VOL. XXVII. INFORMATION, mst or ai;ti< i.kk rot ni>on ckksons imoWNKU. 1* lint Ibp < '<iiitnltl** nu Han In t'tn PoMPHhlnn Prol hW® \ That Some of the ltorilen May He M-entifleU ly the Article** FOUIMI on Ttw*r IVrnonH. We present this morn-rag a complete list of the valuables, papers, etc., found on the bodies of persons who perished in the Hood, ami also a list-of articles picked up in the debris, which have beeu identi fied by the committee, but which have not been called for. In burying the dead each body was 'numbered and the grave numbered to cor , respond so if auy <vf -our readers recog nized the articles foflowiug the numbers they may be able to identify the body buried under that number. The articles can be seen at room No. 8, Alma Hall, Main street, and all intormation in regard to them can also be obtained there. The first purl of the list contains those articles that w-erc found and brought to the Committee oa 'Valuables, and which were identified fry certain plain marks, and also a list of those brought in that could not be idcutiHed. IDENTIFIED (BUT NOT OA I, I.ED FOlt. Robert Adams, warrant for land. A. E. M., umbrella, g >ld handle. A. 11. Burlier, revolver, watch and key. Anna Bonder, bank book. James Baker, trunk. John Black, bible. Clans Bruhn. pass book. Nelson Day, package. Everliarl, trunk. Stephen Evanf,, money. George Geddes, paper, watch and money- Julia Fritz, money. Elizabeth Harris, papers. Hulbert House, trunk. G. B. Hulbert, papers. C. J. Harrison, papers. Knights of Honor, cash box and money. John James, papers. Maud Jordon, braid of hair. W. \V. Kling, trunk. • Lac, caue. John P. Linton, sword and papers. Simon Liuglc, papers. H. Levy, trunk. Longnccker. -silverware. Florence Masscy, trunk. R. A. Muter, tools. jUice Miller, papers and jewelry. M. E. <>., silver spoons. Wm. Patton, deed. Susnmdi Price, box. Geo. Peyton, papers. .lames Rabb. deed. Russell, revolver, etc, Fannie Swank, Bible. ' Conrad Smith,,papers. A. Stutzman. papers. P. G. Stewart, papers. Mary Scuulan, money, #350. Sisters of -Charity, box. Charles Zimmerman. Notary Public SeaL Charles Hoffman, package. J no. Betz, papers. Jno. Hoffman, papers. Jno. Seigh, papers. Anna Fleigb, papers. H. H. Hail man, book. Baeltbasa Hegcle, deeds. Mrs. Fleck, pocket-book. John Pearl, papers. Miss Pleighler, pocket-book. Anton Scblctt, book- John Brady, papers. S. 11. Perry, papers. Jacob an I Sophia P*lz, bank book. Susan-Popeozer. deed. Annie Mayer, deed. Wesley Adams, papers. Samuel Brown, papers. UNIDENTIFIED. Six coupons marked XOOIBOSD. One gold watch. Ladies' gold watch marked " A. H." Watch and script. Dress and piece of silk. Large crayon portrait. Pockctbook containing #lO confederate bills. Note book. Purse containing Confederate notes and coins. Clock. Two trunks. Money, #741.09. One small open-face lady's gold watch, marked " E M. B." One fine plush coat. One cane marked " F. W. C." One umbrella. Open-taced watch, ''J. J. G." on clasp. One microscope. t'REHBVTKRIAX MORGUE. 60 One rule. 41 Henry Brackner (supposedj; silver watch and two chains, lead pencil, pa pers and keys. 27 Philip Constable. 42 Watch, snuff-box and key. 65 Bunch of keys, collar-buttons and #2.68. 61 Watch and chain, comb, pen-knife, Key and money. 84 Knife, born and snuff-box. 82 One small pin and chain, one ring. 85 Pin. h 54 Mr. Evans (supposed); one book with W. 11. Clayter, No. 5348evcntli nvenue; knife. MORKELI. MORGUE. Unknown lady ; key and #2.21. Catholic lady; rosary and buncbof keys. Unknown man; #1.50 in gold. August Quit-key; knife. Unknown man ; knife. Unknown man ; pocket-book and #3.10. "Unknown ; silver open-faced watch with locket. FOURTH WARD MOIiOCK. 184 #2 in bills 69 cents. 149 Silver watch chain and 45 cents. 177 Tobacco box, knife, bunch of keys and #3.40. 240 One key and 1 cent. 240 Two sleeve buttons. 168 Rule and bunch of keys. 243 Breast pin and ring. —■ 7 cents, two knives, and key. 200 15 cents, knife, pipe and key, , Thomas Howe, 00 cents, two keys, 1 and buttoner. 234 One knife, JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1889. I 167 One pocket comb. I 174 Collar bull ms and 05 cents. I 302 W. Fisher, pen-knife. ! 264 Three rings, j 157 Pocket-bonk mid 10 cents. | 227 #7.76 in money. 130 One pair glasses, two pocket-books and (#27.27. 287 54 cents, watch, pencil, knife and key. 100 Pocket-book, knife and key. 160 Ring, breast-pin. 87 cents, and knife. 270 Gold watch, breast-pin and hat pin With set. 175 7 cents, ribbon and collar button. 206 Pocket-book and two knives. 274 Knile. snuff box mid keys. 170 #3.10, keys, watch and Chain. One watch. 285 Bunch of keys and spectacles. 201 Gold ring, breast-pin, and ear-drops. 264 Three rings. 270 Kuucklers and knife. 220 Key and two collar buttons. 220 25 cents and small key. 210 25 cents, set teeth and thimble. 208 #1.23 in money. Charles Bruliu #GO in bills, pockctbook and papers. Wm. Henry, Hulbert House porter,watch chain, knife, pocket-book and money. Chas. H. Wilson, clerk in Hulbert House, #2.11, pocket-book, letters, gloves and spectacles. John O. Richards, Rochester, N. Y., #ls in gold, #25 paper, 20 cents, spectacles, watcn, knife, match box, pipe and papers. Frank H. Harris, knife. Charles Beiiuke, pocket-book, pipe uud papers. 8. P. St. John, trunk. Unknown man, one gold watch, #3.82, sleeve buttons marked "R. L. U. J.," and penknife. Unknown lady, one small gold watch, marked I, E. M. B." KERNVILLR MORGUE. 23 One plush necktie and piece of cloth. 31 Memorandum papers, two lead pen cils, .piece chalk, pocket-book, #l.lO, brass check. 9 Ring marked "I. B." pair ear-rings, one collar button. 34 Two pieces cloth. 45 13 cents, collar button, scarf pin, steel chain, necktie and one shoe. 19 One piece dress. 00 Shoe, pair ear-rings, hair pin and two pieces dress. 73 John Chinaman, one watch, 30 pen nies, one key uud #5.15. 74 Pocket hook, bunch keys, sacred heart, silver watch, chain with charm and #2.56. 71 llreast pin with two rings. 78 Pocket-book, necktie pin, key and knife. 80 Pair ear drops, one marked 41 M. W., Aug. 12, 1888." 10 James English, money and baggage check. 6 One piece cloth. 28 Cloth with pearl buttons. 18 One pair ear-drops aud piece cloth. 58 One ring marked " R. 0., 1886." 65 Two rings. 68 One pair earrines with glass and sets, two rings, one marked "J. E:" 42 Broken engraved ring, one pair ear rings, one pair new shoes, two patches goods. 50 One shoe. 51 Catholic tar-ring with figure, six but tons and ring, 32 Opeu-factd watch, chain and bunch ■ of keys. I 12 One pair ear-rings. 31 Watch, gold k< y, cup and brush, razor, pair spectio les, knives, two re ceipts in German, and one piece of I dress. 4. 5, 6 Three children, small hatchet, chair and bottle. 55 Collar bottou with set and one breast pin. 52 One piece dies-. 51 Gold ring, pieet s clothing, shoe hut toner, gas key, 73 cents, and gum nip ple. I*. li. K. MOItGUK. 8 Three rings, one marked " F. M.,"and one ear-drop. 14 One ring, inscription in German. 235 Airs. Alice Jones; pocket-book, con taining 3 cents. 238 Open-faced gold watch, short chain, cross charm. 204 Money, medal with Lord's prayer on, gold sleeve-buttons, plain band ring, pencil, Odd Fellows' pin. 222 Purse containing 72 cents, one bunch keys. 133 Plain band ring, plain ring, with small set, one small loop of ear-rings. 155 Three keys, small piece of child's chain, 70 cents and English coin. 181 Medium plain gold ring, pocket-book with 5 pennies, small bunch keys, hand kerchief and pocket-book containing re ceipt of Charles Brixner. 106 Pocket-book and #6.35. 150 Purse containing money, thimble and breastpin. 227 Purse containing money, pen-knife and pair scissors. 117 Purse and knife. 182 Black set pin. 128 Large button and chased ring. 183 One ciiain. 173 Small plain ring. 230 One silver thimble. 149 Two car drops. 184 Pocket-book and keys. 101 #l. 194 One chased band ring and key. 185 Knife, bunch of keys and #1.13. 174 One plain band ring. 223 One collar button and money. 192 One plain band ring, one chased band ring, large key and breast pin. 200 I'lain gold ring and car-ring. 240 One initul ear drop. 248 Purse containing SO.IO. 250 Purse containing 20 cents, plain gold ring and shoe buttoner. 252 Two car drops, one breast pin con taining nine Rhinestone sets, and one chasca ring. 200 One purse containing 11 cents. 250 One pair ear-drops. 257 Pocket-book, pen-knife and ring. 258 One child's breast-pin. 255 Gold watch and chain. 273 Money. 300 Two rings, one marked " E. G." or " E. J." 205 Pair spectacles and rings. 200 Small plain gold ring. 280 One set plate teeth. 279 Marble and two piece of cloth,' 3 282 Knife and pipe. 298 Pocket-book and monev.T^f'^'fKit 274 One rieg, full figure of woman, one I ear-drop. 281 Pipe, key, watch chain and charm. 801 Two pieces of ear-ring. 314 Garnet ring and money. 297 One breast pin. 318 Comb uud 5 cents. 333 Breast-pin and collar button. 350 Set teeth, watch and charm, key, case and spectacles and match box. 859 Small child's ring. 384 Pair ear drops. 375 Scarf pin and collar button. 392 Plain gold ring. 896 Two chased rings. 379 Breast pin. 302 Knife, chain, 5 cents and cigar holder. ECHOES FIIOM THE FLOOD. Sad Stories From Survivors of tho Fatal Friday. Mrs. Mary Overbeck tells a sad story. At 7 o'clock in the morning of Friday, the 31st of May, the overflow of water from the river began to rush into the cellar of her house ; but neither she nor her hus band anticipated danger at that time, and lie started out as usual for his place of work. Finding the streets badly flooded, lie procured a raft and returned to take his wife to a place of safety. Before he reached his dwelling, however, its occupauts were removed to the residence of Mr. McMillon near by, and Mr. Over beck went himself to the Club House across the street from Mr. McMillen's house. The water continued to rise through the day, and the heavy rain obscured the' view between tire two houses. Mr. Overbeck called out at intervals to his wife, checriDg her and telling her that he would join her in the morning.' Finally at 4in the afternoon the tidal wave from the reser voir swept down the street, carrying houses, trees, and dead bodies with it, and Mrs. "Overbeck beheld with terror the porch of the Club House across the street fall. Mr. McMillen had taken thirty-two people into his house, which was a large, firm building, and when the rush of water came ho took them all up to the top story, where they remained until late Saturday morning with nothing to eat save a single loaf of bread. " Early Saturday morning," continued Mrs. Overbeck, '• I looked across the street and saw a hand protruding from a mass of debris near the Club House. I beg ged some of the gentlemen to go and see if they could find my husband. They did so and my dead husband's body was brought across and placed in the upper hallway of Mr. McMillen's house." Such was the ex citement and confusion at this time that Mrs. Overbeck could not get to her hus band's side, and she was carried to a place of safety without ever seeing him again, his body having been among those of the first to he buried by the relief par ties. As Mrs. Overbeck tells her pitiful story, there is a strange look of sadness, and she cannot repeat what she has suf fered without marked signs of emotion. THEY SAVED TWENTY-SIX PERSONS. Mrs. Emma Robb, stepmother of Mrs. Overbcck, another of the survivors, lived at the corner of Morris and Willow streets, South Side. She is a widow, and with her only daughter she fled to the upper story of her house, taking some provisions with her. Both before aud after the great tidal wave struck the house mother and daughter worked heroically to save the terror-stricken and half-drowned unfortu nates who floated past their windows. They succeeded in saving the lives of twenty-six persons, and early Saturday morning the whole party was carried on a raft to the upper part of Kernville. Held liy a Corp.se. Rev. Pr. Trautwein, of Cambria City, visited Rev. E. M. McKeever, of Latrobe, recently, says the Advance, and related the following incident of the flood which had not been printed heretofore : He was standing on the bridge on that aw ful Saturday succeeding the tfood and witnessed the attempt of workmen to re move a Miss Clark from the wreck, they had removed the debris from lier head and body as far as exposed, but still she could not be liberated. The flames were approaching, and Father Trautwein ad ministered the sacrament of the church to the poor unfortunate, who believed that she must certainly perish. In desperation one man dived beneath the water and endeavored to free her, when he found her one heel held in a vice like grip by a human hand. The muscles were set in death and it seemed that the unfortunate girl could not be freed from their awful clasp. An ax was procured and the hand severed from the arm, when Miss Clark was taken out. Both her legs were broken, but she was taken to the Hospital and is getting along nicely. The men then -went to work aud finally suc ceeded in getting out the body to which the hand belonged. Strange to relate, it was that of Miss Clark's grandfather, and it was-his hand that had almost dragged her to an awful death. Assistance Through Dr. Walters. Mr. Jonathan J. Lewis, of Pueblo, Colorado, collected from the employes of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, S(SB for tlio Johnstown sufferers. He sent the money to Dr. W. W. Walters in checks of $5 and one $3 check to bo dis tributed to the persons named. The doctor has been attending to this pleasant task of handing over the wel come Jittlo pieces of paper. | - ■■■•>■ ITT"" KILL*® AT HHBRIOAN. By Being: Kun Over by a Freight Train Going: Kant. Tuesday afternoon about 3(30 o'clock persons standing on the platform at Sheri dan Station were horrifled to see the re mains of a man on the track immediately after a freight train hud passed eastward. As there was no one in sight when the train came along, he either fell or jumped from the train aud was drawn under tho wheels. The remains were horribly mutilated, but were gathered together as best they could and put on the mail train, arriving here at 4:11. They were taken to the Millville Morgue where they were coffined, and, if they are not identified, will be buried with the flood victims. The party killed was a man about 85 years of age. and weighed about 140 pounds. He had on working clothes and a small miner's lamp was picked up where he was found. There were no papers by which he could be identified, hut his right arm was tattooed with ordinary ink with the letters "J. B." and on the right arm was a small dagger. His hair was dark-brown and he wore a rather heavy moustasche. It is possible he may have been a brakeman, hut it is hardly likely. The New Minister. Rev. Paul Glasgow, of Tamuuqua, Schuylkill county, has been chosen pas tor of the German Evengelicnl Lutheran Zion Congregation, this city. Rev. Glas gow preached his first sermon last Sun day morning in the temporary quarters at Hansman's Hall. Rev. Glasgow succeeds Rev. Licliten berg, who had been in charge but a few days when the flood came and carried to their death himself, his wife and four chil dren. Rev. Glasgow has his head quarters at No. 197 Napoleon street. Cannot Find His Family. Pittsburgh Chrontele Telegraph. The man Lehr, who shot Scott at Con fluence yesterday, formerly worked for the restaurant in the Diamond Market, Allegheny. The proprietor says he was there hut a short time as a second cook, but was perfectly sober during the two months he was engaged. He said his mother lived in Allegheny somewhere, and that his father was in the Lehigh rpgion. Nothing further could be learned of him. A SwlniHlni- Scheme Detected. A lot of loafers around town had con cocted a very neat scheme to swindle Con tractors McLain & Co., which was nipped in the bud yesterday. They would go to work for a half a day or so, and after get ting a cheek on the boarding-house would only show up at meal time. In this way some of them got several weeks' free board, but they will more than likely have to earn it double now, as information, un der the boarding-house act was made against them yesterday, aud they may have to work their fine out on the streets. Gave Hail. At a hearing before Squire liutledge yesterday at 2 p. M. on a charge of as sault and battery, preferred by Phillip Berg, Hmry Steamier, the defendant, was held in the sum of §2OO for his leap pearance at Court. More trouble will grow out of this litigation. Let us have peace. A Belligerent Husband. He had imbibed too freely of intoxi cants, and conceived the idea that some one must feel the force of his displeasure. There were no men about whom lie consid ered his equals,and he was at a loss what to do. In custing about he saw a medium sized woman, Mrs. Charles Elwine, his wife, and at once proceeded to pummel her. A black eye, a contusion on the neck, and several bruises about the body was all the physical damage suffered by the poor woman, when a stranger passing in his wagon, saw the fracas, and decided to take a hand in it. Charles Elwine soon regretted that more secrecy was not giv en to his pugilistic efforts, and slunk away the worst whipped man in town. All this occurred near Lincoln Bridge yes terday afternoon. Up to last accounts no arrests had been made. J'rlnce Knimell Harrison. llow dazzling is the reflected glory from the Executive Chair of State. Our Presi dent's son Russell is the heir apparent te all of Uncle Sam's dominons. The great son of our great President, is having a royal time of it in .England. Our own Russell is of one of the most distinguished of all distinguished individuals. Our Prince Russell can fairly claim a place among the distinguished ones of the earth. He has dmed with Queen Victoria, lunch ed with the Prince of Wales, dined with the Marguis of Salisburry, bought fancy neckties, silk handkerchiefs, silk under clothes, silver-mounted perfumo bottles, monsgrammed tooth brushes,aud all kinds of the most delightful things, and has carefully packed them in the most beau tiful Russia leather valice with initials R. H. He will bring these home with him, paying duty on them to the great delight of his grent daddy and mamma. Dazzling indeed, is the ieflected glory from the Executive,lamp of State. te • SOMERSET TRAGEDY. A YOUNG PITTS III'KG HER MUKDEREO BY A DRUNKEN COOK. The Victim a Son of John Scott, of Pitts burgh—Scene of the Horrible Aflatr Near Continence—Pleasure Turned to Mourn ing—The Murderer Taken to the Som erset Jail. Charles Scott, son of John Scott, the stone contractor of Pittsburgh, was shot and instantly killed Sunday by James Lehr, of Allegheny. The shooting took place at the camp of the Eureka Fishing Club of Allegheny, near Confluence, near Ohio Pyle Falls, on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The body of young Scott was taken to Pittsburgh yesterday morning, accom panied by his companions who had gone to the camp with him on Saturday, and now HesatMoreland's undertaking rooms. The funeral will take place from the resi dedce of his father, John Scott, on Stan ton avenue, East End, Wednesday, at 2 P. M. Gus Straub.an eye witness to the tragedy, described it as follows : 1 ' Saturday night young Scott, Wm. Marshall, Thos. Nis bett, Mr. Echenlaub, Chas. Kurtz and myself went to the camp as guests of the Eureka Club. We had a most pleasant visit till Sunday afternoon. Mr. Scott aud I had been up in the woods near the camp and came back about 4 o'clock. Some of the -boys told us they had been having some trouble with Lehr, the cook. He had bceu drinking heavily, and Harry Knorr, one of the members of the club, told him he could have no more liquor. Lehr chased him from the camp with a revolver in his hand, but Anally came back. While he was gone Mr. Kurtz knocked the spigot out of the beer keg and let it run in order to prevent Lehr from getting any more. Lelir then made for Kurtz, revolver in hand, but did not shoot. He was in terrible anger and threatened and swore around for a long time to tho terror of all in camp. " Up to this time Lehr had not said a word to Scott or Scott to him. Finally, about 5 o'clock, some of the members of the club said to us that as there was not much chance for supper, the way Lehr was acting, that we had better go to Con- Cjeucertor supper. To this we agreed, and all started from camp. Scott was the last one to leave the camp. He was about one hundred yards behind me and was standing in the door of a tent. lie oalled to me to wait and scirted toward me. He had come about t>-n yards when Lelir coinc toward him aud calling liinr a vile name, said, ' Where are you going; you come back here.' Scott faced hirn and said: 'I am going to Confluence.' 'No you are not,' said Lelir, and pulled out his revolver and, as Scott moved away sideways, fired a shot at him. Scott then moved away furthei, hut all the time keeping his eyes on him, wher Lehr fired again. Then Scott tired a shot from u little revolver he had. I called to liiin 'o run, and he turned to do so. when Lent fired again, and the bullet struck Scott in the back. He fell and never spoke a word, dying instantly. " Some of the boys hurried to Conflu ence, and the magistrate and a constable at once went to the camp. When they got near camp, Lehr pulled his revolver again, but the boys persuaded liim to put it up. He did so and he was arrested and taken to Somerset,where he is in jail. The magistrate held an inquest, and four teen witnesses told the same story I am telling you. " There had been no fuss of any kind between Scott and Lelir, and the shootiug was entirely unprovoked. Lehr was the only man in camp who was in the least affected by liquor, and I would not have anyone think for a moment that liquor had anything to do with the fusa, as far as Scott or anyone but Lehr was concern, ed. I know that Scott had not had a drink since 11 o'clock in the morning and all day he did not drink over two or three glasses. " Scott happened to be the last man to leave camp, and I believe it would have been the same had I or any one else been the last man. Lehr was in an ugly mood and seemed determined to pick a fight with some one. He was fussing all the afternoon, and became almost crazy with anger when Kurtz knocked the spigot out of the beer keg. " There were six shots fired—four by Lehr and, I think, two by Scott; but as far as I could tell Scott fired in the air, and after Scott fell Lehr fired another shot. From where Lehr fired to where Scott stood was 120 yards, and that his aim should have been so true is a marvel to me." Charles Scott, the victim of the shoot ing, is the son of John Scott, the well known Pittsburgh stono contractor. He has a brother in the firm of Vincent & Scott, tho East End carpet dealers, in whose store he worked, and also a broth er in tho firm of Scott & McLean. 110 was about twenty-ono years old and unmar ried. NO. IE THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT SFOtt* THAT OVER Six ThouHaml Per*onn Were Lost lr. Great Calamity on Friday. May :Sla Yesterday the Bureau of Information closed its Department, having completed its work. The work was com. it re ed by Colonel John I. Rogers, continued by Mr. Harry Keller, and completed by Mr. H. A. French. Mr, C. B. Clark's registry, just man a short time before the flood, made our pr t • ulation a little over29,i)oo. The Bureau'/ canvass and registry makes the number of people who survived the Hood, including those who are living here and those who have gone away, 22,889. This leaves 0,111 people as the number lost. Mr. French thinks these ti._ ures are asntar correct as they can be lu-ule, and that it could not possibly vary . ver four hund red. About 2,000 bodies have been re covered. These statistics which have been care fully compiled are now i lie possession of the Board of Inquiry, a will be given to the State Flood Comn i i-.n, and will be regarded as the official ..ures. It is hard to think tb.it ix thousand of our people were lost in m calamity, bu; that is the number the .'iiicau of Infor mation arrives at after careful research, having resorted to eye: means of infor mation which could be H ached. DEATH OF ,r .S!tlDlC. Annie Frankhau*er Chu •£<'•! With His Death—She is Now A in,; u Hearing. John Mcßride, of Pri -,>■-ct, died at the Cambria Hospital T i-sday morning about 2 o'clock, of cuc.ussirn of the brain. On July 15th last, Atni Frankhauser, a resident of Upper Prii ,>ect, was iu one of her tantrums, and. assaulted young Mcßride, and struck him on tli; head with a stone, fracturing nie skull. Yesterday luformn ii m was made by William Baker, who was an eye witness of the assault, before Justice Bland, and a warrant wiai i-sued for her arrest and placed in the bauds of Consta ble Porter R. Miller, who arrested Aonie yesterday morning about 11 o'clock and locked her up. Coroner Evans was notified of tlis death, and at once in pane >ud a jury, consisting of Stephen 11. (In-gory, John T. Graham, W. J. Gil ion-. John Pen gaie, William Post, ami VbraLiUiJii - more, who sat at 2 o'clock \ .-sterday ov< - eoiug, but adjourned without taking tes timony, to meet again litis evening at 7 o'clock at the coroner's office, when wit nesses will be examined. Jlcßride was about nineteen years old, and lived on Prospect, near the Cambria Hospital- Annie Frankhauser, his assail ant, has made frequent appearances in the police court as prosecutrix and defendant, and bears a reputation of an unenviable character. A Man Probably Fatally Hurt. Charles Ellsworth, an employe in the Cambria Mil's, sustained what may prove to he a fa ul accident. He was assisting In raising a boom when the strap broke and precipitated the unfortunate man fif teen feet to the floor, breaking hi 3 jaw and cutting his face severely, and perhapa fracturing his skull. The accident oc curred yesterday afternoon about 3 p. V. lie was hastily taken to the Cambria Hos pital in a buggy, where Dr. \V. B. Low man dressed his wounds, the doctor said he was suffering from concussion of the brain and that he could not at the time tell the extent of the injury, but that it was a very serious case. The patient is a young man and hails from Pittsburgh. Respect to Their Employe. The officials of the Western Luton Tel egraph Company are making provisions for the support of the family Harrison A. Jackson, of McConnellsburg, who per ished in the Johnstown flood. Mr. Jack son was employed as lineman, with head quarters at Derry, and was ordered to Johnstown on the day of the fatal disas ter. He was removing wires from tho first to the second floor of the telegraph building, when the water struck the building and drowned six out of seven of the employes. It is learned that the com pany have agreed to erect a house at Johnstown for the family of the deceased, and to pay the widow her hus band's former salary—s9o per month- For the Information of Applicant*. All requests for housekeeping goods, furniture, bedding, mattresses and cloth ing must hereafter be made to the Com mittee of Ladies of the Conemaug'u Val ley, in compliance with an order signed by Captain 11. 11. Kuhn,liead of the Com missary, and Miss Clara Barton, President of the National Red Cros9. The Conemaug'i Valley Committee con sists of Miss Elizabeth Tittle, Chairman .; Sirs. Arthur J. Moxham, Mrs. Herraast, Baumer, Mrs. Thomas Brown, Mrs. Charles Griffith, Sirs, Mary Parks andllisa Mary Howe, with headquarters in tin temporary building at the corner of Ls cust street and Park Place,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers