The Johnstown Democrat. v J. ( vy PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, N". 138 I'IiANKLIN STREET, J Oil 'So iv .V, CAMBRIA CO., J'A. TERMS—9I.3O per year, payable in advance; outside the county, ittteen cents additional lor piWtago. It not paid wltliln three months S3 wilt he charged. A paper can be discontinued at any time by payfng arrearages, and not otherwise. The failure to direct, a discontinuance at the aspiration ot the period subscribed for will he littnsldered a new engagement. .Vet/t subsirlp 11mm must tie accompanied by the CASH. L. 1). WOODRUFF. Editor and Publisher, FRIDAY JANUARY,2IIBB9. CAM, h'DK DEMOCRATIC COUNT? (hilt -MiT'tniv. T i tb£ 3i''i,