nr the " J |f ft. In the depths of mldnlgA "i mmm Whet fancies haunt the brain. ; When even the tigh of the aleepae OK ij Sounds like a aob of gain. A sense of awe and of woinler I may never well itertne. For the thoughts that ooiue In the ahadotra Never coma iu the ehlne. The old elor.k down In the parlor, " Like a slcepl* * luourner grieves. And the seconds drip in silence As the rein drips (torn the eaves. And I think of the hands that signal The hours there in the gloom. And wonder what angel watchera Wait iu the darkened room. And I think of the amiling faces That used to watch and wait. Till the click of the cluck woe answered By the cliok of the oi>euing gate. They are not there now in the evening— Morning or noon—not there; Yet I know that they keep their vigil Aud wait for me aomewhere. —James Whltcomb itilev. THE S I OLE. Bat Ilia keperior VVua Willi Hint. OffletoJl responsibility in China Is a very different matter from ollieial responsibil ity in this couutry. In the i'elcin Gazette recently itUc governor of the Htuiuu prov ince reported that some thirty boxes of bullets, weighing about a ton in all, being government stores, were deposited iu a temple at Kai-feng Fu under charge of a soldier, subject IO inspection twice in twenty-four hours by a petty officer. The soldier being very poor—for no doubt Ids pay was in arrears, as usual witli'Chinese troops—determined to help himself !• these bullets, and proceeded to abstract them from the boxes at various times und sell them to a tinman, who melted them down. Iu this way the soldier gradually curried away the greater part of h.s charge, and then, seeing the theft must be discovered, sooner or later, •deter mined to make it appear that the bullets hull been carried off by outside robbers, Iu the middle of the night he took the empty boxes out and scattered them about in the street, leaving the temple door open. Iu the morning the petty officer came round as usual, discovered the empty boxes, and believed, lite soldier's story as to a robbery having been committed in tec night. tin reported tho theft to In* iii uvea ant, t in- Intlcr to the general, w he invoked tin' niii ol the eivil authoriti,--. AM soon as they investigated the mutter, they came to the conclusion who was tin real culprit, ami he confessed. In the iket place, the soldier, the actual robber, is condemned to penal servitude on the frontier—a sentence nearly, if not quite, as had as death—and a Hogging of 100 blows. The petty ollieer, who no doula looked at the boxes twice a day, but d:d not take the trouble to see whether lla.y were full or not, is condemned to recciv. eighty blows and is dismissed the service. The lieutenant is cashiered in order to a. t' ied i<4f connivance m the theft, but disappears, and his ease has been post poned until he is arrested on one of la warrants out against aim. Finally, 11, board in l'ekin is requested todeterniiu the penalty lo be indicted on the genera in command. llcre the chain of responsibility is fol lowed up to the highest iiilleial concerned and no one is allowed to say lie had noth ing to do with it; that n is impossible foi him to concern himself With such de'.ads that lie does his best in selecting his sub ordinates, and does not guarantee tneiu, Tills i• i 'ling of interdependence and r-- sponsihility runs from the canal cool, ,i. the street rig! it up to tho emperor. Heaven punishes even t ie emperor if his subor diuates misgovern, and if heaven con tinues the punishment, the people recog nize tlie emperor's uiiutness to rule.— London Times. .ftiliit I'rtght's t'oloirit Oilrtt, Wliiie tiie late CoL John W. Forney was in Loud u us tho commissioner of tlie c< uteuiu .1 board of 'rector-, ia tradesmen to send exliiblts lo for tlie centennial exposi uion, lie one day mot Professor John 11. Li-iigston, the colored scholar, and hav ing an engagement with Hon. John Bright the evening of the same day in- in sisted upon Leugstou's accompanying him. He did so, and was hospitality re ceived by bo' )i Mr. and Mrs. Bright, MI.V.- the Philadelphia Press. As the even, g wore away Mr. Bright became so much interested in the scholarly attainment of hi- colored visi tor that lie anu Col. Forney wercdctuiin-d so lute that their host and hostess en treated the gentlemen lo remain all night. When the Irish servants, who for the ilrsl time saw a colored man, were in structed by Mi>. Bright to prepare two ni'mis for Mr. Blight's guests, they, ue eordingto the story as told by the lady herself, stared in wonder, but obeyed the order without saying a worl. "When the professor came down to breakfast next morning," Mrs. Bright said, "would you believe it, all tho servants in the house ran up to tho room which he had occupied and looked carefully over the sheets to see if he had blackened them. Mr. Bright always enjoyed the story." Stonrwtill J tick MIII'M **uc<#hor# Gen. Walker, the famous ex-confedc rate, who succeeded to tlie command of Stonewall Jackson brigade after the hit ler's death, recently puid a visit to Gen. Isaac S. Wlster at tho olHco of the Penn sylvania Railroad company. The iirst time tlie two veterans met was on the battle lield after a heavy light. Wistar hud been badly wounded ami lay upon ihe Held unable to move any distance. A confederate private who found him in this plight, took to taunting him as he lay on the ground; orderfng him at the point of tho bayonet to move this way oi thut, in pure maliciousness. While en. gaged in this brutal pastime Gen. Walker and his staff rode up and discovered the private's occupation. The general re buked him bitterly and going up to Wis tar asked if there was anything he could do for the wounded mini. Neither knew the other at Unit time. They met after tlie war and became good friends, learning of their precious meeting by ac cident. Gen. Walker is now engaged in the development of Southern industries, and is said to be amassing u fortune. Tlit, fmlitenl'i Kirliitn-e Reatfur, Tlie official at tho White House wiio does tlie president's newspaper rending and clipping Is Benjamin Montgomery, the telegraphic secretary, lie is one of the most valuable officers of tho force, as in addition to ills knowledge of telegraphy he possesses a wonderful aequuintunno witli men uiid measures, and is singularly active in clerical work. He now attends to a duty that was formerly performed by Col. Lamont, namely, perusing tho news papers of the country and transferring to a scrap book all articles regarded us worthy of the president's consideration, either because of their praise or criticism 'I his udniiuistrutiou.—Exchange. A SCOTCH preacher In London recently speaking of the frequent complaintß of preuciiors for being dull,gave his hearers t.ds shot. "Tho fault Is not that we are poor preachers, but because you are mighty poor stuff to prcooh to," HOME AND HOUSEWIFE. HOW TO CLEAN THE WINDOWS IK THE BEST WAT. Take a Hrl|hi .l>ax lor It, bat to II Wirt the Wintowi are In Shade. CM no Soap and Keep the Water Warm. Adding Hoasehold Ammonia to Soften It, The cleaning (if windows seems to lie a very easy mutter, yet many housewives would prefer to do any other part of the housecleaning than this. As at this sea son of the your the whole house Is sup posed to receive a thorough cleaning, the windows must, to be sure, come iu for their share. Never begin this work until all ths paint is cleaned, but, more especially, that part about the windows. If the window glass is done first, it is almost impossible to wash the paint round it without smearing l.ho glass. Never wa-li windows on a damp day, nil hough a cloudy one is not objection able for the work. A blight, clear, -iiuuv day is tile best, choosing that part of ii when the windows are iu the shade. Windows washed while the sun is on tomare sure to be si icaky, no matter l ow well they may be done, for the sun dries them quicker than they can be wiped, ami, ,-uiisequcnt'y,Jthe water dries jliet us it is put ou by the wash cloth. Always dust the windows thoroughly, both inside and outside, before begin ning to wash them. I' e small, dry paint brusliesjo get Into crevices and corners when uu.-tlng Wash the inside of the window lirst, and it will be lu.ich < aster to detect any defect when doing the outside. Take as much clear water as desired, but have it as warm us it euti be convenii ntly use I, without parboiling thebaic!-, and add to it enough hot household ammonia to solten it. With soft cloth mat is free from lint wusli each pane of glass thor oughly, using u small pointed stick wit.ii a cloth ori it to go into the corners. Use old cotton to wipe with, and diy each puno mimed ateiy utter Where t :ie iva'.er t • quite hot, if the glass is not wiped i;nmedia-eiy it will dry so that it will have to be rowa-hed ere wiping. Where the ammonia is not convenient, use clear water, and never, on any ac count, use soap of any land if you want your glass to be clear. After washing in clear water, a nice polish may bo ouu..iicu by rubbing the glass wit.i tissue paper, but where aiamoniu is used the lintel gives a nice gloss without any extra work. baking soda on a dump cloth is said to '••• nice to give the windows a good pol .-m. Cleaning windows with a eiolh wet HI kerosene is recommended by some for the same purpo-e. In the geie ral house cleaning it is a good plan to clean the outside s a ; •re beginning the windows, il.i.e a -ui.ull, dry pumt brush, and .villi ii brush *he blinds thoroughly fuside ale! out; a n lake another brush ol li. same s.„e, oni dipping it into elenrwut'u. over lie blinds with ir, rinsing it itvq . ... When done, change the w.ii. r..n . r.n e the blinds Well with tie e'.e.i, , .1,1 Although this will oe. I. .• II n I ii'jv. work, tnc appeurunei of t, n i w.. well repay any labor spent -i A Pretty KIM K t U,., The illustration hem ll,e .'. mvric: n tcriciilturist siiows eicarly ii iw i.,.t i , , fy book case fo.- a ,-OMle:'. A strip of lllCli l our . I'll-, e 11l -he w iiu! four fee; long is scree-d io tie ; I U' It e shelves at each en... A |„>■! oar l two anil a iiaif I' t- angan .•• gin -lies wide, em in ;■;>' riianiental p ern, is atu chml t" • i,<- '•> . -hell as a .-■• •nee. and a , ie,,.ve Inches .eh :o tae bottv .a a...if a .. curt of -vie/..-. siSjl§ i ■ L I mt £ T-- f (fc ■*.-**<;li'if j : J1 *v. ■■ A -.1U..,. !,■ |pg.... If preferred the pieei s may be cut plain and covered with any bright colored plush that will harmonb.e with the cur tain. A rod of had wood, oiled or staiue d to match the shelves is fastened by i .1 eta in front of the top shelf and provided with wooden rings to which the curtain is attached. The curtain mav be cretonne, plus!;, Oanton ilannel or anv other material de sired. The lower two shelves ore designated for holding newspapers and magazines, the next three are for books, and the top one for brie-a-brae. To Prevent Moul in Fruit Jam. One of the great troubles in preserver fruit in glass jurs is to prevent the form ation of mo! ! on top, and the consequent -.polling of fruit when it rises above the top of tire syrup. A very effective, cheap and simple dovieo is a disk of thin veneer of wood, from one-sixteenth to one twentieth of an in h 111 i• • u ami from two and-three-quaner* to three inches in diameter, for one quart jars, made from gum, beech, birch, elm or ash, as tics ' woods have no taste nor flavor and will not injure the fruit. To use, dip in hot water to prevent cracking, slightly bond so as to slip in tiie neck below the shoulder of the jar; press down on the fruit so as to allow t he syrup to rise over it. The shoulder w,!i keep it down and in place. When yu i wish to use the fruit, remove by ruimii.; a fork under and picking it out. Your ClillHi ru WofneMN. A disorderly, ugly, gom to-rackschool room is a poor place in which to teach children neatness, thrift and appreciation of beauty (which is virtue) —tilings more important to be learned than the geo graphical locution of Tomsk or the biog raphy of liameses. Itii({out of Onluna. Cut a couple of bunches of young onions iu slices; add double tire quan tity of potatoes, peeled and sliced ; season with salt and pepper, and cover witii broth of any kind ; simmer until the po tatoes uro done; add a teaspnonful of butter, and eat very hot. Htertwood and Klaaoa. There is much written about being loverlike to your wife, and the idea is a good cue. But more than one wife would tike to trado kisses for stove, wood. Better supply her with both. Some Foolish r..|.lf Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induce ) to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would im mediately see the excellent effect after tak ing the first dose. Price 50e and 1.00. Trial iie free. At all druggists. cow Tax-Payers Take Notice. Does prohibition prohibit f We claim it does not ; the facts are on our sides Consult you friends in Maine, Kamui* and Twm. They will tell you it is a farce and increases taxes. Consult your own inter ests bv ordering Wins* and /.a/wir* direct from headquarters. We Mire you moneys give you better and purer goods, till orders more promptly, and prices are lower than else A- here. Silver Age absolutely pure rye, endorsed by plivsieiutis, used ill hos pital-. Only full standard quart. ifir o Ilielaier pare five. , ir. old. ,'l o:> quart .lb.on '• " lull " overli.tlt " r. '• tno •' l-'tuclis ".older Wedding "• " ton " ( Uoi,i les -.V), Ports.Siienies. Brandies.Whiskies,Gin. etc.. ."(> cents quart up. Goods shipped to all parts of luc I'. S., csrefuitv packed. Xoexlra charge tor package*. >ni i uial onlef. Write foi complete < Tuniiigiicaiiil Price list. Mention illis paper. M \ Km is. No. S2 Fed,". I .. Aln go y. I'a. lieei. it Ott' ij <i"o. LOOK! r >., i, .... u i-" w i r 'i \> ,• . . \"i' .U u\\ \'Z■• >' .• !. i< • >• V • * ! V C'M'llill slmi. at... iY li ..I •'- '. rlc 1* - o X i'• l * r CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Original. !*•!, only fwmlwr *nl t MlnWcplUli-fulr. Never f&S- >• At DrugrUU. Accept \7 fA no other. All pill* In paste- v y/r i. ir t boxes, pink wrapper*.are admirer \ ■•*. F III 'Miiiiif t'i'lVlt. Pcii'l 4r. (tianipo; for w /J?. i ami ••Kelleffor l.ndhO"'* - I ttrr, bv return mall. 10.000 ti-atl aranlaUir<' ' LADIES o."iee - i,.r.l lira. Xmm Pl"r. C!iicUe>lerClii'iutcalCo.illtilisouSii.,l'iiils.,Ps "/r' -...v. ■'r-• • . I•' ,' 1 , • IF-XTJ I I- ' St. AhW XOi - . A We will also send free a romp Ida 1 iID " | tut I/FX jNEmndc *her ib* Niliut'i' polenta, out,i * o,< * for,h " 1 Pis-. 'n"the n Coriir a SH ,, .i U l;lsLc ■ ■ No capital required. Plain, brief ino'nictiono jrivm Fnone who write lo u* at once can or. cure free the bc*t cn inir-marhine in the world, and the flneftt lineofworka of b>ah art ever ahown together in America. TICI E A CO., I*OK -3 to, Jkugtmu, Maine. lunMy * t. .a li.e Ui .1 'N i A I I c .lOUt, U. iU 'i .b-4t mm m HINrSS CU^EO^^aP^ I )Ki 1\ li o ri,ibirTUßU'.Aß EAR CUSHIONS PW I Hhlapcrk heard dlstinrtly. Comfort able. Sneeetfu I where al I rrinoillf fall. lll*.hook * proofs free. Addrt.h or cwl.uu V. lIIMOX, llrwttdnaj, >. • Resulting from the Errors of Youth, Folly, Vice,lg norance, &c., mar he cured at home without fail or exposure. Infallible and Confidential. Treatise, 300 paces, only $1 by mail, sealed, postpaid. Small hook, with endorsements of the press, free. Send now. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W.ll.Parker, N0.4 Bulflnch Si.,Boston,Mat-h. FLINT GLASS FV'LOTTLFS jf' ND R F TURNt j F !"TS3URGH. PA. IX POfUSIZna: I* 1 Pint, Quart S. Gallon ■' L WRITE FOR PRICES. mar*M 3in CAT A!i?uv'H, Catarrhal 9e?..'.:css and H y Fever. A KETV ntOStC TH.T ETJiMNT. SuffereM are not ge.iei.itly ic.vife that tt<ese diseases aro eoiita •ions, or that they •x ■, due to the jiresetieo of living jmrnsltes in 1.,0 lining tiieiul'fai ■ of the nose and etts tachitin tithes. M:o ■ uui •, how ever, lias niMved to.s to boa fact ami viie result, is that a simple remedy ha- been for mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and liav fever are permanently cured ia from oiie to three simple applications made nt. home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent oil receipt of ten cents by A. 11. DIXON & SON, FTFS West King St., Toronto, Canada.— Sc lcntljic American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should tead the obovx carefully, decys-lv SALES Mb |f WAIKTUD ■ to eanvuss for Ike sale of Nursery stock : steady employment, guaranteed. Salary unit expenses paid. Apply at, Otiee, stating age. CIIASE BKOTHEKS. Hocliester. N. V. tltefer to this paper.) uiayit HOW IT WORKED. " Good morning, Jack I whv I haven't sceu you for a month past. What in tlie world is the matter with you ? You seem to have renewed your youth." " Well Phil. I have. Don't you reiuem ! her the last time I saw you, how misera ble 1 was 'I Sick and blue, and in that sort of mood a man gets sometimes when lie feels the most noble thing In life is to J go straight to the devil." '• Not so bad as that, I hope ; at all events you didn't go that way, you are , looking far too happy and hearty." '• Thank goodness, no ! or rather, thank ; Vinegar Bitters. Do you remember that ; day 1 saw you last, when you recommend ed that remedy to ine so persistently, and ! 1 wis first vex'(laud then half convinced." I remember it perfectly, and you needn't say another word upon the sub j jeel; your looks tell me that you took the | medicine." •• No doubt of it: everybody remarks upon my improved looks and temper; but 1 must really tell you all about it. I got the obi style, us you recommended, and didn't mind the bitter taste at all. I fin j ished the bottle in about two weeks, and ! was greatly improved, so much so that ! I determined to change off and try the ! new sty I*. J " Well, how did you like it?" I '• Yo 1 told me your wife preferred tli new style, I believe; well, I must say lagrc | with tier. I like the old style very much I hut t'oe new is a fitter, smoother, more ex I pensive p'epar.ition." j " 1 tieiieve it is; in fact. I have heard ' m, am! 1 wonder the McDonald Drug Company sell it tor the same price they lo t.u- style, la-cause it i- really a very costly pic| aration." "Well, that dusn't concern us. Mho ; "Vll- it said that people fancied themselves 1 pious sometimes when they were only | bilious ? No matter.' I was only going to -ay that 1 believe people often seem wicked when it is only their liver, or their slum i nclt. or some oilier cantankerous organ of ■ rtie body -o our of onler ilicy couldn't be g'M if they tried." j " And if all Die miserable dyspepsia. 1 and victims of hillou.-iu-ss, headache and , the ili'Mi-.nid and one ills that tlesti is lieii to would only take Vitiegar Bitters, what i a happy world litis would he! " ' I -liotild recommend the lie.w stele." " I '.ever go back on the onl style." j " Wed. tliey can bay their mo ie.' and j take tlu it choice, for both kinds wink mi- I .i nb'e." 'July Temperance Bitters JCuovri - 1 1 IJxjfPA9f?>f" '.A j Vpw-t-s ll f /-C/Vso" VsL<"S*( I M IpF Trie Great E'.ocd Purifier • idi IL-.i'.tii Ec.-hinvi'. Cures it' Lt.l- t"! r ten In . e within thirh minutes—' ry it. The only i<-oj ounce Bitters I 11 ••>". it sti'ini ates the Brail- I i. . 4 ..< is ; ite X-rvi s. riynJates tin ! '• c -.samite if s a ]>■ f.-ct !> o>r , 01, To ui- i , h the huboin v in-, i •. hi h 1- e t'> restor • peil'ee i i" I • U-.L A itii'iil li olc fr -e | if./!. Ai iXtXXK DRUG .)., -i.l .• | V \ .ui) K)li v • ■■. I ! (If 1 1 > *'II. lu-l 1 i ' •. 'ii ton. o 11. . ; IHs*. • . .■-; v; I • clatl I'! • - , "RV. ... - ,"-r. ii firm rn- •, rr-. nir: 3 t:? COR WP, ""oVrpi. ' • to 1M .riri. > ■ ui* j •. r*imr6t t . >. lln I f. 1 iilSCvi.. *. • li., IV.Y. ft StrOpliS Ui IPfIVE H ■ "H C'ouornTßr-• Ititllir. - -.ii'l'-o < x vER'b Oil; .£R TO iO. I( haavtiiW I.- r-i-i-s .•:.■ 1 i . • ..I* ft!! ill- M-i-iiiq ! MU tic 1 cut Ivo nuuiiioH. lukeLi Liut, !AK. mhl P'arke rrs KA!R BALSAM it : ■- ' 1 .vi r. .It. rF- R ..r, Cray TL. C.-'-. iv'• • t ' • ,K SoLj 0 S?one S I TriDieCoated/^ WHOLESALE ONLY 8V IB&BSSS FE I HIRES 25c HIItES' IMPROVED SSc I i ROOT BEER! i-gzIN LIQUID NOQOItINC EASILY MADE ill S THISPACKACE MAKES FIVE CALLONS Wfry /mass s/ue GeM/avs J Hoof BEER I The most APPETIZING and WHOLESOME TEMPBRANOE DRINK In the world. TRY TT. Aak your DrugglX or Qrocer for It. C. E. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. may!L4t Aiblng Sides and truck, III]", Kidney and I tei-lne I'aliis, Kheumatlc, sciatic, sliurp and j Weakening I'aliis, relieved in ONE MINUTE ty i itmt Cuticnra Auti-Paiu Plaster Ii? only instantaneous paln-kllltng streng'nenlrig plaster, as cts; s tort). At druggists, or of POT : TKH Hard AND CBRMICAL CO., UOSTON. M Pimples, btacklieads, chapped and pi PQ oily skin cuied by CUTICLKA SOAP. ILDO uayß-4t UJoot), fUorrclt CEo'o Store WOOD, MORRBII &C 0 S LIMITED, CELEBBATED Mammoth Store, Near the P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Is conceded to be the Most Extensive and Best-Appointed Establishment of its class '.e the United States. Foi longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store has been the Leading Mer cantile House in Johnstown, and its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a small beginning it has developed into a concern of massive proportions, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods, and employing in all its departments more than one hundred men. It has always been the aim of the proprietors to supply their custom ers with the very best goods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and they have reason to he proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. PEN STORES IN ONE! In their different Store Rooms can be found a full and carefully-selected stock of every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly being made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of goods car ried may he mentioned I.tPORi'ED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, t.SKPEIS HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. HAT'S AND CAPS. READY-MADE CLOIHING, LOTHS AND CASSLMERES. WOODVALE WOOLENS. GROCERIES, HEAT, VEGETABLES ANI) FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WART, AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AN'. Ndf.S, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS, FURNI TURF, . ETC. V\w Attention of Country Merchants Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying cveiy artiea ia >.ctiiuna by their customers, goods of till descriptions being offered WHOLESALE -:- AND -:- RET AIL, AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALIT Y CAN BE PURCHASED IN NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA Oli PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities and on the most libera! n-rms. the management arc enabled to sell at the very lowest market prices, and to -uis-es-fully lefy competition. "HE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Room fitted up with every con', eaicuee for hopping, and a Stock that will equal in a-sortment that of the most -.etc Dry oods and .Millinery Stores in the larger cities. A splendid assortment . ' lotlis, C, ssiinercs, Trimmings, etc., may also he found in this department r>r -1, • by the ard. Carpets. Oil C.'lotUs, etc., iire kept on the second Boor, accessible hv eb-vator. None hut the Pest of Staple and Fancy floods are handled, and "long m< a,-,. . " guar, it.teed. CLDTIHNII. HATS AMI GAS'S. in tiiis Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected especially for the Johna in >, trade. All goods are warranted t) be of the very best material, well made tviisli and durable. The Stock uf Gents' Furnishing Goods in gt'. -ia! cannot be ex i l!cd. :V:>ot \Ni) F in" the Hop nailed and Woollen Shoes of the workittgnn 11 to the dainty Slip p-rs of ill • iady, the stock in Ibis (]• iMrtmi-at is complete, ami < 1;-towers wull have us itlicultv 01 coining to an 'unilerstauiling." Only t!.- iest of leather i-11-e tin the a.iufactitre o these goods, am! tie y will be found at once stylish and durable. •hfii' Simp mhl Sitialher Oa tie' -eeottd and thir I tin >rs. with eoeeenient eittraip e bv bailway fro 11 Wash* . lon slice" is the Shoe Shop and Leather Department. ■ nine Fine .mat Boots 1 i Shoi - m to or.ler. and "h re 1 ! .rge -to xof Sho ■ Fi.t ling- > f -.1! kinds, 111 I a fine assortment of Upper in I > ae Leal.ier is k- pt constantly on ha.. . •iirocerirs, Hani ware, Kic The ,st< <k of Groceries. I'rovi-l. i Etc. i- tin-iirpassed i 1 quality, a:..1 is always f esli, licing turned one : every uioitUi. dpi ' the very tin. -i 'Las, • ny.iss. gpiccs, rite., in tin' market are purcha-eu. '1 *-1, r"x- are under \lers t"i ;i.variably give ' lowu Weight" ami • heaping til •i> ir -." File- >ck ot ly.teeiiswa: - "- Is large and varied, and from the common Eirthe . vare to tb" finest 1' .icelaiu ami •' 1 a Ware the assortment i< complete. Aa opeti tair> ay lends from the Grocery to iue \ ege t-ihle Dcpartmcut. where e cry vari.-'y f SiM-ottablc I'IO lae.- amlG e. 1 1 os.ceries is kept, inclttiiitig F -ign mid Domestic Fruit . Oysters. Fisii. lit the rear of the are tl e Ilardwiire ami Tobacco Departments, and the buyer ;• ;-..ired tliat he will be offered the very best goo i- at the lowest prices. Mm'hanl Tiiilo; \n% Msh;Sviisliinent. The Tailor Shop oeeupie-' several rooms in the second mil third stories of the bni'ding— entrane.e from t'ie river side. I' ie Cloth Room is well stocke I with Cloths, Cassiineres, Cheviot-, Etc., and al" a line assortuient of the celebrated Woodvale Woolens, which are without a rival in in- market Clothing will be made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings are never used, and .satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. ME AT MARKET ! This Department is located just east of the Mailt Store Building, and is uue of the lies! Reg dated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. Tite slnuglitcry is a model of neatness, is supplied >vitii all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Roasts arc always lender and true, an air of mystery does not surround the Sausages, Puddings, Etc.,'in the preparation of which the greatest possible c.;u is exercised. Venison and all kinds of Game are kepi in season. THK Ft.;;l STORK. Here tons of Flour are stacked away, and huge bins are tilled with Meal of every description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresh aud good. K U Li N ITURE. In this Department are kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will be promptly supplied with House Fnrnishiug Goods of all descriptions. ACCOMMODATING CLERKS. Our Entire Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, wlio are thorough masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will have their wants at tended to promptly and intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WOOD, MORRELL & CO., LIMITED. Johnstown, l'a., Nov. 19, 1879.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers