The Democrat. FRIDAY, MAY 9, LO0. Don't H for the Sick Uoom. Medical Classics says : Don't light a sick room at night by means of a jet of gas burning nothing impoverishes the air sooner. Use sperm candles or tapers which burn in sperm oil. Don't allow offensive matters to remain; in cases of emergency where these cannot be at once removed, wring a heavy cloth, for instance, like Turkish toweling, out of cold water, use it as a cover, placing over this ordinary paper. Such means prevent the escape of order or infection. Don't have the temperature of a sick room much over sixty degrees; seventy degrees are allowable, but not advisable. Don't permit currents of air to blow upon the patient. An open fireplace is an excellent means of ventilation. The cur rent may be tested by burning a piece of paper in front. Don't give the jpatient a full glass of water to drink from, unless he is allowed all' he desires. If he can drain the glass he will be satisfied ; so regulate the quantity before handing it to him. Don't neglect during the day to attend to necessaries for the night, that the rest f the patient and the family may not be disturbed. Don't ask a convalescent if he would . like this or that to eat or diink, but pre pare the delicacies and present them in a tempting way. Don't throw coal upon the fire ; place it in brown paper bags and lay them on the fire, thus avoiding the noise which is shocking tb the sick and sensitive. Don't let stale flowers remain in a sick chamber. Don't be unmindful of yourself if you are in the responsible position of nurse. To do f lithful work yon must have proper food and stated hours of rest. Don't appear anxious, however great your anxiety. The Fruit ami Crop Outlook. The outlook for fairly good yields of fruit, and for abundant hay crops, and for a more than average grain yield, is, up to this date, quite encouraging. For some time in the spriug it was generally thought that the open winter, mild enough in January end February to ad vance the buds on fruit producing trees to make them easy victims of the severe freezes in March and April, had blasted all hopes of this being a fruit year, But we are glad to state that many farmers who have been interviewed within the past week or two, report that while peaches have been generally ki'led and plums .seriously in jured, cherry and apple trees will bear an average crop. As to hay and grain crops, all fields promise an unusually large yield. The mild and timely showers during the past few weeks, and the moderately warm weather have gladdened the hearts of all our farmers. Grass has sprung up so rapidly that one could almost see it grow, and wheat fields are looking luxuriant enough to insure one of the heaviest yields for many years. Oats only sowed ten days ago are already up, and should the season continue favorable the crop will be the largest ever harvested in this section of the country. On the whole, with all our disposition to grumble and our natural inclinat'on to borrow trouble byway of predicting fail ures, we all, producers and consumers, ought to be well satisfied with the out look. ♦ ♦ Steady employment, on salary, is offered in another column, by E. C. Peirson & Co., Waterloo, N. Y. 4t RHEUMATISM is caused by an acid in the blood ; therefore, external treatment af fords no permanent relief. To climate the pison and rnaka a thorough cure of the disease, nothing else is so efficient as Ayer's Sarsaprilla. Give it a trial. Price sl. Worth $5 a bottle. A Family Gatliei ing Have you a father? Have you a mother ? Have you a sou or daughter, sister or a brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungsi the guaranteed remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and ail throat and lung trouble. If so, why, when a sample bottle is gladly given to you free by any druggist, and the large size costs only 50c. and sl. 4t MAMMA, (to her little boy). " Now, Bennie, if you 'll be good and go to sleep, mamma 'II give you one of Dr. Ayer's nice sugar-coated Cathartic pills, next time you need medicine." Bennie, smiling sweetly, dropped off to sleep at once. - ——— - ♦ *—-I. Forced to Leave Ilome. Over 00 people were forced t-> leave their homes yesterday to call for a free trial package of Lam's Family Medicine. If your blood is bad, your live? and Jddneys out of order, if yon are consti pated and have headache and unsightly complexion, don't fail to call on any druggist to-day for a free sample of this grand remedy. The ladies praise it. Everyone likes it. Large s'ze package 50 cents. 4t Klairsvllle Elopers. BI.AIRSVII.J.B, May o.— James Walker, a drug clerk, eloped last evening with Min nie Alter, daughter of James O. Alter, tin merchant. Telegrams were sent out to intercept the runaways. It is supposed they have gone to New Jersey. It is said Miss Alter, who is nineteen years old, was engaged to be married to an estimable young man of Kittanning. The trous seau was being made and the wedding was to come off on the 15th in fine style. Mr. and Mrs. Alter are very indignant over the elopement. THE CITY COUNCIL. ' Proceeding!* of the Meeting of Common Council and of the Joint Seugion Last Evening. Prior to the meeting of the joint session the Common Council held a short meeting, at which the license tax ordinance passed third readiug. The meeting adjourned to meet Friday evening of this week. The joiut session, President Yeagley in the chair, met in the Common Council Chamber at 7:45 o'clock. The Clerk read the call of the Mayor for the session, set ting fortli the object of the meeting. The Flood Finance Committee, through Mr. Cyrus Elder, who also spoke for the Board of Trade, presented clearly the proposed changes in the channel of the Stonycreek to insure freedom from danger from high water in the future. When Mr. Elder had concluded his re marks there was a recess of fifteen min utes, during which the members exam ined the maps prepared by Engineer Karl Schcnk. After titer the recess Mr. Elder spoke further, concluding by offeting the following from the Committees of the Board of Trade and from the Finance Committee: To the Honorable, the Mayor and Councils of the City of Johnstown: The undersigned citizens of Johnstown propose to undertake the organization of a "Real Estate and Improvement Com pany," to be incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, for the pur pose of changing the cuannel of the Stony creek River by creating a new channtl for said river through that part of the said city formerly known as 'Kernvillo" as shown upon the map of said Improve ment prepared by Carl Sclienk, Civil Engineer. Said work to be undertaken upon the terms and conditions following: I.—The Corporation shall be organized with a capital stock of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, which shall all be subscribed, and ten percentum thereof shall be aid up in cash. 2. —Subscriptions of stock shall be taken by having the same ope to the public during a period of not less than ten days of which public notice shall be given ; during which peiiod any person, firm or corporation may subscribe stock not to exceed the sum of Five thousand (5,000) dollars, paying ten per cent., to the person or institution designated as treasurer for the shareholders. 3.—lf the amount of stock subscribed snail exceed the capital of the corpora tion, 'hen the first and curliest subscrip tion shall be preferred. 4.—lf at the end of the said period the whole amount of capital ha-, uot been subscribed, subscriptions may forthwith be taken without limit of the amount, provided, that ten per i ent., of such sub scriptions shall be paid up as uforesaid. s.—The City of Johnstown will release to the corporation so orgunized all title in and rights over that portiou of the bed of the Stonycreek which is to be vacated, which it may have or, so that the same may become the private property of the said corporation upon the acquisi tion by it of all other title and rights thereof. o.—The City will authorize the excava tion of the proposed new channel for said river and the diversion of the waters of said river to said channel. Subject, how ever, to the condition tb-tsaidcorporation shall acquire all necessary lights and licenses from the owners of private prop erty affected by said improvement, and pay all damages to which said private owners may become entitled. 7.—Said corpora ion, if successful in its negotiations with private property owners to procure title to the bed of that part of t JC stream vacated, and to procure title to the land required for the new chanrcl of said stream, will proceed with : out delay and with all reasonable dili gence to create a new channel for said stream, safely diverting the waters there to, and will fill up to the level of the grade of the streets of the city all streets laid upon that part of the channel of the stremi which is abandoned as a water course. B.—The streets laid out by said corpo lation upon and over the land acquired by the change of said stream shall con form in general character and width to the corresponding or connecting streets of the city; said streets shall become the property of the city without the payment of any damages. 9. —The city shall udopt such resolu tions and enact sucu ordinances within its legal powers as may be needed to carry all of its agreements herein set forth into effect. 10.—II this proposition shall be ap proved by the proj er authorities of the city, then a formal agreement between the city and the undersigned promoters of said corporation covering the matters herein set forth shall be authorized and properly executed, which agreement shall be formally re-executed by the city with the said corporation otter it shall have been organized, and shall have accepted the agreement rnnde by said promoters in its behalf. 11. —Said agreements shall contain the provision that if the proposed corporation shall not be organized and the snid work commenced within six months from the date thereof, then the agreements shall be declared void by the city at any time thcreaftei. JOHN THOMAS, A. J. MoxnAM, HBUMAX BAITMSK, CHAKI.ES F. KKESS, 11. W. STOREY, Committee of the Board of Trade. JAS. MOMILLEN, GEO. T. SWANK, CYRUS ELDER, Committee of the Finance Committee, Several gentlemen spoke on the sub ject, among whom were Messrs Smith, Haws, Greene and Coleman. The Mayor being called upon, spoke quite at length on the subject, stating that he was in favor of any project that, on the face of it, seemed to be for the benefit ol our people be freeing us from danger of floods. I Mr. Smith moved the appointment of a joint committee of five from each branch of Council/to consider the recommenda tions of Mr. Schcnk and report to this body. Mr Donaldson spoke of the necessity of prompt action on the £>art of the com mittee. The President named as members of this committee, from Select Council, Messrs. Smith, Barry, Haws, Moses and Biixuer; trom Common Council, Messrs. Arthur, J. M. Davis, Foster, Matthews and Neary. A iccess was taken, during which time the committee held a consultation and made a favorable report. The committee was then discharged. Adjourned. Literary anil Mimical Entertainment. Lust night an interesting entertainment was given by the Star Social Olab in the A. M. E. Zion Church, South Side. It consisted of literary and musical selec tion, and was largely attencd. The pro gramme consisted of an opening " Wel come," by the society, prayer, recitation by Miss Annie Riilout, " The Old Clock on the Stairs a duet by Mrs. Gcorgie Blaine and Miss Lizzie Proctor, " Happy and Free a duet by Miss Proctor and Miss Lulu Darkes, "I Hear the Organ's Peala duet by Miss Minnie Jacobs and Miss Blaine. "My Cottage Home." Miss Jacobs was the organist of the evening. Many of the performers were encored. To-night another interesting programme will be rendered, when all will be made welcome. Republican I-osses in Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS, May 7.— Yesterday city elections were held, and the Democrats seem to have made substantial gains in every direction. Lebanon and Franklin elect Democratic Mayors for the first time in their history. The Hon. D. Y. Barker, of Portland, who claims the distinction of being the first man who suggested Harrison for President, voted the straight Democratic ticket for the first time, and declares he will never vote fcr the Republican ticket again. MARRIED MILLER—PARKS.—In .Johnstown, on Tuesday, May s, 1890, by Rev. 11. L. Chamnnn, Mr. Mar tin L. Miller to Miss Eleanor J. Parks, all of Johnstown. STUTZMAN— WILL.—on May 4, 1890, at Shanks vllle, by Rev. r.c Rlckcnbrode. Mr. Charles (i. Mutzman, of Shanksvllle, .Somerset county, and Miss Emma J. Will, or Meyersdale, I'a. LEVENTItY-VON LUENEN.—May I,lß9o,this m city, at the residence of the bride's parents, by A. J. Eurman, Mr. diaries Leventry, and Miss Julia, daughter of Lewis Von Luenen, Esq., all of Moxham, DIED. IIARSHBERGER—In Johnstown, Fifth ward, on Tuesday morning, May o, 1890. at 9 o'c'ock, tlenry, son of George w. and Naomi Ila -sh berger, aged 2 weeks. Funeral this af ternoou at s o'clock. Interment In Grand View. PRINGLE in Summcrhill township, on Friday evening, May a, 1890, Samuel pringle, aged so years l month and 29 days. MEYER—At the home of his brother. .John Meyer, on Friday morning early, of inflamma tion ot the bowels, Mr. phllllp Meyer, aged 31 years, 2 months and 28 da vs. Funeral at 3P. n. on Sunday, from No. 207 chestnut street, Flieeenth ward; Interment In Grand view. LONG.—In Baltimore, on Friday morning, May 2, 1890, Mrs. Lydla Long. LEISTER.—In Daisy town, on Saturday morn ing, May :i, 1890, airs. Susan Leister, aged 20 years and 10 muntns. NEFF.—In the Twelfth ward, on Friday, May 2, Francis Nell, aged 29 years. ————————— 111 . Cfcnnoutucmcme COUNTY TREASURER.—I here by announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the olllcc of county Treasurer, subject to the action of tUe Democratic primary election. PIIIIIP J. SANDERS. k Mmister township, April 7,1890. CIOUNTY AUDITOR.—i hereby / announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the oiliee of County Auditor, sub ject to the action of tlio Democratic primary election. W. C. BERRY. Wllmore, Pa., April 3, lsirti. CIOUNTY TREASURER- J here ) by announce myself us a candidate for the nomination of the utMce of county Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic prima ry election. CHARLES UOFMANN. Johnstown, March 24, 1890. IFOR COUNTY AUDITOR. —i I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of county Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. JOSEPH till'PS. chest township, March 17,15(K). CIOUNTY TREASURER —1 iictc ) by announce myself as a candidate foi the nomination ot ho oillco ot County Treasurer, subject to the rules governing the Democratic p a .£y. C J. MAYER. Johnstown, l'a„ February 12, lSuo. lOUNTY TREASURER.—I here i oy announce myself as a candidate for tin nomination of the olticeor County Treasurer, subject to tlio rules governing the Democratic party. P. BOYLE. Johustown.,Pa., February 15. ikihi. tX)R COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for me office of County Treasurer at the next Dem ocratic primary election, subject to the r lies of I lie Democratic party. HENRY J. HOPPLE. t, harr townshiD. February 111. 1890 fJOlt COUNTY COMMISSIONER —I hereby announce myself as a candidate lor the olllce of county Commissioner, subject (lie rules governing tho Democratic party. JOHN BEAKKK.SK. susquehanna township, Febuary es, lti'jo. I EGISLATURE.—I will be a can 1 j dldate for the nomination for Assembly nt the Democratic Primaries on June 7th, sub. lect to tho of the Democratic party. JOHN E. STKAYKII. West Tavlor township. February so. 1800. / 'OUNTY co mMissionek.- \ ) I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination or the office of County com missioner, subject to tho action of the Dem crallc primary election. JOHN KIKBI lohnstown. Pa.. February av, 1800. ASSEMBLY. —1 hereby annouui e myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of Member of the Legislature, sub lect to the action of the Democratic primary election. JACOB ZI MMERMAN, Johnstown, Pa.. February ar, lW*>...vtiutv tfOR ASSEMBLY. —1 hereby an nounce myself as a candidate for the nom ination of the office of Assembly, subject to tho rules of the Democratic party. ED. T. McNEELIS, johnstown. Pa., February ar. 1890. CIOUNT* COMMISSIONER- I / hereby announce myself as a candidate foi I I lie nomination of county commissioner, sub loot to the action of the Democratic primary election JOHN CAMPBELL, j lohnstown, February as.isuo. ASSEMBLY. —1 hereby announce myself as a candldasc for the nomination | of the office of Member of the Legislature, sub- I ject to the action or tho Democratic primary election. Gallium, March l lsim. M. FITZIIAKHIS. AUDITOR. —I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination a office of county Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. Johnstown, March 3, 1890. E.J.BLOUtIII. COUNTY COMMISSIONER i hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of county commls sioner, subject to tbe action of the Democi al lc primary election. W. A. LANTZI Upper Yoder township, March 5.1890 FRIDAY, MAY 23d, 4-P A W AND THE-—— Wil d f ADAM FOREPAUGH, Founder. J. E. COOPER, Present Prop. The Combined Forepaugh and Wild West Shows, three times the greasest on Earth, Will exhibit in all their stupendous and una bridged entirety, with every act and feature re tained, and presenting the same remarkable programs that carried New York, Philadelphia and Boston by storm, at JOHNSTOWN, 1/1 4 \T 4A4) Friday, MA 1 On The Point. Triumphal re-entry Into Johnstown or the greatest possible tented combination In the I'nlverse—The grand, Imperial, laurel-crowned — Forepaugh Show, With Its twenty-seven t ears of glorious history, progressive Ideas, unbounded ambition, lim itless capital, vast, and varied iireulc, zoological and hynodromlo resources and now magnificently reinforced with the renowned, ro mantic and realistic " Wild West" Exhibition ! Wondrously sensational production of the Historic Military Drama, CUSTER'S LAST RALLY; Or Tlic Battle or lb" Little Big Morn, 200 Mounted ombatauts, Genuine Savages, -cout.s and Soldiers ! And Including the gallant survivors of Custer's old regiment—among whom are Sergeant Wag ner, who carried ouster's orders to MaJ. Reno on the 111-starred Held—appear In this soul-stlrring and grandly ennobling frontier drama 1 ALL THE EXCITING FEATS AND FEAT! RES OF THE WEIRD \NI> WONDERFI'L WILD WEPT, INCLI'DINI! THE GRAND Vividly illustrating tbo snorts, perlllsand ro mances of tlie prairies, and Interpreted by front ier heroes who h .ve spent their lives amid the scenes they now re-enact. r\Bsr " Eclipse," fclte trapese leaping equine ; together with all of Adam Forepaugli, Jr.'e, astounding sensa tions, including his dancing, tight ing aud clown elophants and thril ling 40-horse riding act ! Altogeth er the grandest equestrian triumph of the age. Given unity by mi<*|>ii| riil- r anil a liv ing sleeit on our liippoilioii'n track. •f® The grumi and eorgc-ous dress parade of the combined Korepaugk and " Wild West " show take* place at 9:80 A. M., daily unfolding to the public view the monster dual-aggregation. INCREASED IN EVEIIYTHIMI EXCEPTING I'llE PRICE OF ADMISSION I ONE - TICKET. Admits to all the aggregated at ractions of the combined Fore paugh and Wild West Shows pre sented under the greatest spread of canvas ever erected 011 this or any other continent. 15,000 splen did seats. Admission 50 cents ; children under nine, 25 cents. Re served numbered seats, with back and foot rests, and with magnifi cent view of Ouster Battle and start aud finish of Hippoprome races, extra. Two Complete Exhibitions Daily. Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M.— the Ring Performances one hour later. Cheap Round-Trip Excursions on all Lines of Travel. Beit" For the accommodation of those who would avid the crowds at the ticket, wagon on the ground tickets and reserved seats can be ob ' tained at Griffith's drug store, 201 and 203 Main St., at the usual slight advance. 3?ro fessiona! Cards. LFENRY H. KUHN, Attoruey-at 1A Law. office opposite First National Bank No. 195 Locust street, Johnstown, Pa. JAMES M. WALTERS, A TTORSEY-A T-LA 0 . office No. a. Alma Hall, Main street, Johns town, Fa. All business given faithful and prompt attention. Jax ,9 K. J. O'CONNOR. J. B. O'CONNOR. Q'CONNOR BROTHERS, A TTORNRYS-A T-I.A If. office on Franklin street , over Fetrlkln A Mil ler's store, opposite I'ostoffice, Johnstown, Pa. mars JOHN S. TITTLE, JL'S'tlCJi OP TllE PEACE A SO NOTARY PUBLIC. jffice corner Market and Locust streets, N"'J Johnstown, I'a. j ItVIN RUTLEDGE, JUSTICE OP TUE PEACE. jffice on Klverst reet,near the Kcrnvllle Bridge In the Fifth ward, Johnstown, I'a. collections and all other business promptly attended to. mars Common Sense In the treatment of slight ailments would save a vast amount of sickness and misery. One of Ayer's Pills, taken after dinuer, will assist Digestion ; taken at night, will relieve Constipation; taken at any time, will correct irregu larities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pills, as all know who use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory In their results. "lean recommend Ayer's l'ilis above all others, having long proved iheit value as a Cathartic for myself and family." —J. T. Hess, Leithsville, Pa. "Ayer's Pills have been in use lit my family upwards of twenty yi-:u-. anil have completely verified al! that is claimed for them."—Thomas K. Adams, San Diego, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Pills i:: final ly for seven or eight \c us \> 1 have an attack ... in he, it i ich f am very subjet t, 1 tai ml ■ - Pills and am aiwn.vs pti I. I find tlieiu equally hi" and, in my family. ' i I lot bilious complaints u i uti>- ances with such good . rare ly, if ever, have to call ph.\h .•• H. Voulliemd, Hotel Vutdlhuac, Sara toga Springs, N. Y. • Ayer's Piiis, PREPARED BY Or, J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in MedMua. HIRES' "25c HIRES' IMPROVED iijT] ROOT BEER! INUOUID. NO BOIUNCOR STRAINING EASILY MADE pjl THIS PACKAGE MAKES FIVE CALLOWS. ) ROOT BEER. The moat APPETIZING and WHOLESOME TEMPERANCE DRINK In the world. Delicious and Sparkling. TRY IT. Ask your Druggist or Grocer for it. C. E. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALE. ' LOTS Ou. Hillside, Coiismaugli Borcugl. l'lans can be seen at sooTT DIUKRT'S SHOW STORK. Corner .alt, and ; ianklln streets. ALwi. HKW FUOR-Oi mi AND MT AND TWO LOTS FENOh',II on sinTHian street. al>>ve fount street. Sixth ward. SCOTT D J BE RT Mrs. . Murto T HAS BY virtue of an older issuing out of the Orphans'court of Cambria county, ana to me directed, 1 will expose nt nubile sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1890. AT O'CLOCK 1". M. the following described Heal Estate: All that certain LOT OF GROUND situate, lying, and being In the Fifth ward of the City of .Johnstown, county of Cambria, and state of Pennsylvania, fronting three rods r,n Somerset street, westealy side, bounded on the south by lot now or late of c. Uocker, on the north by an alley, and extending back wesfc wardly ten perches, same width, to Walnut alley, being the same lot which William Maish and wife, by deed dateo 7th October, 1851, cock veyed to John u. Alexander. TKRMS OF SALE : Ten per cent, of bid when the property Is .-old, balance of one-third at con donation of sale; one-third In six mouths, and t lie remaining one-third in twelve months, from dale of confirmation of sale, deferred payments fo be secured by note or mortgage, at option of ' Administrator. Any further Information can bo obtained from JOHN M. HOSE, lfoom J, Alma llall, Johns town, Pa. J. W. BAKNETr, Administrator of .1. <;. Alexander, deeea-, .<* A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In tb r\ Courtof Common Picas of catnbria county. In the matter of the drst and tlnal account of Andrew Yeagley, Assignee of Hugh Green wood and wife. And now. to wit, the 10th day of March, A. D, 1890, on motion of Jacob Zim merman Esq., James M. Walters, Esq., ap pointed Auditor to report distribution of tuo funds In thee hands of the Accountant as shown by said accountant, to and amongst the parties entitled thereto. Extract from the Kecord of said court: Having been appointed Auditor by said court to report distribution of the funds In the hands of the above named Accountant, Notice Is hereby given, that I will sit for the purpose of the said appointment, at my oilloe No. Alma Hall, Main street. In the city of J hnslown. County of Cambria, on Wednesday the 1 Ith day of May, .f. D. 1890, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons Interested shall attend or be debar re from coming in for a share of said fund. JAMES M. WALTERS, Auditor April 1(1,18'iu. aprlfl-itd&aiw d AUDITORS NOTICE— in re of the first and tlnal account of Ebcn .James, Committee of Itobert J. William lunatic: And now. April 1(1, issio, on motion of Jno. p. Union. Esq., the court appoints F. P. Martin, Esq.. Auditor, to report dlstrlbut lon of the funds In the hands oi iho accountant to and amongst those legally en!H led to the same. Per Curiam. Notice Is hereby given that I will sit for the purpose of said appointment at, my oltlce No. tf7. Franklin street. Johnstown. Pa., on W, n.'k'S- I)AY, THE tils' DAY Id'" MAY, ls'.Hf, at .0 o'clock A. it , at which nine and place all persons in terested may at tend or bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund. t F. p. MARTIN, Auditor. j OHN DO*'. NEW <7l 11. KXUIXHXK. onice on Stonycreek street, Johnstown, Pa. N. WAKEFIELD, M. D.. IIIVSICIA X A XD Slf RQBOX i mice No. i:j Morris street. Johnstown, Pa C A. PEDEN, SURGEON DFN- I VIST, office In border's new building on Franklin street. All kinds of Dental work so licited. novl4 P. THOMPSON, M. D., SURGEON DENTLST, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Has had a profession"' experience of over 35 yoars. jar-Filling Teeth pecialty. Office Rooms. No. 114 Napoleon street. IDOHSTT MISS IT O If you don't waut to Throw Your Money Away: Mile's Store For it Surely is the place to buy CARPET. OIL CLOTH, MATTING, RUGS. MATS, WOODWARE. WILLOW WARE. TINWARE, DISHES, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, GLASSWARE, KNIVES, FORKS, AND SPOONS, ANYTHING, EVERYTHING. Lots of goods (all kinds) and it is the place to get your carpet woven, seven looms now running, and can make your carpet as we DID BEFORE THE FLOOD. AT THE OLD STAND,l3lFranklinSt.