I Nr laundry use. Very Respectfully Yours, ' LABORATO VI" . IISTJ:V. ALBERT R. LEEDS, PH.D. I, STEVENS INSTITUTE OR M'OLTOV „ HOBOKEN N ' PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright ISB6, by Procter & Gamble. ♦ THE CANCER AND TUMORS CAN HE • t'HED WITHOUT THE KNIFE. •. To remove the cancer has hfi been sunirt hing that(he med ~- V lent proiessimi have never 12. iA been able to discover, lint, at i . i last Dr. Stelnert has dlscov r vA- ered a remedy, which It ~e° k applied will remove It. In ti to , yJ> . /'f J tsdays. 11 L ZJa' ■{ There are 5 hinds tf cancer, M namely: Tin: Rosk cancek, IA \jSr ) The sfidkii Cancek. Tiik > i V*?*sr* FissPßK CASCKtt. T.ie Honk > )gk \' Tl Canckk and Thk \voi.k Can *** •• * t'F.H. There have been cases I .ANGER CUR£.w lu re patients have pahl s).',o One s tigleprescilptlon, but to ther sorrow, or • bennotlt. Dr.,stelnert has Kemovkd Them Of 10 Veahs Stanimno, and from persons HI years if aire In Ills own nelglihorhoo I. J• rsons are n quested to call al his office and seethe wonderful eurcs li.i has made and which lie has In alcohol for safe keen ing. He bus aSO years prut it lei, and stands In the foremost ranks <>f his profession, rhefollow- F* ing cases are a few oi Uios" who have he, a cured b.v me: Mrs Horn, i . nearer eh ears; i , Airs Johnston, cancer on shoulder. :i year . Mrs Idghnire. cancer on hr- i.-t. g years; Mrs Aluler. Cancer ot breast. :t years; I Mrs lleaudlg, Cancer of Womb, 2 \ ears; Mrs Stewart, canci r of Womti. :i years; ■lrs Hi ff j ,:t. i'aneer bf W< mb. •. v. are: Mr fiederaan. cancer of bren a, l ye.t - l*j, Mr Hoi li. cancer on cheek. ' y ,r : Mrt r<'fi:iin ' ane r on Hp. > ■ a ■ Alv Stills n, Tomer on fori :a a l.:, ■ ears; Fijjfc Mr.Matycr, Totcr or Eczema, so years. He also removes the dangoro ■; .at ■ - orm in from -.'to : hours, and :< Mielmcns oi:bom in his oil ■. tie • ,o mires 'l'vier or Um.un.i. I I; scrofula, eyphillls, liver coiiipeilnts and '"in plalnts of the kldr.m.. IH„ <.. M ui.N'Ki.'. No. 11l M elisii be, >, C.e.. i tcsi'u,l Send 2 c ut stamp for Information. EJcuufjji & <£o. 'LOOK ! I F If you want a good sltmtHon write MAY BKOnn.US, Nui si • vuicn, ttni lic.tcr. N, V.. I as they are In warn of iioties: and upright sales men to sell their choice and hardy varieties of I Nursery Btoek. either on -.alar.-, or emiimi don. ! Many new and valuable varieties to offi r. \\ rite i them at once for terms. OKI.AYS ARE lA NGKKOUS. nn&§£"" siri i pon.THY. BuNr. MvAlsfn,;'c; Beef Scraps. Send for new price list. YORK CHEifXCA^WOKKB. YORK. PA. I ALIIGHFNY COLIIGE, , 12 FEDERAL ST., - ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. A thorough school of Telegraphy, Book-keep Ing, Short hand. Preparatory and Higher English Music, Elocution and Languages. Terms are moderate. Instruction tine, for further Infor mation or catalogue, address or call on THE PRESIDENT. D ATIi'VPC obtained for rnecnanl al dc rnl Hil i 3 vlces.medlealorother.com pounds, ornamental designs, trade-marks and labols. caveats. Assignments. Interferences Appeals, suits for Infringement, and all cases arising under the PATEN T LAWS, promp -1 ly attended to. INVENTIONS TL AT HAVE BEEN DC ICffpirn by the Patent oftlce may ncunil A fill st 111, In most eases, be pat ented by us. Being opposite the Patent, office, we can make closer searches, and secure Patents mere promptly, and with broader claims, than those who are remote from Washington, f UfTDItJITIfI'DQ s '' nii us 11 model or ill V toil i una sketch of your dovlco; , we make examinations free, qf chary*. and advise as to patentability. All correspondence strictly confidential. Prices low. and NO cIIAHOE UN LESS PATENT IS SECURED. We refer to officials in the Patent office, to our clients In every stato of the Union, and to your senatornnd Representative In Congress, special references given when desired. Address, 0. A. SNOW A CO.. I b Opposite Patent Office. Washington, 1). C. ' nTnmntoACEHTs^^-s I A llf Ill'rV; KO. A.. SCOTT, New York Clt, maytfl-tt I > EP?NEBS A HEAD NOISES CUREOby IB" SSk ' ' lv '' li ' s LNVlstllhli TUBULAR EAR taPftwirsH CUSHIONS. Whispers heard. Com. forlablp. SueepMfal where allUrnte.llMfall. SoldbjF. IIISCOX, ©ulj, h0 J Ur'dnaj, New lork. Write for book of proofs FIIKK. HAIR BAJ.SAJV3 i nid beautifies fho hair. iU< r VS. ' tf.; • frt.t.-aia luxuriant irrowth. |*'.:)f -Ji ' ' foils to Rostoro Gray y ' <-.<* Youthful Color. HI ITSkrcorns. Thow: t. r v v a:.d b. it nre for Corns, Duttions, Aa orttothofcoi Kever folia - - • -pcr r. : ' : * 4 ' Kl r ' • a■. T. riy^ '•b ".ivMiii ii.'i.nii, t' t'i'ii •• \\ j t liiciie it r flhewlcal MADE WiTH DOILIWC '"•'\TER, : r. U 12 GHATEFUL-C :'ORT!MG. f.\D.v VviTH BOiUfiiO VnLK. I IBX) OF 3LXITS£I Scientific an-1 btandard ropuiar Medical Treatisoon ! the Errors of Youth, rromaturt- Decline, Nervous I and Physical Debility, impurities of the Hlood Resultingtrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Bxceeaee or j Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim , for Work, Husincßß, the Married or Social Relation. ; Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 300 pngep, royal Bvo. Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only SI.OO by mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus trative Prospectus Free, if yon apply now. The distinguished author, Wm. 11. Parker, M. D , re- , ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the National Medical Association, for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physlcinns may be consulted, eonfi. rlentially, by mail or in person, at the office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston, Mass., to whom ail orders or letters for ndvice should be directed as above. ELY ' S CatamrH CR AM BALMHPiiLv s^n IS WORTH $ 1.0 0 0 TO ANV MAN, RJAVFEVEfip^ Woman or Child y ' '^llf I CATARRH NofeUOUIDorSNUFFH^' 4^'"'^ A particle Is applied Into each nostMl and Is agreeable. Price ."Hi cents al l iragglsiH : hy mall, registered, (Hi cent-. ELY BROTHERS. > m. Warren street. New York. SCHMTT^T_BXJTT.I3IIS-a Largest and Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigar House is tbe United States. Established, 1830. Distille and Jobber FINE WHISKIES. \ TEL EPHONE No. 666. Importer V k Wines, Liquors. \ and Cigars. \ and 97 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, All orders received by mail or otherwise will receive prompt Attention. JAMES CONDRIN. .A-ltoonn, Awqit, Dansiger & Shoenbere? SPECIAL and important Announcement, We are now offering more than ordinary inducements to purchasers in each of our soventy-iive departments, attention being particularly di rected to our SILIvS, DRESS GOOD-', WASH FABRICS, COTTONS LINENS LACE CURTAINS AND UPHOSTERY GOODS GENTS' FUHISHINGS. CORSETS, GLOVES, HOS IERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Our enormous sales in these departments require us to add large lines daily, and as the same goods can he purchased now lower than they were much earlier in, the season, we are enabled to offer our recdnt pur chases at o corresponding reduction. Wo are the money saving house for the people, OLTR ENORMOUS SALES ATTEST TO THIS FACT. 'AVe extend a cordial invitation to all out of twon visitors to come and see us. Mail differs receive prompt and careful attention. For sample send on application. \ DANZIGER & SHOENBERO, Successors to Morris H. Danizer, SIXTH STREET AND PEEN AVENUE. PITTSBURGH, PA. 510 TO 614 MARKET STREET AND '27 FIFTH AVE. KNTKIt FROM KITH Kit STKKIiT. PITXSBU ROH, PA. jjV CLOAKS AND WRAPS. Our stock is fresher and has more of popular, desirable styles J-A than vou will find anywhere else. Largest line of Plush Wraps f\ \ , flush Jackets, New Markets, Jerseys and Novelties. Real Seal I A~. Plush Jackets, satin lined, fts,2s, *2,75, $9,75, worth ft 10. Real I f fl>;/ Seal Flush Sacqucs ft 15,50, ft 18.75, *82,50 worth 50 per cent !/; i :h\ more, l'wo hundred and forty styles Children's cloaks, *2 to xf // wr ' lr> - Me do the lar.est Millinery business in the city of J'it.ts \-/'J ■ ;<">?!'• "how you more lints, trimmed and untrimmed it v\\ • Feather • Wings and Ribbons. Hum any store here, none ev il? \W\ coptcd. CORSETS! CORSETS!! CORBETSH! Over 120 J \\B' sty!es..BalP Corsets, Dr. Warner's, C. P. and !'. I), and Madam j 1 Warren's. No one can undersell us. Our Dress Trimmings are t ; I of our own importation at Iwe certainly have more medium 1 priced style-, as well as tinest goods, than you will see elsewhere ttt , I Our line of Cents' Furm,-kings complete and Pi ices the lowest. 1 Underwear for Ladies. Cents. Children and Infants Natural I Wool V.-.:.. tve. Me. ••!. Gents' Fine Wool Shirtssoc, 75c, vd.T II up. KM Gloves hat e always been a great specialty wit lit ||| us. and we shall certainly keep up the reputation of selling the | f best and cheapest goods. Our I. Button" KM 48c, Bc, 89c."51,00 Our 5-Ib'i k Kid Stir. |l.'. 1. 7-llook ft 1. $1.50 tire the best for the I L money. Hosiery, Neckwear. Curtains, Laces and i fandkerchiel's can be found iu all Grades:—Articles for fancy work and Hand Embroidery iu conntless variety. Our stock of Gloria and Silk Umbrellas, with gold or silver handles, from cheapest to finest, is far larger than any other here. ' Over 300 styles of new handles, $1 to £lO. Our Furs, Muffs and Fur Trimmings Were all bought last Spring, ae carefully made, and of the choicest stock in the market. I^o§ei\ba.um^® MEDIA ACADEMY Admits and classifies young men and boys at any time; fits tliem for Business, any Collrpe. Polytechnic School, for West Point or Annapoli- Giaduatiug classes. One of the best equipped and best managed S< In*,l* (iood table All students hoard with the Principal. Teachers .'ill men and graduates of fust-class Colleges. Pine building*-; single or double rooms Rveiy room fas in it a steam radiator and is completely furnished, (.rounds (ten acres i„r foot-hall, base-ball, uPletn s. -( GviitMasn.m Special opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly Private t • uing and special drill i r ba. kward boys. Patron* or students may select any studies, or a Business. t;,.llccc-Prc!.irao.r. > e trical. or Civil -1 ngmeeiinc ■ *>'irse f'hy-i al and Chemical Laboratory. Practical Business Department. -'.lu-im-.h I'yt>e-writing, etc.. More hdi\ snpfdted with apparatus than anv other College-littmg school Media Acndcinv .-ft .< r. every home cmii . I,- -t ftilu .oion. and the best training. Fixed prices cover every rtjiense. So ex.lllllll m .'ni ssion New .... sen* free to any address. SWITHIN C SIIOR ri-llKib. A.8.. A.M liar.a-.. . .n.ii.atei, |>riiui|l .mi Proprietor Media. Pa. BROOKE HALL T I'ayiiiroiH, UiiO. FOFt G|RLS AND Y OUNG LADIES. Miss Eastman's Celebrated School. r.radaating Courses in Classics. Literature, Science. Mathematics, Music, Modern Languages. Twelve accomplished ( teachers and le- turcrs. Superior Musical Department. School has an organ and eleven pianos. Private tutoring for backward pupils. Individual attention. Small classes. Pupils surrounded by such restraints a. are essential to their sofcty '.id happiness. New illustrated Circular free. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE. A.M. (Harvard Graduate. ) a . . , ... MRS. HWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGB, J Pnnctpals. Media, Pa. Bo|o GUADANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. 8U , A LIMITED GUARANTEE. > 25 per cent Additional Security w itli American Loan and rusi o. of Boston. Til K WINN Kit INVESTMENT fo. guarantees only mortgages based on tui uetual sale or Kansas City real estate made tfy It. and can not Incur a liability In excess or Its rash assets "'t Isdirtlcilll to see how any investment In mortgages can bo.safer than those."— American 1 U'tjol IWiHirln-. ■■ The investments offered by the Winner Investment company have the Indorse- < mcnt of the lending Banks at Kansas city, and Ihe Eastern stockholders are amoiig the strongest or the tlnanclul men of llnslon and vicinity."— C,>mi,i< rci,it riitlMii. fix and eight )ier cent. Investments In Kansas city Kent Estate First Mortgage Ronds and Sjiulle&te*. interest guaranteed and u share in promlltsa specialty, send lor Circulars and references, WILLIAM H. FARMENTER, Gen'l Agent. 50 State St.. Boston. |WOOD.¥ORRELL& P<. LIMITED, CTELES^A.T.Eir) Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is Concened to be the Most Extensive and Best Appointed Establish ment of its Class in tbe United States. Foi longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store has been the Leading >1 r candle House in Johnstown, an d its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a sma! beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of even- variety of goods and employing in all its departments more than one hundred men. It lias always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their cuMtom ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they havereeason to he proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. FEAi STORES IN ONE In their different Store Rooms can be found a full and carefully-selected stock in every class Of goods ill their line of business, additions to which are constantly being made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of good car ried may be mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPELS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. MILLINELtI', BOOTB AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND OASSIMEKES. WOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES. MEAT. VEGETABLES AND FISH WOODVALE FLOUR. FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT', TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, YELLOW WARE. AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS, FURNITURE, El'J. ETC Hie, Attention of Country Merchant* w Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying every article in email, by their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE PURCHASED IN NE YORK, PHILADELPHIA OR PILTSIiURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities, and on the most liberal terms, the management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully defy competition. THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find tlii3 spacious Store Room fitted up with every convenience for Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also be found in tins department for sale by tt difficulty in coming to nn 'understanding." Only the best of leather is used in the luantifaejwrc o. these goods, and they will he found at once stylish and durable. jSluw Shop and LoaHicT Dopariinent. On the second and third floors, with convenient entrance by hallway front. Wash | ington street, is the Slice Shop and Leather Department, where Fin ind Coar-e Boots land Shoes are made to order, and where . largo -took of S ioc i lim. - t' all kind s land u fine Assortment of Upper and Sole L utlii r i- kept constantly on hind. Uroeej'ies. Vegetables, Hani ware, SSU* The stock of Groceries. Provisions, Etc., is unsurpas cd in quality, and is always frealx, being turned once every month. Only the. very finest Teas, Bogars, Spice, Etc.. in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to invariably low, "down weight'Aand "heaping measure." The stock of Queenaware is large and varied, and from tli common Earthenware to the finest Porcelain mid China Ware the assortment is .complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to the Vegea tablc Department!, whev • every variety of Sim -unable Produce and Green Groceries ft kept, including Fore.gn and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In the rear of the Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is a-- tired that lie will be offered the very best goods at the lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Establishment. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of the building—entrance from the river side. The Cloth Room is well stocked with Cloths, Cassimeres. Cheviots, Etc., and also a line assortment of the celebrated Wood vale Woolens, which arc without a rival in the market Clothing will be made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Department is located just east of the Main Store Building, anu is one of the best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery is a model Of neatness, is supplied with all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Roasts are always tender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages, Puddings, Etc., iu the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exorcised. Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season. THE FEED STORE. Here tons of Flour are stacked away, and huge bins are filled wit-ti M goodevery description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresli and oflea FURNITU RE. In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will he promptly supplied with House Furnishing Goods of all descriptions. ACCOMMODATING CLEriKIS. Our Entire Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will have their wants at tended to promptly intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CIIAKGE. WOOD, MORRELL & CO.