Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, July 26, 1889, Image 8
The Democrat. FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1880. MOTHER'S BOY. Two Uttle clinging velvety arms; Two Uttle hands with rose-leaf palms; Two brown eyes. In whose clear deeps The brook's own sunshine laughs and leaps; Two Uttle ears Uke plnk-whlte shells; A snowy chin where a dimple dweUs; A dainty nose; two peach-bloom cheeks; A red-Upped mouth that soft words speaks: A brow reflecting the soul within, Untouched by sorrow, unmarked by sin; A crown of curls whose traceries hold The chestnut's warmth and the sunbeam's gold; A rounded body; two rosy Umhs; A voice like notes from cathedral hymns; Two restless feet and a laugh of joy. What Is the total I—Mother's boy. Mr. James K. Boyd is ill. W. W. McAteer has been appointed postmaster at Loretto. Mr. C. B. Clark's directory will be is sued in a short time. Register and Recorder Blair will be in the city during the balance of the week, Governor Beaver lias received £l4O from the Sultan of Turkey for the Johns town sufferers. Col. John E. Burchinell, of Hollidays burg, lias accepted the place of clerk at the Mountain House, Cresson. To-day the sufferers in the Second ward will receive orders from the Bureau of Inquiry, and the State Commission will commence paying the sufferers of the First ward. Mr. J. D. Edwards has opened his boot and shoe store in one of the Park build ings on Main street, opposite the banks, and is now ready for business. Mr. George A. Markle, the well-known plasterer, at 59 Somerset street, is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Give him a call. J. R. Marshall has opened his lumber and building material yard near the Johnstown Electric Light Company. That is a good place to get all you want for building purposes. Rev. Father Richard Brown, the pastor at Lilly borough, is seriously ill. During the war he served as chaplain, and in crossing a pontoon bridge was thrown from his horse and injured in the spine. This injury is the cause of his illness. It is a difficult matter to get a team to do any hauling in Somerset. Most of our teamsters went to Johnstown shortly af ter the flood, where they have since bt>eu steadily employed at more remunerative wages than they could make at home.— Somerset Herald. Two hundred citizens of Ralicgh met on Monday night and took action to ex pressing their disapproval of the decision of the Board of Directors in acquitting Dr. Eugene Grissom, Snperintendent of Good Intent Castle, No. 183, Knights of the Golden Eagle, of Coopersdale, has elected the following officers : Past Chief, AY. E. Lawrence ; Noble Chief, I. H. Set tlemyre ; Vice Chief, J. L. Hoover ; High Priest, Leonard Boyer ; Venerable Her mit, D. P. M. Loughry ; Master of Re cords,G. 11. Masters; Clerk of Exchequer, John Boyer ; Keeper of Exchequer, Jer emiah Vaughn; Sir Herald, J. E. Jenkins; Worthy Bard, B. M. Jenkins; Worthy Chamberlain, C. MclJevitt; Ensign, John Hagins ; Esquire, J. A. McMillen ; First Guardsman, Jacob Boyer; Second Guards man, J. D. Adams; Trustee, Charles Hagins ; Representative to the Grand Castle, G. H. Masters. The membership s eighty-two. Amount paid for relief, S7O. Amount of funds on hand and in vested, $826 29. Arose From the Debris. Klttannlng Globe. The Johnstown DEMOCRAT has arose from the debris and is again circulating among its readere, May :t never again be a victim of such a calamity. Westmoreland Democrats. The Democrats met in Greensburg in convention on Tuesday afternoon, and Silas A. Kline was unanimously chosen Chairman of the County Committee, B. F. Yogle was elected a member of the State Central Committee, and the following gen tlsmcn were chosen delegates to the State Convention: M. C. Gordon, of Irwin; John "W. Allshouse, of Adamsburg ; W. 8. Robinson, of North Huntington; W. S. Wertzell, of Jeannette ; Oliver Porter, of Rostrnver; E. W. Kcenan, of Latrobe; John P. Brenncn, of Scottdalo, and James L. Toner, of Derry. O. R. Snyder was elected secretary of the committee. A BOUT IN THE KIVEK. But Laid Five lJaya Before ISeing Taken (tut. On last Tuesday Mrs. Andrew "Wilson, of Coopersdale, in pulling upja bunch of clothes from the riycr discovered what she thought was a human body in the water. She told her neighbors but no ono would try to get it out. On Saturday morning the matter was reported to the State Board of Health, and the morgue men were sent down but they could not recover it. On Sunday a larger force was sent down and brought the body to the morgue where it was dis cribcd as follows : Female, unknown, weight 150 pounds, height five feet six inches, black hair, red underskirt, white canton flannel drawers, black and bronze barred woolen basqnc, broDze buttons, black dress, heavy black jersey coat, teeth in upper jaw false, hunting case gold watch and chain, with small bucket attached, gold ring with set, also collar button. WORKING GANGS TO BK ORGANIZED RT BURGERS HOKREIX. They Will be Composed of Drunk and Dis orderlies Brought Before His Honor- Between Thirty and Forty Temporary Residents In the Hostile Last Night. A movement is in contemplation which, if earned into effect, will most effectually rid our town of the gangs of loafers, dead beats and thieves who have been harrass ing our citizens ever since the flood. In conversation with Captain Verner last night he said to a DEMOCRAT reporter: " Hereafter all persons arrested for minor offenses will be put to work with the improvement gangs, under guard of a military detail. It is evident that the class of men who are brought to the station, are not in Johnstown seeking work, and the cur rent opinion is that if they are given something to do, and guards appointed to see that they do it, we will soon be rid of them. And what a blessing this would be." Wednesday between thirty and forty drunk and disorderlies were housed in the old Bastiie, and in the temporary police quarters on Market street. The entire day and night forces, of regular and special officers, were on duty, and the good they did was noticeable in the quiet which reigned from dark until daylight. The unfortunates will come before His Honor Burgess Horrell this morning at 10 o'clock. POLICB GLEANINGS, Four homeless wanderers were given lodgings at the station last night. Miss Emma Ilouck yesterday made complaint before Justice of the Peace Hart, against William Caldwell, charging him with assault and battery. The war rant is in the hands of Constable Martin. Police Officer Temple and Constable Martin arrested Thomas McCabe, of Balti more, at 1 o'clock last night, while at tempting to enter Robert Sagugon's saloon, corner Railroad and Clinton streets, through a window. m MiTuiit n BALL out (tiilils m Sprains, Strain*, O W Ml Bralstt, WsHndat ? >W Soli tw DrvtfvO nri Dtalero. C* TheCh. A.v*|lr Co..BIUMML for Qra op m ROMFnYAMDTEW4A)ftKrtf ofE\IJ. TEE&AsA-VQBIUR(Zo-BMIQ-Ma* ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- I.etters of Administration on the estate of JACOB OOKNNEK, late of Cambria borough, Cambria county, deceased, have been granted to MARGARET GOENNEII. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate will make known the same at once to the undersigned at No. 520 Broad street, Cambria borough, or to McLaughlin & Martin, 07 Franklin street, over Dlbert's Bank. MAItOAKETGOENNKH, Administratrix. A I)MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— x\ Estate of Lot' lS c. lIESSELBEIN, de ceased—Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of I.ouls C. Ilessel beln, late of conemaugh borough .deceased, have been Issued by the Register of Cambria County to the undersigned. All persons Indebted losaid estate will make Immediate payment, and all having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HKNKY HKSSKLBKIN, Administrator. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of ELIZABETH t'NVEUZAOT, late or Johnstown borough, Cam bria county, deceased, has been granted to David K. Iless. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate will make known the same without delay to the undersigned at No. 109 Seventeenth street, south Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. DAVID R. HESS, Administrator of Elizabeth l'nver/.agt, deceased. July 13, lust). A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— ESTATE OF CATHARINE HOFFMAN, Deceased.—Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Catharine Ilotlman, tale of the Second ward of Johnstown borough, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notllied to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same w ill present them duly authenticated for settle ment to W. 11. HAIIN, Administrator. Johnstown, Po , July 28, INH9. 7tw ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— . Letters of Administration on the estate of ALVAK A KERB, late of the Township of I'pper Loder, county of Cambria, State of Pennsyl vania, deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to the said es tate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ANDREW I. AKElts, Administrator. W. HOKACK ROSE, Attorney, No. 4 Franklin street. Johnstown, Pa,, July C-1.1889. Gtw rpRIAL LIST. I Special Court 4th .Monday In August. Christy vs. Mitchell et al. Shemathy vs. Bcun. Burk vs. Christy. Weaver vs. Brenner. Knlports vs. Ilasklns. stiles vs. Bennett. Martin vs. Baker. smuekerftco vs. Leatey. Natley 4 ilnrker vs. Flsk. 11. A. SHOEMAKER, Frotlionotary. I'rothonotary'B office, Ebensburg, July 98, lHsy. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE— In the Court of Common Plens of Cambria County. December Term, 1888, A. D. libel in Divoroe,. ANNIE GRAHAM, by her next friend JOHN RORA BAI'GII vs. WILLIAM 11. GRAHAM, hav ing on motion of W. Horace Rose, Esq., counsel inr libelant, been appointed commissioner to take testimony in the above stated case, I will sit for that purpose a* my office, Room U, Alma Hall, Johnstown, pa., on Thursday, tlio I6th Hay of August, A. U. 1881), at 10 o'clock. A, M, M. 11. STEPHENS, July tn-Twld, commissioner. T OST—Between Morrellville and 1 l Cambria an oblong pocket-book, contaln- Egjainey and an address, " Miss Annie Mc tiee, Chicago," and two keys, one tor a satchel, the other for a trunk. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Father Davln's In Cambria. A~~DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George llelser, deceasetl. Notice reby given that letters of administration on the estate of George llelser, deceased, late of Johnstown borough, Cambria oounty. Fa., have been granted by the Register of Cambria county to the undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to said ec'ate are requested to make Im mediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them, duly authenticated, for settement. GEORGE MUKHLHArSEH, Administrator of George llelßer, deceased. AD M INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad stratlon on the estate of peter Rubrltz, late of the borough of Franklin, Cambria county , Pa., deceased, have been granted to Jacob Ru brltz and Mrs. Annie cannon, of said borough, to whom all persous indebted to said estate ate re quested to make lmmodlate payment, and those having claims or demands against, the estate will make known the same without delay to the undersigned or to O'Cottner Bros, at 89 Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. JACOB RUBRITZ, MRB. ANNIE CANNON, Administrators of Peter Rubrltz, deceased. SPECIAL NOTICE.—There will IO be a SPECIAL MEETING 01 the JOHNS TOWN BOARD OF TRADE held on Monday Af ternoon. July lA. 18Kb, at 2 o'clock. In CIIAL. L. DICK'S OFFICE, Alma Hall, for the purpose of considering the Business specllledln the writ ten call for the meeting- By order of JAMES QUINN, president. GEO, W. WAOONKK, Secretary. IKJOTICE TO THE STOCKT 1M HOLDERS OF "THE PKOPLE'B BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. The Board of Directors of The People's Building and Loan As sociation, at a meeting held at the office of the Solicitor, on Tuesday evening, July 9, 1889, resolved to COLLECT NO DUES OR INTEREST Until the Third Monday of August, 1880, being the 19th day thereof. Tbo reason of this action being the recent calamity vlsltad upon Johns town and vicinity. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, President, JAMES KINO, Seoretary, FRANCIS J. O'CONNOB, Solicitor. DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. —The estate of M.S. Maloy, late of Johns , Cambria county. Pa. Letters of admin istration on the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate will present them for payment, duly authenticated, and those In debted thereto will please make Immediate pay ment to MARY A. MALOY. Administratrix, No. 19f Adam street, Connemaugh borough. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XJL —Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of W'Ulliun stelger wald, late of conemaugh borough, county of Cambria, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Erhard Zang, of Johns town borough, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to maxc payment, and those having claims or demands will niaxe mown the same without delay to the under signed, or to O'Connor Bros., 80 Frunxlln street, Johnstown, Pa. ERHARD ZANO, July 5 Administrator, 4DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Estate of Jacob Swank, late of Johns , Cambria county, deceased. Letters of administration having been granted by the Reg later of Cambria county to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, and those know ing themselves indebted, to make Immediate paymenttothe undersigned. N. B. SWANK, Administrator. Johnstown.Pa., July 5, 1889. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Lettered Ad oration on the estate ol John Brady, late of the borough of Johnstown, county of Cambria, and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Thomas F. Brady, of said borough, to whom all persons Indebted to sold estate are requested to mane payment, and those having claims or demands will matte Known the same without delay to the undeislgnod or to O'Connor Bros., 89 Eranslln street, Johnstown, Pa. THOMAS F. BRADY, July 5 Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Letter of Ad ministration on the estate of Michael J. Murphy, late of the borough of Johnstown, Cambria county, l'a., deceased, have been granted to James B. O'Connor, of said borough, to whom all pereons indebted to said estnte are requested to make payment, and those having claims or de mands will make known the same without delay to the undersigned, at the office of O'Connor Bros. 89 Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. JAMES B. O'CONNOR. July 5 Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. —ESTATEOF MRS. MARGARET KKELAN DECEASED.—Letters of Administration on the estate of MARGARET KEEI.AN, late of Cambra, borough, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will prseent them duly authenticated for settlement, to July:s WM. GAFFNKY, Administrator. A DMINISTRATUIX'S NOTICE. j£\_ -ESTATE OF CASPER WILL. LATE OF JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY, DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration having been granted by the Register of Cambria county to the undersigned, notice Is hereby given to all persons Having claims against said estate to present them, duly authenticated, for settle ment, and those knowing themselves Indebted to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. ELIZABETH W ILL, Administratrix. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.- Lettere of Adinlnlst ration on the estate of PATRICK KODGEKS, late of the borough of Mlllvllle, county of Cambria, Pa,, deceased, having been granted to Ihe undersigned. All 1 persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having clalmslagalnst the same will present them duly authedlcated for payment.. NEIL SHARKEY, Administrator. W. HORACE ROSE, Attorney, No. (it Franklin street. Johnstown, Pa., July in. insn. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO DEBTOR'S AND CREDITOR'S—No s hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on the estate of C. Fitzharrts, late of Johns town borough, county of Cambria, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Michael Fitzharrts of said county ; o whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or de mands win make known the same without de lay to the undersigned at Gallltzlu, Cambria county, Pa., or to O'Connor Bros., Johnstown, Pa. MICHAEL FITZHAKRIB, Administrator. 1 EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Estato li of JOHN RYAN, DECEASED—Letters tes tamentary on the estate of JOHN RYAN, late of Johnstown, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons In debted to said estate are hereby notlned to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same will present them promptly authenticated for settlement to DAVID BARRY, Johnstown, Pa. JOHN BOWLING. Johnstown, l'a. M. I). KITTKLL, Ebensbtirg. l'a. Executors of the Last Will and Testament of John Ryan, deceased. JulylU-Gt ADMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE.- ENTATE OF MARY C. HAI.LKRAN, DE CEASED— Letters of Administration on thees tute of Mas. MARY ('. HALI.EKAN, late of Johnstown borough, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, nil per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estalo are hereby notified to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly aulhenlcated for settlement to JOHN COAD, JR.. Administrator. 4DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad stratlon on the estate of Thomas P. Carroll, hvte ot tho borough of Concinaugh, Cambria county, l'a., deceased, havo Itecn granted to John J. Carroll, of said county, tb whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to maKO payment, and those having claims or de mands will maxe Known the same without de lay to the undersigned, or to O'Connor Bros., 89 FranKlin street, Johnstown, l'a. JOHN J. CARROLL, Administrator.® il " I 111 I M ——— ECONOMY CLOTHING Co Kindly Asks the Public to Patronize Home Trade. Build up our Town and our own People. We are Chucked Pull of Every Imaginable thing in the Line of Men's and Boys' Clin Hats, Fiiisii Goods, Ms, Valises, BOOTS ana SHOES, CnOTHXITC. In this Department We have i Grand Line of Fine Prince Alberts, Cut aways, and Sack Suits ma-.e up in the Latest Cut, all Nice Fresh Goods. We have our Tailor working again to Alter any Defect which May be—in fact we were Never in Better Trim than now—our Prices are if Anything Lower than ever. Boys' Beautiful Clothing A Complete line of them from 4to 18 years—we have the little Suits from SI.OO up and as fine as you may wish—we Have Been Benefited by the lateness of the Season in Closing out little Odds and Ends from the finest Clothing Manufacturers, and our prices will be found very low. MEN'S, BOYS' A BID CHILDREN'S PANTS, All kinds and qualities. We can fit the smallest boy, the largest man. We can safely say that we are the only complete clothiers in town. Our prices are right down to bottom. HATS.—A full line of soft, stiff' or straw hate in every quality. We are anxious to serve the people, and any patronage bestowed on us is appreciated. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—The first, car load of them almost dazzeled lis; since then we Don't send away for goods. Spend your Dollars where you make them, where it benefits the town and the people. We have the goods you want, or will get them tor you. Economy Clothing Co, COR. FRANKLIN AND LOCUST STREETS. B. & B. An Institution of Real Merit —IS OUR— Mail Order Department The flattering favors bestowed upon it by the people are in testimony of its ben efits to them. The way to compliment this department, and to do yourself good, is to communicate with it at once. Your every want will be satisfied promptly and you will save money on ev ery article or yard of goods you buy. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE NOW ? Our Annual Summer Clearance Sales, which means bargains by ihe hundreds. Thousands of yards of Dress Goods, full of tone, style and effectiveness, worth $1.35 and $1.50 ; going at 75 cents. Special 50 cent and 25 cent Dress Goods Departments. These prices have been made " catch all " prices for thousands and thousands of yards of goods that sold at twice and even tliiee times the money early in the season—choice, wide and effective goods. Send for samples. Our Wash Goods Prices have lost all their starch, only tho shadows of their former selves, and just lu the midst of the Wash-Goods season. Anderson's celebrated Ginghams re duced to 25 cents a yard, as a bargain starter. The same story in the Challie depart ments. All our slock reduced to half. Nice and new ones marked at "clearance prices." 50c Zephryr Gingham Side Rands at 25c. 35c and 40c Zephyrs at 20c. 25c and 80c Zephyrs at 15c. Finest French Satines at 25c, 30c Satines at 15c and 18c. Write to our Mail Order Department. Mention this paper. BOGGS&BOHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA J j have sold over four hundred Trunks. We j have all kinds and prices. | FI RNISHING GOODS.—.lust as Com ! plete as Ever. Uunderwear, White or Colored j and Flannel Shirts, Collars, C'ufls, Neckwear, j Hosiery, Suspenders, Gloves, Overalls, Um l brellas, etc. We are bound to keep the trade Jat home—and our establishment brim full of I nice fresh goods. SCHMIDT BTILDDsG! Largest aud Most Complete Wine, Liquor and Cigar House in the United States. Established, 1836. Distiller and Jobber FINE WHISKIES. ______ SrN- .\\ , X \N> TELEPHONE a cA( \\V x S °' 666 ' Imnorter % V Wines, Liquors, \ and Cigars. 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. All orders received by mail or otherwise will recei Te prompt Attention. J AMIES CONDRi: jNT, Altoona, Ap^ent. , Near Philadelphia* 1 /f ( // * School Open** Sept. l(Ph* //// / fV/ vO ># / r Yearly Expense, SSOO. / /f / jl £ yf JS\ - Quarterly Paym'ts, 8135. r r //* I £? Jo,,*. -rodent. tioaid with the Principal. Tethers all mew and Grounds (ten acres) for foot-balb base-ball, ' , mm*. Every room has in it a steam radiator and special drill for bade athletics. etc. Gymnasium. Speculopportunmesforamsmde:^,lT n Electrical, or Civ.l- l- nyu,cerin K \ rfc- Etc. More fully suppliedwUh aP^™ tu * No examination* lor admission. New t £ c! SHORTLTUG'E. A.8.. A.M . Oiarratd Graduate), rtinemm *iill Proprietor. Media. Fa. Circular* at this idioe. BE TV R OTICE.— TEE KEYSTONE r\ BVILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of the Board ot Directors of said As sociation, held at the office of the solicitor, on Wednesday Evening, July 10, 1889, It was aimed. In view of the late unprecedented dis aster, that payments on I.oans, shares of stock, l ines, etc., and the usual business of the cor poration, be and remain suspended until the fltst Wednesday of September, 1889, at which time the payment of monthly Dues and Interest will lercmmence. An investigation lntotheaf lalrs of the Association having been had. It Is ascertrlned that the losses sustained by reason of t he flood have In no way affected Its financial solidity. The Account books and Papers are sale and Intact. nocKeatetahaving lost Books or i ertlffcatcs can have xtqjßcaies Issued upon calling at the Solicitor's eR;<%, Atea Hall, Alain street, on and after Monday, AfffSa'st 5,1889, and making due proof of toss. WM.B. KELLER. President. . R. BODES, secretary. R. S. Ml RI'HY, solicitor. ~A D MINI STB ATOR'S NOTICE— XI ESTATE OF JOHN COAD, SR., DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration on the es tate ol JOHN COAD, sr.. lale of Johnstown bor ough. cnmbrla county, deceased, having been granted to the undeislgncd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make In mediate) payment, and those h-vlng claims against the some will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to JOHN COAD, JR., Administrator. XTOTICE TO DEBTORS AND LL CREDITOR! .-Notice lsheiehy glventhat Tetters of Atimlnlsii alien on ihe estate of JACOB j OI F, late of Ihe be tOugli of Jrhnstcwn, Cam bila ccunly, ra., dee eased, have been granted to I j ihv 1111, e i ealu loictgb, lo vhcin all rcr eeps u retted to said estate me requested to n ike t ayn eni, i rel these havlrg claims or ele- I nereis will naif knewn the ftmcwllhcut delay to the undersigned or 'o O'Ccnr.orßrothers, No, 89, Franklin sticet, Johnstown, ra. July 13 MART 11011', ACnkrlsliaHl.T.