Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, September 13, 1889, Image 1

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    %\ I t 5 hi p. - r f
Yf. C. T. U.
The New Officer* Etw.-'eU for !lic Coin
lug Year—OlennluK* From the le
pnrtmeut Report*—The Resolutions
The Sixth Annual Convolution ot Om
" liria County W. 0. T. U._ el w'l it.'ses
sions Tuesiluy nirtght. Mondoy uiglit Mrs.
Mitchell, of Missouri, gave a very in
structive talk upon her department of
work in her Stale, among jails and ptis
i ::s, tilling of her own
mtiuiig that i lass who are lo be found
in the prisons ; and in ail the years she
has I.tea in the work sho only found
iorty-tnvu wo were not addicted to strong
drink. In the churches women are
init'ij in the majority, but iu the jails
nil priso...- luen are largely in the major
ity. Mrs. Mitchell was followed by I)r.
Moi'chea.i, oi Greens'.urg, the subject,
" Estiier."
The T.icti of tliis country arc the
qucous; aicohol is the i.ainnn whodesiics
the de.." and destruction of the people.
Hainan was the tiiH man who ever
offered :o pay a!';<• use. offering tin
Thousand talents into the Kin;,'* ticasu'y
if the Jewibh peep e should be destroyed.
But ('■*! good Queen Esther by 1.
w mi! ■' tact ami wisdom found favor iu
llm ev< of the Kit:.., and the wirw,
plot was exposed, tut Human was hung,
so the Queen's of this day will expose the
idols i ilie I'amc.n of tn-dnv, alco'tol,
and lie too will be destroyed.
The sessions of Tuesday were taken
up with the busiiKss of the Convention.
The Co 1 is of Johnston i, MoiTellvil.'c,
Jioiiut:.:'! lulu. E heii-bnrg, and Uldsg-m
weterep i sented.nud lliereporisc f Unions
, und the address of wclsome and reply tilled
tite morning ,-essia.t. In the afternoon,
reports of Superintendents were red !.
The Sui :o inlundent of Kcieuii.'ie Tempe:
ancu instruction reported that one S.-Uooi
di- l. Ie:. iu this county lost its itpproprta
tion on account of not requiriiut its teach
ers to tc Seietitidc Temperance.
Tin tifternoon session was taken up by
confute: ec ou proposed Amendn.ents to
Stale i •Miiiition, election of ollicers.
> uppohi' of State DilcguU.-'.
gules i- .ate Cionventiou arc Miss C. M.
\V. P.. '*t. Miss Grace Young. Mrs. Kcv.
Superintendents of departments were
appie .ie ias follows : Juvenile Work.
Mist E • Palmer) Y. Work, Mrs. Tin ner
Setenl. Temperace I .'all road Work. Miss
Slewar Soldiers and Sailors, Mrs. Unas
Louti !• Social Purity, Mrs. I). I.ntlther:
Flower Mission, Miss Fa'lte Sin UI; Lie
fertncuit-1 Wine, Miss Libbic Peterson ;
Mines Work, Mrs. Dr. Kuthrauff; De
' parii ■ lit of Music, Miss M-tv llenford
Election of otllcers resulted in Miss Emit .
Sheriib as President: Miss Ami Siif-rl
Recording Secretary; Mrs. Hay f<. I. r,
Cones-tiding Secretary; Mrs. Rev |
Smith of Mountaindale. Vice President
at-lnrge; Mrs. S. K. Turner, Treasurer-
Tic night -essiin w,.s a memo
rial service to the lost members of
the W. C. T. U. Mrs. McMastcrs
v of I'iai sville, conducting tliis sad and
solemn erviee. The Scriptures rend nntl
, the mi. i ■ were very appropriate, and the
tributes paid by the members to lost ones
were most touching. These tributes of
respect were paid by Miss Foster. Miss
Duncan. Mrs. Cannu, Mrs. Stewart, for
the '\onicn ; and Miss Palmer and Mis
Murdoch. for the young ladies.
At lite close,the retiring President, Miss
Foster, who utterly refused to he re
elected, presented the gavel to the new
President. Miss Foster, in presenting
the travel, made an earnest and feeling
address to the new President, and to the
, Unions, which was earnestly responded
to by Miss Sheridan.
Thug closed this Sixtli Annual Conven
tion of the W. C. T. U., which was one
of our best considering the circumstances ,
of the W. C. T. U. since the great flood .
of May 31st. The books and papers of |
four Unions being lost, sonic of the mem
bers away from town, one of the officers ]
dangerously ill, and many members re- .
moved from our midst, yet the meeting ,
passed off pleasantly, harmoniously and
v profitably.
No. 1. Central Union, of Johnstown, i
reported by Mrs. Stewart. Report was £
necessarily short because our books were
lost iu the great flood of May 31st. At a '1
meeting of the Uuim after the campaign 1
of the Prohibitory Amendment com- t
meneed, a Committee was appointed to v
wait on the pastors , f the churches, ask- 1
ing the use of the audience rooms, for
I-cutres, in tiie intci -,t of the Amend- ~
ment and also thai r prayer meetings 1 ;
, even- W. dncsday, !i • ' ; n tlie lecture | 8
rooms and llicciiuri . rung fi rtho-e!"
meetings. The latbu .- .lie wen •>
'•h'-rfully granted. r, /nniinm wire' 1
printed with name- of iers and topic
.f each meeting. . were meeting t '
long to he re me. lieu ; iVi who U
tended them. They not only pi
us for the great sorrow I it r ..,
ur M ■)! t, but also t< > endure t iio i
of oni cause on June l . lh. On t
' ... ill) .• iy pr.iyr meet.
arranged for but only a fc.v wot..
permitted to meet. Many of those who
attended atui took part in our meetings
had gone to our Father's house and it
was witli sad hearts we met for prayer in
ilia; last meeting of the campaign for God
1 and iioine und Native Lund. Collect
taken during the meetjiur t-ci.oO : mem
hers jotueil. thirteen; lecture" given dur
_ tug tite campaign under the auspices of
L the Union, tluce. Report of Temperance
Union by Mi.::, Annie Stewart. This
Union never began a year under more
t - favorable circumstances ttiun the year
j'i-1 closed. Tlie ollicers, especially the
President, started out with great earnest-
ncss und y.cii, in the cause, lioping to
greuily increase the strength and useful-
I i.ess. bv adding to tlie membership which i
r was done principally through literary
~ nicutinus alternated with tin- business
tin clings. Tie- membership increased so I
much that Headquarters became too small i
and they lei.) to meet ill the homes of I
raembeis. Invitations were sent out and !
' many came and were interested in thi -
'wnv and joined the Union. I.i May tin t
were enrolled one hundred young ladu
anil t.'-iny-tive gent'emon.
Several eulerluiui mnts were given,hav
ing a two-fold objoet in view, namely :
I'ne Hti"g a. temperance sentiment and
llie tc,.it.nishiug of tlie treasury. That the
Y's iveiu successful iu both the offer's
is evident from their increased member
ship ami fin' popularity of iluse enter
tan.ineiils. Mis- Dornbluser ttud Mi
' Schrock, .tstato Organizer, met with the
Y's in the arly part of the year. J n April
this Union gave up the literary mei' i
and engaged in tlie work of tin-1 in. . 1
tloniil A nicti'.iiiiei,!. Major lilUon
eneaued for u serh lof meetings wliich
wei I! i-i M: .. I'm different depart- •
tnetils r.l Y won viz . Flower Misfiott, j
Jiiveuily. LI era ire, Ilygleue a..!
Ileredily. and I'IVSS Work, hud
eile .. -it f.ijpc: ie' :iifl .its. iMiss Jolly,
County Orgauiz. , resigned, and at
on -emi .lunmu Convculioii it was
decide., tii i* itie vcciitive take charge of
rhut w.-rx li.r th : balance of the year.
Slaee that a pre.-nisi ig Y was organized
in Wo .Ivule, w;;li is. Christy as l're .-
dent. As far us ce know the President
mid e:ii . c mi tub u'ship were swept awa
on lit. 1 In-:.! 31st of May. The year com
ments d so favorably lias ended very sad.
-<ix members and ivvo honoraries w ere nil -
en from lis in ha ferriblp'^to. and i
lias hied siiu-e. 'i ms report was submilleii
with the licpe of soon having a home in
which to gather tlie beloved Y's togvihei
and begin ng work anew.
Moiiiituindalc Union reported by Mi s
Mur.ay. ISvin|mt!iy for the Johnstown
Unions was exprc tcd and Joshua, 1 t
| chanter and 9Mi verse was sent for their
comfort and consolation.
This Union has held its meetings every
' wo weeks until of late, owing to the 511-
i ncss of it. President, and absence of some
mctitl.c!,. A public prayer meeting
iwm held on Thanksgiving evening.
; L etui::.s were given by Miss Julia Wit bird
and Mr. McMastcrs. Several lecturers vveie
sent hv the Aniendr.mnt Association. A
petition for the Amendment hud 1:0!
names secured by our members, and the
Sunday Rest Bill MO names. An oyster
s ippur netted if'3s for this Union. A
lumber of i'num Sijntils, Young CrwutiUr,
Oil/,' and /and 1 VhiU UiKbon were !
taken. This township had a majority I
vole for the Amendment, thus showing
that there lias been a making up of tent j
per sentiment in the community.
Report of Glasgow Union was read by
Mrs. Irwin, the President. Three lectures
havo been given; two hundred and forty
copies of the Kdueator ; one hundred of
the Amendment ; two hundred Signal
Light's and Timely Talks , were dis- 1
tributed. Four hundred pages left in the '
railroad station.
Report of Ebensburg Union read by 1
Mrs. A. M. Nipple. This Union sent one •
delegate to tlie State Convention last year '
at Pittsburgh, and distributed a number 1
of cards and two thousand pages ot liter- 1
ature in the Alms House and Jail, and at c
the station; four lectures given. All the "
Unions did not send reports owing to the x
late disaster, and for the same reason "
the reports ot the treasurers were not 1
complete, many of the books being lust. '
hbsolctions. "
Resolutions passed at tlie Woman's "
Christian Temperance Convention held ''
in Morrollville, Cambria county, Septum- (
£>lh and lOtli, 1880 :
Wiiehbas, We, as a Woman's Christian "
Temperance Union, havo been permitted 11
to meet together once more in our An
nual County Convention at tlie close of
the year, which has brought us many
very sad and remarkable experiences, G
therefore be it n
Resolved, That in the great loss which <
our Union lias sustained during tlie ('
recent flood in our midst, we recognizu al
tlie baud of our loving Father, who, for ti
some wise purpose, has permitted this.T
sore bereavement to fall upon us. and i la
■ho has stud " What i do Thou i li
' lowest not now, but Thou sbult know i fr
hereafter." And while many of our rt
r.<-I and trusted workers have been'
i .llcd by tbe .Master from labor to re-1 w
. am, our In ,i t...i i'til' • thanksgiving| in
: 1 ' i
d to contiiuio in this bh -ied wat'-. j \v
f „ G :•!' and hocr; d every land. ' 1 i .
1 e it
' fit, That ot i artie ' and pr ,'etfi i j l.i
thy f 1 to those of ournum- j of
i vv Ito mourn tiio 1 -1 of near and dear■; m
e . We commend them in their sorrow 'CI
0 to Him who alone can comfort and sustain
s us in the hour of trial. "He holdetli the
waves in the hollow of his hand" und "all
things work together for good to them
1 that 'ove Ili:."
1 Since <'tir terrible defeat of the Consti
. rnrrotial Amendment in our Slate.
Resulted, That we believe it to be a
clearly developed duly of the W. C. T. U.
• ( to reaffirm tdie position taken by our Nu
f tional W. C. T. U. at their Annua! Oon
, veiitii.n in Detroit, to leud their induence
to whatever parly w ill give us the best
principles of Christian Temperance.
1 Resulted, That we endorse the Pro
hibition party, because we endorse tlie
aiui and object of that pyrty in the outlaw
ing of tin liquor traffic. Should any
other party embody this aim and object
clearly and squarely in i's platform we
vv id us heartily endorse it.
R'sulced, For the promotion of this end
we heartily endorse the actioii of the last
ifatioual Convention in consenting to our
I National I'ro-idi nr accepting a pliueon
j the National Committee of the Ptoliibi
; tion party.
Realizing that we hail with delight the
growing sentiment in political circles
agiiupi the outrageous and wicked ens
t im of carrying elections by the aid of
de i j ' . and we believe the day
is rapidly approaching when this un
christian i ; 1 uncivil; ed practice shall be
a thing of tiie pa it, ami that a certain
moral and lutelligen' "lamlard and not
St shall be the test of citizenship.
Realizing liovv dependent we are on o.ic
another for comforts, for assistance iu the
""eomplishment of every good work,
" I'jovoktfT one auothcr to good work's,"
we • •• ' 1 heartily express I hanks to Mrs.
jtileiimi, .'..l.Me.ueJiasters and Dr.
' t j. p T , .. W nrds |
•>:' ('..*' -'. I I'.ciP. ! . tt.c ajgregatioil -a j
whose hot mwme t i,. the eluur. to tim
kind people of .iloirellv!!.. .ortiieir kind
h.;:pitaiity, and to mi who have helped
| the ( "ution a success.
V -ml i
Ilb tlu M ft ./cliitstmim DumoerMi
I An ii I >• < liein ' lite bul
of • ' ri i nl piivileg, s. I
i' l 1 ; iu your popular'
journal t > i xposo i ; . tjranny ! > which I
am ub j-. i'• land by those in ehargo of
Ihe u ; i • 'on of i••fief.
lam one f b' most alllieted widows
in this t ■ !: • : lost a fou l and good
hu.-hand - u oirv child in th- late dis
i! 'loir ..I .. vi g strug 'ed for a cou
sioci'.'b' :■!• i vsclf till 1 was drii'vn
out by a i ljiiug iiatul. I almost lost i iy
h'.'Uri 'u' and was - tii to Alton m for treat
mti'i. lam ... left with a eliaiy -• of a
il- it d luo' ■ i, vHof. ii froi i a he. rlit of
| ! u ' v-two ti ct. ft-iriluriug tire skull, with
' inp"• ;; ild'h"rM (kili;. ij • s'di-.
.Nt m a tedious an t pamt'ul operation to
save liis life.
He is likely to he mi imheeik' (luring
the remainder of his days. Notwitiutaiid
ii g my c damlties ami the feeble state of
my In It, 1 have I.ceil en! o the Relict
list flv wi k . .i i), fr. what cause I
know uot. I have b. 1 several interviews
witi. those having control of the distri
bution, but can timl no remedy. I have
got the use of hi O UuUoma house, but in
so poor a condition t': it 1 .' ill by obliged
to . xpciul over sixty dollars of tii" relief
m nicy I got to n. ■ • it habitable for the
winter. My bn ther never got relief, not
evi i :iu article of clothing, he and 1 hi ing
obi id to sub ist for week- upon one
se: ration daily doled out to mu will,
a' idging hand. Mas. IV.VTF. CAlttt, |
| Alillviile, Pa., S-pt. 12.'i,
V. 11. Coll!.
| (in last I'rid'iv night the young man
| above named passed peacefully away. Mr.
(,'ole was a nephew f Mr. William Cole,
!of Adams township, his father and
mother both being dead. He has been a
resident in this vicinity for a number of
years, where he has made many friends.
He was an earnest Democrat and a faith
ful worker for the success of Ills party at
all times. In the fall of 1887 he began
the study of the art of photography, with
Artist Wesley J. Green, of this place, and
during last summer erected a photograph
gallery iu Cambria bororttfk where he
opened up for himself, and was doing a
good business. During the winter he be
gan to decline, and when the spring
opened up it became evident to himself
ns well as to his friends, that his lungs
were affected. He gradually grew worse,
and wasted away until his death. He
made his home with his sister, Mrs.
Mahaffuy, on Branch street, Cambria, bill
at the tiincTif the flood was at the home i
of his brother, Joe, in Morrellvill,where he
died, lie was a member of St. John's I
Catholic Church, and died with the eon- <
solution of his religion in the full hope of !
a blessed immortality. Peace to hN ■
ashes. ' ]
Mr. John ICintz, one of tlie bc-;t known j ,
German citizen sof tlii- city, died at ids '
residence in Morrellvill-: on "-'iturikv
•vening last. Mr. Kim/ ; property > :
"hestnut street, Cambria In trough,
ill destroyed in the tloml, ami sine that
itnc he ha.-' been r. iilin in Morr.-ll
rhreo of hi dan .liters adar In, , P . i
aw wfro drownt nin lite Hood li is lie- ;
leved that dr. kir' - i v . i:ti-d j
rom exposure during that f vrful and let
lble time.
Mr. Km!/ wan a man •>' we :tb and j !
vas one of the oidi-st • n-'iants in Cam- 1
iria lie ilwa vi'oi- nlhs • parkin 1.,
iiuuii :p".l affairs, ".ii vi j .tub: - those | "
itlio intS'i -t'-'d t.hi iu ii! , üblic ho ,
iiovi'.iienli. Ke v. I ■ -iii. - cian i;, !
a pro? i d i-v. • v. ork.- for Cam | j
iriit anil Mot ■ 11 v' am! has lilli I many 1 1
•f the dpi !' • v.a ;.n active ■
mtniber of lit. Mary s mfman Catliolle j w
,'hurch. u:
Tlit Ninth Victim of Jack the Kipper—Hor
ribly .Uutihitcd ami Dismembered by
the Fiend—Who Must Kill Six More to
j Fullill ilis Threat—lntense Excitement
j in London.
j ijoNDox, September 10.—Jack tlie Rip-
I pet has added another to liis long list of
j victims.
iiiirly iu tliis series of awful crimes Jack
the Ripper announced, by notices chalked
upon a board, that his bloody hand would
not he stayed until rif;een unfortunates
had been slain, and that then he would
annpunce liis identity and surrender to
tiie. authorities. To-day his ninth victim
was found, and all London is now won
dering if lie will make good his threat and
At 5:30 o'clock this morning a police
man found the body of a fallen woman at
the Corner of a railway arch on Cable
street, Wliitcchapcl.
At| examination of the remains showed
that, lite head and legs had been cutoff
and carried away and stomach ripped
i.pen, th intestines lying on the ground.
A cordon of police instantly surrounded
the spot. Policemen pass the spot every
fifteen minutes. Those on duty last night
| say t'.n-y saw nothing suspicious.
flip physicians who examined the body
mm that, in their opinion, the murder
and mutilation occupied nearly an hour.
It is surmised that the murderer carried
off the head and legs in a bag.
The murder is the worst of the whole
aerie of W'hitecliapel murders. The man
ner in which the limbs had been severed
from the body shows that tbe murderer
was pos.-esscd of some surgical skill.
The woman was about thirty years old.
Her clothing was shabby, and she was
evidently a spirit drinker. The remains
have not been identified. Tlie most in
tense excitement again prevails iu Whilc
( hapel. Crowds surround the mortuary
in which the body lies.
Later examination reveals that there |
w,;p> no blood on the ground where tlie I
body was found, neither was there any
• i the body. From tliis it is evi
dent that the murder was coran i ted in I
some oilier place, mid that the body was
subsequently deposited under tbe railway
arch. The trunk was nude. A rent and
bloody chemise was found lying near
the body. The arms were intact, but
tlie legs were missing. It is believed
that the woman lias been dead for two
d as.
Tun c sailors who were sh eping under
tin arch next to the one under whicu the
ho ly was found were taken into custody
I . the police. They convinced the au
thoiitii"'., however, that they had seen or
hear I nothing of a suspicious nature.anil
they were discharged.
That this last crime was commiti d by
I the suite hand as the others attributed to
!■! > be Ripper is evident by tiie manner
u • ihe style is that of the mysterious'
j iicll i.
Tiie first of his victims was Martha
Turner, who fell under his knife early in
the morning of August 7, 1888. She had
been stabbed thirty-two times by some
sharp instrument, supposed to have been
a bayonet.
The next was Polly Nicholas, whose
head was nearly severed from her body,
and the abdomen ripped open. She per
ished August 81, and the corpse was found
a few moments after tlie murder, as it
was still warm.
A week later Annie Chapman was j
butchered at the door of a lodging house,
her throat being cut, and tlie disembowel
iug being tnore atrocious than in the p*
viuus case.
The terror then reigning and the !i j
fulness of the police ser.l the sa" -. j
hiding, but he came out en; •' i:i 1..r! .-
morning of September 30, an ..
abeth Stride, cutting her ' . - : .1. |
but apparently not !iav : .
late the body, or has*. • ;Ji will. 1
it in order to finish i i-iiy ;.-ti, i ■
while the polk .• ed i.!v •
the remains of ►: ■ ' U wen ! j
carrying bor' •
knifed anot' than tet
minutes' U r.oe
Kddov . , i ~M | ~
body , • eh I
Tin i (k !ii I. k( ivai on Nov.-m- r
ber stib, when the bo jj I M: ry Keilcy J
was found. l:i lliat (.. e the head, ears [,
■ ad cose were cut i IT, and the dlsem- r
uviliing \,a.! shoe!.. . • beyond de- '
i rtpliOL. After tin.- clinic there was a
tii.a. in tlie eaieer et blood, hut just
il VI hoped th'.t it W •;;! lii tI i re
neweil and the lenilied (pi,.iter f Lou-j
' whs recovering iM court! e, Alice Me-1
Ftov. ,s butchere 1. Tint was on the '
;'ng f July 17th, last, atnl tlie de-j
a'; i f tb nmril r co:' i . pond s i well
. th 'io-' f the others inat there has
•en d iht that i- wt the work i: si
In' the Ripper. This, wit'i the murder
; i i known womai ' ling (.'hristmas , .
rc- kof is ;7, and the murder jut com- \>
uittced, make nine, which are traced to R
the one foul hand. There are others, but
the evidence that they were committed by
the same hand is not conclusive.
Numerous arrests have been made, and
various devices, as the use of blood
. hounds, tried to get track of this phe
f nonrenal criminal, but all in vain. Various
, theories have been formed to account for
t his savagery, anil especially for his malice
toward fallen women, who have invaria
bly been his victims, but the theories
, have not served any useful purpose to the
police, who are us much iu the dark as to
b'' ••• "sonulits and motive as ever.
♦ >- -
KoilUvs Ili tor km I at Old Nlueveli, Indiana
John Barber, Esq., sends us the follow
ing list of unidentified bodies which are
buried on tlie Indiana county side of tlie
river, for the information of those look
ing for friends. Tliislist has been printed
before, but it is desired to give it the
greatest publicity possible. Mr. Barber
says this is a list of bodies not identified
interred in the Riverside Cemetery, at Old
Nineveh, Indiana county, the number of
the description correspond to that on the
head boards at the grave.
37. Female, about eight years old,
light hair, fair complexion.
38. Female, aged about sixty-five years,
full face, hair sprinkled with gray.
3D. Male, aged about thirty-five years,
a very large man, wore stockings woolen,
marked H. S, T. Light complexion, full
40. Female, about eight years old, light
hair, middling long, blue eyes, fair com
■l2. Female, aged about sixty-five years,
dark hair, weight about one hundred and
forty pounds, dark complexion, dark
47. Female, height live feet, light brown
iiair, short nose, weight ninety to one
hundred pounds, high forehead age about
sixteen years.
48. Male, light brown hair, blue eyes,
abnut two montu's old.
32. Female, height five feet ten inches,
black hair mixed with gray, weight one
hundred and sixty-live pounds, dark eye
brows, tunted-up nose, ago forty to forty
five years, supposed tube nursing. Re
covered from tlie drift along the river iu
West Wheat field township, by Win. Lig
gel, New Florence, Pa.
53, 56. Two females found in a burnt
drift pile on the l'ershiug farm two miles
I west ot Nineveh. Fifty-five wore corsets,
plain w ite underskirt, ami a round pinto
| with name Mrs. W. 11. Wilson,
iiela City found near the body. Fifty
six np|e>s> dtobe u young lmlv TiiOn
two bodies were burned ami cinrre t he
young recognition, only a part ot each
trunk remaining.
57. Female, aged about lit ty or tii'n
I live years, gray hair, bald on top of hen I.
| red llannel underskirt, striped up and
down, height live feet four inches, gray
hair on chin, left I ver jaw deformed.
53. Femt-le. aged twenty-five to thirty
I years, height five teet six inches, light
brown hair, wore a gingham apron with
three ruffles, weight about one hundred
aud seventy pounds. The body wtu in
an advanced state of decomposition when
| taken out of the debris below Rice's
j crave yard, June 13th. by .1. it. Lowry.
jG. F. Dick, and J. Barber, after three
Hours hard work.
59. Female, about ten years oi 1, black
and swollen when brought to the morgue.
She was found by William Ligget, ot New
Florence, I'a.
(i). Female, ago eighteen to twe:ity-li.,
years, brown auburn hair, coat with
largo tin buttons, corsets, white di "M
J black stockings, cloth button slnn
black leather tips, red short ba
red buttons, full face, weigh'
ilred to one hundred ami twi
height about tiv : feet four
62. Male, height live f
hundred and twenty
black mu-tasclie, rou
forehead, large blue
brown overalls K. c .
one to twenty-f, v- . a
03. Femuli'), ■
years, height f i ■> \ , ■ w
one hundred •11 e . ■ < ■c In In
and twin' .- - us ■ .vie! i
UUlb'l.-k' l> . • d.t .ude: ■'.:.!. I.
calico , . i ,i i atl .■ * i... •
nick'' ' ... ,i
tlif i ■ •. •to .-I
f" li. i. e\ OS I! V . bIOW l|
T." ' v * T .;■£• (7. '.. ■
1 I" nalc, b- . ;! ! ...c f c! -i\ ■
■.hi'.!; . • : a • ml white, win i,
. . ... '.' ■. -i ii mi . re:!. I o-rc
pi... ' V. li i. foil ui, J .0:1 I. All.
e,. Female, weight otic hundred to one "
button shots, N<. 4. red wooh-n s;.j k- h
cloth j:.; i.el. A;-.'. !.•,;-cki-t i left Me, W
brow ii eiilieo dn . s fohloiig j . •!.- •. pule t!
red uud'crslvirt, cusels, bustle pi.fidtti ( i
with while i ttoii, while e Ron dtuweis;
small hands, ~oi :nl teeth, upper teeth
broad, low, round fun In/I; small gold
ring, with set, on finger of right hand, w
The Committee on Yaluahles has the
ring, wheie it i ot be seen.
Persons wishing to gain further r.for
mt.tion on tie-. ! hv, . ■ !iir is with t.mip. !
J. Barber, b wani, i' • . v!. will gliidly ;
answer all cumtnii' icatioi.s i.-i regard to . oi
the bodies I.ur'r d iu the Lie-.-'.di Ceme
tery. j R
Iten ..ns .it DocOm- Bliielc Kv'inmi !.
The reinui" of Doctor I'iagleand three
sons, Georve. Edward and (Iharks, were
yesterday removed fr.un toe old Lulherau •
Srayeyard, on jtutrycrcek street, to ■ c
Grand Viewu iter ' , notion l Mr.
W'i 1 in Co' r . I' tor Bi glu died i - !
1H64, his son In I'd!.
AN INTEREST I {. -111-.
Oue of the Principals A. ' . - >.! - i,wn Lairs
ycruml win* it.-, t.isc.
There was quito a c ;of i- teroatotf
spectators at Justice 1 .n .'. office Mou*
day afternoon to listen ■> the bdhaony
in two cases in whieh 1.,!. Craig was
prosecutor, ondGooiv,. h::-ion .-o! red 3
Craig is a huckster an ! . n iRR 0 f
September stopped w ita .. t! . a
restaurant on Frank,in street, k C j by
Johnson, to get dinner. Al!-i fi : idn-'
their meal and paying the regular ...rice
Craig and his friend were aim.. <-. de
part, when Johnson claimed th. . hero
was five cents coming to him on .n junt
of some uxtras. Craig who lia. 1 ordered
the meal refused to pay und th, two met
got into a scuffle, and during;
the racket Craig had his U-t 'i knocker,
out, anil his watch-chain was torn front,
his vest. Johnson got tin chain and roJ
fused to give it up until the five cetUjf
were paid, and Craig tiicrufure, entered,
suit for the larceny of the chain and
asssult and battery.
The defendant was repii riici! by FidMlJ
Join M. Rose, and a ju-v trial va< had,*
on each case, the follow i. g perso: at,
ing as j.trors: Thomas U., . ,mad
Partitt, William Turner, Eunnue' inta,,
Owen McCue and John \\ iil'an. .
Mr. Rose madfe a very aff.c!';. g a ,cai
for his cliont, and while ad i!it .g ;buj
he struck the other man, ami >• -vas dono
in self defense. As to the tub eg of thq
chain he declared there was m i.itt.iiion
of keeping it.
Mr. Craig hail no attorney, lint
strong plea for himself. The ti imouy
of the witnesses who said that Mr. Craig
had used very uubeeo tin >.■ ig. vtaa
discredited by Mr. Crai ; • u big that
lie ltad not uttered .. jlnco ho
joined the Church, wliic i ~is Lou: six
years ago. The jury i-vidcm placed
ronrtilenco iu what .Mr. i' ai; u.l, for
they found Johimo i g ; ( ~ Hcasos,
t recommended lo tueroyof
the Court. The •* ■ -L,- - iiim
a lecture on Low , : fiimselt
hereafter, fined mm d osts iu tho
larceny ctue, a-n,' - ■ costs in
the assault u.l ..y case,
tbe total ombti ng ' . !,Ir. Rose
fi cited in his pu-ki- • / nl handed
er tho amou.ii, .-■.f>'t edant wac
al lowed to go. ii. i. , ...o money,
h ' .vever, it is no- .- ipp 3lr. Rosi
im!l get left, a., ii v. • ; advanced
by Johnson, w.m anxious to
seop from ge'ting i Ie lock-up.
!r. Rose thinks t' if his c.ieitl
aailercd because not dis
posed to believe J bis col
_ red witnesses
Tltl 1
.Omrauii ' ii ■• ,f . vX
The ■ w of t ,•
• toriu t • (•( '.v.* • ? in
'.nil. \ •Oil; !, \ .ui' id, i -jj i) '■
'1 H' l ' et' • " i'i i.) not
on let. m- i ■ . - ,\ ' ntii
ity u'.r' - ' i
lit the cit. iin •' ■ 1. t'. it ;
;i3 ncces--!, \ in ~!• i i wa rot
,'cramile • U!t- vetei
•.me on tin- ■■ on ' I- ahow
tremend v. i - df't
ul was vi- T ai'tb
• dies were 1 • •£(..
be air, era .. . ' :< >d v.
Pic plat, .I- -ntirsly
/ay. The !■. !': t In.
dition to the • .-and
j storin, "re : :o a lmo
ui- last ■ : ht i c heard
wirofrotn At • . 7c note in
filter place the nnstov/ners
' hat place.
A Stngiitm ~ : .lent.
.v una Tribune.
:s. Mary Mill 1 township,
thrift count; gost instantly
■i! about 5 i Thut'" '.ay cvo-
Charlr il v. \o v. rcturniuj
Hbensbur.t wit". empty wagon,
ii .ti ok Mrs Mil! i I. ' lie boy on
road, when I ' • U ! them to get
he wagon. Ti. !> bud been vlsit
,r so i-in-law, ( liitoii Houck, netir
ene tf the an i 1 nt. She hail scvor
..: isto walk to her l.imie, anil had cort
- '. b'c baggage. Tin tenm frightened
' ad horse lying at the side of the road.
'1 i • lor/cs became so unmanageable
•I chuly got off the wagon, and
w it! passing around behind the vehicle
the! .ses commenced backing. Otto of
the wheels struck her, knocking her
d :i. both wheels passing over iter body
mil t! team trampling upon Iter. Sho
was la', -tn to Iter son-in-law's, where sho
died bin an hour after tho accident.
Dm- i was about stxly-llv years old.
lrslrm to Colctmbaiftf O it %
omt of the meeting of the Sov
•II I Lodge 1.0. O. F., to be hel 1 ;
s, Ohio, the Baltimore & Ohio
■ . . Company will sell excursion
; '.ckv. Columbus at rato of ono firgt
lass iiui I'd fare for tho round trip#
fi! 1 ill be sold September 13th to
• isi" ', ani't will ho valid for r:-
••:• ;• ;;3 until September; 20th, t
.-.vcr of irogb" camo up from th^
■ dnrday last in this city.
N O 23