THE DKAM OLD WACO. 1 m him In a drawn aftln lwt nlgM The dear old face, the patient, review eyea The well known figure aitUng In the light In the old chair, and It wai no aurprlea. *ay, but ray soul went out in one great cry Of wild rejoieing to behold him thera. And at'hia feet I knelt convulsively. Fondled his hands, and stroked his soft gray hair. "Father, dear father! is it really you. Speak, ease the doubt that at my healtMh ache— Say that th* hour is merciful and true. And the stern paet a weary, long uiisUkvl" One moment—Juat one moment—did it teem He smiled upon me. then my hope was o'eft But oh, thuuk Ood, if only in a dream I have beheld my life's beat friend once more. —The Quiver. A SEANCE. _____ N Gooaotown il II lir Mrs. Dr. Bolus began practice as a faith curlst. M | 1 She had a framed jf UJ I /f~\ y/!\ diploma in her jJ \ ''parlor, given by ll\vl snft IllfllthQ College of li ll '\l I'll 11'IIt Cranks, which ||| |l 'H H ///II described her as LI Il' 1///// " a graduate;" 1. j I j and her mode of ■ \ I ' '/' m ° Ure WaS V6r^' m IfiV 111 i ll lff hands and look 111 I'll ' nto eyes," .JOHN II |Uj she would say, Alkt j/I nffo " an d say these J/] word ß filter me: nothin" the mat ter with my head; I aint got nothin' the matter with my lungs; I aint got nothin' the matter with my indigestion; and I aint got nothin' the matter with none of mine senses—allylujer bt thanked—and may I never hev.'" After this had been repeated nine times, Mrs. Bolus said : "Now you feel better, don't you? I knowed it," uud the patient was sup posed to be on the high road to re covery. As hypochondriacs are rather plenti ful, it was not long before Goosetown rather beliovod in her. "It was such a refined way of being cured," the ladies said} "and so much better than pillsand It was not until a case of cancer and two of consumption had failed to yield to the treatment, and a cordn-'s jury had censured Mrs. Bolus and tnpdiotic relatives who had called her in, that she felt her power waning. Then she adopted a new idea, and be come a materializing medium. A eabi nefcwas sot up in her bask parlor, r wmch persons of imaginative dlspo tions saw the faces of their deportee friends, and whence issued words or wisdom, couched in language which proved that Llndley Murray, Brown, and other authorities on English grammar, had passed on to higher spheres. Many and many a seance was held in that small parlor, and In the darkness people were patted on the head and lunched on the cheek. Widows who could poorly spare the dollars they dropped into the palm of the medium, came there to weep behind their black veils, and "hope It really was John, though he never spoke that way in life," and giggling girls and witty beaux ar rived In parties lo laugh at everything; and Mrs. Bolus prospered. Now the hahdsomost house in Goose town was the residence of old Mrs. Nor ris ; and old Mrs. Norris was fond of the occult. In the days of the first rappingo she had listened to the performances of the wily Fox sisters, who have so lately confessed that they humbugged half the wiseacres of the day with their pliant toes, and she listened with interest to all that her friends told her of Mrs. Bolus. "I'm goin to havetho woman here," she said. "I shan't bo able to feel as svre in her own house, with trap-doors and slidiug-panels, f6r all I know. But I'll have the seanco here in my blue par lor, that has only one door; the key of that will be in my pocket after the cabi net is brought in. If any;.ling appears it must bjp genuineund iiuving nego tiated with Mrs. Bolus, old Mrs. Norris got together a large party at S3 a head, and bade her send the cabinet on Wed nesday afternoon. "You needn't come with it," she said, "and you'll allow yourself to be exam ined by the commltteo before you go into it." Mrs. Bolus acquiescod. "I don't know what tho spirits will do, of course," sho said. "I haven't an idea whatwill happen." For once she spoke the truth. The cabinet arrived rather ineffi ciently carried by two smalkboys; a lit tle crowd assembled at the gate, and Sara Jnne, the housemaid, replied to the queries propounded to her, thu Mrs. Bolus was to hold a dark seance there that evening. A stout young man. whom she had novor seen before, lis tened with attention, aua afterward oi fered to help the boys up the steps with the cabinet, which was a large wardrobe with a square shutter in the door, ami a bolt on the outside. Just as they en tered the blue room some one called Sara Jane away, and when she returned her mistress was looking up the cabinet. "There," sho said, after searching the door of tho blue parlor, " no one euu play tricks on mo to-night." Sho was somewhat excited. So was Sara Jane, so was tho cook, for both were to be permitted to view tho perform ances on their positive promises not to shriek aloud, whatever happened. Mrs. Norris, who asked none bui ladies, had delicately hinted that full dress wouid be more flattering to tie spirits, and tho guests arrived in cos tumes that were supposed to represent that condition in Goosetown. Queen Victoria wouid havo banished them from her presence, 110 doubt, for their bucks were generally covered, but they had 01. all their iinory; their lace tubus, th'-n earrings, and bracelets, and fancy bit,i pins, ami sashes, and bouquets of ro~, ► It was quite a pretty assemblage the crowded in tho blue parlor, an a r garde,! the w.luut wardrobe with sum awe. Mrs. Norris was habited in bla • velvet, with her diamonds well display,' • and her husband's minaturo about 1,, nock; and on Mrs. Bolus's ariivai tie lawyer's wife and the doctor's wife led her to a bedroom, whence they shortly emerged, conducting her. "There nothing about her to play triek? with," said the lawyer's wi "That 111 swear to." The doctor's spouse nodded. "We've looked in her pockets and f<, the hems of her clothing, and her bu<a. is a wire ,e o lit Is all right," sho snio. "And as sim , .to 1)0 tied, we've g some tape , it ol your basket, Jit Norris." "Very well, said the old lady. key of the cabinet is in my pock,, And she produced it. "Now tie me," said Mrs. Bolus, ";u tie me tight; end sot a cheer into cabin fit, and sot me onto It; and If 1 groan ilon't mind. It's only the taflawea. Dont tueh me or come anear me. Tba voices will be plain tonight, if figures don't appear. "Shut the door, Sara Jane," said Mrs. Norris, "and put your chair against It. Now we are all right." Then, at Mrs. Bolus's request, the lights were turned low, a semi-darkness prevailed, and the guests sang, "Shall We Gather at the lliver?" During this performance Mrs. Bolus slipped liei supple wrists out of the tape loops, and had just covered her face with a handkerchici prior to presenting It at the peep-nolo and squeaking out a spirit message, when a hand touched her head. "What is that?" she shrieked. "A spirit, of course," loplied the voioe. "A spirit?" gasped Mrs. Bolus, "Oh, good Heaving ! it is true, thou!" "You'll find that out to your cost Utter a word, and I'll blight you," said the spirit. "I heard voices!" cried one amongst the audience. "One was a man's," sighed Mrs. Nor ris. "I believo wo are going to have something wonderful." "I shall die!" moaned Mrs. Bolus in the cabinet. The spirit meanwhile secured her neatly to her chair. ••What au awful uoise!" shivered a nervous lady, and at that moment u face appeared at the little window. "It's a man's!" cried Mrs. Norris. "It's twice us big as Mrs. Bolus' is," whispered a guest. "It looks like ray poor, dear Aminadab in his youth!" sail) Mrs. Norris. "Who calls me!" said the spirit. "DM any one ask for Auiluadab?" ?t"I did," said Mrs. Norris. "Oh, dear! dear! dear! Oh, Aminadab, is it you?" "I have been permitted to return," said the spirit. "I shall now material ize In your presence." "Oh! Oh !Oh ! Oh!" cried Mrs. Bolus lu the cabinet. "My powerful influenoe effeots the medium," remarked the spirit. The door opened slowly, and all pres ent saw a man in the room; a well-built person, with dark hair, he seemed in .the durkness. Ho stood quite quiet for a moment, and then remarked ; "It is with a great effort that I appear to you. I am Amlnadab—we hove 110 family name in the spirit world. I desire to embraoe my wife, but the room is not dark enough." "Make It dark, thon, my dear," sobbed poor old Mrs. Norris. "I'm most dead with fright, but I'm so glad to see you." The spirit was seen to lift Its hand to the chandelier, the darkness deepened and the form approached the old lady; It patted her on the head, It patted her ears, it touched her neck, it smoothed her hands. "It's Aminadab," she repeated. "I don't feel the least bit frightened now." "He's touching mo; how natural he is!" gasped the lawyer's wife. " Come here, do, Mr. Norris," said the doctor's helpmeet, and each by turn uttered an exclamation. Everybody was patted, and pawed, and lingered by the materialized spirit. Meanwhile the me uiiiin in the cabinet uttered smothered, but no one heard her. "Ho is kissing me!" shrieked Sara Jane, at the door. "Oh 1 Oh ! Oh !" "Mr. Norris!" said the old lady, rather sharply. "I beg of you !" "I have offended," said the spirit. "I wiH return whence I came." Ho upproaelied the cabinet, while Mrs. Norris sighed: "Don't be so touchy, Aminudab!" But as ho passed beneath the chande lier, it was extinguished : the room was iu utter darkness. Sara Jane cried out.: "Oh, don't!" And then; "He's ovorsot, me 1" The dismal moans continued in the cabinet, and no more manifestations oc curred. "I wonder whether it is not over," said the lawyor's wife at last. "Perhaps I'd better light the gas and look at Mrs. Bolus; she eems to suffer." "Do, dear," said Mrs. Norris. "I'm convinced. I'm a spiritualist forever. That was Aminadab. Just so he used to take his hat and bang out of doors if I said a word. He was a very fine man, but he had a temper." By this time a light was lit. The cab inet door was softly opened. Mrs. Bolus was found bound tied to her chair, with a handkerchief stuffed into her mouth, and in an hysterical condition. They unbound and ungagged her, placed her on a sofa, produced cold water and co logne, fans and smelling-salts. Finally she spoke. "It was a real spirit!" she said. "It tied me, and stuffed the handkerchief into my mouth. It was as natural as life !" "Nobody doubts tho manifestation," said tho doctor's wife. "How could they? You certainly took no man into the cabinet." "Never will I try this thing again," said Mr. Bolus —"never!" Maidenly a lady spoke out sharply: "My watch is gone!" she cried. "My diamonds, too!" said Jlrs. Nor ris; "und poor, dear Aruinadab's minia ture !" Little squeals rosounded on all sides. Everybody had lost some jewelry. Sud denly tho medium uttered a shriek. "My money is gone?" she said—"the money you collected for mc, Mrs. Norris —I had it in my pocket!" "Oh. mum!" cried Sarnh Jnno, who had Stepped out of the room, re-entering with uplifted hands and eyes—"oh mum! tho silver is all goue out of the dining room ! and your bureau drawers are ail bust open!" And so in fact it proved. The house had been robbed as well as the guosls; and Mrs. Norris, rising in her wrath, declared that she had been duped, and that tho medium had a confederate; sent for tho police and had her arrested : and all tho while tho unfortuuato Mrs. Bolus was perfectly innocent, and be liove,! from her soul that n ghost had actually appeared to wreak vengeance upon her, and so swore upon her trial. However, the affair was very simply explained. Tho young man who had so kindly helped the boys to carry the cabinet into Jlrs. Norris's blue parlor had concealed himself within it, and In the character of a materialized spirit had f :,d his opportunity to appropri ate tin' iewlry, silver, and other valu ables, which no ono iu Goosetown ever saw again.—Now York Lodger. How to Ijook l oung. H>, is it that some men thought to be so ol , ill look so young, while others thoiij ! oung must still look old? The caus. > very frequently in themselves. Mr. Ift . "uce, on being asked the rea son, id: "I never ride when I can walk ; . nevor oat but one dish at din ner; I cr get drunk. My walking keeps v blood in circulation; my sim ple diet eats Indigestion ; and never touehi ."'dent spirits, my liver never fears being eaten up alive." But he for got to a,: ,ne of the greatest causes of luting youth, "u kind, unenvious heart" Envy can dig as deeply in the humun face as tin l " itself.—N. Y. Lodger. •Fohnntown Visitors to the City. Altoona Time®. Mrs. Kate Matthews and her only child, wife and dauglitcr of our esteemed friend, Mr. Thomas Matthews, and Miss Frances Goff, daughter of Mr. Peter Goff, formuuiuu of boiler inspectors for the Cambria Iron Works, all residents of Johnstown, are visiting at the hospitable home of Mr. D. A. Reagan, of 1915 Eleventli avenue, this city. Miss Goff, although only about fourteen years of age, is said to'be quite an accomplished pianist, beside being the possessor of a sweet and melodious voice. Miss Goff's fnther, just before the fearful flood struck Johnstown, warned a number of his fel low workmen of the impending danger, but they laughed at his fears and left him to seek his own safety by fleeing to the hillside, which he did, leaving them to their fate, which soon came, wiping them and thousands of others out of existence. An Kclio of th .Johnstown Flood. Pittsburgh Leader. This morning Adam Wagner, of Brook lyn. N. Y., appeared at the Allegheny mayor's office with the power of attorney to take charge of his brother's trunk, which had been found by the Allegheny police a short distance up the river the day after the disastrous flood. It appears that his brother, Henry Wagner, with his wife and two children were all lost at Johnstown, and this trunk is all they have been able to find that belonged to them, they having noticed the finding of the trunk in the Leader. In the trunk were three policies of insurance iu the Pruden tial Life Insurance Company on the wife, father and son, amounting to about 6500. He took the trunk with him. Marriage License. (John Karl conemaugh (Rose Kessler Conemaugh (Henry liest Frugality (Annie E. Bradley Frugality (John F. Campbell East conemaugh \Snrah June I'lttman Franklin (Michael McGee Johnstown (Maggie E. Philips Johnstown (David Marker Johnstown (Susan Jones coopersdale (Blair lllekard Ueade twp (Laura c. Fry lteade twp One Crop That Never Fails. New York Tribune. The pencil and the apple crop and the grape crop cannot always be depended upon; corn and wheat have their good years and their had years ; but confidence men say that the crop of fools never fails. FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. fifflL ' Jacobs Oil for chicken cholera JF * the disease was * cured by it and I recommend it as a sure cure. It has saved me many dollars. IT. A. KTJENNE. Breeder of Fine Fowls. Bakers Held, Cal., Oct. 13,1888. I have used St. Jacobs Oil for sorehead of chickens with prompt, permanent cure. One ; bottle will cure 10 to 15 chickens; 2to 3 drops ! cures Wheezes. JAS. BETHAL. a- GENERAL DIRECTIONS -Mixapill oj bread or dough saturated with St. ■ '•tcobs OU. I] the/owl cannot sir Bote force it down the throat. Mix some corn mml dough with the Oil. Oive j nothing else. They willJtna'tjc oud be cured. At Dtceoms a:.:i Be., lfrs. VHE CHARLES A.V3GELEH CO.. L . limore, M. Common Sense In the treatment of slight ailments would save a vast amount of sickness I and misery. One of Ayer's Pills, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion; taken at night, will relievo Constipation; taken at any time, will correct irregu larities of tho Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, aud cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pills, as all know who use them, aro a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt aud satisfactory in their results. " "I can recommend Ayer's Pills above all others, having long proved their valuo as a Cathartic i for myself and family." —J. T. Hess, Leltbsville, Pa. " Ayer's Pills have been in use in my family upwards of twenty years, ana have completely verified all that is ! claimed for them."— Thomas F. Adams, San Diego, Texas. " I have used Ayer's Pills in my fami ly for seven or eight years. Whenever I have an attack of headache, to which I am very subject, I take a dose of Ayer's Pills and am always promptly relieved. I find them equally beneficial in colds ; and, in my family, they are used for bilious complaints and other distnrb j anccs with such good effect that we lat e ly, if ever, have to call a physician." 11. VoulliemtS, Hotel Voulliemii, Sara toga Springs, N. Y. ' Ayer's Pills, riIEPARKD BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. i j ... / j I'luifAfii . i,.t magnificent. HEfc> ) ' wu.'i'v ' rU.Vof J aqua: vuiu. T:ksos ••• IB tecare ona I . rUKV!. Uo vH'h.epoMlblal \, .litv I —Aat ne par their home.. .• t<> tlioao who call, nij I■ t. Ina of our trainable and ' y u*ef<ii IIOINFIIOLU Theae n.tmpl,an well at the watch,w. ' free,and after yon i hare kept them In your homo fur nit'i.lhe and mtown them to thorns who nnv hnve calhot.thcy hocmiK' your own property; ft la pnttlbl.' > I'ieko this runt olfor, eciidlittf the NOi.ll> fIOMI watch -ad COWTT/ Humph* . < theahowlUKof | the Beriiplt'H i . , locality, alway < reault* iu a hUT trade for oe; after our an i ; .-nhavel aiu n'■ -•••• i:t\ for a mouth or two we ueaally k •• m #lO<t Ot #.OOtMn trade from the ■orronndlmr r.-nutry. Thle, the i.ioat wonderful offer ever known, Ulna'" iii •rdartlie; mr a: ... 1 , Uced at once where the y can bo seen, all over America. Wilte at once, and mehn[nm< ' hance. llea.l.rlt v.... hardly atiy trouble ft* >'ti to alio v. t. •■ample* to thoee who may cell at home aod yt-ur will bo Io >it b.t.Un iy. A [oskl r1 on which to writ, i coati bill lc. Nt na ! ' vy " 1. Nt v all.lf yoo do not fare t |o further, why no luum 'a .1 i. •. Hut If you do •end your nI !r jr t once, ; ii can ' • • . . i IKK on jof the I beet i'lld fold wat ch h. tl.'i . lit and.' r large line of I COHTI.V NAMi'l c:s. W-pay al* m. rrHfht. no. • x/VLreee OKQ. tiIIHSUX t ow, . ... .a i ' *lNk £r*fe*sima! Card*. HENRY H. KUHN, Attorney-at, Law. omce opposite First National Bank No. 11)5 LOCUBI street, Johnstown. Pa. DANISL M'LADQHUN. KHANK r. HAKTIN jyjcLAUGHLIN & MARTIN, A TTORNEYS-A T-LA W, 4 NO. 7 FRANKLIN STREET septus Johnstown, Pa. JAMES M. WALTERS, A TTOR.VEY-A T-LA IF. Office No. 2, AlniA Hall, Main street, Johns town, Pa. All business given faithful and prompt attention. jams V. 1. O'CONNOK. J. B. O'CONNOR. Q'CONNOR BROTHERS, A TTQRSRYS-A T-LA IF. office on Franklin street, over Petrtkln A Mil ler's store, opposite Postofflce, Johnstown, Pa. mars JOHN S. TITTLE, JUSTICE OE THE PEACE AND .VOTARY PUBLIC. Office corner Market and Locust streets, octl2 Johnstown, Pa. W. EASLY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AM) SCRIVENER Office No. Los Franklin street, two doors from Griffith's Drug store. mays JRVIN RUTLEDGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on River street.near the Kernvllle Bridge In the Fifth ward, .Johnstown, Pa. collections and all other business promptly attended to. mars N. WAKEFIELD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, omce No. 43 Morris street, Johnstown, Pa. YEAGLEY, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. 271 Locust street. Johnstown, Pa. j OHN DOWNEY, CIVIL ENGINEER. Office on Stonycreek street, Johnstown, Pa. U APEDEN, SURGEON DEN LT TIST. Office In Border's new building, on Franklin street. All kinds of Dental work so licited. novit | P. THOMPSON, M. D„ SURGEON DENTIST, JOHNSTOWN, PA. lias had a professional experience of over 33 years. Car-filling Teetli a specialty. Office Rooms, No. 114 Napoleon street. JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK NO. 192 MAIN STREET. ■ .s( , CHARTERED SEPTEMBER 12, 1870 DEPOSITS received or one dollar and upward, no deposits exceeding a total of £2.(MX) will be received from any one person, interest Is due In the months of June and December, and If not withdrawn Is added to the deposit, thus com pounding twice a year without iroubllng the de positor to call or even to present the deposit book. Money loaned on ileal Estate. Preference with liberal rate* and long lime given to oorrowers offering tlrsi mortgages on farms worth four or more times the amount or loon desired; also, moderate loans made on town property wnere ample security Is offered. Good reference, per fect titles, etc.. required. Thlscorporatlonlsexcluslvely a savings Bank. No commercial deposits received, nor discount made. No loans on personal security, i Blank applications for borrowers, coppies of | i he rules, by-laws, and special acts of Ihe Legts i lature relating to deposits of married women and minors can he obtained at (lie Bank. TitcsTKßs—Herman Raumer. b. 1.. Yeagley, John llannnn, John Thomas. r. it. Kills, Pear son Fisher, James J. Fronheiser, John I.owman, \V. It. I.owman. James MeMlllen, Janms ljutim, Howard J. UolK-rts, Vi lli. >. M own ft, Geo. T. swank. Jacob swank, \V. W. Walters. James Mc.Mlllen, President; John I.owman, Herman Haumer, Geo. T. Swank, Vice I'resldents; W. C. Lewis, Treasurer; Cyrus Elder, solicitor, maris NO. 2,739. First National Hank OK JOHNSTOWK, PJV. No. 194 MAIN STREET. Capital, - - SIOO,OOO surplus, - - ft 40,000 DIRECTORS: JAMES MeMILLEN, PEARSON FISHER, C. T. FIIAEER, HERMAN lIAU.MKIt, HOWARD J. ROBERTS, GEO. T. SWANK, PERRY C. BOI.SINGER. JAMES McMILLEN. President. 0 T FRAZER. Vice President HOWARD J. ROBERTS, Cashier careful and prompi attention will be given to alt business entrusted to this Bank. tnaysH.'ss Important to Railroad Men A. K. Smith has been for forty-nine years road master on the Boston A Maine system, and is now residing at Great Falls, N. H. lie says track men, brukemeu, firemen, engineers and con ductors, as well as baggage masters and ex pressmen, are subject to kidney disease above all others. All, therefore, will be Interested In the statement of his experience. " I have used Brown's Harsapartlla for kidney and liver I roubles, and can truly say It has done more tor me than all the doctors I ever employed, and I have had occasion to require t ho services of the best physicians In the State. My wife also has been greatly benefitted by its use. A. E. SMITH. Road Master B. A M. K. R." r The kidneys have been labored hard all win ter, as the pores of Ihe skin have been closed, but now tin' springtime has come, and they need some aid. May be you have that pain across the back ; that Hred feeling; those drawing down pains. If so, you can get Immediate relief by following the example of Mr. smith and his wife, anil use 1 hat never-falling and grand corrector for tlio kidneys, liver and blood, BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. B.BAUMANN. j Successor to Robert Anderson. WINES & LIQCOHS 418 Kerry (street. tw orders by mall will receive prompt ntten- j tlon. ! A. A. MILLLUAN Lager Heer Honied Beer Fresh and Palatable Carson street 8. 8. Furnished In any quantl- 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. ties either for Families, ! MALL orders Hotels or Restaurants AliliSO-HElirY. C. W. DITTMER, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER, No. 67 Federal street, Allegheny City, I'a. Property sold on commission. N2 sale no charge. Money to Loan, 5,6 per cent. SPECIAL PRESENTS Will be given with every ,5 worth of goods, Teas, coffees. Spices, and Baking Powder, which we guarantee absolutely pure. Best goods M the market for the money. Teas, 50,60 and 80 cents. Coffees, 25, 27, 30 and 35 cents. Baking Powder, 40c. per pound. Send orders to Atlantic Tea Co., 112 Ohio Street. ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. twsend for Price List giving full Information lUMMISMII FOR sa.oo *m.. Have you secured your new milt yet f AHere Is the Induce- TUSM uient never before (/\ Fa' -> CM \ offered for Funis | A Made to order xv Y\ \l/ Sen( l Postal card, glv ' I ing your full address, Cl I / and we will send you /If I samples for our 13 11 . / I Pants and self measure ff If I ment Blank, or If you 1/ / /' I cannot wait for samp £. 11/ j I I les, tell us about S:j: UJ I I II I what color you would s':. nC / 'J like, giving us your I / I waist., hip and Inside leg ! ijSsiil uj... measure, together with .fSafi , i .Vm $3 and 35 cents for post v-alf i *2 ago or prepaid express, and we will guarantee to v 4 please you or refund the money. Address, giving full name and post offlce. CHAS. KLOPFER, 120 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, PA., Corner Grant street and Fifth avenue, (Within a tew steps of Fost office.) _____ I'ITTSBUKOn, I'A. EVANS BROS. WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, CCHOOL HOOKS, STATIONERY, ARTISTS' MATERIAL. No. 98 Federal Street, Allegheny City, P®. HOTEL CARSOJT 168 LACOCK STREET. Few doors east of Federal street, Allegheny, I'a„ a strictly temperance house. Best meals and cleanest beds In the city at lowest rates, 11. KNOX, Prop'r. Allegheny College. 12 Federal st reet, Allegheny, pa. Thorough In st ruction In bookkeeping penmanshlp.shortnand and typewriting, telegraphy, English branched, Languages, Music, Elocution, Vocal and Instru mental Music, Painting and Drawing, students may enter at any time. Send for circulars; ad dress the PRESIDENT. HOTEL WHITE S. K. CAROTHERS, Proprietor, McKecsport. Pa. Leading hotel of the city. Terms, ,2.00 per day Fine whiskies, sc.. at the Bar. sth AVE. HOTEL. McKEESPORT, PA. GEO. M. LEPPIG, - - Proprietor, First class accomodations to the trvellng pub lic. Terms $1.50 to $2.00 per day. Bar attached. B. & B. An Institution of Heal Merit —IS OUR— Mail Order Department The flattering favors bestowed UP") it by tile people are in testimony of it.- ben efits to them. The way > compliment this department, and in d voiirself • .:, is to communicate with ii ii onee. Your every wie t will be satisfied promptly and you will save ..loiiey •• ery article or yard . gnu is >-i buv. WHAT IS GOD* < ON HER.-1 NOV. On: Annual Summer C' i-m ee Sa'e which liicans bargain by i .luminals. Thousands of yards of Dro.-s ib .sU, full of tone, style and i !rcot:vom■<. worth $1.25 and 61.50 : going at T5 cents. Special 50 cent and 25 cent Dress Goods Departments. These prices have been made " catch all " prices for thousands and thousands of yards of goods that sold at twice and even three times the money early in the season—choice, wide and effective goods. Send for samples. Our Wash Goods Prices have lost all their starch, only the shadows of their former selves, and just in the midst of the Wash-Goods season. Anderson's celebrated Ginghams re duced to 25 cents a yard, as a bargain starter. The same story in the Challie depart ments. All our stock reduced to Half. Nice and new ones marked at "clearance prices." 50c Zephryr Gingham Side Rands at 25c. 35c and 40c Zephyrs at 20c. 25c and 30c Zephyrs at 15c. Finest French Satines at 25c. 30c Satines at 15c and 18c. Write to our Mail Order Department. Mention this paper. BOGrGS&BUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA; If r watch In the world. |1 II 11 11 A Perfect timekeeper, lQjLl cum of \P One Pemon in PACH^IO- NamplCM. V .A Free, and after yni hare kept them In yo,tr homo f>r 9 montha and ahown them to tkoen Who may ha*e called, the* become your write at once aan be sure of receiving the Wratrra and S.imple. Wcray all eaprew, fr.d*M,.tc. Addrern Btin.OßA Oc Co., "* 813, Portlunil, M.ul*e. Jan4-ly Dress the Hair With Ayer'a Hair Vigor. Its cleanli ness, beneficial effects on the scalp, and lasting perfume commend it lor uni versal toilet use. It keeps the hair soft and silken, preserves its color, prevents lb from falling, and, if the hair has become weak or thin, promotes a new growth, a "To restore the original color of my hair, which had turned prematurely gray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with en tire success. I cheerfully testify to the Efficacy of this preparation."—Mrs. P. H. David son, Alexandria, La. - " I was afflicted some three years with scalp disease. My hair was falling out and what remained turned gray. X waa induced to try Ayer's Hair Vigor, and in a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and my hair resumed ltd original color." (Rev.) 8. S. Sims,. Pastor 0. B. Church, St. Bernice, Ind-w " A few years ago I suffered the entira loss of my hair from the effects of tetter. I hoped that after a time nature would repair the loss, hut I waited In valn-s Many remedies were suggested, none. - however, with such proof of merit as Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began to use it. The result was ail I could have desired.' A growth of hair soon came out all ovec my head, and grew to he as soft and heavy as I ever had, and of a natural j color, and firmly set."— J. H, Pratt,'j Spofford, Texas., • J Ayer's Hair Vigor^ PREPARED RV Or. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowett, Maw Bold by Drugfiiti and Ptrfumm. " CLOSED I m In consequence of license expiring for Pittsburgh Branch store, it has been closed. All orders for the old Reliable Silver Age Rye Will be tilled with the usual promptaaflff Headquarters at J No. 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY,' Trusting to merit a continuance of the ÜbMIU patronage heretofore bestowed. Remain respectful!}, MAX KLEIN", No. sa Federal street. Allegheny. Telephone 3013. ouckenheimer. Finch or otbson, as usual, |1 a qunr*, fi years old, o lor 15, sliver Age, 11.50. Jyar-iy When Baby was sick, we gave her CaatoriS, When ,he waa a Child, she cried for CostoriE, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoris,, When she had Children, she gave them COStOriE, D A Tm?TC obtained tor mechanical do rA A Jill Aw Vices, medical or other con# pounds, ornamental designs, trade-marks ana labels, caveats. Assignments, Interference* Appeals, suits for Infringement, and all caS£S arising under the PATENT LAWS, prompt ly attended to. INVENTIONS TkAT HAVE 111"EH nt? TT?f"PI7TI ,)v 1,16 I'atentoillce may ClE.ll £sU I EaJLi si most eases, be pate ented by ns. Being opposite the Patent orticq, we can make closer searches, and secure Paten® mere promptly, and with broader claims, than those who are remote from Washington. TVfrtMUl<nnC(end ii- a model or (JN V £>■•'■ L Ullw sketch i: your device* we make examlnatlons/lve nrcharge, andadvl® as to jiiiti-u:: i i try. All correspondence strictly couth lent lui. i-rices low, and No CIIAHOE IN- I.KSS I'ATKNT IS SF.Ct KKI). We refer to •■ ft j • la is in the Patent Office, to our clients In ( very stale of the Union, and to your Sena tor ami i epiv>entatlve In congress, special references given when desired. Adrtres-., 4 C. A. SNOW te, CO., opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. i pSifel fBEETri'TTING CGRSETZwORLDI 1 FOR SALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. I I MAYER. STROUSE & CO. I j. MFRS.-412 BROADWAY, N.Y.M I "The Greatest Cure on Kiinh for P.ila." Will relluvemore quickly Urn any other known rom euy: iChcuinutlsni, Neuralgia, Swellings stiff Neck, Bruins, Burns, iltls. Cut*. Luinha < I 4ociA* registered Trmlc-Mnrk.aud our Ifno-fftmlla signature. A. C. Meyer & Co., Bole | Proprietors Baltimore, MU., U. s. A. OR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP For the cure of Coughs, Colds, ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of con. sumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Drug* gists. Price. 25 cents, Ms Pills Thin popular remedy never falls to effectually euro Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all diseases arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. The natural result lagoml anpetlH and Killii I lonti. !> kiiiull; elegant* ly r r otttetl uu<l eauy to dvulloh, 'iOLD EVEEYY7HESE. * .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers