The Democrat FRIDAY, AnU'STO, 1880. Fuknitckk, Furniture, Furniture, the largest ana host stock in the city at MICUIUAV FtTtKITt'HE COMPANY, •187 smltlifleld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bbkork purchasing furniture elsewhere cal' and examine otir stock. It will pay you. MicntflAN Fpkniti'hk company, tat Smlthlleld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ik you are In need of furniture of any desert"- tlon It will pay you to call and examine i itr stock, which we are closing out at lncomparni' - low prices. Don't forget the place and number. Michigan Furniture Company, 437 Stnlthlleld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fur iilture. In bedroom furniture, parlor suits, In tact, in any pieces of furniture, our stock Is the lrargesl I n western Pennsylvania, and our prices arc I ow. t all and and examine our stock. Miciiioan fornix pkk company, 487 smlthtleld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Idleness Is a Dangerous Fault lit the Kidneys. When Inaetlvo they speepllv fall Into disrepair. Those obstinate and fatal maladies, Wight's disease and diabetes, ensue with terrible ecrlalnty upon the Inaction of the organs affected, catarrh of the bladder, enuresis, gravel and strangury are also to he ap prehended from a partial paralysis of the blad der, of which weakness and sluggishness are t he causes. Hostetter's stomach hitters is a tine tonic and promoter of activity lor the renal or gans, and one which can be relied upon to afford them the requslto stimulus without excttln them—an effect to be feared from the unmetll . cated alcoholic excitant of commerce. A further heneflcent effect of Hitters, by renewing actlv lty of the kidneys. Is to enable them to drain from the blood lulls passage them, Impurities productive of rheumatism and dropsy. Nervous ness, fever and ague, constipation and dys pepsia are conquered by I he Bit ters. FAitft/K Bc-STuS&WSSSi!B! 8 c -STuS&WSSSi!B! I r*!sm v.' .1. I'. MANCIIA. ('hircmunt.Ya. Al) .MIN iSTIiATO It'S XOTK 'E.- I.etters of Administration on the estate or H AKHY G. ROSE, late of the borough of Johns town, county of Cambria, and State of Pennsyl vania, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned, all pemons Indebted to said estate arc requested to make Immediate payment, ami those having claims against the same will pre sentphem duly authenticated for settlement. HERMAN BALLMER, Administrator. W. Horace Rose, Attorney, No. H4 Franklin street. Johnstown. Pa.. July 23, issu. at-w "fcrOTICE TO THE STOCK -1.1 HOLDERS OF "THE PEOPLE'S BIT LD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. The Board of Directors of The People's Building and Loan As sociation. at a meeting held at the office of the solicitor, on Tuesday evening, July it, 1889, resolved to COLLECT NO DLLs OH INTEREST untllthe Third Monday of August, iksii. belug the 19th day thereof. The reason of tlilsactlon being the recent calamity vlsltod upon Johns town and vicinity. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, President, JAMES KING, Seoretary, FRANCIS J. O'CONNOB, Solicitor. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. —The estate of M. S. Maloy, late of Johns town, Cambria county, Pa. Letters of admin istration on the aboye named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate will present i hem for payment, duly authenticated, and (hose in debted thereto will please muke Immediate pay ment to MARY A. MALOY, Administratrix, No. 121 Adam street, Connemaugh borough, pa. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of William stelger wald, late of eonemaugh borough, county or Cambria, and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Erliard Zang, or Johns town borough, to whom nil persons indebted to said estate are requested to maxe payment, and those having claims or demands will make Known the same without delay to the under signed. or to O'Connor Bros., sit Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. KKHARD ZANG, Julys Administrator. t>MINISTRATRiX'S N<>Tl< 'E. —ESTATE OF CASPER WILL, LATE OF N'STOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY, DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration having been granted by the Register of Cambria county Ho the undersigned, notice Is hereby ghe., to all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly authenticated, for settle ment, and tnose knowing themselves Indebted to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. ELIZABETH WILL, Administratrix. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A ESTATE OP MRS. ROSA BLOCH, DKCKAK- Letters of Administration mi t lie estate of Mrs. Rosa Blocli. late Of t&B Thinl ward, Johns town borough, I'ambrla county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigded, notice Is hereby given to all penons Indebted to said estate to make Immldute payment, and those having claims against the same tviu present them, duly authenticated, lor set'le nient to C. -I. MAYhit. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-- I.etters of Administration on the estate of JACOB coLNNER, Late of cambna borough, Cambria county, deceased, have been grantee to XABQAKET GOENNER. AH persons Indebted 10 Mid estate are requested loniake immediate payment, and those havingolalms or demands against said estate will make known the same at once to the undersigned at No. Ago Broad street, Cambria borough, or to McLaughlin ,■ Franklin street, over Dlbert's Bank. M MP. \ I!FT tiDKNNER. Admlnlst ratrtx. A DMIN IBTRATOR'S N< ifTcl 1 To DEBTOR'S AND CKEPITOR'S.—No tice Is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on the estate of c. Fltzliarrls, late of Johns town borough, county of Cambria, and stale of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Michael I lizharrls of said county : to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or de mands Mill make known the same without de lay to the undersigned al Oallltxln, cambrla county. Pa., or to < t'connor Bios., Johnstown. Pa. MICHAEL FITZHARRIS. Administrator. REGISTER'S NOTICE.. rrHE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS I have been examined unci passed by me and remain (lied of record in ibis oftlce for ilie In spection of he! is. legatees and all others inter ested, and will be presented to the orphans' court of cambrla county, for confirmation and allowance, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ITII, INSfi ■ 1. The account of Dorothy I .cap. Administra trix of John Leap, late or Washlngum town ship, deceased. The account of Matilda Farren, Adminis tratrix of Daniel M. Farren, lute of Minis- . township, deceased. 3. The account of Francis O'Frlel, Trustee, to sell real estateof Dennis Farren, late of Minu ter township, deceased. 1. First and llnal account of Michael Brann.n. Jr., Administrator of .Michael Brannan. r.. i ■<<• of (ialllizlii borough, deceased. 5. First and final account Of ('athmlne Seliroth, Administratrix of John .Sclirolh. Ja-e >. Wllmm e Borough, deceased. il. First and dual account of Danh-l <>• nell, AdmJnlstraiorof Patricko'Conncll, late m Johnstown borough, deceased. V. First and 11 nal account of Mary J. Foster. Administratrix or Margaret Foster, late of Woodvale borough, deceased. 8. First and partial account of Mary A. and i ci. Campbell. Administrators of Jacob M. i bell, late of Johnstown borough, deceased. CMl.KfS'l INK J. BLAIR, Regis:- Register's ODlce, Ebensburg. l'a.. Am u 18811. WIDOWS' APPKAISEMEfDi' . "VTOTICE is hereby given that ti D following named appraisements of proper. > appraised and set upart for widows of deeeih .i under the Act of Assembly, of 4th April. A. I). 1851, lms Itcon filed In tin- Register's ot ice. In and for i lm county of cambrla. ami win l nnted to the Orphans' court, of saldcouiin . e onhrmntlon and allowance on WEDNESDAY, SEPT.. 4th, A. D., 18811. 1. Inventory and appraisement of personal property, appraised and set apart for Julia , - Dtinegan. widow of M. J. Dunegan, late of ch Held low nslilp, deceased, siaxi.ui). S. Invoutory and appraisement of iiersonal ?ropertv. appraised and set. apart for Martin When,, v,ldowof John Diberl, late of Johnston oroug-h, deceased, isoo.on. a. inventory and appraisement of personal proper!v-. appraised and set apart for Annte Boyle, widow of i buries liuyß . iateof t ateip-ia orongh, deceased, tIKXI.oi. 4. Inventory and nppralsem,.|ii of certain - I ti nal property, appraised and set apart forii iti nla Mat-hall, widow of harles Marshall h,n --o Johnstown Borough, deceased. CELESTINE J. IILAIR, Register, yster's ofllne, Ebensburg. l'a., August 3d A. I AGENTS WANTED Authentic Popular, I titrate and Fast-Selling HISTORY of the JOHNSTOWN FLOOD By W. Fletcher Johnson. Fastest-Selling hook ever Issued. Success of Agents Is Won- j iicr/iil. goo. 000 Copies already sold. Beauti- \ f'ul Autoglvpldc pictures. We are Headquar ters. LOW Price. BIG TERMS, out tit 30c. J. W. KKKI.EK A CO., 523 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. GRI SSLY'S Business College ANIJ NORMAL INSTITUTE, Is the pride of McKeesport. Send for Catalogue. S. S. GKISBLY, Manager, McKeesport, Pa. RKJ-J'UIMFI&R~ I""* • Chamberlain Institute AND I FEMALE COLLEGE, Randolph, . N. Y.—Tills Is a school for both sexes. Has ! beenestabllsqed and well known forforty years, i Is well equipped with all the appliances of a 1 ftrst-class seminary. Location, twenty miles I from Chautauqua Lake, not surpassed In beauty I and healthfulness by that of any other school In ihe country. President nnd Faculty reside with the students and give special care to their health, manners and m ruls. The Music Depart ment Is under the Instruction of a graduate of the N. Eng. conservatory. The Commercial i ollcge Is thorough and practical. Address for Illustrated catalogue, (free) Hkv. J. T. ED WARDS, D. D., President. THE HAY FKVEIt SEASON JULY, AUttrST, SKI'TEMBEK. •' At (his season, when life offers the greatest attractions and the most delightful resources to persons whose soundness of body permits out-of-door exercise and amusements, multi tudes are debarred from t he Joys of the summer by lmy fever, one of the most exasperating wearisome, and depressing tils to which human ity Is subject—obscure, inexplicable, descend ing on a given dale like a an Invisible blow of fate. The sufferers from ha.v fever have looked In vain tor any trustworthy remedy. Many of them, however, have looked In vain because they ltave been Ignorant of Ely's cream Balm, and admirable remedv tor hay fever in all its forms. Agreeable In the use, entirely devoid of any unpleasant after-effects, this cream Balm quickly allays Inltammailon. and secures that relief for which the sufferer has longed lit vain." —From Thtt Clifixiittu iriiimi. New York City. July 18, 1881). PITTBBBIIGH TILING COMPANY, IIKOCKI.EUANK A WADDKI.I,, WORKERS IN TILES And Designers of Artistic Fire Places, special designs on application, correspondence so licited. NO. 218 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Not ice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Thomas I'. carrolL late of the borough of Coneinaugli. Cambria county, l'a., deceased, have been granted to John J. I'arroll, of said county, to whotn all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to tnaKC payment, and those having claims or de mands Mill make Known the Same without de lay to the undersigned, or to O'Connor Bros., so Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. JOliN J. CARROLL, Administrator. \TOTICE TO DEBTORS AND it i a EDITORS.—Notice Is hereby given that Letters-. >r Admlnlstlaclon on the estate of CAR OLINE KEls. laic of i he borough of Johnstown, county of Cambria, State of Pennsylvania de ceased, have been granted 10 Robert Sagerson of said borouge. to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and I hose having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to the undersigned or to O'Connor Bros., kd Franklin street. .Johnstown, Pa. ROBERT SAOERSON. Administrator. PUBLIC NOTICE OF DISSO- H'TION (IF PARTNERSHIP.—Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance or a business meeting or chas. A. Karr. Thomas ogn vie, and ('has. p. notion, of Johnstown, and doing busi ness under the Urin name of KARIi, tiiill.VlE ,v IIDKTON. on July •:. IBst>, it was agreed by a majority vote to dissolve the said partner ship. All debts oivjng to the said p.irlaershlp w ill he received by Messrs Karr .v ogllvie. and all demands on the said partnership lobe pre sented to i Item for payment. • 'HAS A. KARR. THOS. OCITLVIE. I' T RA V HEIFER—A snmll Red 1 l llelfer, about J years old, came to the premises of the undersigned about tiro is' of Jay last. It Is red on Its sides and lias white on lis hips, ut t lis back, on Its bell\ and on its The heifer had a calf about twelve days ago. I'liein a-a- Is requested to come lorward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, I or she win be disposed or according to law | JAMES COSTLOW, \dams Township. July :7. is-p. ' JOT'CC TO DEBTORS AND i l CHKhi i ol<s.—xotlec I- hereby glvon that i tiers of Administer lon on the estate of I < iIAKI.!> ; !< Kis, lute of th* borough of .lohns > wq, Ciimbila county. : .1.. have been grunted ; KotH i i i _ r "rson, of hi borough, to whom i perso is hiijch.ed id . d estate are requested i g make l.tiiiHidhuc ~ :.i•:ir. and those having latins ordeujiiiiil- • . ■ 'mown the same i without dela in the tinier- - • I orto o'connor I irol hers. ko. fiu Ft .1 et, Johnstown, a. iiOHKKT sAf;Kh'Su Administrator. I Julylß i VTOTICE TO BEG "()US AND x CKEDITI • - roth ■ .ereby given that I .lers of ■ d I'ale rail Ml oti the estate or AIRR K '• ( 1 '\.\Kl '. ail'* of Johnstown nrougli, lamhi la, Pa., deceu-ol ave been granted t" ■ int.-i conned, m sahi orough, to whom jieisons lndebicd id said stale are requested to make pavment,and t laise •lug claims or demands will make known the une without delay to the undersigned, or to II onnor Brothers, sit Franklin street, .lohns r, Pa, DA.sJBL O'CONNKLL. Jtilyia Admlnlstrato.i, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— V ESTATE OF CATHARINE HOFFMAN t ecea; od.—Leiters of Admlulst rut tun on tie- Ks ite of Catharine Hoffman, late of the second .ard of Johnstown borough, Cambria conn: \ deceased, having been granted to the under la-I, all persons Indebted to said estate are ti. <-by not.ltlod to make immediate pnyment ,1 those having claims against the same ' present them duly authenticated forsetllc nt to W. 11. iiAll.v, Administrator. ohnttom. Pit,, ■hi',/ 1889. 7tvv \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— \ letters of Administration on the estateof LVAR AKEHB, late of the 1 owiisidp of i ppcr l.oder, County of Cambria, State of Pennsyl vania, deceased, having been granted lo the tin- I derslgned, all persons indebted to the said es-I l ate are requested to make Humellute payment i and those having claims against the same win : —icnt. them duty authenticated for settlement I ANDREW 1. AKKHS, Administrator, i W. Hoiiaci! Ross, Attorney, No. til Franklin st reef. J'jhnttO'rn, /'a., JuiyZH, 1889. Gtw NOTICE. —The Members of Min eral city castle. No. too. A. o, K. of the M. C., are hereby notified to attend the meeting of the Castle to be held Wednesday evening, A Haunt "tii. A memorial service will be con ducted by our ex-Chaplain, Rev. p. p. Saylor, for the Sir Knights who lost their lives In the disaster of May mat. Members of sister castles are Invited to attend. W. W. DKMI'SEY, it. S. A DMINJSTRATOR'S NOTICE— JTV Kstate of LOCIS C. HKBSELBKIN, de ceased.—Not Ice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Louis c. llcssel beln, late of t'onemaugli borough,deceased.have been Issued by the Register of Cambria County to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment, and all having claims against t lie same will present them duly aui hentlcated for sett lenient. HENKY HEBSEI.BEIN, Administrator. NOTICE, K. G. E—Members of PRIDE OF L'AMBRIA CASTLE, No. 59. will meet at their hall In cobaugh lilock, on THURSDAY, AUGUST BTH, at I r. m.. In special session, to attend the funeral of Brother HENKY ti. DEIFENBACII. Daniel J. Morrell castle, No. 179, conemaugh castle, No. 140, Good Intent castle. No. lis. and all visiting members are respectfully invited to attend. E. J. BLOUGH. X. C. Attest— CHAS. LEHMAN, M. of it. "VTOTICE—Notice is hereby given It that l be third and final account of John Lloyd and John A. Blair, assignees of N.J. Freldhotf et, u.x, has been tiled in the Court of Common l'leasof Cambria county, Pa., and will be confirmed by said court on the first Monday of September next, unless cause be shown tot lie contrary. H. A. SHOEMAKER, Prothouotary. Ebensburg, Aug. 5, iss. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of ELIZABETH UNVERZAoT, late of Johnstown borough, Cam bria county, deceased, has been granted to David If. hess. All persons indebted lo said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate will make known the same without delay to the undersigned at No. 109 Seventeenth street, South side, Pittsburgh, Pa. DAVID 11. HESS, Administrator of Elizabeth rnverzagt, deceased. J UlyLl, 1889. A DMINTSTRATOR'S NOTICE.- A. ESTATE OF MARY C. HALLEKAN. DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration on the es tate of Mas. MARY C. HALLEKAN, late of Johnstown borough, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons know ing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate payment, niu: those having claims against the same will present ■item duly authenicated forseitlemcnt to JOHN COAI), JR., Administrator. A DMiNISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of George Ilelser, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the esttue of George ilelser, deceased, late of Johnstown borough, cnmhrln county, Pa., have been granted by the Register of Cambria county to rbe undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present thein, duly authenticated, for settement. GEORGE MUEHLHACBEK, Administrator of George Helser, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad mlnlstrai ion on the estate of Peter Itubritz, late of the borough of Franklin, Cambria county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to Jacob Itu britz and Mi's. Annie cannon, of said borough, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate will make Known the same without delay to the undersigned or to O'Connor Bros, at 89 l'ranklln street, Johnstown, Pa. JACOB RUBRITZ, MRS. ANNIE CANNON, Adminlgtratow of peter Rubrltz, deceased. DISSOLUTION or PAKTNEK SH 11'.—Notice Is hereby given that the partnership between L. M. Woolf, M. L, woolf and W. 11. Thomas, and doing business under the llrm name of Woolf, Son & Thomas, was dis solved so far as relates to the said W. 11. Thomas. All d-lits due to the said partnership are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged at No. 250 & 252. Main street, Johnstown, where the business will be continued by the same L. M. Woolf and M. L. Woolf, under llrm name of L. M. Woolf <v Son. W. H. THOMAS, Formerly of Woolf, son & Thomas. aug7-4t<l&4tw ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Estate of Jacob Swank, late of Johns town. Cambria county, deceased, betters of admlnlstiatlon having been granted by the Reg Istei of cambrta county to the undersigned, notice ts Hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, aud those know, lug thenitelves Indebted, to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. N. B. SWANK. Administrator. •lulllisto a n.1'11.. July 5. isstt. Al) vi NISTRATOR'S NUTK'F, ESTATE OF MRS. ANN CVSH, DE CEASED.— Letters of Administration on the es tate of Ann rush, late of Cambrta borough, Ca mbria county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons know ing them selves indebted to said estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment, and t hose hav ing claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN cC.SH, Administrator. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice J Is hereby given I hat betters Testamentary I on the estate of .JOHN DEVLIN, deceased, late of conemaiigh borough. Cambria county. Pa., have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to the said estate, are notified to make payment, and those having claims or de mands will make known iho same without de lay to John J. Devlin, to whom I have issued powers of attorney. D. j. DEVLIN, August sth. Executor, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— i n EST V- !■: OF NEIL MeANENV.DECEASED. ]— Letters if Administration on the estate of I Nell Me.Aneny, late of Cambria borough, cam- I hria county, deceased, having been grunted to I 1 the undersigned, all persons knowing iheui- I selves tuaebfed to said estate are requested to make luitin late paymeifi. and those having I claims avals the same vvlllprescnt iliem, duly authenticate 1, for settlement to 1. F. .M'ANKNV, Administrator. | AUDITOR'S NOTICE—The un-! derslgued having been appointed Auditor 1 to report distribution of the fund In the hands! of It. Dever.lUX and John 11. Egcr, Executors or ! 1 PETER 1)1 NA. deceased, as shown by their itrst I ml pa -: '1! a count, hereby gives notice that he ill si 1 a the office of R. Dsveraux, at the sinn lit, 'Hi Wednesday. August listh. at 10 A. VI. lor the nurpose or attending to the duties of his I appointment, when and where all persons liav- j lug claims must present fliem or be debarred ' from coming In on said fund. augß-Udiv.'vv JNO. I!. BROWN. Auditor. I A DMI NTs I RATOR'S NOTICE— I A Estate of C. T. Schubert, deceased Not I. e 1 s hereby given that Letters or Admin- I lsi ration on the estate of c, T. Selmben, lateor Johnstown borough, deceased, have been dun lamed by the Register to the undersigned. \ii i persons knowing themselves Indebted 10 sables- , one vvtllmakelmmedlnto payment, and all H,.l I ha lug claims against the same will present tin ui, duly authenticated, for settlement OTTO F. NICKEL, ; BARBARA still BERT. Administrators. j A D'-IINISTR ATOR'S NOTICE.— /V. ESTATE OF ROBERT NELSON. DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration on tin l es tate ol Robert Nelson, late of Cambria borough. Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing iliem selves lndebeted to SHld estate are hereby noti fied to make immediate payment.andll, -•hav ing claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to PATRICK KEI.IA, Julyßlat-tf Amlntsirnmr. r PHIAL LlST—September Term, J lsso—Second week.— Boring vs. Boring. Tallman vs. Dwelling House Ins. Co. Eason vs. barber, corner vs. Meiihulo. MetJoskey vs. euiespie. chapln vs. Cambria Iron Co. I Gallagher vs. Flynn. Mangold vs. Iluber. Not ley vs. Wenkland et al. Commonwealth for use vs. will. Vanormer I (vs. Gates, Young vs. Johnston s s. p. w. I CO. Eger vs. liurgoon. McLaughlin vs. Ronrke. Makln vs. shank. Shoemaker vs. 1 arroll. H. A. SHOEMAKER. Prothonotury. i Prothouotary's office, Ebensburg, Aug. i. 17*1. j -am I Kindly Asks the Public to Patrorise Heme ' .Yade. Build up our Town and our own People. We are Ulr .ked Pull of Every Imaginable thing in the Line of "Men's and Boys' Clottii Its, Mil Ms, Trills, Valises, BOOTS em SHOES, In this Department We have i "rr . Lin 0.. l ine Prince Alberts, Cut aways, and back Suits ma* < up-"n the latest Cut, all Nice Fresh Goods. We have our Tailc-i wo.-king: again to Alter any Defect which May be—in fact wt - ere Never in Better Trim than now—our Prices ar c. Anything Lower .ban ever. T> 1 T% £ P \ fif 11 H boys beanaiul uoiaing A Complete line of them Iron ' tc 3 years—we bavethe little Suits from SI.GO up and as fine as you i; ay wi 1---we Have Eeen Eenefited by the lateness of the Season in CD sing out little Odds and Ends from the finest Clothing Manufacturer ,; nd our prices will be found very low. MEK'S, AKTF PAIffTS, All kinds and qualities. We etui 111 t'.c have solt! over four hundred Trunks. We smallest boy, the largest man. We can i-aiel; ; have all kinds and prices, say that we are the only complete clothieis ii j town. Our prices are right down lo bottom. FURNIBHTNG GOODS.— lust as Com- HATS.—A lull line ol sou, still > r sU::w pl<teas Ever. I underwear, White or Colored hats in every quality. Me are anxious to Miv ' d Flannel Hiirts, Collars, Culls, Neckwear, the people, and any patronage bestowed en i Hosiery, Suspenders, Gloves, Overalls, Cm is appreciated. j brellas, etc. We are bound to keep the trade TRUNKS AND t ALISKS.— r i he Hrst <arjat h< me—and onr establishment brim full of load of them almost da/./.elcd us; since tbei we j ni< e ;resh goods. Don't send away for goods. Spend you: Dollars where you make them, where it benefits the town and he people. We have the goods you want, or will get them for you. Economy Clothing Co, COR. FRANKLIN AND LOCUST STREETS. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. - r* Letters of A dmlnlst ration on the estate of PATRICK KOIHiKUS, late of (lie borough of Mlllvllle, county of cambrta, l a., deceased, having heen granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said estate are reciuested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly uutliedtcated ror payment. NEIL SUA KKEY, Administrator. \v. HOKAI'E ROSE, Attorney, No. (14 Franklin street. Johnstown, Pa,, July 18, IMS'.'. \ UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the Kstate of John strayer, deceased \mt uow, July 1. ISsii, ihe decease of T. F. Zimmer man, Esq., Auditor appolnteil to distribute the fund In the hands of ths administrators ot the above named decedent, having an nounced to the Court, and no report having been filed by ihe Auditor, James it. O'Connor Esq.. hereby appointed Auditor lo distribute the fund In tlie hands of John E. Strayer and Paul strayer as shown by their first account. Extract from the Record.— AS shown by the above extract lhe undersigned has been ap pointed ~r to dlstrlbnte the funds in the hands of John E. and Paul Strayer, Adminis trators of John stray or. deceased, to and among those legally entitled to receive the same, and hereby gives not lee that ho will sit at tic office of O'Connor Bros., In the borough of Johnstown Pa., on Thursday. August the tilth, issu. at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of attending to the duties of said appointment, ai which time urnl place all persons Interested shall tutetid or be forever debarred from coming In on said find. J \ ML-.s It, OVDXNOI;, Auditor. Johnstown,.! uly 17. ISBII. \ DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. jt \ —Notice is hereby given thai betters or mlulstrailonoii i lie esla lO of John llivaly, Into of Ihe borough of .lohnstown. couniy of (\itubrln and state or Pennsylvania, deceased, have hocii granted to Thomas F. Brady, otaald borough to whom all iwrsons Indebted to said estate are reuuesied lo nuiKt* payment, and those having claims or demands will mane Known tliesamo without delay to the undersigned or (ro'C'onnor Bros., sil Fran Kiln stieet, •lolmstown, ! n. THOMAS 1 .1 10, duly 5 Administrator. \ D.MINIST;; ATOR'S NO J ICE. JLX. —Notice Is hereby given I hat Let terof Ad ministration on Hie e .taieof Mich ml J. Mltrpliv , lute of the borough of Johnstown, tumhni county, pa., in d. have ranted t . Juntos li. (I'CiUinor. of said borough, to whom all pel-sorts inrlehic . ' - Id estate arc n attested la make payment, and those having claims or dc tnands will make known t he same wit limit delay to the undersigned, at Hie office 01 O'Connor Bros. Hl# Franklin street, Johnstown pa. JAMES 11. ii'i t in NOR. July 5 Administrator. \ DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. I\ - ESTATE OF MRS. MARtIARKTKF.ELAN DI-.Fi.ASEI). Ix'Llcrs of Administration on the estate of .MA lie AIIET K lid. AN, late 01 t . mhi-i, borough, Cambria county, deceased, having been grained to the under.lgtiCd, till por-ons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby not filed 10 make Immediate payment, ml 1 hose havitig claims agalnsi the same will preee&i them duly authenticated for seitieui'nt to July'.B WM. tiAFFNKY, Administrator. "OXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Estate I J of JOHN II VAN. DECEASED. -Letters H -- tameniary 011 the estate of JOHN fit \N, late of Johnstown, cambrta county, deceased, having been granted to the nnderslgmsl, all persons In debietl to snltl estate are hereby notified in make payment without del iy. andtho.-eliin iagehilniH agalnsi lite same will present them promptly nutlientleafeil for settlement to DAVID BARRY, Johnstown, Pa. JOHN Dow 1.1 NO, Johnstown, pa. M. D. KITTBLL. Ebensburg, Pa. Executors of Ihe East, Will and Testament of John Ryan, deceased. JulylJ-ot S > ! Mil )T BIJILDING ! Lurgest .> st C< ;plete V. ine, Liquor uud Cigar House in the United States. Established, 1830. DistPc' ar.: 1 .Jobber FINK rhSKItIS. - X* v\V\ TELEPHONE X . ,\\ N X X\ No. 600. . *C\ \y ' .X a\\v / Imuorter x"' £.^j v - oi ~ X XsA % V ..X' Wines, liquors, \ A and €2igars. X^ % £C and 97 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. \ onleis received by mail otherwise will receive prompt Attention. -tAMES C('"NT ; Altoonn. Ao-ent. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS Broohe Hall, Tor iSirls an£> young La&ies. Shortlibge Jfte&ia Academy, Tor Boys an£> young Jflen. bWITHIN C. SIIOIITLIDGB, ,\.M. (Harvard tirmluato), MEOIA, PENNSYLVANIA (NEAR PHILADELPHIA). VTOTICE— THE KEYSTONE , X > L ILDINO & I.OAN ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of tne Board of Directon ot BOM AS .m la' ion. held nttlm oflice of the solicit nr. on • < .lucsduy I'venlng, .Inly 10, IKSIi, It cvns rt e I. In view of the laic unprecedented dls irr, 111 at payments on Loans, sharesol stock, 1 inc . c: e.. and the usual business ot the cor poral lon. lie and remain suspended until the . rsi u ednia daj of September, iw, at which tlnie ilie payment of monthly Dues and Interest i\ 111 recommence. An Investigation intotlieaf i fairs of lite Association having been had. It Is | nseertrtnod that the losses sustained by reason of i lie llood l ave In 110 way affected lis financial , solidity. The Account Bonks and Papers are sale and Inflict. Mockemiers having last liooks or certificates cm. have T'npHcaics Issued upon calling at the solicitor's office Mma llaU. Main 1 sfricl, en ttud after Mnmluy, Au;;nd 5. 1889, anil making due proof of toss. M.B. a hl.l.Kli, I'resident. It. 11. BOPKs. secretary, s. . i l l lit . solicitor. V DMINLSTEATOR'S NOTICE— * JSTATK l>P JOHN < OAl>, Sl{„ DE CEASED.—Letters of Admlnlsirutlon 011 ihces taieol JOHN < OAJ), sr.. late of Johnstown bor taigh, 1 amhrla county, deceased, having been ranted to the undersigned, all persons knowing then elves Indebted to said estate are hereby notified lomnkn Immediate payment, and those Laving claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN 1 oAD, JK„ Administrator. XTOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 1* t'HKDl'J'Olis.—Notice Is hereby given that 1 .tiers ot Administration on the estate of JACOB How. late of the borough of Johnstown, cam- I )>■ la county, I a., deceased, have been granted 10 1 Nary Hopp, of said borough, 10 whom all per -1 me. Into Tiled 10 said estate are requestM to | make payment, and those having claims or de mands will make known the same without delay 10 the undersigned or lo O'Connor Brothers, No. 80, Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. julyis At A It Y BOPP, Administratrix.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers