The Democrat j FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1889. FIRK AND WATER. From time immemorial one of the great subjects for debate in every debating so ciety has been, which is capable of do -5 :: the greater amount of damage, (ire or aler ? At first blush the palm is usually i:ven to Are, but a little investigation t ••net ally decides in favor of water. This e think, will be fully verified by the 1 inutes of all such societies. • 11 a vote could be taken upon the ques r 'in by the thousands who have seen a water has done as a destroying igent, in Johnstown and vicinity, it would be unanamous in favor of water. To-day, if Johnstown and all the towns of the whole valley had been swept from the face of the earth—if all vestiges of mills, residences, stores and shops had been lit erally burnt up, the place and its sur roundings would be infinitely better off. Not one life would have been lost to every one hundred that has been carried away l>v the flood. In a confiagnration there i c far more favorable prospects of escape than in the face of a deluge. And so as to property, suppose streets would have been totally denuded of buildings by fire, they would not have been filled with millions of cart-loads of debris j nor c overed to the depth of sev eral feet with sand. As to cellars, the brick falling in some of them would have been removed in a comparatively short period of time, and at the expenditure of very little money. One hundred men could have done far more in removing ob structions caused by burning, than five or !cn thousand have been able to do in clearing off the stuff left by the flood. Then again, the many thousand dollars spent in the herculean task of freeing the river at the sloue bridge would liaye been saved. People who tnlk about a comparison be tween the ravages of a fire and those of a flood, have but little conception of the difference between them. The two may be contrasted, but compared, never. Further, if we had been burnt out lost everything, houses, furniture, clotlung. stores, offices, shops, and stables, the hundred thousands that would have been realized ou insurances would have cone far to putting most ail ou their feet again. Very little material aid from abroad would have been required to cause the town to rise again like the fabulous Phoenix from its ashes. But, alas, the dregs of the flood do not contain therein snents of a new life. Burnt out Pittsburgh in 184, 1 ), and (ire swept Chicago at a later period, that were so soon rebuilt, are not parallel eases. As * new world was made by the Noah del uge, so a new Johnstown must be created and not rebuilt. The word "rebuild "is not of place when applied to the towns ef the flood-ruined Conemaugh valley. A I'LKA 1-OK HOME PATRONAGE. While we have had no disposition to indulge in any unfavorable comments of the work done by our State authorities, and no wish now to utter a word that could be construed into anything like carping criticism, we think something ihould be said in favor of a little home protection, which, as we understand it, is a favorite plunk in all tariff platforms. Awarding full credit to those who have At first the difficulty of procuring work ing implements, teams, wagons, caits, and hands made it somewhat necessary to give contracts to parties who had such means at hand; but now that facilities arc abundant for procuring them, the ne cessity for sucli n course does not exist. AVe have in Johnstown men who have been accustomed to handle successfully large bodies of men in various depart ments of work, and who are equal to the task of undertaking and performing any enterprise connected with cleaning up our waste places or in erecting buildings. And being 011 the ground and familiar with all our local affairs we hazard noth ing in saying they can do the work now required better and at less expense than ny contractors from abroad. If we are correctly informed a perfectly -csponsiblc citizen proposed to do work Allotted to strangers at a much less ex pense than is to lie paid, and in a shorter period of time. Not only he but other men in town could utilize bodies of men 'distributed in smaller gangs) to much better advantage and less expense than the hundreds concentrated in one place by some of the contractors from abroad. But even if our home men could not do lie work any quicker, better or cheaper, the principle of patronizing home talent *nd home labor should be obtained. For general work—for doing it well, expeditiously and economically no com munity lias any superiors to A. J. Haws, or Mr. James, and others that might be named. Their well-known ability, as wcl as their push and get up and their uniform success in the past, are guarantees suffi cient. And as builders and contractors we have in Messrs. Rose & Son, Mr. B. P. Horner, Mr. Seigh, Mr. Bcuford, Mr. J. J. Strayer, Mr. Teeter, and others the equals, at least, of any that have or could be imported. Aside from ull this the fact that they have all suffered severely by our vyashout, sught not to be overlooked. (T is the opinion of some of our people who were saved on buildings,and had fjtv oruble opportunities for observation, that not Dearly l as many houses would have" been destroyed if it had not been for the 'urge box cars that struck them. Some structures that withstood the shock of others that came against them were mow ed down like gras before the scythe when the- heavy cars struck them. JOHNSTOWN'S PAUL HKVERE Daniel Siliert Wan the Man Who Kto STKKKT, 100 FKDKKAL ST., ALLKGI! ! NV. Shirts to Order. We make all our own shirts, and our custom Shirt Department is the best equipped In the state. We carry n full line of Full Dress. all over Knibroldered P. Ks , autl Embroidered Linens, and guarantee a tit. If you can not get a tit elsewhere give us a trial. Cleaning and Dyeing t iflicesat above locations. Lace curtains lanndrled equal to new. Full Dress shirts hwndrled. Hand Finish, .tosi;pil HnltNi: ,v CO., •liW-'HitV~ c'SCa Dry (loods. silks, cloaks, xo 't!; Hons, Millinery, etc. By Retail Stores, ihb to t;-ji I'enn \TL ANTED LADIES AND (iKN'i I.KMKN > agents In every town to sell metal lamp wick; no trimming, cleaning, smoke or broken chimneys; sells on sight, big percentage, en tirely new, sample its-., or three for g.v. Ad dress KKYSTONI-: WICK CO., No. 00 Fourth av enue, room (i, Pltisburgh, Pa Aelie's Saddlery, Harness and Trunk Iteuse. Wholesale anil Detail, llorse Blankets and Lap Holies; you can more than save expenses when coining to the city by dealing with us. GEOHGE VV. ACHE, p.'(l Wood st..cor. Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, mi. o.v/. r so. Crayon Portraits, Life Size. Call and see before ordering, solar Prints a specialty. Agents wanted. Mall orders solicited. I KICtIANOWAN AHT STOKF, No. l.v; V> lie avenue, Pittsburgh, I'a. W* ALL LADIES Inter- : flHHis'cdtolearn Thorps . ■ I lis both simple iB § a I ■('enable; taught - ■ f 1 jji/\j-L\ih street, close ■ I / ''"bridge. Dress-cntliiif School. ting. Draping, and all the Finishing pans ot Dressmaking. Miss c. IIAllllISON: Igj i mm avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. ESTABLISHED 1870 CELEBRATED SWISS STOMA I'll BITTKHS, - CHKUItY TOM' The Swiss stomach Bitters are a sure cure lor Dyspepsia, Liver Trade .Mark, complaint, and every species of Indigestion. $1 per bottle; six bottles. Wild cherry Tonic, the most popular prepara tion for cure of coughs, colds. Bronchitis, etc., and Lung Troubles. The Black Uln Is a sure cure and relict or the l rlnary organs, (iravel and chronic catarrh of the Bladder, Forsale bv all Druggists in Johnstown, by It. T. De- France. Julia M. Taney. v' Co., L. A. Slble, Cam bria. OHO. 11. ltAßllOl'fl, civil. BNGINKBH, surveys iiuulc and Platted. Designs and esti mates tnrnlMliPd tor Bridges. Boots, Mill Build ings, coal Plants, and structures ot all kinds. (it Fifth avenue. Boom Qfc W S. BELL A C 0.,. fd(|(M 131 Wood si feet. if JU'L-lii,! IT 1> " 1 sburglt. I'a. AMATKITI PHOTO cUTF'TS. relohr: ; t 'i f'ra/.inonskl Lens,cutnlojruomalled free. Dii'iut'-dic Wind Engine Co., jJWPL PITTSBURGH, PA. 3s*&'Best Wind power Engine In the World send tor ; ■-scriptlve Catalogue. >gents Wanted. J. 11. lilalr, 17 Seventh avenue, Plttlsliurgh BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. Firebrick, tile, sewer pipe, terra eotta goods, line, cement, hair, plaster, etc X*" WRITE Ko|{ PIMi KK. MEMORY TRAINING. The natural method, easily learned, endorsed by Dr. John Hull, 1.1 , p.. Bishop J. 11. Vincent, Dr. Joseph ceok. etc., f • I.cssons Uy mall only Three Dollars SHORTHAND, taught by mall only Ten Dollars. Address Pitts burgh School of Memor.v Training and Short hand, sackson Building. Sixth street and l'enn avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa MME. KELLOGG has recently returned from Paris, and Is now es tablishing srhnots throughout the United states to tcacli ladles TilK ART OF PRKSS ( TTTINIi. At me. Kellogg leads tli 1 iuventorsoi the World In Inventive genius n . a ppll -d to ladles' garment doiittl g. i-bt has Imitators but. no equals. La r les bring i dress and le.iru to cut and baste it s, refining. No. fill ] enn evonue, Pittsburgh Protect Your Goods B.v Using X. L.I It. MOTH PREVENTIVE. It is far superior to Camphor, cedar ( hips. Tar Paper, etc.. tor pre.rials,g Clothing, Woolens, Furs. Feathers, tine fabrl. s. etc.. from Moths and otner Insects, if yon have goods to put away, try li .1 vs. L McC'ONNELL & t ().. No. Itr, Ttrill avenue, l Ittslnugli, Pa. For sale by .it! druggists. or order liv mall. /J\ Metallic Shingles. jyiVk Strong, Durable, /W an d Easily Laid. / "\Nf f/n x\ Send roH cathloouc MC /iK tvliyf iIK XT ANO emcc list. yr iOr john c. craff, ! \\ f /II \ : s ¥/ PITTSBURGH, PA. ' 1 >.\y nIIX Successor to Anglo-Ameri* L-JIS.. . X.lxtJ can Hooting couipauy. LADIES, We have tbehirgcst assortment nf switches. Bangs, Sc., In the city, at exceedingly low prices. J. W. I'Ki'K, - T's MARKET STREET. rf /?..Sarnio:''s Eressmaiing Emporium, ft J/) fid SIXTH AVE., J'ITTSBt'KGH. iLkJ j Dress cutting and sewing tvhool. The /fSlilJlit'csT. 'art ot Dressmaking- taught by ItUX* square measure, ; send for circular. GETTY £ CO., Distillery Liquor Store. Nos. 180 and 186 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. vvtidlesnle .....V Ytntail. ficll the finest brands of Rye Whiskies In Hie world. Golden Wedding. Gibson, (iiiokrcnhclmcr, and other celehratcd brands. We guarantee pure Rye by bbt.. gallon or ease ot all ages from to f6 per gallon. Case goods, each bottle con tains a lull quart. old iTemlum troiu #u tojld per case ; ;<■ cases from $5 to ft. Ba-Seml order and enclose money at our risk. lIKAhQCAKTKHS FOB WHITE LEAD AND PAINT \ ABMSTHONO A MCKK.LVY, I White Lead concli M nnufacturere & Wholesale | x oil Colore, Dealers, | I.lnseetl oil* 115 Wood street. j Turjientlne. etc *>. iJAUitIANN. ''•J'lmiß® successor to Boltert Anderson. . WIN KS'A Ligt'oss Nv -"KS0!B' IIS Fen) Mrtrl. Of~ Orders by mall will receive prompt ntten tlOll. I HIM KIAN I.IIU. I Iteer Rattled •leer Kreeli nml Kultiiiible Carson street. S. s. Furnished In tiny qnnntl- Plttsbttrgh, Pn. ties either for Knntllles. ; Mall orders Solicited. Hotels or lte.v aornnis. j-.. ZJ X, -80-I3jst -y C. \V. DITTMEK. HEAL ESTATE AND MOItTIiAOE BIiOKER, No. i)T Federal street, Allegheny city. Pn. Properly sold on commission. N2 sale no charge. Money to Loan. tu.. a. n per cent. SPECIAL PRESENTS Will be given with every #5 worth of goods, Teas, Coffees, splees, and Baking powder, which we guarantee absolutely pure. Best goods In the marker for the money, 'l eas, 50, tWand so cents. Coffees. 35, 37, 30 and 35 cents. Baking Powder, IOC. per pound, send orders to Atlantic Tea Co., 113 Ohio street. Al.l.Kt.llKNY CITY, PA. If' Send for Price List giving full Information j FOR S3-OO ! t\ ollered for PRIIIM | x A l —.llnilr to order TA Vj ii I Bend Postal card, glv /D Vi I / your fad address. Mi l I j and we will send you It [ II samples for our i#:s (L / I l'miNaudselfmeasure #/ u I I ment Blank, tir If you II •I' II cannot wait for samp -11/I ill 'os, tell us about A- I// I I II L I what color you would :.v {CI 'J V< >/SJ like, giving us your f/I j waist, hip and inside leg it" measure, together with 11 .J#. $3 and3s cents for post il I* age or prepaid express, 'tfCJ mid we will guarantee 10 pleaseyou or refund the money. Address, giving fun name and Post ofllce. C'JIAS. KLOPFER. 130 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, PA., corner (Irani street nnd Fifth avenue. (Within a few steps of Kost office.) PITTSBURGH, PA. EVANS Z3JROS. WALL PAPEf?, WINDOW SHADES, C jHOOL STATIONERY, A HTISTS" ITJ ATK KI Air. So. OH Federal Street, Allegheny City, I'm HOTEL CARSO.T 1118 LACOCK STREET. Few doors east of Federal street, Allegheny, Pa., a strictly temperance house. Best meals nnd cleanest beds In the city at lowest rates, 11. KNOX, Prop'r. Allegheny College. 1 a Federal street, Allegheny, l'a. Thorough In struction tu bookkeeping penmanship,shorthand nnd typewriting, telegraphy, English branches. Languages, Music, Elocution, Vocal and Instru mental .Music, Painting and Drawing, students may enter at any time, send for circulars: ad dress the PRESIDENT. HOTEL WHITE S. E. CAKOTHERB, Proprietor, McKeesport, Pa. Leading hotel or the city. Terms, ?3.00 perdn.v Fine whiskies, x>\. ai the Bar. sth AVE. HOTEL. McKEESPORT, PA. GEO. XL LEPPIG, - - Proprietor, First class accomodations to the leveling pub lic. Terms $1.50 to $3.00 per day. Bar ati ached. B. & B. BYMAiL! We employ a large corps of competent people, whose only duty is the filling of orders by mail from our numerous cus tomers living at a distance who cannot do their shopping here in person. Whither you want a cheap school or house dress at (!{ cents, yard, a Gingham, Satinc, India Silk, Black or Colored Silk, or a Spring Suit of some of the new soft woolen fabrics, this MAN, ORDER DE PARTMENT is here to supply your wants. Everything most desirable in way of tex tile fabrics is here and at the lowest pos sible prices. In all purchases, quality is one prime consideration price another.. In both these particulars we shall still aim to please you. Space is limited here. OUR NEW SPRING CATALOGUE AND FASHION JOURNAL Will tell the whole story. This Journal is published semi-annually for the benefit of our patrons living at a distance, but. will be cheerfully sent to any address whether you are a patron or not. Write for copy. It costs nothing, and may prove a benefit to you. Mention this paper. BOM & BUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. M I ■ Bt #S3 watch In th world II || M I UAblo' lino' of HnUUfholf' j te-Stf Kuinplffi. Thcfc soinpK *, ai them In your home for 9 months ami ihown them to Uio who may have culled, thev become your ovn proucrty. Tnoiie | who write at once *n be euro of NCrivtnff the Watch end SomplOH Wepay ait axpreM, flrtl*ht,cl. Adilrel* tstiuMoa rit Co., Box 81& PortlivnU, JUumc. j ill I-! \" MILLER'S OIL REFINING WORKS, ALLEGHENY. OlllceNo. 33K Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. D. MILLER & SONS, Mnnußhfiurers nf Ittcli Test ( fits for export and homeJconeuiupiton. We call atten tion to bur brand Of ' WATER WHI TE OXJEINB flttVTßgi Warranted None Better. Gasoline for Stove and Gas Machines 74, 86, 37, 88 and no gravities. Lubricating oils. UNWANTED—staves and Headings. oct-s:ly srofrsßiuiui! Currtis. LI ENRY H. KUHN, Attorney-at * I-ftw: Office opposite First .National Bank ao. msLoouat street. Johnstown, I'a. DANIEL M'LACGIILIN. FRANK P. MARTIN jyj cLAUGHLIN A MARTIN, A TTfIKS EYs-A I,A If, No. y; I 1..1NK I.IN s;i; |FT _sept:s< Ju'.itst ira'n, Fa. ,| AMES M. WALT Ell? A TTORXEY-A T-t.A II . Office No. 2, Aim A llnll. Main street, Johns town, Pu. All businessgiven fulthfuluud prompt attention. jams F. J. O'CONNOK. j. u. O'CONNOR. Q'OONNOR BROTHERS. A TTORXEYS-A T-LA !!'. onice on Franklin street, over retrlkln & Mil. ler'B stoif, opposite I'ostoffice, Johnstown, I'a. mars JOHN S. TITTLE, JUSTICE Of THE TEA CE A\l> XOTARY PUBLIC. office corner Market and Locust streets, OOtlg Johnstown. I'a. W. EASLY. JUSTICE UP Till. PEA CP AM) SCRIYEXER onice No. ii>s Fraukllii St!'•■ :. two doors from (•ninth's Drug Store. mays JRVIN RUTLEDGE. JUSTICE OP THE PEA CE. oniceon Blverstreet.nearthe Kernville Bridge In the Fifth ward, Johnstown. I'a. collections and all other business promptly attended to mars J) II WM. RAUCH, PMYSICIA.X AM/ SUIIOBOX, No. 154 Mortis street, tenders Ids professional service lot lie eltl/eus or Johnstown and vicinity Oltlce hours, 10 to 12 a. m., l toand v to a p. h J tine i A N. WAKEFIELD, M. D., PHVsICIA X .1 XI) SURHEO.S Office No. 43 Morris sin el, Johnstown, I'a. YEAGLEY, M I). PHYSIC!A X A XI) SCRHEOX. Office No. 271 I.ocust street, Johnstown, Pa. JOHN DOWNEY, CIVIL EXHIXEEH. Offiee on stonycreek street, Johnstown, Pa. Q A. PEDEN, SURGEoifDEN- O. TIST. office in Border's new building, on Franklin street. All kinds of Dental work so licited. novit J I'. THOMPSON. 51. D., SURGEON DENTIST, JOHNSTOWN, PA. lias hud a professional experience or over 35 years. 7?-Filling Teeth a specialty. office Booms. No. ill Napoleon street. JOHNSTOWN SAVINGS BANK NO. 192 MAIN STREET. CHARTERED SEPTEMBER 12. 1870 DEPOSITS received of one dollar and upward 110 deposits exceeding a total of 13,000 will be received from any one p rson. Interest Is due In the months ot June ami December, and If not withdrawn Is added to the deposit, thus com pounding I wlce a year without troubling the de positor lo call or even to present the deposit book. Money loaned on Heal Estate. Preference wit h liberal rates and long time en,mi to borrowers tfferlng first mortgages on ; irtns worth four or more times the amount oi loan desired; also, moderate loans made on town property wnere intple security Is offered, cood relerenee. per fect titles, e e.. l'cuulrcd. This corpor.a Pm Is exclusively a savings Bank. No commercial deposits rei el red, nor discount made. No loans on persom ' vuirlty. Blank applications for borrowers, copplos of lie titles, by-laws, and spei i acts of the Legis lature relating to depo-Bs of married women ind minors can be obtained ■ Bank. Tblstkks— Herman Battiiier, B. L. Yenglev. rohn llannan, John Tloiu c. P. Kills, Pear *i,M Vteil 08 lilts W ! rrp. :t I nfur fon Lr*o ki-pt timm In yonr lont 1> • -i *. ..Uu I •.Town then to Uiute who rufty bova cU ' • fsn.llQb' lilt! HUI.IL COLD watch and <:OKT\ i. f Bltowlnfcf ttiaMtnpltrß In *uy luritUty. o'v . •. t :r .rddo for our havi -"ii in, l-.c tiityfi : nth or two wo MURlly grt from •€•••<) t '• u tc from tho •nrroxuitlliii: country. 3hit, ft" r * wmrier- I t.Tor err known,is initio in tlo.. .r E'tnay'- nr• ' vID l>obi>' my troubl* tor yon m* aht'M TiiuM tini'kt r • vt• • " lrL vourhom# •0(S YQP r rrwnpl im-T • tory. • <•! crd on which ;o farril*. u-o'•* . If you do •end yoUr ft'iiir', t \en . , . . mo of tho boot nolld f ... —i ■ . '—■••• I * ■■■.•* linr -f VOHTI - '• —•< . .. t. N 4tWr'j to y. . * v , .A.-.A.