The Democrat. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 31. 1890. COUNTY TREASURER —I here by Announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of he ofllce of County Treasurer, ■object to the rules governing the Democratic pa nr. C J. MAYER. Johnstown, l'a., February Is, 189a COUNTY TREASURER— T here by announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of County i reamirer, ■object to the rules governing the Democratic party. P. BOYLE. Johnstown, Pa., February 18, 1890. KII.LBD IIY LIMITED Borible Death ol twa Men and the Serious Injury of Another. The New York and Chicago Limited was about two hours late Tuesday when it reached Johnstown, and entered the city at a tremendous rate of speed for which it ti noted. Near the bluff above the passenger station it struck and in •tantly killed two men who were walking on the track and seriously injured a third. It appears that the men were walking on the west bound track towsrd this place when the Express dashed around ■ curve and struck them without a moment's warning. One body was laid in the baggage room at the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. A number of persons said they thought it was James Mnrau or Marron, of Woodvale. Another was taken to Concmaugh and was supposed to be a man named Coleman. His residence is ■ot known. The third victim whose name is unknown and who was soriously hurt, was taken to Conemaugh. Jas. Utzler, a brakemnn on a Pennsyl vania Railroad train said he saw ilit three men walking on the north track about ten minutes before tho accident, but this was the last seen of them until after tliey were struck. His train after this look the in jured man and the dead man to Cone maugh as above note . THE TWAIN MADE AIN. Mr. C. J. Mayer und Mlm Kat Spitzbart Married Yeotterd* Morning, Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock the wed ding of Mr. Chas. J. Maver, the well k'lowr painter, and Miss Kate Kpitzhait to ik place in St. Joseph's Church, Conc maugh borough. Il'iv. Father Corbiniat dictating. The attendants were Mr. J<>s e ih Sedlmeyer and MisP Amelia Mayer. Mr. Mayer and his bride have our btß wishes. They departed yesterday even ing for Washington aim other points east and south. They will settle down in tin Seventh ward. Back to J)in!owii. Sunday morning at 5:23 o'clock M>. Wesley J. Rose, lather of lion. John Hi Rose, arrived in the city altera six months' trip to Calilornia. \\ . Horace Rose, his brother, had gone to Pittsburgh to met i him, but not finding liiiu on the train oi which he was expected, he (W. 11..) re turned by Fast Line on Saturday night Mr. Rose looks well niter Ills trip ami o well pleased wilh the G >lden Stale. Not so Dart us " D " \\ ould Hsvs It. Ib the Editor of Hi* JoluMutm Demonul. A cm respondent in last evening' Tribuns wains to call attention to 111 way in which the signature's to the r. monstrance against the opening of Chi - ton street were obtained by Rev. Jus. P Talmney, who is ul the head of the opp.. sition. The article contains several mi Statements. In the first pluee, b< fo> any [one was asked to sign the paper, t was read publicly b-. tore all the peoph and further than that. Father Taliam fully explained the purpose of "he papt i It was drawn un by a committee appoint e I for that purpose, the names of when an I the purpose of the pe iiion hem known, it was not necessary that i vei member should study the wording of tin petition. I take no part in the eotitio versy about opening t lie street, but it i a good thing that the truth he known. No one had any need to think "it wn something for the priest." Those In did not " know the pin pose of the papei" have the privilege of withdrawing thei names. If a man signs a paper alum which he knows malting, he would do well to keep the fuel to himself. FAIKPLAY. At the Mous- Unfit;% The work ul repainug the historicm stone bridge is progiensiug rapidly. Tli central pier, which was injured Ire tin explosion of dynami e has been repuire n. ami the work of removing the course . I arches that was dun aged bv the tire and flood is in progress, scaffolding In int used as when the bridge was tirsicreeled It is the in'.eniion i f lie Pennsylvania Railroad Company to make the hridgeup pear as it was wln n tirel completed. The sueeial quan > of Ayei's Han Vigor is that it restores the natural grow th, color, and texture of the hair. It vitalizes the rools and follicle, removes dandruff, and heals itching huniois in the scalp. In this respect, it sutpasses all similar preparations. Now that the election i over and the backbone of winter is apparently broken, let us all stand up anil welcome the shud fly with a hearty ahnut Poor Hiuionily ! The common lot Is one or sorrow say-at least -the pessimists, they who look at the wi rat aide, certainly what wou d otherwise be a bright existence, 1 - often sli idowed by some ail ment thai overbaDgslt like a pall, obscuring perpetually Ihe radiance t hat else would Italic the path, sui h an ailment, and a very common one, la nervousness, or In other words, weak ness of the nervous system a condition on'y Ir remediable where Inefficient or Improper means are taken to relieve it. ihe concurrent experi ence ot netvous people who have peisls ently used liosietter's stomach l.lneis Is, ihat It con quers entirely super.-ensltiveness of the nerve-, as well as diseases-so called-.which aie invlied a d sustained by their chronic weakness s the nerves gain stamina from the gieat tonic the trouble disappears. Ise the bitter- for malaria, rheumatism, biliousness and kidney troubles. I Receipts and Expenditures OF CAMBKIA COUNTY. PA.. FROM JANUARY 7, 1889, TO JANU ARY 7, 1890. THOMAS E. HOWE, Treasurer. DR. To balance on hands at, last settle ment. ... 4 14,897 is ToannuntotdupUcaielorißß9 .. 88,157 87 To amount received from redemption of lands .. . 857 08 To amount reculved from seated and unseated la: ds 1887 and 18KH 1,899 19 To amount received from unseated lands for 1889 8,178 41 To amount received from Constables for 1888 1,990 10 To amount received fiom borrowed money 80,000 00 To amount received from sheriffs Gray and Stlneman, jury fees and Costs 852 56 To amount, received from M.D. Klttell, collections 1,983 16 To amount received from H. A. Shoe maker I'h. Hep. fees and costs ... 885 68 To amount received from H. G. Kose, Jelhro Oldham judgment 910 00 To amount received from W A. B. Lit tle, maintenance of Henrietta Topper 140 00 To amount received from I. Lilly, money received at Boor llouee 497 87 To amount received from miscellan eous source- 187 68 To amount received from tavern license for use of county 5,846 25 Total 8139,211 78 To balance In hands or Treasurer $15,760 06 Ck. By amount paid Assessors 8 3,857 80 Bv amount paid Audi ors.county 400 80 By amount paid Auditors, state. . MOO By amount paid Agricultural ASS., Currolltown 100 00 By amount paid Boarding Jurors ... 101 00 By amount paid boarding prisoners.. 5,187 75 By amount paid building bridges... 11.861 10 By amount paid bildge and Koad Views 293 go By amount paid borrowed money.... 10,000 00 By amount paid County Com missioners 1,800 00 By amount p. Id expenses of same.. 87 80 By amount .paid commissioners' Clerk.. . 600 00 By amount paid Commissioners' couns 1 400 o6 By amount paid Court Crier aud tip staves 540 oo By amount paid constables 1,695 15 By amount paid criminal prosecu tions 5,648 9) By amount paid Court House ex penses 1,191 10 By amount paid District Attorney... 1,912 00 By amount paid elect lons 4,066 54 By amount paid expressage and postage 80 99 By amount paid Interest and dis count on borrowed money 628 91 By amount paid Inquisitions 888 25 By amount paid Janitor of court House.... 600 00 By amount paid Jail and Jailor 5,068 36 By amount paid Juiycommlssloners and Clerk 99 90 By amount paid Jurors, Grand 814 <8 By amount paid Jurors, Talesmen... 24 00 By amount paid Jurors, Traverse 4,487 38 By amount paid miscellaneous 50 By amount paid Probates 1150 By amount paid I rothonotary 1.2 7 90 By amoutit paid printing 1,184 16 By a wiunt paid rooriiouse Direc tors 847 02 By amount paid Registry 985 48 By amount | aid Records 376 0 0 By amount pali 'i ranscrlblng Records 8,350 00 : y am .nt paid Fox and other scalps . 68 80 lly paid road damug s 416 00 oy amount paid U ud '• und. 8,790 81 B.v amount paid Keiundlug 3,1-44 58 By amount paid Old orders 287 04 By amount paid Reform school 1,080 96 uy amount paid western Peniten tiary 1,919 58 B.v amount p Id West Penna Hos pital 8,181 39 By amount paid Warren Insane Hospital..,. 52 61 y amouni paid Teachers' Institute. 800 00 By umount paid Redemption of La.ds 910 18 By amount paid Poor i.ousc Orders.. 13.321 44 ty amount p Id school Fund 6,031 89 y amount p id sheriff 1,780 25 y amount paid State Tax 8,186 72 .y amount paid soldiers' Burial 694 68 ty amount paid Stenographer 584 75 tjr amount paid Stationery 84 35 ty amount n Id surveying 22 65 mount Kematuiug In Constables' Hands ..; 5,2)6 18 mount Fenerations to Consta bles 4.551 50 mount batement to 1 axpnyers... 2,72182 reasurer's Con mission on $5,846.25 License ,\ oney 6 per ceni on i.0t.0, 1 per eeni on 1,000 und x per cent. on balance 79 23 -' easuier'si nmmisslon 5 per cent, on $93,485 - 2 being amount collect ed le sa i u i reinululngln Treas ure ' hands.... 4,671 7* reasuier' > oinm'sslon 2% percent ni156,886 23monevs collected irom various s urce 138 65 Balance hemalnlng in hands of i reasurer... 16,760 0 Total $ 189,211 78 A MOUNTS HUE FROM CON t\ S Id F8 FOB 1889. eier CUUetnn, i nmbrla borough, Pint W d .. $ 6oi nrtrew cul'.eion, ■ amhrla borough, Second ward 101 18 rchle i air- 11, I respect borough 187 14 d > rd ' nnnery. cnm-mui git borough, se :ond ward 191 ot aleh duller. I oopersdale borough 103 7s n.lrew Ho o her, i.lllvllle second ward 4 ft dwa d • onn ry, l Oeemrogli ooiough, I-hs ward 151 9' v. J. i.erkei, rubblown borough 99 25 >V. . I'liler.v. F;as> conemausfh 9 M . F\ huekhar'. west ayior. township. 2r4 9- .11 Klllen, Fast aylor,township 79 44 George i illlnger, woodv de borough .. 86944 W A. I.nn-z . Upper 4 Oder, township.. 100 00 ■f 'hn V. Stork, LO er Yoder, township. 4 21 John c liaiilln. 1 unnellhlll borough 802 88 -. 11. Buc!. Carrnffiown bore uga 20 8 Alfred Miller snvllle bornueh 112 4" \ndr.w t 111 pi ha n. - best Sidings bor., 18 14 . W Del zler. learheld town Jilp 536 46 1,. J Hearer, Misquehanna lown-hlp 881 (M bos. A, Brown, ashlngion township. lis .6- 1. o. Gales, hlte own hip 9.1 b v J, Skeily, lllnmre borough 80 4.6 lohn >l. Ware, Gilll'zln town-hip 2il o Georee t eckley,Gallic/. üborough 889 7, ns!ein e iklen. Kit er lown-hlp 3915 1.1 Oakland, cariop township 4739a J. VII et, 1 ero township 12121 John Khoeui, ummerlilll township 81 511 $5,236 18 DISTRIBUTION OF LICENSI KI ND'IO DIS RIOTS, dumsiwp $ 37 no less 5 per ct. $ .36 62 •sinfile bor... 360 00 •• 312(0 Burr n wtishlp. 7510 " 711,0 lirioll twp... 150 00 " 142 (Hi ■ nrroiliown... 90000 " 85.6 (hi Che 1 sprlo s 'Mi 00 •* 171 pp (host twp 112 60 " Kill 87 < ambila hoc 2.250 00 " 2 137 50 CoiemuUgh b.. l,8i'0()0 " 1710 00 Croyie iwp.... 187 50 " 178 12 Dean Iwp 75 00 " 71 25 F.b nsburg 360 00 " 342 10 E (onemaiph 270 ft I " 856 511 Ider iwp .... 837 .60 " 32(1 82 Gahß7Jn bor.. 810 00 " 70950 l-ranklln bor.. 90 00 " 85:9) orubbinnn ... so 00 " 85 to Johnstown bor 3,780 00 " 3,591 00 . Lilly borough 810 on " '759 50 ..oietlotor . 270 00 " 25i 06 Mlllvllle b0r.... 1,860 00 '• 1,197 00 fortune twp.. 225 00 " 213 75 Prospect bor.. 1-0 00 " 171 00 Rendetwp 112 00 " 106 87 Hh hi ndtwil.. 75 00 " 7125 stony cieek.... 112 50 " 106 87 Susquehanna.. 150 00 " 142 50 Bout 11 Pork 2.0 (HI " 266 50 I onnellblll 360 00 " 342 00 W a htnginn... 317 50 " 320 62 Wtlmore b r.. 180 (HI " 171 ft) lit per Yo er.. 75 00 " 71 26 lower Yoder.. 76 00 " 71 25 'l ota $15,589 59 AMOUNT DUE DISTRICTS PI DM HATED AND UNSEATED LANDS ro 1487, 188, AND 1889 1)1*1 iht. Rood. School. da iris township $ 50 08 $ .63 26 Harr township 10 75 .1 61 blip knek low. Khlp ... 75 89 103 47 iamb, la to nship 7 -16 1105 Chea township $6 12 57 89 ( lea Held township 44 98 1944 Croyle township 78 49 64 55 Conemaugh township 39 6 31 63 Dean township 63 54 21 60 Elder township 75 53 101 89 East Taylor 27 85 34 36 Galllizln township 2 40 l 92 Jackson township 59 56 74 38 Portage township 239 79 292 98 lteaoe township 81 68 153 99 I South Fork Independent School District 108 29 I Summerblll township 8 31 28 35 1 susnuehauna township 35 40 21 48 Washington township 13 29 10 63 | White township 81 02 71 09 Lower Yoder township 23 57 25 37 , Upper Yoder township 10 83 10 88 West Taylor township 15 47 28 39 Totals $l,OBl 11 $1,34.3 44 AMOUNTS RECEIVED FROM CONSTABLES FOR 1888 P. R. Miller. Johnstown. Sixth ward..s 21 20 Archie Farrell, Prospect borough 30 75 Caleb Butler, Coopersdale 41 11 A. J. Burxey, orubbtown 39 00 Wm. 11. Uhlery, East conemaugb 5 18 Wm. Klllln, East '1 aylor 121 83 chas. W. Haynes. Upper Yoder. 53 93 John C. llanlon, Tunnelbill 30 00 Alfred Miller, Ashvllle borough 30 14 Anthonv GUI, Chest township 60 30 W. G. Vincent South Fork bo ough 262 46 R. W. Delozler, Cloartleld township 287 37 1,. J. Bearer,Susquehanna township.... 45125 J. L. GUI, White township 150 38 John M. Watt, Gallltzln township 125 48 Thomas R. ilancufr, Gallltzln borough ... 82 74 Anselm Weakland, Elder township. . .. 103 03 Isaac Weakland. Carroll township 150 00 Total $1,995 10 AMOUNT DUE COUNTY FROM JUDGMENTS, el Refiner et al $ 10 42 E. B. Met artney et al 19 78 Robert Hollen and Robert G. Ilollen 125 57 Barbara Rapp 36 15 Total sl9l 82 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES FOR CAMBMIA COUNTY, PA., FOR 1889. ASSETS Due county from Judgments $ 191 82 •• •• •' constables 1888-1889 5,464 52 Bal In hands of Treas 12,76 ■ 06 Liabilities over Assetls 2,453 1 8 Total $ 23,869 68 LIABILITIES. Due Districts from seated and unseated lands for 1888-1889 t 2,424 55 Due Individuals from Redemption of Lands 91 60 Due First National Bank, Johnstown, Borrowed Money 10,000 00 Due Western Penitentiary 1,742 64 " outstanding orders 507 89 " poor and House Employment... .. 9,103 45 Total $23,869 63 We. the undersigned Auditors of Cambria County, Pennsylvania, respectfully report that we have carefully examined the Vouchers and accounts of the Receipts and Expendliureso' Cambria County from the 7th day of January 1889, to the 7th day of January 1890, and And them as slated heroin. Also the foregoing As sets and Liabilities of said county. GEO A. KINKEAD, JOSEPH HIPPB, J. W. GRIFFIN. Auditors. Commissioners' ollice, F.bensburg, l'a., Febru ary 3, 18!*). Receipts and Expenditures OF PO R AND HOUSE OF EMPLOY MENT OF CAMBRIA .OUNTY, PA., FROM JANUARY 7, 188, TO JANUARY 7, 1804). E. HOWE, Esq., Troauier, DR. To Balance Due at last settlement... .$ 8,927 62 l o Requisition for 1889 13.000 00 ro cash received from various sources 197 27 Total $ 22,424 89 To Balance due Poor and House of Em ployment $ 9,103 45 Cu. By amount of orders paid as follows: Attorney's Fees $ .10 00 Blacksmlthlng 19 32 Boarding and nursing, O. D. 1' 185 63 Clothing and Dry Goods 260 77 Coal 251 24 Collins at House 106 25 Collins and funeral Expenses, O. D. I'. 434 20 constables' and Justices' Fees and cosis.o D. P. .... 1003s Cash Expense and Allowance, O. I). P. 4,409 87 onventlonof poor Directors 15 00 Drugs and Medicines 18 30 Flour and Feed 138 08 Freight and Transportation, o. 1). P... 30000 Groceries 779 90 ardware 90 77 House Servants 280 00 Insurance 70 52 i,lvery Hire, o. D. I' 51 50 Lumber 101 19 Meat Oil 57 old orders 17 78 r hysh ians, O. D. P 297 00 Physicians at House iss 25 Phosphate, Vegetables and Potato s.. 387 35 1 rtnilr.g 12 45 Repairs 49 90 alarms and Labor 1,075 60 . auvn A Dlxmont Asylum 1,953 o Poor Directors of Blair county ss 00 •Vork 52 00 I. I.lllv for liepori log to Board of pub lic charity 310 00 Balance Due Poor and House of Em ployment 9,103 45 Total $22,42) 89 STATEMENT OF I. LILLY, V STEWARD. CMOUNT OF MONEY RECEIVED ANI) PAID OVER TO TREASURER J >hn J. Evans $ 5 01 B. 11 Ir county 33 40 llegheny county 11 48 Geo S. Lamb 74 00 Wm. I) Pryce. for coal 2 00 O'. ,arra & Davis, foroats 2140 John F. l ong, for potatoes 8 25 Jacob sbalTer, for giocerles 8 10 Various parties, furbuk wheat 7 00 I. I lily, for Iron pump, hydrant, rope, etc 11 50 I. 1 Illy, miscellaneous sources 28 75 slue of chas 11 aggert', deceased 30 75 •my Ann Reynold, pension 102 00 los. 1 homson, pension 100 00 roseph grant?., tlood money 50 00 Total |l97' 27 \ MOUNT DUE POOR AND I HOUSE OF EM PLOYIIENT. Jacob Thomas and wife $ 027 79 who Baker 11l 70 J inn J. Evans. 35 00 John Klrschner 14 48 Oivld 14. Jones 3 40 Joseph A. Noel 75 hminuel James 54 06 A. Pollunder estate, name unknown 23 70 F. J. Vlelsaek 17 00 T otal $1,187 51 Given under our hands at commissioners'of llce at Kbenaburg this 3lst day of January, A. D„ 1890. GEO. A. KINKEAI), J. W. GRIFFIN, JOSEPH HIPPS. Auditors. STOCK ON FARM. Three horses, eleven milch cows, one bull, one spring calf, eight hogs, tlfty-two chickens, ten turkeys. FARM PRODUCTS. Forty-seven tons hay, 522 bushels oatfl, 158 bushels Japanese buckwheat, 400 bushels ear corn, potatoes an entire failure, ninety-five bushels turnips, 1,300 heads cabbage, A good crop of garden vegetables. STOCK OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. Same as last year. INMATES. Number In house Jan Ist, 1890 62 Number admitted during the year 79 N umber born during the year 1 —142 Number died during the year 22 Number discharger!.... 57 Number In house January 1, 1890 63 —ll2 Number of meals given to tramps during 1 he year 423 of ihe Inmates In the house January 1, 1890, there ure forty-one male adul s and twenty-two female adult*. NAMEB OF INMATES WHO DIED DURING THE YEAH. Jno. Krerby, David Lamb, John "Davis, John Mcllugh, John Burns. Chas. Broenback, Robert Flemmlng, Chas Peterson, Arthur Harper, Ella Makln, Lizzie commer's baby. Mollle Boyle'v baby, Wm, Ambrose (a l'olander. name un known), John McDade, Thomas Hutchinson, John Flannagan. Owen Marrlon, chas. Hag gerty, Kate Martin, Mrs. Carroll, Geuet. Gra ham. Average number of Inmates per month, 69 7-12. UARSIBD. LAWRENCE—HESB.—On Thursday evening, at the resldenoe ef the bride's mother, in t oop ersdale, by Rev. Chas. L. E. Cartwright, Ed ward Lawrence, of Mlnersvllle, and Carrie M. I Hess. DIED. KITE —ln Franklin borough, on Saturday, Feb ruary 15,1890, James Walter, son of H. A. and M . K. Ftte, aged 6 years, 10 months, and 28 days. Funeral to-day at 1 P.M.; Interment will be made at Headrick's. Let quality, not quantity, be the test of a medicine. Ayer's Sarsaparillu is the concentrated extract of the best and purest ingredients. Medical men every where reccommend it as the surest and most economical blood medicine in the market. An article going the rounds of the press speaks of " Superstitions About Babies." This is wrong. There are no supersti tions about babies. Of ail the hard, prac tical, unsentimental, mechanical, matter of-fact. arbitrary creatures in this world commend ui to a baby. It only believes in itselt. Dr. J. A. Eudsley's services are in de mand as a lecturer at district institutes. He spoke before a large audience at Con fluence Monday night. The doctor is one of the most polished orators in the county and is always master of the subject on which he speaks.— Somerset Herald. STRAY HORSE.—A Horse was found on Wednesday evening In the Third ward, Johnstown. It Is a Borrel, about sixteen hands high, and about live years old. It Is at Zimmerman's livery stable. 'I he owner can re cover the horse by calling at the Busgess' omce and paying costs. JOHN T. MARTIN, febl4. constable. Ocean Steamship Passage AND FOREIGN DRAFTS. PASSAGE TICKETS TO OR FROM EUROPE BY PROMINENT STEAMSHIP LINES. Also, Drafts on all parts of Europe at Lowes Rates. W. C. LEWIS AT JOHNSTOWN SAVING* RANK, spr ao.. "*' l Important to Kaiload Men! A E. Smith has been tor forty-nine years road master on the Boston & Maine system, and Is now residing at Great Falls, N. H. He says track men, brakemen, flremen, engineers and con ductors, as well as baggage masters and ex pressmen, are subject to kidney disease above all others. All, therefore, will be Interested In the statement of his experience. " J have used Brown's Harsaparilla for kidney and liver troubles, and can truly say It has done more for me than all the doctors 1 ever employed, and I have had occasion lo require the services of the best physicians In the state. My wife also has been greatly benefitted by Us use. A. E SMITH. Road Master B. A M. K. it." The kidneys have been labored hard all win ter, as the pores 01 the skin have been close 1, but now the springtime ha" come, and they need some aid. May be yon have .hat pain across ihe back; that tired teellug: Iliose drawing down pains. If so, you eau get Immediate relief by following the example of Mr. smith and IBs wlfi, and use that never-falling anil grand correct! r or the kidneys, liver aud blood, BROWN'S Sa; saparilla. Rfctollte!>AlN FOR ACK<£S AND PAINS. Sure Cures of Recent Date. 417 W. Lombard St., SO.l to., HA., Toothache. Juno 9, IJBS. Robbed of sleep by toothache; swelling great la face; rubbed with Bt. Jacobs Oil; first application relieved, went to slsep; morning pain all gone. JOHN HOBENBERQE9. Pains in Chest. New Richmond, 0., June, 'BS. Had pains la chest over lungs; suffered 3 years: cured by 2 applications of Bt. Jacobs Oil; cura permanent. J. MADISON. Gout. Kllgore, Texas, June 21, 1888. Had bad case of gout; cufljred one year; for # weeks could not walk. St. Jacobs Oil cured me W. P. MARTIN, JR. Dislocation. Jollet, 111., May 24 1888. About throe years ago dislocated lay shoulder: confined to house 3 weeks. I was cured by fit. Jacobs Oil; no return of pain to this day. J. D. BROWN. Druggist. Pains and Aches. Marshall. Mich., May29,'Bt. Last December; was taken witk pains and ache* In the legs. A friend advised St. Jacobs Cli; tried it and was cured oy contents of one bottle. Nc return of pain since. C. E. BENNETT. AT DRUGGISTS AND DKALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. MG DOCTORS LAKE K| PKJVATB DISPENSARY. .jm&Jf? OFI .< ?:* 328 PENN AVE., —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All fj thh of I.Micate and Com. 'Jfcjy plicate! '.'i i-ii.-ch REQUIRING CONFI FT*' DANTI.IL H: ill 2M.IL.NTIVIE Medica iion arc treated at thin iJin. ensi.ry with a suicess rarely attuiind. I) R. 8. J:. L..K is r. member of tbo Royal COLLEGE of Ptaysiciftns and (Surgeons, and is the oldest sind NU'HFC expo ;-:-ced SP CJALIHT In the city. Special auntloii v *CU to Korvoua Debility from exiossivo l.umal OX. rtlon, ii disi retions oi y ., M. li.r. P.S. or E. J. LAKE, M, D, hue of liouaehold ' ar*'fk-cc!° ""Vhe *w"k you neeil do is to show what wr icnd you lo those who call—your fricniN and iifighhoi* and those about you—that always icsulfs in valuable trade for us, which holds for years when onca sUrtrd, snd thus we nro repaid. Wo pny all eapress, fleight, etc After you know all, If you would like to go to work for us. vou can earn from &20 to #<><> per week and upward*. Addreta, j B(lnnun ci Co., Box HIS. I'oi'tland, .Maine. LOW'-'PRICES ON ALL GOODS ISTOW AT JOHN STENOKR'S. No. 227 MAIN ST.. JOHNSTOWN, PA. B. & B.; Some rare Dress Goods Bargains for this month. Such unusual values as will make trade lively iu these Departments. 50 pes. 50 inch Tricots at 25 cents—all dark seasonable coli rs, good serviceable fabric; adapted for school and house wear. Note the width—so incites, 25 cents. 100 pes. double width suitiDgsin choice new colorings, 80 cents. Large lot of Scotch, German and French Plaids, 42 inches wide, ail wool, very stylish and effective, 75 cents, regu lar price has been ft.25. There are plums shrewd buyers. 50 shades of 46 inch, all wool colored Cashmeres at 55 cents, special value and equal to quality, usually sold at 75 cems. Another line of 46 inch colored Cash meres at 75 cents, worth sl. For Holiday prcsente in these Dress Goods Departments, we have put up 500 Dress Patterns in neat attractive boxes, plain colors and combinations ID sell for $2 to sl2 for the suit pattern. Every one of these suit patterna at special low prices. For Fancy Work for the Holidays, largest assortments of Ribbons ami Plushes at spicial low prices. Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, especial sale in these Departments, all new de signs and at money saving prices. Write our Mail Order Department fin samples or information. Catalogue free upon request. BOGGSOUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL STREET ALLEGHENY. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT OE. —Notice Is hereby given that Lei ters 01 Administration on 1 lie estate of Jobn Alt. late of 1 lie borough of I'oneuiaugh, county 01 Uum brla ami smle of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted 10 Catherine Alt. resident of sain borough to whom all persons lnd bted to said t stale are requested to make payment, and iliose having claims or demands, wilt make known He same without delay tithe under signed or 10 O'Conuur Bros., Attorneys, Johns town, Pa. CATHERINE Al. 1,! rix. "\rOTtCE I >R APPLICATION IT FOR CHARTER-Noil e Is hereby given I nat an application will be made 10 the Court of common Ideas of i n brla county, Mate of Pennsylvania, on Monday. 11 e3d day of • arch, A. D. isi*l, under 1 lie Act. of issemb y 01 II e Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act providing lor the Incorporall 11 and I Regulation of Young Men's ( In Ist lan Associa tions," approved the Ninth of May, a. D. IBs9, for the Charter of a corporation to be eal.ed ■•The Voting .Men's christian association. 01 Johnstown. Pa.," the character and object 0 which Is (be improvement of the spl.h uai, en ml, social and 1 hyslcul Condition of iouag .Men, by Die support and maintenance of lee ure rooms, libraries, reading rooms, rellgt as mid social meetings, gymnasiums, and such "t .c: m. ans and services as may 0 duce 101 lie accom plishment of 1 hat object, and to. the e purposes • o have, posse.-s. enjoy ami e.tenT-e oh the rights, be petit s, powers and privileges 01 said Act of Assembly. J lui Thomas, w. K. Mat thews, M. D„ W. A. Stewart, N. li. swank, S. |„ Harter, c. B. liavls, John Fulton, uior e A. 11a ger, \V. 11. liitil. brail. w. 11. . liter. 1). \V. Evans, .0. p., D. N. Greer, ri. W Moses, Frank D. Jolly, T. T. Morrell, Euiory West. W. 11. ROSE, Solictor, Johnstown, Pa., Feb, 13,181*1 "VfOTICE —The undersignoil, hnv 1.3 lng been appointed Administrator of Ihi estate of Mary Connors, late of MliivMle bor ough, Cambria county, Pa„ deceased, it.i pari lei indebted to said estate am requested to m.iki Immediate payment, and those having claims o demands agalust the said estate will present I'ie same for payment. JOHN IhiVVNS, Adtnlnlsuiti. r No. 293 RalDo4 -tract. Cnuihrugta li e NOTICE OF INTENDED AP PLICATION FOR CHAR I kROF INCOR PORATION—Notice Is hereby given tint an a - p lc Hon will be made to the Governor 01 Ivan sylvanlaon M,.mhi.v, riie 17111 iia.v • 1 >i.< <■ , 11, 1800, by Johnson Allen, A. J. Mux ham E, B. Entwlsle, W, F.Hal lmirsh, 11. \\. smith. Will McLaln, George p. supi es, W. A, Donald 50n.( laud M. Johnson, D. Curtis Williams, J. o. Hoefgen, John G. Mastersnn, Patrick 1. o't on nell, A. 11. Wa'ker, under the aci of Assent ly entitled "An Act to Provide fori he lncorpi r.i Hon and Regulation of certain Corporations,' appioved April 29, 1874, and Ihe sti pletue its thereto, for a CHART Kh of an intended corpora Hon to be called Ihe "MIIXHAM Bi U.DING A LOAN ASSOCIATION," Ihe character and ilk Jeetof which Is for the purposeof accumui iilng a fund by the periodical contributions of ihe members thereof, and to loan the same 10 tltein from lime to lime, to enabie litem 10 purchase real estate, build dwelling houses, or engage In any legitimate business, und foribese purposes to nave, poesess, aud enloy all t e rlghis, bene fit*. and privileges of said Act of Assembly aud the supplements thereto, ten lUpi-i ED. T. McNEKLIB, Solicitor. Conemaugh Lumber Co., J. B. KAGY, Manager, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LtimDei Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Shingles Etc., Etc. Also, Lime, Sewer Pipe, Ce ments, Etc., in car-load lots. Slate Man tels, Grates. Hearths, Eic. Building plans of moderate, cheap, and costly buildings executed promptly and at moderate |iriees Special attenlion given to superinlendiii the construction of buildings. fjTOfflce and warerooms rear Bed fori I Street Station, opposite Cyrus Lefflcr's coach shop, JOHNSTOWN. Pa. DISEASES OF MEFT O* Blood Poison,Difl -nfin-of Ki Ineys. llhnMeririiod re enltoof Errors n Youth orosj-oodlW and pormuneoi ly cored. (lon u'totlon nnd tre-it so(H"nl.'driree lymulf Address DR. OBUNDLE, 171 W. 12th St., t7"W York ulyli Xraas Presents. What more appropriate than a handsome dress for mother or sister, or wife ? BLACK SILK. A few months ago Raw Silk cost 15 per cent, more than it costs now. Our Silks were bought before the rise. The prices are lower than prices can possibly be in a stock bought since. Over 200 grades to select from in plain and fancy Black Silks —all the staple weaves and many new ones. Everything in Colored Silks for evening wear or fancy work, at lowest prices. Send frr > Samples. Holiday Lresa Patterns, Hood, warm and wearable Maids, Stupes, Checks. Tricots and Cashmeres, at ?2 50 a putte, n, up to the tiuest Paris Robes. Inquire of our Muil Ord<--r Department. Ladies' and Gent's Handerchirtt's by thousand dozens. •special Hooday Boxes. Ladies' and Gent's Gloves and Furnishings. JO II'TRNE & CO., 609-621 Penn Avenue, 1. 1 n SBUROII, PA. Everything will be sent by mall, express or o'' Iklil to any ,nl tress, a .dsatlslaeuon ialways- KUaiaii ii'il. jiii'iiH' m iVLH. BY vinue of an order of the Orphan-' i oun ana 10 me dlrecied, I will expose to Public sale on riraitdav ,Feb. £.7,i8G0 > i '3 ii'tLorK r. H, (in the premises the following described prop eity. KII ilie HI of K round sliuaie i i Cambria iMirobMb. fion lug ilfty leei (50) on Braid street, HI (I ruin tint ■> CK s no wld h one hundred and • hlr.>-two (PIS) to u sixteen feet wide alley (If), Hounded on lie north by lot .\o. s.. on the east by I'.IKOI h avenue, and known as lot No 79. Kails OK -AI.K : 'I en per cent on d iv ot sale ; one halt on eonllrmatlou ; i he* bill nee In six liioni lis lit er wiilnnieresi se ured by Judgment nine he purchaser to have the privilege ot paying full consideration money on confirma tion. Jo, N HI 'i I I K. ' dmlnia'rnterof rob'. Rip let deceased. 4 1. lb i it i No iCih.— lu re /"A estate of .lanies Kldrldge, deceased. And now Junuar.v . lwm, the i ourtoppolnt John it. orown auditor,to ascertain who are the legal heirs of Mirali I'. hldr dge. decea-ed, and to make a schedule ot the ainouut to be paid to each ot seld hi lis ler curiam. .Nollcelsnerebi given thatl will sit tor ihe purpose of i lie above appointment at my office Mi. no Fruikllu street, Juhnst ovn. Pa , on M m day Kenru >ry 17. IWK), at 111 o'clock A. M., uen and where ail persons I merest may ati tend. id*2w INO. a. oltu.VN, uoli r, 1 I 'Mi NISTIIA I RIX'S \OTICB. /l —L-.S A K OR' 1) V V 11) ED ( A ITDS. DK i HASEU.— tellers ot Administration on the es i iiti' f inivld Edwards, lule of Johnstown, cain hrla coiimj, deceased, having neen guinted to the undeislgiie.i, all persons knowing he iseives indeoied lo said estate uie ri ques'ed IO make Immediate payment, and iliose having claims again t said is.aiew pl pre eut tin in duly au i hem louted ro set I lenient to UahltlKi i I>U Alius, Admlnlsiraitlx. > oxliain. Or J. D. I dwa'ds, opposite savings Hani, nuln , street, Johnsiown. iSU 1 iUij. V oTICE is hereby given that the I ' follow! g accounts have been tiled In the court of i omuiou l leas of Cambria county. Pa , and wll be oi armed by said co,,rt on the first .wondav of March next unless cause bo shown to ihe contrary: Fourth and final ac count of Stephen Mutztnan, Assignee oi u \V Kelm At Company, and M W helm and wife. First and final account of lames, com mittee of It J Williams, a lunatic. J C DAUBY, prothonolary. Hrothonotar.\ '8 office, Februarys, 1890 'PRIAL LIST I SECOND MONDAY, MARCHTEItM,IB9O. DennerA co vs. Guyer. Martin vs. Mcclade. Hits vs. Greenwood. liorner vs. Barnhart. Ml ler vs. Mcoiade. Pi Ingle vs. l'llngle Gray vs. Gray A W'yland. McKay vs. Anderson. Young vs. Johnson sieel St. hall i o. McLaughlin vs. Kourko Makln vs. Sliuuketal (iieevy vs. heade. Ulnian. Goldsborough A I o vs. Mcoough. Cresswell ....vs. Cole. Vogle vs. 'I ay lor A McCoy. Klein vs. Bill- tt. smucker ACo vs Shinier. Marrow vs. Plunket. stonebraker vs. suppes. Gallls vs Humbert. same vs. Same. Ulrlch v same J .D \ KHY, Protiionorary Protbonolary's Office, February 8.181)0.