A NBWBPAPKR CLIPPING. Twas a clipping from the papa* Telling of Bomr funny caper On the 'tage; 80 I read it every .t-iter. Baying that I'd hO-j UO bettat For an ago. Then I turned the flipping orar "With no pnrpoaa to discover What was thore, ** But ;u smiling contemplation Of the humorist's creation, Ilieh and rare. AH I looked I know (started And the amile from lipa departed, For I saw, Printed them in uncut ooiumn. Notices of death. Bad, noleinn, Full of awe. 80, I thought, come grief and pleasure. Meted out with equal meaaure; You may laugh For aome other one is wailing For the tear iH smile's unfailing *. Other ha.f. —Columbus Dispatch. AVENGED. mi. /E L ti," quoth Ifflf < -* r ' l " 1 ' 111 " mm u IMI T'" a,,|S i "' s tlmt /mi the new gover (ml ness? 1 had ex iw# peotcd quite u JrJ different sort of per so n—s oiu e lijjsffiji MRemf one, you know, ijlZPffi'. ft \/ my dear, of age *. an( ' experience." Slic 'us 11 blooming, stiver-haired old lady, dressed iu black satin, with a snowy tulle chemi sette, a cap like a white rose, and little, blue-veined hands; anu us she stood leaning against one of the wis tarla wieatlied column, of the piazza, she eoulit see through tho cool perspective <>t the parlors into a little library beyond, where a young girl's figure knelt on the i.oor, a wealth of jet-black hair stream ing baok over her shoulders and her luce hidden in the cushions of tho sofa. '"She is seventeen, grandmamma." said her son, a stout, bald-headed mem ber of society; "and how much experi ence do you suppose one requires to teach two little robels of six aud eight tears old their catochismand multiplica tion table? I dote say she'll do ve: v well." "But, at all events," said Mrs. Vlllars. with a true-hearted woman's quick sym pathy, "she's miserable about sotne .iug—homesick, perhaps, poor child and I must go right away and comfort •i.r." And the first thing Hildegarge Russell ,knew old Mrs. Villars' velvet-soft band was on her forehead. "Child, child!" oooed the old lady, "don't lie sobbing here, but get up and let me brush out this long, beautiful liuir of yours. "Are you really seventeen?" a- that pale, statue-like face was turned toward her. "You don't look as old as that." •'I was seventeen last month," said Hildogarde, mournfully, "and I am so, so wretched!" "Pooh ! pooh!" said Grandmamma Vil lars, cheerily, "as if a girl of your ago had any business to bo wretched ! We'll ' chirk you up hero, or we'll know the rea son why. Now, tell me, true and honest, wjhat you were crying about?" lint Hildogarde, although she smiled faintly up through a chiaro of tears iuro Vjv. Vlllars' face, and covered horpivlly ->. d hands with penitential kisses, would confess no slugle word. She went about her duties as governess that same afler noou, however. "Now that I have had my cry over, I feet better," said she, softly. oho told Mrs. Vlllars that she was au orphan—that her father had been a rlcli bo itheru planter, who had never dicamed that his sole child and heire.-s • would be obliged to avail herself of the accomplishments in which he had de lighted, to earn her bread. Nor would li have been So, she simply added, if Uncle Geoffrey had not invested her money in a bubble concern, fondly hoping for quadrupled roturns, und then bettered matters by blowing his own brains out. But when Estelle, Mrs. Villars' young- est daughter, came home from a visit to New York, Hildegasde opened hdr sh\ Heart farther still to tile rosy, swee:- voioed, sympathetic girl: "1 thought ho loved me for myseii -•aione," Hildegardo whispered to her new friend, "but when the news got abrouil oi l_ uelo Geoffrey's suiofde, and my utter • beggary—oh, Estelle. he wont away with out a word or a note! He left my heurt to break by inches." "Then ho was a villian!" said Estelle Villars, nodding her pretty little head. "But I loved him, ICatelle." "Do you love him still?" Hildegurde's eyes fell before the clear azure ray of Estelle's glance. "No—yes—l hardly know whether I do or not. Sometimes I tidnk I hate him I" "Tear him frotn the very outer vesti bule of your heart, Hildegardo," coun seled Estelle, taking both the cold hands in her own. "He Is not worthy of a dream—a thought—a solitary fancy. Be lieve me, dearest, you have had a fortun atJ escape from being his wife!" "Ah, Estelle, it is plain to sec t hat you never had your heart w recked !" "N'o, and I never mean to. Dear Ilii degarde, cheer up—all men are not like this southern lover of yours. You are a child yet, with a whole life-time of hap piness before you." And in the magic of Estelle Villars' presence Hildegardo Russell grew lc*.- gravo and sad—her dark eyes shone, now and then, with a light other than that of sorrow, and her bird-sweet, voice sounded occasionally in a merry laugh. "Hlie is very pretty," suid the grand mama to Estelie. "I wonder now if Charley Kartell were to come here qua 'visit, if she mightn't fancy him? 1 know he'd fall in iovo with her the first thing—ho always was wild after that Lai ia Rookli style of beauty—and Char ley lias a Hue property, and would make an excellent husband for any girl." "Oh, not yet, mamma!" cried Es tello, holding" up both hands depreciat ingly. "We must wait a whole year ye! ; you haven't any idea how sore her poor little heart still is, after that cruel wound!" "Nonsense!" said grandmama, ener getically, polishing her spectacle glasses. "When I was a girl—" "When you wore a girl, darling," inter rupted Estello, "you had a splendid lover, and a splendid husband, all to J'Ourself, and so you can't judge in the oast of poor, blighted Hildegarde! Please let ino manage, mamma, If you plAaso!" Estelle and Hildegardo had a "con ference" together on the jessawiue soented back piazza that very evening b£ moonlight. "Ajpd he's really coming down hero to eee you?" said HUddfcarde. "Yes, he's really coming," said Es ' telle, demurely. "And do you love him !" "No, certainly not!" dissented the young lady, with some energy. "Do you •uppose 1 carry my heart on my sleeve for every good-looking masculine elaw to peck at? "Is he handsome?" pursued HlWe garde. "Yes, very." "Dark or fair?" "Fair, with very large blue eyee—a regular Apollo of a man." "But do you think he cares for you Estelle? Come, be frank with mo, that at lea-d. I have told you everything." "Well, yes; to tell you the honest truth, 1 do think he's rather smitten with me," said Estelle, with a slight laugh. "And you cau-4augh?" murmured Hil degarde, roproaohfuliy. "Why shouldn't I, child? Would you have me cry about It?" vivaciously de manded Estelle. "I can tell you I think it is very good fun to be a pretty girl with plenty of beaus. Time enough to sit down and shed tears over the total depravity of the world when I am a for saken old maid." "And that you will never be?" said Hildegarde, with an affectionate little sqeezo of her friend's rose-leaf hand. Estello was more like her silver-haired tnamma in more respeots than one. "Nor you oither, eara mla, if I can help it!" "I! Ah!" sighed Hildegarde, "I am quite a different persouuge 1" "We shall both be married on the same day, now sec If we aren't!" merrily went on' Estelle, "only your inamorata shall be lair au<l mine dark. You shall wear pink roses in your hair, aud I will weat white, an<l if anyone presumes to say that vou make a bettor looking bride than I do " "Dear Estelle, don't I" pleaded Hilde garde. "Hush ! there is some one com - ing up the walk!" And like a startlod fnwn ltlldegardi Russell disappeared into her own room before Estelle could lift a hand to detain her. Col. Suybrooke courteously lifted his hat as he came up the broad graveled path in the moonlight. "A day before you were expootod?" said Estelle, carelessly—he would have given much to see the eriinson tlush 01 pleased consciousness which was not there—"but none the less welcomo to Jessamine Hill!" He bowed low. "I hope I havo not driven away your sister, Miss Villars." "She Is not my slßter and she has the option of coming back again at any mo ment that she pleases. Shall we go in? The dew Is, perhaps, a little chilly out of doors!" So ended Col. Sayhrooko's hopes of a moonlight tete-a-tete with the pretty young heiress! Yet he was not alto gether discouraged as he walked back to the hotel after midnight. Girls are uai urally oapriolyus, and an experience d fisherman values his success the mote highly in proportion as the pursuit is difficult. Hildegarde Russell opened the door ol' her room as Estelle passed, singing along the corridor with a night-lamp in hot hand. "Estello!" she whispered. "Are you not asleep ye", Hildegarde?" "No. Come in for m mite!" The hand witli whim. drew Este! < Villars In was chill and i.uuip—her laee was strangely pallid in the flickering spire o't light. "F.stelle, it is hod" "Who 1" "Col. Saybrooke?" "Of course it is Col. Seybrooke." snld Estelle, sitting clown on the sofa beside her friend. "I told you so before, didn't I?" ••You never told me his name. Es i telle, it was Leslie Saybrooke who loved and wooed and deserted mo!" Estelle Villars sat silently looking into j Hildegat tie's white, agitated face. "Can this be possible!" she exclaimed. I haif-uloud. I "Dear Estelle," pleaded Hildogarde, - "do not listen to his love. Oh. if 1 could ! tell you the strange feelings that came over me as 1 sat here listening to the honey-sweet tones of his cruel voice! He [• is false and wit kod and treacherous —the I man who has willfully broken one girl's I heart can never make a good husband to I another! Estelle, Estello! promise me that you will never be his wife !" "I promise you," said Estelle, quietly : aud now go to bed and seek the repose you need so sadly, you poor startled child !" i "But I need not see him tomorrow?" "Not unless you choose." Col. Leslie Saybrooke spent the beau tiful month of July scorching Ins I moth-liko wings around the ilame of K-- teile Villars' beauty; and when the Au gust moon hung its slender orescent ol j gold in the violet west he asked her to be his wife! "My dear Col. Saybrooke," said Es telle, demurely, "did you never hear the charming old ballad : "It's well to lie merry anil wise, It's w*ll to bo holiest and true, It's well to he off with the old love Before you are on with the new I" "I don't know what you mean, Miss Villars,'' said the colonel, opening his handsome blue eyes somewhat widet i than usual. "Don't you," said Estello. "Perhaps j you may understand me better, then, | when I remind you of a oertuin old en -1 gagonient ol yours to Miss Hildegarde Russell, of Charleston, South Carolina.'' I The colonel turned mahogany color, I but he recovered his presence of mind rather sooner than could have been ox pected. "Oh, that affair!" he said, smoothly. "I never carod two straws for tho girl." "Thou let mo tell you," saiu Estelle, with rising color and sparkling eyes, "that you are n villain, Col. Leslie Say brooke, and there are two reasons why Ido not marry you! One is that 1 | would never give my hand to any man i on tho escutcheon of whoso honor lay n i blight like your base dosertion of pool Hildegarde Russell; the other is that 'i i never cured two straws for you !' " | And she made him a low courtesy and glided out of the room. "Crimes which tho law cannot punish, eh?" sho said to horsolf. "Then there b all the more roason that we women should not aiiow thorn to go una. vengocl." In tho years which followed, Estello'fc 'playful prophecy was fulfilled. Sho and Hildegarde were married on tho satin day with rod aud white roses in theh hair —married to good und leal husbands; and Leslie Saybrooke is now a broken, down gamester, haunting tho vurioc southern cities, each in its turn. —N. Y. News. American ljocomotl VM in Chlntt. In a report from the British consul at Tientsin we notice that the North China railway, which was completed last sum mer, is now open for traffic. He says it is oighty-flve miles long and cost on an average about $23,000 per mile, one en gjno came from the 1 ntted States; the others aro English built on the Ameri can plan. The American engine cosl tttenty per cent, more than the others, toft stands at the head for actual per formance, it being admitted that the de tails of the working parts aro better than TOO English. Some Foolish IVoplu AJlow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would im mediately see the excellent effect after tak ing the first dose. I'rice 50c and SI.OO. Trial she free. At all druggists. eow Tax-Payern Take Notice. Does prohibition prohibit? Wc claim it does not; the facts are on our sides Consult you friends in Main", Kansas and Towa. They will tell you it is a farce and increases taxes. Consult your own inter ests by ordering Wines and Liquors direct from headquarters. We save you moneys, give you better and purer goods, fill orders more promptly, anil prices are lower than elsewhere. Silver Age absolutely pure rye, endorsed by physicians, used in hos pitals. Only .$1.50 full standard quart, ouekenhetinerl'iire Kyo. yr. old, #1 (Kt quart Gibson " a " 1 H) " Ovcrliftlt " H " 1 (Xi " Finch's Golden Wedding r, '• 100 " (0 b it:,! -, sr. . Ports.Sherries, Brniid.es, Whiskies, Gin, etc., no cents quart up. Goods shipped to ail parts of ihe 1". S., carefully packed. No extra charge for packages. Send trial order. Write for complete Cataloguesnd Price list. .Medio i 'his p "per. Mix Ki.nix. No. 82 .lern 1 St..All •glieuy. Pa. decl9-ly 4 DMINISTP. VTOR'S NOTICR : j\ Notice isherele glv illicit Loiters of Ad nilnls'Tiitloii en lioe-t-.io r- Maggie Mur phy. line (if ! lie lieriiiigti nt Johnstown, oonnty erriunbrln m il -i iienf : en <>lv.inil".,deceased, liiive been Krnii" i ■ .hum ■< on nor, of said llurOUgll K.lviniin ,1: llerxtn's i utebied to Bald e mile are requesudto inak. jwirn eat, and those icvitiff claims • r ilein.i s \.id in. so known the same without delay'utile nuleinlgned, at the mllee nt •'• eni ■ lutis. an i ranklln street, .iiiiinstown, i'A J >V.fs li. O'CONNOK, ,i uiy r> Administrator. l" •i lp, ,V o*o. LOOK! if yon want a good sttlja'liill write MAY !•'.! i usee.,,. Ml. -OielioKtev, N, Y„ a.' hev are in ill' nt li ces* and upright sales men to iell ill-. . •imei. ;id e i!■ varieties ot ■ urso y6 1 ick -ttl. ei • • or oo in mission, .unny new and . . tn >hi • ■ ..ri" ies to offer. Write i ilOill a -once ir'e tIKI.A < "t HAVfSWUOIW. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS f~tED CBOSS DIAMOND BBAND. A Original, let, only jtenuln* and rcliubk) pill fur sale. Never Aak for Chichester /itiyJuAyC \w bou. At DrugsUtii. Accept \7 no other. AITpUU In pwte- v board boxes, pink wrappers, arc a danger ous counterfeit. end 4c. (lUmpi]• Ibr particulars and "Relief for I.Hdlea * letter, by return mall. 10,000 teati monlulafrom LADIES "ho have used them. Nama Paper. ft Chichester tlniniiciUC(MJl#(lisQoSq.,Phll.,r> diseases OF MEM ot.. Blood Poison, I>l. ..• •. K: yidwnndnth.ro. ffinK tenknouses,Nc" <I • • Uy. Lont Manhood rv jaltsof Error* it .m"' .• ~nUi ;n*. peruianantly CUrv!. Con ut. ti< .N.-'< ■ -HIMII 11*0 by mall 4ddrfib DR. nil) yrc::. v.; iSta St.. New York. uly tl frTtLC^l trade in aII P art *< b - v P n P P ■^WT^^j^P^^^placin our mchineA lljjjj madr in /| I I the world,with all the attachment*. |PI fJPMJw. wil ' a ' ,Q ,em * r ** e a compute Mi ti'l jf™-r call at your home,and after 3 M ll ■hall become yonr own wjß IJ\ ■ j/nf V liproju'rty. Thia rrand machine ta aUfg 1 Ul y atter the ISinacr patenta, have 01 " f Ut ®33 re f■ tachraents, and now'eella for irsrr\ I^o Beat, strongest, moat use- PnlH L Uli l*fUl marhinu in the world. All la I IllikS I llHfrce. No capital required. Plain, brief instructions given. Those who write to ua at once can ae. cure free the beat sewing-machin* in the world, and the finest line of works of high art ever shown topether in America. TUI'R A CO., Moat 7 10, Auguatu, Maine. aiFrTOltoißEii fS 'll'Jirt.l,.... . *— York City vn ■*. * ' ' !i•' ■ i •■'! J.oca r , !±t~ :i , • ... . MAX ti IA . i.iramon l . ei"J 10-lt ■wpas m BBNESS CURED byrk'Pc JTNER JM fciu.I.II.I.TIBUIAR EAR CUSHIONS ilhtlsrtly. Comfort, .tile. Snr.p..rol wheroallr.-mcrtlc.foil. Illi.book A proof, froe. Addro..urci.llou I'. UIHfJUX. a. r tnu'R-l' liesnltir i- from the Errors of Yonth, Knlly, \ ice. Ig norance, Ac., may he cured at home without fail or exposure. Infallible and f'onltd.ntinl. Larue Treatise, 300 pages, only $1 by mail, sealed, postpaid. Small hook, with endorsements of the press, free. Send now. Address the I'eahody Medical Institute, or br. W.ll.Parkcr, N0.4 llulQnch St.,Host..!.,Muss. FLINT GLASS Mi UK / w SOTTLUS K | Manufactured by | H l.OanilloiliCi. AND return^ nt iun PITTSBURGH, PA. IN' POIJIt SIZES! HL Jjil I'int, Quart &Gallon —J WRITE FOR PRICES. mar2tt-3in CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. A NEW lIOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally stware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to tlio presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how ever, lias proved this to be a fact and the result is that a simple remedy lias been for mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy 13 a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. 11. DIXON & SON, m West King St., Toronto, Canada.—Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully, deeply HOW IT WORKED. " Good morning, Jack ! why I haven't seen you for a month past. What in the world is the matter with you ? You seem to have renewed your youth." " Well Phil, I have. Don't you remem ber the last time I saw you, how misera ble I was ? Sick and blue, and in that sort of mood a man gets sometimes when he feels the most noble thing in life is to go straight to the devil." " Not so bad as that, I hope ; at all events you didn't go that way, you are looking far too happy and hearty." " Thank goodness, no ! or rather, thank Vinegar Bitters. Do you remember that day I saw you last, when you recommend ed that remedy to me so persistently, and I wis first vexed and then half convinced." I remember it perfectly, and you needn't say another word upon the sub ject ; your looks tell me that you took the medicine." * "No doubt of it: everybody remarks upon my improved looks and temper; but I must really tell you all about it. I got the old style, as you recommended, and didn't mind the bitter taste at all. I fin ished the bottle in about two weeks, and was greatly improved, so much so that I determined to change off and try the new style. " Well, how did you like it?" ' You told me your wife preferred th new style, I believe; well, I must say lagre with her. I like the old style very much but the new is a finer, smoother, more ex pensive preparation." " I believe it is; in fact, I have heard so, and 1 wonder the McDonald Drug Company sell it for the same price they do the old style, uecausc it is really a very costly preparation." " Well, that dosn't concern us. Who was it said that people fancied themselves pious sometimes when they were only bilious ? No matter ! I was only going to say that I believe people often seem wicked when it is only their liver, or their stom ach, or some other cantankerous organ of the body so out of order they couldn't be good if they tried." "And if all the miserable dyspepsia, and victims of biliousness, headache and the thousand and one ills that tlesh is heir to would only take Vinegar Bitters, what a happy world this woidd be 1 " " I should recommend the new style." " I never go back on the old style." " Well, they can pay their money and take their choice, for both kinds work ad mirably." Only Temperance Bitters Known. Trie Great Blood Purifier and Health Restorer. Cures all kiuds of Headache within thirty minutes—Try it. The only Temperance Bitters known. It stimulates the Brain and quiets the Nerves, regulates the Bowels and renders a perfect blood circulation through the human veins, which is sure to restore perfect health. beautiful book free. Address, R. H. McDONALD DRUG CO., 532 Washington street. New York. janis VXTANTED—Agents in every city Vl town and village of Pennsylvania tor tb New Englaud Mutual Accident Association, o Huston, Mass., cheapest and best accident usso elation. Address I. 11. S I'AYTON, Manager, fi Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh, i'a. HINDER CORNS. The only pure Cure for Corns. Stops all pain. Ensures comfort to thofeet. 15c. at Druggist*. liiscox ACO..N.Y. CONSUMPTIVE ITavo you Couffn, Bronchitis, Asthma, Indigestion I Use PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. It has cured the worst cases ami is the best remedy for nil ills arising from defective nutrition. Take in time. 60c, and SI.OO. MU , PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Jg® Cleanses ami beautifies the hair. GMPromotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Color. Pr*'\ ■ ftts l'jnil f ■ . -iiiil hair falling SOLID EMERY S ° o 'l, es TriDieCoaLed/NiSiA THE TANITEICa, STROUDSBURG PA _ HIRES ' A ZSC HIRES'IMPROVED SBr i ROOT BEER! IN LIQUID NOQOIUNC EASILY MADE KB |li THISPACKACE MAKES FIVE CALLONS , w/v/ /WXES X/I/E GAUG/VS / no© *f BEER rbo most APPETIZING and WHOLE3OMB TSMPBRANOE DRINK In the world. TRY rr. Aak your Druggist or Grocer for It. C. E. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. maySMt _ Jk dBL W Aching Sides and Back, nip. Kidney and rterlne Pains, Rheumatic, Sciatic, Sharp anfl Weakening l'alns, relieved In ONF, MINUTE by nret Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster 2 only Instantaneous paln-kllllng strengthening plaster. 25 ct H; B for sl. At druggist s, or of POT TER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO., BOSTON. M pimples, blackheads, chapped and DT TJ oily skin cured by CUTICURA SOAP. 1 ULIK mays*4t W 00D, MOR RELL &CO'S LIMITED, i \ OBLEBBATED Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is conceded to. be the Most Extensive and Best-Appointed Establishment of its class ft the United States. / For longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store has been the Leading Mer cantile House in Johnstown, an d its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a email . beginning it lias developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments more than one , hundred men. It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their custom ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they have reason to be proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. TEN STORES IN ONE! In their different Store Rooms can be found a full and carefully-selected stock of everv class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly being made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In tlio wide range of goods car ried may be mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, WOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, MEAT, VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WARE, AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS. FURNITURE, ETC. ETC. The Attention of Country Merchants Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying every article in demand by their customers, goods of all descriptions being olicrcd WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, * cnEAF ns ssssKMrar 0 mN ™ Their Goods being bought in largo quantities, and on the most liberal terms, the management arc enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to successfully defy competition. THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Room fitted up with every convenience for Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that of the most complete Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in tlio larger cities. A splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimercs Trimmings, etc., may also be found in tins department for sale by the yard Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc., arc kept on tlio second floor, accessible by clovator. Kone but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and "long measure" guar anteed. CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS. In this Department Heavy Stocks arc carried, selected 'especially for the Johns town trade. All mods are warranted to be of the very best material, well made stylish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in general cannot be excelled. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. From the Hop-nailed and Wooden Shoes of the workingmun to the dainty Slip pers of the lady, the stock in this department is complete, and customers will have no difficulty in coining to an "understanding." Only the best of leather is used in the manufacture o: these goods, and they will be found at once stylish and durable. Shoe Shop and Leather Department. On the second and third floors, with convenient entranoc bv hallway from Wash ington street, is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department,where Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes are made to order, and where a largo stock of Shoe Findings of all kinds, and a fine assortment of Upper and Sole Leather is kept constantly on hand. Groceries, Vegetables, Hardware, Etc The stock of Groceries, Provisions, Etc., is unsurpassed in quality, and is always fresh bcin ,r turned once every month. Only the very liuest leas, Sugars, Spices, Etc.,'in the market are purchased, and clerks are under orders to invariably give "down weight" and "heaping measure." The stock of Qucensware is largo and varied and from the common Earthenware to the finest Porcelain ami China Ware the assortment is complete. An open stairway leads from the Grocery to the Vege table Department, where every variety of Seasonable Produce and Green Groceries is kent including Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In the rear of the Grocery are the Hardware and Tobacco Departments, and the buyer is assured that he will he offered the very best goods at the lowest prices. Merchant Tailoring Establishment. The Tailor Shop occupies several rooms in the second and third stories of the building-entrance from the river side. The Cloth Itoom is well stocked with Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a fine assortment of;thc celebrated Woodvale Woolens, which are without a rival in the market Clothing will lie made to order prompt'and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. MEAT MARKET ! This Department is located just east of the Main Store Building, and is one of the best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention paid to tho selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. Hie slaughtery is a model of neatness, is supplied with all the modem improvements, and while tho Steaks and Boasts are always tender and true, an air.of mystery does not surround the Sausages, Puddings, Etc., in the preparation of which the greatest possible care is exercised. Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season. THE FEED STORE. Here tons of Flour are stacked away, and huge bins are tilled with Meal of every description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresh and good. K TJ Li N ITTJ R E. In this Department arc kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture from the lowest to the highest, grades, and the customer will be promptly supplied with House Furnishing Goods of all descriptions. ACCOMMODATING CLBR-KS. Our Entiro Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will have their wants at tended to promptly and intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WOOD, MORRELL & CO., LIMITED. Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 19,1879.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers