i: yC \ X - ~~ / iv =~-J-h ■/ JBMT -v_ k V.: >. Cy^- Tnr • mors x Out through the gates of Fspabni. .'. 1 :•• v SOAP in view. One morning rode a '.udinus r\ n. talk I s soap contains, "Ah, whither bound?' t traveler cried, k re . ire and takes the stains; Who rested by a fountain s-id \ Ii u u-s i. au o 1., sweet as the rose "I go to seek," replied the sage, . iiat ia tin palace garden grows; "The greatest wonder of the a • 1; floats like cork upon the wave ; "Then from your saddle now descend With this we may both wash and shave—" And call your journey at an end, " Enough, enough!" the student cried; For here within this sack I hold "You've saved me from a longer ride," The greatest wonder bought or sold." And turning round his wisdom showed, And stooping down, the speaker drew For back to Ispahan he rode. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many while soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the 'lvory'j" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remark able qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright JBB6, by Procter & Gamble. THE (( A\V^)POWDER Satisfaction Guaranteed!. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS CAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIDLE PHICS CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. COOKS AT 5 CTG. ' COOKS frUALYEe., Retail AT 1Q cts. COOKS Pouraos, RETAIL AT 20 CTS. Sold by ail Grocers. Try a Pound Can.< I*o O 739. First National Bank or JOHNSTOWN, PA. Wo. 394 MAlfi STREET. ! Capital, - - SIOO,OOOI Surplus, - - $40,000 j bIJIKCTOHS: JAMES MoMILI.K.V, HEUMAN BA CM Eli, C. T. FBAZEK, GEO. T. SWANK, PEARSON FISH Eli P. C. BOLSINGKK. W. HORACE ROSE. JAMES MoMILLEK, President. C T. FRAZEK, View Preßidout. JOHN I). ROBERTS, Cashier. J. E. SEDLMEYEU, Ass't Cashier. Careful and prompt attention will be given to 11 business entrusted to tills Bank. ]\TOTICE OF INTENDED AP PLICATION FOB CHARIKKOF INCOR PORATION Notice Is hereby given thatan a— pile Hon will be made to the Governor or Penn sylvania on I lie I7lli (lay .if Aim ell, A. D. •BDO. by Johnson Allen, A. J. Moxham E. B. Entwlsle, W, F.Sal inuish, 11. W. Smith, Will Mcl.aln, George P. Suppes, W. A. Donald son. Claud .M. .Johnson, I). Curtis Williams,.l. U. Uocfgen, John G. Masierson, l uirlek T. o'con nell, A. 11. Wa "ei\ under the Act of Assem ly entitled '• An Act to Provide firi he incorpora tion und Regulation of certain Corporations," approved Aprl 29. 1871, and the su ■pleineuis thereio, for a CHAR I E,. of an intended corpora tlon to be called the " MOXHAM lit ILDINT. & LOAN ASSOCIATION," the character and ob ject of which Is (or the purpose of accumulating a fund by lire periodical cont>lbutlons of the members thereof, and to loan the same to them trom tlm ■ to lime, toena'j.e the n to purchase real estate, build dwelling houses, or engage In any legitimate buslne-s. and fortbese purposes to have, possess, and en toy all t e rights, bene. Ots. and privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements t hereto. fb 19.4-t ED. T. McNEELIS, Solicitor IN THE COUli P OF CO.VIAION Pleas of Cambria county. James Kessler vs. Margaret llessler—ln divorce—Now March e, .890 on motion of Messrs. Dick and Murphy. Attorneys for libelant, M. B. Stephens Is appointed Commissioner to take testimony In the ab >ve case. Notice Is hereby given that I will sit at my ofllceln tbeelty or .Johnstown for the purpose of the above appointment on Wednesday, the 9th day of April, lNttu, UL hi o'clock A. M. of suld day. .M. B. STEPHENS, mar2l-3tw "comml sloncr. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. ESTATE OP JOIIN M. WILLIAMS, late of the Thirteenth ward or (lie City of Johnstown, Cambria county, pa., decea cd. Letters of Administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, ad per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having editing to pre sent the same without delay to WILLIAM M. WILLIAMS, Administrator, Dlek AfMurpby, Attorneys, room l, Alma null, Johnstown. P i. T)U. WM. It A UGH, PHYSICIAN Aft) SU ISO HON, NO. 37 Main street. In Park buiidlngti, tenders his pio'esslonal service to the citizens of .Johns town and vicinity Office hours, 10 to 11:30 A. M.,3t0 6 and7to9 P. M. Junei .■vv^pfwro 1 fill 1 j -; } 5 1 Pi •SB!. i I ' ' - '' I 1 I H I k I m':J| f;: !9J !t k V ;J , I uviy | ,4 Th'j Greatost Pure on •;nrt!i for Pnln." Will livlievc iitoroQuieklj n . any tin r known rvin ' -^tL'?nh>v x Oily. ;U uinatiMK. Neuralgia* \ JSWL Swi'l'iijpN. Hliir Neck, Unifies, l £f ' " fc Burns Scolds, Cut*, l.uinha rEH W*' jl' c .j'" s - v ''• n " nM jj ? Jfif hclntlru, '\v/ Imnorter s' Wines, Liquors / and Cigars. \ 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, \ All orders received by mail or otherwise will receiv prompt Attention. JAMES CONDRIN, Altoona. A^ent. Danziger & Shoenberg SPECIAL and Important Announcement We are now offering more than ordinary inducemeuts to purchasers in each of our soventy-five departments, attention being particularly di rected to our SILKS, DItESS GOODS, WASH FABRICS, COTTONS, LINENS. LACE CURTAINS AND UPHOSTERY GOODS, GENTS' FURISHINGS, COKSKTS, GLOVES, HOS IERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Our enormous sales in these departments require us to add large ines daily, and as the same goods can bo purchased now lower than they were much earlier in the season, we are enabled to offer our recdnt pur cnases at o corresponding reduction. We are the money -saving house for the people, OUR ENORMOUS SALES ATTEST TO THIS FACT. We extend a cordial invitation to all out of twon visitors to come and see us. Mailorders receive prompt and careful attention. For sample send on application. DANZIGER & SHOENBERtr, Successors to Morris H. Danizer, SIXTH STREET AND PEEN AVENUE. PITTSBURGH, PA. 610 TO 514 MARKET STREET AND 27JFIFTH AVE. ENTER PROM EITHER STREET. PITTSBU R-O-H, PA. jL CLOAKS AND WRAPS. f Our stock is fresher and has more of popular, desirable styles than vou will find anywhere else. Largest line of Plush Wraps \}) Plush Jackets, New Markets, Jerseys and Novelties. Heal Meal /I\ Iv/I Plush Jackets, satin lined, $8,25, $8,75, $9,75, worth sls. Real f REM I Seal I'IUHII Sacques $15,50, $18,75, $22,50 worth 50 per cent I n ISmJ tnore. Two hune'red aud forty styles Caildren's cloaks, $2 to JXff .4tiisls. We do the largest Millinery business in the city of Piits ijr|§f and show you more hats, trimmed and untrimmed @2 W Feathers, Wings and Ribbons, than any store here, none ex M \\\Wcepted. CORSETS! CORSETS!! CORSETS!!! Over 120 m \W styles.. Ball's Corsets, Dr. Warner's, C. P. and P. D. and Madam t.Mjlj ' Warren's. No one can undersell us. Our Dress Trimmings are ISw °f our own importation and we certainly have more medium "Bj priced styles, as well as tinest goods, than you will see elsewhere ®lt Our line of Gents' Furnishings is complete and Pi ices the lowest. Wk. Underwear for Ladies, Gents, Children and Infants Natural m Wool Vests, 68c, 75c. sl. Gents' Fine Wool Shirlssoc, 75c, sl, $1,25 up. Kid Gloves have always been a great specialty with f/J • us, and we shall certainly keep up the reputation of selling the Ml I best and cheapest goods. Our 4- Button Kid 48c, 68c, 89c, SI,OO J J Our 5-Hook Kid 89c, SI,OO, 7-llook sl. $1,50 are the best for the FlitfaTSfY money. Hosiery, Neckwear. Curtains, Laces ami Handkerchiefs can be found in all Grades: —Articles for fancy work and Hand Embroidery in conntless variety. Our stock of Gloria aud Silk Umbrellas, with gold or silver bandies, from cheapest to finest, is far larger than any other here. Over 300 styles of new bandies, $1 to $lO. Our Furs. MffS and Fur Trimmings Were all bought last Spring, aie carefully made, and of the choicest stock in the market. BttS* MEDIA ACADEMY Admit* and • lassiSe. votine tni-n nd boys at anv time; (its tlicin lor llusiness. any CollcKn. Polytechnic Sthool. fin- West point or Annaixdi, (.taduatmu classes cine of ibe best equiptwcl ami I*-,' manaumi s hints (nxl tMc. All students board nidi 'be Principal I'eacbers all men and graduates ~f lirst-class t olleijes bun lmtldln B ,; s'nple or double I.ve r,,,n hks It it a steam radiator and is -ompletc'y furnished. Grounds (ten acre., tear font-ball, baselslll, SrttSTl. s etc Gymnasium S,*iMl m tu ut.es for apt students to aduanee ra,ddly Pnvate to-..ring ami I r i--t hwant Us I dinor may select any ttmlics. r a Business. CoUee*-l reiarJ*hr> I. .< tri< nl. or Civil , .. .. IV u. .1 ami hcmtcalLaboratory. Practkßuttaeu DsMrtment. Mtiort i %!••-*• rnmi:. . ,1, Mnr- tii' ! \ Miiq.lieG with u>p.ir.t>us iIIAII ativ oilier College littinif school Media At-nlrm. -it r..s every lu.nie cof.l . IIN! (he i" '>t training. 1 ixc TIIRSSB.N New 'iuiiratV.! ■fiai.."vir-sent any address. SWITHIN C SHGHILIIKib. A.II . A.M lint • .Militate). Prln ip.il SSsi'feBROOKE HALL-, Twv l'iuiiii-i, 9'i-W. FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Miss Eastman's Celobrated School, Graduating Courses In Classics. I.itcrature, Science. Mathematics, Music. Modern Lamniages. rwelve accomplished teachers and lecturers. Superior Musical nepartment. School has an oryar. and eleven pianos. Private tutoriny for hatkw.ii,l pupils Individual attention. Small classes. Pupils surrounded by such restraints as are essential to that salct* l id lißDpincM. New Illustrated Circular Iree. ..... . _ ' SWITHIN C. SHORTI-IDGE, A M. (Harvard Graduate, iPrlncioals Media, Pa. MRS. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE, principals, Meuia, r-. 8J- GUADANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. 8l. A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 per cenl Additional Security with American Loan and rust o. of Boston. TIIE WINN Kit INVESTMENT CO. guarantees only mortgages Cased on an actual sale Of Kansas City real estate made by It. and can not Incur a liability In excecs of Its casli assets. •Mt Is dlMcult to sec how any Investment In mortgages oun besuiertban these."— American it , rot •ieiKjrter. " The Investments offered by the Winner nvestment company have the Indorse ment of the leading Hanks at Kansas city, and the Kastern stockholders are among the strongest of t he financial men of lioston aud vicinity."— Otnniiu-ratal Jtuttettn. six and eight per cent. Investments In Kansas city Heal Estate First Mortgage Honda and fjv"rttcatps. interest guaranteed and a share In proinntsa specialty. Send for circulars and rvUrences, WILLIAMJH. PARMENTER, Gen 1 Agent. 50 State St., Boston. WOOD,MORRELL& 00. LIMIT 3D, CELEBRATED Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is Concened to be the Most Extensive and Best Appointed Establish ment of its Class in the United States. Foi longer than twenty-six yenrs the Company's Stote has been the Lsatiixg Mor eantile House in Johnstown, an d its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a smal beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more titan one hundred men. It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their cußtom rs with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and tlioy havcreeason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. TEN STORES IN ONE lit their different Store Rooms can be found a full and carefully-sclcetcd stocki •very class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of good tied may be mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ,'ARTEIS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, hILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, I ATS AND OAI'S, READY-MADE CLOTHING, LOTUS AND OASSI MERES. WOOD VALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, iIEAT, VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALF, FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WARE, AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS, FURNITURE, ETC. S'hii Auenlion of Country Merchant* Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying every article in by their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE PURCHASED IN NF YORK, PHILADELPHIA Oil PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities and on the most liberal terms, thf management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully defy competition 1 HE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Room fitted up with every convenience for Shopping, nntl a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also be found in this department for sale by D e vard. Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc., arc kept on the second floor, accessible by elevate r. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and " long measure" guar anteed. CLOTHING, HATS ANI) CAPS. In this Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected especially for the John town trade. All goods are warranted to he of the very best material, well in it stylish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannat b excelled. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. From the Hop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingman to the dainty Slip pers of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have difficulty in coming to an "understanding." Only the best of leather is used in manufacture o. these goods, aud they will be found at once stylish and durable. Shoe Shop and Leather Department. On the second and third floors, with convenient entrance by hallway from Wash ington street, is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department, where Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes are made to order, and where a large stock of Shoe Findings of all kind,* and a line assortment of Upper and Sole Leather is kept constantly on hand. Groceries, Vegetables, Hardware, Etc The stock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, and la alwava fresh, being turned once every month. Only the very finest Teas, Sugars, Spioe, Etc., in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to .nvariably low, "down weight" and '-heaping measure." The stock of Queenswaro is large and varied, and from the common Earthenware to the finest Porcelain and China Ware the assortment is complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to the Vegea table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries a kept, including Fore.gn and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In the rear of the Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is assured that he will be offered the very best goods at the lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Establishment. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of the building—entrance from the river side. The Cloth Boom is well stocked with Cloths, Cns3imeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a tine assortment of the celebrated Wood vale Woolens, which are without a rival in the market Clothing will be made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Department is located just east of the Main Store Building, aim is one of the best reg dated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery is a model of neatness, is supplied with all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Roasts are always tender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages, Puddings, Etc., in the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exoreisetL Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season. THE FEED STORE. Here tous of Flour are stacked away, and huge bins are filled with M goods rury description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresh and oflea FURN ITU RE. In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will be promptly supplied with House Fnrnishing Goods of all descriptions. ACCOMMODATING OLBRK.S. Our Entire Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough masters of their business, and strangers aud citizens alike will have their waute aM tended to promptly ant. intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WOOD, MORRELL & 00.