on Alonday evening to fill the vacancy, was pre sented. On motion of Air. Kennedy the message of the Mayor was received and the de clination of Mr. Meyer accepted. Mr. Barry introduced an ordinance sup plemental to the ordinance relating to the abandonment of certain alleys in the Fifth and Sixtli wards, containing the proviso that said ordinance shall not apply to the alley between the lots of Alary Potts and George Fockler. Passed two readings. Air. Slick introuueed an ordinance or dering the paving of Morris, Franklin, Main, Iron and Broad streets with vitrified fire brick, to be laid upon grades, and in Accordance with specifications given and prepared by the City Engineer. On motion adjourned to meet on Mon day evening as per call of Alayor. IN TUB COMMON COUNCIL. ' The absentees were Messrs. Beaujon, K. Davis and M iConnell. Mr. Arthurs introduced an ordinance authorizing the paving of certain streets with vitrified fire brick. Passed two readings. An amendment to the license tax ordi nance in reference to music dealers was adopted. A resolution was introduced by Air. Flanagan instructing the City Engineer to make a survey and give proper lines for Kelly alley in Fourteenth ward to meet Fiftli avenue in the Sixteenth ward. Carried. The Street Commissioner was in structed, by resolution, to repair Iron street above the stone bridge. Mr. Zimmerman introduced the follow ing resolution i Itesoleed, That councils consider the stone bridge of the Pennsylvania Kallroad unsafe in time of floods, especially from danger of dam ming by trees, logs or other drift, and from Ice goqfes as well. Hesolved, Therefore that the Mayor be and Is hereby requested to communicate at once with tbe proper omclals of the said railroad company notifying them of the fact and asking what the company will do to relieve the city from this danger and how soon they will do anything In this direction, urging a speedy reply. On motion the resolution was adopted. The ordinance authorizing the widening of Iron street was passed two readings. The ordinance making appropriation for the payments of the outstanding orders of the several boroughs passed finally. The ordinance creating a Board of Health passed third reading. A resolution directing the paving of Walnut alley iu the Sixth ward was passed. The declination of Mr. August Mayer to serve as Assessor was presented and accepted. The call of the Alayor for a special joint session to fill the vacancy was read. Ihe report of the Committee on Ac counts aud Claims was presented and agreed to. The resolution from Select Council relative to the bridge between the Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards was con curred in. The resolution of Select Council in the mattor of procuring hose and other sup plies for the lock-up was concurred iu. Moved that Common Council concur in the resolution from Select Council in stiucting the City Engineer to give cer tain lines on Main and Bedford streets. Agreed to. The report of the Committee on City Property relative to the fixing of the permanent alignment of Alain street and to furnishing the office of the City Engineer was received and the rec ommendations agreed to. The amendment to the resolution from Select Council re.ative to the establishing of the grade of Baumer street by the City Engiueer was concurred in. The resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to contract for a tepmorary bridge to enable the proposed filling to be done in the Eleventh ward was passed finally. Adjourned to meet on Alonday evening ofter the joint session. DEATH OF MBS. WHAKTUX. It film i kiiblr Career of a Woman Acquitted of Monstrous Crimes. The death of Airs. Ellen G. Wharton, aged seventy, at the country residence of her son-in-law, Aloore Wharton, near Philadelphia, recalls one of the most in teresting trials on record. Airs. Wharton was Ellen G. Nugent, a daughter of George Nugent, a wealthy Philadelphia importer of fine dry goods. She was very hand some and fond of dress, and in spite of her father's liberality was continually running into deut. She moved in the best society and had a wide circle of friends in this State, Her first startling performance was an announcement of her approaching marriage to a Mr. William son. Invitations were sent out and ths guests came, but the groom did not, and declared that he knew nothing about the wedding, and was not engaged, Air. Nu gent then t rranged to send his daughter to an insane asylum, but she eloped and was married to Lieutenaut Harry AI. Wharton. Her father forgave her and continued to pay her debts. The next sensation was in 1867, when Colonel Wharton, her husband, and General Ketchum. a friend, both died and she was tried at Annapolis and acquitted of the charge of having poisoned the General in order to rob him. Two years later she was again tried on the charge of poison ing Eugene Van Ness, a bank clerk, who was taken ill on drinking a glass of beer at her house, and died. Alrr. Wharton was next accused of poisoniug her hus band's cousin, Colonel Edward Wharton, and her sou, Captaiu Henry C. Wharton, but these charges never came into court. In the trial for Van Ness' murder the jury failed to agree and were discharged. After the failure of the jury to agree in the secoud case Airs. Wharton was called in the sum of -110,000 for her future ap pearance if required. She paid this sum and with her daughter, Aliss Nellie, who was her constant companion, left for Phil adelphia. Nellie was married to Mr. Aloore Wharton and her mother made her home with them, leading a secluded life. W K have a duty on glass to protect glassworkcrs and owners 'of glass works, but then there is a class of men interested in importing glassworkers from abroad. They come in duty free and work for less wages than the native workmen, causing tbe displacement of the latter in tbe factories. Now the question is, who is getting the benefit of the protective duty on glass ? THE SPECIAL LICENSE TAX. The Time lor Faying It Termlnntea To dar. Up to a late hour yesterday evening 871 licenses had been gran'ed at the office of the City Controller. The time for paying the special license expires to-day, and those who have not complied with the re quirements of ,the ordinance are liable to the penalties provided tor its viola tion. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The Following Have Been GraDted Since Our Last Report. /Stewart Kitchen Clearfield county (Catherine Lloyd Susquehannaah twp /George G. Makln south Fork (Margaret wirlch south Fork (James Reynolds Johnstown "(Katie Sweltzer Johnstown (Eugene Zimmerman Johnstown '(Cefla conlogue (ohnstown /Harry Greenwood Johnstown (Bridget Gallagher Johnstown MARRIED CHERRY—McCABE.—At St.' John's Catholic ' Church, by the pastor, Rev. Father 'l'ahaney, on Tuesday morning, .May 20, 1890, Mr. s, A. Cherry, ol Manayunk, i'a.. and 51ts Mattle McCabe, of East C'onemaugh. DIED. HOENSTEIN—At East conemaugh. Abraham Blulr, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoensteln aged 7 weeks. Funeral on Monday at to A, M.; Interment at Head rick's. BROWN.—In the Foulth ward, Johnstown, on Tuesday, May 20, 18%, Thomas Brown aged 13 years. The funeral will take place on Friday after noon. services at 2 o'clock at the late resi dence of deceased, No. 443 Bedford street. Interment In Grand view Cemetery. WALTERS.—In coopersdnle. on W May 21, 1890, at li A. M., Thomas Wal 72 years. Funeral at 10 o'clock Friday morning : Inter ment In BensholT's.f WUSTER—At Berlin, Somerset county, on Wednesday, May 14,1800, Mr. M. A. Wuster, aged about 50 years. Toe remains have been taken to Allentown for burial. Pittsburg and Baltimore papers please copy. MAGEIIAN—On Friday, May 16, 1890, at No. 87 Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. Mrs. Mary Magehan, aged 87 years, 7 months', and 20 days Funeral announcement later, DI'HAIME.—In Johnstown, on Wednesday, Mrs. 14, :8o, at n A. jr.. John, son of Mr. and May John lluhalme, aged l year and 7 months. CLARK—CLARK.—On Thursday evening, May 15, 1890, at the residence of the officiating clergyman. Rev. Jas. P. Tab .ney, Mr. Lemon Clark and Mrs. Teresa Clark, both oi the Third ward, Johnstown. When Baby was sick, we gave her Car ioria, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became M ias, she clung to Castoria, When aha had Children, she gave them Castoria I SUtturanremtiue COUNTY TREASURER.—I here by announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the oftlce of county Treasurer, subject to tire action of the Democratic prlmarv elect'on. I*llllll' J. SANDERS. Munster township, April T, 1890. jpOUNTY AUDITOR—I hereby V7 announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the olllce of county Auditor, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary election. W. c. BERRY. Wllmore, Pa.. April 5, ism). COUNT 1' TREASURER.—I here by announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of county Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic prima ry election. CUAItI.ES I IDEM ANN. .Johnstown, March at, isso. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR—I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of county Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. JOSEPH lIIPPS.iI chest township, March IT, isu. CIOUNTY TREASURER —I here- J by announce myself as a candidate fot the nomination of the office of county Treasurer, sublect to the rules governing the Democratic party. C. J. MAYEK. Johnstown, Pa., February la, IS9O. i lOUNTY TREASURER.—I here oy announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office or county 'l reasurer, subject to the rules governing the Democratic party. P, BOYLE. Johnstown. Pa., February 15. 1890. FTOR COUNTY TREASURER— -1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer at the next Dem ocratic primary election, subject to (he r ties of the Democratic party, ue.vhy J. HOPPLE, liarr townshin. February 10. ißto. FOR COUNTY COMMISSI ONEu —I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tbe office of county Commissioner, subject the rules governing the Democratic party.j JOHN BEAKER. SR. susquehanna;townshlp, Febuary 25,1890. yEGISLATURE— I willbeacan dldate Tor the nomination for Assembly e Democratic Primaries on June 7th, sub lect to the of the Democratic party. JOHN E. STRAYER. West Tavlor township, February 20. lsoo. pOUNTY ~~ COMMISSIONER— \ ' I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the noml nation oft ho office of county com missioner, subject, to the action of the Ilem crattc primary election. JOHN KIRBY lobnstown. Pa.. February 27,1890. ASSEMBLY. —I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of Member of the Legislature, sub Ject to the action of tbe Democratic primary election. JACOB ZIMMERMAN Johnstown, Pa.. February 27, 1890. ASSEMBLY. —I hereby an nounce myself as a candidate for the nom ination of the office or Assembly, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. ED. T. McNEEHS ~ Johnstown, Pa., February 27.1890. COUNTY COMMISSIONER—J hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of county commissioner, sub ject to the action of (he Democratic primary election. JOHN CAMPBELL. johnstown.'February 28,1890. A SSEMBLY. —I hereby announce myself as a candldase for the nomination of the office or Member of the Legislature, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary election. GaUltzln, March 1.1890. M. FITZIIARRIS. A UDITOR. —I hereby announce /\ myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of County Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. Johnstown, MarcU 3, 1890. E. J. BI.OUUH. C~OUNTY COMMISSIONER--1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of county commis sioner, subject to the action of the Democi atle primary election. W. A. LANTZY Upper Yoder township, March 5,1890 IEGISLAT URE. —We present for j consideration to the Democratic voters i name of F. A. shoemaker, Esq., of Ebens burg, ■> s a candidate for the nomination of the of fice of Member of Assembly, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary election. MANY DEMOCRATS. FRIDAY, MAY 23d. 4-p A W AND THE Wild WesiT AI)AV FOREPAUGH, Founder. J. E. COOPER, Present Prop. The Combined Forepaugh and Wild West Shows, three times the greasest on Earth, Will exhibit in all their stupendous and una bridged entirety, with every uct and feature re tained, and presenting rile same remarkable programe that carried New York, Philadelphia and Boston by storm, at —'MAY 23. On The Point. Triumphal re-entry Into Johnstown o. ;ne greatest possible tented combination m the Universe—The grand. Imperial, —laurel-crowned— Forepaugh Show, N 'hits twenty-seven years of glorious history, I degressive ideas, unboinded ambition, Urn tless capital, vast and varied arenie, zoological and hypodromle resources and nowmagnlllcently reinforced with the renowned, ro mantic and realistic "Wild West" Exhibition Wondrously sensational production of tlx' Historic Military Drama, CUSTER'S LAST RALLY: Or The llnttle of the Little Rig Horn, 200 Mounted Combatants, Genuine Savages, Scouts and Soldiers ! And Including the gallant survivors of Custer's old regiment—among whom are Sergeant Wag ner. who carried Custer's orders to Ma J. Reno on the til-starred Held—appear In this soul-stlrrln and grandly ennobling frontier drama ! ALL THE EXCITING FEATS AND FEATURES Ol' THE WEIRD AND WONDERFUL WILD WEST, INCLUDING THE GRAND \ vldly Illustrating the sports, perills and ro mances of the prairies, and Interpreted by front ier heroes who have spent their lives amid the scenes they now re-enact. l\ " Eclipse," the trapese leaping equine ; together with all of Adam Forepaugh. Jr.'e, astounding sensa tions, including his dancing fight ing and clown elephants find thril ling 40-liorse riding act ! Altogeth er the grandest equestrian triumph of the age. muffin Given daily by an intrepid ritlcr ami a Hy ing steed on our liippodiome track. C-jT'The grand and gorgeous dress parade of the combined Forepaugh and " Wild West- " show takes place at 9:30 A. M., daily unfolding to the public view the monster dual-aggregatiou. INCREASED IN EVERYTHING EXCEPTING HIE PRICE OF ADMISSION! ONE - TICKET, Admits to all the aggregated at tractions of tlio combined Fore paugh ard Wild West Shows pre sented under the greatest spread of canvas ever erected on this or any other continent. 15,000 splen did seats. Admission 50 cents ; children under nine, 25 cents. Re served numbered seats, with hack and foot rests, and with magnifi cent view of Custer Battle and start and finish of Hippoprome races, extra. Two Complete Exhibitions Daily. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. M.— the Ring Performances one hour later. Cheap Round-Trip Excursions on all Lines of Travel. BfetT For the accommodation of those who would avoid tho crowds at the ticket wagon on the ground tickets and reserved seats can be ob tained at Griffith's drug store, 201 and 203 Main St., at the usual slight advance. WE ARE NOW SHOWING A FINE NEW LINE I French Zephyr Ginghams, These are the populcr wash goods of this seasoD. Also full assortment Plain and Hemstitched 22, 27 and 45 inch EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS, (ALL NEW DESIGNS) New Buttons, New Huckels, New slides, New Vandyke Gimps, New Friuges, New Lace Ties, New Silk Ties, New Table Covers, New Table Scarfs, New Towels, New Table Damasks, New Napkins, New Bedap CHEESE CEO TH COMFORTS. JOHN STENGER R , E E F F R We have R I just received a I G large stock of G E -BEFBIGEBATOBS- E R in Antique, Oak and Cherry R A with and without Sideboard A T Backs, with and without Water T O Cooleis which we will sell at O R Marvelously Low Prces. Twelve dif- R S fcrent styles to select from. Come S T) early and get the cnoice of the lot. PI < K s HM W. #ll i SDNS. .- R R -RANGES, STOVES TINWARE,— R I AND I G HOUSE-FURNISHING G E GOODS E R No. 78 Franklin Street, R A JOHNSTOWN, A T Penu'a. T O O R R s - - -- J Common Sense In the treatment of slight ailments would save a vast amount of sickness and misery. One of Ayer's Pills, taken after dinuer, will assist Digestion; taken at night, will relieve Constipation; taken at any time, will correct irregu larities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pills, as all know who use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. " I can recommend Ayer's Pills above all others, having long proved their value as a Cathartic for myself and family." —J. T. Hess, Leithsville, Pa. "Ayer's Pills have been in use in my family upwards of twenty years, and have completely verified all that is claimed for them."—Thomas F. Adams, San Diego, Texas. "I have used Ayer's rills in my fami ly for seven or eight, years. Whenever I have an attack headache, to which I am very subject. I take a dose of Ayer's Pills and am always promptly relieved. I find tlteui epitallv beneficial in colds; and, in my iamiiy, they are used for bilious complaints and other disturb ances with such good effect tiiat we rare ly, if ever, have to call a physician " H. VotillieuiC. Hotel Voullieiud, Sara toga Springs, N. Y. • Ayer's Pills, PREPARED BV Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Dealers In Medicine. i'l U I *M> <>l. Cill'itS 1 JEN BY K. KUH.N. Attoruev-ut s I l aw. office opposite First National Bank No. 195 Locust st reel. .rolmstown, pa. J AMES 31. WALTERS, .1 TTORXEI'-A T-hA If. Oflicy No. s. Aline Hall. Main street. Johns, All hnsluessglven faithful and prompt attention. j£. F. J. O'CONNOR. .1. K. O'CONNOR. Q'CONNOR BROTHERS^ .1 TTOHSEYS-A T-I.A It. office ou Franklin street, over I'elrikln it Mil ler's store, opposite Post office, Johnstown. Pa. nuiit JOHN S. TITTLE, JI.'S'ilCK OF TIIK PEACE a si> sonny public. jUlce corner Market anil Locust streets, s"i • Johnstown, Pa, | UVIN RUTLEPGE, JI'STICK Of THE PEACE. mice on uiverstrect neartheKemville Bridge In the Fifth ward, Johnstown, Pa. Collections and all other business promptly attended 'o. ma r.'i U A. PEDEN, SURGEON DEN •O. TINT, office In Border's new building, on Franklin street. All kinds of Dental work so licited. iiovlt rpBIAL LIST.— JUNE TERM, 1890. Indiana Co. Dep. Ban 1 .vs. Anna. Anna vs. Barter, et al. lletz vs. Oaks. "tshcr, ct al vs. Kager, et al. Ilorne" vs. Itlchardson. Christy vs. .Mitchell, et al. Ilorner vs. Barnhart. chapln vs. Cambria Iron Co. McKay vs. Anderson. Neary vs. p. it. it. Bannan vs. McAteer. lllleman vs. al. Mclntyre vs. Jlclntyre. Knepper vs. Knepper, et al. Botts vs. AshvlUe borough. Flndley vs. Haywood. Bowman vs. Barnhart. Cresswell vs. cole. Farber vs. Haywood. Irvln vs. Gill. Irvln vs. Kutrutr. Kline \*s. Elliott. Hagan vs. Lltzlnger. Ruurttz vs. Custer. Barnes vs. ltheam. .1. C. DAUBY, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's offfee. May 5. IK'JO. AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Having by the court of common Pleas of Cambria county bad recommitted to me for further con sideration my report as Auditor to take testl mony and report a decree In the matter of the annexation of territory to the borough of Johns town from Upper Yoder township ascertaining the amount ot Indebtedness of said township and In what proportions the same shall be paid. Notice Is hereby given that I will sit for the purpose of my said appointment at my office In the City of Johnstown, Pa., on Friday, the Thirtieth day of May. A. D. 1890, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when and where all parties Interested may appear W. IIORACEKOME, Audi or. Johnstown, Pa., May, 1890. IDOHSTT MISS IT. rf you don't want to Throw Your Money Away: MlHp's Store For it Surely is the place to buy CAKPET, OIL CLOTH, MATTING, HUGS. MATS, WOODWARE. WILLOWWAKE, TINWARE, DISHES, TRUNK?, UMBRELLAS, GLASSWARE, KNIVES, FORKS, AND SPOONS, ANYTHING. EVERYTHING. Lots of goods (all kinds) and it" is the place to get your carpet woven, seven looms now running, and can make your carpet as we DID BEFORE THE FLOOD, AT THE OLD STAND, 131 Franklin St. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. OF V uable Real Estate. virtue of an order issuing out J or i hu orphans'court of Cambria county, ana ro IJIC directed, I will expose at public sale on i be premises, on SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1890, AT *J O'CLOCK I'. M. the following described Heal Kstaie: AH that certain LOT OF GROUND situate, lying, and lielng In the Fifth ward of the city of Johnstown, county of Cambria, and state ot Pennsylvania, fronting three rods on Somerset street, westenly side, bounded on the south by lot now or late of c. Docker, on the north by an alley, and extending back west wardly ten perches, same width, to Walnut alley, being the same lot which William Marsh and wi e, by deed datce ?th October. 188-L con veyed to John Q. Alexander. Thiols OF SAI.E : len per cent, ot bid when the property Is old, balance ot one-thlril at con tinuation of sale; one-third In six months, and tin- remaining one-tlilrd 111 twelve months, from dat e of conthmat lon of sale, deferred payments fo be secured by note or mortgage, at option of Administrator, Any further Information can be obtained from JOHN M. LOSE, Room 3, Alma Hull, Johns town. Pa. J. w. BARNETT, Administrator of J. G. Alexander, deceased. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ES- J TATE OF JANE 11. HESS, DECEASED.— Letter-. Testamentary nit the estate of Jano 11. Hess, lilt? of coopersdale, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all pereons knowing themselves In debted to said estate are hereby notltied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated tor seetlenient to I). K. HESS, Executor, lull Seventeenth st„ south side, I'ltttburgh AUDITOR'S NOTICE—In re ot tho first anil final account of Ebon .lames, Committee of Robert J. William lunatic : And now, April 1, 1890, on motion of Jno. P. Linton. Esq., the court appoints F. P. Martin, Esq.. Auditor, 10 report distribution or the funds In the hands of Ihe accountant to and amongst those legally entitled to the same Percurlam. Notice Is hereby given that I will sit for tho purpose of said appointment at. my office NO. 97, Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa., on WEDNES DAY, THESIS' DAY OF MAY, 1890, at .0 o'clock A. M„ at which time and place all persons In terested may attend or be forever debarred from eomtng In on said fund. K. P. MARTIN, Auditor. P. THOMPSON, M D., SURGEON DENTIST, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Has had a professlcrU experience of over 38 years. t3P~FiHing Teeth perialty. office Rooms, No. li t Napoleon street. JOHN DOWNEY, CT I IL ESUISEEB. Office on Stonyeroek' street, Johnstown, Pa. N. WAKEFIELD, M. D., PIIYSICIAX ASD SURG EOS A Office No. 43 Morrtg street, Johnstown, Pa