flte §oHnotoum Democrat PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, No. 138 FRANKLIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA CO., PA. TERMS—M-SO per year, payable in advance; i> itMde the oounty, flfteen cents additional for • 10. If not paid within three months S2 will is- iurged. AJpuper can be discontinued at any ; iu by paying arrearages, and not otherwise. lie failure to direct a discontinuance at the i ' ration of the period subscribed for, will be cou-ldered a new engagement. -Veto .subserfp llon.l must be accompanied by the CASH. L. D. WOODRUFF, Editor and Publisher. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1889. ROGER Q. MILLS, of Texas, aspires to be Governor of that great State. Chauhoby Dki'Ew takes no stock in the new fangled theory that marriage is a failure. To a newly-wedded friend he writes: To be engaged to the woman you love is happiness; to marry her is heaven." THE collections of internal revenue during the first eleven months of the fis cal year ending June 30, 1889, were y130,- 088,908, being $5,934,308 more than the collections during the corresponding period of the last fiscal year. WHY NUT ? That's the question of the hour, with reference to an immediate distribution of funds now on deposit in banks that weie raised for the relief of our suffering peo ple. One dollar would be of more use now than five in three months from this time. This opinion is shared in by all persons wc have spoken to. Four geutle men from dilfereut parts of the Btate representative men who paid our office the honor of a visit yesterday, were emphatic in their condemnation of the policy of keeping the money another day from those for whom it was contributed ; and said Governor Beaver ought to attend to it at once. The four persons were officers of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania I. O. O. F., namely, Messrs. Muckle, Hall, Moore and Freeman. MB. GLADSTONE, now in his eightieth year, is a maryelous man in his physical and mental preservation. He is a splen did illustration of the fact that great and prolonged mental nctivity is not incon sistent with a high degree of bodily vigor. Again oil Ileck. ureensburg Argus. "We congratulate our unfortunate friend, L. D. Woodruff, Esq., of Johns town, upon the re appearance of his val ued newspaper, the DEMOCRAT. Its first issue since the flood came to the surface, as it were, on Friday last. Of the plucky editor's trials and hnidsliips his paper speaks in tones of touching pathos and sadness, though untiuged with a single in dication of despair or despondency. SPEAKING of the rumored castor oil tnt. the romance about a *000,000,000 coal trust, the announcement of the forma tion of an ice trust, and the storj' about a $25,000,000 plug tobacco tru9t—all of which have come to the front within a week—the New York Pre** sensibly ad vises that " whenever you see a trust head, hit it! " The trust business is get ting monotonous, and one of these tine mornings the people will rise in their might and effectually squelch them, as they ought to. To tlie Front Aan in. Somerset Democrat. We gladly welcome the JOHNSTOWN DEMOCRAT, which after a month's suspen sion forced upoh it by the deluge of May 31, has come to the front again and will hereafter be regularly published. The first Dumber issued siuce the flood was the WEEKI.Y DEMOCRAT of July 5 and it contains many sad but interesting ac counts of that black Friday, when the city of Johnstown, the pride of the Cone maugh valley, was almost wiped out. Mr. Woodruff, the publisher and editor, deserves the earnest and hearty support of the public, as he was one of the heaviest losers by the flood. The publication of the DAILY DEMOCRAT was also resumed on Monday. Mncn is said from time to time about the fast rate at which Americans live. Pessimists are never weary of quoting sta tistics to prove that the English race in America is coming to a speedy and igno ble end. But figures, as compiled by medical societies and insurance compan ies leave room for encouragement to the people of the United States. The aver age length of life in Russia is 28 years, in France 455, in Euglaud 50, and in the United States 55. Or, at least, these are the figures quoted before a late meeting of the State Medical Society of Georgia. Surmounted All Olmtiicleit. somerset Herald. The Johnstown DEMOCRAT found its way to Somerset Mouday morning, Its first appearance since the flood. The DEMOCRAT office muuaged to escape total destruction, hut it was badly wrecked, and brother Woodruff has had a hard time getting on his feet Again. Nothing in the world is as easily disarranged as a printing office, and nothing as hard to get into its normal condition. The DEMOCRAT has surmounted all obstacles, and is again to the front, as bright and as newsy as of yore. Dr. Endsley, of Somerset, is assisting Mr. Woodruff in editing his paper. FATALITY AMONG PROMINENT CITI ZENS. After all is summed up and balances struck, it will be found that all loses in other directions are mere atoms in com parison with the destruction of human life. The town as it now is contrasts sadly enough with what it once was in every respect; but in no other particular is the contrast so sad, so mournful, so over whelmingly touching as it is in reference to men, women and children. Strangers coming here see on every hand ocular demonstrations of material losses, in the destruction of property. In viewing our waste places, our barren streets, and acres covered with wrecked matter they need no one to tell them of the losses of buildings—of the millions thus represented that have been swept away. And impressed with what they see, but little, if any, thought is given to the thousands that were buried in the ruins or swept down in the angry water, of the vast number whose lives went out with the Hood. And even those who survive, do not yet realize the irreparable loss the town has sustained by the drowning of some of its noblest citizens. The fact is the ex citement, the worry, the anxiety, the work of living, of keeping alive after such peril ous adventures in and escapes out, of the flood, have left but little time or opportu nity for thinking about the dead. Many of them who were carried or hauled in a wagon to the cemetery,and ac companied by only two or three friends hastily deposited in the grave, would have had large funerals had they died un der ordinary circumstances. The tinding of each mutilated body and its burial, were dismissed from the "public mind with a simple remark, " well, that makes o many to-day." This is by far the most sorrowful fea ture of the awful things connected with, and consequent upon, the town's de struction. The list of promineut men, useful men highly respected men that have been numbered among the victims of the flood is a long and sad one. As time rolls on. we will slowly awake to the fact that the community has suffered far beyond what we even now think, in the death of so many of our best men. In business quarters, the list is a de plorably long one, as follows: John Dibert, of the banking house of John Di bert & Co.; Howard J. Roberts, caslder of the First National Bank, J. P. Mc- Couaghey, John Brady, John Ilyan, John Fenn, M. S. Maloy, John H. Fisher, Sam uel Lenhart, Christ Kimple, JohnStreum, Jacob Swank, Geo. Unversaght, A. Na than, S. Goldenberg, Samuel Eldridge, Alvar Akers Abram Eldridge, Augustus Young, W. W. Pike, David Creed, W. D. Kirby, Capt. O'Conuell, George Raab, Jolm Schiifhuuer, Alex. Ivilgore, Charles Murr, John Coad, Got. Hoffman, Lou Benford, L. S. Clark, Alex. Recke, Louis Luckhardt, Emil Young, 8. T. Bloueli, J. G. Alexander, H. G. Ludwig, John Frank, Henry Pritchard. In the legal profession three are gone: viz; 11. G. Rose, John \V. Weakland, Theodore F. Zimmerman. The medical profession has been called upon to mourn the loss of six of its num numbur, namely: L. T. Beam, J. K. Lee, J. P. Wilson, H. W. Marbourg. W. C. Beam. G. C. Brinkey. In the long list many hag families, out of which comparatively few were saved, and in some instances nearly all were lost. ON Saturday of each week during months of July and August tickets good until Monday will be sold to all points on the Somerset and Cambria K. B. at ex cursion rates. J ttDOB MASTERS, who took time by the forelock, saved himself and family by go ing to the hill above Adams street, at 10$ o'clock Friday forenoon. He says when the official notice came at 2:30 o'clock that the dam would break, lie felt that was the time for him to fly to safety, and acted accordingly. He further says that he warned all he came in contact with, some of whom denounced the statement asa"d d lie," invented to scare the people. Before goiug to the hill lie went up Railroad street as far as the Gautier Works and gave the warning. Do NOT, in this warm weather, convqj-t the stomach mto a refrigerator for the whole system and endeavor to reduce the temperature of the body to a comfortable point by swallowing quantities of ice water at short intervals. The evil effects of ice-water are well known. When taken at meals the sense of taste is impaired. The indigestion, to say nothing of more serious troubles, which arises from the free use of ice-water, would entitle it to be set aside. Water at fifty degrees is co'd enough for drinking purposes. Drinking very cold water, like drinking very hot beverages, is a habit to be avoided. The extremes in this matter, as in most other cases, are dangerous. An Excellent Paper. Westmoreland Democrat. The first issue of the Johnstown DEMO CRAT, since the terrible flood, appeared on Friday last. The office of the DEMOCRAT was badly wrecked by the relentless waters. Brother Woodruff has our sym pathy in his misfortune and best wishes for success in his plucky efforts to again come up smiling. We hope that a long period of prosperity will attend his lubors byway of reimbursing him for his heavy reverses. The DEMOCRAT has always been an excellent paper and we are confident that it will soon be itself again. THAT DEATH-DEALING WAVE. It* Velocity, It* Appearance, "<l the Ml*rhty Gnat or Wind That Preceded It. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The velocity of the wave is an interest ing subject of inquiry. The information upon this point is in some respects puz zling. Young Parke, the engineer of the South Fork Lake, stood by the dam and saw the water go over the crest and eat out the lower side of it. He says the water commenced running over at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and that the dam gave way at 8 o'clock, having sustained this wearing-away process for two hours. The clocks in Johnstown show that the water reached there at 4-07. The wave then was an hour in traversing the twelve or fourteen miles of narrow valley to the place where il did its greatest destruction. The fall in that distance is about 560 feet. The velocity varied. It was uot so rapid in the upper part of the valley. The people at South Fork, the first settlement in the way, escaped without exception. The losses of life were comparatively small at Mineral Point and atConemaugh, but when the wave readied the latter place its velocity was tremendous. From there to Johnstown the wave had a straight course, and it moved with a speed which can only be estimated by comparsion. The whistles of the engines gave the alarm. The people looked up the valley, saw a black mass coming straight toward them, and tried to run up stairs. The water entered the houses and mounted the stairs almost as fast as the people did. At least that is what many claim as their experiences. The railroad men who saw the wave from the tops of cars and from the hills at various points gives the movement the character of a succession of checks and rushes. They say that the vast load of trees, houses, earth, and other wreckage which the wave carried with it caused a temporary dam to form a dozen times on the way down. Coming to a place where the valley suddeuly narrowed the mass of timbers and trees would be crowded and would s'ow up. Behind the dam the waters would back up until the pressure would become too much, and then the mass would go out with a great rush. Foreman Kelly, of the Pennsylvania road, said one of these temporary checks oc curred near Conemaugh. The water was thrown back aud the spray dashed forty feet high. The whole suriaceback of the moving dam surged and boiled. But the cheek was only foPafcw moments. Then the mass let go and moved straight down the valley, striking Johnstown squarely in the centre, crossing through the heart of the city aud plunging over Stonycreek and into the South Side before its impetus was again checked. ForemanKelly thought the centre of the wave was at least fif teen teet higher than the outer edges. This scries of checks of the wave on the route down is the only thing which will account for the length of time occupied in the passage from the dam to Johnstown. The speed was much greater than four teen miles an hour while the wave was moving. If there had been no holding up, the route would have been traversed in half the time it was, but the force could have been hardly more destructive. William Davis,the agent at Conemaugh, observed what others noted, the rolling and boiling and grinding movement. The water was carrying a great load, but the logs and other objects were being continu ally tossed above the surface as if the mass was full of life. ' Another phenomenon which many saw was the wind just ahead of the wave. That wind, Foreman Kelly said, actually moved houses from their foundations be fore the wave reached them. This ex plains in somo degree the declarations of one class of eye witnesses who saw the wave go by while in its greatest velocity. These insist that there did not seem to be any water in the front of the wave. The front, according to their description, was a rolling collection of trees, rocks,houses, timbers, cars, earth, grass, i.nd every thing else moving down the valley, with a great lake pushing behind it. Of such appearance was the front of the wave, they say, until the valley widened at Woodvale, and there the water came for ward and mingled with this moving dam, and the whole mass, without any regard to the river's channel, plunged through Johnstown—at the same time a hurricane, an avalanche, and a llood, witli all the de structive powers of each. ASSORTED SMII.KS. Hotel Mail: That must have been a big drunk when Goliali got slewed with a " sling." Atchison Globe: A man never knows that a woman has any old clothes until he has married her. JVcio Orleans Picayune: Kind words never die; but they frequently stay a long time from home. Binghamton, Republican : That mercurial persons are usually thin seems to dis prove the saying that haist makes waist. Baltimore American: The discipline in the navy is so strict tiiat they even dock the vessels that fail to keep up with the rest. Yonkers Statesman: Did you ever no tice when the tragedian cries ; " Fly for your life ! " how naturally his companion takes to the wings? Homerville Journal: You can buy a pigs in-elover puzzle far two cents now, but it sn't any easier to put the pigs in the pen ban it was when the tiling cost a (lime. Burlington Free Press: Tell a woman that she looks fresh and she will smile all over. Tell a man the same thing, and if he doesn't kick you it is cither because he has corns or daresn't. THE ARMAGH DISASTER. oirm or THE MOST SHOCKING CATAS TROPHES or ALE. ■oai df tile Dtltlii Blot PnblDhed Be ttor* Is thla Country— How Seventy flve Children and Sunday School Worker* Met an Untimely Death— Nearly 300 Badly Injured. The pictures herewith arc from photo graphs showing views of tho wreckage after one of the most shocking dlsastors that have evor taken place on any rail way in the United Kingdom, causing sev enty-five deaths and injuries to more than a hundred and sixty other persons, mostly children and young men or young women, on Wednesday, June 12, near the town of Armagh, in the north of Ireland. A holiday excursion had been arranged by the pastor and teachers oonnocted with tho Sunday school and Methodist church, Armagh. The place ohosen was Warren- ABOUT THE LOCOMOTIVE, point, a favorite watering place on Car lingford bay. The excursionists were mainly children of both sexes, ranging in age from 7 to 10 years, accompanied by their teachers and a large number of grown-up friends. Tho party numbered In the aggregate about 1,200. The Great Northern Eallwav company set apart for their aooommoaation two special trains, the first of which consisted of thirteen carriages and two vans, with M 0 passengers, drawn by a single engine; It was in charge of Joseph Elliott, clerk in the traffic manager's office at Armagh; William Moorhead, assistant guard; Thomas Magrath, engine-drivor; and Henry Parkinson, fireman. Two miles from Armagh there is a steep Incline, on an embankment, near Kil iooney; and doubts wore felt, beforo starting, whether one engine could draw so many carriages up tho incline. The driver, Magrath, when the station-mas ter thou offered to sond on a second en gine to assist him, is reportod to have said he thought his engine could do it; tho conductor, apparently, was unwil ling to have the tTaiu delayed. It was closely followed by tho ordinary passen ger train, lenving Armagh at 10:20, its usual time. Both trains moved on, but the second train was stopped at Anuaclaro bridge, having, it Is said, gained somewhat upon the excursion train. The lattor had got □ear tire top of th© Inolino when the couplings about the oeutor of the train were, by some means, unfastened, and the hind part, consisting of seven car riages, all crummed with people, began to run backwards towards Anflaclare bridgo. The descending carriages ac quired a tremendous momentum, and dashed into the standing train with an awful crash. Some carriages were tele scoped completely; others wore smashed to splinters, one or two mounted to the top of the heap of wreck almost intact. The ombankmeut at thp point whore the collision took place la from 00 feet to 70 feet high; some fragments of the car riages and a few of the bodies were thrown down its sldo to a considerable distance. The bulk of the wreck and nine-tenths of the unhuppy victims were, however, to be found within a limited area. Most of the people in the last two carriages woro killed outright. Four persons—two men ahd two young girls— were dug out from boneath the over turned engine, which was twisted and battered in an extraordinary manner. There were few men among the excur sionists; some of the railway officials at tached to the trains were themselves injured ; great panic and confusion pre vailed. Many of the children rushed about screaming, wild with terror. Some of the toachors, however, soon recovered their presence of mind. Help arrived from Armagh and other stations; the work of extricating the dead, the dying and the injured was begun in earnest. Ttds work was difficult, and not unat tended with danger; huge pieces of timber and iron wore poised in such a manner that their removal had to be ef fected with great care lost they should fail and crush those who lay boneath. A VIEW OF THE WRECKAGE. The dead were at first laid out In rows near the scene of the disaster; many of them wore so dreadfully crushed as to be almost unrecognizable. Tho wounded who could bear removal were taken to Armagh after such hurried assistunco as could be given them on the spot. They received the devoted and skillful atten tion of physicians and surgeons who has tened to tiio town from places as far dis tant as B I fast and NeWry at the llrst in timation that their services would bo useful. I-aou' in the day 'he dead were brought iu'o Armagh, and placed in the. mnrket-hou • and the Tontine. One of those killed is Mr. Samuel Steel, magis trates clerk of the Armagh pettv ses sions. The queen has sent a urns-age of sympathy a. id compassion to the mayor of Armagh. It is stated by several witnesses at the cosrmer's inquest, and at the official in quiry opened by Maj.-Gen. Hutchinson, Board of Trade inspector, that Mr. Elliott, tho traffic conductor in ohargeof the train, ordered Moorhoad, the guard, to uncouple the carriages and detach tho hind part, when the train could not move; and that ho persisted iu having this done, in spite of Moorhead's objec tions, and of the romonstrancos of ono or two passengers. When the detached carriages began to run backwards down tho incline, Elliott, who was on the line, told the men to put on the brake, and to put stones under the wheels; but this was not sufficient to stop the carriages, whioh ran down a gradient of one in seventy-five, a distance of a mile and a half.—London Mews. r _„ J/ i | = | ,! f I\? \ (w\\ Ar J = : III| • ' " L " ' I. • '-' H >T ~ •V.'.J- '\ V' ' r - M- - !.' yVi nf i v ' jlh / ,'J a ! '\YT\ ? \\ ~~~ I' ' 1 ! ' v / PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. The makers of the Ivory Soap have ! v engaged in the man ufacture of Soaps for over fifty years, ami the " ivory is the happy result of their long otperienc.. :v. ••'. A unuut--tio:iai>;j ' e map to be used by nU who valu the udvv (-vote ! beiov) of Ell ::! Richards, Instructor in Chemistry, V.Vm.m' Laboratory, Massa.lv.:- tts In stitute of Technology, who r.yr. "In the purchase of - -p. it is "safest t> c 'oo. a the n kc < some well known and lo;n> established "firm who Lave a reputation to i->.;e if their product Is not good." • iy,- r>r) ov K'-NPN'IN'G > Then are many -vl inn- :. mh >r-ret9ntaj to bo "j- ?i r.s good as the 1 Ivory'; " they ARE NOT, but iike all co'interfeit:, lack t h e peculiar r.nd remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask f.v "Ivory" Soap am! insist upon getting it. (V.'v- >,r 19.0 V b - f - r ' - ' Real Estate For Sale. JOHNSTOWN'S NEW SUBURB, JVT o x h ;i IV£ ALTHOUGH situated nearly two miles from the heart of town. It is con nected with the same by the Rapid Transit Railroad, On which trains run every thirty minutes, and alter July Ist. will run every fifteen minutes. The fare is the same as on the street cars, Ave cents; time eight minutes. This makes Mox liam equal to a walk of only four squares from the post-ollce; In addition to widen, the new VALLEY PIKE runs through the heart of the property and forms the main thoroughfare,making a short level drive Into .Johnstown over a good roadway and heavy steel bridges. The large number of houses already erected at Moxham nave Instilled even' modern Improve ment, among which may be mentioned A GOOD SEWER SYSTEM. The Waring sewer system has been adopted, with Flush tanks. Over half a mile of sewer Is already laid. A GOOD DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM Has also been provided. The rates are 25 per cent, less than Johnstown rates. NATURAL GAS Rates are the same as In Johnstown. This, to gether with the WELSBACH INCANDESCETT GAS LIGHT, For home use, gives Moxham every modern facility. The well-known Von Lunen Grove, The summer evening resort of Johnstown, Is sit uated In the very heart of the property. On one part of the property set by for the pur pose, there are a large Steel Plant, a Foundry, and several other factories, employing together from 700 to sou men, and several more likely to soon lie located there. Over sixty tasty houses already built and this number will be doubled this year. The lots are 40 by 130 feet. The streets laid out for a width of sixty feet, Including side walks. TERMS LIBERAL. For prices and Informa tion apply to JOHNSON ALLEN, Agent, Bedford Street Station, Johnstown, Pa. maya-eod-tr BALTIMORE APUJ OHIO RAILROAD. SOMERSET AND CAMBRIA BRANCH. Distance and Fare. Miles. Fare. JoUnstown to llooversvllle 18 $ 55 Johnstown to Stoyestown JJJtf 75 Johnstown to somerset 3t> 105 Johnstown to ltockwood 4fi 3 30 Johnstown to Meyersdale .. 58 177 Johnstown to Uyndmau so 1 40 Johnstown to Cumberland osjtf 1 50 Johnstown to Washington aid 5 75 Johnstown to Baltimore asii 7 34 Johnstown to oonnellsvlllo 83 J6 1157 Johnstown tol'lttshurgh 14> 4 33 JOHNSTOWN MAIL EXPRESS. leaves -Yi/rf/i. | Leaves Xorlh. liockwood... 5:30 a.m. ! Hock w00d... 11:35 atn somerset... 8:53 a. m. | Somerset 3:58 p.m. Stoyestown.. 7:31 a. m.Stoyestowu.. 1:38 p.m UNIONTOWN W. & B. EXPRESS. Lean*. | Arrive*. Pittsburgh .. 7:00a. m. | ltockwood ...11:15 a. in. McKeesport. 7:88 a. in. j Meyersdale. .11:15 a. m. W. Newton.. 8:35 a. m. j Cumberland. 1:15 p. m. Connellsv'le. 9:30 a. m. ; Washington. 7:80 p. m. Ml. pleasant. 8:40a. in. Baltimore ... 8:30 p. m. Ohio Py1e....10:15 a. 111. , PhU'delphla. 4:00 a. in. LIMITED MAIL EAST. heaves. 1 Arrlvee. Pittsburgh...ll:3o a. m. ltockwood... 3:53 p.m. .McKeesport .13:03 p. in. Meyersdale.. 3:18 p.m. W'st Newtonl3:37 p. m. Cumberland. 1:55 p. 111. ConnellsvTe. 1:30 p.m. Washington. 9:85 p.m. Mi. Pleasant, 1:55 p. m. Baltimore.. 10:45 p.m. Ohio pyle.... 3:oop. in. PhlladelpTa. 4:00 a.m. LIMITED MAIL WEST. Leave*. I A IT inn. Phll'delphla..l3:os a. m. | Ohio Pyle 4:17 p. m. Baltimore ... 8:00 a. m. ; < onnellsvllle 4:55 p. m. Washington. 8:55 a. m. | Mt. pleasant 3:30 p. in. Cumberland. 1:35 p. in. W'st Newton 5:43 p. 111. Meyersdale.. 3:00 p.m. McKeesport.. 6:15 p. m. Rockwood... 3:37 p. in. i Pittsburgh .. :sop. m. UNIONTOWN K CUMBERLAND ACCOM. Leaves. ] Arrive*. Cumberland. 8:50 a. in. 1 connellsv'o..l3:Bs p. m. Meyersdale.. 10:38 a. m. | W't Newton. 1:80 p. in. Rockwood... 10:55a. 111. i McKeesport.. 3:14 p. m. Ohio Pyle. .. 11:50 a.m. | Pittsburgh... 3:50 p.m. BALTIMORE A WASHINGTON EXPRESS. Lean*. A prices. Pittsburgh. .10:30 p. m. 1 Meyersdale.. 3:31 a. m. McKeesport. 10:55 p. m. i Cumberland. 8:55 a. m. W't Newton. 11:35 p. 111. 1 Washington. 8:35 a.m. ConnellsvTe. 13:30 p. m. Baltimore . 9:15 a.m. 01110 Pyle... 12:56 a. m. PhlladelpTa. 1:80 p.m. Rockwood... 1:55 0. m. I CHICAGO EXPRESS, Isave*. I Arrive*. PhlladelpTa. 4:50 p.m. Ohio Pyle.... 4:3oam. Baltimore... 8:00 p. in. I ConnellsvTe. 5:10a. m. Washington. 9:05 p. m. | W't Newton. 5:57 a. m. Cumberland. 1:80 a. in. I McKeesport.. 6:80 a. m. Meyersdale.. 8:13a. 111. I Pittsburgh.. 7:10a. m. Rockwood... 8:40 a. m. I New Picnic Grounds. TT ANTNER'S GROVE, near Som- IV. erset, Pa., on the line of the 8. & C. H. K., hasbeen thoroughly cleaned out and flitted up with covered (lancing platform, shelter, tables. tents,booths,etc.,and will he rented to picnic par ties at a moderate charge. The It. & o. R. K. will give special excursion rates to organizations and will run special trains to suit any arrangements that may be made, f'or Information address W. W. PICKING, Traveling Passenger Agent B. ,to. R. R., som erset, Pa. may3o-mth JAS. A. M'MU.I.AN. U. L. COt'I.TEK. MCMILLAN & co., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 219 Main Street. Dealers In FINE SANITARY APPLIANCES. OAS FIXTURES, and everj thing pertaining to the business sole Agent and Manufacturer or the JOHNSON PATENT -PIRATED CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN. mayai FOR HALE.. The undersigned will sell at Private sale, 7 5 Valuable Building Lots Situated in the West End 01 MorreUvllle. The lots will be sold on reasonable terms. This Is part of the late JOHN P. STHAVEK Estate. apr27-3m STKAVKB HEIRS. WM. J.FRIDAY senior Member of the Late SCHMIDT A ' FRIDAY DISTILLED AND JOBBER IN Fine Rye Whiskies, AND IMPORTER OF 'Vines, Brandies, Gins and Ales, Ho. 203 LIBERT? ST.. PITTSBURGH. DANIEL VcORORY, Agent, Joiustowc. | Ocean Steamship Passage FOREIGN DRAFTS. PASSAGE TICKETS TO OR FROM EUROPE BY PROMINENT STEAMSHIP LINES. Also, Dralts on all pans of Europe at Lowest Rates. W. C. LEWIS AT JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK aorffiw-aturW THE LOWBT RATES Oil THROUGH TICKETS TO THE WEST and SOUTHWEST The Free Chair Car Line The Shortest and Quickest Route to KANSAS OITY, ST. JOSEPH, Oil AHA, AND ALL POINTS WEST. For Tickets, Maps and further Information ask your ticket agent or write A. M. BRAC ftENRIDGE; CENTRAL PASSENGER AGENT, COR. SEVENTH AVE. AND BMITHFIELD ST., aug!B PITTSBURGH, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers