Priscilla spinning, long ago, sighs as she thinks how soon her linen Will lose its glossy luster, when the wash it once or twice lias been in She does not know that in the soap the evil lies that makes her suffer. Its great excess of alkali, which cuts the fiber, makes it rougher. Our modern maidens need not sigh since Ivory Soar has been invented, Containing no free alkali —by which the ruin is prevented. For linen washed with Ivory Soap in snowy beauty'll ne'er diminish, But always, while it lasts, preserve its pristine gloss and lustrous finish. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the 'lvory ';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine, Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright lssfl, by Procter & (Jaaible. B*aemeeaaKrmA^>,.i^Tse>isemsieeKmtwjiiKeE.7;swmi THE (' ( A\\o)PQWDER Satisfaction Guaranteed. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. " COOKS QiLgARTELS,RetaiI AT 5 CTS. COOKS Halves, Retail at 10 cts. OOPKS Founds, Retail AT 20 cts. Sold by ail Grocers. Try a Found Can.i jyfXXVF* Wf9*~ V-'.v - v A ii, / Hall's Baza i( Portable (>.so; Skirt i Form, with Iron Post, -s'*.vo; Skirt form, with Wood Post SI.OO. For Sale bv .IOHN STENGER. 3STO. '3.739- First National Hank OF JOHNSTOWN, PA. No. 194 MAIN STRBET. Capital, - - SIOO,OOO SurpluH, - - $40,000 DlllKCrOHii: JAMBS McMILLEX. HERMAN BAUMKR. C. T. FRAZKK, (iEO. T. SWANK, PEARSON FISHER P. C. BOLSINOEK. W. HORACE ROSE. JAMES McVIILLEN, I'resideut. O T. PHAZER, Viee President. JOHN D. ROBERT'S, Cashier. J. E. BEDLMEYEK, Ass't Cashier. caretul and prompt attention will be given to 11 business entrusted to this Bank. VfOTICB OF INTENDED AP In PLICATION FOR CHARTER OF INCOR PORATION—Notice Is hereby given that an am plication will be made to the Governor of Penn sylvania on Monday, the 17lh day of Maroli. A. o. 1800. by Johnson Allen, A. J. Moxliam E. B. Entwlsle, \V, F.Saltmursh, 11. W. smith, Will McLain, oeorge p. Suppes, W. A. Donald son.claml M. Johnson, I). Curtis Willi uns, .1. B. Hoefgen, John G. Musterseii. Patrick p. O'Con nell, A. H. Wa'ker, under the Act of Assem ly entitled '• An Act to Provide for the Ineorpora• won and Regulation of certain Corporations," appioveil April 3V, 1871, and the su plemeuts thereto, for u CHARTER of an intended corpora Uon to be called the • MoXiiAM BLIoOING A LOAN ASSOCIATION," I lie character and ola Ject of which is for the purpose of accu nuluUng a fund by the periodical contributions of the members thereof, and to loan the same to them from time to time, to enable them to purchase real estate, build dwelling houses, or engage In any legitimate business, and fortnese purposes have, poesees, and enloy all t e rig its, beiic tlla. and privileges of said Act of Assembly and tihv supplements thereto. *l iu£4_t EI). T. Mc.NERLIS, BoUdfor BONE MEALMra Beef Scraps, send for new price list. YORK CHEMICAL WORKS. YORK. PA Swr.lilii|fM. stiff Ncok, Bruiw-R, S< kK (*iiUs JUunba * ''' ' . NiilratfiM mi Uuw our . **oe it-_iMti-ud Tradi' Mnrk. mxl our Ifac-tdmiln signaturi*. A. <\ Mcji-r A" Co., ttolo jMfIBfIHRHfIH9OH2nHV l 599XlflDBM SR. BULL'S COUCH SYRUP fiot the cure of Coughs Colds, Hoarse "ess, Croup, Asthr.ia, Bronchitis Whooping Cough, incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive person- in advanced stages if the Disease. For Sale by all Dr 7 jris f s. Price i* cents. LOOK! IT you want a good situation write MAY ItiiOTHKKS, Nurserymen, Kui-lienter, N, Y., as they are In want ot honest and upright sales men to sell their choice and hardy varieties ot Nursery Stock, either on salary or commission. Many new and valuable varieties to offer. Write them at once for terms. OKI.AYB ARE llANtiKithcs. III! HQS 13FEDERAL ST., - ALLEGHENY CITY, I'A. A thorough school of Telegraphy, Hook-keep Ing, short hand, Preparatory and Higher English Music, Elocution and Languages. Terms are moderate. Instruction tine. For further Infor mation or catalogue, address or call on THE PRESIDENT. [MM>/1t"ET8 R&KkV,ffiS 1 .5 IBlalßflsVj KO, A. Mf OTT, New York City mayio-lt SOHMIDT_ BUILDING Largest and Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigars house in the United States. Established, 1836. Distille and Jobber FINE WHISKIES. \ TELEPHONE ~ oc, % Imnorter Wines, Liquors \ ' and Cigars. and 97 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, All orders received by mail or otherwise wiU receive prompt Attention. JAMES CONDRIN, Altoona. Acrent. Danziger & Shoenberg SPECIAL and Important Announcement. We are now offering more than ordinary inducemeuts to purchasers in each of our soventy-live departments, attention being particularly di rected to our SILKS, DRESS GOOD*, WASH FABRICS, COTTONS, LINENS. LACE CURTAINS AND UPHOSTERY GOODS. GENTS' FURISHINGS. CORSETS, GLOVES, HOS IERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Our enormous sales in these departments require us to add large lines daily, and as the same goods can be purchased now lower than they were much earlier in the season, we are enabled to offer our recdnt pur cliases at o corresponding reduction. We are the money saving house for the people, OUR ENORMOUS SALES ATTEST TO THIS FACT. We extend a cordial invitation to all out of twon visitors to come and see us. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. For sample send on application. DANZIGER & SHOENBERG, Successors to Morris H. Danizer, SIXTH STREET AND PEEN AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. 510 TO 511 MARKET STREET AND 27 FIFTH AVE. ENTER FROM EITHER STREET, PITTSBU SOU, PA. JIV CLOAKS AND WRAPS. Our stock is fresher and has more of popular, desirable styles /n 'han you will flud anywhere else. Largest line of Plush Wraps f\ \ i> f >lusl ' Jackets, New Markets', Jerseys and Novelties. Ileal Sea / /It Lil "lush Jackets, satin lined, $8,25, $8,75, $9,75, worth sls Ilea I MSffl Seal Plush Sacques $15,50, $18,75, $22,50 worth 50 per cent r/'/JmrJ more. Two hundred and forty styles Children's cloaks. $2 t< TV st>'- y We do the largest Millinery business in the city of Pitts rcll ' aml fil,ow y° u more hats, trimmed and untrimmed l i yVySffillFeathers, Wings and Ribbons, than any store here, none ex M \\\ Wceptcd. CORSETS! CORSETS!! CORSETS!!! Over 120 M \ H Bt >'lfs..Rail's Corsets. Dr. Warner's, C. P. and P. D. and Madam AM Warren's. No one can undersell us. Our Dress Trimmings nr. of our own importation and we certainly have more medium Yp priced styles, as well as finest goods, than you will see elsewhere <•§ Our line of Gents' Furnishings is complete and Ibices the lowest m Underwear for Ladies, Gents, Children and Infants Nature 1 W. Wool Vests, 08c, 75c. sl. Gents' Fine Wool Shirtssoc, 75c, sl. $1,25 up. Kid Gloves have always beeu a great specialty with us, and we shall certainly keep up the reputation of selling the I'll- best and cheapest goods. Our 4- Button Kid 48e, GBe, 89c, SI,OO j . Our 5-llook Kid 89c, SI.OO. 7-llook sl. $1,50 are the best for the Hosiery, Neckwear. Curtains, Laces and Handkerchiefs can be found in all Grades: —Articles for fancy work and Hand Embroidery in conntless variety. Our stock of Gloria and Silk Umbrellas, with gold or silver handles, from cheapest to finest, is far larger than any other here. Over 300 styles of new handles, $1 to .*lO. OUT Furs, MffS and Fur Trimmings Were all bought last Spring, a.e carefully made, and of the choicest stock in the market. I^o§ei\bavm|f@ s€l"== MEDIA ACADEMY * <" Til I I my* II AID un. . nt> Iliciii Pit Business. an/ Collet?*. Polytechnic School. f..i Wft p. i i . . •. < • . . . Hue hi the t* .i <9'|i*i|iiifii and tieni managed Schools i • - ill •. i :' .•I.i t •- ..| first-cUs* 1 ollej?es I-1 ne 1 • 11 iflc 01 i" ..iißib-t.- v ■ i t.r.-.m.u ftrn IUU . i ... i ! ill Im i-UiII. i., i# am i. ailvn ur r.,.itlv I'rivair u- >t... in i >.-• .... trill • . ■!•••* : .Hiv Mill:,-.. ... .1 Busings. Uolleje-I W.r ii .m . • ... fn.l. . .. .p • •.• i.. v i*. Kti.-t.l HintitM** D-piri'ii Mit. Short !at i .. -i.irr • lilting > ( Me. li.i Ar.uleiii.' .it. r.N • . i .... " .• .. ~ i.-u vi i I'M i N <: si it iK i Ai) :VM u "fi;! "i *•. - v M BROOKE HALL Ml * fOR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Miss Eastman's Celebrated Scho.v. • ' I ; *i. ire, S< jiMire. Mathematics. Music, Modern Languages. 'twelve accomplished ■>. .-ri..t M -u.u I depart hi cut. School has an organ and eleven pianos. Private tutoring for In. vd • lua ya 11 rnli .i 11 Sll in 11 glasses. Pupils surrounded by such restraints as are essential to their 'su i tinN'c.SHORTLirX'.E, A M. (Harvard Graduate. M tI MRS. RWITHIN C. SHORTLIULB, { Principals, Media, I a. 81.. GUADANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. 8.1. A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 per cent Additional Security with American Loan and rust o. of Boslon. THIt WINNER INVESTMENT co. guarantees only inortgagesbused on an actual sale of Kansas U'f real estate made by It. and can not, Incur a liability In exceus or Its cash assets •Mt Is difficult to see bow any Investment In mortgages can be safer than these."— American Wool Reporter. " The Investments offered by the Winner nvestmeut company have the lndorse- C . e lending Banks at Kansas city, and the Eastern stockholders are among the strongest of the financial men of BOHton and vicinity.''— Commercial liiuietin. Blx and eight per cent. Investments In Kansas city Ileal Estate First Mortgage Bonds and references' IntereßtffUan,nteed anila s,lare la prom Illy a specialty. Send tor circulars and WILLIAM H. PARMENTER, Gen'l Agent. 50 State St., Boston. WOODtMORRELL ft CO. LIMITED, CELEBRATED Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is Concened to be the Most Extensive and Best Appointed Establish ment of its Class in the United States. Foi longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store has been the Leading Mer cantile House in Johnstown, anil its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a smai beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more than one hundred men. It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their custom ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible priecs, and they havereeason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. TEN STORES IN ONE In their different Store Itooms can be found a full and carefully-selected atocki every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly > made, so that their stock is always freshr and new. In the wide range of good ried may be mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, OARPEIS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MILLINERV, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES. WOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, MEAT. VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WARE, AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS, FURNITURE, ETC. BTG Die Attention of Country Merchant!- Is invited to the Facilities of tins Establishment for supplying every article iD email, by their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND -:- RETAIL AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE PURCHASED IN NF YORK, PHILADELPHIA OR PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities, and on the most liberal terms, tlx management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully lefy competition. 1 HE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find litis spacious Store Room fitted up with every convenience for Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry iooils and Millinery Stores in the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Jassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also be found in this department for sale by tie .•aid. Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc.. are kept on the second floor, accessible by elevate r. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and v long measure" guar anteed. CLOTHING, HATS ANB CAPS. In this Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected especially for the John town trade. Ail goods are warranted to be of the very best material, well made stylish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot be excelled. ROOT AMI SHOE STORE. From the Hop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingmun to the dainty Slip pers of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have difficulty in coming to an "understanding." Only the best of leather is used iu manufacture o.' these goods, and they will be found at once stylish and durable. Sh <>u Shop iuul Leather Department. Ou tlie second and third floors, with convenient entrance by hallway from Wash ington street, is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department,where Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes are made to order, and where a large stock of Sltoe Findings of all kind.s and a line assortment of Upper and Sole Leather is kept constantly on hand. Groceries, Vegetables, Hardware, Lie The stock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, and is always fresh, being turned once every month. Only the very fiuest Teas, Sugars, Spice, Etc., in the market are purchased, and cfcrks are under orders to invuriably low, "down weight" and "heaping measure." The stock of Quecnsware is large and varied, and from the common Earthenware to the finest Porcelain and China Ware the assortment i 9 complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to tbo Vegsa table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries is kept, including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In the rear of the Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is assured that he will be offered the very best goods at the lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Establishment. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of As building—entrance from the river side. The Cloth Room is well stocked witli Cloth#, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a tine assortment of the celebrated Woodvab Woolens, which arc without a rival in the market Clothing will be made to ordjr promptly aud in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings arc never used, and sat'uMoo tion is guaranteed 111 every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Department is located just east of the Main Store Building, anu is one of th. best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery is a model of neatness, is supplied with all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Roasts are always tender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages, Puddings, Etc., in the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exofoisod. Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in 9casbn. THE EEED STORE. Here tons of Flour arc stacked away, and huge bius are lilted witn M goodeverj description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresli and oflea F I H \ITU RE. In tliis Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroem Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will be promptly supplied with House Furnishing Goods of all descriptions. ACCOMMODATING CLERKS. Our Entire Stores arc presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will have their wants at tended to promptly am. intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WOOD, MORRELL & 00.