This picture shows two laundresses, one at work the other not able to, because her hands are cracked and sore—she has been using soap containing too much alkali. Read Prof. Leeds's report. 4 Gentlemen:—The sample of "IVORY" Soap which you sent to me for analysis has been received, and you will find analysis herewith As a result, the "IVORY" Soap while strongly cleansing, leaves th„ skin soft and pleasant to the touch instead of harsh, uncomfortable, and liable to chap, as results from the use of many common laundry soaps, in which the ratio of uncombined to combined alkali is large. The percentage of uncombined fat in the "IVORY "is very small, hence the lather is clean, white and abundant, with entire absence of oil or grease. There are no injurious substances. The above considerations show the "IVORY " to be a pure soap ilnd excellent for laundry use. Very Respectfully Yours, LABORATORY OF CHEMISTRY, ALBERT R. LEEDS, PH.D. STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY. HOBOKEN, N. J. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be " just as good as the ' Ivory'; " they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of •the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright 1836, by Procter 4 Gamble. TUB CANCKK AN I) TUMORS CAN BK • TRED WITHOI'T THK KNIFK. To removo the cancer has been something that llie med- Icul profession have never been able to discover. Hut. at last Dr. stclnert has discov ered a remedy, which ir applied will remove 11 in 11 to 8 days. Them are B kinds if cancer, [S. namely: TIIK IIOSK OANOKB, TUB srinßß CANCKK. Tiib m FISSI'KC CANCKK, TUB IIONE CANCKK and Tub WOI.K CAN CKK. There have IH'C:I cases where patients Have paid One s nsfleprescrlptlon, but to ther sorrow, of benneOt. l)r. stclnert 11:1s HKMOVEDTHEM OK 10 YKAKS STASIMN.;. and troin persons 84 years of age In Ills own neighborhood. Persons are requested to call at his office and seethe wonderful euros ho has made and which he has In alcohol lor safe keep ing. He has a3O years practice, and standsln Hie foremost, ranks of his profession. The follow ing cases are a few of those who have betu tured by me: Mrs Horn, cancer of cheek,'.tears: Mrs Johnston, cancer on shoulder. 3 .tears; Mrs Btgluius. cancer on breast, --'years; -Mrs Muler. cancer ot breast. 3 jears; Mrs Ilenndlg, cancer tit Womb, ~ years; Mrs Stewart, cancer of womb,t ears; .Mrs Hoffrat, cancer of Womb, 3 years: 1 Mrs l.anghof, cancer of womb, l tear: 1 Mr Hedeinnn, Cancer of breast. 1 year; ' Mr ltoth. Cancer oil check, tt years; , Mrdreham cancer on lip.'.'.tears; Mrstltlson, Turner on forehead, is years; Mr Maiyer, 'l'eter or Eczema, 311 years. He also removes the dangerous Tape Worm I 11 from -.'to 1 houi-s, and :iao spelmens 01 them In Ids oniee. He also cures Tetter or Kczemn. scrofula, syphll'ds. Liver complalnisand eom plalnts of the kidneys, nil. 1 . s'l F.INHRT. No. S'l Websteber's Ave.. Pltlsburgll. seudscenl stamp for Information. Dancljn fr ANii:KOl'S. BONE MEALSrS Beef Scrap-, '''end lor new prb-e list. fOKI. CHEMICAL WOKKB. YOKK. PA. i ALUGPJI mm 13FEDERAL ST., - ALLEGHENY till, PA. A thorough school of Telegraphy. Book-keep Ing. Shorth ind. Preparatory and Higher English Musle, Elocution and Languages. Terms are moderate. Instruction line. For further Infor mation or catalogue, address or call on TIIK PRESIDENT. n■ m 1 'lT.Tflr> obtained rormecnanl aloe- FA i ail id \ lees, inedleal orother.eom r Hinds, ornamentul designs Iradi 111 ■ 1 labels, caveats. Assignment-. Interference .Appeals, suits lor Infringement, ami ill e - ifflslng under Ihe PATii-N T LAWS, prornp | ly attended to. INVENTIONS TP AT HAVE BEEN OtJ TCnrntftl 1,1 Hie Patent office may ItClJuw I AIJIA stlll.l n most eases, be pat ented Dy US. Being opposite the patent office, we can make closer searches, and secure Patents > mere promptly, and with broader claims, than those who are remote from Washington. TWUBIK'T'ntIC send ns a model or 111 V fin A U JID sketeh bf your device; we make examinations Tee uf rhltnje. uud ad vibe as to patentability. All correspondence strictly confidential. Prices low, and N'o CHAKOE FN LESS PATENT IS HKCI BED. We refer to offlclnlstn the Patent Office, to our clients In every stale of the Colon, and to your Senator and Representative In Congress, special references given when desired. Address. 1 c. A. SNOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. ('. I JTITTn?k/ItoAGENTS - A s.. York Fit] maym-4t HP & CUSHIONS. Whispers heard. Com. furltbli. suarntßl - hrrr lI il,n,.lißflll. Sold by F. HISJ 111, •sir, Sit Br'4SJ, Niw Y.rt. Write for boek f preen FUIB. HAIR BALSAM Cioanroii nTid I want! fl CM the* huir. pISv -jJHE Never Fails to Restore Gray H its Youthful Color. hair falling hsndeWCORNS. The anfext, xurest and bert on n for Corns. Bunion*, itrc. Btoiw nil pain. Ensures comfort to tho Never fail* to cure. 15 eenta at krutftrLts. llixcox / fl) mi other. Ad p i in paM - v ' .1 i.ox. u pink wifipi-"r-.owa Janarcr. •■a." I'V 011* colinteiTi-lf. ?*'•' t le. -r y/ • | . ; i . 1 • Itelii lT r l.mtlcw." • x f- r. iiv .i fll vi. 111 ill. HH.OO tealt* ueiiluU:- LAOIEJ -v1...1m% u fc l tlw-tu. Name la,v r. C tiiuli'jalcr t:hoiillcl(\). 4 MttUUoil!si. j riiilA.,ri' IVIADE WITH BOiLiMC WATER. EPPS'S Gf?ATEFUU-CG':vI"ORT!NG. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. fn&Pli % i or-- uf: -'- f) tUK LHt.'ll' <>*' IkS-.f A <•. :ni ic.u I Staicl.ii''lit' er Medical Tra' - 1 "'! Erroiof y.e 11, Iteniat. r I .el'ne.N. rvena J 1 1 iiyeleal Debility, Impui'ltlMot tl. ! .<• gtri OV. rtaxailon, Enervating and nnlllting tie- vietiei fin Work, IhntlnepH, the Married or Social Hclatloa. .'.void unskilful nretendors. Porn'sn thin ur,;:ii work. It contains Pan payee, royal Svo. Beautlini binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only by mail, post-paid, concealed in pluin wrapper. Inns native Prospectus Free, if yon apply now. Ibe distiiignished author, Wlll. 11. Parker, M. D. re ceived Tic COLD AND JEWEt-LED MEDAI from the National Medical Association, for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and aeorps of Ated-tuiit Phvuician* may bo consulted, eouli. delitlallv, by miiil or In person, at the office of TIIK PKAISODY MEDICAI. INSTITUTE. No. 4 lluifiiirlt St., Hoftton* Mass, io whom all orders for®'iooks or letters for advice should bo directed IUJ above. ELY' S CATARRH CR-.AM BALM feSs'LY , s*^, Plush Jackets, New Markets, Jerseys and Novelties. Real Seal /l\J ii Plush Jackets, satin lined, $8,25, #8,75, $0,75, worth sls. Real / W j/Jr Seal Plush Sacques $15,50, $18,75, #22,50 worth 50 per cent j I/Jim I more. Two hundred and forty styles Children's cloaks, $2 to Bpr We do the largest Millinery business in the city of Pilts t/sf burgh, and show you more huts, trimmed and untrimmed J¥ VtWi' Feathers, Wings and Ribbons, than any store here, none ex 1| \\\Wcepted. CORSETS! CORSETS!! CORSETS!!! Over 120 iff \\vj' styles..Ball's Corsets, Dr. Warner's, C. P. and P. D. and Madam ' . Warren's. No one can undersell us. Our Dress Trimmings arc iiwlt °f our own importation and we certainly have more medium | 'll',p priced styles, as well as finest goods, than you will see elsewhere ; Our line of Ueuls' Furnishings is complete and P. ices the lowest, j el Underwear for Ladies, Gents, Children and Infants Natural jlI Wool Vests, 68c, 75c. sl. Gents' Fine Wool Shirts 50c, 75c, sl, $1,25 up. Kid Gloves have always been a great specialty with I us, and we shall certainly keep up the reputation of selling the I|i best and cheapest goods. Our 4- Button Kid 48c, 08e, 89c, SI,OO Our 5-llook Kid 89c, SI.OO. 7-llook sl, $1.50 are the best for the Hosiery, Neckwear. Curtains, Laces and Handkerchiefs can be found in all Grades:—Articles for fancy work and Hand Embroidery in countless variety. Our stock of Gloria and Silk Umbrellas, with gold or silver handles, 1 from cheapest to iinest, is far larger than any other here. Over 300 styles of new handles, SI to $lO. I Our Furs.MffS and Fur Trimmings * ; Were all bought last Spring, aie carefully made, and of the choicest ; stock in the market. ' j ' MEDIA ACADEMY I * imiii ~„i it..** vounv men ami ltV" it nvinic; lit* them tor Business anv College. I'olytechn School, fur West • • i . ,i i . liMtti g i, - One of ti.c IH--.1 e.ji.jujeu .iiul iHf.t inm.igeil S 1.. CMVKI table All students . ;, .ill men .III! cr uluai-s ..f la - foil-ges line MuMiug- single oi .IcM.l.le . ... V . in It ft ,tra.„ radiator an I .n,„,|otmv luriiished. limnrnK • ten ; >ll. 1 1. 1. I .. .. - uuth at t student to utnuw* raid lljr I'riv | r,.:,"."""i-t".*.;,..'.T iV,A,.;;,,;;.''.•• .1 I • '.I. II- mu.N 'lmii AID other t olleiie-litunc - I'U"! \ ... \'d "l , "tr ,I.'swirl'lllTc"s"!imVi.TS.l'. -vi; .A M "l l ... • •>.<: 'SSsfr BRO OK E HALL: TWO I'Ariavat*. MM. for GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES. Mln Eastman's Celebrated Strio.v. 1 r.railuatintr Cmr.e, in Clawlcs. Literature, Science. Mathematics. Music, Mo„ . , . Media P. •IRS. BWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGh, J 1 r,cl P ls . Media, 8.1. GUADANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. 8.1. A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 per cent Additional Security with American Loan and rust o. of Boston. THE WINNER INVESTMENT CO. guaranteed only mortgages Cased on an act ual sale oi Kansas City real estate made Ijv It. and can not Incur a liability In excess or Its cash assets. •'Ulsdirtlculttn scehowany Investment In mortgages can bo surer than these."— American Wool Xi'pnrtir. " Tlie Investments offered by the Winner investment Company have the Indorse ment or the leading Hanks at Kansas city, and the Eastern .stockholders are among the strongest otitic financial men or Huston and vicinity."— Commercial ItultHln, six and eight per cent. Investments In Kansas city lteal Estate First Mori gage Bonds and Syndicates. Interest guaranteed and a share In promtltsa specialty, send lor circulars and references. WILLIAM H. PARMENTER, Gon'l Agent. 50 Stnto St., Boston. WOOD,MORRELL & CO. LIMITED, CBLBBBATBD Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is Conceited to be the Most Extensive and Best Appointed Establish ment of its Class in the United States. Foi longer than twenty-six years the Company's_Store has been the Leading Mer cantile House in Johnstown, an d its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a smal beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more than one hundred men. It has always been tho aim of the proprietors to supply their custom ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they havereeason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. PEN STORES IN ONE In their different Store Rooms can be found a full anil carefully-selected stocki 11 every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly being made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of good ried may be mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MILLINERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. WOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, MEAT, VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR. FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAUE, YELLOW WARE, AND WOOD F.N WARE, IKON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS, FURNITURE, ETC. ETC The Auenlion of Coimlrv Merchants. Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying every article in email, by their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND -:- RETAIL AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN RE PURCHASED IN NF YORK, PHILADELPHIA OR PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantifies, and on the most liberal terms, thi management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to defy competition. THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Room fitted up with every convenience for Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also" lie found in this department for sale by tl.e vard. Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc., are kept on the second tloor, accessible by elevate r. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods arc handled, and '-long measure" guar antced. CLOTHING, HATS AND UAI'S. In this Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected especially for the John town trade. All goods are warranted to be of the very best material, well made stylish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot be excelled. lit HIT AND SHOE STORE. From the Hop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingman to the dainty Slip pers of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have difficulty in coming to an "understanding." Only the best of leather is used in manufacture of these goods, and tlicy will he found at once stylish and durable. Shoe Shop and Leather Department. Oil the second and third floors, with convenient entrance by hallway from Wash ington street, is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department,where Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes are made to order, and where a large stock of Shoe Findings cf all kind,s and a fine assortment of Upper and Solo Leather is kept constantly on hand. Groceries, Vegetables. Hardware, Kte The slock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, and is always fresh, being turned once every month. Only the very finest Teas, Sugars, Spice, Etc., in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to invariably low, "down weight" and "heaping measure." Tho stock of Qiieenswure is large and varied, and from the common Earthenware to the finest Porcelain and China Ware the assortment is complete. An opeu stairway leads from the Grocery to the Vegea table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries is kept, including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In the rear of the Grocery are. the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is assured that lie will be offered the very best goods at the lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Lslnbiish merit. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of fhe building—entrance from the river side. The Cloth Room is well stocked with Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a fine assortment of the celebrated Woolens, which are without a rival in the market Clothing will be made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Depart ment is located just east of the Main Store Building, aim is one of the best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery is a model of neatness, is supplied with all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Rousts are always tender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages, Puddings, Etc., in the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exorcised. Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season. THE FEED STORE. Here tons of Flour are stacked away, anil huge bins are filled witn M goodevery description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresli and oflea FURNITU R E. In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom i Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will be promptly j supplied with House Fnrnishing Goods of all descriptions. ACCOMMODATING CLEPtILS. Our Entire Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough I masters of their business, and strangers anil citizens alike will have their want 3 at tended to promptly aim intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WOOD, MORRELL & CO.