[A BMINsTH v to hLlZAßic'it MACKE, Aumlnlstratrlk i 1)MIN IST HAT' iRV* NOTICE— i NoH .-• IUT?I).V given thur. i.uiterr. of Ad mlnlrtil'tUuii f ihe iinder.-djjiied fit NO. 10H ?eve!i'.o€n u Sou'li Mtii\ 1 DisDutgh, i Pa. U/.VH •• iTS>S. Adm!ftlH r T:or of KU/Ahe'.h rnv(r*ngt,deeaii.scd. i .Jul; -3. Nl. \ IR .1 .I' .NU I'b it's X .-TICK.- . ' Est A'" OF MARY F.< I.I.ERAN. DE CEASED. .. Iters of Adlliljlßtratl.il on lhdM-| tale Oi Mis. M..HY C. HA 1.1.1' d. A -i, laic of .lo'iuicov .i borough. cnuihrta county, ilcecasc'l, • having Ix-jugr .■ ed to tue miilorslgncd. nil por- | sous knowlrg ." i.selves In ebtod tnscld estate arc hereby i d 1 oii: il;olininetllatepayment, 1 aiulilioßPh. i g claims againstth" same will | 11resent th'is o / uuthenleuled for senlemeut. ; to jciN < o.\l>, JR.. Administrator. I A DMJ"' ,1 HATOU'rt NOTICE . JA Isifli.- ■ f .. nrifo itelser. deceased. Notice •c, Isbercoy gi. en h.it tettem orudtuiplM ration ' on the cm ' -iurge ..Bluer, deceased, latent Johnstown -u,oiuibriu I'ounty, .. have been viae ■ tie , eglster of i niubrta county to the it,, i, r- iied.to whom all perw.ns In-. detuc lie : :.c> ( ale arc requisred i•• make Im uieulll'e O O Cel. nnd tlaise havingCialiiiH or de'ddlllK ..'"ill ' lII' sail:., w ill present them. de.lv .jiitheiiii. aKHI. for hettemon' i.i.GUGK Ml I'.iil.HAt Kl.lt. ■ dm'.nlßlrnidr oi ..eorge ;.elsev. deceased. A D INLNTITATOR'S NOT OE. p\_- Noil, e is hereby prlven that ! cttors or \(1- uif.ils'ration on Ihe estate of I'eter l.'ubriiz, lulu ot liie h.n...i',;n of I'l'ituklln, Cambria coumy. l'a , UeeiiuM* I. have lji n granted 10 Jacob Kll- Uilt/.aiid is. Antde Cannon, of said bomugh. to wheat all p"si",< .".deliied lo sahl estate arc rc tiues'ctl to nuKi' iiiniiedliile payment, and those having c.aims or , einamls against the estate will taate > an■ he same ufthoui delay to the undcisigucd or io vfcouner i>ius, in su Prunkilu street, Johns own. Pa. JACOU KURIUTZ, SI its. A.N.NIK CANNON, ■'dnilnlsii it "is of peter Hnbrlideceased. TV S' -LT'TD )N OF L'A .TNEit | * stip s,| S hereby given that the partner-hid bo. men 1.. .M. v.oetr, \l. 1.. Woolf and • dm .a. and lUdng buslaess nn-icr Hie ill m tta.i'c oi ..oo.f.ioncS Ibonins, was ill ■- <•, solved so I.tr as eiaiesto ihe said ~. il. i lioinas. Alld bisil'H-'io 'he 'id partnetsltlp am tone paid, ind Uio-e luc from the same ills liuigt'tl at No. *.v> .V : .. 'lll s;reef, Johnstown, where the hti.-litess will be continued by■ t lie same 1.. >l. Mouif mnl e :. ~o,ill, uiitier llrin namu of 1.. M. I.'uoii .v ton. ,V. H. I in) i.is. I'lirbi- rlyof woolf, ton A i ho.i.as. augTUd.'. d w \ DAfIN.IioTIiATOR'S Ni iTICIv ."\ KSi.' IK Mlts. ELIZABETH .IYEHB. deceased.—lei eis of AdmlDlslration on the hs tateof Mis. imlaibelli Myers, of 111.• third ward, .lohnßiownd'ainbrln eounty, dee'd.. li ivlugbeon gran od io ■ ne umk-rslgne I. all persons Itnow lng themselves Indebted to sal i estate are rc tiuesied to i ...• ini.i.odlaie payment, and those having gle.i" . i lie sain • will present tUoiua'aly ;o" :• iilealed for settlement. ... .io .i,YiiuS. Administrator, July yr g|3 iVushlugton street. N'OTIOK TO THE STOCK IIOLDKKS OK THE JOHNSTOWN uI'H.IHNo ~lo\N .tSROCIA'JTON. —At a meet ing ot ihe lioar l of Directors of I he above-named Association,; . ; last evening at the office of the solicitor. It was heckled to UOLl) No MKETJNO FOK THE COI.I.KC HON OK DI ES UIC INTKK KSI' XIJtTII. TUK first Monday of .September Nert. The lion I'd as prompted to this action by TO ison of the recent dlßtister, anil to lite belief that it would prove of great bendflt to many whodiuve Incurred severe losses.' *' None of the omeers of the AssotSfhtlon were lost In the Hood, and we take tnls method to ln fotm ullsharehoblers that the Association h as ' suffored no loss which will uiatorlally Interfere wltli lrmtuantuil standing. J. K. BOYI). President. (, DANIKI, CilOKsoltH Secretary. JOHN M. HOSE, Solicitor. Johnstown, .1 uue 1(7, IHBH. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Admlnlsiration on Ibr estate of W. A. KIL GO HE, hue of the borough of Johnstown, county •of Cambria, und state ot Pennsylvania, deceas ed, have been granted to J. .1. JOHNSTON, of Greeiisbuig, I a., to whom nil persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment und those Having claims or demands, will make knowr inc same u Itnout delay. J. J. JOHNSTON. Administrator. ureonabutg. Pa. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.- kV Letters of Administration on the estate of PATBICK I.'ODi.KHS, late of tho borough of MUlvllte, county of Cambria, l'a., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having clulins against, the same will present them duly authedlcsted for payment. NEII. SHAKKKY, Administrator. W. llokack llosK, Attorney, Na 04 Franklin street. Johnstown, Pic, July 18, lHtMi. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. JA —Notice Is hereby given tbat Lettersof Ad ministration oil the estate of John llrady, late of flic borough of Johnstown, county of Cambria, and stale of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Thomas F. llrady, of said borough, i ■ to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to inane payment, and those having claims or demands will make Known the same without delay to the undersigned or to O'Connor Bros., 81) Erunnlln street, Johnstown. Pa. THOMAS F. BKAOY, July 5 Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Letter of Ad ministration on the estate of Michael J. Murphy, late of the borough of Johnstown, Cambria county. Pa„ deceased, have been granted to James B. O'Connor, of said borough, lo whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or de mands will make knewn the same without delay to the undersigned, at the office of O'Connor Bros. 8 Franklin street. Johnstown, pa. JAMES B. O'CONNOR. July 5 Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. /A-KST.VI EOF M KS. MARGARET KEKI.AN DECEASED.—Letters of Administration on tho estate of MARI.AiiKT KEEEAN, iate of Catnbrn, borough, Cambria eounty, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate arc lien by notified to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against ihe same will pt'seent them duly authenticated for settlement io July'.s W.M. OAFFNEY, Administrator. "VTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given At that an Application will be made to the Governorof Pennsylvania, on Friday, the Sixth day of September, A. 0., IHSfI, by E. Y. Toivn eend, J. W. Townsentl, Powell stackliouso. Itavld ' Reeves, and Robert K. Kennedy, under the Act of Assembly entitled. " An act to provide torthc In corporation and regulation of certain corporu -4 tlons," approved Ajirll 29, IST4. and the stij ple ments thereto, fur the cliurier of an intended corporation to be called "THE CAMBRIA IN CLINED PLANE i Oil PAN Y," the character and object of ivhh U Is erecting, maintaining', and operating an INCLINED PLANK in the ( ounty of Cambria. !•: ulc ol Pennsylvania, from a point In the borough ef Johnstown ton point lu Lower Yoder township, for carrying, conveying, and l.rans|ir'lt. |. angers nnd freight, and these ' purpos' ' lu have, possess, and <:n|i > nil the I rights, bcnel t and pilrlle-i ~uf stild jet o. . - si'tnbly and siij p eaienis iln.reto. CYKI's I-1 HER, solicitor. • Johnstown, ft., AufP-ist IS, ls. WILLIAM KAFFENRKKGEIi | HAS OI'ENKD HIS Boot and Shoe Shop on ( I. INTO: S I KKET. near the lIUIIxti Jieu-e, ' when I:.-wi," t ...rtd toilonll v.ork in his line. REPAIR! G BONK PROMPTLY. Al'MlNls ' 'Vi'liß't- .NOTICE.—I.i'llo i ',d- i nilnlsirrtt'O'. • i the estate . sol having been granted to the tindersigm i i 1 persons- Ir.debKd "is.i'destate hh; h nun.. I d to I make likttied i-iiyment and I hose having a,i','l,r i'''"-'l'" ' Pr ' fhtUieinUUly i , UltAN'i t'l- 'J' i'H, Administrator. | Idleneas Is n Dangernns Fault 1 In the Kidneys. V.'hen Inactive thev speeplly tall Into disrepair. Ihnso obstinate nnd fatal | maladies. Bright a disease and diabetes, ensue ! I wills eiiible vertluty upon the inaction of | the organs ; tt".''"l. Catarrh ot* the ohulder. I enuresis, gravel and strangury are also to be ap prehended iros.i a part I d paralysis of llieblad- j dor, or which weakness andsmtftrlshncsß aire the ; causes. Hosteller s .stomach Hitters Is a line ' tonl" and protnotyr or activity fur the renal or gans, and one which cay be re'.ie.l upon lo afford , them the retiuslte silt ulus without exciting \ them—nil offei'.t. to lie fearedtrom the umnedt- I uirJ ale.ihoil" ex.eli.ant of commerce. A further I ! boneilceiit effect of Bitters, by renewing actlv-' Itv oi the kidneys. Is to enable them to drain I trijin the blood In lis passage I hem, Impurities ! productive of rheiini it Ism atiddinpsy. Nervous- , i ties. , fever and ague, constipation and dys- I : pepsla are eonnuered by the Bitters. A DMINIBT NOTICE. ! ihe estate or a. s. Maloy, late of Johtis- . town. Cambria eounty. Pa. l etters of admin- ' lstraiiou on the ab't'.e named estate having lx'tei 1 grunted tu the undersigned, all persons having I , elnlnis against said est .te will picsont tliem for , paymo'i'., duly authenllcateU. .And tnose In i debted thereto will [dense ntaue immediate pay- : i me oi o .MAKY A. MALOY, Administratrix, i No lit Adant street, cminemaugli borough, l'a. ! A DMINISTRATOR'S NO i ICE— i Estate of l.Ot IS ('. IIKSBEI.BEIN, de- I ceased. Noil"; Is iieieby given ihat l.etleis fo | i Atlmmlsuatl'a on the esiateof Louis C. Ihsset- I I helu, lute ot conemaugh borough.deeettsed.have I ■ been Issued by the i:c;;;sre.' of CiunUila county | ; to the undersigned. All persons Indebted tosulci j ; esta'e will muke Immediate payment, and all | I having ehilins ng-ilnsi :he same will present them iiuly air hentlnured lot soitlement. HENRY II ESSEI.BEIN, Arilinlnlstrtitor. ' v i).! NST ITOU'B NOTIOE I t Notice is hereby given that I ettora of Ad rninlstrailou ou tueesratool < ATHARINE cl'R- • it'.N, late of ('"".eitauga borough. Cambria c tint;.-. fleePA'-etl, liuvlt g Deep granted to the underslgni J lv. the e. ge.'ci .1 said county, all . persons indebted to .-..1.1 estate ivll. make Inline- i dlaie payment, ami tlnse having elaltns against. the satiie will pn ' I" ia, properly nutneutl-I eatod, for settlement. liuv. J. ". IANICY. Johnstown, Pa. : Administrator R - hmlr m rm ti'Stanwnto an- I iit-.ro. i A i-MlS'i .{AT It'.S NOTICE— I ESTATE <" IL' I El! J. BRINE EY, DK- I CEASED, -r.ette.ti or Admlndir 'lon on the >s tare of Elmer J. urlnkey, lu'v of Johnstown, bor uigh ciuiilirl". couu'y. dece.uied, having been' granted io the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves liideb'c ! to (alii estate are hereby I notllled to I'Tilre Itnuie II He payment, and Urns.' having "'.alias .g.dnf. Hie same will present them duly; u'he'.i i J for sett lenient to L. M. H'I'oTLER, Administrator. Stoyestown, Somerset county, I*a. VI OT CE TO DEBTORS AND i f CHED!'i'CI;S.*-Notice Is hereby given that i.et.ers ef Administration on the estate of CH .> Kl.l> A. KKIB. la I•> of the borough of Johns towr, i ai.biUi county. Pa., have been granted to Robert sagerson, of said borough, to ivliom nil persons '.ni. I.led to s tldestate are requested io a. ike Inline Hale payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to ihe undersigned orto O'Connor Brothers. No s:i Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. ROBERT SAGEIIBON. Administrator. July l:i A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - / V Letters of Adiutnlntrntloii on the estate of HARRY C.. ltti.ifi. late of the borough of Johns town, county of Cambria, and state of Pennsyl vania, deceased, have been graLted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to said estale are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against-the same win pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. HERMAN HAPMEK, Administrator. W. Horace Rose, Attorney, No. U4 Franklin street. .Johnstown, i n., July 28, ishd. 6t-iv AT OTICE TO" THE STOCIv - II HOLDER.S OF "THE PEOPLE'S BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. The Board of Directors of The People's Building and Loan As sociation, at a meeting held at the onice of the solicitor, on Tuesday evening, July v, lw. rasolved to COLLECT NO DUES OR INTEREST until the Third Monday of August, 1881), being the 19th day thereof. The reason of this action being the recent calamity vlsltad upon Johns town and vicinity. SAMUSI. E. YOUNG. President, JAMES KING, seoretary. FRANCIS J. O'CONNOB, Solicitor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J\ —Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of William stclgcr ivald, late of conemnugh borough, county of Cambria, and State "f Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Erhard Zang, of Johns town borough, to ivliom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to maxe payment, and those having claims or demands will muse Known the same without delay to the under signed, or to O'Connor Bros., 81) Franxlln street, Jounslowh. l'a. ERHARD ZANG, July 5 Administrator. A DMINISTRATIIIX'S NOTICE. JA -ESTATE OK CASPER WILL, LATE OE JOICiSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY, DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration having been granted by the Register of Cambria county to the undersigned, notice Is hereby given to all persoi s having claims against sula estate to present them, duly authenticated, for settle ment, nnd those knowing themselves Indebted to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. ELIZABETH MILL. Administratrix. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- 01. Letters of Administration on the estate of JACOB GOKNNEK. late of Cambria borough. Cambria county, deceased, have been granted to MARGARET GOKNNEK. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against sahl est ate will make known tho same at once to the undersigned at No. fikO Broad street, Cambria borough, or to McLaughlin A Martin, 1)7 Franklin street, over Dlbert's Bank. MARGARET GOKNNEK. Administratrix. Special Announcement M H & so Penn Ave. Stores. Our Fall importations of New Goods in Silks, Velvets, Plushes & Dress Goods Are coming in every day. You can travel all over this country and not lind an assortment that will surpass ours in variety and quality and reasonable prices. The early buyers are never disap pointed ; lato ones often are. Many of these dress fabrics we will not j have in stock agnin this season; by do laying to send for samples you mny iiiiss | a satisfactory selection, j Our sales early in the season are always | very large, as buyers like to purchase | from a complete stock. September is the best month to buy dress goods and here is the best place. ! Samples sent and orders for goods filled ' the same day they are received. !os. -orna & So. 809-621 Pcnn Ave., PITTSBURGH. ; l* : TRADE • f ! k,. .4giw^ : i DT - .-. ; ' THfi \I , ' For &tralntt r."-' ' 3. j Ev.dence. Kresh. * nw. ... j l. : •r 1. , BufT-. .i : y<- r.. r f-• /--4 f v-. . *•.!• *• •' • \y% i v - . -• • ■ Oil; i ! w.i ■ -'L. {r In 13 On Cru*. Ci- 1 ' • .r* iM ' * 1 I • F* . fvu; no . .• I t'w : '■■•".M-.vt- •mi j i V ' >ci. It 1111 . ■ •■ .* I ! In <■ > •I t '.'IS. j | . r a: rh x r'Tiin-. ? • • . rln y.'< ( ' ' . r f ''f of v.*tu. ■ 1 PAi.'.rj, r/."*:rr.T ay. I ' fci- r • ••• ' ' '.ISSS. • tLttidb liut cp'in. ui.-! r u.-ribif 1 ! to • .u fl-.nuert. 10-.ii. ,i .lOikCfßt, ■ i j ,„u u\ And thtro hI •••icturn ! c. OIL b. L'.cWN. ' " ..I T3 AND REAI.riH. | THE 10. EI.ER CO.. BaHimsra. M 4. ; EXHAUSTED VITAL!If I -x riiriE SCIENCE :I I ST HE iflFNrr iV I L,FE ' the " r " I Bg inc Medical of n j B Of / / IFF i / "™ eon MaiUiood.NtiH i & / as ous and Fhjstc* n j i §Ri hiltty, i'rematnn D( : IfMfllM Y!JVCC! E cline, Errors of Youth, | " saU i; {ll ! O £.1,5 land the untold miner- | iee consequent thereon, 300 paa". 3 vo., 125 imi ecription* for all diseases* Cloth, full '/ill, only -". ac, ' by mail, sealed. Blustrative sample free to nil y .ving aud nuddlc-Bsed men. Send now. I'heColo and ! Jewelled Medal awarded to (he author by the Nm wn ' al Medical Association. Address P.O. Box lstM.Bo*- ' ton, Maes..or Dr. W. H. P AKKK.it, graduate of Iter | yard Medical College, 15 years' practice in Boston. ! who may be consulted confidentially Oil! I 4 Bnlflncn St. Siieclaliy. Diseases of Mbd. Cul tliin out. Yon may never eee it mono. j Best Gongfi Core. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, no remedy is so safe, speedy, and certain as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. An indispensable family medicine. "I find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral an invaluablo remedy for colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat and lungs." —M. S. Randall, 204 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for bronchitis and Lung Diseases, for which I believe it to be the greatest medicine in the world." —James Miller, Caraway, N. C. "My wife had a distressing congh, with pains in the side and breast. We tried various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." Robert Horton, Fore man Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my lungs. My wife says the Pectoral help* her more than any other medicine the ever used." Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Kansas. * Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRBFAKKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Man. Bold by all DruggliU. Price $1; six bottlaa, |l. wll'i "v 'k/tnS'rV"/'' \'iiT J ,'£*>- tdir •* u * i lowiirh locality ran Mcure ODD Uow U thl#poMiU# 9 ttetrkODi'i,*y b' • ?.••• w- .ell,. -H.p.. f ll' nf.tU nlubTc ud *•> sf I ••iIIJKI'mIm. • H 1 HFLKf TSmm iam|il(i,M wwil •• * ' •• - i.f A" t AfUi /"d | kepi I lien In X"U: I ie (• .i! ui<.ia>.a i>l .Mwnl'.e:* lolhoac who nity liavr ■ il.tk " ) 4onoicrctoc fnrti>r, wh;. .art- .• Hut if} •' 'o nod yonr adireaa ..|p?e, . ir, < • * ...a *<••• kerl eoli.i ffuio ' .*a ft. ti. n, . ... 1 r r o COSTLY S '.V . . < \prwHl, frair*' "to." \o4rMeUliO.o..x-WBniX...h.a i*. • " Tni T . LIST. Spcr'i.l Court 4ih Mitiiduv In lr i tlilts'y MiuhHi et u Shcmifby vs. pcur. llurk vs. ( lulsty. VeaviT ...vs. Prcuncr. Knlporfs vs. nnskltis Slllts . vs. II mi;. Man In vs. linker. Pmuel t ro vs. | eiifej. Kuili-y Inrker... ..vs. I isk. , H. A. SIK i.u on the Errors of Youth,l'r< mature lJccline, N- rrouf ! j 1 Besoldngfrom Folly, Vice, Ignoranco, or ! Overta fttlon, Em i • • ; for W' rlc, I;: rn , t MurrU l- r:ur i;U l■ lalicn. Avoid UDskiiiiul j retemkrs. Ihlß^rcV. work, li contain#: \ -a,r •• -.l' • .. i, auilful binding, cm:lOffßL'il, ft l i o only Sl.uo by mail, l" stpald, con' •' n wr r. 1 trnlivo 1 *r-mctus id'eo, if von flpjily ];• •'. 'i'lio uletin . ish •; a I . fi . , ceivcdt:.C-OLP A W JT.WF.II A H ,ULA\h ■ frutu flu* .Nntic . l '< ilical A• nriufi-m lr thiie I'ltfZlh I*Sf'4AY on WI!ItVOfH autf I'll YNIC'AI, TiihiiJ LITYe-Dr.i'arkcrftnd acorjm ' of At. 'Atti.t r; itmrany l con-uk il, ouil* , dontiallv, by f ; ! or fn person, fit the c Ico of Tin: IT A BODY NEDU .M, .'Nsaiil Ti;, ; No# 4 BnlflucI: .'-f,, fJoston, Mf:*M.a twlion f . i . I ordcif* for boi-i; j orKttcn for ftdyico feLvuM to Uirt t ici M utovc. (£;irrts. i J ENRY H. KUHN, Attorney-at. i I 1 Law. office opposite First. National Bank Nu. p.;. l.'-.-usi sinus. Joliuslown, I'a. 1 1 A NIyl , M'I.ADUIILIK. FHANK I'. UAUTIN ; LAUGHLIN & MARTIN, A TrORXEi'S-A T-LA IP, NO. 37 FIfANK LIN BTHKKT ' sepias Jolmstown, Pa. j A ' WALTERsi A T7ORXKV-A T-LA W. onif no. 2, Aim a Hall, Main street, jobns 1' iv.ii.pa. .Mi business given tnlt, in ulitnd prompt : aweuilon. Janlß r. J. O'COSNOK. J. B. O'CONNOR. I jQ'OONNOB RROTHERS, A rrOIISEi'S-A T-LA If. .fib'o on franklin street, over Petrlkln & Mll ! l"i- ore, opposite I'ostoltlce, Jolmstown, I'a. I muni ! JOHN y. TITTLE, JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE AXI) XOTARY PUBLIC. | Office corner Murket and Locust streets, | cxfllv Jolmstown, i'a. ! worth of goods. Teas, coffees, spices, and linking Powder, which we guarantee absolutely pure. Best goods In the market for the money. Teas, 50,60 and 80 cents, coffees, 35, 27, > and 35 cent s. Baking Powder, 40c. per pound, send orders to Atlantic Tea Co., 112 Ohio street. ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. EST send for l'rlce List giving full Information 2FOirt 3U.00 , ISnve you secured (!£_} yiiur new mitt yet t h Ef Here In llie Induee f t,<,{.■■! mi ni never hefurv ■ j! 'll ull'l'iit fur Pan.e \LF r W~ j'\ A I —ltalic tii order ' \\ !\ ) \ Send Postal Card, glv- Yy" Hr I lug your rull address, f l__3. I I and we will send you li i | I samples for our KW It / I Pants and self measurc lf" ll ' ment Blank, or If you II ■/I I | cannot, wait for snrnp- I 111 I les. tell us about ' I/I a / I I what color you would 'kl 7 JN like, giving us your f a i \ waist, hip awl Inside leg ,< J ! I',measure, together with Vis? J 1 i '"si f3 and 35 cents for post •iajl \Av*' age or prepaid express, u£a-' and we will gua rant ce to tfL please you or refund the money. Address, giving lull name and Post office. CHAS. KLOPFER, 12(1 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, PA., corner Grant street and Fifth avennc, (V.'lthln afewstepsof Fost office.) PirrsiiiKdH. Pa. Allegheny College. ia Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. Thorough in struct lon In bookkeeping penmanship.short hand tuid typewriting, telegraphy, English branches, Languages, Music, Elocution, vocal and instru mental Music, Panning and Drawing, students may enter at any lime, send for circulars; ad dress the PRESIDENT. sth ATT 3H. HOTEL. HcKEESPORT, PA. GEO. M. LEPI'IO, - - Proprietor, First class accomodations to the trvellng pub lic. Terms $1.50 to $2.00 per day. Bar attached. ALLIUM COLLEGE, 12 FEDERAL ST., - ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. A thorough school of Telegraphy, Book-keep Ing Shorthand, preparatory and Higher English Music. Elocution and Languages. Terms are moderate, inslructlon tine. For further Infor mation or catalogue, address or call oa ragfptM Cam*, bcih ULm' ! !yi?*t™^jkif ui out ,"t k k : B. &'B. f YOU ENAMfiFLESE. ' We want to send to everv reu '.r • | tills, as weli as liUlttlu i.'s "1 tdln ti" " it copy oi i dir. New Fall & Winter Ca al"gi:c AND FASH ON JOLRNAL Yon get it free of charge and postage prepaid. Don't fail to send us your name and address, (plainly written on a postal card, will he sufficient), mid mention the paper In which you read onr advertise ment. If you receive a copy of our Spring Catalogue, we already have your name registered, and you will receive the Fall issue. We cincerely hope you will read its pages carefully, aud, if possible, com pare our prices with those of some or auy other large houst in America. OUR CATALOGUE Contains 100 pages of useful information —is a complete review of the latest Fash ions and Fabrics, and a detailed price list of everything in the DRY GOODS line. It-will he ready to mail about Septem ber 33th. VISITORS to the Western i'ennsyl- j vauia Exposition, (September 4th to Oc- | tober lOtn), are cordially invited to make . our store their headquarters. Big enough j to accommodate you by the thousands. Everybody knows where it is. Make ap- , pointmcnts to meet your friends at " B. & j B's." There will be plenty to interest yon I here while you wait. BOGGS&BUHLj 115, 117,119, 121 ! FEDERAL STREET, : ALLEGHENY, PA, Common Sense< 1 In tbo treatment ol Blight ailments would save a vast amount of slekuesfl and misery. Ono of Ayer's Pills, t.tkoß j after dinner, will assist Digestion; takes j . at night, will relieve , Constipation; i taken at any time, will correct irrcgu. ! | larities of the Stomach an ! In consciiuonee ot license expiring tor '-V Pittsburgh !i,': !i 'li store, it bus been closed. 9 orders tor the old Ilellablo Silver Age Bye Will bo tilled with the usual ptomptaCil neadt|ti. iters at No. 02 FEDESiu ST., ALLEGHENY Trusting to tie tit a continuance of the liber patronage heretofore bestowed, Remain respectfully, KLEIN*, No. 82 Federal street. Allegheny. Telcptao 3013. Guckenhelmer. Finch ot ■ ibson. as usual. ST guar, i: years old, fi for fs. ~ver Age, tl.yj, Jy27-ly ' When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorii, When she was a Child, 3he cried for Cuatoria, When she became Miss, she clung to CastorU,, When shs bad Children, she gave them CasttrNfc > ' 13 A Tk'MTO obtained formecnnnlcttKM ITIX 1 Juai L 3 rices, medicalorulherooHN pounds, ornamental designs, trade-marks Hi labels. Caveats, Assignments, Interference Appeals. Suits lor Infringement, and all cal® arising under the PATENT LAWS, proDSf® ly attended to. INVENTIONS TI. AT HAVE BBSS n Tf TPPTiB'fl by the Patent onice mas nLIiGiU i C.ll st ill,in most casesbe paw ented by us. Being opposite the Patent OffiMt we can make closer searches, and secure Pataß® mere promptly. Hnd with broader claims, Utafl those who are remote from Washington. TWirCMTntIC: "><• ua u model d* 111 V Jail 1 Ullu sketch of your devlOB; we make examinations Jree nf charge. and advtab as to patentability. All correspondence stnc®| confidential. Prices low. and NO CHARGE 031* LESS pate: T IS SECT' it ED. ■ We rerer tc ofilclals In the Patent office.to Oflf clients in everv stale of the Union, and to you Senator and Representative In Congress. Special references given when desired. Address, ('. A. SNOW & CO., opposite i'atent Office. Washington, D. C. c l ur Mirafa /a naSfevil^B J BEST FiTVHG CORSETt'hcWORLOi B FOR SALE EY LEAOINC tf ENCHANTS. I ? MAYER, STRCJUSE & CO. I ft MTHC.-412 BROADWAY, N.Y. A In ,m. r it relieve iimn) ituk'kh .n . i utiy ether kiuiwn rem i-/FiBYWEBSiR 1 W * ... i