Ihe Democrat.! FRIDAY, JANUARY 81, 18' JO. A Crini -• ;ud a Hlmider. Frf ia Tl\e Bcs:oii ! ernld. I The administration, in interfering to 1 screen Dudley from his punishment for corrupting tin- Imilnt-box in Indiana, lias ' uiique-'iontildy nude a bud botch of tilings its elfoct in that State, accord ing t i lb-publican authority there, will be injuriou . ai'd in the nation generally it is si:np'y licmoraih'.ing.aa a piece of party p Is aloof from actively ap pearing io ts proceedings. To Comiuutt tlie ( t ItirtU Murderer's Sen teuoc. A movement is on foot to secure for Charles Carter, th ■ colored man now in Ebensburg jail under sentence of death, a hearing before the Pardon Board, with a view of having his cutenee commuted to life imprisonment. An attorney lias ex press. his willingness to present the CUM- it -uflleient funds arc collected to merely r-ny the expense of action. Car ter view - hi approaching late very pltil- Of-. |.lii- a:ei iv-.s so far given th- jail autl • 'ii ■ i i 'rouble. ll'ji:: * 000 to he distributed at South I" -ui J 10. 1880. The momy w a tr ' C'i i f< llow■> ; 'i in ... ers, 27 . IV. W. Baker, sl-27; Robert Bo wen, -27: .loan 8. Collins, ."silßl '.et; P. M. Criyic, -j-IH; William Custer, i:-''-!; Barbara Davis, §is : David Dutu IS Kvi )SOU C. Co., -SB llliam Mo s, - 27 ; Dae ie'urp..-.. 210; Mir- & Stine ninn, : Jo! u (< iv.an, : John O'lloi ; ); J. 8. I id. ••:.! • ]). S. 1' V G. s ~t,. ;f. £ Co.. - ! ice, TtfO -o . : >I ■ , $27 : ' - . .7 ■ \. l. : G. !>. . -lid '. 1 jiu : :un, $047 ; w : 1,. 11l ~f| ; 8. F, Supply , ,184 ; -Mrs. Tl.ornus < wn! • li. i"b Ya- . ■■"-j in ; ! : Ru Jam. l 0 : h I-i J VVJJliatn-. to the Mow. been Co vpr /:< m ['lie , piano, won K .- G ; Eumi, i ,|i .b. ; \ Kief k-r;i. ' i' Hi rn: in-. scad. v. t t Gor M m;• ; . • , , . Hornicl: t lace .cut tains, gift of flosl Quinm won i. m: Chine. „i of Mrs. John Widiriutm, 1 won by iinggu) Mabfi; silk Uttjbrella. gilt 1 of G< -Cc chip . won lo Nicholas Rosen- t ban-;i : m.-w .Sunattlm 'ove. eft of I Mr, Plank, of Railroad street, won by -n Ursula I r is;tck ; silver witch. A. Disl i • a lady from I tea*; w satin -. from Mrs, |,, Stengcr, won by John Hoi lick: sills ii itmhr-ift of G; is ASi i ,\ -ion by T El. 0.-ivald; canary, won by Kate t( Sponger; shaving sii, ift of Lawrence ]' Wess, wo by George Morten: ilk um- A b ell i. f Mrs. Stenger, won by Peter jj Bchuller; silk umbrella. ;if of Gei. & ( J| Schry, \vi by John Freidhoff, Jr. All the G otln . anic-le on which chances have been \\ taken will talDi I off on in >;t Monday B ev i.ing. yy T; Gi J. When Baby was sick, we gave her Car soria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorio, mt When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, . * When she had Children, she gave them Castoritt, sp( wa CX| fall DCMOCR VTIC fUIMAKIKV. Tl c 1 nocrntic vote. Jof the city of Johns I town are requested to meet at the polling places in the several words at 7 o'clock ahari , oil Sulurdiiy evening. I l)rni-y 1, 1800, tor j I lie purpo i- of selecting three delcgules to rep r:-sont tlm w.ud lu the Democnuie homlnating s Convention, to place In nomination u ward t ticket to be voted tor at the municipal election, ; und to select e member ot the party to represent s the ward on iho City JJcmoerailc Committee, j •he ward committeeman, or his deputy, will pre.tld ■a! the ward conventions aud certify to * the election oi the delegates. 1 >oeh wurd convention will make the tot owing , one member of select Counel', | one a. i inber of Common Council, one constable for three } enrr., one .number of the 110 rd of j ' sctioo't ontioliers. In such wards having Jus:- i tlcesof ite t'eace, whose term will expire in i lKtiO, or whom there are no Justices, there wUI ~ he u -mluated an Alderman for a term of live ' years, one Judge of Kleetlon.!one Inspector of : Election, and one ward Assessor for county i ur- ; pojcs. f The UcmocraticfTM-minuUng convention v 11 ho held in the Johnstown Borough council - ( Chamber, corner of Market and M tn streets, on ; Vlcuuiuj , t-Vlmmry 8, 1800, at 100', lock K. M. , 1 t.::il. V. WAOONEK, jl Chairman city 1-emocratle committee , Tin KMC.UTK Of ttOMII'. It'll.i;:K, Nohlo UoiX l)uu- b.v lliat Or;g;i|ii}'/ili< 'j for \* v tibt'i'M W n Suffered in tl.c ; Flood. The 1' oil c- li a-tl off ten ineml.eia of J the Knights of Honor and the loilg r. o- ' vvi'l) all its content-. The members lost wen Kn.il Young, Ghiulecs Mttrr, Goo. ' C. Rnab, Jr., George Ruali, .-Jr.. Richarti Jbnes, Louis lioktiui, Thos. S. Davis, W.I. Davis, Godfreni llotf'u an ami John \ Smith, They will be ree- :.;c. ■/.• tl us hav ing been among the b. tof our ciiizeus. As soon as the extent if the lie.ml known 110 . A. 11. Savtige, of Maine, Ml preme Dictator for Hie Unit' .1 Siates -. was in Pilt-burgh at flic limo, Issued a call for tin: relief t-f the distressed, b was responih-il t j nobly by the tiilf n.- .t lodges all over the country. A Comniituc. c-tnposed of Mis-iv Thos. N. Loyle. I!. C.'hiii!;. . and J , G. Ran,-on-, if PitttburgU-, umi '•. K, lJoye., if lilairsviilc, vvas nppointeii to aiieuil to tl e distritiution of the fund t at had flow cci into the Supreme Lod-e. The fnl own .: -miry, taken - f.- m . llm Khi;/7c'B of limtr R'-piithe official 1 organ of the •r, icovg how the la cr part of tin money wits distributed ; one i -ielved -uu • > •-.< I wciii t-tlve leeelved Uieacli o 'l t-.i,it- .t ret i. i d.... --ii .-'i . IV Five -su each um ho t one. Mo ,> 1 Kxixnseuf commltti ,' .. ,S Uli ; AHse.i-uiei.l s I,r Joioistown 1., i. -• tor May and Jane paid out of tlood fund, sin ■ ■ Aihlitions htibst-qiit-ntly r't cetvetl raised 1 tin total amount to 10,0-V.hk:i. Mitt i ct the Ay it -■i-t- he' '. en p-dil to i memle-t- of t Gokcvtlie L- 'ge. In v cnit•' • if the prompt.km! -tib stm ii- ! rt 'i.f - ved "te John:: .1 Lodge, at a ren-nt mecti"-. p follu* in -j irsolnt'ttos, ■ -h v.-t t>y -Mr lifuition : Will.. I vs. Tl I- ;•; c ■ tarn IV Of til.- disiastera of modern time, resulting In tin axvny of happy h me*, and the drsiraeUpn o millions of doit irs worth of prop , ly. imu WUKBKIS, At,long tlio.in ,1 our J I fllle v,,, 111 I-.. 1.0 :t warnin tit'. ~ ftom theiuu,- s they had.. fti, •„ . not In tnsu-rj, constraeied tn this l- as-, were ten w irihy breihef- of our 1, " ;.iiil-,- ; ■ is-1 our - • rc. - WhSki- I, In 1 vs i , condition and in artsWei 1 - li], - '■l: ' : • . Ii! -1 I ' 1i- I j bi- hren from till parts of tins count n brethren throt gluiut tlic couutrj for the >not tti churnciei of our or •untzni.loit. die c gn'-l dee - It lie I'-'iia . .'lid t'.i.: hroitn ilyt c I . i■ I til , roil--' at dut'eomut md I W-l I, dtst.iWiled lids fund among <>ur hvethien. r.c.t - . which conven -lit AP . Oetot er sth. he tnsiru led topi-r--1 : th 0 upon the minutes. K. kJe; s. plot 'or. At the meeting • f the C i L m \ Altooiu, October 8- h, t ( 'in n j. the Join down F! u 1 fcp - . .. j touching and appropriate t nlutii : the Join town tiis .-ter, s ,nnl by C. L. 1 . , . \y ii .7 mittee. The report w.-.t u e.iiop'i •!. "i i" Join a • wus represent! 1! in the Grnnd Lo-U by j Mr. r. 8. Fisii.r, of the cit.v. The lo life here is now in very 'Jour- J Ishing condition, -... 1-■ r new mem'.eis r having be< 11 in) iate! since the flood. • The oflScers for the ensuing year, Johns- > lown Lodge, N". 187. ar as follow ~ Past Dictator, E A. Janu- Dictator, 11 Alfred Eiisicihri-ok ; Yici i aetator, W in. H. Plack ; Assistant Dictator, Augustine, Vleyor; Chaplain. 11. R. Met leester ; jtuitlc. James Benfortl; Reporter. A. Q. '' iVorley; Financial Reporter, John K. iettfl ; Treasurer, E'. S. Fisher; Guitrdian, iVm. Cnthbcrt ; Sentinel, Mark Drew ; 111 rrustees, August Mvyer, J. li. KaufTman, ai leorgc S. Paul ; Examining .Pltysicinn, w . W. 1 lamer, Geo. E. Conrad. P' * KuiiNM'i One of lite I'npils. { fit] BCFFALO, N. Y., January 2!).—School- M 1 aster Frederick Freund, vvlto left the 1 Wl ty last week to escape punishment for wi iducing a fourteen-year old girl pupil, a l as yesterday arrested in Toronto. He spressed a willingness to return to Buf- y e , 10. J ret SMAI.L WAR ON THE SOUTH 811*10. Hundred* of People Wilms* Two K*rn ville Neighbors Carrying; on Hostilltie*. Tlie flood moved the house of .Mr. Wil liam Walter, of No. 70 Morris street, .1 slight distance from its foundation. After that event it was moved back and fixed up. The house of Air. Andrew Sarlouis stood adjoining Mr. Walter's property, but it was taken away by the flood. Some weeks ago Mr. Sarlouis crmmenced re building, and in doing so, iu 110 small measure. Injured the house of his neieh bor by obstructing the light from the windows of his hou c. Of course Mr. Sarlouis bad the right to build where and how he pleased on h s own lot, lint there appear to be sonm grounds fo r trouble not fully understood hv outside parties, as the two families have not been 011 the friendliest terms for some time. Wednesday afternoon white the con tractors' men were at worn weather boarding Sarlouis's bouse, some sawdust blowcdover on Wallet's porch, causing Mr-. Walter to protest. One of the worßineu spoke back, for which lie was 'reproved by the foreman. The foreman then got entangled iu the muddle. Mr. Waller appeared later and revoked the privileges he hit granted, allowin . tin election of scaffolding on his ground. The workmen went on, bow ever, but were .topped by being arrested .for trespass Dr. A. N. Wakefield bailed I the wnole gang, who immediately re turned to finish weatherhoardlng ti.e house, regardless of consequences. The contest waxed warnx r. Mr. Walter, not to lie defeated, took his ax and began to I chop down the scaffolding. One set of men were at work on it finishing the weather'boarding ■ another set were paint ing the side of the house next to Walter's, and aiming it black too. A bucket of pa'nt was overturned, and the contents bespattered Ir. Walter completely. Threats were also made to throw other things down if he endangered the safety i f the scaffolding. Two hundred people vfcro watching the contest now, as it was ab mt. the iim. people were going for their supper, and the crowd vas Increas ing rapidly, It seemed a genuine Ken tucky way of doing tlii ■-. Thinkin, it unsale to furthc r use th ax, Mr. Wr.'r went inside ids home and in a moment appi a red with a levolv;. r. Thi had tite effect of scattering the workmen; but they in a short time return d and tin. • d the a 01k, took down the scaffolding and ■■ . . . . ■ ground was clear of everything not be longing to liim. The contractors, M< ■. - . George Shaffer i-'vr- tr"ubt ■ " ' r.i .tjcr may cause the rknu-u. cords passed, most of . : .-i are inn li. but when tv y and finished their woik eleven of the -vurkmen vnrt o V entire Rutledge's aud 111 rle inform 01. a dnst Mr. Waber . r iuviii r iliiusi upon them the opportunity >f 10t.'.-in-.; <>< in t • barrel ot hi ■ re li 19 estimated that by the time tin were assembled iu the street waicldng the if.< ration-. It i tola doped that lrioie mode on wi'l be li- d hereafter in tire tOOAI. 1. ••• lI'CTES. IJiief .fi-i'iuot of th- CD-cling at flaili: u on aiiirttay I.; it-Pro jraroiuo for M< ■ - On Saturday, Jatoia.y- -25 th, HII interest ig ' ' ti many ; ■■■'; "oerdistricts. Am" Eh ..burg, >ul 1 inker, of Ashville. The imcr. st ntaiiif- >!• d in the meeting by the citizens of Die town and surruiuidii 3 whs cro v bj ■: i'l-'i Uigeot and api T anni , t tie programme, o iiliven the | cc'f ' appreciated by > ■ > • ifH .f I • -oris topics, Which we; T foliow. r, gis the programme ;r --raiiif-d fin lb. 1 sion: He. ball, Mi- r V-llit; Mcintosh and Bella O'Jw-ili; E • .Mi -*c Mag- Is lieiily and .it Durtiß: Quliivatlon of Memory. ! Win. Davis; tS'une things that canst ill ■I, • A. J. .Noel; Methods of Touching Spell d : 'id 1 V iry id , nrrish ; b rial Dab d lilsi ay, It. if. Biter; practical Work 111 Language for County School ■ Miss Ella Anderson; Whispering in School, Mr. Ed. Dinny; Natural Punish mi .1 IP for School Offences. Miss 11. M. MeOauTv. Institute begins at 10:00 A. M. Teachers are requested to brin inusic books with tlieni. All are invited. George Kennan is One of those fortunnt author-; who finds the greatest poi -iblc assistance in his wife. The couple have 10 children and she is therefore enabled 0 devote all her time to her husband's nii-rcsts, at.d this she does both willingly mil successfully. Each day linds her at vork recopying manuscript, reading rroofs, translating some Russian piece or ;oing over the receipts from his work ,nd seeing to its investment or deposit. Irs. Kennan is a thorougli business rotnen, of considerable business tact and rithal possessed of a grest deal of person 1 attraction. Hon. John M. Rose was on the streets esterday for the first time after having scovered from a short spell of sickness. Win T enhances the lienutv of line fea- j tures more than a clear skin ? Even plain ' featuris are made attractive by a good ' complexion. To si cure this, purify your blood wiih Aver's Barsaparilln. It has no j equal. Price ?t. Six bottles. $5. Worth' $5 a bottle. Fornker is in a di-grae ful pligl.t i Ihe 1 1 business of tin* Ohio forge, y, Die weapon . witli which he expictcd to defeui Camp- I bell, lie has always malntiim.d that . when he gave the document to lial-tead for publication In- behoved it to he 1 , genuine, but Wood, the man who prepared i 1 it. testifies that Fornker knew all tite . j time that it was a forgery. What with; - its Dudleys, Foraker and other i..scally \ , leaders, it looks as if the "grand old j party would have A hard time to keep out of j dl." f£Aamxß3>. t CKIItH:- -Ill's I'ONV-M Indian 1. Cn -V IIS;; , Hoy, January 82. isart, by u r u. sr. Swl-r u-t * or the Built Ist Church. ' r nmer - . CriblM and .Miss .Motile E. Huston, boi li or tilalrsvllli-, , OAKS—DKVI.I.x, on Tuesday, January as. lhito, by l:ev. i>. a. t iller,at the residence ot ilie l oißciaiing cleigyni.ui, o. w. i akes unil illss Ilium i li. Devlin, hot li i-; East 1:0110- muugh, 9 Will ITAKI-K -JOHN-TON,- I iMiUna. on Monday, J.u nary it. is-.m. i-i i. . i>. v. swignri. .- I u'i by i-ev. \ Do im '-liadrai-ii, s D. D., -ir. I ;nld Mhlltaker, of Johmsluw n, and >;rs. \inella J. .John -mi. of -nltsbiuv Indian i cotiuiy. 1 P-M'IX'N- 'MDPNOKI I X.-i n Sunday, Jan nary si;, itiia. in orrellvliic, by Kev. s. ei-b --1 ler, Mr. Axel 1 unison and x.lss Annie i • ideu grey. , rrotflouo-,iry siii.i(v, .lauuury 'dt, las < ; i 1; i .U'a .ai> ) ICK—in n- X.SL re ul - Kldrldge, di-ei-u i. And - L ' leii o£ - ran .. i drio.ge, ilen a ed. aril o I li - -a se.e anil-o: Uio nlnouut in i pal-1 to cavil or.-. 11l 111 lis 11 r 1 nrtuiu. . oil-a-is uisio ,lvea that I win s: lor ilie , pur.-----of leo ; 0.1 ,i|.p iu,r,.i-ii .in.i nili ,- 1 -O. IHII-'ia okii; s.-. ■ , ns: o-r ti, 1-a ~ u on- H it'.- l-eorui-iy 17,) ... . lo mi-'. . \. m„ who, and v, iiere e l p-. iaoe , li. ,et. !f.v.i,-- >i. ld.v.'vv i.iO. ii. ur i.v.,. AM i . r. : FOR RHEUMATISM. \ G£o IY."WALTS. Esq, San Francisc - ■ (' fr ia,G'o es'iil A. • a .ida , PdC fie ■ i " l aM *•' dorsment to . ' 'a oa< a cu: ■■ j i • tea -CCjrn 512 £5 - a t \ IJ "2 ■ J F.l Hi"iS id j "oEURALCSA, r>v GC3ATICA, BRUJSS3 AMD ;:URU3 f BPRAIR!3. Sold Up Drwjjisl* nncivii-eahlt fabric; adapted for school aud Uousi Wl'ov Note llit; wbl!u— tl i. i• ' . 2-5 cell's. KX) pea, double width suitings in cholcd new colorings, 30 CI-io-. i.urge lot i t Biiilcli, Uerumii I French Plaids, 42 inches wide, . v. -01. very stylish and effective, 75 cent.-, regu lar juice liim been ij1.25 Thin- are plum- shrewd buyers. 50 td'.iult-s of 46 inch, nil wool ci.intcd ( a--nit res at 55 cent -, special value u ci|iial to quality, usually -.obi at 75 c- s. Another line of 40 inch colornl ( i in res nt 75 cents, worth -1. For Holiday presents in these Dress Good- Departments, v. him put up 500 Dress Patterns iu neat aitnu c hoxc -. plain colors and comhir-.iiioi s to -ill for •2 to sl2 lor tin suit p i ru. ill i-.'V ot.c of Ii se soil )■ . erna ,! spici .l low prn es. For Fancy Work to; lie Holhtu.-, largest assortments of Kit ! - - ami Plushes at s| • cinl low i rices. Handkerchiefs and Muffle!--, esp-w;. I sale in these Department-, I! ru-v dc . '.rite our Mull Order i > p-.rt -mil ; i sample- -or formation. Catalogue fr< c upon rt-ipn-s'.. . jOO iU : 1 115, 117, II", 121 ' • * r "' ( ( net 'v. umbria roun . ,• t.\- .1 T I . i.t> tteh " ■ ' lv' .it i \ D?-< IN I ."xTUATOR'S NOT 013 J A .• D ir- Aiiiiiddstrailon on the • siuh t' .John M . 1 ■ 1 • . - 1 1 . . ■ • • " I ' . 'iln • III' i • ' liorou -U to whom idl pnvoii- lnd 'bu v !io siihi t MM required to in.-ike j> .v m-u;, nr.l ?! known thit Kiine v\i!houf dl i. > to Hi** IIHTJI'- signed or to O'Connor Bros., A' torncys, Johns town, pa. < .\ (111.h INK .\ 1 .'IN vdmtntHtnarlx. A PMIN STRATOR' NOTICE. i\ -Xiiilcels hereby given that be.:.'ci o[ ulralnißtratlon on tin- esfate o; ; tiomiis \v ilsn, lute uf the borough of Cambria, eminty of Ounbria fliiU Staii- of ! i nns.i Iviuih', deoeasoil. have 1 -a .lain. .1 io .fames i- fi'i on -r, to wliom all iiersons Indebteil to sain estate are re qui'-ae.l io make payment, and ilio-o havhi claims or demaiula will make known th-- siuue without (leiay to the umlci-Mgni'il.. .IA\II-:S it, IWOXMII,. Adinlnisirator. FIUNK O'COKNOR, Attornev. No. so Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa., December 17, isss. COMMISSIONER'S' NOTICE— V7 In tin- couat of Common ploasof Cambria county. Mary Jane I-'elix, by her next rrieiul, Edward MeNoal vs. Ezeklel Felix divorce. Now io wit,the 8d day or DeceurU'r, iss'a. on nioi lon or Messrs. Dirk . Murphy. M. 11, Stephens, Esq., Is appointed commljifoiiei' to take tesilmony and i report decree. Notice Is hereby given that I ; will sli at my ofllco. In the nm-oiigli of Johns- I town, for the purpose of the above appoint- I ment, on Friday, the 81th day of January, 18(), < at 10 o'clock A. M. M. B. STEPHENS, ! commissioner. Johnstown, Jan. 2, IMK)-at-w. Xmas Presents. What more appropriate <■ a th;tn a handsome tires# for tuotlier or sister, or wife ? LACK SILK. A lew months ago Raw Silk cost 15 per rent, more than it costs now. On; Silks were bought w * before the rise. The prices are lower than prices can po-fibly In in a stock bought since. Ovi r 200 grades to M-h.-ct from in (i : " a> 1 fancy „ Black biik3— all the and many new ones. Every thing m Colored bilks for i > ening we;*r or fancy work, at oavt'st prices. ,':r- oaili inumi is,on 8.19,'90, ' ISt'S. 11l .' il.i fill tOIIOWS, * i .hi. e.' a lie foot to . ' . ■! ■ • ■! lot No; t, south* igie . a Miinty sovon feet to an . i nta nicy . ; i ' i.' : i] *' "| -ALE . • • ; . at purchase rii-v In hfuttl, 'in ;>■ ' . iijv oval of I'ir court, ami .'ii a. >ti tn 'nit;,-, ana l'lncc In on,' ■ arwltn!,- ic ,toh- • ittted Admin.si i,■ ,e.o from elliier r twill ot tj c s lino! Dis'rici. tTVetedbylho annexation of parts of i ~|iri ', odcrand Stony ot sir l aviisliip niih i ii. m John- town, s provide i. in ,'t ibly. In such enso made and provide ' bctoby dive > notice tbnr lie 01 Krut :i" -tic son n s.nday. run uth day of fkd- IttADY. t C.. 1 ' i, at loovtock, a. m.fortliepur pose of attending to tho din ii <>f sutd appoint luoiii, nt whteli i lino and place till persons inter est.nl shall atienil. -Ami ilio -ucrciurips of tho ■cliool Ho.inls . : i pper \ uler mid stony,'reek townships, an rnqrn it tl to present the Assese moid l.lsts. of tin . ■ townshps, tor lssit. with a statement showinc the amount of territory an nexed to Johnstown out ot tin- respective town siilps. \v. Holt ck liosn. uon mlsatoncr. Johnstown. la., December ;s, ipso. tlec.lo-3tw "VTOTICE—The undersigned, hav- J.N lng been appointed Administrator or tbe estate of Mary Connors, late of MlUville bor ough, Cumbria county, l'a„ deceased, all parties Indebted to said estate are requested to mako Immediatejiuyment, anil tnose having claims or demands against t he said estate will present the same for payment. JOHN DOWNS, Administrator, No. IP3 KaUroad stre ct, Cumbria boroqgb