The Democrat. FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1889. KELIKF COMMISSION. Important Meeting nt Crennon Yterly. Au important meeting took place yes terday afternoon at Cressott. at which our local affairs were represented by James McMillen, Cyrus Elder. W. C. Lewis, A. J. Moxltam and John I). Roberts, officers and members ot the Finance Committee, and the State was represented by General Hastings, Governor Beaver attd others. A committee from Wllliamsport was on hand to represent the interests of that section of the State that was also the vic tim of a flood. What the outcome will be is not fore shadowed, or at least not wired to Johns town up to a late hour last night. Report says that a Mr. Reeves, one of the Gov ernor's Commission, said yesterday " that he knew there has been no suffering in Johnstown on account of money not be ing paid out, and that the Relief Commit tee at Johnstown has #150,000 in its pos session now " that it does not know what to do with" And further that the distribu tion of the remainder of the money "will depend on Mr. McMillen's committee at Johnstown agreeing to our plans laid down at Harrisburg." In view of these statements we shall await the result of yesterday's meeting with no inconsiderable impatience and anxiety. That there are #150,000 in town lying around loose because there is no place for it, sounds rather funny. WHO GOT THE MONEY. Startling Statement by Governor Heaver Yesterday— 5T, 500,000 Already Expend eil. In speaking of the work done for the relief of the people here, Gov. Beave yesterday made the remarkable statement that #1,500,000 had already been expend ed for the relief of the sufferers. Gov. Beaver ought to know what he is say ing, but we venture the assertion that if one-third that sum has been expended, the sufferers in this val ley did not get it. A million and a half dollars is a large sum and if that much has been paid, the expenses of running things have been very great. Our people arc suspicious of the actions of Governor Beaver, and if he tries to make the country believe that even one-half this sum has been legitimately spent here for the re ief of the people they will want to see the figures. THE MONEY TO COME. 9500,000 to I>© Paid Out at Once—So Sayn tlie Governor's Commission. Mr. Tom L. Johnson, Chairman of the Board of Inquiry, James McMillen, A. J. Moxharn and W. C. Lewis of the Finance Committee, ami others who hud gone to Cresson, returned about 10 o'clock last night. Messrs. Johnson and Moxham were seen while on their way home, and it was learned that the Commission had practically agreed to the recommendations of the Board of Inquiry as printed in ful in the DEMOCRAT on Monday. This will provide for the immediate payment of al claims in classes 1, 2, and 3 and will re quire an even #500,000. Judge Cummin will be here to-day, and if lie is satisfied with the registry, as it is, he can begin paying out the money at once. It is to be hoped that this will be much more quickly done than the payment ot the #lO a head has been. FEKBI.ES. She: "It must have been an awfu storm to blow away the lighthouse.' Cholly: " Terrible, my dear; but it could have onlv been through careless ness that there was a lighthouse in such an exposed place."— Life. " Please, ma'am, will you give me an old suit of your husband's clothes? lam one of the Johnstown tiood sufferers." " Poor man ! Of course I will. Come right in. So you were in that dreadful flood, were you ?" "No, ma'am, out my wife sent all my clothes to the people who were " < fmalia Youth; " I'vt! called for my new spring suit." Average tailor: "Sorry, but it is not finished." Omaha Youth: " Why, vou said you would have it doue if you worked all night." Average Tail or : " Yes, but 1 didn't work all night."— Omaha WorUl. The conversation turned upon a certain gentleman who is not what you may cul a brilliant speaker. " lie lias only three faults," a friend apologetically remarked "1, he reads his speeches; 2, lie reads them badly; 3, they are not worth read ing."—/, Caricature. The Dentist's daughter (who hoars her father approaching): " Oh, dear Edward, here comes my father I If he should find us together here we are lost. Oh, lie is coming! You will either have to ask for my hand or—let him pull out a tootli for you ."—Fliegend Blatter. Colored Lad; " Gcminan to see ya, mum." Lady of the house (at break fast): " Very well, John ; show him in to tlie parlor." John; "Oh 1 but it's the gemiuan come to sweep the cliimblcy." Lady (much nettled): "Then show him ip the chimney."— Philadelphia Ledger. Hiss Green (just returned from a West ern tour;: " Oh, Mr. Noddy, we had a most delightful trip! The Yellowstone Park was beautiful, and the sunrise which I saw there was simply grand!" Mr. Noddy: "Yoas! But—aw—excuse me —but I wasn't oware that the sun ever rose in the West ."—llar])er' Bcuar. IN THE BULL RING. v x~77 WAS early In my seat, for flVio, /[ ' I like, above all things, to tlffl . Bee th® motley crowd of y sun-burned Spaniards come #■ V 'jj trooping to their national ly . game. I was not tn the VL sorabra or shady scats, for I prefer to take my place v \ among the crowd, one of whom I almost am now, and, moreover, what right has a penniloss young artist to spend a dollar on seeing a bull fight? How noisy and hot and dusty they all looked us they trooped In and took their seats around me! I was surprised at tho crowd, there was no great matador going to kill bulls to-day, yet all the cheaper seats were filling. I asked my neighbor, a peasant lnja Hat black hat, trousers, and highly decorated gaiters and a bright waist coat, and wearing his coat slung from his shoulders. "Senor," I said, "can you tell me why so many people are here today?" Ho looked at me a moment with an ex pression of surprise. "You do not know!" He spoke with a strong Andaiusian accent. "Sebastian will kill the bull." "Sebastian?" I said. "Senor, do not think me ignorant, hut I know no bull fighter of that name." He laughed. "He has nevor killed a bull before: to day Is his first. He comes from this part; that is why every one is hero." Then he added: "I will tell you his story. Sebastian is only a muleteer who once a week drives a caravan of mules from his mountain village to this town. Once a weok he comes with his burden of fruit. But ho Is poor; tho mules are not his; he only works for another." He paused for a moment and he added: "You aro a stranger here?" "Yes," I said. "I arrived yesterday." "Then you do not know Juanita—La Bella Juanita we call her?" He did not wait for mo to answer his question, but continued: "Every one falls In love with Juanita, and Sebastian, like the rest, did too. He prayed and besought her to marry him, but she is proud and would not look at tho humble muleteer. But after u time his handsome face and oft repeated tale impressed her; so slio told him she would marry him if he would kill a bull in tho ring at today's fair. But hush! Hero sho is." I turned in the direction in whioh he was pointing, and gazed with astonish ment at one of tho most lovely creatures it has ever been my lot to see. All eyes were fixed on hor, yet she was as Impas sive as if she woro alone and unnoticed. Her light, golden hair —not uncommon among tho Spaniards—was bound up high upon her head, and surmounted, by a dark crimson rose, which held in its place her mantilla ofblack lace. It was time the bull fight commenced, and already tne impatience Spaniards were shouting and calling, but yet tho qobernador had not taken ids seat in the box reserved. I was all impatient to see Sebastian, and his was the first bull he killed. I gazed hastily round the ring; what an anomaly it presented. Near me, but in the bettor seats, wero a lady and her two little girls, whom she was feed ing on chocolate and whose tiny hands were all ready to clap tho victorious ma tador. Behind and around me were the jaunty, dusty crowd, among whom passed anil repassed the sobers of water, with their shrill cry of "Aqua, aqua fresca," and the vendors of biscuits and uuts. Below is the arena with its burning yellow sanil, a miniature desort. Suddenly tho band commenced to play. I turned, and saw that the administrator's box was no longer empty. A small man in a black coat and u silk hut hud taken his seat, surroundeu by half a dozen officers in full uniform and a lady or two. One by one the spears of the picadors were handed to them, and he measured the points to see that none were beyond tho prescribed length—suf ficient to slightly wound and enrage the bull without endangering its life or injur ing it seriously. Four of the matadors were profession als; the fifth —to whom was given tho place of honor in the center and slightiy ahead—was Sebastian. All eyes were turned on him. A gate is open in the arena. With a roar, uiid a -iiout from - the people, the bull rushes from his darkened cell into the ring. He looks around him; for a moment he paws the ground; then, led on bv the moving cloak of one of the matadors, he charges. A graceful bend of the body and a slight movement to ono side, and iHo bull has passed his quarry, who stands untouched and smiling be hind him. Again he charges, three times in quick succession, but. his horns touch Homing moii' solid than the crimson cJouk, which waves above ids head each time as he passes the matador. For a moment "toro" stands as if stupefied ; then espies a larger and safer foa.iL, rani with a fearful rush lifts horse and picador into the air, hurling them to the ground in a heap. The matadors are quick, however, and while the picador is being helped I o his feet and the attend ants are u -addling the horse, fast bleoo ing ' > death fiotu a wound in its side, they 'Mi, off the Hull by waving their cloaks and keep his attention lixed ou tliemseive... He is n good bull. The people are delighted. "Ilrnvo, toro!" they cry. "I'ruvissimo!" Another horse falls dead, the third is .rounded and let out, tlio fourth killed, but the Spaniards are not satisfied iu Hi dr love of blood. Two of the matadors step to the side of theuiviitt, leaving their cloaks and taking i i each hand a banderillo. They step into the "enter of the ring, and poising the: ist lvo-> m tiptoe, holding the bande rillos i'ur above their le ads at arms' length, face the bull. A moment the now .minus beast pauses, then with a charge makes f> :• one of iiis adervsaries. tor a second all is a cloud of du :. in which the .jdvaiidug of bad and mun are sen.. Ely uD.-cniibloj tie nt x:, tie bull is bellowing round the ring with the points of the bander ios fast in his shoulders, and the bnmlcriiloro is smiling and bow ing unscathed. There is no need for five banderillos on this bull. Four times do>-s he receive the sharp-fo-ked points, and four times does he miss his man. The bugle sounds. Snbaslau who up to now lins gazed in a care jars way at the scene, stops forward, takes the sword uud the Hag, and with a gallant stride marches to the ad ministrator's box, where he swears to kill the bull. There is a deafened cheer as he throws his hat among the people to be held till lie returns victorious—or dead. I turn instinctively toward Juanitn; she was leaning back in her seat, slowly fanning herself, her half-closed eyes scarcely conveying even an expression of interest in the proceedings. Seflfcstlan faces the bull, the Hag in his left hand, his eyes watching the beast's. His hand is as steady as a rock. The bull charges; I drew a quick breath; Sebastian is all right; gracefully with the ease of a practised bull lighter, he escaped the horns, which merely touched the scarlet ilag. A eheor rings out from the crowd, bringing a flush to his cheek. Again the bull charges, again and again ; each time Sebastian is unscathed, but as yet he hue had no chance of killing the bull. He is faring It now; elowly he rateca the sword—the point never trem bles. For one s • ond all Is dust, the next 1 saw his manly form laid out full length iu the sand. Accustomed as I am to bull tights I shuddered. "Ho is killed!" cry the people; "he is killed 1" The bull never looks at him again, passing on to attack the cloak of one of the matadors. I gazed at Juanita once more. Her expression lias not al tered to the last degree; her fan merely vibratos a little quicker. I hated the woman. A shout from the people recalls my at tention. Sobastian lias risen, picked up the sword and flag, and is facing the bull once more. There was silence in the ring Jiike death. Again the sword is raised, again all is dust, again a form lies prostrate in the sand—but this time it is the bull! Sebastian has killed it at one stroke, a feat seldom accomplished by ev< 11 the masters of the art. Never have I heard such a shout ns rang through and through the build ing as Sebastian approached the gobernador and bowed. He is paler than ever, but a smile of victory, lights up his lips. Then, sword in hand iio turned, approached, and faced Juanita, ills dark eyes gazing into her face. Her expression is the same us over; as he bows to her she never ulters a feature. Tbero is no smile of encourngouieut, scarcely a sign of recognition; she plucks a rose, however, from her breast and throws It to him. He stoops and picks it up, and, with his eyes fixed on hers, lifts it toward his lips—hesitates—throws it to the ground and tramples it under foot. A deafening cheer arises from the crowd—cheer upon cheer. I looked for Juniata. She had left the ring. Five minutes later, as Sebastian passed through the archway into the open air, still in his deep scarlet and gold, a dag ger was burled deep in his breast. I saw Juanita do it, and it was the only time I ever saw her smile.—Black wood's Magazine. Tit A CES or A VANISHED It ACE.