MESSRS. PROCTER & GAMBLE, CINCINNATI, O. GENTLEMEN : —A lthough a stranger to you, and my testimonial entirely unnecessary, as it certainly is unsolicited, yet I take great pleasure in testifying to the excellence of your IVORY SOAP, and thanking you for putting it on the market at so low a price. It has entirely supplanted the use of Castile and other fine soaps in my household for several years past, being in no way inferior and from fifty to seventy-five per cent, more economical. A good test I find for the purity of a soap is to try it with a brush for cleansing *he teeth, and the taste of the Ivory so used is perfectly sv.eet arid claar. Very Respectfully Yours, W. S. BAKER, M.I). A WORD OF WARNING. there are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the 'lvory they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of th? genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it Copyright lSRfi by Prnrtcr t Gnu,! p. maaswmsKxim.Sß~i -- • —rniTrn —in —nrnin nni niMifiiiiiini m ' TIT 2 1 ( ifb)Yf^IV^BAKING WD ER Satisfaction Guaranteed. BACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL. WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT ItflTH QUALITY. COOKS QUARTERS,RETAIL AT 5 CTS, COQKB HALVES, RETAIL AT 10 CTS. COOKB POUNDS, RETAIL AT SO CTS. Sold by all Grocers. Try a Pound Can. NO. 2,739. First National Bank OK JOHNSTOWN, FA. •No. 194 MAIN STREET. Capital, - - SIOO,OOO Surplus, - - $40,000 DIRKCTORB: .JAMES Mc MI LI. EX. HERMAN BALLMER, C. T. FKAZEK, OEO. T. SWANK, PEARSON FISHER, P. C. BOI.SINOEK. w. BOHACB ROSE. JAMES MoMILLEN, Presided. C. T. FKAZEK, Vice President. JOHN D. KOBEKTS, Cashier. J. E. SEDLMEYER, Ass't Cashier. Careful and prompt attention will be given ic 11 business entrusted to this Hank. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK .JOHN M. WILLIAMS, late of the Thirteenth ward of the City of Johnstown, Cambria county. Pa., deceased, letters or Administration on the above estate having heen granted to the undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said estate arc requested to make payment, and those having claims to pre sent the same without delay to WILLIAM M. WILLIAMS, Administrator, UJck a Murphy, Attorneys, room 1, Alma ilall, Jolfnstown, Pa. Kr. wm. rauch, rn rsrciA .v A no SURUKOX. No. 37, Main street, In Park buildings, tenders his professional service to the citizens of Johns town and vicinity office hours, 10 to 11:30 a. a.,3 to 5 and 7 toy a m. nf nei Betterniuu & Anderson, Boiler Makers and Machinists, and:dealers in few ■ And Second Han srninery. SHOP OX BROAD S. NirT. HwelMiigf*. stiir Neck, Jd'tiiwti, /fir •' , 31 Bnrni, snUI-, Cuts I.uinba /ijW ffl J'l'Mirisv, Suits, P'roHt-Uitea, •";CT Barkacla', jjoiv Tin or.;, >w Tiiothaciic, spmiii , .-t" Price * ltuition. -The Kn . 722**§?5k iiin*- Salvation '>,! Ixwh our c **tfc*9* nvistvivil T- .(I, M; i!:.uiMlour Ir.ic-H'milti siirnnture. A. <\ Muvc*' & Co., Hole I ProprictorM, Ikiltiiuoro, Md., L*. s. A. 08. BULL'S COUGH SYRU Foi the cuieof Coughs Colds, Hoarse r-ess, Croup, Asthr.ia, Bronchitis Whooping Cough, incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive person., in advanced stages )(the Disease. For Sale by all Or' ff lists. Price cents. LOOK! If you want a good situation write MAY ItKOTII EKS. Nurserymen, Rochester, N, Y„ as they are In want of honest and upright sales men to sell tlielr choice and hardy varieties of Nursery Stock, either on salary or commission. Many new and valuable varieties to offer. Write them at once for terms. DELAYS ABE DANGEROUS. MLHffl COllltl, 12FEDERAL ST., - ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. A thorough school of Telegraphy, Ilook-kccn Ing, shorthand, preparatory and Higher English Music, Elocution and Languages. Terms are moderate. Instruction tine. For further Infor mation or catalogue, address or call on THE PRESIDENT. PRIM COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. i w<) ) '| I ''ys lCCl ' JJ Pro '" Wm ' M " sloan: continuing For admission toall departments In the Fresh man, Sophomore aim Junior Classes, and for the New School of Electrical Engineering, will begin 11 O'Olock, Thursday, June 12, '9O, At McCUnloek itulldlng. .'>l4 Murket street puts ourg. This will also include preliminary examlna yeanatcr 10 enter the College a SBO a S !.?PI*S " fr, ' rc ' l '•>• the Princeton T,.„7. Association of Western penn sjivantaforthe best examination passed here for the Freshman class. Applicants should send their names early to m, o M ' Pres t Alumtu Ass'n, m)->t 100 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. Pa SCHMIDT BUILDING Largest aud Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigars house in the United States. Established, 1836. Distille and Jobber OF \ FINE WHISKIES. \ TELEPHONE y' | Wines, Liquors \ anc * c *S ars \// 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, All orders received by mail or otherwise will receive prompt Attention. JAMES CQNDRIN, A-ltoona. Ao-ent. Danziger & Shoenberg FECI AL 'a nd Important Announoement. re 11 ct e e a d I tooiS Ur 80venty^ ve STLKS T WASH FABRICS, COTTONS * LINENS TURTH?vr^ N ? UPHOSTERY GOODS. GENTS' FURISHINGS, CORSETS, GLOVES. HOS IERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. li nM aor ? #Ußii.B ii. 111 these de P art me n ts require us to add large lines daily, amlas the same goods can be purchased now lower than they were much earlier in the season, we are enabled to offer our recdnt put ciiases at o corresponding reduction. recant pui SALES ATTESTTO THIS P6 ° PLE ' ° UR ENORMOUS sefus 6X M n aU im ' itatio " to / dl ° ut of twon visitors to come anu send on applSn * Pr ° mpt ttd ™ eM attention ' For DANZIGER & SHOENBEEG, Successors to Morris H. Danizer SIXTH STREET AND BEEN AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROSENBAUM 4CO.' oin TO 514 MARKET STREET AND 27JF7FTH AVE. KNTEK FROM EITHER STREET. PITTSBTJ BGH.'PA. || CLOAKS AND WRAPS. f\ )/) |>i i','7 , e . w Markets, Jerseys and Novelties Real Seal / JI, M Flush Jackets, satin lined, *8,25, $8.75. $9 7,5 worth #ls in, /Ami e ' ll £ a , c ' |U s s ,* 15 ' 50 ' * lB ' 7A worth 50 ner ceu If a a^ny" store iffiUf Warren s. No one can undersell us. Our Dress Trimmings are 11 of oul ; ow " importation and we certainly have more medium MB j.nced styles as well as finest goods, than you will see elsewhere mM ! ur . llnc ' of W' r S Furnishings is complete aud P, ices the lowe it H WooTvcstsoßc7sc eS si*l n\ Pp- re r a , nd Inf!Ul,s Nati vai 1 li'tl irSn i 1 line Wool Shirts 50c, 75c il, m #l,2oup. Kid Gloves Jiave always been a great snecialtv / til li J lß ' and , w ® Bhall certainly keep up the reputation of selliL e | f best and cheapest goods. Our 4-Button Kid 49c, 08c 89c i JO IZcy m ' sl '°°' 7 - Hook •' • 1 ' are the'beg?' ie Hosiery, Neckwear. Curtains, Laces aud Handkerchiefs can be found in all Grades:—Articles for fancy work and Hand Embroidery in countless variety. Our stock of Gloria and Silk Umbrellas, with gold'or silver! handles from cheapest to finest, is far larger than any other' here 9 Over ton styles of new handles, #1 to !?10. " S^ ei duu Our Furs, Muffs and Fur Trimmings Were all bought last Spring, a.e carefully made, and lof the "choicest stock in the market. ■" f^p§ex\bavm^(|} V>nr IMiHtt(h>l|liiii. and hsuhes yoimy in*i ami boys *t anv nine, nt then, lor HuMtidtt #iv t r.. • Hi'li'l ■ r Anti i|x!i. If'.t hiatir.g cMssCS Dn- ol t'.ic in**! v li.|i|irl and l**M 111,1 II ' t n. w| itli lie <*rtf I|h* I .-ucuers ..II nun and , * f tirtf-cli.*, ■ nil I • • ' -"'V I. . „ M ,ri complete* v mrr-ISMM ..... ' I't.v.. u rlmmuM I •oratory I':. ' • . . - in i.i . ..'tifr ( I:ttin ,, i. ... '• ' •"! 'MtMhlil l ; i\r l ~•! cs , . • i • n i any u.i.|re# SWIIiMNC SilOU I> .1- AI. . >;--3 'BROOK FOR 611P.5 AND YOL'MQ IkOlfS. Mr,:.-.. ..... I-iiMhrMu. !," v',,.' S p!vii'>i...'.., .v.ii,■i.'. ;• . •rf IwiiptAnw New Muktratcit Circular tiec. y "' u " " c CVv " • C BHORTI ll)(,l-. A M ttiarvar.l Grau-aie, #„ MRS VWITMIN •' MIIIR i i.jf M;|. f PrliuipaU. MF.I 8.1. GUADANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. 8 .. A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 pel cent Additional Security with American Loan and rust o. of Boston. i-itv^.o'SlSl h?AP :N J ca Kuarantcosonly mortgages b.ised on 1111 nctunl sale of Kansas ■ • !, r l Viirn^LiJ ' nn' Investment In mortgages van be safer than these "—Anwrimn ; lM , v ' ,H 'ments offered by the Winner investment Company have' life indorse " ' blot the leading Banks at Kansas City, and the Eastern stockholders are amonir the stmnomt of the financial mcu of Boston and vlclnlty.' -amimercfof IHMetln. s mngest o.rJJ,??. K . . Pe'oent. Investments In Kansas City Heal Estate First MoilL-no.T'h',,mis ™h referencM ' n,(, rest guaranteed and a share in promihsa specialty, send for mrouiar" and B WILLIAM?!. PARMENTER, Gen'l Agent. 50 Statl St., Bos* WOOOORRELLS CO. LIMITED, CELEBRATED ! Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is Concened to be the Most Extensive and Best Appointed Establish ment of its Class in the United States. J For longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store lias been the Leading Mer candle House in Johnstown, and its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a' smal beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more tlian one hundred men. It has always been the aim "of the proprietors to supply their custom ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and thoy havereeason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. TEN STORES IN ONE In their different Store Itooms can be found a full and carefully-selected stecki every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of o-ood ried may be mentioned IMPOKTED AND DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, CARPETS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MILLINER V, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOIHING, CLOTHS AND CASBIMERES, WOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, MEAT, VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS. SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENBWARE, YELLOW WARE, AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS, FURNITURE, ETC The Attention of Country Merchants Is invited t the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying every article in by tlieir customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE PURCHASED IN NF YORK, PHILADELPHIA Olt PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities, and on the most liberal terms, tin management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully defy competition I HE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Room fitted up with every convenience for Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also be found in this department for sale by tl.e vard. Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc., are kept on the second floor, accessible by elevate r. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and "long measure" guar anteed. CLOTHING LATS AND CAPS. In this Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected especially for the town trade. All goods are warranted to be of the very best material, well st} lish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cann excelled. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. From the Hop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingman to the dainty Slip pers of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have difficulty in coming to an "understanding." Only the best of leather is used in manufacture of these goods, and they will be found at once stylish and durable. Shoe Shop and Leather Department. On the second and third floors, with convenient entrance by hallway from Wash i' gton street, is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department,where File aud Coarse Hoots and Shoes are made to order, and where a large stock of Shoe Findings of all kind s and a fine assortment of Upper and Sole Leather is kept constantly on hand. Groceries, Vegetables, Hardware, Etc The stock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, ami is always Ircsh, being turned once every month. Only the very finest Teas, Sugars Spice Etc., in the market arc purchased, aud clerks are under orders to invariably low' "down weight" and "heaping measure." The stock of Queensware is large ami varied, and from the common Earthenware to the finest Porcelain and China Ware the assortment is complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to the Ve"ea table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries is kept, including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. Iu the rear of tho Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is assured that he will be offered the very best goods at the lowest prices. 4 Merchant Tailoring Establishment The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of tho building— entrance from the river side. The Cloth Room is well stocked with Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a fine assortment of the celebrated Woodvale Woolens, which arc without a rival in the market Clothing will be made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Department is located jii3t east of the Main Store Building, auu is one of the best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection of eveiy animal killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery is a model of neatness, is supplied with all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Roasts are always tender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages I udilings, Etc., in the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exorcised! > ctnson and all kinds of Game arc kept in season. THE FEED STORE. 1 cr tons of Flour arc stacked away, and huge bius are filled witn M "oodeverr inscription, for use 111 the house or stable. The stock is always fresh and oflea " KURN ITU R E. Biis Department are kept *a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom I urniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will be promptly supplied with House-Furnishing Goods of all descriptions.] ACCOMMODATING CLERKS. Our Entire Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will have their wants at tended to promptly am. intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF UARGE• ' WOOD, MORRELL & 00.