Johnstown weekly Democrat. (Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa.) 1889-1916, July 26, 1889, Image 7
THE FANCIES OF FASHION. SUMMER THEATER TOILETS AS SBKV iy FA ms. A Otmn Worn by •>i wlih *nru Bernhardt—Kl^- ure<l Guuztt Deafen* That Are Attract ing Attention —\othlnn I.oft of Uoi . nele, Tltey are HO Riitall. ~ In Tarls latitat (• a-'L- are appearing .-<> tin) theater it. most char 111 in *i i] su.inner toilels, "u.which are almo without excepti<> adorned with i fresli flowers. At I'-ivh 1 1 /truA the llrst preson ' J \\i( fA tation of "Leria,' 'Cfeitvi /Ay' vA ' ro,n an English "• aAVy novel to suit the /HSA 7 II\ " talents of Sara * I IMS- /fit! I • Bernhardt, tliat, ''CTttX celeb rated ac r'V. ■v ■ . ' Vjtoik tress enchanted ,-ii ffilfiV ji WM'f the audience by v- I'fj i\\ C 9 W the originality V i ' i V / /I ttJfcy and tasto of lior £ 7fill Ik. •*/il V different toilets. l v ii the third toi- JBMj} f. *f}s" ® let raised a ■X*. c'<A f fc' Ffy applause. Itwas - - \'X made of white """" t* ftn( j 0 u p[nk, tig mAitiK vai.t.ot oown. urod broeado with coral red plastron and devant, the bright line being softened by old-gold colored blonde. Collar revers and bolt were lilac velvet. A sweepingly long dress made of brocaded, white faille, lined with yellow satin und edged with white fur, was worn over a white crepe-do chine slip, hold in at tho waist by an old silver buckle, set with precious stones, whilst a small puffy sort of frill went round the neek. This wonderful dress formed the close of Sara Bornhardt's grand evening display. We have only space to notice one of the dresses belonging to the other ac ' triysses in the same piece, that of Mdlle. Marie Vallot's in the second act. It was made of old-green faille, veiled with em broidered cream colored tulle; the collar and sleeves were only tulle. A number of white ribbons fluttered down from t lie back of the waist. The straw hat was trimmed with lilacs and white ribbon. Plain, soft Vigogne harmonizes admlr able with chocked stuffs, care being -than the Vigogne. Illustration is RL Fw\ f\ made of fawn coI mLVI J I \ oredVigogno with I .TOU/\ V fronts of coarse l Wl\V\ white cloth orna metited with oxy lHHL£ The new woolen Kauzos were at seen with woven sion to admire their rich and harmonious combination. Finn stripes and (lowered borders in white silk, on a delicate green, or beige color, pale gray, pale blue, strawberry color, blight red or brown ground nro much worn and admiral. The cherry pattern is one of the mo-l conspicuous among new designs. Full sized shaded red cherries, with green leaves and stalks aro scattered either singly or in bunches over a plain ground. Bonnets have not only become lower, but the seem to be actually disappearing, ____ for tho newest for concert and the ater wear are lit tie more than a diadom shaped aSeMyvj *1? brim, differing tBYHSE 3 by the strings * mlWra \ only from a veri- T tablo wroath of *f 11 owe rs. Th < T t model in our illus trution is made of Bold passemon yr 'JjjjKff,jfi&iSjfyiU terie hung with bluish bead gre ''Wmm 'Sm. \tW ' ot,s overlaid wii h IHIWm ' a ' wr<>flt -' 1 box lOllUHmm/.H leaves; It Is no mistake, dear reader, even tho unpreten tious little shrub has been pressed into service. The modest border for old gar den beds Is now destined to frame tho fair faces of the beauties of tho season. But though a novelty, box trimmings are not likely to be long in the fashion, arid we advise ladles to adopt them soon before they become common. NOTES ABOUT MODES. The most valuable catseye in the world has just arrived in London from Ceylon. Fans for mourning aro made of black crape withoutornnmentationof any sort. Nainsooks and lawns are made up into wuists and worn with different colored skirts. Sweet peas and laburnum are the favorite artificial flowers in London this season. With thewaistmaile like a man's shirt, nqekties are worn which drop as low as the belt. The imagination has absolutely no play lif the matter of dress except in waist and sleeves. The trimming of summer hats, flowers or feather- is frequently veiled with net or tulle. l'iano backs and covers exercise the ingenuity and taste of every decorative art designer. •let passementeries have the effective b edition of satin flowers and leaves in t:.eir construction. lay kind of silk Ince done by machine is manufactured with as great success here as abroad. A tea gown of pale coral pink silk tailed with black lace la one of the sweot e,t creations of the summer. Silver gray broche alpaca was tho ma terial used for the bridesmaids' dresses at a recent wedding. Paris fashions indicate that skirts are to shrink iu leugth and show the boot to t ie ankle as tho wearer moves. ft Is a fad of wealthy ladies traveling abroad to buy a spoon as odd In manu facture as possible 'in each 'own they visit. Turpentine is a very good preventive aiainst moths. The unpleasant odor ••• sporate.H as soon as guv acuta are ez posed to the air The Plttnliurgli Philosopher ">n Heaver. John McKee, poet. pliilosoplier. etc., of Pittsburgh, writes to a paper in that city as follows concerning Heaver and Johns town. The reader will excuse John's or thography and punctuation. It is a style peculiarly Ids own : " Why don't the People of Johnstown appoint A committee of Kesponciable men and let the .Money be distributed to those who are in need insted of giving it to Heaver 1. suppose he w : ll keep it for his own ne. I. say that Heaver ought to he forced to uiveup the Money he lias re ceived they lost about nine or ten mil lions and they have received two millions I. think this is sufficient to ciivor all the losses why don't the people of Johnstown call upon a man like Foruker, Governor of Ohio To settle their affairs, he would do Juitise to the People He crossed the pontune brige with I tegmenta ofTrupes and Provisions intending to go to Johnstown hut iie did not get There lie went to Williiiinsport he goes To all the Country fares making speaelics and kiss ing the llab.ys—now if Foriker had been Govenir lie would had Johnstown Fixed up long ago I say send for Foriket I say when a man aint competent to attend his office lie should be discharged like any other workman an a Fool has no right to Im pose himself 011 the people I. say to the People of Johnstown lake The thing into your own hands And distribute the money Among those who have need And not trust it with men Who Pocket the halfof it I. hope that this letter Will he forwarded to Johnstown and adopted by the People And not let the like of Beaver impose upon them I. see plainly that Milatery men ought not to he allowed to rule this Country I. say the sooner the Government is taken out of the hands of Ihe Milatarv men the better 1. think this Letter will Kill Heaver for Ever. J. MCKF.K. 11 orri)' itll<l liit*u*illi*<l. Any one wishing to gratify his curioei ty respecting the horror of .Johnstown's calamity need only take a walk through what used to be the beautiful and highly cultivated grounds surrounding the old Morrell homestead, corner of Main and Walnut streets. With the nigh piles of wreckage, in tho shape of all manner of vehicles, twisted iron rails, destroyed machinery, demoralized pianos, huge trees, stumps and logs already taken oil, lie would reasonably supnose the grounds are pretty well rid of all accumulated matter. Hut a glance at the place will show that from three to live feet of debris of brokun boards, chips, sticks and dirt still await days and weeks of digging, shoveling and hauling. Then as he pushes his way over piles of obstructions toward Vine street, he will be amazed to see so many large buildings, that was swept down from different up town localities, crushed and jammed o get her in shapeless masses, that will re quire tin outlay of many hundreds of dollars and months of hard work to re move. lu tl reading his way amid lite wreckage of large box ami truck cars, wagons, carriages, buggies, large mmr sard roofs, mined houses, s'ables. etc., that are thrown together in apparently in extricable piles, between Walnut and Union streets, he is o.crw helmed with the magnitude of the task involved in their removal. After a cursory view of the h .nil le state of affairs, in Unit part -f ur deso lated town, one does pot v. oiidi-rat the vast expenditure "f in . .a in •> <tg die town again ,t all inn i "U \m: t \ '. fffius* ' ■ h l-tl.i dnnllng f'M*/ Ll.iiTS- , , . • *t<i Di*rr>|fWnt ./ J I • . ".!!• (ill.! I<r.t'ala*i '/• • / V I.J riNi of V ") ' ' • tbafr Itoit"■ -■ 5 " • 'OW nltisMeuinl very •. rtiUUl'liliM. TbMo •• wvll m f ■ •••" l trtur yon b*v kept theiu lo yoor loitn-i.'t • ;<i aiuwu tl.eiu iothoio who may htvu ch'' wu property; It la pis-i! • • ■■ NOUD fiOLllwitrlinai'Osr . • -Ahotylugof Um aaniplea Id a ; -trad* for oa;aft'l ourfaitt'l •. >uth'<rtwo wa uanally k ' ■ ' u 'fom Ihi •nrrntitiding " ■ ' . iter • knoM 11,1a mad' i- "<• ' ...e,i t once make'nut",f• troubl# for you to ahiiw- ;iu- . • .-lurhoma aad your reward • i •tairnrdoo which to write tin r t-'.!.:l • . ull.lfyoa do not care to gofurthur, ■* i '■ '-ifyoudo Mod your add re-- . „re, y ■ . • t!l. ,tia of tha :t solid geld wal.'lo S l.i th> v n.l 1 r lsr;<i Una of COHTLY NA.MIPE.BM. W* ?.* ■ II r-rlght, ta * tlO.,Koi. rU, ILANL, MAINS. The Old Doctors Drew blood, modern doctors cleanse It; hence the increased demand for Altera tives. It is now well known that most diseases aro due, not to over-abundance, but to impurity, of the Blood; and it is equally well attested that no blood medicine is so efficacious as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " One of my children had a large sore break out on the log. Wo applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sore would shortly heal. But it grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alterative medicine was necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparilla being Recommended above all others, wn used it with mar velous results. The sore healed and health and strength rapidly returned." j. J. Armstrong, Weimar, Texas. "I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla to he an admirable remedy for the cure of blood diseases. I prescribe it, and it does the work every time." E. L. X'ator, M. D., Manhattan, Kansas. "We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood-purifier." —W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. "Ayer's medicines continue to be tho standard remedies in spite of all com petition."— T. W. Richmond, Bear Lake, Mich. .JL * -* Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer tt Co., Lowell, Mass. Price (1; six bottles, IV. Worth ti bottle./ IWesßioun! Cards. HENRY H. KUHN, Attorney-ni. Law. omce opposite Flint. National Hank K0.11)5 Locust si reel, Johnstown. I'n. DANIKJ. M'LAUGH LIN. FRANK P. MARTIN A 'I TORSKrS-A T-LA H', NO. 117 FRANKLIN STREET septus .Johnstown, Pa. JAMES M. WALTERS, A TTORJSEY-J T LA W. oillcj No. 2, Aim a If all, Main street, Johne town, ru. AH business given fan bfulunn prompt attention. anl9 F F. J. O'CONNOR. j w B# O'CONNOR. O'CONNOR BROTHERS, ATTOHNEYS-ATQA U. Office on Fraoklln street, over PeVrtkln A Mil ler's store, opposite Postoflice, Johnstown, Pa. mnra JOHN S. TITTLE, JUSTICE or THE PEACE AST) NOTARY rtriti.rc. Office corner .Market and I.ocust streets, Oct) 2 Johnstown, Pa. (I w. EASLY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AM) SCRIVENER Office No. ION Franklin street, two doors from Griffith's Drug Store. mays | RVIN RUTLEDGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEA CE. officeoD Itlverstreet, neartlie KernvlUe Itrldge In the Fifth ward, Johnstown, I 'a. collections and all other business promptly at tended, to. inar.'i N. WAKEFIELD, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SI) SI-in; EOS Office No. 13 -Morris street, Johnstown, Pa. YEAGLEY, M D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. 271 Locust street, Johnstown, Pa. f OHN DOWNEY, CI RIL ENGINEER. office on Stonycreek street, Johnstown, Pa. VJ A. FEDEX. Si'lit lEON DEX- O TINT. Office in Border's new building, on Franklin street. AUk try Is of Dental work so licited. UOVI4 T Y. THOMPSON, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Has had a professional experience or over 35 years. ftTFilUllg Teetli a specialty. office Hooms, No. in Napoliuit street. JOHNSTOWW SAVINGS BANK NO. 192 MAIN STREET. CHARTERED SEPTEMBER 12, 1870 nK posits received or dollar and upward, no deposits exceeding a total or ts,MO will be received from any one person. Interest Is due In the months of .tune and December, and If not withdrawn ts added to the deposit, thus com pounding I ulee n year without troubling the de positor to call or even to present the deposit book. Money loaned onlJeol Kstnte. Preference with liberal lions time given to borrowers offering .v rlgages on farms worth four or more Mutes the amount of loan desired; also, moderate loans made on town property where ample secttrl' i is offered, (food reference, per fect titles, etc.. required. Tills corporationis exclusively a savings Hank. No commercial deposits received, nor discount made. No loans on personal security. lllank application- for borrowers, copples of tile rules, by-laws, ami special acts of the I.egts la'ure relating to deposits or married women and minors can be obtained at the Hank. 'I ki'stkks— Herman natuner, 11. 1., Yeagley, John llannan, .loin Thomas, c. It. Kills, Pear son Fisher. James j. i roiilmiser. John I.ownian, \V. It. bowman. James MeMlllcii. James (pilnn, Howard J. Huberts, wm. A. Stewart. <;eo. T. swank. Jacob swank. >V. V. Walters. James Mo.MUIen. President; John l/mmim, Herman 'Haunter, <ieo. T. swank, vice Presidents; W. C. Lewis, Treasurer: c yrus Klder, Solicitor, maris Lxi O. 2 7*39. First National Bank OF JOHNSTOWN, PA. No. 194 MAIN STREET. Capitol, - - SIOO,OOO surplus, - - $40,000 DIRECTORS: JAMES McMILLEN, PEARSON FISHER, C. T. FRASSKR, HERMAN BAUMER, lIMWAUL) J. RORF.RTS, GEO. T. SWANK, PERRY C. BOI.SINGER. JAMES MoMILLEN, President. 0 T FRAZER, Vice President. HOWARD J. ROBERTS, Cashier. Careful and prompt attention will be given to all business entrusted to this Bank. tnayai,'l Important to Railroad Men A. E. Smith lias been tor forty-nine years road master on the Boston ,v Maine system, and Is now residing at Great, Falls, N. H. He says truck men. brake men, Bremen, engineers and con ductors, as well as baggage musters mid ex pressmen, are subject to kidney disease above all others. All, therefore, will be interested in the statement of his experience. "I have used Brown's Sarsaparllla for kidney and liver troubles, and can truly say It, has done more for me than all the doctors I ever employed, and I have hud occasion to require the services of the hest physicians In the State. My wife also has been greatly benefltted by Its Hoad Master U. & M. H. R. " The kidneys have been labored hard all win ter, as the pores of the skin havo been closed, but now the springtime has come, and tliey need some aid. May be you have that pain across the back ; that tlrod feeling; those drawing down pains, if so, you can get immediate relief by following the example of Mr. siult li and Ills wife, and use that never-falling nnd grand corrector for the kidneys, liver and blood, BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genuine unless made by Ara Warren & 0 Bangor,Me. .. LEADING BUSINESS HOUSE OF PITTSBURGH ASH _ALLKGHENY CITY, PA tftTThe firms named below are the lead ing and representative ones in their re spective lines of Business. When writing to either mention this paper. PITTSBURGH:. HENRY HOLTZMAN & SONS, 35 SIXTH STREET. _ i- Lace Curtains, Portieries, AND TABLE COVERS. ,1 1 rpholstery Goods, etc. Reduced to special Bargain , ■ ' prloea A 000(1 stem-Winder Watch for $2.5 / jtK .. Only, and Warranted, ftt IJf ! ft/ c lAUCH, ffiSrHK' 041 Hmlthtleld St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Cash paid for old gold and silver. Commonwealth Hotel & Restaurant. lIKNKY L. liEKORK, PKOPBIKTOH, Cor. Grant & Diamond Sts., Pittsburgh, rw First -class .Meals For 25 Cents. CHA li I E8 I'FEIFEB, Men's Furnishing Goods u:i smith field stkkkt, 100 FKDEHALST., ALLEGHENY. Shirts to Order. We make all our own shirts, and our Custom Shirt Department Is the best equipped In the stale, we carry a full line of Full Dress, all over Embroidered P. Ks., and Embroidered Linens, and guarantee a lit. If you can not get a lit elsewhere give us a trial. cleaning and Dyeing offices at above locations. Lace curtains la untitled equal to new. Full Dress SUlrtK luundrled. Hand Finish, 'c - Dry Goods, silks, cloaks, No ••■lS-Sg'H<'1"11 st ®"* s ' " w j® ,wi ,>finn Wl ANTED - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN VV agents In every town to sell metal lamp wick; no trimming, cleaning, smoke or broken chimneys; sells on sight, big percentage, en tirely new, sample loc., or three for 25c. Ad dress KEYSTONE WICK CO., No. <lO Fourth av enue, room tl, Pittsburgh, l'a. Ache's Saddlery, Harness ami Trunk House. Wholesale and Retail. Horse Blankets and Lap Hobes; you can more than save expenses when coming to the city by dealing with us. GEORGE W. ACHE. 128 Wood St.. Cor. Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. ON L y s(i. Crayon Portraits, Life Size. Call and see before ordering, solar prints a specialty. Agents wanted. Mall orders solicited. TREGANOWAN ART STORE, No. 152 W.vlle avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. ALL LA DIES inter estedto learn Thorps . ■ tailor system 01 . ■ dress cutting, which -■ g E Is lKtth simple and -■ # reliable; taught at M the rooms. No. 2-■ I Sixth streel. close - H I to Sttspcuslon • W/\ 1 Bridge. Dress-cnttug School. MK Hog, Draping, and all the Finishing parts of Dressmaking. Miss C. HARRISON: 122 Peiiti avenue, Pittsburgh, l'a. ESTABLISHED 1870 —THE— CELEBRATED K__ SWISS STOMACH BITTERS, WILD CHERRY TONK" The Swiss Stomach Bitters are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Trade Mark, complaint, and every species or Indigestion. $1 per bottle; six bottles. $5. Wild cherry Tonic, the most popular prepara tion for cure of coughs, colds. Bronchitis, etc., and Lung Troubles. The ltlack Gin Is a sure cure and roller of the Urinary Organs, Gravel and chronic catarrh of the Bladder. For sale by all Druggists in Johnstown, by H. T. De- France, John M. Taney & Co., L. A. Slble. Cam bria. GEO. H. BARBOUR. CIVIL ENGINEER, surveys made and Platted. Designs and esti mates furnished for Bridges, Roofs, Mill Bulld lir's. Coal Plants, and structures or all kinds. 64 Fifth avenue, Room 68. W. S. BELL & C 0,.. (ifMfif At . 431 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa. A MAT En: PHOTO OUTFITS. Celelratel Prazmonskl I.ens, Catalogue mailed free. J. 11. Blair, 17 seventh avenue. Plttlsburgh HUILDERB' SUPPLIES. Fire brick, tile, sewer pipe, terra cotta goods, line, cement, hair, plaster, etc t*" WHITE FOR PRICES. MEMORY TRAINING. The natural method, easily learned, endorsed bv Dr. John Hull, Lb. I).. Bishop J. 11. Vincent. Dr. Joseph ccok. etc., etc. Lessons by mall only Three Dollars. SHORTHAND, taught by mall only Ten Dollars. Address Pitts burgh school of Memory Training and Short hand. Sackson Building, sixth street and I'enn avenue, Pittsburgh, Fa. MME. K> LLOGG has recently returned from Paris, and Is now es tablishing schools throughout the United states to teach ladles I HE ART OF DRESS CUTTING. n.Mine, Kellogg leads th" Inventors of the World dc Invehtlvejgcnlus as applied to ladles' garment uttP.g. she has Imitators but no equals. La oes bring a tlress and learn to cut and baste It a letlltlng. No. till I'enn avenue, Pittsburgh Protect Your Goods By using X. L. C. 11. MOTH PREVENTIVE. It Is far superior to camphor, cedar Chips, Tar Paper, etc., for preserving Clothing, Woolens. Furs, Feathers, fine fabrics, etc., from Moths and otner Insects. If you have goods to put away, try It JAM. I. McCONNELL JS CO., No. 115 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. For sale by all druggists, or order by mall. I)ii(ini',sue Wind Engine Co., JUL ' PITTSBURGH, PA. JsjfcSfßest Wind Power Engine In the World Send tor Descriptive catalogue. AgentsAVanted. /x Metallic Shingles. Strong, Durable, /Y N dtV and Easily Laid. SEND FOR CATALOGUE (// AND pr ! cl l,st KM K felUi .) JOHN C.CRAFF, PITTSBURGH, PA. ! \y v'/ bsJ >JLr Successor to Angl'-Amori* w LADIES, We have the largest assortment of Switches, Hangs, Ac., In the city, at exceedingly low prices. J. W. PECIv, - - 305 MARKET STREET. >kGamier's Dressmaking Emporium, (E Lr| 30 SIXTH AVE., PITTSBURGH. jh\m Dress Cutting and Sewing School. The J/mSLJlatest art of Dressmaking taught by gtO-ar square measure. S ffsetul for circular. GETTY & CO., Distillery Liquor Store, Nos. ISO and 182 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wliule.alo unci Xtotnll. Sell the nnest brands of R.vo Whiskies In the world. Golden Wedding, Gibson,Guckonheimcr, und othor celebrated brands. Wc guarantee pure Rye, by bbl., gallon or case of all ages from f3 to to per gallon, case goods, each bottle con tains a full quart, old Premium from tu to|i2 per caso ; a cases from $3 to to. n*Jlcnd order nnd enclose imoney at our risk. b.baumann. PHB Successor to Robert Anderson. Winks & Liqcohs 418 Ferry Ntreei. W orders by mall will receive prompt atten tlon. A. A. ItllLlilllAN I.tiirer Beer Bottled Beer Freeh and I'nlntable Carson street 8. S. Furnished In any quantl- Plttsburgh, Pa. ties either for Families, Mall orders Solicited Hotels or Restaurants. ALLEbHEK-Yi C. W. DITTMER, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER, No. 07 Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa. rroperty sold on commission. N2 sale no charge. Money to Loan, 5, o per cent. SPECIAL PRESENTS Will be given with every $5 worth of goods, Teas, Coffees. Spices, and Baking Powder, which we guarantee absolutely pure. Best, goods In the market for the money. Teas, 50, 00 and 80 cents, coffees, 25, 27, no and 35 cents. Baking powder. 40c. per pound, send orders to Atlantic Tea Co., 112 Ohio street. ALLEGHENY CITY , PA. 2w.Send for Price List giving full information ALLWOOLTANTSTOORDER FOR $3 OO live yull secured £ Mere Is ilie luiliiee jcfl offered Tor PIIII.S |\ \ I —3l ndc to order *4 "\\ \! y I Send Postal card, glv- Mr® "v\ r I lug your full address, Cl SI I and we will send you // / I I samples for our :i I L / J I l'ants and self measure ff n I ment Blank, or If you 1 11' I I cannot wait for Samp er- 11/1 1 I I t f ' s . fell us about ¥/ / I) /I L what color you would fiCl V like, giving us your . ~:i f/[ I waist, nip and Inside leg 1 I It®/;. measure, together with I; .im, $3 and 35 cents for post ' ■alf 1i ,'ilL age or prepaid express, and we will guarantee to v 3 please you or refund the money. Address, giving full name and Posl- Ofllce. CHAS. KLOPFER. 120 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, PA., corner Grant street and Fifth avenue, (Within a few steps of Fost office.) I'ITTSHUKIIH, PA. EVANS BROS. WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. CCHOOL NOOKS, STATIONERY, ARTISTS' MATERIAL. No. OK Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa. HOTEL CARSON 18 LACOCK STREET. Few doors east of Federal street, Allegheny. Pa., a strletly temperance house. Best meals and cleanest beds In the city at lowest rates, 11. KNOX, Prop'r. Allegheny College. 12 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. Thorough In struction In bookkeeping penmanship,shorthand and typewriting, telegraphy, English branches, Languages, Music, Elocution, vocal and instru mental Music, Painting and Drawing. Students may enter at any time. Send Tor circulars; ad dress the PRKSIDKNT. HOTEL WHITE S. E. CAItOTHEItS, Proprietor, McKeesport. Pa. Leading hotel of the city. Terms, $2.00 per day. Fine whiskies, tec., at the Bar. sth AVE. HOTEL. MoKEESPORT, PA. GEO. M. LEPPIG, - - Proprietor, First class accomodations to the trveltng pub lic. Terms $1.50 to $2.00 per day. Bar attached. B. & B. DRY GOODS 8T MAIL I We employ u large corps of competent people, whose only duty is the filling of orders by mail from our numerous cus tomers living at a distance who cannot do their shopping here in person. Whither you want a cheap school or house dress at 6} cents, yard, a Gingham, Satine, India Silk, Black or Colored Silk, or a Spring Suit of some of the new soft woolen fabrics, this MAIL ORDER DE PARTMENT is here to supply your wants. Everything most desirable in way of tex tile fabrics is here and at the lowest pos sible prices. In all purchases, quality is one prime consideration price another. In both these particulars we shall still aim to please you. Space is limited here. OUR NEW SPRING CATALOGUE AND FASHION JOURNAL Will tell the whole story. This Journal is published semi-annually for the benefit of our patrons living at a distance, but will be cheerfully sent to any address whether you are a patron or not. Write for copy. It costs nothing, and may prove a benefit to you. Mention this paper. BOGGS&BUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL STREET/ ALLEGHENY, PA. nr Wat,h TiriTiF Sold for® U li h H \ D®" l watch In tha world, p fl P P I r#rf4C( IIJjJLJ 'Cat.. • lioth ladies' aii.l^ I'l-ee, and after you hare kept (hem In your hom. for 9 monlh. .nd ■hown llmm (o (hoi. .f!i u!.™Vl.. wm, >ll aipr.M, freight, etc. Addree. otiu-uii tt Co., Aon. Ml9.l'orUa.d, Uuiof. KJllUl-lV MILLER'S OIL REFINING WORKS, ALLEGHENY, omce No. 338 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. D. MILLER & SONS, Manufacturers or High Test oils lor export ana home consumption. We call atten tloa to our brand or WATER WIIITK OXjISHNTE |l5O TEST Warranted None Better. Gasoline tor Stove and Gas Machines 74, 88, 87, 8 and 90 gravities. Lubricating Oils. twr WANTED— Staves and ueadtngs. oct-s'ty "Try Ayer's Pills"; For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Qout. Stephen Lansing, of Tinkers, N. V., says : " Recommended as a cure for chronic Costiveness, Ayer's Pills have relieved me from that trouble and also from Gout. If every victim of this dis ease would heed only tlireo words of mine, I could banish Gout from the land. These words would bo —' Try Ayer's Pills.'" "By the use of Ayer's Pills alone, I cured myself permanently of rheuma tism which had troubled ine several months. These Pills are at once harmless and effectual, and, I believe, would prove a specific in all cases of incipient Rheumatism. No medicine could have served me in better stead." —C. 0. Rock, Corner, Avoyelles Parish, La. C. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes: " I have used Ayer's Pills for sixteen years, and I think they are the best Pills in the world. We beep a box of them in the house all the time. They have cured me of sick headache and neuralgia. Since taking Ayer's Pills, I have been free from these complaints." " I have derived great benefit from Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was unable to do any work. I took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. Since that time I am never without a box of these pills." Peter Christensen, Sherwood, wis. • Ayer's Cathartic Pills,, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers In Medicine. CL 7e : H3XD! In consequence of license expiring for our Pittsburgh Branch S'nre. it has been closed. All orders for the old lieliable Silver Age Rye i Will be filled with the usual promptness Headquarters at No. 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. Trusting to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage beret ofore bestowed. Remain respectfully, ZvIA-ZXI KJjTFEUST, No. sa Federal street. Allegheny. Telephone 3013. Uuckenheltner. Finch or (Übson. as usual, 51 a quart, if years old, if for $5, silver Age, #1.50. Jysr-iy When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, was a Child, she cried forCastoria, When she became Mis., she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, 13 A TCMTC obtained for mechanical do fit i All 1 O vices, medical or other com pounds, ornamental designs, trade-marks and labels, caveats. Assignments. Interferences. Appeals, suits for infringement, and all eases arising under the PATfcINT LAWS, prompt- It attended to. INVENTIONS Tt.AT HAVE BEEN 131? H?f"l*X?T3 bv lhe Patent ottleo may nCUCU i oli stlll.l u most eases, be pat ented by us. Being opposite the Patent ottlce. we can make closer searches, and secure Patents mere promptly, and wit h broader elulms, than t hose who are remote from Washington. TMUE-WTfinC*"' 1 " s o' - IN V 4iN 1 Ultb sketch ..r your device; we make exuuunat lons /VirHf chtiryi', anil advise as to patentability. All correspondence strictly confidential. Prices low, and NO uiIAHKE UN LESS PATENT IS SEUUHEI). We refer to oiiictals In the Patent ofllce. to our clients In every Stale ot the Union, and to your Senatorand Representative In cony less. Special references given when desired. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Ofllco, Washington, D. C. H FORSALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. I I MAYER. STROUSE & CO. | 'The Greatest Cure on Earth for ruin." Will .n'i'i any other known rein- Swelling*. Stitf Neck, Uriiie. ' " i iit'- Sulfation Oil Irani* "our *4DC thW registei cil Ti :ule-Murk, and our I fno-slmlle signature. A. Meyer ffc Co., bole Proprietor?., Tlultiiiiotv, Mil., I". >. A. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP i Forthe cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse | ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Incipient Con j sumption, and for the relief of con i sumptive persons in advanced stages ! of the Disease. For Sale by all Dr; I gists. Price. 25 cents. mmm ■ -g M -u TKIIM popular remedy uever l uil t to I effectually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness Anil all diseases arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. The natural result St •;'! upttf tlte nsi.l NOlid flesh. Dose atr.nll: elc-annt ly bUiir routed and easy tvw. allot, SOLD EVERYWHERE. * ,