Whin with sonic soap a salesman hold Conies in your place to there unfold His samples, and proceeds to say: " This equals, sir, in every way The It'OKV; 'tis made in fact By the -.ame formula exact; 'Tis jus' as white, indeed the man Who makes this soap by perfect plan, Has made the Ivouv o'er and o'er For Procter & Gamhle heretofore. Besides, this soap bringx to the till More profit than the Ivouv will." Ms mu.,l to use by such a game, Reply to all who do intend Your Mputation and pood name To use you thus to pain their end: A fraud or counterfeit to sell "When you for your own soap create, Of what is known and proven well. Upon its worth demand as great ... As IVORY SOAP this day can claim. This means his soap will m irr , o , „ |,. lv . | II>U K| .. n uuiro the same; •On its own merits fast o. slow, , ~u ( . MVC n0 ti|l|(i , tc |j , lruc> Anil you, hUe him. tin? truth must toss , .j. () ; n£roi | t|( C y OU| . goa p f,„. ~O Ui <„lean overboard, <•: .-ell at a;-., jlaad . n( j UHtonicrs perhaps offend It means still more, t.iat throughout he wilh r?I(K ,., , fc '. ir rcconimcnd ... The IVORY SOAPS IU ureal demand For none el: . ah iimiati. n . trait Don't buy the soap that salesmen say: An article that lias no sale. Is lite the IVORY every way," And who for connterl'st will pa" For grocers ran this talc unfold The price of gcnvi'.r,.: goods to d-iv ? Of every hundred cakes they sold Then whence can the advantage How On seventy-five a loss they bore, Or hew can yea " more profit " know ? , Or else L nc'a had left their store. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be " just as good as the ' Ivory' j" they ARE NOT, but like all co i icfuits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting it. (.'o: wight 18HH. by Procter ft 'nimble. f^o§er\baum^(S .NOB 510, 512, 514 Market St., and 27 Fifth Avt, i'ltts! ;r i jc ; i r. 'Flu* lLioad.it ijr Mill in m*V Fuiimhuing GOODS HOUSE lul' 1 !.<• iV.iii'Wlii; .1)10 of BFilllJGatni|mvy ilk.., with Fringe* '•Dailies' unci Chi.'tbv.i'i, i'riuiiut"! to match, Hots, J..i h sTutil fl. .1; 1 Uii lm iVoiir, *I. Mies uiiil Oliililron rt V.haps an t Dross Shirts. W i.ueii Shtrtß, at 11. .Jai-.liots, prices, Laditw' nnti vdiudroa'a (jurat,.. ol 1! wiory, ovet 850 styles. including j. -, ].. tho gii:wimU'..-il flint h.ucaa, iiun '...H i 'l.ti tiiiiis tut I Poi lieti 1. D")u t.i> 7 >.*. 11 pair. ParaeoiH and Utnbioiiuo, 000 sf.i< . Silk UuderwMU', >ltk Hotry, Si k MitU autl Giovos, lUe. 1 > i. 500 dos. LuJioa Hihbo 1 Vesta, Mil. Kid (4 loves, fie to Sll a pi: In*.. 18c. 'i' . line, tile giou; • )/c.-s .'.iiniiitiigs, Notion . a est ! • i.; L) ■ t ; 'rioes. luarvauviu .Danaiger iuosabarj siM-.in .\ 1. !u 1 '• hnpoilanl AiiiioiHH'ciiii'iit. \\ . , y oTirin t iiium tliu ou liu try in lic mi 'iit.s to puroUns"i's • Men of oar tic 1 ttv lie 1 I•>u. n>l u r 11.• *. 1 bung particularly di iuc 1 to our SII.KS, DUE S GOOD-'. W>ll F VIHUCS, COTTONS, LINENS, LACE CURTAIN'S AND UL'HOLS I'EltY O 'ODS, OENTS' FURNISHINGS. CO SETS, OLOVES. HOS IERY AND HOUSE FI R sISVIINOH. Our enormous sales in these depaitiuints rmptire us to mlil large lines daily, and as the nam:' g"" la can lie purchasuil now lower than they weie much earlier in the season, we are enabled to otter our recent pdr uhaMcs at a corresponding reduction. We ar" 110 money-saving house for tiie people. OUR ENORMOUS SALES AT I EST TO THli FACT. We extend a cordial invitation to all out of to AOI visitors to eo 1 e an d see us. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Sauipie •end on application. DANZiGER & SHOE JRERG, Successors to MORRIS H. DASZIKR, SIXTH BTUEKT AND I'KKN AVPNt'B. PITTSBUIIOU, PA. Smiih* Foolffili IVopln Allow u cough to mn until it gets beyond Ihe reach of medicine. Tliey often say, "Oh; it will wear away," Imt in most canon it wear* tliem nwny. Could they be induce to try tho succennful ibcdicir.* called Kemp's Balsam, wliieli we sell ort a piMillive guarantee to cure, tliey wouU im meillutcly see the excellent effect after tak ing the Ilrnt dose. Price fiOc ui'd 41.00. Trial m'tti frm hcu l:|imrtcrn. IIV tr //"" HUHUH S give you belter "d purer goods, fillorders more ornmptly, and prices lire lower than ■ ■be Mere. Silver Age absolutely pure rye. endorsed by physicians, used in lion- I til ill-. Only 41.00 full standard quart. 1 iiiekmihelinor I'ure I lye, a yr. OIIJ, *l ne quart i iihsiia " " " lan " 0 verbal t " it " Ino " r'lneli s 1 mlileu WeiUllllg II " 100 " (ii lioi t. Ins .r,, I'ori s. Sherries, Brandies, Whiskies, i 1.1- li. iri aiNNull, juiyo AihiiliiiHirutor. 4) it ltd) a vV Co. LOOK! If you Willi! M Hi' 11/.' 101 l Will#' M\\ Iti:< I HUK'S s . ItlM'll'n!*'!*. N, V., HHlhov nr*win' of MOWN ■•<• ujirlifhi HIIICM IIII'H to wll J.huir 'ilioluo .iii'l varb'lloH of Niii'Hury sin' . .*li In"' "ii Hillary or l oiiimlsHlori. •inn* now iiiaJ vijiuibU? viirbMb'H loolli r. Write 1 brio at oarf for tf'lTflH. in;LAVS ai:i; i>\NCiKitot s. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ~ PENNYROYAL PILLS /r,vv BIS CEOSS SUaOStD B2AIID. A llrlslii,l.hl,flfl/ K-n.ln.n'i't JWLS L k\ r R*ole pill for sale. Nvr Kail - W VvJji.ot!. At Oruimlfl"- Af' ipt \7 I fl) ° other. AlTpllU 111 I'*' l ' W air li'mrd b"* a. I'lnk wrai'iirra.ar® t •P -1 Kv oiißcuunlrrfrlb Hrni 4e. [ft partlculara and "llflb ffr ' ,„/•*' hror, to return B'.ll, IO.tll> U.U nuomuT'e n LADIES i"' 1 "f,„ tlilclic.ur ciiiuulcal to.,3lailtMiubii.il liUn.,l • i ..-ii on .n iin '.?U nbtoritHoth#ro , i Net • Out MAnbuod rv f; .. ,~. ; , . ... Im i ti.Tii'i'i' iy J ...loos l)g.liltXWßDU.fi'o.iSU.Hu.itiwXlir*. •in II k Unil Nrwlii|fMnrhlnrTl]llin fc , |,| .Abju at cms t M IM lab IiSII iI i Jtrniln m All parm, byJ fl |l P i"""Tfti' u h " i aawuiic-mai niaiir In I I Hie wurld, with *ll llm attarhmcnta. I Wr wlllalao acinia roniplala ' Ell? V i 5 u ' js ISW" 1 "'' 1 " r,,urn vv< M>i ~" > t >ou JhlMiy Ml" nt yj.ur iWM.ttdafter kA which hava run out t fitjbri pali nta ItntA ■•5 O. Ilrat.'atroDdtat, moat UM ho !• |"ful in tho world. All ia I ■'.'•lit |T <*a|iital raquirrd. Main, hrirf Inmructl -na uivrn I honn wh-. writr lo ua ai once can ar. ure Irec the hr.l aew iittr-maeliini' in lliu world, and lite flneal line of work a of hicrh aitewr shown logelb'T in Ani'rira. ' TlCl'Kti CO., Uua 7AO, Auguatu, Aluiiio. ' Jiinbly t'l'iif.il., •>,,,;0. A.WtO'i'l'.Nuw kurkOllJ *• asi:HT sol;, i it:II •'ami J.ocu- lion ill lln 'u M. AN t'll.N t l.irr - nil', Vii. liiayl(Ht fmbQil m PHNE3B CURED fryPert'aPtV $ fftk fiiinuibieTUBULAREARCUSHIUNS fTW SIU.-V A9*vi 3 miWiier* hvard tlUllaelly. Coinfori. iMo, HnrreaNfnl w liorunl 11 < nii'dli") full 11 In. Look A proof* | fruo. Adilretawr emllou lUBCOI. tOS iiroadwaj, A. from tho ICrroraof Youth, Folly, Vice. Ir noruueo, Ac., inny b cured at homo without fail or • xjiofurc. liilnlllblc aiitl C onfldciiihil. l-ar • ; Treat Ide, 800 pnu, only f 1 by mail,Hculrtl, postpaid. 1 Small bonU, with ©mlonwmontH of the pri'sn, free. Scud now. Ad'lresH the Pcahody Medicnl JiiMtltUb', or Dr. W.ll.l'urkcr, JNO.4 iiultluch 8i M Doßtou,MuH. . iss FLINT GLASS ') KIiUC JOfTk&S .r ; , • Mjv.nifui'tuivl l>y ;^ETT'j,MltoaiiCi. J r,£T " i riTTSBURCH, PA. I IvrOURSIZEBi 'j 11'lnt, yunrt A' Onlloo | ' : J vvt.lT: FOR PRICES. I tuur.ii Wo O- Caia.7ll.'.i 1M..:. - >.. M N-Y rfevar. i, /, > I v JlOXlif 'fKKATMUNT. SlllT 'l". •!.' s.'"-i ■• ">' ..retro that ,i .... illw i.-et ure e 'o' . 111 .or Imt they .ue io iii i lo ••.cue.) o. liviiu piiriysltes ill , juilii' oi " i mo" i tiiu nunc on.l eu.s --t elli"H la''. • 1 ecoj'io re MI. ell, how- M nver ii.H 1 "' ,u ' ,l " i ' tlie .. result i • lit it.i ••"•ii'li' remedy Imsbcw for ' null.ded whev. I. e itnrrli,eiiiurrliiildeafnwc •ml lid. :, i j pon.i-MiiMUly curtHi i;i from oiie i thvi-i iniple npplieatiDiis made , at home J>\ lb" pnii' iii once in two weeks. I w li.-ror i-. in i led dhelmrge* peculiar to females (whiles) iliis remedy is a s|HJclflc. A pamtilil'< erphii ulg tiii"' new lieatnirtjl e U seat I'll ree-iet often e-nts bv A. 11. II i)ixo.v.v SON nil W. <1 Kow St., Toronto, Canada.—S-de'iti'lc Ji'e Suffer or* t.'iiii est ic d '.ruiibieH sliould wil ' -earofs. , decuhly SOW IT WORKED. •< <*iod morning, Jack ! why I haven't aeet you for a month pant. W iiat in the viorld in the matter witli you ? You seem to have renewed your youth." " Well Phil, I have. Don't you remem ber the last time I saw you, how misera ble 1 was ? Hick mid blue, and in that sort of mood a man gets sometimes when he feels the most noble thing in life is to go straight to the devil." " Not so bail as that, I hope ; at all events you didn't go that way, you arc looking far too happy and hearty." •' Thank goodness, no ! or rather, thank Vinegar Bitters. Do you remember that day Isaw you last, when you recommend ed that remedy to me so persistently, and I was tirst vex'dand then half convinced." 1 remember it perfectly, and you needn't say another word upon the sub ject ; your looks tell me that you took the medicine." "No doubt of it: everybody remarks I upon my improved looks and temper; but I must really tell-you all about it. I got the old style, as you recommended, and didn't mind the litter taste at all. 1 fin ished the bottle in about two weeks, and was greatly improved, so much so that I determined to change oil and try the < new style. I " Well, how did you like it?" " You told me your wife preferred til I new style, 1 believe; well, I mint say 1 agre with her. I like the old style very much 1 but the new is u finer, smoother, more ex pens! ve preparation." " I believe it is; in fact, I have heatd so, and 1 wonder the McDonald Drug Company sell it for the same price they do the oid style, because it is really a very costly preparation." , " Well, that dosn't concern us. Who . was it said that people fancied themselves pious' sometimes when they were only bilious? No matter! I was only going to say that I believe people often seem wicked when it is only their liver, or their stom ach, or some other cantankerous organ of the body HO out of order they couldn't he good if they tried." "And if all the miserable dyspepsia, and victims of biliousness, headaime and the thousand and one ills that tiesli is heir to would only take Vinegar Bitters, what a banpy world this would be! " " I should recommend the new style." " I never go back on the old style." " Well, they eun' pay their money and take their choice, for both kinds work ad mirably." Only Temperance Bitters Known. Trie Great Blo^ ami Health Restorer. Cures nil ' kinds of Headache within thirty minutes—'ry it. The ou'y Temperance Hitters | ! known. It stimulates the Brain I and quiets the Nerves, regulates the i Bowels and reuders a perfect blood | circulation through the human veins, | which is sine to restore perfect | health. fiwf'A beautiful book free. Address, K. 11. McDONALD DRUG I CO., 532 Washington street, New York. | janis \\f ANTED—Agents in every city ! lownami villageot Pennsylvania for th o.v Knglaoit 4utual Accident Association, o I Boston, itins. cheapen! and be I accident also i Clinton. Adilivs- I. If. ST A \ oN, Manager, ' j Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh. Pa KINDERCORNS. , Thaonlymirr-('urn forlorn*. .Mnpmll pain. FnmirM - Pfiiiifm t if ilu f 1.1 in (>xA(jo.,N.Y. ' I CONSUMPTIVE 1 ITtivo you ConirTT, HronHiltls, AKUIIIID. liidlci'sllnnf I'M* I„ from dofocUto nutrition. TokeUtUmu. 50o.iuuitl.0a I —— | i\j* PARKER'S | ; fIgyB ( HAIR BALSAM j, tf?*? f ' ' '' I' ' fISS'P' FaiU io Restore Oreyj Hnir to its |S Ouid[MERY 0 uid[MERY s OV s ? Triple Coaled^L 1 WHOLESALE. ONLY BY DrtfjL™ 1 -'! THE TANITE CO., <\HAN_ STROUDSBURQ Pa V? % ! A 2 '-* HIRES' IMPROVED tSr m ROOT EZER! [.'J,IN LiCUID NO BOILING EASILY MA!?S I KB'! j THISI'ATKACE MAKES FIVE CAILONS ~~GJUJ&VS s BEiER g Th* moat APPETIZING mud WHOLBBOMH Adk your DrutfglHt or Orooor for It. y C. E. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. " i i- mayfrtt 5 %JID§ O BASLP o i Aching -111* met Bank. Hip. Kidney and v I'lcrim* ritint, Rheumatic. Sciatic, sharp unit j weakening Pains, relieved la ONK MINUTE by J- jZi Onticnra Anti-Pain Plaster ISs ' I iniiy Instantaneous paln-kllllng strengthening planter. 86 da; sforl. At druggists, or of Por , ; iRN DKI'O AND OhihkmlCO., HUSTON. ' > Dill Ptuplet. blMkheadi, chapped and pi P0 lIK <>")' s lll ® cusd by evTiecax Soar. IbuU I 1 nayt-41 WOOD, MORRELL &CO.S LIMITED, CELEBRATED Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is conceded to be the Most Extensive and Beat-Appointed Establishment of its da- ( the United States. Fof longer than twenty-six yearn the Company's Store lias been the Leading Mer cantile House in Johnstown, and its rapid growth is unprecedented, From a small beginning it lias developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more than ono hundred men. It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their custoin th the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they ers w eason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. TEN STORES IN ONE! In their dillerent Store Booms can be found a full and cnffcfully-flelccted slock or everv class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly being made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of goods car ried may lie mentioned IMPOUTED AND DOMESTIC DliY GOODS, CAIIPEItJ, HOUSE FUBNISHINO GOODS, MILLINER If, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, BEADY-MADE CLOIHINO, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES. WOODVALE WOODENS, OROCEUIES, MEAT, VEGETAIiIjm AND I ISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, HALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WAKE, AND WOODEN WAKE, IKON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, I'APEB HANGINGS, FURNITURE, ETC. ETC. The Attention of Country Merchants IH invited to the Facilities of tin# Establishment for supplying every article in demand by their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, " CIUi4P ns !SSK SMMESSr JIN SEW Tiieir Goods being bought in large quantities, and on the m(#l liberal terms, the management are enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully defy competitiou. THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Boom fitted up with every convenience tor Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in the larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths. Uassimercs Trimmings, etc., may also be found in this department for sale by the fotlis, etc., .are kept on the second lioor accessible by elevator. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and long measure guar anteed. CLOTHING, HATS ANI> CAPS. ~S" stylish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot be excelled. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. From the IJop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingman to the dainty Slip pers of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have 110 difficulty in coming to an "understanding." Only the best of leather is used in the manufacture of these goods, and they will he found at once stylish and durable. Shoe Shop and Leather Department. On the second and third lloors. with convenient entrance by hallway from Wash ingtou street, is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department.where I ine and Coarse Boots and Shoes are made to order, and where a largo stock of Shoe I in,lings of all kinds, and a fine assortment of Upper and Sole Leather is kept constantly on hand. Groceries, Vegetables, Han!ware, Klc [ The stock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, and is alwayaf." fresh, being turned once every month. Only the very line-' I em. Sugars, Etc., in the market are purchased, and clerks are under or li-rs io invariably g'Vixi "down weight" and "heaping measure." llie stoi k .f i enswaro is varied, and from tliu common Earthenware to the fine ' 1 oivela.u and China Wnrofi the assortment is complete. An open stairway .tads from In Grocery to the Vcge-1 table Department, where every variety of Seasonable 1 H' " Green GiocuricS is.! kept, including Foreign and Domestic Iruits, Oysters. I i-b, Etc. In the rear of ho Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments and Die buyer Is assured thaC he will he offered the very best goods at the lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Establishment. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second ami third stories of tho building— entrance from Ibe river side. The Clotli Boom iswellStocked wiln Cloths, Cassimores, Cheviots, Etc., and also a line assortment pf.tho celebrated Wuodvalo Woolens, which are without a rival in the market Clothing will he made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Department is located just east of , ■ Mdn Store Building, and Is one of the best regulated Markets in the country. 1' ■ ieu at ten : inn i paid to the selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to i bu.ioc .. Ine 'uglitcry is amodel of neatness, is supplied with all tiie m idem improvenients, and while the Steaks and Coasts are always tender and In.', an air of invster, docs - -urn, tnd the Sausages I'liddings, Etc., in the jircpuniii'm which the? tj fusible cure 14 fxcrcincd. W uison Hud all kiruls of (i.inic urc kept in scasou. THE EE ED NTH HE, Here tons of Flour are stacked nwav, and huge bins are tilled with Meal of every description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresh and good. FUBNITU RE. In this Denartment are kept a full a-s irtment of Kitcli m. Parlor and Bedroom ■ Furniture? from the lowest to the highest grades, and Hi will be promptly supplied with House Furnishing Goods of all ds eriplioii*. |AO OOMM OD AT IWG OXjISHS-XSLS. ■ - Our Entire Stores are preside 1 over by - .iirteo.is genii •nisii, who are tlior. ugh 1 masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will have their want# aU I tended to promptly Hnd intelligently. 1 ALL auons del l VE/t Eb HIKE or char ok. * J WOOD, MORRBLL & CO., LIMITED. SI Johnstown. Pa.. Nov. til, tST'J.