Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, November 08, 1889, Image 3
"""I r-""l ibf- ■' MESSRS. PROCTER & GAMBLE, CINCINNATI, O. GENTLEMEN : —Although a stranger to you, and my testimonial cutiiriy unnecessary, as it certainly is unsolicited, yet I take great jle surc in testifying to the excellence of your IVORY SOAP, and thanking you for ii siting it on the market at so low a price. It has entirely supplanted the use of Castile and other fine soaps in my household for several years past, being in no way inferior and from fn'iy to > seventy-five per cent, more economical. A good test I find for the purity of a soap is to try it with a brush for L idealising 'he teeth, and the taste of the Ivory so used is perfectly rwcct and cloai Very Respectfully Yours, W. S. BAKER, M.D. A WORD OF WARNING. "hors are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' lvory';" I they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of fh? rnuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting ii. Copyright lSifi, hy Procter A Onmlilr. VISITORS II PITTSBURGH Are cordially Invited to inspect our immense fcLy stock of the following articles: K CLOAK WRAP J Uu' F0 " LVDRES >MISSES ASDCHILDREN. 2 Plush Cloth Newmarkets w j All sizrs, all styles and prices. Rabies' Cloaks, Long {,sl I and Short; tlie largest variety in the city. INCOMPARABLY THE LARGEST MILLINERY DEPARTMENT and the lowest prices. Stylish Goods only. FIFTY STYLES OF KID GLOVES, IIOOKS OH BUTTONS. Ilcsierv, Underwear, Bailies' Wear, Linen Handkerchiefs. Lace Curtains, Chenill Portieres. Poles and Trimmings. Ladies' Neckwear. Ladies' Dress Trim mings. Buttons, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Woven Gloves, Laces, °Aprous, Art Embroidery, Plushes, Embroideries, % And lots of articles, large aud small, useful and needful, always displayed on 4-ounters. Holiday Presents and Fancy Goods, PBICBS ABE T *VAYS THE LOWE 510 TO 51G MARKET STREET AND 27 FIE IH AVE. PITTSBI] ROH, PA. Dand ger& Shoenberg and Important Announcement We are now offering more than ordinary inducements to purchasers cacti of our seventy-five departments, attention being particularly di ined to our SILKS. DRESS GOODS, WASH FABRICS, COTTONS, LINENS, LACE CURTAINS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOS IERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Our enormous sales in these departments require us to add large lines daily, and as the same goods can be purchased now lower than they were much earlier in the season, we are enabled to offer our recent pur chases at a corresponding reduction. We are the money-saving house for the people. OUR ENORMOUS SALES ATTEST TO THIS FACT. M e extend a cordial invitation to all out of town visitors to come aud seeus. Mail orders receive promptand careful attention. Sample send on application. DANZIGER & SHOENBERG, Successors to MOBRIS H. DANZIER, SIXTH STREET AND PEEN AVFNUE, PITTSBURGH, PA Allow a cougli to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," hut in most cases it wears them away. Could tlicy be induce 1 to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they w*ould im mediately see the excellent effect after tak ing the first dose. Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial uite free. At all druggists. eow Tax-Payers Take Notice. Does prohibition prohibit? Wc claim it does not: the facts are on our sides Consult you friends in Maine, Kawwi and lima. They will tell you it is a farce and increases taxes. Consult your own inter ests by ordering Wines and Liquors direct from headquarters. We mve you moneys give you better and purer goods, fill orders more promptly, and prices are lower than elsewhere. Silver Age absolutely pure rye, endorsed by physicians, used in hos pitals. Only $1.50 full standard quart, (iuckcahclwcr l'ure ttye, yr. old. Jl on quart ttlbsoa - •' J I*' ' Overhalt "6 1 00 Finch's ooldeu Wedding <1 " 100 • (U bottles *5!, Ports, Sherries. Hi audits, Whiskies, Gin. etc., 50 cents quart up. Goods shipped to all parts of the U. S., carefully packed. No extra charge for packages. Send trial order. Write for complete Catalogue and Price list. Mention this paper. MAX KLKIN, No. S3 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. decl'.My 4 D.MFN FST HATCH'S NOTICE. j\ —Notice Is lioreb.v given that Letters of Ad ministration on iln- estate o! Airs. Maggie Mur phy late o 1 the borough ot Johnstown, county of Cambria and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to .lames B O'Connor, of said borough. to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to the undersigned, at tUe ottlce of O'Connor tiros. Sit Franklin street, Johnstown, l'a. J A >1 ICS n. o'coNNOlt. July 5 Administrator. Dune I) n A" iCo. LOOK! If you want a good situation write MAY nitt)TKKlts, Nurserymen, ltocliester, N, Y., as they are In want of honest and upright sales men to sell their choice and hardy varieties of Nursery stock, either on salary or commission. Many new and valuable varieties to oHer. Write them at once for terms. DELAYS Altli DANGEROUS. '"IICH ESTER'S ENGLISH MYROYAL PILLS _ V BSD CSOC3 DIAMGOT ESAOT. A r l ,/ 7rv\ OrlclnUii"U. Oiilr VMUil'ir nivl fj is M r-'liiiblo |.l;i fj& fur CkHkMff Diarn ond li rvif wo- "jvd *V-V, vy 1) i, At Ilrucvl.U. Acucpt , I fl) no other. All pllla in pate- I J/r bfir<l boxc*. pink wrapper*, are aitncrf*r ' TB OII counterfeit. Bond 4c. <•••"*!, r '. V V //• pnrtlculnrt ml ••Kellrf for A l"tir, by return mult. 10.000 t.-rii. U UOIES "hon.r. ...el tt-m. Nrl" ■ f Citicutfsiur CUt'iiilcttl lulu..* DSSEASES OF MEN Ut^ BlnodPulKm,UlrMuv.ofKMnr".Bldd.rnilnthro-. guiiH, NveakueHHea,Nc-rvmbl)o .iliiy.LoNt Mnuho<l re- Hlltnof u Youth oro-poodllvoild permanently cured. Uor. u'tntion nnd tret! HgtsenledlfreebymnlL Addrugg DB. OIUNDAE, 171 W. L2th SL, New York. Ulyll k *" r b h , , i n . hHDII D in *ll by |i j| jl |1 I Cthe world, withVll tho attachments. i A alao send fret* a complete I In return we eak that you Ip.fl jL Cftl! at ' our | 10,IU " , * artcr a tachmenta, and now aella for irhrA tfnrr••.>. Best, atrongeat, moat use. rrtyS'l Ei Ui* V"ful machine in the world. All i I V|\L§ ■ I ■■■■fcefrce. No capital required. Plain, brief instructions civen. Those who write to as at once can so. rnre Irce the beat ae\vin(r-machine in the world, and tho f>n *t ime of works of bich art ever shown together in America. TUL'K .1: CO., Is ox. 7 10, Auguatu, Mutiiu. Janny Ti A T7ltJro KKST Soil, climate and I.oca r iil.llflo tlon in the South. .1. M."MAN CIIA, Claremont, Va. mnyio-lt. CT> —1 ffi eaNESS CURED byPMI'.FM. It Nil 1" (£3l of' Iu.MI.IeTtIBUIABEARCUSHI9HS 2mO aw a licra ilUlliietlj. Comfort. ahlrf, Sueccafcfulwhorcallromodleafall. A|roofa ftco Addroaaor celiou P. iUsCOY, boil Broadway, A. ' mayß-4t Resulting from tho Errors of Youth, Folly, Vice. Ig norance, fcc., inav he cured at home without fail or exposure. Infallible and Confident iul. Jure Treatise, 800 pages, only $1 by mail, soiled, postpaid. Small book, with endorsements of tlie press, free. Send now. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W.D.ParUcr, N0.4 Bulflnch Si.,Bostou,Ma"H. FLINT GLASS MILK cf hßorrus , j Manufactured by /SMI RPTURfjEjj . , tw.uw J p, TXSBURCHf p Ai U ' ' H i\roun sizes: . J- H 4 1 I'lnt, Quart 4 a Gallon -J V.'KITE FOR PRICES. marft-sm OAiAh, Catarifc-'l Deaiiicss unC J.-y s : cv®r. A K;:;V IIC.II; TitrtATS'KM. Suffcrci i are not generally aware 1 }>nt f'- • • disca-es lire contagion*, or that they •• to !!l • li. i'M-Ui ;ol living parasites ill '<t lining nieinli'i'ii-' of the nose mid eus tachian tubus. Microscopic research, how ever, has proved ttiis to boa ti.oi and die result is fliat it simple remedy lias been In. mulatrd wheeby eatanh, catarrhaldeafness and hay fever ens jicrtnaneiitly cured in from one to three simple applications made at Lame by t in; patient once in two weeks. K. 15.—For cjtanlial discharges peculiar to females (white 1 lib* remedy is r specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment Is sent, on receipt of ten cents by A. 11. Dixon & Son. hot West King St., Toronto, Canada.— Sclcittljic American. Sufferers troni eaUrr'eil troubles should tetet •' • <•'HVee.iref!.' (let)My nMHBKSS may 10-4t HOW IT WORKED. Qood morning, Jack ! why I haven't seen you tor a month past. What in the world is the matter with you ? You seem to have renewed your youth." " Well Phil, I have. Don't you remem ber the Inst time I snw you, how misera ble I was ? Sick and blue, and in that sort of mood a man gets sometimes when lie feels the most noble thing in life is to go straight to the devil." " Not so bad as that, I hope ; at till events you didn't go that way, you are looking far too happy and hearty." " Thank goodness, no ! or rather, thank Vinegar Bitters. Do you remember that day I saw you last, when you recommend ed tliut remedy to me so persistently, and I was first vex-d and then half convinced." I remember it perfectly, and you needn't say another word upon the sub ject ; your looks tell me that you took the medicine." "No doubt of it: everybody remarks upon my improved looks and temper; but I must really tell you all about it. I got the old style, as you recommended, and didn't mind the bitter taste at all. I fin ished the bottle in about two weeks, and was greatly improved, so much so that I determined to change off and try the new style. " Well, how did you like it?" " You told me your wife preferred th new style, i believe; well, I must say I agre with her. I like the old style very much but the new is a finer, smoother, more ex pensive preparation." " I believe it is ; iu fact, I have heard so, aud 1 wonder the McDonald Drug Company sell it for the same price they do the old style, because it is really a very costly preparation." " Well, that dosn't concern us. Who was it said that people fancied themselves pious sometimes when they were only bilious ? No matter! I was only going to say that I believe people often seem wicked when it is only their liver, or their stom ach, or some other cantankerous organ of the body so out of order they couldn't be good if they tried." " And if all the miserable dyspepsia, and victims of biliousness, headache and tiie thousand and one ills that flesh is heir to would only take Vinegar Bitters, what a happy world this would be I " " I shonld recommend the new style." " I never go back on the old style." " Well, they can pay their money and take tlieir choice, for both kinds work ad mirably." Only Tern iterance Bitters Known. VgagliTtrrf The Great Blood Purifier and Health Restorer. Cures all kinds of Headache within thirty minutes—Try it. The only Temperance Bitters known. It stimulates the Brain and quiets the Nerves, regulates the Bowels and renders a perfect blood circulation through the human veins, which is sure to restore perfect health. HOT A beautiful book free. Address, R. H. McDONALD DRUG CO., 532 Washington street, New York. jams WANTED —Agents in every city town and village of Pennsylvania for th New England Mutual Accident Association, o Boston, Mass., cheapest and best accident asso elation. Address I. 11. STAYTON, Manager, 6 Flftu avenue, Pittsburgh, l'a. HINDERCORNS. The only sure Cure for Corns. Stops all pain. Ensures comfort to tho feet. 16c. at Druggists. Iliscox ACo.,W.Y. a yot con sum pt ive Rave you Cough .Bronchitis, Asthma, Indigestion! Use ISSSPJS3 Af from defective nutrition. Toko in tima 60c. and SLQ& PARKER'S lErSM HAIR BALSAM JHCleanses and beautifies the hair. ■■Promotes a luxuriant growth. Fails io Restore Gray hW Hair to its Youthful Color. Dandruir and hair falling s* 60e, ami SI .no at PruggiMtn. Solid [MERY s °^ s TriDleCoated/NiL E E[) WHOLESALE ONLY 0Y PrtPt-' L t THE TANITE CO., Stroudsburg Fa HIRES'IMPROVED IZ~ yiCOT BEii 1 IN LIQUID NOBOILINC EASILY MADE fI "•FfXF-ACKAGE MAKESFIVS CALLOUS / 7 aw MZzJ.VS y The moat AEPETIZINO nnd WHOLESOME I'hIMPEHANCE DRINK !n the world. TRY IT. Aak your Druggist or Grocer for It. C. E. MIRIZR., PHILADELPHIA. mayiMt J§k llkSides^ac^ Aching sides and Back, nip. Kidney and Uterlno I'alns, Bheumaile, Sciatic, sliurp and Weakening Pains, relieved In ONE MINUTE by nt Cnticnra Anti-Pain Plaster ISS only Instantaneous palu-kllllng strengthening plaster. 25 ct • s for sl. At druggists, or of Pot- TBK Burn AND oAEUICAL CO., BOSTON. Mldmplcs; blackheads, chapped and T}T PQ ||iuuretj hyCDTicuRA Sosr. illljU WOOD.MORRELL & CO IIMIPJ2D, Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is Conceited to be the Most Extensive and Best Appointed Establish 'ment of its Class in the United States. Foi longer than twenty-six yaars the Company's Store has been the Leading Mer cantile House iu Johnstown, au d its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a smaO" beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods aud employing in all its departments mere than one hundred men. It lias always been tlio aim of the proprietors to supply their ctwtom ere witli the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they havereeason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. TEN STORES IN ONE In their different Store Rooms can bo found a full and carefully-selected sto every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of good ried may be mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, OARPEI'd, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING,! CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, - WOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, MEAT, VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAItE, YELLOW WARE, AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS, FURNITURE, ETC.. ETO The Attention of Country Merchants Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying avery article in cmond by their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE PURCHASED IN NF YORK, PHILADELPHIA OR PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities, and oil. the most liberal terms, the management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market, prices, and to successfully defy competition. IHE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladie3 will find this spacious Store Room fitted up with every convenience for Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in tho larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Trimmings, etc., may also be found in this department for sale by the yard. Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc., are kept on tho second floor, accessible by elevator. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are bandied, and "long measure" guar anteed. CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS. In this Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected especially for the Johns town trade. All goods are warranted to be of the very best material, well made stylish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot be excelled. BOOT ANI) SHOE STORE. From the Hop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingraan to tho dainty Slip pers of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have no difficulty in coming to an "understanding." Only tho beet of leather is used in the manufacture of these goods, aud they will be found at once stylish and durable. Shoe Shop and Leather Department. On the second and third floors, with convenient entrance by hallway from Wa&u ington street, is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department, where Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes are made to order, and where a large stock of Shoe Findings of all kinds, and a tine assortment of Upper and Sole Leather is kept constantly on hand. Groceries, Vegetables, Hardware, Etc The stock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, and is fresh, being turned once every mouth. Only the very finest Teas, S.ugars, Sp < . -s. Etc., in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to in variably y.c "down weight" and "heaping measure." The stock of Queensware is large ,u. varied, and from the common Earthenware to the finest Porcelain and Oh ina 'V tN . the assortment is complete. An open stairway leads from tho Grocery to the Vege table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce, and Green Grocer i--. . kept, including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In the rear of eta® Grocery are tho Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is assured that he will be offered the very best goods at tho lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Establishment. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of the building—entrance from the river side. The Cloth liooin is well stocked with Cloth., Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a fine assortment of the celebrated WooivwJe Woolens, which are without a rival in the market Clothing will be made to owhir promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisiw tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MAKKET !>; This Department is located just east of tho Main Store Building, auu is one of fhb best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection at every animal tlmt is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery is a model Of neatness, is supplied with all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Roasts are always tender and true, nil air of mystery does not surround the Sausage* Puddings, Etc., in the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exercised. Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season. Til K FTIKD STORE. THHere tons of Flour are stacked awav, and huge bius are filled with 51 goodevoty, description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresh aud o£lea FURNITURE. In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor iwid Bedroom Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will be promptly supplied with House Fnruishiug Goods of all descriptions. IAOOOMMODATING CLUiriKLS. Our Entiro Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough masters of their business, and strangers andj citizens alike will have their wants at tended to promptly and intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WOOD MORRELL tin C?Q